Adultery, punishment for, 143, 144, 240. AgÁla (district), 154, 157, 242. Áhodiseli, see Natinesthani. AkÁninili, messenger, 207. AkidanastÁni (sacred mountain), Hosta Butte, N. Mex., 79, 222. Alphabet, 54. Alviso, Jesus, 39. AmarantaceÆ, 250. Amulets, or talismans, 249, 250. AnÁye, alien gods, cannibals, monsters, 37, 81, 91, 123, 126, 212. AnÁye, blood of, produces monsters, 81, 234. AnÁye, born of women, 218. AnÁye, changed to stone, 119. AnÁye, destroyed by storm, 129. Ant Peoples, 53. Apaches, 18, 32, 145, 146, 156, 157. Apaches, Jicarilla, 154. Arabis holbÖllii, 235. Archaisms, 25. Armor, 113, 116, 232, 233, 234. Arrow-case, ancient, 140, 239. Ascension, of Nati'nesthani, 194. AtsÁ?lei, first dancers, 205, 251. Ásihi, Salt People (gens), 30, 158. Ásihi EstsÁn (Salt Woman), 236. AtÁhyitsoi, home of LÉyaneyani, 103. AtsÁ (game), 219. AtsÉ EstsÁn (goddess), 126. AtsÓsi hatÁl, rite of, 194. AtsÓsidze hatÁl, feather ceremony, 53, 194, 250. Ball, game of, 86. Barthelmess, Christian, 258. Baskets, 18, 19, 178, 210, 211. Bat Woman, 120. Baths, ceremonial, 184, 204, 211, 212, 226, 227. Bead chant, see yÓidze hatÁl. Bean, 183. Bear, sacred animal, 186, 249. Bear that Pursues (anÁye), 124. Bears, pet names of, 187, 249. Beaver, 168. Beetle Peoples, 63. Beggar, 196. Begging, 22. BÉkotsidi, moon-bearer, god of Americans, 86, 226. BÉlahatini, prophet, 53. Berdache, see Hermaphrodites. Big Snake (pueblo chief), 200. Bikehalzi'n, home of Teelget, 117. BinÁye AhÁni (anÁye), 108, 113, 123, 124, 236. Bird monsters, see Tse?na'hale. BitÁhotsi, Sunset Peak, 153, 242. BitÁni, Brow of Mountain People (gens), 30, 242. BitÁ?ni, Folded Arms People (gens), 30, 148, 150, 153, 159, 242. BitsÍs Dotli'z, Blue Body (god), 68, 73, 78. BitsÍs LakaÍ, White Body (god), 68, 73, 104, 216. BitsÍs LitsÓi, Yellow Body (god), 68. BitsÍs Lizi'n, Black Body (god), 68. Blackbird, 79. Black Mountain, Arizona, see Dsillizi'n. Black Thunder (sun-youth), 111, 232, 233. Black under the Rock (anÁye), 126. Blankets, sacred, 136. Blue Fox (pueblo chief), 200. Blue Fox People, 192. Blue Heron (chief in first world), 63, 64. Blue Sky People, 104. Blue under the Rock (anÁye), 126. Blue Water (lake near TÓ?sato), 114. Blushing, 175. Borrowing of rites, 41. Breath of gods, magical, 129, 228. Breath or wind, spirit of life, 69, 78. Bow of Darkness, 86. Bow-symbol, 253. Boy Who Produces Goods, 79, 222. Brennan, G. A., 238. Buckskin, sacred, 46, 69, 214, 220, etc. Bumblebees, war with eagles, 201–204. Bundle, magical, 97. Buteo borealis, 250. Butterfly Goddess, 46. Buzzard, spy for anÁye, 107. Cabezon Peak, head of YÉitso, 234. Cannel coal, 237. Cannibal wizard, 187. Captives, ancestors of gentes, 146. Carnelian Girl, 79. Carrizo Mountains, see DsilnÁodsil. Caterpillar, 112. Cercocarpus parvifolius, 231. Ceremonies, in general, 40, 41, 241. Cereus, 231. Chanter, 40. Charens Station, 243. ChenopodiaceÆ, 250. Chicken hawks, 88. Chinlee Valley, 238. Chronology of legend, 137, 239. Chusca Knoll, see TsÚskai. Cigarettes, sacred, 42, 170, 185, 191, 193, 194, 212, 