A. - Abortion, 455, 467
- Acaulescence, 393
- Acaulosia, 393, 456
- Acheilary, 398
- Adesiny, 58, 76
- Adhesion, 32
- of axes, 50, 55
- embryos, 56
- leaves, 33
- parts of flower, 34
- roots, 53
- Adventitious buds, 156, 176
- Albinism, 337
- Alternation, 3, 485
- Androecium, enlargement of, 430
- meiophylly of, 398
- meiotaxy of, 405
- of orchids, 380
- pleiotaxy of, 379
- polyphylly of, 361
- Androgynism, 193
- Anther (see connective), contabescence of, 463
- morphology of, 291
- ovuliferous, 200
- petalody of, 291
- sutures of, 291
- Apilary, 397
- Apostasis, 440
- Aphylly, 395
- Arrangement, 1
- Ascidia, 30, 313
- bibliography, 30
- plants with, 30
- Atrophy, 454 (see abortion)
- Antophyllogeny, 355
- Avalidouires (vines), 211
- Axes, abortion of, 455
- adhesion of, 50, 55
- cohesion of, 9
- enation from, 444
- enlargement of, 418
- fission of, 60
- suppression of, 398
- Axile organs, see Axes
B. - Barley, Nepaul, 174
- Bigarades cornues, 303
- Bladder-plums, 465
- Bracts, multiplication of, 358
- staminody of, 298
- phyllody of, 242
- Buds, adventitious on fruits, 178
- on leaves, 170, 174
- in ovary, 180
- on petals, 177
- in pith, 171
- on roots, 160 (see flower-buds, prolification)
- variations of, 336
- Bulbs, displacement of, 84
- Burrs, 347, 420
C. - Catacorolla, 450
- Calycanthemy, 283
- Calyphyomy, 34
- Calyx, abortion of, 461
- dialysis of, 70
- meiophylly of, 396
- meiotaxy of, 403
- obsolete, 460
- petalody of, 283
- pleiotaxy of, 374
- polyphylly of, 359
- solution of from ovary, 77
- Calyx-tube, 394, 480, 509
- Carnation wheat-ear, 371
- Carpels (see Pistil, Fruit, Ovary), adventitious, 182
- dialysis of, 73
- enation from, 453
- fission of, 68
- in ovary, 182
- Cauliflower, 421
- Cenanthy, 408
- Chloranthy, 273, 279
- bibliography, 280
- remarks on, 279
- plants subject to, 280
- Chorisis, 59, 343
- Chromatism, 339
- Cladodes, 328
- Classification, teratology in relation to, 488
- Cohesion of leaves, 21, 25
- of petals, 28
- pistils, 29
- sepals, 27
- stamens, 29
- stems, 9
- Colour, alterations of, 337
- Columella, 395
- ConiferÆ, leaves of, 217, 352, 484
- Compensation, 488
- Connective, petalody of, 293
- Consistence, alterations of, 432
- Contabescence, 463
- Contortion, 317
- Co-relation, 486
- Cornute leaves, 328
- Corolla, abortion of, 461
- dialysis of, 71
- duplicate, 376
- hose in hose, 377
- meiophylly of, 397
- meiotaxy of, 403
- pleiotaxy of, 374
- polyphylly of, 359
- virescence of, 338
- Cotyledons, increased number of, 370
- Cuttings, formation of, 159
D. E. - Ecblastesis, 107, 138
- Elongation, 433
- of parts of flower, 438
- flower-stalks, 435
- inflorescence, 434
- leaves, 437
- nucleus of ovule, 269
- placenta, 440
- receptacle, 440
- root, 434
- thalamus, 440
- Embryos, adhesion of, 56
- Enation, 443
- Enlargement, 417
- Epanody, 226
- Epistrophy, 226
- Etiolation, 337
- Eversion, 204
- Excrescences, 444 (see Enation)
F. - Fasciation, 11
- plants affected with, 20, 508
- Fastigiation, 202
- Ferns, crested, 63, 447
- depauperated, 466
- exindusiate, 467
- supra-soriferous, 189
- Filaments, see Stamens
- Finger and toe, 69
- Fission, 59
- of carpels, 68
- plants, subject to, 66
- of petals, 66
- stem-organs, 60
- stamens, 68
