  1. A. Gills separating spontaneously, or very easily from flesh of pileus.

    Paxillus. Margin of pileus persistently involute; gills decurrent or adnato-decurrent.

  2. B. Gills not separating spontaneously, nor easily from flesh of pileus.
    1. * Stem furnished with a volva, or an interwoven ring, or with both.

      Locellina. Volva and ring both present.

      Pholiota. Ring alone present.

    2. ** Volva and ring both absent.
      1. + Stem central.

        Pluteolus. Gills free.

        Bolbitius. Pileus membranaceous; gills deliquescent at maturity.

        Inocybe. Stem fleshy, fibrous externally; pileus fibrillose or scaly; gills sinuato-adnexed.

        Hebeloma. Stem fleshy, fibrous externally; pileus glabrous, viscid; gills sinuato-adnexed.

        Naucoria. Stem cartilaginous externally; edge of pileus incurved at first; gills adnexed or adnate.

        Galera. Stem cartilaginous externally; edge of pileus straight at first; gills adnexed or adnate, often with a decurrent tooth.

        Tubaria. Stem cartilaginous externally; gills broadest behind, decurrent or adnato-decurrent.

        Flammula. Stem fleshy, fibrous externally; gills adnate or decurrent.

        Cortinarius. Universal veil cobweb-like, not forming an interwoven ring, often collapsing and forming a ring-like zone on the stem; stem fleshy, fibrous.

      2. ++ Stem excentric or absent.



  1. A. Lepista. Pileus entire, central.

    [sordarius, Fr. P. convexo-gibbous then plano-depr. dingy white, edge at length spreading and sulcate; g. adnate, crowded; s. spongy-stuffed, equal, striate, greyish white; sp. 8 × 6.

    Alexandri, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. compact, plane then depr. dry, fawn, edge strongly incurved; g. subdecur. yellowish; s. 1-2 cm. stout; sp. 4-5 × 2-3.

    lepista, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. plano-depr. dry, dingy white, edge incurved, even, naked; g. deeply decur. rather branched, crowded, whitish; s. solid, stout, pallid; sp. 8 × 6.

    Differs from large sp. of Clitocybe by strongly incurved p. and dingy spores.

    extenuatus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. rigid, campan. exp. naked, glabrous, moist, brownish tan, edge incurved, downy, even; g. deeply decur. closely crowded, white then dingy; s. 3-5 cm. solid, base tuberous, rooting; sp. ——.

    panaeolus, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. thin, exp. subdepr. glabrous, moist, white, edge incurved, thin; g. slightly decur. crowded, narrow, pale rusty; s. 2-3 cm. rufescent, thickened below; sp. subg. 5.

    var. spilomaeolus, Fr. P. with drop-like spots; s. slender, yellowish white; g. pale rusty.

    [nitens, Lamb. P. convex, fleshy, glutinous in damp weather, shining and velvety when dry, yellow-brown, edge incurved, paler; g. free, sinuate, closely crowded, becoming olive-brown; s. reddish-yellow, base darker.

    orcelloides, Cke. and Mass. P. 2-4 cm. thin, exp. snow-white then with greyish blotches, edge incurved; g. adnato-decur. white then brownish; s. 2-3 cm. tapering to base, ochre; sp. 8 × 4.

    Differs from P. panaeolus in tapering stem and sp.

    lividus, Cke. P. 2-5 cm. convex, disc depr. margin arched and incurved, dingy white or livid ochre; g. decur. broad, white; s. 6-9 cm. narrowed downwards, white; sp. glob. 3-3.5, whitish.

    Probably a sp. of Clitocybe.

    revolutus, Cke. P. 2-3 cm. convex, pale ochre, edge thin, sometimes tinged lilac, a little upturned; g. deeply decur. pale tan; s. 2-3 cm. narrowed downwards, paler than p., often tinged violet at base; sp. glob. 3.5-4.

    Differs from P. lividus in deeply decur. coloured g.

  2. B. Tapinia. Pileus usually excentric or resupinate.

    involutus, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. convex then depr. moist, rusty orange, incurved edge downy, flesh pallid; g. branched, broad, anastomosing behind, dingy ochre; s. solid, firm, 3-4 cm.; sp. 8-12 × 5-6.

    var. excentricus, Fr. P. excentric; s. short, growing on wood.

    paradoxus, Cke. P. 2-6 cm. convex then exp. sometimes irreg. densely tomentose, rufous umber with purple tinge; g. decur. connected by veins, yellow; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillose, red and yellow; sp. 20-22 × 7-8.

    leptopus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. excentric, gibbous then depr. yellow-brown, torn into downy squamules, flesh yellow; g. simple, very narrow, yellowish then darker; s. 1-2 cm. solid, base narrowed; sp. 8-9 × 5.

    atrotomentosus, Fr. P. 6-12 cm. compact, excentric, gibbous then plano-infundib. dry, torn into granules, rusty; g. adnate, yellowish; s. solid, rooting, densely covered with blackish tomentum; sp. 5 × 3.

    [griseotomentosus, Fr. P. convexo-plane, gibbous, excentric, oblique, glabrous, tan, becoming rusty when bruised, edge incurved, downy; flesh watery; g. decur. broad, tan; s. stout, tuberous, velvety with grey down; sp. 9 long.

    [chrysophyllus, Trog. P. campan.-plane, horizontal, cracked into scales, pale cinnamon; g. decur. broad, white then citrin; s. short, ascending, pallid.

    crassus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. oblique, nearly plane and even, becoming rusty; g. rather distant, cinnamon; s. very short, excentric, ascending; sp. 15-18 × 7-8.

    Strongly suggests the genus Flammula.

    [ionipus, Q. P. 5-10 cm. shell-shaped, oboval or oblong, glabrous, straw-colour with a tinge of olive, narrowed into a short, bulbous, tomentose, amethyst or lilac stem; flesh soft, citrin; g. decur. transversely veined, branched, tinged olive then cinnamon; sp. 6-7 long.

    panuoides, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. shell-shaped, downy then glabrous, sessile becoming resupinate, dingy yellow; g. decur. crowded, branched, crisped, yellow; sp. 4-5 × 3-4.

    var. fagi, Cke. Gregarious, crisped; g. crisped, orange.

    [lamellirugis, D. C. P. 2-5 cm. resupinate, cup-shaped then shell-shaped, downy, yellow; g. decur. branched, wavy and crisped, alveolate at the base, saffron then cinnamon; sp. 6 long.

    Perhaps identical with P. panuoides.


Alexandri, Gill. P. convex, umb. viscid, yellowish-tan, appendiculate; g. adnato-decur. flesh-colour; s. slender, wavy, whitish, with a fibrillose cinnamon veil, base bulbous, volva torn at free edge.

acetabulosa, Sacc. (= Acetabularia acetabulosa, B.). P. 2-3 cm. tan, edge deeply striate; g. free, brown; s. 4-5 cm. white, hollow, volva small.


  1. A. Humigeni. Terrestrial, not attached to mosses; rarely caespitose.
    1. * Spores rusty.

      aurea, Matt. P. 8-14 cm. hemispher. exp. obtuse, somewhat velvety, pulverulent or obsoletely squamulose, golden tawny; g. adnexed, ventricose, paler than p.; s. 10-16 cm. stuffed, nearly equal, even; sp. 10 × 5.

      var. Vahlii, Schum. P. even, glabrous; g. almost free.

      caperata, Pers. P. 6-11 cm. ovate, exp. with incrusted white flecks, yellow; g. adnate, clay-colour; s. 8-14 cm. white, ring superior, thin, apex scaly; sp. 12 × 4-5.

      terrigena, Fr. (incl. P. Cookei, Fr.). P. 3-5 cm. exp. fibrillosely silky, dingy yellow; g. adnate, pale yellow rusty olive; s. 4-5 cm. equal, variegated with rusty wart-like scales; veil forming a ring and appendiculate; sp. 5 × 3. (10 × 4-6.)

      [Secretani, Fr. P. convex, exp. yellow with darker deciduous scales, then glabrous; g. adnate, golden then orange; s. solid, bulbous, floccosely squamulose below ring.

      erebia, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. glabrous, rather viscid, lurid umber then pale, edge striate; g. adnate; s. 3-4 cm. pallid, apical ring reflexed and striate; sp. ——.

      ombrophila, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. even, rusty, hygr.; g. ventricose; s. 6-9 cm. hollow, pallid, ring entire, distant; sp. 8 × 3.5. (13-14 × 6-7 Sacc.)

      var. brunneola, Fr. P. obtuse, brown; g. narrow.

      togularis, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. exp. even, pale ochre; g. yellowish; s. 6-9 cm. apex pale, ring median; sp. 8 × 3.5.

      var. filaris, Fr. P. thin, campan. exp. obtuse, even, ochre; g. adnate, ventricose, yellow then pale rusty; s. filiform, wavy, glabrous, pallid, ring entire, distant.

      Smaller than type, and s. not so yellow.

      blattaria, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. exp. subumb. rusty, hygr. edge striate; g. rounded and free, ventricose, cinnamon; s. 2-3 cm. equal, straight, rusty, ring white; sp. 4 × 2.

    2. ** Spores rusty-fuscous.

      dura, Bolton. P. 4-5 cm. rather compact, exp. glabrous, at length cracked into areolae, edge even, tawny then paler; g. adnate; s. 8-12 cm. hard, pale ochre, apex mealy, ring somewhat torn; sp. 8-9 × 5-6.

      var. xanthophylla, Bres. G. sulphur yellow then umber; sp. 12-14 × 7-8.

      praecox, Pers. P. 3-7 cm. soft, exp. obtuse, even, pallid tan; g. crowded, white then fuscescent; s. 4-9 cm. cylindrical, downy then glabrous, ring white; sp. 8-13 × 6-7.

      var. minor, Fr. Small; ring torn, appendiculate.

      [phragmatophylla, Guern. P. convex, depr. round broad umbo, maroon-bay then paler; g. narrow, adnato-decur. connected by numerous veins; s. tinged brown, squamulose, ring persistent, whitish.

      sphaleromorpha, Bull. P. 4-7 cm. yellowish, even, soon expanded; g. rather broad, slightly decur. dry, yellowish then tawny; s. 5-8 cm. silky, pale, base thickened, ring distant, membranous; sp. 10 × 7.

      [gibberosa, Fr. P. exp. dry, tan, umbo darker; g. quite free, closely crowded; s. slender, equal, white, ring torn.

  2. B. Truncigeni. Growing on wood, or epiphytic; often clustered.
    1. * Pileus naked, not scaly but usually rivulose; gills pallid then rufous or fuscous.

      radicosa, Bull. Smell strong. P. 4-9 cm. equal, obtuse, even, glabrous, spotted, pale greyish tan; g. free, ventricose; s. 8-14 cm. solid, rooting, mealy above, squarrosely scaly below ring; sp. 9 × 4.5.

      pudica, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. exp. even, dry, glabrous, whitish or tinged tawny; s. 3-5 cm. solid, even, whitish, ring spreading, persistent; sp. 6-7 × 3.5.

      leochroma, Cke. P. 3-6 cm. exp. glabrous, tawny; g. adnate; s. 6-9 cm. nearly equal, solid, whitish, ring sup. tawny; sp. ——.

      [radicellata, Gill. P. ovoid then convex, striate, deep yellow-ochre; g. numerous, slightly adnexed, colour of p.; s. white, ring fugacious, long rooting.

      capistrata, Cke. P. 3-5 cm. edge incurved, slightly striate, pale dingy yellow, rather viscid; g. subdecur.; s. 6-9 cm. equal, squamulose, whitish, ring sup. spreading; sp. ——.

      [cylindracea, D. C. P. convex-gibbous, even, glabrous, rather viscid, dingy yellow, disc darker; g. adnexed, crowded, whitish then rusty; s. equal, rigid, subsquamulose, whitish, ring persistent apical, white; sp. 8 × 5.

      aegerita, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. rivulose, rugulose, tawny, edge pale; g. adnate, pallid then fuscous; s. 8-14 cm. equal, silky-white, ring sup. tumid; sp. 10 × 5.

      [Brigantii, Fr. P. convex, white, reticulately sulcate then cracked into wart-like areolae, polygonal, apex truncate and fuscous; g. with decur. tooth; s. solid, equal, white with bay scales, ring apical subobsolete.

      luxurians, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex-gibbous then exp. unequal, silky then squamulose, pale then rufo-fuscous; g. decur. greyish flesh-colour then fuscous; s. 3-5 cm. white then tawny, solid, rigid, floccose, ring apical, imperfect; sp. 10 × 4.

    2. ** Pileus scaly, not hygr., gills becoming discoloured.
      1. + Gills pallid then fuscous, olive, clay-coloured, not pure rusty.

        destruens, Brig. P. unequal, yellowish white, with paler large woolly floccose scales when dry; g. striato-decur. crenulate, broad, umber at last; s. solid, narrowed upwards, white-scaly, base swollen and rooting, ring fugacious; sp. 8-9 × 5-6.

        Parasitic on living trees.

        comosa, Fr. P. 7-14 cm. convex, viscid, tawny with whitish deciduous scales; g. subdecur. white then brownish tan; s. 7-9 cm. solid, rather bulbous, white, ring floccose, soon disappearing; sp. 12 × 6. (7.5-8.5 × 5-6 Sacc.)

        [magna, Schulz. P. convex-umb. wood-yellow, with broad scattered adpressed scales; g. sinuate, yellow then umber; s. cylindrical, thick, squarrosely scaly, yellowish; sp. 8-11 × 4-6.

        heteroclita, Fr. P. 6-14 cm. exp. very obtuse, subexcentric, whitish or yellowish, with scattered scales; g. very broad; s. 6-9 cm. solid, hard, bulbous, rooting, whitish, fibrillose, veil apical; sp. 8-10 × 5-6.

        [cerifera, Karst. P. convex, even, upper stratum thick, waxy-gelatinous, glabrous, yellow, edge white-squamulose at first; g. crowded, broad, pallid; s. central, solid, equal, curved, rooting, hard, white-squamulose, whitish; sp. 8-10 × 6-7.

        aurivella, Batsch. P. 7-14 cm. campan. convex, gibbous, tawny yellow, with darker scales, rather viscid; g. sinuato-adfixed; s. 8-14 cm. curved, with rusty adpressed squamules, ring rather distant; sp. 5 × 2.5. (8-9 × 4-5 Sacc.)

        var. filamentosa, Schaeff. P. thinner, scales adnate, concentric, ring floccoso-radiate.

        squarrosa, MÜll. Smell strong. P. 5-9 cm. campan. convex, exp. dry, rusty saffron, with darker concentric, squarrose, revolute scales; g. narrow, pallid olive then rusty; s. 6-11 cm. squarrosely scaly up to ring; sp. 8 × 4.

        var. MÜlleri, Fr. P. obtuse, pallid, adpressedly scaly, moist; g. fuscescent.

        var. reflexa, Schaeff. P. thin, cuspidately umbonate, scaly; s. partly hollow, long, equal.

        var. verruculosa, Lasch. P. compact, obtuse, yellow, papillate scales crowded, cinnamon; s. villosely squamulose.

        [humicola, Quel. P. campan. convex, pale yellow, spotted; g. yellow; s. slender, fistulose, yellowish, spotted; sp. 11-12 long.

        Probably a var. of Pholiota squarrosa.

        subsquarrosa, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex, viscid, rusty brown with darker adpressed floccose scales; g. almost free, crowded, yellow then dingy tan; s. 5-8 cm. rusty yellow, with darker scales up to zone of ring; sp. ——.

        Differs from P. squarrosa in nearly free g.

        [djakovensis, Schulz. P. pulvinate-umb. fleshy, edge for a long time bent down, golden, darker and adpressed scaly at disc, very viscid in rain; g. crowded, free, tan then purple-brown, edge entire; s. somewhat rooting, ascending, subbulbous, scaly up to ring, colour of p.; sp. 4-5 long.

        [fusca, Q. P. 5-8 cm. convex, umb. viscid, brown with buff flecks near the edge; g. pale then lilac, at length brown; s. fibrous-fleshy, curved, subbulbous, yellowish-white, apex pulverulent, covered with fine flecks below the floccose annular zone; sp. 13 long.

      2. ++ Gills yellow then pure rusty or tawny.

        spectabilis, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. compact, exp. dry, bright tawny orange then paler, broken up into fibrous scales; g. adnato-decur. crowded, narrow, yellow then rusty; s. 6-9 cm. solid, ventricose, rooting, ring inf.; sp. 9 × 4.

        A destructive parasite on timber trees.

        [villosa, Fr. P. exp. dry, everywhere floccosely villose, yellow tawny; g. narrow, yellow; s. elongated, stout, fibrillose, base thickened, yellow, ring narrow, entire.

        adiposa, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. yellow, glutinous, with darker, concentric, deciduous scales; g. adnate, broad; s. 7-14 cm. subbulbous, yellow, with darker glutinous squamules; sp. 7 × 3-4.

        An injurious parasite to beech and ash.

        lucifera, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. then umb. viscid, yellow with darker adpr. deciduous scales; g. crenulate, narrow; s. 3-5 cm. equal, rather squamulose, base rusty, ring inf.; sp. 8-10 × 5-6.

        [violacea, Vogl. P. convex, viscid, violet, disc darkest; g. arcuato-decur. brownish, edge eroded; s. dark violet, ring distant, violet.

        flammans, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. subumb. dry, tawny with superficial sulphur squamules; g. crowded, entire, yellow; s. 5-7 cm. equal, rather wavy, squarrosely scaly up to ring; sp. 8 × 4. (4 × 2, Sacc.)

        Junonia, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. obtuse, dry, glabrous, yellow or tawny yellow; g. yellow then tawny; s. 5-9 cm. solid, equal, incurved, scurfy above entire ring; sp. 7-9 × 4.5-5.

        tuberculosa, Schaeff. P. 3-5 cm. exp. dry, tawny yellow, broken up into adpressed innate squamules; g. broad, serrulate; s. 3-4 cm. incurved, bulbous, ring deciduous; sp. 7 × 4.

        curvipoda, A. and S. P. 3-5 cm. exp. tawny yellow, torn into floccose adpressed scales; g. adnate, broad; s. 3-5 cm. thin, incurved, fibrillose, ring floccosely radiating, yellow; sp. 6-7 × 3-4.

        [KolaËnsis, Karst. P. convex-exp. yellow, covered with rusty or cinnamon indumentum; g. at first yellowish; s. incurved, short, rusty and fibrillosely scaly below.

        muricata, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, umbil. dry, yellow with tawny fasciculate flocci forming a muricate or granular covering; g. broad, yellow; s. thin, squamulose below the fugacious ring.

        [tersa, Fr. P. exp. adpressedly squamulose, entirely yellow; g. free; s. elongated, equal, rusty below.

        [trichocephala, Trog. P. campan. exp. obtuse, with shining straw-coloured hair-like squamules; g. free, distant, white then rusty; s. solid, base thickened, glabrous.

        cruentata, Cke. and Sm. P. 4-5 cm. exp. dry, yellow, breaking up into darker adpressed scales, edge incurved; g. yellow then tan; s. curved, colour of p. 3-5 cm. curved, base dark red brown, rooting, ring superior. Flesh red; sp. ——.

