How can a heart play any more with life, After it has found a woman and known tears? In vain I shut my windows against the moonlight; I have estranged sleep. The flower of her face is growing in the shadow Among warm and rustling leaves.... I see the sunlight on her house, I see her curtains of vermilion silk.... Here is the almond-coloured dawn; And there is dew on the petals of my night flower. Lyric of Korea. THE DREAM I dreamed that I was touching her eyelids, and I awoke To find her sleepy temples of rose jade For one heart-beat.... Though the moonlight beats upon the sea, There is no boat. Lyric of Korea. SEPARATION As water runs in the river, so runs time; And ever my eyes are wasted of her presence. The red flowers of the second moon were yesterday; To-day the earth has spots of blood, and there are no flowers. The wild geese were harnessed to the autumn moon; They have come, I heard their crying, and they are gone. They have passed and given me no message; I only hear the falling, falling noise of white rain. Song of Korea.