Chittenden, Hiram M., American Fur Trade of the Far West. 2 vols. Rufus Rockwell Wilson, Inc., New York, 1936. Driggs, Howard R., Westward America (with reproductions of watercolor paintings by William H. Jackson). Somerset Books, Inc., New York, 1942. Federal Writers’ Project, The Oregon Trail. Hastings House, New York, 1939. Ghent, W. J., The Road to Oregon. Longmans, Green and Co., New York, 1929. Hulbert, Archer B., Forty-Niners, the Chronicle of the California Trail. Blue Ribbon Books, Inc., New York, 1931. Jackson, Joseph H., ed., Gold Rush Album. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1949. Mattes, Merrill J., “A History of Old Fort Mitchell.” Nebraska History, XXIV, 71-82 (Apr.-June 1943). — — —, “Hiram Scott, Fur Trader.” Nebraska History, XXVI, 127-162 (July-Sept. 1945). — — —, “Robidoux’s Trading Post at ‘Scott’s Bluffs,’ and the California Gold Rush.” Nebraska History, XXX, 95-138 (June 1949). — — —, “Fort Mitchell, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska Territory.” Nebraska History, XXXIII, 1-34 (Mar. 1952). — — —, “Chimney Rock on the Oregon Trail.” Nebraska History, XXXVI, 1-26 (Mar. 1955). Monaghan, Jay, The Overland Trail. The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1947. Olson, James C., History of Nebraska. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1955. Paden, Irene D., The Wake of the Prairie Schooner. The MacMillan Co., New York, 1943. Parkman, Francis, The Oregon Trail. Langhart and Co., Inc., New York, 1931. Rollins, Phillip A., ed., Discovery of the Oregon Trail: Robert Stuart’s Narratives. Edward Eberstadt and Sons, New York, 1935. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1961 OF—584508 |