I. Strange Land of "Volcanoes" and "Shining Mountains" II. The Mystery of "La Roche Jaune" or Yellow Rock River III. John Colter, the Phantom Explorer 1807-1808 IV. "Colter's Hell": A Case of Mistaken Identity V. "Les Trois Tetons": The Golden Age of Discovery, 1810-1824 VI. "Jackson's Hole": Era of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 1825-1832 VII. "The Fire Hole": Era of the American Fur Company, 1833-1840 Selected Bibliography for COLTER'S HELL AND JACKSON'S HOLE By Merrill J. Mattes Published by Yellowstone Library and Museum Association; National Park Service © 1962 Yellowstone Library and Museum Association The Yellowstone Library and Museum Association and the Grand Teton Natural History Association are non-profit distributing organizations whose purpose is the stimulation of interest in the educational and inspirational aspects of Yellowstone and Grand Teton history and natural history. The Associations cooperate with and are recognized by the United States Department of the Interior and its Bureau, the National Park Service, as essential operating organizations. As one means of accomplishing their aims the Associations publish reasonably priced booklets which are available for purchase by mail throughout the year or at the museum information desks in the parks during the summer. Photographs used were provided through the courtesy of the National Park Service, except where otherwise credited. COLTER’S HELL AND JACKSON’S HOLE: |