Eagle, whose fearless Flight in vast spaces Clove the inane, While we stood tearless, White with rapt faces In wonder and pain. ... Heights could not awe you, Depths could not stay you. Anguished we saw you, Saw Death way-lay you Where the storm flings Black clouds to thicken Round France's defender! Archangel stricken From ramparts of splendor— Shattered your wings! ... But Lafayette called you, Rochambeau beckoned. Duty enthralled you. For France you had reckoned Her gift and your debt. Dull hearts could harden Half-gods could palter. For you never pardon If Liberty's altar You chanced to forget. ... Stricken archangel! Ramparts of splendor Keep you, evangel Of souls who surrender No banner unfurled For ties ever living, Where Freedom has bound them. Praise and thanksgiving For love which has crowned them— Love frees the world! ...