List of Illustrations

1. Edinburgh from Calton Hill Frontispiece
2. The Castle from the Esplanade 8
3. The Castle from the Terrace of Heriot’s Hospital 16
4. Edinburgh from the Castle 22
5. Holyrood Palace from the Public Gardens under Calton Hill 30
6. The Apartments of Mary Queen of Scots in Holyrood Palace 40
7. St. Giles’s Cathedral from the Lawnmarket 46
8. St. Giles’s Cathedral from the Courts 54
9. John Knox’s House, High Street 62
10. Lady Stair’s Close 70
11. The Canongate Tolbooth, looking West 80
12. North Front of George Heriot’s Hospital 84
13. Quadrangle of George Heriot’s Hospital 90
14. The Martyrs’ Monument in the Graveyard, Greyfriars’ 96
15. Old Houses in Canongate 108
16. Princes Street from the Steps of the New Club 120
17. The High School and Burns’s Monument from Jeffrey Street 130
18. Sir Walter Scott’s Monument from the East Princes Street Gardens 154
19. Arthur’s Seat from the Braid Hills 160
20. The Water of Leith from Dean Bridge 162
21. The National Monument on Calton Hill 166

The Illustrations in this volume were engraved in England by the
Hentschel Colourtype Process.


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