248, 249, 254. Circle of branches, ceremonial, 206, 241. Circuit, ceremonial, 99, 181, 213, 216. Cliff Swallow People, 65, 99, 216. Clothing, ancient, 141, 161, 175, 240. Clown, in rites, 167, 229, 230. Cobero (town), 206. Colaptes mexicanus, 245. Cold, goddess of, 130. Color, symbolic scheme of, 65, 67, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 236, 243, 245. Colors, sacred, five, 189. Corn, four kinds of, 181. Corn, manner of cooking, 183, 248. Corn meal, ceremonial, 69. Corn, planting of, 173. Corn, Pueblo, superior, why, 78. Corpse-demon, 38. Cowania mexicana, a cliff-rose, 12, 248. Coyote, 71, 216, 218, 219, 222, 226, 249, etc. Coyote and Badger, children of sky, 71. Coyote and Hawks (tale), 88. Coyote and Otters (tale), 98. Coyote and Spiders (tale), 98. Coyote and Water Monster (tale), 74, 75. Coyote and Wolf (tale), 87. Coyote and YÉlapahi (tale), 92, 93. Cranes, or swans, 218. Dances, 48, 50, 83, 144, 225, 227, 230. Darkness, see TsalyÉl. Dawn Boy and Girl, 220. Dead, belonging to Sun and Moon, 223. Dead, to behold, dangerous, 78. Death, house abandoned after, 17, 102, 229. Deer Raiser, 184–192. Deer Spring (place), 155, 242. Deluges, 64, 74, 77, 217, 219. Demons, cannibal, see AnÁye. Depe'ntsa, San Juan Mountains, 78, 81, 130, 135, 219, 222. DestsÍni, Red Streak People (gens), 30, 146, 157. Devils, chief of, see EstsÁn NatÁn. Digging animals, 217. DigÍni, holy ones, 37, 39, 164, 230. DilkÓn (game), 219. DinÉ? digÍni, Holy People, 140, 145, 230, 239. DinÉ? NahotlÓni (far-off kin), 154, 242. DinÉ? NakidÁta, Twelve People, 149, 226. Ditsi'n, Hunger (anÁye), 131. DokoslÍd, San Francisco Mountain, 3, 78, 134, 153, 221, 238. Domestic animals, creation of, 86. DonikÍ (prophet), 198. Dragon-fly Peoples, 53. Drowning, treatment for, 170. Drumstick, 229. Dry-paintings, 39, 43, 45, 49, 245, 250. DsahadoldzÁ, Fringe Mouths, 170, 245. Dsildasdzi'ni (place), 131. Dsillizi'n, Black Mountain, Ariz., 134, 238. DsilnÁodsil, Carrizo Mountains, 159, 211, 222. DsilnÁotil, sacred mountain, 108, 222, 230, etc. Dsilnaoti'lni (gens), 30, 140, 141. DsiltlÁ?, Base of Mountain (place), 142. DsiltÁ?ni (gens), 30, 142, 145, 157. Dsilyi'dze hatÁl, mountain chant, 27, 144, 206, 207, 211, 226, 227, 241, 257. Dsi'lyi? NeyÁni (prophet), 46, 235. Eagle, creation of, 120. Eagle-robe, 199. Eagle trapping, 232. Eagles, 120, 196, 203, 204, 205. Earth from sacred mountains, 75. Earth-Mother, see NaestsÁn. Embroidery, 18. Equisetum hiemale, 250. EstsÁnatlehi, the Woman Who Changes (chief goddess), 27, 34, 106, 134, 137, 148, 230, 237, etc. EstsÁnatlehi, trail of, 148. EstsÁn NatÁn, Woman Chief, chief of witches, 40, 220. Ethics, of shamans, 58. Famine, in ZuÑi, 158. Farming, ancient Navaho, 172, 183. Fawn-cheese, 182. Feather ceremony, see AtsÓsidze hatÁl. Feather-dress, magical, 109, 199. Feathers, ceremonial use of, 42. Fendleria rupicola, 173. Fifth World, 76. Figures of speech, 27. Fire arrows, 198. Fire god, see HastsÉzini. First Man and Woman, 38, 69, 70, 76, 77, 78, 80, 216, 218, 230, 234. First world, 63–65. Fish, tabooed, 