AAFTER breakfast they went out again. Mr. Bradford and his little girls were standing in the porch waiting for mamma who was going with them, when Mr. Jones came up from the shore. He had been fishing, and looked rather rough and dirty, but he had a pleasant, good-natured face. "Mornin' sir," he said to Mr. Bradford; "folks pretty spry?" "Pretty well, thank you," said Mr. Bradford; "you have been out early this morning." "Yes, I'm generally stirrin' round pretty early; been out since afore day-light. S'pose these are your little girls. How are you, Miss Bradford?" he said, holding out his hand. But shy Maggie hung her head and drew a little away behind her father. "Why, Maggie," said Mr. Bradford, "you "Not if she hain't a mind to," said Mr. Jones. "I see she's a bashful puss, but she'll feel better acquainted one of these days." "Yes, she will;" said Bessie, "and then she won't be shy with you; but I'm not shy now, and I'll shake hands with you." Mr. Jones took the tiny little hand she offered him with a smile. "No, I see you ain't shy, and I don't want you to be; you, nor your sister neither. Goin' down to the shore, eh?" "Yes, when mamma comes," said Bessie. "Well, you see that big barn out there; when you come back you both come out there. You'll find me inside, and I'll show you something will soon cure all shyness; that is, if you like it as much as most young folks do." "What is it?" asked Bessie. "It's a scup." "Will it bite?" said Bessie. "Bite! Don't you know what a scup is?" "She knows it by the name of a swing," said Mr. Bradford. "Oh, yes! I know a swing; and I like it too. We'll come, Mr. Jones." "Is it quite safe for them?" asked Mr. Bradford. "Quite safe, sir. I put it up last Summer for some little people who were staying here; and Sam, he's my eldest son, he made a seat with back and arms, and a rung along the front to keep them in,—a fall on the barn floor wouldn't feel good, that's a fact; but it's as safe as strong ropes and good work can make it. I'll take care they don't get into no mischief with it; but come along with the little ones and see for yourself." And then with a nod to Maggie, who was peeping at him out of the corners of her eyes, Mr. Jones took up his basket of fish and walked away to the kitchen. "Bessie," said Maggie, as they went down to the beach, "do you like that man?" "Yes, I do," said Bessie; "don't you?" "No, not much. But, Bessie, did you hear what he called me?" "No," said Bessie, "I did not hear him call you anything." "He called me Miss Bradford," said Maggie, holding up her head and looking very grand. "Well," said Bessie, "I suppose he was mad because you wouldn't shake hands with him." "No," said Maggie, "it was before that; he said, 'how do you do, Miss Bradford;' and, Bessie, I like to be called Miss Bradford; and I guess I'll like him because he did it, even if he does smell of fish. I think he only wanted to be respectable to me." They found a good many people upon the beach now, and among them were some ladies and gentlemen whom Mr. and Mrs. Bradford knew, and while they stopped to speak to them, Maggie and Bessie wandered off a little way, picking up shells and sea-weed and putting them into a basket which their mother had given them. Presently a boy and girl came up to them. They were the children of one of the ladies who was talking to Mrs. Bradford, and their mother had sent them to make acquaintance with Maggie and Bessie. "What's your name," said the boy, coming right up to Maggie. Maggie looked at him without speaking, and, putting both hands behind her, began slowly backing away from him. "I say," said the boy, "what's your name? My mother sent us to make friends with you; but we can't do it, if you won't tell us what your name is." "Her name is Miss Bradford," said Bessie, who wanted to please her sister, and who herself thought it rather fine for Maggie to be called Miss Bradford. "Oh! and you're another Miss Bradford, I suppose," said the boy, laughing. "Why! so I am," said Bessie; "I didn't think about that before. Maggie we're two Miss Bradfords." "Well, two Miss Bradfords, I hope we find you pretty well this morning. My name is Mr. Stone, and my sister's is Miss Stone." "'Tain't," said the little girl, crossly, "it's nothing but Mary." "Sure enough," said her brother; "she's just Miss Mary, quite contrary; whatever you say, she'll say just the other thing; that's her way." "Now, Walter, you stop," said Mary in a whining, fretful voice. "Now, Mamie, you stop," mimicked her brother. "I think we wont be acquainted with you," said Bessie. "I am afraid you are not very good