    3. *** Gills cinnamon (not yellow at first).

      paxillus, Fr. Entirely cinnamon. P. 7-12 cm. convexo-gibbous then exp. even, moist, rather wavy; g. decur. broad; s. 8-14 cm. solid, elongated, stout, ring narrow, spreading; sp. ——.

      dissimulans, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. exp. edge involute, often gibbous or obtusely umb. hygr. slightly viscid, lurid then pale; g. sinuately adnate; s. 3-4 cm. thickened downwards, white, ring superior; sp. 7 × 4.

      confragosa, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. exp. hygr. floccosely-scurfy, edge striate, rufous cinnamon then tawny; g. adnate, closely crowded; s. 4-5 cm. fistulose, equal, fibrillose below spreading ring; sp. 8 × 4.

      [sublutea, Fl. Dan. P. exp. umb. squamulose, moist, edge striate, yellow; g. decur.; s. stuffed, glabrous, yellow, ring spreading.

      phalerata, Fr. P. exp. glabrous but with superficial deciduous pale scales, yellow; g. adnato-decur.; s. fasciculately pilose, adpressedly flocculose above distant ring.

      mutabilis, Schaeff. P. 2.5-9 cm. exp. subumb. glabrous, deep cinnamon then pale; g. adnato-decur. crowded; s. 3-9 cm. rigid, squarrosely scaly up to ring, base dark rusty; sp. 9-11 × 5-6.

      [gregaria, Wettst. P. convex then exp. glabrous, edge thin, striate; sometimes becoming raised, pale fuscous centre darker; g. adnato-decur. broad, crowded, pallid then cinnamon; s. erect or curved, fistulose, fibrous, tough, slender, squarrosely squamulose up to spreading rusty ring, rusty below and pale above ring; sp. 6-8 × 4.

      marginata, Batsch. P. 2-3 cm. exp. glabrous, hygr. edge striate, honey-colour then pale; g. adnate, crowded; s. 3-5 cm. not scaly, ring fugacious, dark base with white velvety down; sp. 7-8 × 4.

      P. mutabilis differs in scaly s.

      sororia, Karst. P. convex, exp. slightly striate, squamulose, tawny-cinnamon; g. sinuato-adnate, crowded; s. equal, wavy, colour of p. then paler, variegated with white squamules, apex scurfy; sp. 6-7 × 3-4.

      Close to Pholiota marginata.

      mustelina, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. campan.-convex, even, glabrous, dry, yellow then ochre; g. adnate, tawny cinnamon; s. 2-2.5 cm. even, pallid, white-mealy above superior ring, base thickened, with white down; sp. ——.

      unicolor, Fl. Dan. P. 1-1.5 cm. campan.-convex, subumb. hygr. bay then ochre; g. subtriangular; s. 3-4 cm. colour of p., ring slender; sp. 9-10 × 5.

      [mellea, Karst. P. convex exp. even, glabrous, honey-colour; g. crowded, fuscescent; s. wavy, glabrous, whitish, ring persistent; sp. 8-12 × 6-9.

      Differs from Pholiota unicolor in colour.

  3. C. Muscigeni. Resembling a Galera with a ring; hygr.

    pumila, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. hemispher. even, ochre; g. adnate, crowded, broad, yellow then pallid; s. 3-4 cm. slender, ring fugacious, forming a zone; sp. 8-10 × 5-6.

    [muscigena, Q. Honey yellow then pale ochre. P. campan. umb. thin, striate; g. triquetrous, thin, pale then ochre; s. slender, fistulose, fibrillose, slightly striate, cottony at the base; ring membranous, narrow, saffron-ochre; sp. 8-9 long.

    mycenoides, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan.-convex, everywhere striate, hygr. rusty then tawny or pallid; g. adnate; s. 3-4 cm. rusty, glabrous, ring white; sp. 8-10 × 5-6.

    rufidula, Kalchbr. P. exp. depr. not striate, rather rufous brick-red then pale, white-flocculose at edge; g. adnate, branched; s. watery rufescent, white-fibrillose, ring superior; sp. 8-10 × 4-6.

reticulatus, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. campan. exp. viscid, reticulated with raised anastomosing wrinkles, pale violet; g. free, rusty saffron; s. 3-5 cm. fragile, fibrillose; sp. 7 × 4.

[dictyotus, Kalchbr. Entirely pale ochraceous. P. campan. exp. umb. dry, with anastomosing raised veins; g. free; s. fragile, even, glabrous.

Differs from P. reticulatus in colour, and in growing on the ground.

aleuriatus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conical then convexo-plane, viscid, striate, grey, livid, rosy, &c.; g. free, ventricose, saffron-ochre; s. thin, pulverulent, subincurved, white; sp. ——.


grandiusculus, Cke. and Mass. P. 2.5-5 cm. thin, campan. exp. slightly striate, pale yellow, disc rufous; g. free, rusty ochre; s. 6-9 cm. narrowed upwards, hollow, white; sp. 15 × 5-6.

vitellinus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. ovate then exp. viscid, egg-yellow, even then sulcate at the edge; g. adnexed, ochre then tan; s. 6-7 cm. equal, white, squamulose, hollow; g. 10 × 6.

Differs from B. flavidus in white stem, and from B. Boltoni in clear yellow p. not depressed at disc.

Boltoni, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. viscid, even, edge becoming sulcate, yellow then pale, disc darker and subdepr.; g. subadnate, yellow then livid fuscous; s. 4-5 cm. narrowed upwards, yellowish, at first flocculose; sp. 14 × 8.

flavidus, Bolton. P. 2-4 cm. glutinous, conical then exp. disc a little elevated, pale yellow, edge striate; g. almost free, yellow then brownish; s. 4-6 cm. slightly tapering, yellow; sp. 10 × 6.

fragilis, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. viscid, pellucid, edge striate, subumb. yellow then pale; g. yellowish then pale cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. narrowed upwards, naked, glabrous, yellow; sp. 7 × 3.5. (14-15 × 8-9 Sacc.)

[bulbillosus, Fr. P. convex-campan. exp. not striate, pale yellowish fuscous; g. free, ventricose, rusty; s. attenuated upwards from a somewhat marginate bulb, whitish yellow, glabrous; sp. 10-14 × 8.

affinis, Mass. (sp. nov.) P. 1-2 cm. campan. then exp. umb. glabrous, dry, edge striate, yellowish tawny like the narrow, adnexed g.; s. 4-7 cm. attenuated upwards from a marginate bulb, white, shining; sp. 8 × 6.

Differs from B. bulbillosus in the pure white s., and umbonate, striate, tawny yellow p. which is whitish when dry.

[conocephalus, Bull. P. 1-2 cm. conico-campan. fragile, slightly striate, viscid at the apex, creamy yellow; g. free, ventricose, becoming ochre; s. slender, elongated, pruinose at the apex, white; sp. 10 long.

titubans, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. ovoid-campan. thin, glabrous, diaphanous, yellow, becoming striate, plaited and greyish at the edge; g. free, yellow then reddish or ochre; s. hollow, slender, very fragile, 3-5 cm. mealy, white, shining; sp. 12-14 × 8.

apicalis, W. G. Sm. P. 2-3 cm. high, conical, not exp. striate and brown up to ochre disc; g. free, rusty; s. 3 cm. base thickened, striate, white; sp. 9 × 6-7.

rivulosus, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. campan. striate, rivulose, dingy tan; g. cinnamon; s. 5-7 cm. narrowed upwards, smooth, white; sp. 10-12 × 6-7.

niveus, Mass. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtusely umb. smooth, rather viscid, edge striate, pure white; g. free, salmon-colour; s. 7-9 cm. clavato-bulbous and gradually narrowed upwards; sp. salmon-colour, 18 × 9-10.

tener, Berk. P. 1-2 cm. long, not exp. even, smooth, moist, yellowish-white; g. nearly free, salmon-colour; s. 3-6 cm. clavato-bulbous, white; sp. salmon-colour, 15-16 × 8-10.

luteolus, Lasch. Very thin, p. campan. plicato-sulcate, yellow; g. free, yellow then livid; s. filiform, glabrous, pallid.

pusillus, Borsz. Very thin, campan. sulcato-plicate above middle, viscid; g. free, cinnamon; s. pale yellow, white-squamulose.

purifluus, Lasch. P. very thin, exp. flocculose, sulcate, yellow; g. free, narrow, subochraceous; s. narrowed, mealy, yellowish.

[Ozonii, Schulz. P. thin, conico-campan. exp. disc even, cinnamon or fuscous, rest pale ochre and densely striate; g. adnexed, closely crowded, pale then colour of p.; s. 2-6 springing from a common fleshy mass, or solitary and subbulbous, white; sp. 7-11 × 5.


  1. A. Squarrosi. Pileus at first squarrose, stem scaly, both somewhat fuscous.

    hystrix, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. convexo-plane, mouse-colour, with revolute, squarrose scales; g. grey then fuscous; s. 4-7 cm. thickened upwards, with rings of reflexed scales, pale above ring; sp. 10 × 5.

    relicina, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. conico-exp. with squarrose tomentose scales, sooty; g. yellow then olive; s. 4-5 cm. solid, equal, floccosely scaly; sp. ——.

    calamistrata, Fr. Smell strong. P. 2-4 cm. campan. obtuse, squarrose with rigid recurved scales, brown; g. white then rusty; s. 4-5 cm. solid, rigid, base blue, squarrosely scaly everywhere, fuscous; sp. 10-11 × 5. Flesh reddish.

    hirsuta, Lasch. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. conico-campan. acute, squarrose with scales formed of fascicles of hairs, fuscous-ochre, disc sometimes greenish; g. narrow, pallid then fuscous; s. 4-7 cm. solid, slender, floccosely scaly above, base greenish; sp. ——.

    lanuginosa, Bull. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. exp. obtuse, floccosely scaly, those of disc erect, umber then yellowish; g. toothed, pallid then clay-colour; s. 2-3 cm. thin fibrillosely scaly, apex with white meal; sp. rough, 8 or 10; 12 × 5 (Cke.)

    squarrulosa, Karst. (= Clypeus, Karst.) P. convex then plane, obtuse, fibrillose, fuscescent, disc squarrosely squamulose, fuscous; g. crowded, white-crenulate; s. equal, brownish-squamulose; sp. 10 × 7-8.

    dulcamara, A. and S. P. 3-5 cm. convex, umb. pilosely-scaly, fuscous-olive; g. pallid then olive; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillosely squamulose from the veil, apex mealy; sp. 8-10 × 5.

    plumosa, Bolton. P. 2-4 cm. convexo-plane, disc with erect pilose fascicles, edge fibrillose, mouse-grey; g. quite entire, whitish then smoky; s. 3-6 cm. slender, wavy, floccosely scaly, apex naked; sp. 8-9 × 4-5.

    cincinnata, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. convexo-plane, squarrosely squamose, somewhat fuscous; g. fuscous violet; s. 2-3 cm. solid, slender, scaly; sp. 7-8. (8-10 × 5 Sacc.)

    haemacta, B. and Cke. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, floccosely fibrillose with dark fibrils, disc scaly and darker; g. dingy tan; s. 4-5 cm. scarcely fibrillose, whitish above, tinged verdigris at base; sp. 8 × 4-5.

    Flesh turning blood-red when bruised.

    leucocephala, Boud. P. white, convex, entirely covered with erect scales; g. free, broad, fawn; s. short, white, coarsely fibrillose throughout; sp. rough, 9-11 × 6-8.

  2. B. Laceri. Pileus torn into scales or fibrils (not cracking); stem coloured, paler than pileus, fibrillose.

    pyriodora, Pers. Smell pleasant. P. 4-7 cm. umb. adpressedly fibroso-scaly, fuscous ochre then pale; g. emarginate, rather distant; s. 6-10 cm. solid, equal, fibrillose, pale, apex pruinose; sp. 10 × 6. Flesh with red tinge.

    [corydalina, Q. Strong-scented. P. whitish, umbo bluish-green; g. narrow, white then fuscous; stem white pruinose; sp. 10 long.

    var. roseolus, Pat. Larger than type. P. entirely bluish green, edge white-append.; flesh tinged rosy.

    [violascens, Q. P. splitting, fawn, umbo lilac; g. lilac; s. hollow, white, apex striate, lilac, ring floccose, white; sp. 12-15 long.

    incarnata, Bres. P. 4-7 cm. campan. convex, broadly umb. fibrillose then squamulose, edge fimbriate, yellowish then tinged red; g. sinuate, edge fimbriate becoming spotted or tinged red; s. 4-6 cm. fibrillose, rosy, apex white and mealy; sp. 10 × 6.

    scaber, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. conico-convex, obtusely gibbous, with scattered adpressed fibrillose scales, smoky then pallid; g. crowded, somewhat smoky; s. 2-3 cm. thick, equal, silky fibrillose; sp. 11 × 5, Cke.; 7 × 3-4, Pat.

    var. firma, Fr. P. fuscous tan with fuscous scales; s. velvety.

    maritima, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex, exp. flocculosely fibrillose, hygr. umber then grey; g. broad, grey then rusty; s. 2-3 cm. solid, floccosely fibrillose, smoky; sp. rough, 9-10.

    violaceafusca, Cke. and Mass. P. 2-5 cm. convex then exp. obtusely umb. concentrically scaly, fibrillose, dry, umber, edge torn; g. violet then umber, edge paler, serrulate; s. 4-6 cm. equal, smooth, violet above; sp. 7-8 × 4.

    lacera, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convex, exp. obtusely umb. fibrillosely scaly, mouse-grey then pale; g. broad pale rufescent then mouse-grey; s. 3-4 cm. fuscous-fibrillose, apex naked, red inside; sp. 12 × 6.

    Distinguished from I. scabra and I. mutica by being reddish inside of s.

    [abjecta, Karst. P. convex exp. even, fuscescent, white-fibrous, disc fibrously scaly; g. adnate, broad, ventricose in front, cinnamon tinged olive; s. pallid, white-floccose, apex white-pruinose; sp. 10-13 × 5-7.

    [trivialis, Karst. P. conico-campan. exp. usually depr. obtusely umb. rimose, disc sometimes scaly pallid or mouse-colour changing to bay; g. crowded; s. solid, equal, subrufescent, at length dusky outside and inside, not bulbous; sp. 10-12 × 4-5.

    [rhodiola, Bresad. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. fibrillosely scaly then almost glabrous, rufous-umber then pale; g. becoming rusty-olive, edge white-pruinose, becoming rufous spotted; s. fibrillose, subequal, apex glabrous tinged yellow, reddish downwards, spotted reddish when bruised; flesh whitish, base of s. red; sp. 10-12 × 6-7.

    fasciata, Cke. and Mass. Caespitose. P. 4-7 cm. campan.-convex, pale tan disc rufous, silky, covered with small, dark, squarrose scales; g. pallid; s. 4-7 cm. fibrillose, reddish outside and inside at base, rest pallid, solid; sp. rough, 10 × 6.

    [rufoalba, Pat. and Doass. P. convex, mammillate, brown, silky white tomentum everywhere except umbo; g. nearly free, rusty brown; s. equal, pubescent, rusty, not bulbous; sp. rough, 9-10 × 4-5.

    flocculosa, Berk. Smell strong. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. umb. subcampan. silkily squamulose, tawny brown; g. fawn then rusty; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillose, reddish, pulverulent above; sp. 10 × 5-6.

    Bongardii, Weinm. Smell pleasant, like bergamot. P. 2-5 cm. campan. obtuse, disc scaly, fibrillose towards edge, fuscous then pale; g. broad, pale reddish then cinnamon; s. 4-9 cm. solid, rigid, pallid rufous, silky and red below, apex with white meal; sp. 10-12 × 6.

    [Merletii, Q. P. convex, hoary, virgate with brownish fibrils; g. milky white then brownish fawn; s. whitish, stuffed, fibrillosely striate, ring floccose, white; sp. 11-14 long.

    [capucina, Fr. P. conico-campan. acute, everywhere fibrillosely scaly, dusky fuscous, edge paler; g. adnate, crowded, fuscous; s. solid, short, fibrillose, fuscous; sp. rough, 10.

    [cucullata, C. Mart. Smell like camphor. P. variable in form, campan. campan.-convex, sometimes irreg. scaly, tawny, disc darker; g. broad, edge white, serrulate; s. subequal, hollow, glabrous, paler than p.; sp. smooth.

    [asinina, Kalchbr. P. convex then plane, rather gibbous, adpressedly fibrillose, hoary then rufescent tan; g. greyish yellow then cinnamon; s. solid, brownish tan, loosely fibrillose and cingulate from the superior veil.

    [connexifolia, Gill. Smell like ripe fruit. P. conical then exp. umb. with adpressed fibrillose scales especially at centre; g. arcuate, connected by veins, whitish, olive-rufous, finally cinnamon; s. fibrously squamulose, white then tinged pink, white above; sp. smooth. Flesh reddish when cut.

    mutica, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convex then plane, very obtuse then depr. squamulose, whitish, fuscous-fibrillose; g. adnate, crowded; s. hollow, pale straw-colour then fuscescent; sp. 8 × 5. (6 × 4 Sacc.)

    carpta, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex exp. depr. dingy fuscous, with woolly filaments; g. broad, fuscous brown; s. 2-4 cm. fibrillosely woolly, hollow, narrowed downwards; sp. 8-10 × 5.

    [tenebrosa, Q. P. campan. cracked into squamules, umber; s. fibrillosely striate, blackish olive, apex whitish; sp. 7-8 long.

    deglubens, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convexo-plane, umb. torn into adpressed fibrils, disc rather scaly, rufous bay then yellowish; g. dingy then cinnamon; s. 4-6 cm. solid, pallid, apex with dark scurf; sp. 10 × 6.

    Differs from I. lacera in dark scurfy apex of s.

    obscura, Pers. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. then plane, umb. longitudinally fibrillose, disc scaly, blue then fuscous; g. olive then brown; s. 3-4 cm. fibrillose, brownish violet; sp. 9-10 × 5-6.

    var. rufus, Pat. P. brownish rufous, g. ventricose, violet.

    [Gaillardii, Gill. P. convex then exp. umbo and around scurfy, margin torn, reddish rusty; g. crowded, free, broad, colour of p.; s. slender, paler than p.; sp. globose with long slender spines.

    [calospora, Q. P. minutely squamulose, brownish; g. milk-white; s. slender, slightly bulbous, pruinose, whitish rufous; sp. glob. strongly aculeate, 10.

    [hirtella, Bres. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. edge soon splitting, yellowish straw-colour, densely covered with darker pilose scales; g. adnate, whitish then fuscescent, edge white-mealy; s. white becoming tinged straw-colour with a subterranean subbulbous base; sp. 10-12 × 6.

    Allied to I. calospora, Q.

    echinata, Roth. P. 2-5 cm. campan. then exp. pulverulent then scaly, silky, dingy brownish yellow; g. nearly or quite free, deep rose to blood-red; s. 3-5 cm. floccosely pulverulent up to imperfect ring, dull red, hollow; sp. 5 × 3.

  3. C. Rimosi. Pileus longitudinally fibrillose, soon cracked, often adpressedly scaly; stem whitish, paler than pileus, fibrillose.

    schista, Cke. and Sm. P. 4-7 cm. campan. broadly subumb. cracking longitudinally, fibrillose, bay brown; g. adnate, rufous, edge pale, serrate; s. 6-7 cm. stout, equal, twisted, solid, paler than p.; sp. ——.

    fibrosa, Sow. P. 7-9 cm. campan. umbo broad, silky, even then cracked, edge wavy, pallid; g. free, crowded, dingy ochre, edge uneven; s. 4-12 cm. solid, narrowed upwards, striate, flocculosely scaly above; sp. slightly rough, 12-14 × 6.