239. Flagstaff, Ariz., 221. Flocks, and herds, 5. Food, ancient, 139, 153, 156, 162, 196, 239. Forestiera neo-mexicana, 214. Fort Defiance, 228. Fort Wingate, 227. Four directions, 63, etc. Four rivers, 76. Fourth world, 67. Fringe Mouths, see DsahadoldzÁ. GÁnaskidi, Mountain Sheep People, divinities, 37, 166, 170, 206, 244, 245, 246. Gardens, of divinities, 248. Garments, ancient, 141. Giants, see AnÁye. Giants, powers of drinking, 115. Girl Who Produces Goods, 79. Girl Who Produces Jewels, 79. God, no supreme, 33. Gods, calls of, 47, 68, 73, 82, 135, 136, 163, 187, 217. Gods of mountains, 220. Gods of springs, 237. GÓntso or Big Knee (chief), 143, 144, 146, 147, 155. Grant’s (station), 233. Grasshopper Girl, 79, 104, 137. Grease-wood, 173. Great Hawk, 75. Great shell of Ki'ndotliz, 206, 207. Great shell of KintyÉl, 53, 195, 206, 207. Great Snake, 83. Great Wolf, 203. Grebes, 76. Ground-heat Girl, 137. Ground Squirrel, 118. Gutierrezia euthamiÆ, 244. Hair, of anÁye, 122. Hair, of gods, color, 228. Haliotis shell, 79. HÁltso, Yellow Bodies (gens), 30, 147, 241. Harmonic melody, 256. Harvest God, see GÁnaskidi. HaskÁnhatso, Much Yucca People (gens), 30, 140, 239. Hasli'zni, Mud People (gens), 30, 148, 150, 152, 155. HastsÉhogan (house god), 36, 70, 83, 170, 225, etc. HastsÉltsi, Red God, god of racing, 252, 254. HastsÉoltoi, divine huntress, 37, 244, 246, 252. HastsÉyalti, talking god, 36, 68, 82, 104, 135, 163, 224, etc. HastsÉyalti, mask of, 47. HastsÉzini, Black God, god of fire, 37, 68, 169, 170, 219, 246. HatÁl, chant, 214. HatÁli, chanter, priest, 40. HatÁli NatlÓi, Smiling Chanter, 57, 215. HatÁli Nez, Tall Chanter, 50, 51, 58, 215, 223, 235. Hatdastsisi (god), 251. Headdress, ancient, 184. Hermaphrodites, 70, 77, 217, 220. Hermaphrodites, authors of inventions, 70. Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1, 239. Hogans, huts, 115. Holy ones, see DigÍni. Holy people, see DinÉ? digÍni. HonagÁ?ni, Place of Walking People (gens), 30, 148, 154, 157, 242. Hoops, magical, 108, 128, 201, 266. Horse, 233. Hosta Butte, see AkidanastÁni. Hottentot apron, 236. Houses, summer, 15. HozÓni hatÁl (rite), 58, 218, 220, 232, 235. Hummingbirds, 88. Hunger, see Ditsi'n. Husband, follows wife, 150. Idols or images, 104. Illegitimacy, 107. Incest, 187. Indigo, 44. Irrigation, 70. Island Lake, Colo., 219. Jake the silversmith, 11, 19, 50. Jelly of yucca fruit, 229. Jewels, inkli'z, 133, 147, 222. Kethawns, 39, 42, 43, 117, 213. KiltsÓi (tribe), 150. KinaÁ?ni, People of the High Standing House (gens), 30, 150, 158, 242, 243. Ki'ndotliz (town), 82, 167, 195, 196, 206, 207, 237, 245. Kindred, forbidden degrees of, 33. KinnÍki, Chief of Eagles, 198. Kinship, terms of, sign of amity, 65, 131, 156, 198. KintyÉl (place), 81, 87, 140, 195, 196, 205, 206, 207. KintyÉl, how built, 82. KisÁni, Pueblos, 10, 68, 70, 77, 78, 195, 197, 198, 226. Kit-fox, 226. KlÉdzi hatÁl, or night chant, 35, 37, 53, 229, 243, 251. KlÉhanoai (moon-bearer) 80, 226. KlÓgi, name of old pueblo, 30. Knife Boy, 101. Knitting, 