children." "What makes you think so," asked Walter. "'Cause you quarrel," said Bessie; "good children don't quarrel, and Jesus won't love you if you do." "What a funny little tot you are," said Walter. "I won't quarrel with you, but Mamie is so cross I can't help quarrelling with her. I "It's Bessie, and my sister's is Maggie." "And don't you and Maggie ever quarrel?" "Why, no," said Maggie, coming out of her shy fit when she heard this, "Bessie is my own little sister." "Well, and Mamie is my own sister, and you see we quarrel for all that. But never mind that now. I'll go for my wagon and give you a ride; will you like it?" "I will," said Bessie. In a few minutes Walter came back with his wagon. Maggie and Bessie thought he was quite right when he called it splendid. They told him it was the prettiest wagon they had ever seen. He said he would give Bessie the first ride, and he lifted her in and told Maggie and Mamie to push behind. "I sha'n't," said Mamie; "I want a ride, too; there's plenty of room, Bessie's so little." "No, it will make it too heavy," said Walter. "You shall ride when your turn comes." Mamie began to cry, and Bessie said she would get out and let her ride first; but Walter said she should not. "There comes Tom," said Mamie; "he'll help you pull." The children looked around, and there was a boy rather larger than Walter coming towards them. "Why, it's Tom Norris!" said Maggie; "do you know him?" And sure enough it was their own Tom Norris, whom they loved so much. He ran up to them and kissed Maggie and Bessie, as if he were very glad to see them. "Why, Tom," said Bessie, "I didn't know you came here." "I came night before last, with father," said Tom. "We came to take rooms at the hotel, "Oh! I am so glad," said Maggie. "Tom! can't I ride?" asked Mamie. "You must ask Walter," said Tom; "the wagon is his; what are you crying about, Mamie?" Walter told what the trouble was. "Come, now, Mamie, be good, and you shall ride with Bessie, and I will help Walter pull." Mamie was put into the seat by Bessie, and then Tom said they must find room for Maggie, too. So he made her sit on the bottom of the wagon, and off they started. Of course they were crowded, but the two children who were good-natured did not mind that at all, and would have been quite happy had it not been for Mamie. She fretted and complained so much that at last the boys were out of patience and took her out of the wagon. "You see," said Walter, as the cross, selfish They were all happier when she had gone, and had a nice long play together. Tom Norris was twelve years old, but he did not think himself too large to play with or amuse such little girls as Maggie and Bessie, who were only seven and five; and as he was always kind and good to them, they loved him dearly. Grown people liked him too, and said he was a perfect little gentleman. But Tom was better than that, for he was a true Christian; and it was this which made him so kind and polite to every one. When Mr. Bradford came to call his little girls to go home, he found them telling Tom and Walter about the swing which Mr. Jones had promised them, and he invited the boys to go with them and see it. So they all went back together. When they reached home Mr. Bradford told "Mr. Jones," said Bessie, "these are our friends. One is an old friend, and his name is "They're both welcome if they're friends of yours," said Mr. Jones. "I'll show you the scup in a few minutes, as soon as I finish this job I'm about." "Mrs. Jones," said Bessie, "is that your baby?" "Yes," said Mrs. Jones, "what do you think of her?" "I think she is fat," answered Bessie. "May we help you do that, Mrs. Jones?" "I'm afraid you'll stain your frocks, and what would your ma say then?" "She'd say you oughtn't to let us do it." "Just so," said Mrs. Jones. "No, I can't let you help me, but I'll tell you what I'll do. I am going to make pies out of these currants and I'll make you each a turnover; sha'n't you like that?" "What is a turnover," asked Maggie. "Don't you know what a turnover is? You But Susie would not play, she only sat and stared at the children, and sucked her thumb. Pretty soon papa came, and when Mr. Jones was ready they all went into the barn. The swing was fastened up to a hook in the wall, but Mr. Jones soon had it down; and Mr. Bradford tried it and found it quite safe and strong. The seat was large enough to hold both the little girls, if they sat pretty close, so they were both put into it, and papa gave them a fine swing. Then the boys took their turn; and Mr. Jones told them they might come and swing as often as they liked. |