Adamantine lustre, 28
glimmering, 29
glinting, or glistening, 29
lustreless, 29
shining, 29
splendent, 29
Agate, 11
Almandine, 101
Amethyst, 11
oriental, 85
sapphire, 85
Amorphous stones and their characteristics, 23
Analysis, 5
Aplome, 101
Asters, or asteriated stones, 82, 87-91
Azure-stone, 103
Beryl, 10, 94
colours of, in dichroscope, 34
Beryllium, 10
Bezils, 66
Black stones, list of, 79
Blue sapphire, composition of the, 10
stones, list of, 77
Bone-turquoise, 106
Break, as opposed to cleavage, 19
Brilliant-cut stones, 66
Brown stones, list of, 76
Building up of crystals, 13
Burnt, or pinked topaz, 92
Cabochon-cut stones, 64
(the double), 65
(the hollow), 65
Carbonate series, 11
Carbuncle, 102, 103
Cat of Egypt, 89
Cat's eye stones, 82, 87-91
list of (see "Chatoyant Stones"), 78
Ceylonese cat's eye (see "Cat's eye")
Change of colour (not to be confused with "Play of colour" and "Opalescence," which see; see also "Fire"), 36
Characteristics of precious stones, 1, 3
Chatoyant stones, list of, 78
Chemical illustration of formation of precious stones, 8
Chloride of palladium in dichroscope, 34
Chrysoberyl, 88
Chrysolite, 11
ordinary, or "noble", 85
oriental, 85
Cinnamon stone, 102
Claims of precious stones, 4
Cleavage affecting tests, 43
and "cleavage" as opposed to "break", 19, 22
Colour, 26, 28, 30, 32
Colourless stones, list of, 75
Colours and characteristics of the various opals, 35, 36
of precious stones, list of, 75-79
Common garnet, 101
opal, 35
Composite crystals, 13
Composition of paste, or strass, for imitation stones, 71
Composition of precious stones, 7
Converted stones, 72
Corundum, 82
Crown portion of stones, 65, 66
Crystalline structure, physical properties, of 13
Crystallography, 14
Crystals, axes of symmetry, 15
groups of, 15, 16
planes of symmetry, 15
systems of, 16
(1) Cubic—isometric, monometric, regular, 16
(2) Hexagonal—rhombohedral, 16
(3) Tetragonal—quadratic, square prismatic, dimetric, pyramidal, 16
(4) Rhombic—orthorhombic, prismatic, trimetric, 16
(5) Monoclinic—clinorhombic, monosymmetric, oblique, 16, 17
(6) Triclinic—anorthic, asymmetric, 16, 17
treatment of, 14
Culasse portion of stones, 66
Cullinan diamond (see also "Stars of Africa"), 22, 64, 68, 80
Cutting of precious stones, 3, 4, 62
Cymophane, 90
Definition of a precious stone, 1
Diamond, characteristics of the, 80
composition of the, 10
(sapphire), 86
unique, 10
(zircon), 99
Diaphaneity, 26, 28
Diaphanous stones, 28
Dichroscope, 33
how to make a, 33
how to use a, 34
Dimorphism in precious stones, 25
Double cabochon-cut stones, 65
refraction (see "Refraction")
Doublets, 72
Electric and magnetic influences, 57
experiments with precious stones and pithball and electroscope, 57
experiments with tourmaline, 58, 59
Emerald, 10, 11, 95, 96
oriental, 85
En cabochon-cut stones, 64
Experiments to show electric polarity, 58, 59
Facets in stones, description of the, 67, 68
Feminine stones, 85
Fire in stones (see also "Change of Colour," "Opalescence," and "Play of Colour"), 36, 37
Fire opal, 35
Flame-coloured stones, list of, 76
Flaws, 63
Formation of precious stones, 5, 8
chemical illustration of, 8, 9
Garnet, 11, 100
