| Page | Preface | iii | Introduction | 339 | Ethnographic background | 339 | The site | 341 | The burials | 341 | Artifacts | 341 | Stone | 341 | Bone | 342 | Shell | 342 | Midden potsherds | 343 | Wood | 343 | Cordage and textiles | 345 | Simplest uses of prepared cord | 345 | Haftings | 346 | Matting | 346 | Netting | 347 | Feathered apron or cape | 349 | Human hair cape | 349 | Tump band | 350 | Cotton cloth | 351 | Summary and conclusions | 351 | Bibliography | 352 | Explanation of plates | 356 | | | MAPS | 1. Baja California, showing location of BahÍa de Los Angeles | 339 | 2. Linguistic groups of Baja California | 340 | | | FIGURES | 1. Detail of arrow or dart (139587), showing sting-ray | | spine point and cuplike depression at butt end | 344 | 2. Tie-twined matting technique | 346 | 3. Square-knot technique | 347 | 4. Method of beginning hairnets and carrying nets | 347 | 5. Detail of lower, fitted edge of hairnet | 348 | 6. Detail of lower, gathered edge of carrying net | 348 | 7. Detail showing insertion of feathers in hitches of | | carrying net | 349 |
image Map 1. Baja California, showing location of BahÍa de Los Angeles.