21. Knives, ancient, 233. Language, mixed, 143. Lava, blood of giants, 116, 234. Legends, different versions, many, 50. Legends, local, abundant, 38. Letherman, Dr. J., 22, 23, 276. LÉyaneyani, Reared Below Ground (hero), 101, 103, 124, 126, 236, 237. Life-feather, or breath-feather, of eagle, magical, 109, 111, 231. Life principle, concealed, 91, 94, 102, 217. Life token, 122. Lightning, 80, 115, 119, 165, 200, 245, 246, 250, 252. Lightning arrows, 101, 115–120, 125, 126. Lightning, sheet, 80. Lightning, straight, 165, 166. Lightnings, sentinel, 111. Little bird, transformations of feathers of Tse?na'hale, 121. Locust People, 53, 74, 76, 218. LokÁadikisi (mythic place), 110. Magpie, spy of anÁye, 108. Maid Who Becomes a Bear, see TsikÉ Sas NÁtlehi. MaitÓ?, Coyote Water (spring), 152. MaitÓ?dine?, Coyote People (gens), 30, 152, 242. Male and female gender, how applied, 42, 113, 137, 211, 235, 243. Maledictions, 144. Mammilaria, round cactus, 231. Mancos Canyon, 238. Marsh Pass, Ariz., 238. Masks, 46, 70, 191, 213, 252, etc. McElmo Canyon, 238. Medicine, 59, 100, 176, 195, 247, 250. Medicine-lodge, 15, 16, 205, 214, 241. Medicine-men, see Shamans. Melodies, 279. Mescal, creation of, 125. Mexicans, creation of, 87. Mine, The Lost Adam (legendary), 2. Minor ceremonies, 41. Mirage Boy, 137. Mirage Stone People, 104. Moccasins, 190. Mohaves, 158. Moon, creation of, 80. Moon-bearer, see BÉkotsidi. Morgan, H. L., Dr., 31. Mountain chant, see Dsilyi'dze hatÁl. Mountain mahogany, 214, 231, 235, 248. Mountains, sacred, seven, 36, 71, 220, 221, 222. Mount Taylor, see TsÓtsil. Music, Navaho, 22, 29, 254, 258, 279. NabiniltÁhi (chief), 141. NaestsÁn, Woman Horizontal, Earth Mother, 230. NahopÁ, Brown Horizontal Streak (place), 141. NahopÁni (gens), 30, 141, 157. NahikÁÏ (rite), 241. NahoditÁhe (hero), 196, etc. NaÍdikisi, name of To?badzistsÍni, 116. NalkÉnaaz (divine couple), 136. NÁnzoz (game), 84, 97, 141, 226. NastsÉ EstsÁn, Spider Woman, 109, 110, 119, 201–203, 232, 250. Nati'nesthani, He Who Teaches Himself (hero), 53, 58, 160–194, 243, 248, etc. Nati'nesthanini (Nati'nesthani dead), 187, 249. Natsi'd, ceremony, 146, 147, 241. NatsisaÁn, Navaho Mountain, 123, 154, 236. Navaho country and people, 1–22. Navaho Springs, Ariz., 224. NayÉnezga?ni, Slayer of the Alien Gods (war god), 34, 106–134, 165, 231, 233, 236, 253. NayÉnezga?ni, wife of, 244. Nicotiana, various species of, 247. Night chant, see KlÉdzi hatÁl. Ni'ltsi, Wind (god), 83, 101, 113, 127, 137, 225, etc. Ni'ltsi DilkÓhi, Smooth Wind, 76. NinokÁdine?, People upon the Earth, Indians, 176, 247. NÍyol, Whirlwind (god), 101, 103. NohoÍlpi, He Who Wins Men at Play (gambling god, god of the Mexicans), 82–87. Notes, character of, 56. Nubility, ceremony of, 238. Obstacles, supernatural, 110, 113, 232. Oceans, four, 63. Old Age Water, see SÁnbito?. Old Age, see San. Opuntia arborescens, 229. Oraibes, 154. Otter, cigarette of, yellow, 170. Pahutes, creation of, 123, 236. Palettes, 44. Paradise, Navaho, 216. Pastora Peak, 211. Pelado Peak, N. Mex., see Tsisnadzi'ni. PÉslitsi, Red