Christy Mathewson
“Just as the ball was going over his head straight as a bullet, he put up his right hand and caught the ball.”
“Good old Hughie Jenkins was back.”
“He was lonesome.”
“Just then out it came and there stood Hagner with an old baseball bat in his hand.”
“Jenkins hurled himself through the air.”
“Hagner swung hard and missed.”
“Ty misjudged the only chance he had.”
“He caught it before it hit the ground.”
“He was out next day with a cane.”
Every block was like a stolen base to Hans.
“How much will you loan me on this?”
“As he did so a young fellow stooped down and picked up an envelope which had fallen out of Hal’s pocket.”
“Who could have taken it?”
“You must consider yourself off the varsity.”
“Find that man with the blue glasses!”
“Get the number of that machine.”
“Again Ross muffed the ball.”
“He stuck his left foot in the bag, whirled quickly around with his back to the ball, stretched out his right mitt, stuck it out in the air and caught the ball with one hand.”
“Again the crowd went wild.”
“I asked a cabby to take us to the 23
St. Ferry.”
“I tried and tried until my fingers were worn out.”
“If I would hang out of the window on one side, he would do the same on the other.”
“Frank Church was still Captain Manager.”
“Beach gets caught this way every time.”
“Everson loafed around the rubber.”
“Hughie wigwagged the infielders to come in closer.”
“The faculty didn’t look at it in the same light.”
“Now don’t get mad,” said McGrew.
“Why these are to-day’s signals,” said Hughie.
“The people in the stands turned around to see who it might be.”
“He comes down to earth.”
The Making of a Fan.
“You will try to steal on me?”
“Ladies and gentlemen! The batteries for to-day are——”
“A perfect slide by Church made it impossible to tag him.”
“Beach turned an error into an out.”
“Don’t bother me,” said Ty.
“They grabbed Hughie and lifted him upon strong shoulders.”
“Hans made a one hand catch.”
“Robb tried to steal home.”
“Capt. Larke caught it after a long run.”
“He took one step forward, swung his bat up and out and met the ball on the nose.”
“Ty was anxious to bring his bouquet home.”
“Church waving a red lantern.”
“Larke jumped into the chute.”
Hal and Hans get offers from professional ball clubs.