6238-h@46238-h-6.htm.html#Page_170" class="pginternal">170–173, 235 — Queen Mary's, 108, 109, 172, 226 — Rosamond's, 1, 111, 164–169, 172 Bowl, with Exploits of Theseus, 52 Box, use of in Mazes, 100, 101, 108–110, 121, 127, 146 Brandenburg, 149 Breamore, Hants, 73, 74, 229, 230 Brentano, A., 204, 235 Bridge, H., 206, 207, 235 Brigg, Lincs, 73 Brindisi, 50, 221 British Magazine, 199 British Museum, 20, 44, 106, 219 Brittany, 92, 121, 153 Britten, J., 228 Brompton, J., 165, 233 Bronze Age, 149 Brown, A.J., 224 Brown, L. ("Capability" Brown), 134 Brutus (Prydain), 181 Bucknall, C., 234 Builder, The, 61, 223 Bull, Cult of, 31, 34 Bull, E.J., 231 Bull-leaping, Sport of, 34 Bull, PasiphaË and the, 22 Bull's Head on Coins, 44 Burcestre, J., 210 Burges, W., 66 Burgh, Cumberland, 87, 92, 230 Burghley (Burleigh), Lord, 114 Burrows, R.M., 219 Button Seals, Egyptian, 43 Caen, 64, 142, 223 Caerdroia or Caer y troiau, 92, 94, 229, 231 Comenius, 196 Commelyn, J., 107, 227 "Compact" Design, 185 Constable, J.G., 73 Convent of St. Barlaam, 95, 223 Cook, A.B., 3, 53, 161, 216, 219 Cooke, J., 135 Corinth, 176 Cormerod, Switzerland, 48, 220 Cortenovis, A., 38 Cotswold Hills, 82, 228, 229 Cotton, H.S., 232 Country Life, 3, 216 Country Life (America), 228 Cow, Hollow, of Daedalus, 22 Cowper, W., 196 Craigmillar Castle, 202 Cranborne Chase, 74 Crane Dance, 19, 159, 162, 233 Cremona, 57, 223 Cretan Labyrinth, 2, 4, 17–36, 98, 111, 152, 153, 156–159, 216, 218, 219 Creuzer, G.F., 220 Crisp, F., 225 Crocodiles, Sacred, 7, 9 Cromlechs, Distribution of, 99 Crooke, W., 233 Cross, Labyrinth Figure on, 151 Crown of Ariadne, 20 Croxall, S., 167, 168 Crusades, Church Labyrinths and the, 67 Crystal Palace, 138 Cumberland, Mazes in, 78, 86, 87, 92, 230 "Cup and Ring" Marks, 152 Cupid, 117 Cursus, 77 Cuthbert, R.A., 166, 169 Godwin, J.F., 88 Godwin, O.W., 89, 231 Good Friday Celebrations, 90 Gopher, 154 Gordon, E.O., 4, 181, 216, 230 Gortyna, 23–28, 219 Gothland, 149, 202 Graevius, J.G., 218 Graffito at Pompeii, 46, 221 Grantham, 140, 228 Gravesend, 138 Greece, The Labyrinth Figure in, 51, 95 Greenwell, W., 77 Greenwich, 136 Guard Room, Labyrinth in, 65 GuÉrin, V., 221 Guildford, 90, 230 Gunterstein, 127, 227 Hackney, 135 Hadrumetum, 48 Hagia Triada, 43 Hall, H.R., 219 Hall of Double Axes, 3 2 Hampshire, Mazes in, 73, 74, 79 Hampstead, 137 Hampton Court, Little Maze, or Troy Town, 129, 130, 225 — —, The Maze, 127–129, 138, 142, 185, 186, 187, 191, 192, 199, 225 — —, The Maze, in Literature, 128, 192, 199, 225 — —, Pictures at, 112, 169 — —, Queen Mary's Bower, 109 Harland-Oxley, W.E., 230 Harley Manuscripts, 224 Harpham, Yorks, Roman Pavement, 48, 54, 221 "Harris" at Hampton Court, 192 Harris, W., 143, 172 Johnson, W., 228 Jomard, E.F., 12, 218 Julaber's Barrow, 90, 173, 230 Julian, Saint, 173–174 Julian's Bower, 71, 78, 91, 96, 98, 173 Juliberry's Grave, 90, 173, 230 Julius Caesar, 90, 174, 181 Julus, or Iulus, 98 July Park, 77 Juniper in Maze Hedges, 105, 146 Junius, 172 Kabbadias, P., 52, 222 Kames, Lord, 143, 224 Kensington Palace, 130 Kensington, South, 138, 139, 225 Kent, Mazes in, 78, 90, 91, 136, 138 —, "Troy-town" Place-names in, 211 Kerkyon, 52 King's Knot, The, 109 Kingsley, C., 17 Kip, J., 132, 225 Kipling, R., 197 Knossos, 17, 18, 21, 26, 28, 29–36, 42, 160, 176 Knots, 100, 101, 105, 106, 109 Knowledge (Journal), 186, 217 Krause, E., 187, 216, 217, 231 Kylix, or Bowl, with Theseus Figures, 52 Labaris, 175 Labranda, 34<
