——but to persÉver In obstinate condolement. Gifford.
——"Soldier, I had arms, Had neighing steeds to whirl my iron cars, Had wealth, dominions: dost thou wonder, Roman, I fought to save them? What if CÆsar aims To lord it universal o'er the world, Shall the world tamely crouch to CÆsar's footstool?" Gifford. Res dura, et novitas regni me talia cogunt Moliri, &c. Gifford.
Filius huic Veneris; figat tuus omnia, Phoebe, Te meus arcus, ait:—Parnassi constitit arce, Eque sagittifera promsit duo tela pharetra Diversorum operum; fugat hoc, facit illud amorem. Quod facit, auratum est, et cuspide fulget acuta; Quod fugat, obtusum est, et habet sub arundine plumbum. Met. lib. i. 470. Gifford.
"Not an angel of the air, Bird melodious, or bird fair," &c. Two Noble Kinsmen. Gifford.
"Page. There be squibs, sir, running upon lines, like some of our gawdy gallants," &c.—Gifford. "Thy cunning engines have with labour raised My heavy anger, like a mighty weight, To fall and pash thee." Gifford. In this country the bandog was kept to bait bears: with the decline of that sport, perhaps, the animal fell into disuse, as he was too ferocious for any domestic purpose. Mr. Gilchrist has furnished me with a curious passage from Laneham, which renders any further details on the subject unnecessary. "On the syxth day of her Majestyes cumming, a great sort of bandogs whear thear tyed in the utter coourt, and thyrteen bears in the inner. Whoosoever made the pannel, thear wear enoow for a queast, and one for a challenge and need wear. A wight of great wisdoom and gravitie seemed their foreman to be, had it cum to a jury: but it fell oout that they wear causd to appeer thear upon no such matter, but onlie too onswear too an auncient quarrele between them and the bandogs," &c. Queen Elizabeth's Entertainment at Killingwoorth Castle, in 1575.—Gifford.
Missa peregrinis sparguntur vulnera nervis, Et manus ignoto sÆvit utrinque malo. Irrita Mors arcus validi molimina damnat, Plorat Amor teneras tam valuisse manus; Foedabant juvenes primus in pulvere malas Oscula quas, heu, ad blanda vocabat Amor. Canicies vernis florebat multa corollis Persephone crinem vulserat unde sibi. Quid facerent? falsas procul abjecere sagittas, De pharetra jaculum prompsit uterque novum. Res bona! sed virus pueri penetravit in arcum; Ex illo miseros tot dedit ille neci. Lib. ii. Eleg. 6. The fable, however, is very ancient.—Gifford. "Cold there compels no use of rugged furs, Nor makes the mountains barren; there's no dog To rage, and scorch the land. Spring's always there, And paints the valleys; whilst a temperate air Sweeps their embroider'd face with his curl'd gales, And breathes perfumes:—there night doth never spread Her ebon wings: but daylight's always there, And one blest season crowns the eternal year." Gifford.
If Caponi, as well as Iago, be not, however, too severe upon us, it must be confessed that our ancestors were apt scholars, and soon bettered the instructions which they received. Sir Richard Baker (as Mr. Gilchrist observes), treating of the wars in the Low-Countries about the end of the sixteenth century, says, "Here it must not be omitted, that the English (who, of all the dwellers in the northern parts of the world, were hitherto the least drinkers, and deservedly praised for their sobriety) in these Dutch wars learned to be drunkards, and brought the vice so far to overspread the kingdom, that laws were fain to be enacted for repressing it." Chron. fol. p. 382.—Gifford.
Ridet hoc, inquam, Venus ipsa. It would be as well if the queen of love had been a little more fastidious on this subject. Her facility, I fear, has done much mischief, as lovers of all ages have availed themselves of it: but she had it from her father, whose laxity of principle is well known: —————perjuria ridet amantÛm Jupiter. Gifford.
It seems to have been the opinion of Massinger and his fellow dramatists, that no play could succeed without the admission of some kind of farcical interlude among the graver scenes. If the dramas of our author be intimately considered, few will be found without some extraneous mummery of this description; and, indeed, nothing but a persuasion of the nature which I have just mentioned could give birth to the poor mockery before us. As a trick, it is so gross and palpable, that the duke could not have been deceived by it for a moment; (to do him justice, he frequently hints his suspicions;) and as a piece of humour, it is so low, and even disagreeable, that I cannot avoid regretting a proper regard for his characters had not prevented the author from adopting it on the present occasion.—Gifford.
Surely Massinger intended that his characters should here be understood as speaking the truth. The contrivance by which he exculpates Giovanni is a clumsy one; but he was anxious to conclude his play, and took the first that suggested itself. Awkward as it may appear to the reader, it has, perhaps, quite enough dramatic probability to satisfy an audience.
Marina. The more my fault, To scape his hands, where I was like to die." Pericles, Act IV. sc. iii.
Paulum sepultÆ distat inertiÆ Celata virtus. The last line of the text alludes to the Latin adage Non progredi est regredi.—Gifford.
In the ProËme to Herbert's Travels, which were printed not long after The Maid of Honour, a similar expression is found: "Great Britaine—containes the summe and abridge of all sorts of excellencies, met here like parallels in their proper centre." In the life of Dr. H. More (1710) there is a letter to a correspondent who had sent him a pious treatise, in which the same expression occurs, and is thus noticed by the doctor: "There is but one passage that I remember, which will afford them (the profane and atheistical rout of the age) a disingenuous satisfaction; which is in p. 489, where you say that straight lines drawn from the centre run parallel together. To a candid reader your intended sense can be no other than that they run pa? a????a?, that is, by one another; which they may do, though they do not run all along equidistantly one by another, which is the mathematical sense of the word parallel."—Gent. Mag. May, 1782. The good doctor is, I think, the best critic on the subject that has yet appeared, and sufficiently explains Massinger.—Gifford.