- 1. Diagram of regular pentamerous flower 4
- 2. Cohesion of branch Dipsacus sylvestris 10
- 3. Fasciated lettuce ('Gard. Chron.') 11
- 4. Fasciation in Asparagus 12
- 5. Fasciation in Pinus Pinaster 13
- 6. Fasciation and spiral torsion in Asparagus ('Gard. Chron.') 14
- 7. Fasciation in scape of dandelion 16
- 8. Pitcher on leaf of Pelargonium 22
- 9. Transition from flat to tubular segments of the perianth in Eranthis 24
- 10. Pitcher of Crassula arborescens (C. Morren) 26
- 11. Gamopetalous corolla, Papaver bracteatum 28
- 12. Adhesion of petaloid stamen to segment of perianth, Crocus 35
- 13. Adhesion of petal, stamen and carpel, Cheiranthus Cheiri 36
- 14. Synanthy. Campanula Medium ('Gard. Chron.') 37
- 15, 16. Synanthic flowers of Calanthe vestita 39
- 17. Synanthy in Digitalis purpurea ('Gard. Chron.') 40
- 18. Synanthy in Calceolaria 41
- 19, 20. Syncarpic apples 47
- 21. Adhesion of two stems of oak ('Gard. Chron.') 51
- 22. Adhesion of branches of elm ('Gard. Chron.') 52
- 23. Adhesion of two roots of carrot, one white, the other red ('Gard. Chron.') 53
- 24. Section through inverted and adherent mushrooms 54
- 25. Bifurcated male catkin, Cedrus Libani 61
- 26. Bifurcated leaf, Lamium album 62
- 27. Bifurcated leaf, Pelargonium 63
- 28. Bifurcated frond, Scolopendrium 64
- 29. Three-lobed lip of Oncidium 68
- 30. Dialysis of corolla in Correa 71
- 31. Dialysis of corolla in Campanula (De Candolle) 72
- 32. Anomalous form of orange 74
- 33, 34. Disjoined carpels of orange (Maout) 75
- 35. Proliferous rose (Bell Salter) 78
- 36, 37. Apple flower, with detached calyx, &c. 79
- 38. Flower of Œnanthe crocata, with detached calyx, &c. 80
- 39. Anomalous bulbs of tulip 85
- 40. Displaced leaf of Gesnera (C. Morren) 88
- 41. Leaves of Pinus pinea 89
- 42. Deranged leaves of yew 90
- 43. Cohesion of sepals and displacement of parts of Oncidium cucullatum 92
- 44. Malformed flower of Cypripedium 93
- 45. Diagram of the same 93
- 46. Diagram of natural structure in Cypripedium 93
- 47. Diagram of malformed flower of Lycaste Skinneri 93
- 48. Diagram of malformed flower of Dendrobium nobile 94
- 49. Natural arrangement in same flower
- 186. Multiplication of parts of flower in a plum ('Gard. Chron.') 366
- 187. Wheat-ear carnation 372
- 188. Multiplication of bracts in Delphinium Consolida 373
- 189. Multiplication of bracts in Pelargonium 373
- 190. Double white lily 376
- 191. Double flower of Campanula rotundifolia 378
- 192. Diagram of usual arrangement of parts in Orchis (Darwin) 381
- 193. Diagram of malformed flower of Ophrys aranifera 385
- 194. Malformed flower of Ophrys aranifera 385
- 195. Diagram of malformed flower of Orchis mascula (Cramer) 386
- 196. Multiplication of carpels, Tulip 388
- 197. Section of St. Valery apple 388
- 198. Regular dimerous flower of Calanthe vestita 402
- 199. Regular dimerous flower of Odontoglossum AlexandrÆ 402
- 200. Hypertrophied branch of Pelargonium 418
- 201. Tubers in the axils of leaves of the potato 420
- 202. Hypertrophied pedicels of ash 421
- 203, 204. Hypertrophy and elongation of flower-stalk, &c., in pears 422, 423
- 205. Hypertrophied perianth, Cocos nucifera 428
- 206. Elongation of flower-stalk, Ranunculus acris 436
- 207. Linear leaf-lobes of parsley 438
- 208. Passage of pinnate to palmate leaves in horse-chestnut 439
- 209. Elongation of thalamus, apostasis, &c., in flower of Delphinium (Cramer) 441
- 210. Adventitious growths from cabbage leaf 445
- 211. Crested fronds of Nephrodium molle 447
- 212. Supernumerary petals, &c., Datura fastuosa 450
- 213. Supernumerary petaloid segments in flower of Gloxinia 451
- 214. Catacorolla of Gloxinia (E. Morren) 452
- 215. Atrophied leaves of cabbage 460
- 216. Abortion of petals, pansy 461
- 217. Flower of Oncidium abortivum 462
- 218. Bladder plum 464