    I. perlata differs in darker p. and smooth sp.

    phaeocephala, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. conico-campan. umb. wavy, squamulose, bay then sooty; g. free, arcuate, umber; s. 5-7 cm. solid, somewhat bulbous; colour of p. above, below white and downy; sp. 6 × 4.

    [jurana, Pat. P. umb. cracked and torn, fibrillose, rather squamulose towards the edge, reddish violet, disc deep violet; g. broad, ochraceous; s. tall, fibrous, apex pruinose, violet downwards; sp. 10 × 6.

    fastigiata, Schaeff. P. 3-5 cm. thin, conico-campan. longitudinally fibrous and cracked, edge often lobed, yellow brown; g. free, fuscous-olive; s. 6-9 cm. solid, stout, rather twisted, silky-fibrous; sp. rough, 8-10 × 6-8.

    I. pyriodora differs in smell and reddish flesh.

    [praetervisa, Q. P. campan. fibrillosely virgate, fawn; g. milk-white then fawn; s. pubescent, pale straw-colour; sp. warted, 10-11 × 5-6.

    [Godeyi, Gillet. Smell strong, unpleasant. P. campan. edge slightly incurved, scaly and fibrillosely rimose, dingy yellow then tinged reddish-ochre as is every part of fungus more or less; g. free, pale olive; s. rather floccose at apex, colour of p. flesh white, tinging red; sp. 6-8 × 3-4.

    [Cookei, Bres. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. edge becoming upturned and split, fibrillose and silkily rimose, centre glabrous, straw-colour then lurid yellowish; g. crowded, attenuato-adnexed, greyish white then yellowish cinnamon; s. colour of p. silky fibrillose, base marginately subbulbous, apex naked; sp. 8-10 × 5.

    Allied to I. fastigiata.

    hiulca, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. conico-exp. umb. fibrillose, cracked into scales, fuscous or olive; g. broad, becoming olive; s. 4-7 cm. rigid, silky fibrillose, apex and flesh pinkish white, with white meal; sp. 8-10 × 5.

    Curreyi, Berk. P. 3-5 cm. convex then exp. longitudinally fibrillose, squamulose at disc rather cracked, pale yellow brown; g. yellowish then tinged olive; s. 4-7 cm. rather fibrillose, colour of p. solid, flesh dingy; sp. 11 × 6.

    Differs from I. pyriodora in absence of smell, and from I. fastigiata in smooth sp.

    perlata, Cke. P. 6-9 cm. convex then exp. broadly umb. longitudinally fibrous with darker fibrils, fuscous, edge paler, incurved, disc very dark; g. adnexed, pale umber; s. 6-9 cm. sometimes twisted, striate, pallid; sp. 8-9 × 6.

    Differs from I. schista in umber gills.

    [maculata, Boud. P. campan. then exp. umb. silky-fibrillose, cracked, dingy fawn-colour, and with concentric white adpr. scales; g. almost free, fawn with olive tinge; s. fibrillose, paler than p. apex scurfy; 10-13 × 5-6.

    Differs from I. rimosa in the white scales on p.

    rimosa, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. campan. silky-fibrous, longitudinally cracked when exp. yellow brown; g. free; s. 4-7 cm. solid, firm, almost glabrous; sp. smooth, 10-11 × 6.

    I. eutheles differs in being umbonate, and I. pyriodora in strong smell.

    [albipes, Gill. P. exp. plane, mammilate, fibrillosely rivulose, edge wavy, dingy yellow disc darker; g. free, crowded; s. entirely white, squamulose; sp. rough.

    asterospora, Q. P. 3-5 cm. campan. subumb. silkily fibrous, longitudinally cracked when dry, yellow brown, or umber; g. almost free; s. 4-7 cm. slightly submarginately subbulbous, solid, pallid or pinkish tinge; sp. subgl. warted, 10-11. (7-10 × 5-8 Sacc.)

    Differs from I. rimosa in spores.

    [proximella, Karst. P. exp. umb. rimose and torn into fibres, pallid, umb. darker; g. adnate, crowded, ventricose; s. subfibrillose, pallid, flesh white, no trace of bulb; sp. warted, 8-9 × 5-6.

    Differs from Ino. asterospora in absence of bulb, curved fibrillose stem, etc.

    [umbrina, Bres. P. campan.-convex, plane, umb. chestnut brown, rather viscid, woolly-fibrillose at length rimose, disc sometimes slightly warted; g. crowded, lurid citrin then reddish cinnamon, edge darker; s. fibrillose, colour of p. subbulbous; sp. substellate, 7-8 × 5-6.

    Close to I. asterospora, Q.

    eutheles, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. campan. exp. strongly umb. undulate, shining, silky, squamulose, fawn; g. broadly adnate, pallid, edge whitish, toothed; s. 4-7 cm. equal, striate, pallid; sp. 10-11 × 5.

    Differs from I. fastigiata in adnate gills, and from I. curreyi in strong umbo and adnate g.

    margaritispora, Berk. P. 3-5 cm. campan. then exp. wavy, broadly umb. silky, with adpressed fibrillose scales, fawn; g. adnexed, pallid; s. 6-9 cm. equal, fibrillose, pallid; sp. warted, 8.

    Differs from I. eutheles in globose, warted s., and from I. asterospora in squamulose p.

    destricta, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. campan.-exp. umb. cracked, fibrillose, then torn into scales, pallid then rufescent; g. uncinato-adnate; s. 4-5 cm. solid, glabrous, fibrillose, striate, reddish-white; sp. 8 × 4.

    Differs from I. rimosa by adnexed g. and reddish s. I. asterospora differs in warted globose sp.

    perbrevis, Weinm. P. 2-3 cm. convex, obtusely umb. fibrously scaly, edge rather striate at length splitting, fuscous then yellowish rufous; g. uncinato-adnexed; s. 2-2.5 cm. pallid, white-fibrillose, base rather narrowed; sp. 10-12 × 5.

    [putilla, Bres. P. conico-campan. then exp. umb. silky-fibrillose, surface at length cracked and torn, tan or greyish-brown, or fuscous then pale, edge persistently lurid whitish; g. sinuato-adnate, white then tan, edge crenulate; s. very faintly tinged rose, white-fibrillose then glabrous, apex white-scurfy, base rather narrowed; sp. angular, 8-10 × 6-7.

    descissa, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. conico-campan. fibrillose, splitting open, whitish fuscescent; g. almost free, crowded, whitish then fuscescent; s. 3-4 cm. partly hollow, equal, undulate, fibrillose, apex white-pulverulent; sp. 8 × 4-5.

    Resembling I. geophylla but slenderer; s. white outside and inside.

    var. auricoma, Batsch. Smaller. P. yellowish, edge striate; g. adfixed, ventricose white then fuscous.

    [grammata, Q. P. campan. fibrous-striate, whitish then fawn; g. tawny; s. striate, tomentose, shining white then rosy; sp. rough, 10.

    [brunnea, Q. P. umb. fibrillosely silky, chestnut; s. fibrilloso-striate, fuscous, apex white, pruinose; sp. 12 long.

    [grata, Weinm. P. conico-campan. fibrillose, umbonate, cracked when exp. whitish- or yellowish-rufescent, scaly disc darker; g. crowded, olive then pallid fuscescent; s. shining, fibrillose, wavy, whitish rufescent.

    Trinii, Weinm. Smell like clove-pinks. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. obtuse, longitudinally rufescent-fibrillose, whitish-rufescent, tawny when dry; g. rounded, ventricose, cinnamon, edge white-floccose; s. 2-4 cm. equal, slender, loosely rufous-fibrillose, powdered with white; sp. rough, 9-10.

  4. D. Velutini. Pileus not rimose, cuticle of interwoven fibrils, almost smooth, or adpressedly scaly, disc even; stem polished, glabrous, whitish, apex mealy.

    sambucina, Fr. White, smell strong. P. 4-7 cm. firm, convex, exp. obtuse, silky fibrillose, even, sometimes tinged yellow; g. crowded, whitish; s. 3-4 cm. stout, solid, glabrous, striate, white; sp. 11-12 × 6.

    caesariata, Fr. P. 1.5-3 cm. convex exp. gibbous, somewhat tawny, ochraceous-fibrillose or subsquamulose; g. entire, pale ochre; s. 3-6 cm. solid, equal, fibrillose, pale ochre; sp. 8 × 4. (10-12 × 5 Sacc.)

    [delecta, Karst. (= I. caesariata, var. fibrillosa, Fr.). P. exp. even, fibrillosely scaly, dingy tawny- or rufous-honeycolour, paler when dry; g. at length fuscous, edge paler and floccoso-crenate; s. solid, dingy yellow or pallid, white-fibrillose; sp. ——.

    [subgranulosa, Karst. P. convex then exp. or slightly depr. obsoletely umb. even, pale ochre, disc more especially with minute erect dark squamules; g. adnate, greenish- then brownish-cinnamon; s. hollow, curved or wavy, paler than p.; sp. 7-9 × 4-5.

    lucifuga, Fr. Smell strong. P. 2-3 cm. convex-plane, subumb. adpressedly fibrilloso-squamulose, fuscous or olive then pale; g. yellowish white then olive; s. 3 cm. solid, firm, equal, glabrous, apex rather pruinose; sp. 10 × 6.

    [decipiens, Bres. P. exp. umb. floccosely silky, disc smooth then broken up into scales, cinnamon ochre; g. greyish white then lurid cinnamon; s. glabrous, apex slightly pruinose, rather striate, pallid; sp. rough, 11-14 × 6-8.

    [tomentella, Fr. P. convex, obtuse, fibrillosely tomentose, brownish; g. subadnate; s. solid, equal, white, apex pruinose, with a cortinate median annular zone, otherwise glabrous.

    sindonia, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. thin, conico-convex, obtusely gibbous, velvety-villose, dingy white or yellowish, edge appendiculate; g. lanceolate, whitish then fuscous; s. 4-7 cm. with a separate pith which disappears, then hollow, almost glabrous; sp. 7 × 4. (10 × 5 Sacc.)

    Differs from I. geophylla in larger size and hollow s.

    [cortinata, Roll. P. campan. then exp. strongly umb. whitish straw-colour, umb. darker, becoming rimose, white veil at margin; g. adnato-decur. dingy ochre, edge flocculose, paler; s. white, fibrilloso-striate, curved, ring median.

    Perhaps a cortinate form of I. sindonia.

    Clarkii, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, whitish, silky; g. adnexed, pallid, edge white; s. 3-5 cm. nearly equal, solid, white; sp. 8-10 × 6.

    Differs from I. sindonia in solid s. and pale g.

    geophylla, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conical then exp. umb. even, silky-fibrillose, white or lilac; g. adnexed, crowded, dingy white then umber; s. 4-6 cm. equal, firm, apex with white meal, veil fibrillose; sp. 7-8 × 4.

    I. scabella differs in brownish squamulose p.

    var. fulva, Pat. P. rufous-ochre, edge paler; sp. 8-10 × 5.

    var. violacea, Pat. P. violet; sp. 10 × 5.

    [commixta, Bres. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. shining white or tinged grey; fibrillosely silky, edge often split, dry; g. closely crowded, free, white then greyish cinnamon; s. solid, white, equal, apex scurfy, base minutely turbinately bulbous; sp. angular, 10 × 7.

    Closely resembling I. geophylla, differing in base of s. and angular sp.

    [umbratica, Q. Shining white. P. umb. silky-pruinose; g. white then rosy-fawn; s. flocculose; sp. rough, 8-10.

    scabella, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then plane, dry, torn into squamulose fibrils, umbo obtuse, even, glabrous, rufescent or yellowish; g. adnexed, dingy; s. 3-4 cm. glabrous, rufescent or pallid, apex pruinose; sp. rough, 10 × 7.

    [debilipes, Karst. P. conico-convex, exp. pallid fuscous then rather rusty, everywhere torn into scales which become stuck down, then rimose; g. adnexed, crowded, pallid rusty, edge fuscous-crenulate; s. wavy, pallid, spotted with minute fuscescent squamules; sp. 7-9 × 5-6.

    [confusa, Karst. P. exp. umb. glabrous, cuticle cracked, fibrillose, rusty, tawny yellow or bay; g. crowded, yellowish then olive; s. solid, firm, nearly glabrous, pale; sp. 10-12 × 6.

    [inconcina, Karst. P. exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, innately fibrillose, rusty then pale; g. sinuato-adnate, crowded, pale olive then rusty, edge paler and floccosely crenulate; s. equal, wavy, pallid, apex white-pruinose; sp. 8-13 × 5-6.

    [curvipes, Karst. P. exp. obtuse, adpressedly fibrillose or squamulose, brownish; g. adnexed, crowded; s. curved, wavy or twisted, narrowed below, fibrillose, pallid; sp. rough, 9-15 × 5-7.

    [conformata, Karst. P. exp. umb. slightly adpressedly floccosely squamulose, rusty or brownish then pale; g. adnexed, ventricose, pallid then brownish; s. equal, rather wavy, minutely fibrillosely flocculose; sp. 8-10 × 4-5.

    [pusio, Karst. P. exp. umb. fibroso-rimose, pallid fuscous; g. adnexed with decur. tooth, tan; s. apex pruinose and at first violet, usually wavy; sp. 8-10 × 4-6.

    [flavella, Karst. P. acutely conical then exp. acutely umb. innately fibrillosely rimose, glabrous, yellowish, rather shining; g. crowded, yellowish then olive, edge paler, floccosely crenulate; s. solid, equal, wavy, apex white-flocculose, yellowish white; sp. 12-14 × 4-6.

    [fulvella, Bres. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. silky-flocculose, centre glabrous, olivaceous honey-colour then brownish olive, umbo darker; g. lilac then tan, edge fimbriate; s. lilac then rufescent, glabrous, wavy.

    subrimosa, Mass. (Clypeus subrimosus, Karst.). P. 2-3 cm. conico-campan. umbo prominent, edge often wavy, even, glabrous, then longitudinally fibrillose and cracked, bay or rusty ochre; g. dingy tan; s. 4-5 cm. solid, equal, polished, with a minute marginate bulb, white, mealy; sp. 10-12, spiny.

    mamillaris, Pass. P. convex, mammillate, squamulose; g. emarginato-adnexed; s. hollow, equal, flexuous; sp. smooth.

    Renneyi, B. and Br. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. slightly fibrillose, disc brown, rest fawn; g. rounded behind, dingy ochre; s. 3-4 cm. slightly narrowed downwards, fibrillose, solid, paler than p.; sp. rough, 12 × 7-8.

    var. major, B. and Br. Colour of type, but larger; g. broadly adnate.

  5. E. Viscidi. Pileus almost smooth, viscid.

    trechispora, Berk. P. convex then exp. umb. viscid, soon dry and silky, umbo brownish rest whitish; g. pinkish grey; s. 3-4 cm. equal; often rather wavy, whitish, mealy; sp. 7 × 5-6.

    Differs from I. geophylla in dark umbo and rough sp.

    [viscosissima, Fr. (= I. umbonata, Q.) P. convex acutely umb. umber-brown, dripping with gluten then silky; g. rounded and free, ventricose, rufescent; s. equal, glabrous, pallid; sp. ——.

    Allied to I. trechispora, differing in being very glutinous and in rounded free gills.

    [imbecilis, Pass. P. glabrous, rather viscid, white then clay-colour; g. whitish then rusty-rose; s. solid, long, cylindrical, watery, with white meal above.

    vatricosa, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. convex then plane, subumb. glabrous, viscid, silky at margin, whitish; g. white then fuscescent; s. 2-3 cm. fistulose, contorted, pulverulent; sp. ——.

    Habit of I. geophylla but smaller and viscid at first.

    Whitei, B. and Br. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. convex, tawny, edge whitish, at length exp. and all tawny, fibrillose, rather viscid; g. white then pallid; s. 2-3 cm. slightly thickened at base, white then brownish; sp. 9 × 4.

    tricholoma, A. and S. Whitish. P. 2-4 cm. plano-depr. rather viscid, with adpr. white fibrils, edge strigosely fringed; g. decur.; s. 3-4 cm. slender, squamulose above; sp. rough, 4.

    strigiceps, Fr. P. convex-obtuse then exp. strigosely silky with long fibrils, rufescent, edge at first involute, strigosely ciliate; g. adnato-decur.; s. stuffed, downy, white.

    var. eriocephala, Fr. P. yellowish-white, silky, with appendiculate white down at edge; g. adnate; s. fistulose, becoming compressed.


  1. A. Indusiati. Veil evidently cortinate, hence the pileus is often superficially silky near the margin.

    mussivum, Fr. P. 5-10 cm. convex exp. obtuse, viscid, at length squamulose, yellow disc often brownish; g. emarginate, yellowish; s. 8-12 cm. solid, equal, entirely fibrillose, yellowish, apex rather pruinose; sp. 12 × 6.

    sinuosum, Fr. P. 7-14 cm. exp. wavy, viscid, even, almost glabrous, yellowish or pale brick-red then pale; g. emarginato-free, broad, pallid then rusty; s. 8-13 cm. hollow, stout, fibrous, soft, white floccosely-scaly above; sp. ——.

    fastibile, Fr. Smell unpleasant. P. 4-7 cm. compact, exp. wavy, viscid, glabrous, pale yellowish tan; g. emarginate, rather distant, pallid then cinnamon, lacrymose; s. 4-7 cm. subbulbous, white, fibrously scaly, veil evident; sp. 10 × 6.

    var. alba, Fr. S. longer, equal, partly hollow, apex fibrously scaly; g. distant.

    var. elegans, Lindgr. Edge of p. sulcate or rugoso-plicate. Form B. Pileus purple-brown.

    senescens, Batsch. P. 4-9 cm. exp. rather viscid, ochre or flesh-colour with tinge of rust, rusty yellow when old, edge crisped, hoary; g. dusky rust colour; s. 6-9 cm. thinner and whitish upwards, scaly and darker below; sp. 10 × 6.

    glutinosum, Lindg. P. 4-7 cm. exp. glutinous, with white superficial scales, yellowish white, discoid; g. crowded, yellowish then cinnamon; s. 6-7 cm. subbulbous, whitish squamulose, apex mealy; sp. 10-12 × 5.

    testaceum, Batsch. Smells like radishes. P. 3-5 cm. campan.-convex, even, rather viscid, brick-red then pale, rather opaque; g. nearly free, crowded, rusty; s. 6-7 cm. hollow, subbulbous, floccosely fibrillose, pallid, apex mealy; sp. 10 × 5-6.

    [rubrum, Otth. P. campan. then conico-exp. splitting into shreds, clear red, yellowish when dry; flesh reddish; g. free; s. equal, fibrous, often slightly bulbous, colour of p.

    firmum, Pers. P. 4-7 cm. campan. exp. umb. viscid, brick-red, discoid; g. dry, edge white toothed; s. 4-7 cm. solid, pallid, everywhere floccosely scaly; sp. 10 × 5.