iberia, Crane-dance of, 159, 233 Ostrander, I., 197 Ovid, 218 Owl, with Labyrinth, on Coins, 45 Oxford, Trinity College, Maze at, 132, 225 Oxfordshire, Mazes in. See Henley, Muswell Hill, Oxford, Somerton. Ozanam, A.F., 53, 221 Ozell, J., 24, 219 Page, J.T., 230 Paintings of Mazes, 31, 112, 113, 201 Palace of Knossos, 30–36, 218 Palestine, 209 Pallas, P.S., 233 Panseron, P., 226 Paper, Mazes on, 202 Paracelsus, 195 Paradin, C., 96, 97, 198, 234 Paris, Catacombs of, 40 —, HÔtel de St. Paul, 112, 226 —, Jardin des Plantes, 121, 142 —, Le Luxembourg, 121 —, Les Tuileries, 121, 226 Parkinson, J., 100, 224 PasiphaË, 22 Patents for Maze Toys, 204–207, 235 Pavements, Church, 54–70, 72, 223 —, Roman, 40, 46–50, 220–221 Pavia, 56, 223 Peckham, London, "Troy" Place-name at, 211 Penitential Use, alleged, of Labyrinths, 67, 97, 222 Pepys, S., 135, 166, 195, 196 Perez, G., 96 Perrault, C., 117, 226 Perrot, G., 218, 220 Persephone, 45 Persian Legends, 1, 73, 74, 193 Rome, Catacombs of, 40, 69 —, St. Maria di Trastavera, 57 —, St. Maria in Aquiro, 57, 201 Rosamond, The Fair, Ballad of, 167 — — —, Bower of, 1, 111, 164–169, 172, 233 — — —, Disinterment of, 166, 168 — — —, Epitaph of, 165, 168 — — —, Wonderful Coffer of, 166, 233 Rosherville Gardens, Gravesend, 138 Rostrum in Hedge Mazes, 138, 142 Round Castle, 150 Round Tabill, 109 Rouse, W.H.D., 219 Routing Lynn, 152 Royal Horticultural Society's Gardens, 138, 139, 225 Rudbeck, O., 150, 231 Running the Maze (see also Treading), 73, 74, 161 Ruskin, J., 3, 20, 223 Rutland, Mazes in, 74, 75, 231 Sacrificial Rites, 161 Saffron Walden, Hedge Maze at, 138, 189, 228 — —, Turf Maze at, 82–84, 124, 210, 229 St. Anne's Well, or Hill, Nottingham, 88, 93 St. Barlaam, 95, 223 St. Bernard, 209, 233 St. Bertin, Abbey of, 62, 63, 223 St. Catherine's Hill, Winchester, 79, 230 St. Julian, 173, 174, 235 St. Julian's, Goathland, 77 St. Martha's Hill, Guildford, 130 Troy Songs (Troyerlais), 162, 233 Troy-Town, 71, 81, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 98, 129, 156, 197, 202, 211, 225, 233 Troy-Town, used metaphorically, 211 Troy, Walls of, 73, 78, 87, 92, 156, 201 Tuileries, Paris, 121, 226 Tunis, Labyrinth Mosaic in (Susa), 48, 221 Tunnels in Mazes, 133, 185 Turf Labyrinths, 5, 71–99, 228–231 — —, Origin of, 92–99, 161–162 — —, Uses of (see also Games), 77, 86 Turner, D., 64, 223 Tuttle, Tuthill, or Tothill Fields, 135, 225 Tyack, G.S., 216, 228 Unicursal Labyrinths, 45, 106, 107, 183, 184 University College, London, 43 Uppingham, 74 Vallance, A., 225 Vallet (or Wallet), E., 62, 63, 64, 223 Valuation of a Maze, 134 Vanbrugh, J., 168 Varro, 37, 38 Vase, Etruscan, from Tragliatella, 40, 52, 157, 158, 220 Venables, E., 230 Veneto, Bartolommeo, 53 Venice, Manuscript at, 95 Verbal Labyrinth (Latin Maxims), Printed in England at The Ballantyne Press Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd. Colchester, London & Eton