| | PAGE | I— | The Most Dangerous Batters I have Met | 1 | II— | “Take Him Out!” | 21 | III— | Pitching in a Pinch | 54 | IV— | Big League Pitchers and their Peculiarities | 74 | V— | Playing the Game from the Bench | 93 | VI— | Coaching—Good and Bad | 117 | VII— | Honest and Dishonest Sign Stealing | 140 | VIII— | Umpires and Close Decisions | 161 | IX— | The Game that Cost a Pennant | 183 | X— | When the Teams Are in Spring Training | 206 | XI— | Jinxes and what they Mean to a Ball-Player | 230 | XII— | Base Runners and how they Help a Pitcher to Win | 255 | XIII— | Notable Instances where the “Inside” Game has Failed | 281 |