    [mitratum, Fr. P. campan.-gibbous, viscid, often cracked, yellowish brick-red, umbo prominent, stout, fuscous then pale, g. crowded, sinuato-adnate; s. solid or becoming hollow, equal, yellowish-white, fibrous, dusky yellow from veil.

    claviceps, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. convex, exp. disc gibbous, even, naked, pallid; g. dry, pallid; s. 4-7 cm. equal, everywhere white mealy, fuscous downwards; sp. 10-11 × 5.

    Differs from H. firmum in dark base of s. and paler g.

    [fusipes, Bres. Smell like spirit of wine. P. convex-gibbous, edge broadly incurved, viscid, glabrous, tinged tan; g. broad, edge white-fimbriate; s. pallid, base fusiformly rooting; sp. 12-15 × 9-10.

    [birrum, Fr. P. exp. discoid, disc rugulose, pale tan, with superficial white squamules near edge; g. rounded then truncate and free; s. solid, fusiformly rooting, rather woolly with white imbricated squamules.

    punctatum, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. silky then almost glabrous, the darker disc punctate with viscid warts, tan, paler when dry; g. narrow, crowded, pallid then rusty bay; s. 5-9 cm. hollow, equal, apex white pruinose; sp. 7-11 × 5-6.

    versipelle, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. viscid with tough gluten, discoid, at length wavy, crust-colour, adglutinated and silky at edge, then glabrous; g. crowded, broad, reddish white then tan; s. 4-7 cm. silky-white, apex pruinose; sp. 12 long.

    [subtortum, Karst. P. convex then plane, obtuse, even, glabrous, irreg. at first, silky near edge from veil, viscid, pale brick-red or pallid, disc darker; g. adnato-subdecur. crowded, edge crenate; s. hollow, usually twisted, whitish, apex mealy; sp. 7-9 × 4-6.

    mesophaeum, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. conico-convex then plane, even, viscid, almost naked, gilvous, disc bay; g. emarginate, crowded, thin; s. 4-7 cm. tough, equal, slender, fibrillose, whitish then rusty, apex pruinose; sp. 7-8 × 4-5.

    Disc of p. sometimes umber.

    var. holophaeum, Fr. P. umb. everywhere dusky fuscous; s. fuscescent, subannulate.

    strophosum, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. expanded, subumbonate, viscid, disc bay, edge white with veil; g. crowded; s. 3-5 cm. hollow, silky, whitish, ring near the apex distinct but imperfect; sp. 8-9 × 5.

    [elatellum, Sacc. (= Roumeguerites elatellus, Karst.) P. hemisph. even, glabrous, naked, pale fuscescent, sometimes spotted, yellowish livid when dry; g. adnate, much crowded, narrow, pale tan; s. tall, equal, naked, whitish, ring, inf. entire, persistent, membranous, tinged fuscous; sp. 7-9 × 4-6.

    subcollariatum, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. convex, exp. rather glutinous, pale ochre-tan, centre darker; g. broadly adnate, soon separating from s. and attached to a collar, pale tan, edge whitish; s. 4-5 cm. flexuous, pale, brownish below, pulverulent; sp. 12-13 × 6.

    violascens, Otth. P. convex, umb. dry, silky shining, bright violet, disc adpressedly squamulose and brownish; g. reddish violet then brownish; s. pale violet then rufous-fibrillose, base slightly bulbous, yellowish.

    [deflectens, Karst. P. exp. depr. rugulose, dry, scurfy-squamulose, bright yellow-tan; g. crowded, lanceolate; s. equal, fistulose, tough, rooting, paler than p. everywhere white-scurfy; sp. 7-9 × 5-6.

  2. B. Denudati. Pileus glabrous, veil absent from the first.

    sinapizans, Fr. Smell like radishes. P. 7-12 cm. compact, exp. rather wavy, even, glabrous, rather viscid, pale tan; g. deeply emarginate, broad, dry, crowded, entire; s. 6-10 cm. stout, equal, fibrillose, white, apex white-scaly; sp. 12 × 7.

    Differs from H. sinuosum in strong smell and absence of veil.

    crustuliniforme, Bull. P. 5-10 cm. convex then exp. glabrous, rather viscid, often rather wavy, yellowish-red, disc darker then pale; g. sinuate, thin, narrow, whitish then brown, edge crenulate and with beads of moisture; s. 4-7 cm. solid, firm, subbulbous, whitish, with minute white recurved flecks; sp. 11-12 × 6.

    [Syrjense, Karst. P. convex, exp. obtuse, dry, even, glabrous, brick-red; g. adnexed, crowded, pallid, edge crenulate; s. equal, wavy, twisted, white, white-flocculoso-pulverulent above, at length entirely umber; sp. 10-11 × 5-6.

    Subcaespitose; stems cohering at base.

    hiemale, Bres. (= H. crustuliniforme, var. minor, Cke.) P. exp.-gibbous or depr. viscid, glabrous, edge incurved and white flocculose at first, pallid tan, centre reddish tan; g. crowded, sinuate and almost free, edge white-floccose; s. whitish, apex with white scurf; sp. 12-13 × 6-7.

    Near to H. crustuliniforme, but smaller and smell obsolete.

    [subsaponaceum, Karst. Smell strong, soapy. P. exp. obtuse, even, naked, dry, gilvous then pallid, darker when dry; g. adnate, dry; s. elongated, equal, rather wavy, adpressedly fibrillose, apex rather mealy, pale, umber below when touched; sp. 6-10 × 4-6.

    [Stocseki, Schulz. P. convex, even, whitish then yellow, centre tawny; g. adnexed, narrow, both ends narrowed, rufescent; s. cylindrical, thickened below, whitish, often striately-twisted; sp. 10 × 4-6.

    [QuÉletii, Schulz. P. umbonato-campan. then convex, white then ochre, sometimes rufous-brown, very even, subviscid in rainy weather, pellicle separable; g. subsinuato-adnexed, rounded in front, whitish then pale cinnamon; s. cylindrical, often curved at base, white base tinged brown; sp. 10-12 × 6.

    [involuta, Lamb. (= Paxillus nitens, Lamb.) P. convex, glutinous when moist, shining as if varnished when dry, yellow brown, paler at edge which remains for a long time incurved; flesh yellowish, glabrous; g. free, cut out behind, narrow, crowded, brownish olive at last; s. reddish yellow above, darker below.

    elatum, Batsch. Smell strong of radishes. P. 6-10 cm. convex, umb. glabrous, viscid, pinkish ochre whitish towards the edge; g. uncinate, wavy, crowded, dry, pale flesh-colour then bistre; s. 8-10 cm. soft, cylindrical, twisted, white then bistre, apex mealy, fibrillose or downy; sp. 13-15 × 7.

    longicaudum, Pers. P. 3-6 cm. exp. even, subumb. glabrous, viscid, rather wavy, tan then whitish; g. crowded, dry, serrulate; s. 8-11 cm. partly hollow, fragile, fibrillose, subequal, white, apex with white meal; sp. 10 × 5.

    var. radicatum, Cke. S. fusiform, rooting.

    lugens, Jungh. Smell strong. P. 4-7 cm. exp. glabrous, rather viscid, brown then yellowish; g. pale rusty, edge crenulate, darker; s. 4-7 cm. shining, fibrillosely striate, subbulbous, apex white-mealy; sp. 10 × 6.

    truncatum, Schaeff. P. 4-7 cm. exp. undulately wavy, almost dry, somewhat rufous, edge paler; g. crowded, dry; s. 1.5-2 cm. solid, stout, equal, everywhere slightly pruinose, white; sp. 12-13 × 6.

    [mentiens, Karst. P. convexo-plane, edge angularly bent down, even, glabrous, dry, yellowish-tan, tinged tawny when dry; g. subadnate, broad, thin, white, yellowish when dry; s. hollow, fibrous, flexuous, glabrous, white, apex thickened and rather pruinose; sp. 6-7 × 3-4.

    nudipes, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. even, almost glabrous, slightly viscid, tan then pale, edge thin; g. crowded, dry; s. 4-6 cm. solid, equal, pelliculose, glabrous, naked, shining white, base fibrillose; sp. 12 × 6. (8-10 × 4-5 Sacc.)

    [sacchariolens, Q. Smell strong, like burnt sugar. P. campan. then convex, 2-3 cm. thin, glabrous, viscid, whitish with the centre buff; g. sinuate, crinkled, whitish then buff bordered with white; s. slender, subfistulose, slightly striate, silky, pruinose at the summit, white, streaked with fawn fibrils below; sp. 12 long.

    [circinans, Karst. P. campan.-convex, lubricous, smoky-ochre, edge revolute downy and whitish; g. sinuate, crowded, reddish, edge white, crenulate; s. slender, whitish, subbulbous, with reflexed circinate fibrils; sp. 11-12 long.

    nauseosum, Cke. Smell nauseous. P. 3-4 cm. convex then exp. gibbous, viscid, whitish ochre; g. very broad; s. 3-5 cm. whitish, mealy above; sp. 20 × 10.

    Differs from H. crustuliniforme in glabrous s.

    capnicocephalum, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. exp. even, glabrous, gilvous, disc darker, edge becoming blackish; g. broad, rusty; s. 3-4 cm. narrowed downwards, fibrillosely-striate, pale rufescent; sp. 9 × 5. (12-14 × 7-8, Sacc.)

    ischnostylum, Cke. P. 3-5 cm. exp. broadly umb. rather viscid, white or a little pallid at disc; g. edge serrulate; s. 4-5 cm. smooth, naked, whitish; sp. 12 × 7.

    Differs from H. nudipes in whitish p.

    [diffractum, Fr. P. convex, obtuse, glabrous, nearly dry, at length broken up into scales, tan; g. broad; s. hollow, white, narrowed below, whitish floccosely scaly above; sp. 10-12 × 4-5.

    [subzonatum, Weinm. P. campanulato-exp. viscid, with darker innately scaly zones, whitish; g. crowded, narrow; s. equal, rather bulbous, fibrillose, apex pruinose.

    [spoliatum, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, viscid, even, glabrous, reddish tan; g. broad, crowded; s. equal, rooting, tough, glabrous, apex pruinose; sp. 10 × 6.

    [tortuosum, Karst. P. convex, exp. gibbous, even, rufous-tan then pale, glabrous; g. pallid then honey-colour; s. narrowed below, hollow, contorted, pallid, apex with white floccose scales; sp. 6-9 × 4-5.

  3. C. Pusilli. Pileus scarcely an inch broad.

    magnimamma, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. umbo strongly mammiform, naked, brick-red then pale; g. obtusely adnate, crowded; s. 2-3 cm. equal, glabrous, gilvous then pallid; sp. ——.

    [sterile, Jungh. P. campan.-exp. glabrous, even, dry, violet; g. free, narrow, rusty; s. solid, equal, glabrous, violet, apex floccosely pruinose.

    [odini, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, naked, bay, edge tawny; g. slightly sinuate, yellow then tawny; s. fibrillose, tawny bay.

    petiginosum, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. conico-convex then exp. yellowish, gibbous disc fuscous, margin silkily hoary; g. free, yellow then olive bay; s. 3 cm. rufescent, pulverulent; sp. 10 × 5.


  1. A. Gymnoti. Pileus glabrous. Veil absent. Spores rusty, not dingy rusty brown.
    1. * Gills free or slightly adnexed.

      lugubris, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. campan.-exp. wavy, often viscid, even, pallid becoming rusty, opaque; g. free, very broad, crowded; s. 6-9 cm. glabrous, fusiformly rooting, pallid; sp. 7 × 4.

      A form in pine woods has p. bullate, disc bay; s. short.

      festiva, Fr. P. 2.3 cm. convex, subgibbous, even, glutinous, usually olive-brown, isabelline when dry; s. free, crowded, ventricose, rusty; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, fusiformly rooting, colour various, violet, rufous, &c.; sp. 12 × 6. (8 × 4 Sacc.)

      Every part variable in colour.

      [christinae, Fr. P. conico-acute, rather wavy, viscid, fiery cinnamon when moist, tawny and shining when dry, then pale; g. free, pallid then fiery saffron; s. cylindric, glabrous, rooting, dull blood-red; sp. 4-5 × 3-4.

      [medullosa, Bres. Smell weak, like radishes. P. conico-campan. exp. subumb. viscid, glabrous, tawny then paler; g. crowded, almost free, edge white-pruinose; s. tinged fuscous, apex pale, pruinose, base thickened and white-downy, pith white, separable; sp. 7-9 × 4-5.

      [hilaris, Fr. P. thin, even, rather viscid, tawny orange, shining; g. yellowish rusty; s. hollow, shining yellow.

      [subglobosa, A. and S. P. hemisph. even, rather viscid, yellowish; g. nearly free, very broad, rhomboid; s. stuffed, thin, short, striate; sp. 8 × 4.

      hamadryas, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex, exp. gibbous, even, rusty bay, yellowish red when dry and old; g. attenuato-adnexed, rusty; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, equal, glabrous, pallid; sp. 13-14 × 7.

      [nimbosa, Post. P. convex exp. umb. pruinosely velvety, rufous brown; g. broad, rusty, edge fimbriate; s. everywhere pruinosely velvety, fuscous below, pale above; sp. 10-11 × 6.

      cidaris, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. conical then campan. even, cinnamon tan, paler when dry, edge wavy, striate; g. ventricose, honey-colour; s. 2.5-3 cm. fusiform, blackish brown; sp. 10 long.

      Differs from M. cucumis in absence of smell.

      [Jennyae, Karst. P. conical, exp. subumb. acute, even, glabrous, dry, orange-bay; g. crowded; s. cartilaginous, fibrous inside, tough, fusiformly narrowed below, apex thickened, reddish bay; sp. 4-5 × 3-4.

      cucumis, Pers. Smell strong, like cucumber. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. broadly campan. brownish bay when moist, edge paler; g. pallid then saffron; s. 2-4 cm. blackish brown, apex thickened, hollow, pruinose; sp. 9-10 × 5-6.

      anguinea, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. campan. convex, gibbous, even, yellowish tan, a silky zone near the edge; g. crowded, linear, rusty; s. 5-7 cm. bay, densely coated with white fibrils; sp. ——.

      [micans, Fr. P. convex, gibbous, even, rather shining, yellow; g. greenish yellow then rusty; s. rufo-fuscous, pruinate.

      centuncula, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. convexo-plane, lurid green then yellowish, becoming pale; g. thick, broad, greyish yellow; s. 2.3 cm. base with white down, apex white-pulverulent; sp. 8-10 × 6.

      Stem usually incurved, often excentric.

      [laeta, Lamb. Entirely clear yellow. P. convex, obtuse, glabrous; g. free, crowded, narrow; s. slender, elongated, glabrous.

      horizontalis, Bull. Watery cinnamon. P. 1-2 cm. exp. even; g. broad; s. 1 cm. incurved, naked; sp. 12-13 × 7-8.

      [rimulincola, Rab. Cinnamon. P. hemisph. umbil. plicate, rugulosely tomentose; g. thick, very broad, edge white, crenulate; s. subexcentric, short, curved; sp. 12-15 × 7.

      semiflexa, B. and Br. P. 1 cm. exp. chestnut, edge fringed with white silky veil, hygr.; g. broad and distant; s. 1 cm. incurved, pale, solid; sp. 8 × 5.

      [pygmaea, Bull. P. exp. obtuse, edge striate, ochre-tan; g. ventricose, rusty; s. fistulose, thin, wavy, glabrous, white.

      rubricata, B. and Br. Gregarious. P. concave then exp. and depr. 4-7 mm. whitish then tinged rufous or ochre; g. adnexed, whitish then pinkish, finally brownish, rounded in front; s. slender, incurved, base scurfy or downy; sp. ——.

    2. ** Gills adnate, pileus convexo-plane.

      [enchymosa, Lund. P. exp. glabrous, disc minutely punctate, olive when moist, tan when dry; g. tawny then rusty; s. pallid then colour of p.

      [hyperella, Fr. P. convex then plane, umbonate, fuscescent, hoary-rusty when dry; g. crowded, obscure rusty; s. filiform, silky fibrillose, pallid.

      abstrusa, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex, obtuse, even, glabrous, viscid, rusty tan; g. crowded; s. 2-3 cm. rigid, glabrous, rusty; sp. 10 × 5.

      N. melinoides differs in striate p.

      [flacca, Karst. P. conoid-campan. tan or yellowish-cinnamon; g. adnate, soon free, colour of p.; s. cartilaginous, equal, paler than p. umber below, white-fibrillose; sp. 9-11 × 5.

      innocua, Lasch. P. 2-3 cm. convex, obtuse, almost glabrous, striate, rufous then pale; g. yellowish ochre; s. 2-3 cm. white-fibrillose; sp. 11 × 4-5.

      cerodes, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convexo-plane, orbicular, even, hygr. wax-colour then ochre; g. broad, ochre cinnamon; s. 3-5 cm. equal, naked, yellow, base rusty; sp. 6 × 3. (12-16 × 6-8, Sacc.)

      [solstitialis, Karst. P. campan. exp. depr. umb. fragile, glabrous, edge striate then torn, honey-colour then rusty cinnamon, rusty when dry; g. entire, cinnamon; s. equal, straight, pallid then greenish umber; sp. 9-10 × 5-6.

      melinoides, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. convexo-plane, obtusely umb. even, glabrous, tawny, ochre when dry; g. triquetrous-oblong, honey-colour, toothed; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, thickish, with yellow meal above, base white; sp. 10-12 × 4-5.

      pusiola, Fr. P. 1 cm. hemispher. exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, rather viscid, tawny yellow; g. broad; s. 2 cm. slender, glabrous, yellow, shining; sp. 8 × 4.

      [miserrima, Karst. P. plane, umb. sulcate then splitting, whitish when dry, glabrous; g. adfixed, distant, broad, ventricose, subochre; s. equal, base and apex slightly thickened, fistulose, straight, naked, whitish; sp. ——.

    3. *** Gills adnate; pileus campan. then exp.

      nucea, Bolt. P. globoso-campan. umbil. punctate, pale chestnut, edge incurved, rather lobed; g. rather crisped, cinnamon; s. 5-7 cm. silky fibrillose, white; sp. 10-11 × 6.

      scolecina, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan.-convex then plane, edge slightly striate, rusty bay; g. white then rusty, edge flocculose; s. 5-7 cm. wavy, rusty rufous, white-mealy; sp. 10 × 6.

      [amarescens, Q. P. slightly rugulose, brown then tan; g. uncinato-ventricose, whitish then tawny; s. striate, whitish saffron then umber; sp. 10 long.

      sideroides, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. campan. exp. umb. glabrous, viscid, reddish-yellow, ochre and shining when dry; g. uncinately adfixed with a decur. tooth, narrow, crowded; s. even, glabrous, apex white-mealy, pallid, base brownish; sp. 8-10 × 4-6.

      glandiformis, W. G. Sm. P. 2-3 cm. obtusely campan. then nut-shaped, nut-brown, smooth, even; g. very broad, umber; s. 6-9 cm. equal, pallid; sp. 10-12 × 6-8.

      [stictica, Fr. P. convexo-plane, orbicular, even, rough with minute superficial granules; hygr. brownish ochre then tan; g. crowded, pale cinnamon; s. rusty brown.