(A) iron-alumina (called also almandine and precious or oriental garnet), 101
sub-variety, common garnet, 101
(B) lime-iron, 101
sub-variety aplome, 101
melanite, 101
pyreneite, 101
topazolite, 101
(C) lime-chrome, 101, 102
sub-variety uwarowite, 101, 102
(D) lime-alumina, 102
sub-variety cinnamon stone, 102
romanzovite, 102
succinite, 102
(E) magnesia-alumina, 102, 103
sub-variety carbuncle, or anthrax, 102, 103
noble, 103
pyrope, 102
(F) manganese-alumina, 103
sub-variety spessartine, or spessartite, 103
Girdle portion of a stone, 66
Glimmering, in lustre, definition of, 29
Glinting, or glistening in lustre, definition of, 29
Goutte de suif-cut stones, 65
Great Mogul diamond, 64
Green stones, list of, 78
Groups of crystals (see "Crystals")
Hardness, physical properties of, 39
table of, 39, 40, 41
Heat indexes, 54
physical properties of, 52
Hollow-cabochon, 65
Hyacinth, ordinary (a form of zircon), 85, 98
oriental, 85
Hyalite (opal), 35
Hydrophane (opal), 35
Imitations and tests of precious stones, 70
Indigo sapphires, 86
Ink sapphires, 85
Iridescence, and cause of, 37, 38
Iron-alumina garnets, 101
Jacinth, oriental, 85
Jarcon, or jargoon, 98
Koh-i-nÛr, 64
Lapis-lazuli, 103
Light, physical properties of, 26
Lime-alumina garnets, 102
cinnamon stone, 102
romanzovite, 102
succinite, 102
Lime-chrome garnets, 101, 102
uwarowite, 101, 102
Lime-iron garnets, 101
aplome, 101
pyreneite, 101
topazolite, 101
List of stones according to colour, 75-79
hardness, 39-41
specific gravity, 48-50
Lustre, 26, 28
Lustreless, definition of, 29
Lynx-eye stones, 87
Magnesia-alumina garnets, 102, 103
carbuncle, or anthrax, 102
noble, 103
pyrope, 102
Magnetic and electric influences, 57-61
Malachite, 11
Manganese-alumina garnets, 103
spessartine, or spessartite, 103
Masculine stones, 85
Melanite, 101
Menilite (opal), 36
Metallic-lustre stones, 28, 29
Mohs's table of hardness, 39-41
Noble garnet, 103
or precious opal, 35
Non-diaphanous stones, 28
Odontolite, 106
Olivine corundum (see "Chrysolite"), 85
Opal, 11
varieties of, 35, 36
Opalescence (not to be confused with "Change of Colour" and "Play of Colour," which see; see also "Fire"), 36, 37
Oriental amethyst, 85
cat's eye (see "Cat's eye")
emerald, 85
garnet, 101
topaz, 85
Origin of precious stones, 7
Paste, or strass, for imitation stones, composition of, 71
Pavilion portion of cut stones, 66
Pearly-lustre stones, 28, 29
Peridot (see "Noble Chrysolite"), 85
Pink-coloured stones, list of (see also Red), 77
Pinked topaz, 92
Phosphorescence, 26, 30
Physical properties:—
A.—Crystalline structure, 13
B.—Cleavage, 19
C.—Light, 26
D.—Colour, 32
E.—Hardness, 39
F.—Specific gravity, 45
G.—Heat, 52
H.—Magnetic and electric influences, 57
Play of colour (not to be confused with "Change of Colour" and "Opalescence," which see; see also "Fire"), 36, 37
Pleochroism, 33
Polarisation, electric, 58, 59
of light, 26, 27
Polariscope, 27, 28
Polishing precious stones, 3, 4
Polymorphism in precious stones, 25
Precious, or noble opal, 35
Pseudomorphism in precious stones, 23, 24
Pyreneite, 101
Pyro-electricity, development and behaviour of, 58-60
Pyrope, 102
Qualities of precious stones, 1, 3