Knife (place), 134. Phragmites communis, 42. Phratries, 32. Pigments, five, 44. PinbitÓ?dine?, Deer Spring People (gens), 30, 155, 242. PÍniltani, Deer Raiser (god), 184, 191, 192. PÍniltani-bitsÍ, 184. Place of Emergence, HadzinaÍ, 76, 135, 147, 214, 219. Poetry, 22. Poison, 178–180. Pollen, 41, 45, 109, 183, 214, 232, 233. Portraits, 11. Potatoes, wild, 2. Pottery, 18. Pottery, invention of, 70. Poverty, see TieÍn. Powers, Stephen, 60. Prayer, 49, 109, 192, 269–275. Preludes, of songs, 25. Priest, see Shaman. Pronunciation, 55. Pueblo Chettro Kettle, 224. Pueblo Grande, 224. Pueblos, see KisÁni. Puma People, 192. Pumpkin, 173, etc. Queue, symbolic, 254. Racing, god of, see HastsÉltsi. Rafts, 161. Rain ceremonies, 41. Rain, male and female, 78, 79, 106, 166. Rain, form of YolkaÍ EstsÁn, 139. Rain god, see TÓ?nenili. Rainbows, 129, 168, 185, 231, 245. Rainbow apotheosized, 244. Rainbow arrows, 233. Raven, spy of anÁye, 107. Reared beneath the Earth, see LÉyaneyani. Red God, see HastsÉltsi. Red Lake, 39. Red Wind, 67. Refrains of songs, 25. Religion, 23. Rhythm, 255. Rio Grande, To?baÁd, Female Water, 87, 210, 235. Rio San JosÉ, To?bakÁ, Male Water, 210, 235. Rite, medicinal, 205. Rite-myths, 50. Rites, antiquity of, 45. Ritual chants, see HatÁl. Rock Crystal Boy and Girl, 79, 136. Rocks, heads of giants, 116. Rock People, see TsÉ?dine?. Rocks That Crush (anÁye), 109. Rocky Mountain sheep, 96, 185, 244. Ropes, of rainbow, etc., 106, 165, 208. Ruins, 195. Sacred articles, eighteen, 163, 243. SaÍbehogan (old pueblo), 158. SaitÁd, land of rising sand, 110. Salt, used to blind anÁye, 123. Salt Woman (goddess), 229, 236. San, Old Age (anÁye), 130. SÁnbito?, Old Age Water, San Juan River, 36, 53, 134, 141–145, 155–177, 161, 211, 235, 238, 241, 244. San Juan Mountains, see Depe'ntsa. San Juan River, see SÁnbito?. San Mateo Mountains, see TsÓtsil. San Miguel Lake and River, 218. San Rafael, see TÓ?sato. Sandals, 161. Sand-altars, 44. Sand-paintings, see Dry-paintings. Sarcasm, 249. SasnalkÁhi, Bear that Pursues (god), 124, 187, 189. Scourging, 106. Scrofula, 8. Seats, refused by hero, 127. Seeds, magical growth of, 74. Sentinels, before house of Sun, 111. Second world, blue in color, 65. Shells, white magical, 73, 152. She-rain, 166. Ship Rock, see TsÉ?bitaÏ. Shooting deity, see HastsÉoltoi. Silver Lake, Colo., 219. Simpson, J. H., 220, 223, 234. Sinew (so called), 240. Sky, houses in, 86. Sky, of four colors, 92. Sky, poles or supports of, 113, 223. Sky Father, see YÁdilyil. Sky-hole, 66, 113, 200, 204, 205, 233. Slaves, descendants from gens, 146. Smell, discovery of hero by, 94. Snake-skin, assumed, 188. Snow buntings, couriers, 130. Song of the Approach, 35. Song of the Eagles, 257. Song of the Ascension, 257. Song of EstsÁnatlehi, 124, 261. Songs of the Log, 266. Songs, sacred, 24–28, 166, 167, 199. Spider People, 98. Spider Woman, see NastsÉ EstsÁn. Sporobolus cryptandrus, 162. Squash, 183, etc. Squirrels, 74. Stars, Creation of, 80, 223, 224. Sticks, sacrificial, 42. Storm-cloud, in decoration, 