      [typhicola, P. Henn. P. thin, fragile, campan.-exp. subumb. flocculose then smooth, edge striate, hygr. fuscescent; g. unequal, subdistant, ventricose, flesh-colour then tawny; s. hollow, slender, mealy-squamulose then smooth, whitish, base bulbous, white tomentose; sp. 8-11 × 5-7.

      badipes, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan.-convex subumb. glabrous, pellucidly striate from umbo when moist, rusty yellow then pale, edge almost straight; g. adnate, ventricose; s. 4-7 cm. rusty, with white fibrillose squamules up to middle; sp. 10 × 5.

      hydrophila, Mass. P. 1-3 cm. campan. then slightly exp. acutely umb. glabrous, edge striate when moist, pale tan with tinge of green; g. brownish, edge pale; s. 3-5 cm. equal, flexuous, hollow, with red and green tints; sp. 13-14 × 6-7.

      striaepes, Cke. P. 2-4 cm. campan. then exp. more or less gibbous, ochre; g. broad, tawny cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. straight or wavy, hollow, white, distinctly longitudinally striate; sp. 10 × 4.

      [camerina, Fr. P. campan.-convex, obtusely umb. glabrous, moist, edge striate, ochraceous tan, paler when dry, disc darker; g. crowded, yellowish cinnamon; s. wavy, adpressedly fibrillose, equal, umber.

      triscopoda, Fr. P. 1 cm. conical then hemispher. then convexo-plane, umb. bay, ochre when dry; g. obscure rusty; s. 1-3 cm. filiform, glabrous, rusty, base umber; sp. 6-8 × 3-4.

  2. B. Phaeoti. Pileus naked. Gills and spores brownish-rusty.
    1. * Pediadei. Growing in fields and pastures.

      [amoena, Weinm. P. almost plane, even, rather viscid, dingy yellow disc tinged rusty, then pale; g. adnate with decur. tooth, rusty; s. fibrously stuffed, equal, fibrillose, shining white; sp. 8-9 × 4-5.

      vervacti, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convexo-plane, umb. even, glabrous, viscid, shining when dry, yellow; g. adnate with decur. tooth, crowded; s. 3-4 cm. stuffed then hollow, attenuated, glabrous, rigid, not rooting, whitish; sp. 12-16 × 8-10.

      pediades, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane, obtuse or depr. dry, at length minutely rivulose, yellowish ochre then tan; g. adnexed, broad; s. 4-7 cm. with a pith, rather wavy and silky, yellowish, base slightly bulbous; sp. 10-12 × 4-5.

      semiorbicularis, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. hemispher. then exp. even, glabrous, rather viscid, at length rivulose, tawny rusty then ochre; g. adnate, very broad, crowded; s. 4-9 cm. pale rusty, shining, containing a free tube inside; sp. 10 × 5-6.

      arvalis, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convexo-plane, yellow brown, ochre when dry; g. adnexed; s. 2-4 cm. fistulose, thin, pulverulent, yellowish, with a long filiform root; sp. 9 × 5.

      Differs from N. orbicularis in long rooting s.

      tabacina, D. C. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. bay brown, almost plane, very obtuse, edge involute, hygr.; g. adnate, crowded, cinnamon bay; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, glabrous, cinnamon; sp. 8-9 × 4-5.

      [tabacella, Sacc. Entirely cinnamon-brown. P. convex, centre squamulose; s. terete, toughish, fibrillose, base rather thickened; sp. 10-11 × 6.

      [undulosa, Jungh. P. convex, even, umbo fleshy, bay, shining; g. adnate, ovate, distant; s. solid, firm, wavy, naked, colour of p.; sp. 6 × 4.

    2. ** Scorpoidei. Growing in damp uncultivated places or in woods.

      tenax, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. exp. glabrous, rather viscid, hygr. cinnamon then ochre; g. adnate, edge entire, whitish; s. 3-5 cm. equal, yellowish fuscous, striate with adpr. fibrils, almost glabrous, veil fugacious; sp. 8 × 5.

      myosotis, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane, subumb. with a viscid pellicle, olive or greenish brown then yellowish; g. adnato-decur. edge serrate, white; s. 7-12 cm. slender, pallid, fibrilloso-scaly-cortinate; sp. 11-12 × 6. (16-18 × 8-9 Sacc.)

      [Tavastensis, Karst. P. convex, exp. disc, often depr. near edge with concentric large yellowish floccose scales, livid-yellow then dingy tawny tan; g. adnate, crowded; s. straight, subequal, solid, fibrillosely scaly, pallid then tinged fuscous, ring torn, yellowish; sp. 15-17 × 8-9.

      [scorpioides, Fr. P. conico-convex, exp. glabrous, scarcely viscid, depr. round umbo, somewhat reddish tan then pale; g. adnate with a decur. tooth, edge coloured like rest, entire; s. slender, wavy, dry, pallid, white-fibrillose, apex pruinose; sp. 5-6 long.

      temulenta, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. convex, glabrous, subumb. hygr. edge slightly striate, rusty then ochre; g. adnate, narrow in front, lurid then rusty umber; s. 4-5 cm. fistulose but with a loose pith, thin, tough, polished, wavy, glabrous, apex powdery; sp. 12 × 6.

      subtemulenta, Lamb. P. campan. then convex, slightly umb. striate, hygr. brown ochre when wet, tan when dry; g. crowded, narrow, almost free, colour of p.; s. slender, colour of p. thickened towards base and dark rusty.

      latissima, Cke. P. 1.5-3 cm. subglobose, edge at first incurved, deep chestnut brown; g. adnexed, very broad, tawny umber; s. 3-5 cm. narrowed downwards into a rooting base, dark brown below, pale above; sp. ——.

      Differs from N. glandiformis in tapering, rooting s.

      [heliophila, Fr. P. convex, umb. convex, dry, golden tawny, shining; g. adnate, closely crowded, plane, pallid; s. not polished, with scattered black points.

      reducta, Fr. P. convexo-plane, hygr. striate to middle, membranaceous, rather olive or brownish honey-colour; g. dingy yellow then rusty; s. narrowed upwards, tough amber-brown, apex paler, pruinose.

  3. C. Lepidoti. (Naucoria typical.) Pileus flocculose or squamulose. Veil evident. Spores rusty.
    1. * Scales of pileus superficial, disappearing.

      porriginosa, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convex, exp. obtuse, viscid, tawny then pale, with scattered superficial saffron flecks; g. adnate, yellow-cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. equal, silky, pallid.

      [lapponica, Laest. P. convex, umb. then plane, viscid, rufous brown, discoid, with scattered yellow pilose scales; g. serrulate, white then brown; s. elongated, cuticle separating.

      sobria, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convexo-plane, rather viscid and silky, yellowish, veil pruinose, fugacious; g. adnate, crowded, broad, saffron then pallid, edge pale; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillose, base brownish, white-floccose; sp. 14-16 × 10.

      var. dispersa, B. and Br. P. 0.5-1 cm. convex, ochre, punctulate, edge scurfy; s. scurfy, ring append.; g. pallid, edge white.

    2. ** Pileus innately squamulose.

      erinacea, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. dry, convex, subumbil. squamulose with fascicles of hairs, rusty-umber; g. adnate, quite entire; s. 1-1.5 cm. incurved, hairy, colour of p.; sp. 9-15 × 6-7.

      Dry as in Marasmius. Differs from N. siparia in entire edge of g. and stem squamulose throughout.

      siparia, Weinm. P. 1-2 cm. plane, obtuse, woolly-scaly, reddish rusty; g. broad, edge floccose; s. 1.5-2 cm. squamulose, apex glabrous; sp. 8-10 × 4-5.

      conspersa, Pers. P. 1-1.5 cm. fragile, convexo-plane, obtuse, hygr. soon broken up into scurfy squamules, cinnamon bay then ochre; g. adnate, crowded; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillose, apex scurfy-squamulose, colour of p.; sp. 8-9 × 5.

      escharoides, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conico-convex, exp. obtuse scurfy-squamulose, whitish tan disc becoming darker; g. lax, ventricose; s. 2-3 cm. wavy, adpressedly fibrillose pale then darker; s. 14 × 7.

      [suavis, Bres. Smell pleasant, like ripe pears. P. campan. exp. umb. brownish, centre lurid tawny then pale, squamulose; g. crowded, pallid then tawny brown; s. equal, fuscous; sp. 9-10 × 4.5-5.

      [limbata, Bull. P. exp. obtuse, even then concentrically floccosely squamulose, ochraceous-tan, edge striate then split; g. free, ochre-tan; s. fistulose, glabrous, white then yellowish; sp. 6-9 × 4-6.

      var. sublimbata. Differs in solid s. which like p. is brick-red then pale; g. rusty.

      [Weislandri, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, glabrous, tawny, cuticle cracked into areolae, hence the surface is crowded with minute dark wart-like papillae; g. adnate, broad, dark rust; s. filiform, almost naked, blackish.

    3. *** Pileus destitute of scales, silky or atomate.

      [segestria, Fr. P. soft, convex, exp. or depr. silky, hygr. tan then pale; g. adnate, crowded, narrow; s. soft, tough, fibrillose, pallid; sp. 9-10 × 6.

      [pannosa, Fr. P. thin, exp. fuscescent, silky with white hairs; g. ventricose, distant, pale umber; s. filiform, almost glabrous, pallid.

      [hibala, Karst. P. convexo-depr. hygr. surface loose and pannose, sooty-umber or olive-brown, yellowish-grey when dry; g. adnate, narrow, crowded, edge grey-flocculose, subdentate; s. base with white down, pulverulent-velvety with yellowish particles.

      [bryophila, Roze and Boud. P. conico-campan. acute umbo blackish, rest reddish brown, striate; g. almost free, pale rose; s. cylindrical, almost translucent, brown, curved.

      carpophila, Fr. P. 3-6 mm. thin, convex, obtuse, shining with scurfy particles, yellowish then pallid; g. broad, crenulate, ochre; s. 5-8 cm. scurfy then naked, pallid.

      graminicola, Nees. P. 3-8 mm. convex, papillate, hairy-tomentose, fuscous then reddish ochre; g. rather distant, ochre then pallid; s. 1 cm. tough, hairy, brownish; sp. 7 × 4.

      [pityrodes, Brig. P. dry, convex, plane, umb. very minutely downy-squamulose, whitish then rufescent, edge striate, toothed; g. ventricose, pallid; s. fistulose, tough, scabrid-squamulose, tawny, strigose below.

      effugiens, Q. Very minute. P. thin convexo-plane, diaphanous, ochre, at length greyish olive and covered with shining crystalline grains; g. yellowish; s. incurved, mealy.

      echinospora, W. G. S. P. at first rather scurfy, moist, hygr. citrin, greenish marginate then pallid, edge slightly striate; g. citrin; s. reddish-brown, white squamulose; sp. rough, 7 × 6.


  1. I. Conocephali. Pileus conico-campanulate, hygr. almost even, atomate when dry; stem straight, gills somewhat crowded, ascending.

    [apala, Weinm. P. campan. equal, obtuse, even, hygr. pallid livid, white when dry; g. almost free, whitish then ochre; s. tall, fragile, narrowed upwards, white-velvety; sp. 12-14 × 7-8.

    var. sphaerobasis, Post. P. campan. even; s. shorter, glabrous, base spherical.

    lateritia, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. high, nut-shaped then conical, even, hygr. gilvous then ochre, edge densely striate when moist; g. very narrow, tawny-rust; s. 6-9 cm. fragile, narrowed upwards, white-pruinose; sp. 11-12 × 5-6.

    Differs from G. ovalis by narrow, ascending g.

    tenera, Schaeff. P. 1-2 cm. high, conico-campan. obtuse, hygr. pale yellowish rusty, pale and rather atomate when dry; g. adnate, crowded, rather broad, cinnamon; s. 6-9 cm. straight, fragile, rather shining, colour of p.; sp. 12-13 × 7.

    var. pilosella, Pers. P. and s. covered with short erect pubescence when moist.

    [flexipes, Karst. P. campan. obtuse, rusty and slightly pellucidly striate, ochraceous when dry; g. adnexed, crowded, pallid then rusty, edge crenulate; s. equal, fistulose, wavy, pallid then rusty, white-fibrillose, apex white-pruinose; sp. 10-12 × 5-6.

    [pubescens, Gillet. P. conical, reticulately wrinkled, atomate, very minutely pubescent, brown or ochre, hygr.; g. narrow, veined at base, rusty; s. tall, rigid, coarsely longitudinally striate above, finely pubescent, paler than p.

    siliginea, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. globose, then campan. finally exp. unequal, even, greyish, not becoming pale; g. adnate, ochre; s. 4-7 cm. rather wavy, equal, pallid, rather pruinose; sp. 11-13 × 5-7.

    campanulata, Mass. Smell strong. P. 1-2 cm. persistently campan. subacute, even, hygr. deep cinnamon, whitish, atomate and rather rugulose when dry; g. adnate, tawny cinnamon; s. 4-5 cm. wavy, pallid; sp. 12 × 7.

    ovalis, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. thin, ovato-campan. even, hygr. dark rusty, yellowish when dry; g. nearly free, ventricose, very broad, rusty; s. 6-9 cm. straight, equal, slightly striate, colour of p. hollow; sp. 10 × 6.

    Veil sometimes subannulate.

    [rabenhorstii, Fr. P. acutely conical then exp. umbil. pellucidly striate, olive; g. lanceolate, white then rufous-brown; s. fibrously striate, brownish-white, base thickened, somewhat floccosely rooting.

    antipoda, Lasch. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan.-convex, even, ochre, whitish and atomate when dry; s. 2-3 cm. striate, mealy, base bulbous and fusiformly rooting; g. almost free, crowded, yellowish-ochre; sp. 15-16 × 8.

    conferta, Bolt. P. 1-2 cm. acutely conico-campan. striate, glabrous, hygr. fuscous, fuscous ochre when dry; g. slightly adnexed, white then brownish ochre; s. 2-4 cm. silky, shining, naked, with an equal very long rooting base; sp. ——.

    Densely crowded, very fragile.

    spicula, Lasch. P. conico-campan. striate when moist, brown-ochre, flocculose when dry; g. adnate; s. straight, slender, white-floccose, base thickened, fibrillose.

    spartea, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan.-convex, exp. obtuse, hygr. even when dry, glabrous, cinnamon then pale; g. adnate, crowded; s. 3-5 cm. rigid, flexile, glabrous; sp. ——.

    Resembling G. tener but smaller, and s. not straight.

    pygmaeo-affinis, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. exp. dry, not striate, slightly wrinkled, honey-tan; g. thin, crowded, very narrow, rusty-ochre; s. 4-6 cm. equal, shining white; sp. ——.

    Fries says this is possibly a tall form of Naucoria pygmaea.

  2. II. Bryogeni. Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, striate, glabrous, hygr. even, opaque and rather silky when dry; stem slender, lax, flexile; gills broadly and abruptly adnate, broad, somewhat denticulate.

    vittaeformis, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. conico-campan. papillate, striate, somewhat bay; g. adnate, ascending; s. 3-7 cm. equal, flexile, even, reddish; sp. 12 × 6.

    rubiginosa, Fr. P. 0.5-1 cm. campan. obtuse, everywhere deeply striate, hygr. cinnamon or honey-colour, tan when dry; g. distant, broad, opaque; s. 4-5 cm. glabrous, reddish; sp. 10 × 5.

    hypnorum, Batsch. P. 0.5-1 cm. campan. subpapillate, glabrous, striate, hygr. ochre or tawny-ochre then pale; g. broad, lax; s. 3-4 cm. wavy, colour of p. apex pruinose; sp. 10 × 6.

    var. bryorum, Pers. Larger, watery cinnamon, papilla somewhat horny; sp. 10 × 6.

    var. sphagnorum, Pers. Two to three times larger than type, yellowish-ochre; s. elongated, subfibrillose, tawny.

    [hypnicola, Karst. P. conico-campan. obtuse, disc gibbous, deeply lineato-striate, livid fuscous, soon paler; g. crowded; s. equal, lax, flaccid, silky flocculose from veil, soon glabrous, pallid; sp. 10-12 × 7.

    mniophila, Lasch. P. 1-1.5 cm. campan. subpapillate, striate, brownish yellow; g. broad, yellowish-ochre; s. 4-7 cm. equal, flexile, yellow, apex mealy; sp. 14 × 6.

    minuta, Q. P. 3-5 mm. campan. striate, pale tawny bistre; g. arcuate, as broad as long; s. 1-2 cm. hair-like, tawny, shining, woolly and white at base; sp. 6 × 4.

    [aquatilis, Fr. P. campan.-convex, subpapillate, glabrous, watery, edge striate, pallid honey-colour or hyaline, then whitish; g. distant, triquetrous, pallid; s. very long, slender, even, very glabrous, pallid; sp. 10-14 × 6.

    [tenuissima, Weinm. P. campan. obtuse, glabrous, slightly striate, tinged olive; g. crowded, cinnamon; s. very slender, flexile, glabrous, cinnamon; sp. 10-13 long.

  3. III. Eriodermi. Pileus submembranaceous; veil evident, superficial, deciduous; at first—especially near the edge—silky or squamulose.

    pityria, Fr. P. campan. exp. glabrous, viscid, lurid, tan when dry, fugacious veil append.; g. slightly adnexed, crowded, rusty; s. fistulose, firm, glabrous, silvery, apex with white meal.

    ravida, Fr. P. 1.5-3 cm. campan. then hemispher. even when moist, greyish, dingy ochre when dry, edge at first toothed with white veil; g. nearly free, gilvous; s. 2-3 cm. fibrilloso-striate, pallid, silvery; sp. 8-10 × 4.

    mycenopsis, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan. exp. disc even, striate to middle, at first silky-white near edge, ochre then pale; g. white then ochre; s. 6-9 cm. attenuated, white, silky; sp. 9-12 × 5-6.

    [morchelloides, De Brond. P. conoid, obtuse, subgibbous, with anastomosing wrinkles, edge wavy, tawny ochre; g. whitish then fuscous; s. equal, squamulose, rufous.

    [vestita, Fr. P. campan. striate, tawny yellow when moist, ochre when dry, edge fimbriately toothed with the veil; g. adnate, yellow then ochre; s. rigid, pulverulent, yellowish; sp. 10 × 4-5.

    [Sahleri, Q. Minute. P. conical, acute, striate, chestnut tawny, honey-colour when dry, deciduous silky fibrils at margin; g. adnate, tawny ochre; s. fibrillose, shining; sp. 8-10 × 4-5.


  1. I. Genuini. Spores rusty.

    cupularis, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. plano-depr. obtuse, even, glabrous, rufescent then yellowish, hygr.; g. decur. crowded, tawny; s. 4-7 cm. fistulose, naked, narrowed upwards, whitish; sp. 6 × 3.

    furfuracea, Pers. P. 1.5-5 cm. convex then plane and at length umbil. yellowish-cinnamon, hygr. hoary with the silky-squamulose veil, especially near edge; g. adnato-decur. rather distant, cinnamon; s. 2-5 cm. fistulose, flocculose, rigid, pallid; sp. 10 × 6.

    var. heterosticha, Fr. P. subumb. depr. cinnamon, ochre then pallid when dry; s. almost naked.

    var. trigonophylla, Fr. Small, becoming pale; g. very broad, triangular, more distant, ochre with a tawny tinge.

    anthrocophila, Karst. P. convex, exp. wavy, dry, rusty-cinnamon pale when dry, with concentric white deciduous flecks near edge; g. adnate, dentate; s. wavy, often compr. pallid rusty, white-fibrillose; sp. 6-7.5 × 3-5.

