I shall go down into this land Of the great Northwest: This land of the free ordinance, This land made free for the free By the patriarchs. ***** Shall it be Michigan, Or Illinois, Or Indiana? These are my people, These are my lovers, my friends— Mingle my dust with theirs, Ye sacred powers! ***** Clouds, like convoys on infinite missions, Bound for infinite harbors Float over the length of this land. And in the centuries to come The rocks and trees of this land will turn, These fields and hills will turn Under unending convoys of clouds— O ye clouds! Drench my dust and mingle it With the dust of the pioneers; My mates, my friends, Toilers and sufferers, Builders and dreamers, Lovers of freedom. ***** O Earth that looks into space, As a man in sleep looks up, And is voiceless, at peace, Divining the secret— I shall know the secret When I go down into this land Of the great Northwest! ***** Draw my dust With the dust of my beloved Into the substance of a great rock, Upon whose point a planet flames, Nightly, in a thrilling moment Of divine revelation Through endless time! |