244. Storm-raising, see Hoops. Storms, northern, once women, 144. Sun, creation of, 80. Sun, homes of, 111, 127, 133, 232. Sunbeams, 117. Sunbeams on rain, 231. Sun-bearer, see TsÓhanoai. Sun-children, go in quest of their father, 110–113, 232. Sun-god, 33. Sun-weapons, 113. Sunset Peak, Ariz., 242. Symbols, in body-painting, 253. Tapeworm (disease), 247. TÉelget (anÁye), 80, 107, 113, 116–124, 235. Texts, how obtained, 54. Tha?nezÁ?, Among the Scattered Hills (place), 142. Tha?nezÁ?ni (gens), 30, 142, 143, 157. ThÁ?paha (gens), 30, 143–147, 157, 240. ThÁ?tsini (gens), 30, 145, 158. Thirteen chips, game of, 83. Three lights (white, morning, blue, day, yellow, evening), 63. Three-sticks, game of, 77. Throat disease, 8. TiÉholtsodi (water god), 63, 64, 73, 74, 77, 126, 168–170, 212, 219, 220, 232. TiÉholtsodi, of upper world, 120. TieÍn (Poverty), 131. TielÍn, sentinels of water god, 168, 246. Tinneh, 12. Title of Book, 1. TlastsÍni (gens), 30, 146, 158. Tlo?ayuinli'tigi, great fish, 168. Tobacco, sacred, 42, 176–178, 214, 247. To?badzistsÍni, Child of the Water (war god), 34–36, 116, 122, 124, 126–128, 134, 165, 234, 246, 252–254. To?bilhaski'di (Centre of First World), 63. To?ditsÍni (gens), 30, 148, 150, 155. 157. To?dokÓnzi (gens), 30, 152, 239. To?i'ndotsos (place), 87, 142. TÓ?nenili, Water Sprinkler, rain-god, 37, 68, 126, 166–170, 252. TÓ?nihilin (whirling lake), 194. Torlino (priest), 57, 58, 231. TÓ?sato, Warm Spring, San Rafael, N. Mex., 114, 232, 233. TÓ?tso, Great Water (place), 159. To?ye'tli, Meeting Waters, home of war gods, 30, 146, 154, 165, 238. Trails, or paths, holy, 104, 109, 134, 168, 230. Transformation, 103, 112, etc. Translation of legends, 53. Transportation, miraculous, 165. Travelling Stone, anÁye, 125. Trials, of hero, 111, 113, 179. Tribal organization, 29. Trophies, 116, 118, 123, 126, 132. Trout Lake, 218. Tsa?olgÁhasze (place), 139, 140. TsasitsozsakÁd (place), home of Hatdastsisi, 253. Tse?ahalzi'ni, Rock with Black Hole (home of BinÁye AhÁni), 81, 123, 124. Tse?bahÁstsit, Rock that Frightens, 124. TsÉ?bitaÏ, Winged Rock, home of Tse?na'hale, 119, 120, 235. Tse'dani, expression of contempt, 236. Tse?dezÁ?, Standing Rock (place), 195–197. TsÉ?dine?, Rock People, 156. Tse?dzinki'ni (gens), 29, 138, 158, 239. TsÉ?espai (place), 125. Tse?gÍhi (home of yÉi), 87, 136, 166, 238, 246. Tse?inlÍn Valley, 240. Tse?lakaÍia (place), 81, 104, 137, 138. TsÉ?nagahi, Travelling Stone (anÁye), 125. Tse?na'hale (winged monsters, anÁye), 80, 107, 113, 119–124, 126, 235, 236. Tse?nahapi'lni (gens), 30, 156, 157. TsÉ?tadi (home of digÍni), 164, 166. Tse?tahotsiltÁ?li, He Who Kicks People Down the Cliff (anÁye), 81, 107, 122, 124, 126. Tse?zindiaÍ (gens), 30, 145, 241. TsidastÓi (bird), 249. TsidastÓi DinÉ?, mythic people, 191, 193. Tsi'di BÉze (birds, mythic), 89. Tsi'di SÁsi (birds, mythic), 89, 90. TsikÉ Nazi'li, Young Woman who Rattles, 89. TsikÉ Sas NÁtlehi, 229. TsilkÁli (a bird), 84. Tsinadzi'-ni (gens), 30, 141–143, 146. Tsi'ndi (devil), 37. Tsisnadzi'ni, Pelado Peak, N. Mex., 71, 220, 