Deities! Inexorable revealers, Give me strength to endure The gifts of the Muses, Daughters of Memory. When the sky is blue as Minerva's eyes Let me stand unshaken; When the sea sings to the rising sun Let me be unafraid; When the meadow lark falls like a meteor Through the light of afternoon, An unloosened fountain of rapture, Keep my heart from spilling Its vital power; When at the dawn The dim souls of crocuses hear the calls Of waking birds, Give me to live but master the loveliness. Keep my eyes unharmed from splendors Unveiled by you, And my ears at peace Filled no less with the music Of Passion and Pain, growth and change. ***** But O ye sacred and terrible powers, Reckless of my mortality, Strengthen me to behold a face, To know the spirit of a beloved one Yet to endure, yet to dare! |