- Flattening, 328
- Floral organs, displacement of, 91
- elongation of, 439
- metamorphy of, 281
- Florets, increased number of, 351, 390
- Flowers, adventitious, 174
- on fruits, 177
- on leaves, 174
- in ovary, 180
- on petals, 177
- on spines, 177
- apetalous, 404
- double, 490, 510
- hermaphrodite, 196
- homomorphic, 188
- increased number of, 390
- mutilated, 403
- unisexual, 193
- Flower-stalk, enlargement of, 421
- Flower-bud (see Prolification), replaced by leaves or scales, 164
- in place of leaf-buds, 176
- Foliar organs (see leaves), adhesion of, 32
- Foliar organs, cohesion of, 21, 25
- enation from, 445
- fission of, 61
- suppression of, 396
- Form, alterations of, 213
- juvenile, persistence of, 217
- Frondescence, 241, 279, see Phyllody, Virescence
- Fruit, adhesion of, 44
G. - GemmÆ, formation of, 173
- Glands, formation of, 473
- Gnaurs, 158, 347, 417, 419
- Grafting, 53, 56
- Greffe des Charlatans, 56
- Growth interrupted, 327
- Gymnaxony, 211
- Gynantherus, 305
- Gynoecium (see pistils)
- enlargement of, 430
- meiophylly of, 399
- meiotaxy of, 406
- pleiotaxy of, 388
- polyphylly of, 363
- suppression of, 406
H. - Hairs, formation of, 472
- Hermaphroditism, 197
- Heterogamy, 190
- Heteromorphy, 311
- Heterophylly, 330
- Heterotaxy, 156
- Homology, 476
- Homomorphy, 188
- Hose in hose corollas, 291, 377
- Hypertrophy, 415, see Enlargement
I. - Independence, 58
- Indusium, abortion of, 467
- Inflorescence, displacement of, 84
- elongation of, 434
- prolification of, 102, 115
- Interrupted growth, 327
- Inversion of organs, 206
- Irregularity, 213
- Irregular growth, 228
K. - Knaurs, (see gnaurs)
- Kail, 426
L. - Laciniation, see fission
- Layering, 156
- Leaders, formation of, 203
- Leaf-sheath, 477
- Leaves, see foliar organs
- abortion of, 458
- adhesion of,
- by surfaces, 33
- to stem, 34
- adventitious, 162-165, 509
- cornute, 328
- displacement of, 86
- elongation of, 437
- enlargement of, 421
- frondiferous, 355
- geminate, 352
- multiplication of, 358
- nature of, 477
- palmate-passage of to pinnate, 439
- spiral torsion of, 326
- supernumerary, 353
- Lily, double white, 375
M. - Meiotaxy of androecium, 405
- Meiophylly of androecium, 398
- Mellarose, 134
- Metaphery, 91
- Metamorphy, 239, 281
- calycanthemy, 283
- chloranthy, 273
- petalody, 283
- phyllody, 241
- pistillody, 302
- sepalody, 282
- staminody, 298
- Mischomany, 348
- Monadelphia, 29
- Monoecious, 192, 193, 509
- Monosy, 58
- Morphology, 479
- Multiplication, see pleiotaxy, pleiophylly
N. - Nepaul Barley, 174
- Number, alterations of, 341
O. - Orchids, androecium of, 380
- Organs, rudimentary, see Atrophy
- Ovary, inferior, nature of, 394, 482
- solution from calyx, 77
- stamens in, 184
- Ovules, abortion of, 466
- increase of, 367
- in place of pollen, 200
- polliniferous, 183
- petalody of, 297
- phyllody of, 262
- pistillody of, 310
- suppression of, 407
- malformations of, 262
- bibliography of, 272
P. - Parasitical plants, 55
- Peduncles, elongation of, 435
- Peloria, 207, 228
- Perianth, abortion of, 460
- enlargement of, 428
- meiophylly of, 396
- pistillody of, 303
- pleiotaxy of, 375
- Persistence, xxxvi adnot., 217
- Petalody, 283
- of accessory organs, 297
