For days the cannon roaring
With loud incessant peal,
The terrane and the trenches
Had torn with lead and steel;
Which told the boys in khaki
Of fighting near at hand,
And eagerly all waited
The long wished for command.
Within the first line trenches,
The highland laddies lay,
Their thoughts were of their mothers
Or sweethearts far away;
Each one of them was thinking
Of home and native sod,
And like a Christian soldier
Had made his peace with God.
The morn broke dark and stormy
With hail and snow and sleet,
Which made for many soldiers
Ere night, their winding sheet;
The shrapnel bits were flying,
Like swarms of summer midge,
When Borden’s highland laddies
Charged up the Vimy Ridge.
On the top of this famed mountain,
Nearby the city Lens,
The enemy in dugouts
Lay like lions in their dens;
The mountain strong by nature,
The Germans stronger made
With cannon and with mortar,
On concrete bases laid.
And thousands of machine guns,
In their allotted place,
And thousands of their snipers,
With rifle and with brace;
And lines of barbed wire fencing
Of every strength and size,
And aught else which their science
Or cunning could devise.
Their seeming sense of safety,
The Teutons did elate,
And all were glibly chanting
The Kaiser’s hymn of hate,
When, lo! the pibroch’s skirling
Their first line did astound
And Donald, Rod and Angus
Came on them with a bound.
And ere they had recovered
From their astonishment
The foremost of their gleemen
To sing elsewhere were sent;
And midst the cry of Kam’rade
In broken English spoke,
Both Prussian and Bavarian
Went down from bayonet stroke.
And furious was the struggle,
’Twixt Highlander and Hun,
For hand to hand the fighting
On Vimy Ridge was done.
The shock troops of the Kaiser,
And all his proud array,
Fled fast before the Bluenose
On that eventful day.
And when the war is over,
And peace again is come,
We’ll give our gallant laddies
A highland welcome home;
With flags and banners waving,
With singing and with cheer,
We’ll celebrate the glory
Of Vimy day each year.

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