I arise in the silence of the dawn hour. And softly steal out to the garden Under the Favrile goblet of the dawning. And a wind moves out of the south-land, Like a film of silver, And thrills with a far borne message The flowers of the garden. Poppies untie their scarlet hoods and wave them To the south wind as he passes. But the zinnias and calendulas, In a mood of calm reserve, nod faintly As the south wind whispers the secret Of the dawn hour! I stand in the silence of the dawn hour In the garden, As the star of morning fades. Flying from scythes of air The hare-bells, purples and golden glow On the sand-hill back of the orchard Race before the feet of the wind. But clusters of oak-leaves over the yellow sand rim Begin to flutter and glisten. And in a moment, in a twinkled passion, The blazing rapiers of the sun are flashed, As he fences the lilac lights of the sky, And drives them up where the ice of the melting moon Is drowned in the waste of morning!
In the silence of the garden, At the dawn hour I turn and see you— You who knew and followed, You who knew the dawn hour, And its sky like a Favrile goblet. You who knew the south-wind Bearing the secret of the morning To waking gardens, fields and forests. You in a gown of green, O footed Iris, With eyes of dryad gray, And the blown glory of unawakened tresses— A phantom sprung out of the garden's enchantment, In the silence of the dawn hour!
And here I behold you Amid a trance of color, silent music, The embodied spirit of the morning: Wind from the south-land, flashing beams of the sun Caught in the twinkling oak leaves: Poppies who wave their untied hoods to the south wind; And the imperious bows of zinnias and calendulas; The star of morning drowned, and lights of lilac Turned white for the woe of the moon; And the silence of the dawn hour!
And there to take you in my arms and feel you In the glory of the dawn hour, Along the sinuous rhythm of flesh and flesh! To know your spirit by that oneness Of living and of love, in the twinkled passion Of life re-lit and visioned. In dryad eyes beholding The dancing, leaping, touching hands and racing Rapturous moment of the arisen sun; And the first drop of day out of this cup of Favrile. There to behold you, Our spirits lost together In the silence of the dawn hour!