    Close to T. furfuracea.

    paludosa, Fr. 0.5-1.5 cm. P. conic then convex, umb. not striate, yellowish fuscous, with silky pallid superficial flecks; g. decur. very broad behind, crowded, watery ochre; s. 6-9 cm. slender, elongated, flexuous, floccose, ochre or pale citrin; sp. 10 × 4.

    stagnina, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. conical then convex, obtuse, rather viscid and striate when moist, rusty bay, even and pale ochre when dry, with white concentric floccose scales near edge; g. decur. very broad, ochre then rusty; s. 7-15 cm. reddish bay; sp. 10 × 5.

    P. sometimes depr. and umbil.

    [vestita, Q. P. 1-2 cm. thin, campan. creamy ochre, edge with a white dentate fringe formed by the torn ring; g. yellow, then fawn with a cream edge; s. fistulose, slender, mealy, creamy white; ring membranous, thin, white, caducous; sp. 10 long.

    pellucida, Bull. P. 1-2 cm. conical then campan. umb. cinnamon, hygr. silky-squamulose near the striate edge; g. subdecur. very broad behind, triangular, paler than p.; s. 3-5 cm. narrowed upwards, shining, pale, apex mealy; sp. ——.

    muscorum, Pers. P. 0.5-1 cm. convex, centre becoming depr. striate, glabrous, yellow-fuscous; g. subdecur. paler; s. short, base thickened, colour of p.; sp. 6-8 × 4.

    embola, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan. then convex, obtuse, lineato-striate, glabrous, yellowish tawny, hygr.; g. very broad behind, triangular, thick, distant; s. 3-5 cm. thickened upwards, glabrous, shining yellow when dry; sp. 10 × 4-6.

    Differs from Omph. umbellifera in glabrous finely striate p. and s. thickened upwards.

    [viscidula, Karst. P. campan. striate, viscid, somewhat ochre; g. adnate, distant, white then rusty; s. equal, rusty, paler upwards, white-flocculose; sp. 6-7 × 3-6.

    autochthona, B. and Br. P. 0.5-1 cm. hemispher. obtuse, pale ochre, silky, edge flocculose; g. adnate with decur. tooth, honey-colour; s. 2-3 cm. wavy or curved, thickened above and below, base woolly; sp. 8 × 4.

    Differs from T. furfuracea in the p. not becoming pale, and sp. paler.

  2. II. Phaeoti. Spores fuscous-rusty.

    crobula, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex then plane, obtuse, not striate, rather viscid, covered with deciduous floccose subsquarrose scales, then naked, greyish tan; g. subdecur. crowded; s. 2-3.5 cm. tough, fuscous, densely covered with white floccose scales; sp. 10 × 6.

    Almost a large-sized T. inquilina with the veil of A. furfuracea, but evidently annulate.

    inquilina, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex then plane, glabrous, rather viscid, striate when moist, hygr. tawny or hoary-tan; g. subdecur. rather distant, triangular, tan then brownish umber; s. 2-3 cm. tough, bay, white-fibrillose; sp. 8 × 4.

    Close to T. crobula, differs in glabrous p., striate when moist, and nearly glabrous s.

    var. ecbola, Fr. P. tan; s. rooting; g. crowded, rusty.

    [caricicola, P. Henn. P. thin, convex, depr. centre brownish, even, glabrous, yellowish-brown, silky when dry; g. shortly decur. rusty; s. slender, curved, brown, base darker; sp. 8-10 × 3.5-4.5.

gymnopodia, Bull. Rusty brown. P. 4-7 cm. fleshy, campan.-convex, squamulose; g. deeply decur. arcuate, crowded, rusty; s. 3-6 cm. solid, almost glabrous, equal; sp. ——.

Aldridgei, Mass. P. 2-5 cm. convex then infundib. edge incurved, dry, orange brick-red, minutely velvety; g. deeply decur. rusty orange; s. 6-9 cm. wavy, smooth, colour of p.; sp. 16 × 5.

vinosa, Bull. P. 2-4 cm. exp. then depr. rusty fawn-colour; g. decur. crowded, narrow, rusty; s. 2-3 cm. solid, firm, base rather thickened, minutely flocculose; sp. 5 × 3.

[Tamii, Fr. P. convex, dry, floccosely silky, dusky yellow, with tinge of brown; g. adnate, orange tawny; s. solid, silky fibrillose, equal, yellowish rufous.

[abrupta, Fr. P. convexo-plane, disc becoming depr. obsoletely umb. glabrous, shining tawny; g. adnate with decur. tooth, pallid then tawny; s. fibrillose, tawny yellow; sp. 5-7 × 3-5.

floccifera, B. and Br. Caespitose. P. 4-5 cm. convex, exp. tawny, white-fibrillose, somewhat zoned when dry; g. adnate, wrinkled, rusty, edge white; s. 3 cm. narrowed downwards, scurfy at apex, white and silky-squamulose below; sp. ——.

[muricella, Fr. P. convex then plane, tawny, covered everywhere with suberect darker erect innate squamules; g. adnate, crowded, dingy yellow; s. solid, equal, glabrous, pallid.

decipiens, W. G. Sm. P. 2-3 cm. deep clear brown then pale, convex, obtuse or umb. dry, minutely scaly, flesh yellow; g. decur. orange-brown; s. 3-4 cm. narrowed downwards, tawny, striate; sp. 6-7 × 4.

Differs from F. carbonaria in decur. bright g.

clitopila, Cke. and Sm. P. 3-4 cm. convex then exp. depr. and umbil. smooth, dry, purplish brown; g. dingy yellowish; s. 4-5 cm. ventricose, smoky brown, hollow; sp. 10 × 4-5.

  • II. Lubrici. Pileus covered with a viscid, continuous, partly separable cuticle; veil evident, fibrillose.

    lenta, Pers. P. 4-7 cm. convexo-plane, even, viscid, livid or tan, at first with scattered scales; g. adnate, whitish then tan; s. 4-5 cm. equal, scaly; sp. 10 × 4. (6-7 × 3-4 Sacc.)

    Sometimes entirely whitish; p. glutinous when moist.

    Stevenson considers the present and Hebeloma glutinosum to be identical.

    lubrica, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. plane, even, viscid, cinnamon or tawny or pallid and disc tawny and spotted with squamules; g. adnate, broad, tan; s. 5-12 cm. somewhat narrowed, fibrillose, whitish, apex striate; sp. 8 × 4.

    lupina, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. and depr. even, viscid; g. adnato-decur. broad, pallid tan; s. 2-3 cm. short, firm, unequal, with rusty tinged adpressed fibrils, apex white; sp. 8 × 4.

    There are two forms: A. Smell strong, pungent, p. fuscous then tan; s. becoming rusty. B. Milder, p. tawny; s. and g. yellowish.

    mixta, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. convexo-plane, viscid, crust-colour, disc darker, rugulose; g. subdecur. crowded; s. 3-7 cm. hollow, pallid, fusco-fibrillose, rufous-scaly below; sp. 10 × 5.

    juncina, W. G. Sm. P. 3-4 cm. hemispher. exp. even, glabrous, sulphur, disc brown; g. decur. sulphur then reddish brown; s. 8-10 cm. tapering downwards, sulphur, base tawny; sp. ——.

    decussata, Fr. P. plane, obscurely umb. viscid, virgate with innate radiating fibrils, crust-colour; g. adnate, crowded, narrow, yellowish then tan; s. tawny.

    gummosa, Lasch. P. 3-6 cm. plane, floccosely scaly then even, viscid, yellow or greenish; g. adnate, crowded, yellow then cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. silky fibrillose, base reddish; sp. ——.

    spumosa, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. even, viscid, yellowish; g. adnate, yellow then rusty; s. 4-9 cm. equal, slender, fibrillose, yellowish; sp. 9 × 5.

    [Henningsii, Bres. P. convex, exp. greenish-yellow or citrin, centre tinged fuscous, with disappearing brownish squamules; g. sinuato-adnate, crowded, yellow then tawny cinnamon; s. fibrillosely squamulose then almost glabrous, tawny-yellow; sp. 8-9 × 5.5.

    [carbonaria, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. almost plane, even, viscid, somewhat tawny, flesh yellow; g. adnate, tan becoming fuscescent; s. 3-7 cm. rigid, squamulose, pallid; sp. 10-11 × 5-6.

  • III. Udi. Cuticle of pileus continuous, not distinct or separable, glabrous (frequently with superficial down), moist or slightly viscid in rainy weather. Veil evident, appendiculate. Spores not tawny nor ochre. Allied to Pholiota, caespitose, growing on wood.

    fusus, Batsch. P. 4-8 cm. compact, convexo-exp. even, rather viscid, reddish tan, flesh yellowish, veil append.; g. subdecur. yellowish then rusty; s. 4-5 cm. fibrillosely striate, base narrowed, colour of p. rooting; sp. 10 × 4.

    var. superba, Mass. P. 8-12 cm. deep orange; s. pale orange; g. narrow, bright yellow.

    filia, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. glabrous, moist in rainy weather but not viscid, pale reddish yellow; g. adnate, arcuate, tawny yellow; s. 8-14 cm. glabrous, pale yellow, hollow; sp. 10 × 5.

    [cortinata, D. C. Caespitose. P. convex, glabrous, discoid, veil append.; g. adnate, rusty; s. hollow, unequal, squamulose, white.

    var. cortinella, Dub. P. ovoid-convex, yellow or greyish-yellow; g. whitish then rufous-lilac, at length vinous.

    astragalina, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. discoid, at first superficially silky near edge, saffron blood-red, flesh same; g. adnate, crowded, pale yellow then rusty; s. 3-9 cm. wavy, fibrillosely scaly, pallid; sp. 10 long.

    alnicola, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. exp. moist, even, at first subfibrillosely scaly then nearly glabrous, yellow then rusty, rarely greenish; g. broad, pallid then rusty; s. 4-9 cm. partly hollow, narrowed to a rooting base, fibrillose, yellow then rusty; sp. 9 × 4.

    flavida, Schaeff. P. 3-7 cm. exp. equal; glabrous, moist, yellow; g. yellow then rusty; s. 5-9 cm. yellow then rusty; 6-8 × 5.

    inaurata, W. G. Sm. Sulphur yellow. P. 2-3 cm. moist, smooth, with a distinct veil; g. adnate with a decur. tooth; s. 2-3 cm. with innate scales; sp. ——.

    conissans, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. thin, exp. equal, moist, glabrous, yellowish tan; g. crowded, pallid then dingy tan; s. 4-7 cm. hollow, silky fibrillose, pallid; sp. 8 × 4.

    Habit of Hypholoma fasciculare.

    inopoda, Fr. P. 3-9 cm. exp. moist, glabrous, honey-coloured tan; g. linear, yellowish white then pallid; s. 7-14 cm. slender, wavy, adpressedly fibrillose, at length reddish below; sp. 10 × 6.

    apicrea, Fr. 3-7 cm. exp. even, glabrous, moist, tan or dingy orange, disc tawny; g. crowded, shining rusty; s. 4-7 cm. hollow, equal, not rooting, pallid, base with rusty fibrils; sp. 7 × 3.

    Differs from F. alnicola in unchangeable gills, flesh hygr.; p. clay-colour, disc tawny becoming pale, smell sweet.

    [austera, Fr. P. campan.-convex exp. obtuse, moist, discoid, fibrillose then glabrous, hygr. honey-colour, disc tawny; g. subdecur. always cinnamon; s. hollow, equal, not rooting, silky fibrillose, whitish.

    [azyma, Bull. P. convex-exp. obtuse, moist, even, hygr. pale rusty, flocculose and rimosely squamulose when dry; g. adnate, gilvous, edge whitish; s. fibrillosely cortinate, pallid; sp. 10 long.

  • IV. Sapinei. Pileus hardly pelliculose (flesh cracking or torn into squamules towards disc), not viscid. Veil adpressedly fibrillose to the stem, not appendiculato-cortinate, almost none, or forming a zone on stem. Known more especially by yellowish or tawny yellow gills and ochre or tawny spores. Subcaespitose, always growing on pines or on pine branches etc. on the ground.

    [stabilis, Weinm. P. compact, exp. even, glabrous, ochre, gibbous disc darker; g. whitish then tawny cinnamon; s. stout, rigid, whitish with ochre fibrils.

    penetrans, Fr. P. exp. dry, almost glabrous, golden or orange tawny; g. yellowish-white spotted tawny; s. silky then striate, pallid, very fugacious flocculose veil white; sp. 8-9 × 4-5.

    hybrida, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. hemispher. exp. obtuse, glabrous, even, moist, tawny cinnamon then tawny orange; g. adnate, pale yellow then tawny; s. 4-7 cm. narrowed upwards, tawny, whitish cortinate and cingulate; sp. 7-8 × 4-5.

    [harmoge, Fr. P. campan. adpressedly squamulose, rather viscid, disc fleshy, verdigris green, rest lilac or pinkish; g. adnate, broad, sulphur then tawny-saffron; s. colour of p. veil floccosely radiating.

    sapinea, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. exp. very obtuse, minutely flocculosely squamulose then rimosely broken up, golden tawny; g. adnate, broad, golden then tawny cinnamon; s. 3-5 cm. deformed, thick, grooved, rooting, yellowish; sp. 8 × 5.

    [Studeriana, Fayod. P. convex then exp. edge acute, deep orange, covered with deciduous, purple-brown radiating silky fibrils; g. adnexed, brownish-tan, not spotted; s. cylindrical, fibrillose and coloured like p.; sp. rough, 8 × 4-5.

    liquiritiae, Pers. P. 3-7 cm. splitting, convexo-plane, subumb. glabrous, moist, edge at length slightly striate, tawny orange; g. broad, golden then tawny cinnamon; s. 4-5 cm. hollow, fibrous, striate, silky and white then tawny-rusty; sp. ——.

    picrea, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. cracking, convexo-exp. even, glabrous, rufous- or bay-cinnamon then tawny; g. crowded, narrow, yellow then rusty; s. 4-7 cm. fistulose, thin, somewhat umber, narrowed upwards, pulverulent at first; sp. 8-10 × 5-6.

    nitens, Cke. and Mass. Caespitose. P. 3-5 cm. hemispher. obtuse, shining, persistently purple brown; g. pallid then umber; s. 4-7 cm. fibrillose, pale pinkish brown, solid; sp. 10 × 5-6.

    [limulata, Fr. P. convex then irreg. densely papillosely-rivulose with innate flecks, tawny; g. crowded, yellow then cinnamon; s. thin, fibrillose, rather downy, fuscescent; sp. 6-7 × 3-4.

  • V. Sericelli. Cortinate, cuticle of pileus rather silky, dry or viscid at first.

    [Agardhii, Fr. P. convex then exp. obtuse, dry, fibrillosely silky, almost even, tawny-rusty; g. adnato-decur. crowded, tan then brown-rusty, edge paler, crenulate; s. equal, wavy, fibrillosely cortinate.

    ochrochlora, Fr. Caespitose. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-exp. obtusely umb. dry, rather silky, subsquamulose, greenish straw-colour; g. adnate, crowded, greenish-white then olive; s. 4-5 cm. hollow, scaly and white-floccose, wavy, base and inside rusty; sp. 8 × 4.

    Resembling Hypholoma fasciculare, differing in rusty sp.

    helomorpha, Fr. White. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. exp. gibbous, unequal, viscid, silky when dry, edge naked; g. adnato-decur. crowded, white then tan; s. 2-3 cm. solid, unequal, curved, even, almost glabrous; sp. 10 × 6.

    scamba, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. subdepr. floccosely downy, viscid in damp weather, white then tinged tan; g. subdecur. yellowish tan; s. 3-4 cm. short, incurved, flocculosely cortinate, white, base narrowed; sp. 10-12 × 5-6.

  • Introduced species.

    filicea, Cke. P. 2-4 cm. convexo-exp. or slightly depr. squamulosely fibrillose, deep yellow disc tawny, veil reddish, append.; g. adnate, sulphur then tawny; s. 3-5 cm. hollow, sulphur, base tawny; sp. 8 × 5.

    purpurata, Cke. and Mass. P. 3-4 cm. exp. obtusely umb. purple or purple-brown, squamulose, dry; g. adnate, yellow then rusty; s. 3-4 cm. incurved, purplish and granulose below; sp. 8 × 5.


    Key to the Subgenera.

    I. Phlegmacium. Partial veil cobwebby. Pileus equally fleshy, viscid; stem firm, dry. p. 177.

    II. Myxacium. Universal veil glutinous, hence the pileus and scarcely bulbous stem are viscid. Pileus rather thin; gills adnate or decurrent. p. 183.

    III. Inoloma. Pileus equally fleshy, dry, at first scaly, fibrillose or innately silky, not hygrophanous. Veil simple. Stem fleshy, subbulbous. p. 185.

    IV. Dermocybe. Flesh of pileus thin, everywhere equal, at first downy or subinnately silky, but glabrous when adult, dry, not hygrophanous. p. 188.

    V. Telamonia. Pileus hygrophanous, at first glabrous or with whitish superficial fibrils. Flesh entirely thin or the margin abruptly so, splitting. Universal veil peronate, or forming a ring low down on the stem, apex somewhat cortinate, hence the veil is double. p. 191.

    VI. Hydrocybe. Pileus glabrous or covered with superficial white fibrils, not viscid but moist when growing, losing the deep colour and becoming pale when dry, flesh very thin, splitting, disc rarely thicker. Stem rather rigid, not peronate; veil thin, fibrillose, rarely collapsing and forming an irregular zone round the stem. p. 196.

    1. I. Phlegmacium.
      Partial veil cobwebby. Pileus equally fleshy, viscid. Stem firm, dry.
      1. * Cliduchii. Partial veil superior, forming a pendulous ring round the apex of the subequal or clavate stem.
        1. + Gills pallid then tan.

          triumphans, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. convex then exp. even, yellow, at first with a few adpr. darker scales; g. emarginate, crowded, quite entire; s. 7-14 cm. solid, clavate, with several concentric squamulose tawny rings; sp. 12-14 × 5-6.

          [crocolitus, Q. P. disc, with saffron squamules; g. white, lilac, then tan; s. squamulose, ring thin, yellowish-white.

          claricolor, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. firm, exp. glabrous, shining when dry, yellow, often cracked into scales; g. subadnexed, crowded, serrate, greyish white then pallid; s. solid, at first floccoso-squamulose from white veil; sp. 11-12 × 6-7.

          turmalis, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. convexo-plane, even, glabrous, discoid, dingy yellow; g. emarginato-decur. crowded, subserrate, tan; s. 7-12 cm. cylindric, white, at first woolly-peronate; sp. 8-9 × 5.

          crassus, Fr. P. 7-11 cm. flesh thick, plano-depr. dingy yellow, disc glabrous, rest fibrilloso-strigose; g. crowded, quite entire, tan; s. 6-9 cm. stout, fibrillose, white, apex mealy; sp. 15 × 7.

          balteatus, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. exp. compact, soon dry and broken up into flecks, tawny, edge violet or bluish; g. emarginato-decur. crowded, entire, whitish; s. at first peronato-tomentose, white, apex velvety; sp. ——.

          sebaceus, Fr. P. 6-12 cm. incurved then exp. rather wavy, pallid, white-pruinose; g. emarg. not crowded, tan; s. 6-10 cm. solid, equal, fibrillose, pallid; sp. 9 × 7.

          lustratus, Fr. Wholly whitish. P. 3-5 cm. exp. even, glabrous, edge fibrillose, cortinate; g. closely crowded; s. 3-5 cm. solid, nearly equal; sp. ——.

