William Bristol, whose chant used to be Bristol Bill, wishes to nose his old pals, and the public generally, that he has tied up prigging, and is now squaring it at No. 350 Back Hill, Hatten Garden, where he keeps on hand, for ready cole—tick being no go—upper benjamins, built on a downy plan; slap-up velveeten togs, lined with the same broady; moleskin ditto, any color, lined with the same broady; kerseymere kicksies, any color, built very slap with the artful dodge; stout cord ditto, built in the "Melton Mowbray" style; broad cord ditto, made very saucy; moleskin, all colors, built hanky spanky, with double fakement down the side, and artful buttons at the bottom; stout ditto, built very serious. Out and out fancy sleeve kicksies, cut to drop down on the trotters. Waist benjamins, cut long, with moleskin back and sleeves. Blue cloth ditto, cut slap-up. Mud-pipes, knee-caps, and trotter-cases, built very low. A decent allowance made to Seedy Swells, Tea Kettle Purgers, Head Robbers, and Flunkeys out of Collar. N. B. Gentlemen finding their own Broady, can be accommodated. William Bristol, formerly known as Bristol Bill, wishes to inform his old friends, and the public generally, that he has given up stealing, and is now getting his living honestly, at 350 Back Hill, Hatten Garden, where he keeps on hand, for ready money, overcoats of a superior style and pattern; superior velveteen coats, lined with the same material; moleskin, any color, lined with the same stuff; kerseymere knee-breeches, any color, made very fashionable, with the yellow neckhandkerchief included; cord ditto, made in the "Melton Mowbray" style; broad cord ditto, made the top of the fashion; moleskins, of all colors, made in the latest fashion, with double stripes down the side, and buttons at the bottom; stout ditto, very strongly made. Waistcoats, cut long-waisted, with moleskin back and sleeves. Blue cloth ditto, fashionably cut. Gaiters, leggins, boots, and shoes, made very reasonable. An allowance made to poor men of fashion, men who exchange old clothes, butlers, and footmen out of place. N. B. Gentlemen, finding their own materials, can be accommodated. R. WORTHINGTON, Publisher, 750 Broadway, New York. NEW BOOKS. ASHWORTH. Walks in Canaan; and, Back from Canaan. By John Ashworth, author of "Strange Tales," etc. Twenty-eighth Thousand. 12mo. Cloth, gilt back and side. $1 25 AYTOUN AND MACAULAY. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, by Prof. W. E. Aytoun; and Lays of Ancient Rome, by Lord Macaulay. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. 1 20 AYTOUN (William Edmondstoune). Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems. New Red-Line Edition. 12mo. Cloth extra, full gilt. 1 25 BAD HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. By George A. Baker, Jr. Square 24mo, gilt side, red edges. 1 00 BALZAC'S DROLL STORIES. Translated into English. With marvelous and fantastic illustrations by DorÉ. 8vo. 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