- plants, subject to, 295
- Petals, cohesion of, 28
- enation from, 448
- fission of, 66
- phyllody of, 251
- staminody of, 298
- tubular, 23, 314
- Phyllode, 328
- Phyllody, 240 (see Virescence, Chloranthy)
- of accessory organs, 272
- in Conifers, 245
- of corolla, 251
- of ovules, 262
- pistils, 256
- stamens, 253
- Phyllomania, 352
- Phyllomorphy, see Phyllody
- Phyllotaxy, 1, 320
- Pistil, abortion of, 464
- cohesion of, 29
- petalody of, 296
- staminody of, 298
- Pistillody, 302
- Pitchers, 30, 313, 509, see Ascidia
- Placentation, changes in, 96, 508
- bibliography, 100
- nature of, 483
- Placenta, elongation of, 439
- Pleiomorphy, 228
- Pleiophylly, 353
- Pleiotaxy, 371
- Plien, 346
- Plymouth Strawberry, 275
- Polyadelphia, 29
- Pollen in ovules, 183
- abortion of, 463
- replaced by ovules, 200
- Polyclady, 346
- Polycotyledony, 370
- Polyembryony, 369
- Polymorphy, 328
- Polyphylly of androecium, 361
- of calyx, 350
- corolla, 359
- plants subject to, 360
- of flower, 363
- Polyphylly, bibliography, 364
- Position, changes of, 83
- Prolification, 100
- axillary, 138
- foliar, 141
- floral, 142
- plants affected with, 148
- bibliography of, 154
- complicated, 151
- of embryo, 155
- of flower, 115
- coincident changes, 128
- median foliar, 116
- median floral, 119, 508
- plants affected with, 137
- of fruit, 134
- inflorescence, 102
- bibliography, 115
- median foliar, 103
- median floral, 105
- lateral floral, 107
- lateral foliar, 106
R. S. - Saint Valery Apple, 135, 282, 304, 375, 388
- Savoys, 426
- Scales, formation of, 164, 448, 470
- Scape, leaves on, 163
- Seeds, abortion of, 407
- Sepals, adhesion of, to petals, 34
- cohesion of, 27
- enation from, 448
- phyllody of, 243
- pistillody of, 303
- staminody of, 298
- Sepalody, 282
- Separation, 58
- Sex, changes of, 190, 509
- Shamrock, four-leaved, 356
- Shoots below cotyledons, 167; see Leaders
- Size, alterations in, 411
- Solenaidie, 21, 316
- Solution, 59, 76
- bibliography, 82
- of calyx, 77
- of stamens, 82
- Spathes, increased number of, 357
- Speiranthy, 91, 325
- Spiral torsion, 319
- plants subject to, 325
- of leaf, 326
- of receptacle, 324
- Spines, 456
- Sports, 336
- Spurs, formation of, 228, 315
- Stamens, see Androecium
- abortion of, 463
- adhesion of, 34, 35
- cohesion of, 29
- compound, 294, 345
- dialysis, 73
- enation from, 453
- fission of, 68
- in ovary, 183
- petalody of, 283
- phyllody of, 253
- pistillody of, 303
- tubular, 316
- Staminody, of accessory organs, 301
- Stasimorphy, 216
- Stem, see axes
- Stipules, increased number of, 357
- Strawberry, Plymouth, 275
- Suppression, 393
- of androecium, 405
- flower, 408
- foliar organs, 395
- Suppression of ovules, 407
- Symmetry, 213
- Synanthy, 37
- bibliography, 45
- plants subject to, 44, 508
- Syncarpy, 45
- Syngenesia, 29
- Synophty, 57
- Synspermy, 50
T. - Tendrils, adventitious, 326
- Thalamus, see Receptacle
- Thorns, 456
- Torsion spiral, 319
- Tubers, 421
- Tubes, formation of, 312, 509 (see Ascidia, Solenaidy, Spurs)
- Tubular petals, 314
U. - Union, 8
- Unisexuality, 195
- Uovoli, 420
V. - Varieties, dwarf, 411
- Venation, 338
- Virescence, 338
- Viviparous plants, 106, 168
W. - Warts, 444
- Wheat-ear carnation, 371