          Resembling Entol. prunuloides, but sp. ochre.

        2. ++ Gills violet or purplish, then cinnamon.

          varius, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. compact, discoid, edge glabrous, flesh white, rusty; g. crowded, entire, purplish then cinnamon; s. 3-5 cm. conical, adpr. flocculose, whitish; sp. ——.

          cyanopus, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. exp. even, glabrous, bay or tawny, flesh whitish; g. adnato-emarg. broad, violet then pale; s. 4-5 cm. violet then whitish, bulb depressed, oblique; sp. ——.

          variicolor, Fr. P. 8-11 cm. compact, discoid, tomentose edge violet, rest bay; g. decur.-emarginate, bluish then tan; s. 8-11 cm. villose at first blue then whitish; sp. 9-10 × 5. Flesh bluish then pallid.

          var. nemorensis, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. yellowish-bay, edge at first bluish; s. clavate, 7 cm. apex hollow, mealy; g. rotundato-subdecur.

          largus, Fr. P. 8-14 cm. exp. wavy, subgibbous, tan or reddish, flesh grey then white; g. broad, crowded, entire, grey then cinnamon; s. 8-12 cm. solid, fibrillose, curved, violet then white; sp. 12-14 × 7.

          [spadiceus, Fr. P. exp. smoky bay, pellicle separable; g. blue then brownish-tan; s. fibrilloso-striate, pallid.

          [pelmatosporus, C. Mart. P. subglobose then campan. or convex, brown or chestnut, centre darker, edge sulcate, incurved then exp. white fibrillose veil persistent; s. stuffed, stout, apex white, violet below, bulb submarginate, yellow; g. sinuate, adnexed; sp. very large.

          Riederi, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. campan. then exp. glutinous, ochre, shining when dry; g. adnate, eroded, violet then cinnamon; s. clavate, silky lilac, tawny fibrillose, 6-9 cm.; sp. 12 × 5.

        3. +++ Gills yellow, cinnamon, or ferruginous (not whitish violet at first).

          [percomis, Fr. P. convexo-plane, even, very glabrous, gilvous; g. sulphur yellow then tan, broad; s. clavate, sulphur inside.

          [vitellinopes, Secr. P. exp. depr. edge of margin upturned, discoid, glabrous, egg-yellow; g. rusty cinnamon; s. solid, rather wavy, white above ring, fibrillose and yellow below.

          saginus, Fr. P. 8-11 cm. plano-convex, unequal, glabrous, yellow; g. decur. broad, eroded, pallid then cinnamon; s. 7 cm. somewhat bulbous, yellowish, apex naked; sp. ——.

          [cliduchus, Fr. P. depr. shining, discoid, bright yellow; g. serrate, rusty-cinnamon; s. slightly curved, fibrillose, yellow.

          russus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. convexo-plane, silky fibrillose near edge, coppery; g. adnate, broad, connected by veins, rusty; s. 6-7 cm. attenuated, pallid, fibrillose; sp. 8-10 × 5.

        4. ++++ Gills olive.

          [cephalixus, Fr. P. plane, rather wavy, olive, edge yellowish, disc with brown granules; g. adnexed, thin, eroded, white then rusty olive; s. clavate, brownish squamulose below.

          infractus, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. exp. virgate, edge thin, incurved, olive or yellowish; g. broad, crowded, olive-umber; s. 6-7 cm. ovately bulbous, tinged olive; sp. 10 × 8.

          anfractus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. unequal, bent inwards, wavy, olive then tawny fuliginous; g. crisped, rather distant, sooty-olive then tan; s. 4-6 cm. unequal, apex violet; sp. ——.

          Berkeleyi, Cke. P. 7-14 cm. convex then exp. edge incurved, rugulose, pale, rest brown; g. narrow, cinnamon with olive tinge; s. 8-14 cm. base bulbous, solid, white; sp. 15-16 × 8-9.

          Whole young fungus enclosed in a white volva, patches of which often remain on p.

      2. ** Scauri. Bulb depressed or turbinate, marginate, stem fleshy, fibrous; veil inferior, springing from margin of bulb; pileus equally fleshy; gills subsinuate.
        1. + Gills whitish then tan or pale cinnamon.

          multiformis, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. equal, glabrous, yellow or tawny all over, flesh white; g. serrate, white then tan; s. 5-9 cm. yellowish white; sp. 10-12 × 5, rough.

          var. flavescens, Cke. Flesh and gills yellow.

          [rapaceus, Fr. P. convexo-plane, even, whitish-tan, not becoming paler; flesh white; g. crowded, entire, white then tan; s. stuffed, short, white, bulb depr. marginate.

          napus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. exp. glutinous, edge incurved, tawny; g. rather distant, crisped, smoky; s. 4-5 cm. equal, white, bulb obconic and oblique; sp. 10 × 5.

          allutus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. conico-convex, orange yellow, intense yellow when dry, then pale, edge darker, flesh rufescent; g. adnate, crenulate, white then rufous; s. 2-3 cm. viscid, white, rufous striate below, marginately bulbous; sp. ——.

          talus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. convex, even, dingy yellow then pale, edge yellowish olive; g. pale ochre; s. 6-7 cm. cylindric, glabrous, marginately bulbous, pallid; sp. 8-9 × 4-5.

        2. ++ Gills violet, blue, purplish, becoming cinnamon.

          glaucopus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. compact, incurved then expanded, rather wavy, viscid then floccoso-squamulose or fibrillose, olive-bay then tawny yellow; g. broad; s. 6-8 cm. striate, bluish then yellowish, base marginate; sp. 8 × 4-5.

          [pansa, Fr. P. compact, incurved, wavy, glabrous, spotted with innate scales, shining, tawny orange, flesh white; g. entire, blue; s. marginate, yellow.

          [variegatus, Bres. P. convex then exp. and umb. edge incurved, rufous brick-red, white fibrillose then glabrous and yellowish tan; g. closely crowded; s. fibrillose, whitish then tinged rusty, base narrowed and somewhat rooting, or marginately bulbous with a clear violet silky basal zone; sp. 8-10 × 3.5-4.

          calochrous, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. exp. flesh compact, white; tawny yellow; g. serrate, bluish-purple; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillose, yellowish (never blue), bulb abruptly marginate; sp. 7-8 × 4.

          caerulescens, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. convex then exp. dingy yellow or tan, flesh blue then pale; g. entire, at first pure deep blue; s. 4-5 cm. solid, attenuated, naked, bulb marginate blue or violet becoming whitish; sp. 9-10 × 5.

          purpurascens, Fr. P. 8-12 cm. exp. rather wavy, glutinous, bay or reddish, then tawny olive, spotted, flesh everywhere blue; g. blue then tan, purple when bruised; s. 6-7 cm. fibrillose, deep blue, darker when bruised, marginate bulb disappearing; sp. 10-12 × 5-6.

          var. subpurpurascens, Fr. P. thinner, subvirgate, becoming pale; s. stuffed, bluish white.

        3. +++ Gills rusty, tawny, or yellowish.

          dibaphus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. convex then exp. purplish, disc yellowish, variegated with lilac; flesh yellow, violet under the cuticle; g. rusty purple; s. 6-7 cm. yellow, apex purplish, bulb marginate; sp. 12 × 5.

          var. xanthophyllus, Cke. G. for a long time yellow.

          turbinatus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. orbicular, dingy yellow or greenish, all one colour, glabrous, becoming pale; g. crowded, entire; s. 4-5 cm. cylindrical, bulb turbinate, marginate, whitish or tinged yellow; sp. 14-16 × 7, rough.

          corrosus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. umbil. glabrous, viscid, ferruginous then pale tan, at length rivulose or subfloccose, opaque when dry, flesh firm, white; g. closely crowded, narrow; s. 3-5 cm. white, cortina fibrillose, apex naked, bulb depr. marginate; sp. ——.

          fulgens, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. silky-fibrillose, viscid, tawny orange, flesh becoming spongy and tan; g. emarginate, tawny; s. 5-6 cm. colour of p. fibrillose and woolly, bulb large, depr. marginate; sp. 9 × 5.

          Stem viscid when young in damp weather.

          [sulfurinus, Q. P. convex, sulphur yellow, edge white, disc with saffron points; g. sulphur then tawny; s. silky, yellowish white.

          fulmineus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. tawny, edge orange, with adpressed tawny scales; g. at first pure yellow; s. 2-3 cm. yellow, naked, apex with a white veil, bulb ample, rooting; sp. 10 × 5-6.

          Stem slightly viscid at first. C. fulgens differs in tan-coloured flesh.

          elegantior, Fr. P. exp. even, glabrous, edge at first incurved, tawny, flesh yellowish; g. egg-yellow then olive; s. yellowish, marginately bulbous.

          orichalceus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. with a viscid pellicle, disc reddish tawny cracked into patches, edge livid; g. sulphur then greenish; s. 4-7 cm. fibrillose, yellowish, marginately bulbous; sp. ——.

          testaceus, Cke. P. 6-9 cm. exp. obtusely umb. or depr. brick-red then paler; g. adnate; s. 6-9 cm. whitish above, tinged rufous below, bulb submarginate, flesh tinged reddish; sp. 16 × 8, rough.

        4. ++++ Gills olivaceous.

          [rufoolivaceus, Pers. P. exp. rufous then paler; g. crowded, olive; s. green then yellowish, bulb submarginate.

          prasinus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. dingy bluish-green, spotted as if scaly, edge incurved; g. rather distant, olive-yellow; s. 4-5 cm. marginately bulbous, pale olive-green; sp. 10 × 5.

          atrovirens, Kalchbr. P. 6-9 cm. convex, dusky-green or dusky-olive, flesh yellowish green; g. yellow-green then tan; s. 6-7 cm. bulb marginate, subturbinate, flesh tinged greenish; sp. 10 × 6.

          scaurus, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. equal, exp. smoky-tawny then pale, spotted, edge thin becoming striate; g. crowded, purplish-olive; s. 6-7 cm. greenish or bluish, never yellow, narrowed upwards from marginate bulb; sp. 10 × 5.

          herpeticus, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. exp. olive then dingy tan, flesh violet then whitish; g. violet-umber then sooty-olive; s. 5-7 cm. fibrillose, pallid, bulb napiform, marginate; sp. 10 × 6.

      3. *** Elastici. Veil simple, thin, fugacious, median or inferior. Stem never marginately bulbous or peronate, but elastic, rigid, externally polished, shining, cartilaginous.
        1. + Gills white then tan or dingy cinnamon.

          cumatilis, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. obtuse, with bluish-violet gluten, disc brownish; g. adnexed, serrate; s. 6-7 cm. subbulbous, white, veil forming a volva at base; sp. ——.

          serarius, Fr. P. 3-9 cm. gibbous, not polished, viscid, opaque, reddish-tan; g. arcuato-adfixed; s. 7-9 cm. fibrillose, shining, and like the flesh white; sp. ——.

          emollitus, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. exp. wavy, slightly fibrillose-virgate, tawny then ochre and shining; g. white then ochre; s. 3-4 cm. scarcely bulbous, fibrillose, white as is also the flesh; sp. ——.

          cristallinus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. exp. very glabrous, viscid, shining, hygr. pallid, edge whitish; g. crowded, tan; s. 5-6 cm. hollow, nearly equal, white; sp. 8 × 4.

          decoloratus, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. soon dry and flocculose, tan then pale, often corrugated when old; g. greyish-tan; s. 6-7 cm. base thickened, fibrillosely-striate, silvery; sp. 7 × 4.

        2. ++ Gills violet, purplish or flesh-colour.

          decolorans, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. all one colour, yellow; g. dry, purplish then tan; s. 5-8 cm. narrowed upwards, and like the flesh, white; sp. 10 × 8.

          porphyropus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. thin, virgate, ochre, often spotted; g. rather crowded, thin; s. 5-9 cm. somewhat attenuated, lilac, purplish when bruised as is also the flesh; sp. 10-12 × 7.

          [rubropunctatus, Karst. P. thin, convexo-plane, even, glabrous, glutinous, yellow; g. adnexed, crowded, white then ochre; s. wavy, fibrillose, white, apex pruinose red-punctate; sp. 8-10 × 4-5.

          croceocoeruleus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. lilac; g. lilac then orange-tan; s. 4-5 cm. hollow, fragile, white; sp. 8 × 5.

          [maculosus, Fr. P. conico-convex then exp. and wavy, whitish spotted with umber scales; g. pinkish-white, grey then tan; s. squamosely fibrillose, white.

        3. +++ Gills pure ochre, tawny, or rusty.

          corruscans, Fr. P. 7-11 cm. plane, even, glabrous, yellowish ochre often spotted; g. plano-decur. closely crowded, ochre; s. 7-12 cm. solid, elastic, white; sp. ——.

          papulosus, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. discoid, soon rivulose, granulato-punctate, honey-tan, disc darker; g. adnato-decur.; s. 6-7 cm. fibrillose, white; sp. ——.

          [intentus, Fr. P. exp. soft, ochre or tawny; g. adnate, closely crowded, bright saffron; s. hollow, rigid, fragile, yellowish.

          [compar, Fr. P. exp. even, yellowish, edge thin; g. adnate, rusty-cinnamon; s. fibrillose, apex lilac.

          [subsimilis, Fr. P. exp. sooty brown, flesh white; g. adnate, smoky then tan; s. solid, equal, fibrillose, tawny.

        4. ++++ Gills olive or smoky.

          [olivascens, Fr. P. exp. olive then sooty at length pale; g. tan tinged olive; s. silvery-pallid. Taste very acrid.

    2. II. Myxacium.
      Universal veil glutinous, hence pileus and scarcely bulbous stem viscid. Pileus rather thin. Gills adnate or decurrent.
      1. * Colliniti. Stem floccosely peronate, flocci at first covered with gluten.

        [alutipes, Lasch. P. exp. obtuse, even, yellow-brown or bay; g. adnate, rather distant, tawny cinnamon; s. solid, stout, peronato-annulate, glutinous.

        arvinaceus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. exp. edge patent, golden-tawny or reddish-tan; g. adnato-decur. straw-colour then ochre; s. 10-17 cm. cylindric, yellowish-white, silky-viscid; sp. ——.

        collinitus, Fr. P. 7-11 cm. fleshy, convex and incurved then exp. even, shining, tawny-orange; g. adnate, greyish tan then cinnamon; s. 7-12 cm. cylindric, floccosely glutinous broken up into transverse squamules; sp. 12 × 6.

        var. mucosus, Fr. Firmer. S. even, silky; g. whitish then rusty.

        [alpinus, Boud. P. convex camp. firm, viscid, tawny yellow; s. white, apex sulcate, ring and below glutinous; g. adnate, broad, cinnamon, edge paler. Flesh pale ochraceous.

        Differs from C. collinitus and C. livido-ochraceus in very convex p. and permanently white s. grooved at apex.

        mucifluus, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. campan.-exp. smeared with hyaline gluten that disappears, edge striate livid-tan or yellowish; g. adnate, tan; s. 5-7 cm. narrowed downwards, viscid and floccosely squamulose, white or tinged violet; sp. 12 × 7.

        elatior, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. cylindrical then exp. thin except disc, plicato-rugose, livid yellow then dingy ochre; g. adnate, very broad, connected by veins; s. 10-16 cm. narrowed to both ends, whitish or tinged lilac; sp. 12 × 6.

        grallipes, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. thin, campan. then exp. umb. even, hygr. rusty then ochre; g. adnato-decur. very broad; s. 9-14 cm. stuffed then hollow, rather wavy, yellowish; sp. ——.

        Habit of C. hinnuleus, but viscid.

        livido-ochraceus, B. P. 3-5 cm. very thin, exp. ochre; g. rounded behind and slightly adnexed, cinnamon; s. 2-3 cm. narrowed at both ends, whitish; sp. 8-10 × 5-7.

        [suratus, Fr. P. convex, equal, yellow, shining, disc depr. brownish, cracked; g. adnate, violet then dingy flesh-colour; s. solid, rather bulbous, flexuous, with yellowish scales, apex naked, tinged violet.

      2. ** Delibuti. Veil entirely viscid, stem not floccosely peronate but only viscid, shining when dry.
        1. + Gills whitish then tan.

          nitidus, Fr. P. 5-12 cm. exp. or depr. discoid, honey-coloured tan then pale, disc tan; g. truly and equally attenuato-decur. crowded; s. 5-9 cm. clavate, white, apex with white meal; sp. 10-12 × 8.

          [emunctus, Trog. P. campan. convex, pale violet then grey; g. adnate, subdistant; s. glutinous, pallid, apex naked, white.

          [liquidus, Fr. P. exp. even, glutinous, yellowish, silky and whitish when dry; g. truly decur. distant; s. attenuated, glutinous, white.

        2. ++ Gills at first violet, bluish or reddish.

          salor, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. exp. gibbous, innately fibrillose, violet; g. adnate, tan, edge violet; s. 4-7 cm. solid, conically attenuated, bulbous, glabrous, covered at the apex with the blue glutinous veil; sp. 8-10 × 6.

          [naevosus, Fr. P. exp. subdepr. reddish yellow, crowded with minute spot-like scales; g. emarginate, broad, blue then tan; s. solid, pallid grey, with yellowish hyaline gluten.

          delibutus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. exp. obtuse, yellowish with viscid hyaline gluten; g. adnate, serrulate, pallid blue then rusty; s. 5-9 cm. thin, attenuated, with whitish gluten; sp. 8 × 4.

          var. elegans, Fr. P. and s. quite glabrous, with yellow viscidity, shining when dry; flesh yellowish white.

          illibatus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. campan.-convex, then exp. and subumb. yellow disc darker; g. adnato-decur. crowded, rosy then tan; s. 5-7 cm. white, glabrous, often with reddish spots above; sp. 15-16 × 6-7.

        3. +++ Gills at first ochraceous or cinnamon.

          [epipoleus, Fr. P. exp. gibbous, hoary-shining; g. decur. edge wavy, rather distant, tan; s. bulbous, clavate, obsoletely violet, viscid.

          stillatitius, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. subumb. even, smeared at first with blue gluten, then livid fuscous, finally greyish-white; g. emarginate, broad; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, very soft, with blue mucus; sp. 8 × 4.

          Somewhat resembling C. elatior but smaller, and veil not floccose.

          vibratilis, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. thin, almost plane, subgibbous, hygr. yellow or tawny, golden and shining when dry; g. adnato-decur. crowded; s. soft, conical, snow-white, glutinous veil fugacious; sp. 8 × 5.

          Habit of C. armeniacus and C. causticus. Differs from both in very soft, snow-white stem, and glutinous veil.

          pluvius, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. globose, then convex, viscid, hygr. yellowish tawny, tan and opaque when dry; g. decur. then seceding, white then ochre; s. 5-6 cm. slender, subequal, soft, white then pallid; sp. 10 × 8.

          [oliveus, Q. P. fibrilloso-virgate, viscid, olive green, flesh yellowish-olive; s. silky, citrin, base clavate; g. reddish amethyst.