221. TsÓhanoai, sun-bearer (god), 80, 111, 112, 113, 126, 127, 132, 133, 252. TsolÍhi (sacred mountain), 78, 79, 105, 133, 222. TsÓtsil (Mount Taylor), 200, 205–207. TsÓwenatlehi, Changing Grandchild (war god), 124, 236, 237. TuintsÁ, Abundant Water, Tuincha Mountains, N. Mex., 134, 210. Turkey, why tail-feathers pale, 218. Turkeys, pet, 164, 171–175, 180, 244. Turquoise, 80, 104, 111, 185, etc. Underworld, 185. UnktÉhi, Dakota god, 212. Verbesina enceloides, 248. Vision of the war gods, 127. Vomiting, 227. Wallascheck, Richard, 255, 257. War Gods, see NayÉnezga?ni and To?badzistsÍni. War gods, apparitions of, 238. Water bottle, invention of, 70. Water, causes conception, 105. Water, four kinds of, 80, 218, 223. Water god, burned, 170. Water god, see TiÉholtsodi. Water made to spring up, 151. Water of Old Age, see San Juan River. Water People, sacred, 169. Water, sacred, 222. Water Sprinkler, see TÓ?nenili. Waters, house under the, 73. Weapons, divine, 113, 132, 233. Weasels, 74. Weaving, 19. Western immigrants, so called, see DinÉ? NahotlÓni. White Corn, symbolism of, 217. White House, home of yÉi, Chelly Canyon, 36, 251. White Mountain Thunder (god), 64. White people (not Caucasians), 249. White shell beads, 163. White Shell Woman, see YolkaÍ EstsÁn. White under the Rock (anÁye), 126. Wind, gives life, 69. Wind, see Ni'ltsi. Wind, trail of, on finger-tips, 69. Witchcraft and witches, 40, 70, 187, 220, 249. Witches, chieftainess of, see EstsÁn NatÁn. Wolf People, 192. Woman Who Rejuvenates Herself, see EstsÁnatlehi. Women, social position of, 10, 240. Woodpeckers, red-shafted, 245. Wood-rats, 160–162. World, how enlarged, 223. Worlds, five, 65–76. YÁdilyil, Sky Father (god), 230. Yazoni, beautiful, good, 247. YÉbaka, male yÉi, 252. YÉbitsai, maternal grandfather, name of HastsÉyalti, 224. YÉi, gods, 35–38, 93, 106, 217, 231, 234, 254. YÉi, in klÉdzi hatÁl, list of, 252. YÉitso (anÁye), 108, 113, 114–116, 231, 234. Yellow Corn Girl, 79, 105, 136. Yellow Fox People, 192. Yellow Light People, 104. Yellow under the Rock (anÁye), 126. Yellow Warbler, 79. YÓidze hatÁl, bead chant, 53, 250, 267. YolkaÍ EstsÁn, White Shell Woman (goddess), 34, 105, 135, 230, 231, etc. Young Woman Who Rattles, see TsikÉ Nazi'li. Yucca, 102, 103, 125, 212, 228, 229. Yucca-fibre, 161. Yucca People (gens), 30, 140, 239. YÚdi (goods), 222. Zenith and nadir, 216. ZoÖlatry, 38. ZuÑi, 2, 10, 22, 36, 145, 158, 242. OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN FOLK-LORE SOCIETY, 1897. President. STEWART CULIN, Philadelphia, Pa. First Vice-President. HENRY WOOD, Baltimore, Md. Second Vice-President FRANZ BOAS, New York, N.Y. Council. W.M. BEAUCHAMP, Baldwinsville, N.Y. ROBERT BELL, Ottawa, Can. DANIEL G. BRINTON, Philadelphia, Pa. HELI CHATELAIN, New York, N.Y. JAMES W. ELLSWORTH, Chicago, Ill. ALICE C. FLETCHER, Washington, D.C. STANSBURY HAGAR, Brooklyn, N.Y. JOHN H. McCORMICK, Washington, D.C. GARDNER P. STICKNEY, Milwaukee, Wis. Permanent Secretary. W.W. NEWELL, Cambridge, Mass. Treasurer. JOHN H. HINTON, New York, N.Y. |