Since most of Lassen Volcanic National Park can best be seen and enjoyed by walking the trails, this booklet is written to help those who wish to know more about the park. Much can be observed from the Lassen Park Road, including some of the best scenery and most interesting geology, but to become thoroughly acquainted with the park and to appreciate fully what it has to offer, there is no better way than walking the trails. Thirty-four trails are briefly described in this booklet. Rather than give a complete description of each trail, an attempt is made to indicate the highlights of each, giving enough information so that a hiker can decide which trails will interest him most. The author would like to express his thanks and appreciation to a number of persons who have helped to make this publication possible: To Raymond L. Nelson, former Chief Park Naturalist, for guidance and sketch maps; Lester D. Bodine, former Chief Park Ranger; Harold L. Stanley, Robert Ball, and H. Trickey Lewis, seasonal rangers, for their aid and information; and to Dorothy Matteson, art department of Chico State College for the excellent illustrations. |