    3. III. Inoloma.
      Pileus equally fleshy, dry, at first scaly, fibrillose or innately silky, not hygrophanous. Veil simple. Stem fleshy, subbulbous.
      1. * Gills at first white or pallid.

        opimus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. hard, exp. unequal, dry, with adpressed tan tomentum, rimoso-rivulose; g. emarginate, white then tan; s. 2.5-3 cm. hard, stout, pallid, with white fibrils; sp. ——.

        var. fulvobrunneus, Fr. P. glabrous then rivulose; g. very broad.

        [argutus, Fr. P. conical then exp. subgibbous, silky-fibrillose, ochraceous; g. adnate; s. solid, ventricose, fibroso-squamose, yellowish white.

        turgidus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. atomate then glabrous, whitish tan, shining, edge at first silky; g. emarginate, crowded, edge entire; s. 4-6 cm. bulbous, rimosely-striate, glabrous, silvery shining; sp. ——.

        Differs from C. argentatus in very obtuse p. and entire edge of gills.

        [praestans, Cord. P. convex, orbicular, silky-shining, brownish violet; g. hyaline then grey; s. fibrous inside, solid, whitish, cylindrical, sometimes wavy, rather bulbous. Esculent.

        argentatus, Krombh. P. 6-9 cm. convex, almost glabrous, silvery grey, shining, disc subgibbous, pallid, near the edge at first silky-lilac; g. emarginate, crowded, serrate; s. 7-9 cm. stout, white; sp. 8 × 5.

        var. pinetorum, Fr. Smaller. At first lilac and silky.

      2. ** Gills with veil and stem more or less violet.

        violaceus, L. P. 7-14 cm. very fleshy, dark violet, with downy scales; g. broad, thick, distant, dark; s. 6-9 cm. bulbous, spongy, downy, greyish violet; sp. 12-14 × 9-10.

        Dark violet both outside and inside.

        cyanites, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. obtuse silky, even, pale blue; g. at first clear blue; s. 7-12 cm. blue, bulbous, with red juice; sp. 10 × 5-6.

        var. major, Fr. P. and s. slowly becoming reddish; g. dark blue-grey.

        [calopus, Karst. P. convex, exp. even, hoary, silky-lilac near edge at first, then more or less rusty; g. adnate, at first pale cinnamon, entire; s. solid, equal, base thickened, usually curved, purple-lilac then pale, floccosely-scaly then pale; sp. 7-8 × 4-5.

        muricinus, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. obtuse, rufous violet, edge fibrillose; g. rather crowded; s. 6-7 cm. bulbous, juiceless, downy, purplish violet; sp. 8-9 × 4-5.

        Flesh sky-blue then whitish.

        [cinereo-violaceus, Fr. P. obtuse, violet then umber, squamulosely punctate; g. adnate, purple-umber; s. clavato-bulbous, firm, juiceless, reddish violet then pallid.

        albo-violaceus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. convex, silky, at length broadly gibbous, whitish violet; g. serrulate, greyish violet; s. 4-5 cm. clavate, whitish violet, with a median ring-like zone; sp. 12 × 5-6.

        malachius, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. pale lilac then brownish, tan when dry, white-fibrillose at first; g. crowded, pale purple then rusty; s. 7-10 cm. bulbous, bluish-peronate; sp. 10-12 × 6-7.

        camphoratus, Fr. Smell strong. P. 5-8 cm. obtuse, lilac, silky, then whitish or yellowish, flesh blue; g. clear blue then purplish; s. 7-12 cm. bulbous, juiceless, bluish from the cortina, inside the base white; sp. 9 × 6.

        hircinus, Fr. Smell strong, foetid. P. 4-5 cm. obtuse or gibbous, with adpr. silky violet fibrils then pale, disc glabrous becoming rusty; g. broad, violet then cinnamon; s. 4-5 cm. bulbous, juiceless, violet then pallid, base yellowish inside; sp. ——.

      3. *** Gills and veil cinnamon, red or ochre.

        traganus, Fr. Smell strong, foetid. P. 5-7 cm. obtuse, lilac-fibrillose then pale; g. thick, crenate, at first saffron-ochre; s. 7-12 cm. bulbous, spongy, tinged violet, inside saffron; sp. 9-10 × 6.

        var. finitimus, Weinm. Smell not so foetid as in type; s. yellowish and mottled inside.

        tophaceus, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. obtuse, tawny-ochre, villosely scaly, flesh white; g. emarginate, tawny cinnamon; s. 5-7 cm. villoso-scaly, yellowish; sp. 10 × 5.

        Entirely ochraceous or yellow.

        var. redemitus, Fr. P. slender, at length broadly gibbous, golden-yellow, with darker adpressed fibrils; s. fibrillosely striate, base slightly thickened.

        suillus, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. obtuse, brick-red then paler, margin silky then innately squamulose; g. adnate, broad, opaque, tan; s. 7-9 cm. clavate, spongy, adpressedly woolly below, middle fibrillose, apex silky, even, violet; sp. ——.

        Gills fragile, connected by veins at base.

        callisteus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. convexo-plane, tawny-yellow, nearly glabrous, even, innately squamulose, flesh yellowish; g. adnate, floccosely connected behind; s. 7-11 cm. bulbous, tawny fibrillose; sp. ——.

        Bulliardi, Fr. Smell strong. P. 3-7 cm. campan.-convex, subgibbous, even, or squamulose, rufescent; g. adnexed, broad, rusty-purplish; s. 4-6 cm. bulbous, short, firm, vermilion fibrillose below, apex whitish; sp. 8-10 × 6.

        vinosus, Cke. P. 5-7 cm. subgl. then exp. vinous red, smooth, even, shining; g. adnexed, ventricose, rusty tan; s. 5-8 cm. thickened abruptly into a reddish marginate bulb, pale violet above; sp. 16-18 × 8.

        [pavonius, Fr. P. convex, obtuse, broken up into broad vermilion scales; g. violet then cinnamon; s. solid, short, bulbous, with rufous fibrils.

        bolaris, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. obsoletely umb. reddish-yellow, variegated with saffron-red, innate, pilose adpressed scales, then pale; g. subdecur. crowded; s. 5-7 cm. stuffed then hollow, nearly equal, scaly, colour of p.; sp. 10 × 5.

        [craticus, Fr. P. fleshy, campan.-exp. obtusely umb. covered with reddish brick-coloured, innate interwoven fibrils; g. crowded; s. solid, narrowed upwards, glabrous, reddish below, becoming pale, base tomentose.

      4. **** Gills and veil dusky, fuscous, or olive.

        pholideus, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. obtusely umb. fawn, densely squamulose with blackish fascicles of hairs; g. violet then tan; s. 6-9 cm. with dusky squarrose squamules up to ring, apex even, violet; sp. 5 × 3-4.

        sublanatus, Fr. Smell resembling radishes. P. 6-9 cm. campan.-exp. umb. brownish tan, with innate pilose squamules; g. olive then yellowish; s. 6-7 cm. attenuated from a bulbous base, glabrous and pallid above, squamulose with fuscous down below; sp. 14-16 × 8-9.

        phrygianus, Fr. Smell like radishes. P. 5-7 cm. obtuse, honey colour, hispid with crowded simple black fibrils; g. dingy yellow; s. bulbous, with a lax reticulation of black fibrils; sp. ——.

        arenatus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. convex, gibbous at first, reddish tawny, granular with floccose squamules; g. yellowish tan; s. 6-7 cm. brownish squamulose above the middle, apex even, pallid; sp. 7 × 5.

        C. phrygianus differs in blackish squamules of p. and s. and strong smell of radishes. Both are often tinged olive when young.

        [melanotus, Kalchbr. P. convex, yellow, covered with minute, adpressed, blackish-olive scales, flesh olive-yellow; g. yellowish cinnamon; s. solid, narrowed upwards, yellowish, with small umber scales up to ring.

        penicillatus, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. convex, umb. rusty-brown, densely floccose with innate scales; g. dusky brown; s. 4-7 cm. slender, equal, with adpressed rusty-brown scales; sp. 8-9 × 5.

    4. IV. Dermocybe.
      Flesh of pileus thin, everywhere equal, at first downy or subinnately silky, but glabrous when adult, dry, not hygr.
      1. * Gills at first whitish or pallid.

        ochroleucus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. gibbous then obtuse, even, pallid white; g. crowded becoming ochre-tan; s. 4-7 cm. solid, firm, ventricose, white; sp. 8 × 4-5.

        decumbens, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. exp. even, white then yellowish, shining; g. tan from first; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, clavato-bulbous, ascending, pallid; sp. ——.

        riculatus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. exp. gibbous, yellowish, with adpressed silky bloom, becoming whitish, disc naked; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, pallid, base thickened.

        tabularis, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. soon plane, flocculose then almost glabrous, brownish tan then pale; g. emarginate; s. 5-7 cm. white, adpressedly fibrilloso-scaly then almost glabrous; sp. ——.

        [ochrophyllus, Fr. P. exp. dry, glabrous, brownish olive then pale; g. ochre then tan; s. solid, pallid, variegated with darker adpressed scales.

        camarus, Fr. Fragile. P. 5-7 cm. gibbous, hoary brown then pale; g. subadnate; s. 5-7 cm. partly hollow, equal, curved, inside and outside white, apex silvery shining; sp. 8-9 × 6-7.

        diabolicus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. obtuse then gibbous, fuscescent with a grey bloom, then glabrous and tawny yellow; g. subemarginately adnexed; s. 6-7 cm. glabrous, pallid, apex grey; sp. 10-12 × 7.

      2. ** Gills at first violet then purplish.

        caninus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. nearly glabrous, rufous-brick-red, tawny when dry; g. broad, purple then cinnamon; s. 5-7 cm. clavately bulbous, subperonate, pallid, apex violet; sp. 8 × 5-6.

        myrtillinus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. gibbous then flattened, sooty, hoary with white fibrils; g. rather distant, amethyst-blue then bluish tan; s. 4-5 cm. bulbous silky, not zoned, whitish; sp. 10 × 5.

        Apex of stem violet; no purple in g.

        azureus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. silky or atomate shining, hoary lilac; g. clear blue-violet; s. 4-7 cm. glabrous, slightly striate, base thickened, downy, whitish; sp. 9 × 6.

        albocyaneus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. hoary silky then glabrous, white then yellowish; g. broad, crowded, bluish purple then subochre; s. 6-9 cm. subclavate, naked, whitish; sp. 6-10 × 4-7.

        Differs from C. anomalus in clavate s. and flattened p.

        anomalus, Fr. P. 2.5-5 cm. obtuse then gibbous, sooty-rufous, hoary fibrillose then glabrous and tawny; g. crowded, bluish-purple then cinnamon; s. 5-7 cm. thin, attenuated, fibrillose, somewhat scaly, violet then pallid; sp. 8-9 × 7.

        spilomeus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. gibbous, dry, fuscous then tan; g. crowded, narrow; s. 4-5 cm. whitish lilac variegated with tawny rufous scales; sp. ——.

        Differs from C. anomalus in scaly stem.

        lepidopus, Cke. P. 2-4 cm. exp. gibbous, umber with a tinge of violet at edge, becoming rufescent; g. adnate, violet then cinnamon; s. 6-9 cm. narrowed upwards, rather wavy, whitish or tinged lilac, with concentric darker zones; sp. 9 × 6.

        [Lebretonii, Q. P. lilac then fawn; s. lilac, dotted with saffron flecks.

      3. *** Gills shining cinnamon, red, or yellow. Stem and fibrillose cortina coloured.

        miltinus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex, bay-cinnamon, soon very glabrous and shining; g. adnate, narrow, crowded, rusty; s. 5-7 cm. equally narrowed upwards, cinnamon, reddish-fibrillose; sp. 6 × 4.

        cinnabarinus, Fr. Smell strong, like radishes. Every part crimson-lake. P. 2-5 cm. obtuse, silky then almost glabrous, shining; g. adnate, broad, rather distant, darker; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillose; sp. 8 × 5.

        Differs from C. sanguineus in stuffed s., radishy smell, and broad gills with an olive tinge.

        sanguineus, Fr. Entirely blood-red. P. 2-5 cm. obtuse, innately silky or squamulose; g. crowded, broadish; s. 3-5 cm. stuffed then hollow, thin, equal; sp. 6-7 × 4.

        anthracinus, Fr. P. 1.5-3 cm. convex exp. umb. somewhat chestnut; g. adnate, crowded, scarlet, blood-red when bruised; s. 4-5 cm. fibrillose, deep blood-red; sp. 7 × 5.

        cinnamomeus, Fr. P. 2.5-5 cm. obtuse, umb. somewhat cinnamon with yellowish innate fibrils; g. adnate, broad, crowded, shining, yellowish; s. 4-9 cm. equal, with flesh and veil yellowish; sp. 7-8 × 4-5.

        var. croceus, Fr. Smaller. P. subsquamulose, sometimes tinged olive; g. less crowded, yellowish and sometimes olive, as is also the s.

        var. semisanguineus, Fr. G. blood-red or orange-red.

        uliginosus, B. P. 2-3 cm. conico-campan. then exp. strongly umb. bright red-brown or brick-red, flesh olive-yellow; g. adnate, yellow, olive, tan; s. 4-9 cm. flexuous, paler than p.; sp. 7 × 4-5.

        croceoconus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. conico-campan. persistently acute, tawny cinnamon; g. linear, crowded; s. 4-7 cm. slender, flexuous, hollow; sp. ——.

        orellanus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. obtusely umb. villosely squamulose or fibrillose orange-tawny, flesh reddish; g. adfixed, broad; s. 3-5 cm. solid, fibrillosely striate, tawny; sp. 6-7 × 3-4.

        Differs from C. cinnamomeus in solid stem and reddish flesh.

        malicorius, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. obtuse, velvety-fibrillose, tawny-golden, flesh splitting, yellow then olive-green; g. crowded, tawny orange, edge becoming flocculose; s. 4-5 cm. hollow, fibrillose, golden; sp. ——.

        Differs from C. cinnamomeus in persistently hollow s. golden then olive-brown; flesh yellow then greenish- or golden-olive.

        infucatus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex, obtuse, bright yellow; g. adnate, crowded, tawny then cinnamon; s. 4-5 cm. narrowed from clavate base, fibrillose, whitish or yellowish; sp. 10 × 5.

        [fucatophyllus, Lasch. P. acutely umb. fibrillosely scaly, brownish; g. broad, yellow with crimson spots, denticulate; s. fibrillose, yellowish, veil reddish.

        colymbadinus, Fr. P. subgibbous, with seceding yellow fibrils, yellowish; flesh splitting, yellowish; g. rather distant, broad, thick, rusty, edge white-floccose; s. equal, fibrillosely striate, naked, pallid.

      4. **** Becoming olivaceous. Veil dingy, pallid or tinged fuscous. Pileus not broken up into scales.

        cotoneus, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. olivaceous, campan. exp. bullate, wavy, innately velvety; g. olive then brownish tan; s. 5-8 cm. solid, base thickened, pale olive, veil forming a fuscous zone; sp. 10-11 × 8.

        subnotatus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. campan. then exp. olive then fuscous, at first clothed with superficial hoary squamules, soon glabrous; g. yellowish then olive tan; s. 6-9 cm. conical, squamulose with yellowish fragments of veil, apex glabrous, shining; sp. 10 × 5.

        valgus, Fr. Fragile. P. 5-7 cm. convex, subgibbous, almost glabrous, olive then brick-red, edge submembranaceous; g. dingy yellow red then brick-red; s. 7-12 cm. twisted, naked, pallid, shining, apex striate, tinged violet, bulb with white down, rooting; sp. ——.

        raphanoides, Fr. Smell strong, like radishes. P. 2-5 cm. campan. then exp. gibbous, silky with innate fibrils, olive then tawny; g. olive then cinnamon; s. 5-7 cm. firm, fibrillose, paler; sp. 8 × 5.

        [depexus, Fr. P. thin, convex then plane, brick-red becoming pale; g. adnate, yellowish then cinnamon, opaque; s. equal, fibrillosely striate, pallid.

        venetus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. thin, convex then exp. silky-villose, olive then yellowish, opaque; g. broad, veined, yellowish-olive then olive-cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. fibrilloso-striate, with the veil colour of p.; sp. 10 × 5.

        P. obtusely umb. sea-green or clear yellow-green as is the flesh.

        [olivascens, Karst. P. thin, edge submembr. firm, equal, convex then plane, even, glabrous, olive; s. pallid, fibrillose, ring fugacious; g. adnexed, very broad tawny rusty; sp. 7-10 × 3-4.

    5. V. Telamonia.
      Pileus hygr. at first glabrous or with whitish superficial fibrils. Flesh entirely thin or the margin abruptly so, splitting. Universal veil peronate or forming a ring low on the stem; apex somewhat cortinate, hence the veil is somewhat duplex.
      1. * Platyphilli. Gills very broad, thickish, more or less distant. Stem spongy or entirely fibrous.

        (Colour when dry given in brackets.)

        1. + Stem and veil white or whitish.

          macropus, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. convex, incurved, then exp. hoary with minute squamules, brick-red then rusty; g. distant, very broad; s. 7-14 cm. equal, fibrillose, whitish, ring distant; sp. 8 × 5.

          [testaceo-canescens, F. P. convex, brick-red, with greyish squamules; g. emarginato-adnate; s. rigid, equal, silky-shining.

          laniger, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. exp. woolly with white superficial scales, then glabrous and bright or dusky tawny; g. saffron-tawny; s. white, peronate up to distinct ring, veil shining white; sp. ——.

          bivelus, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. convexo-exp. glabrous, tawny brick-red; g. adnate, bright tawny cinnamon; s. 6-7 cm. subbulbous, dingy white, peronate, ring spurious, fugacious; sp. 10 × 5-6.

          bulbosus, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. campan. exp. glabrous, bay (dusky brick-red) disc subgibbous; g. adnate, opaque; s. 5-7 cm. stout, bulbous, pallid, peronate with white veil up to ring; sp. 8 × 3-4.

          urbicus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane, glabrous, silvery white; g. emarginate, broad; s. 4-5 cm. equal, peronate, white and downy above ring; sp. ——.

          licinipes, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. convex then exp. umb. glabrous, yellowish red; g. adnate, very broad; s. 8-12 cm. pallid floccose with white scales; sp. ——.

          microcyclus, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. thin, plano-convex, fuscous brick-red then pale; g. adnate, very broad, lilac then cinnamon; s. 3-5 cm. narrowed from base, pallid, white annular zone evident; sp. ——.

          Differs from C. decipiens in somewhat bulbous stem and white annular zone.

        2. ++ Stem and gills violet. Cortina usually white with a violet tinge, but universal veil white.

          torvus, Fr. P. 5-12 cm. convex-exp. obtuse, bay or tinged violet at first then brick-red, hoary with fibrillose squamules then almost glabrous; g. thick, distant, very broad, purplish umber then cinnamon; s. 7-12 cm. bulbous then elongated and equal, vaginate with the white persistent veil, apex violet cortinate; sp. 12 × 7-8. Flesh usually bored by larvae.

          impennis, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. fleshy, convex, obtuse, rigid, glabrous, somewhat brick-red then pale; g. thick, distant, violet, purplish, then cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. rather bulbous, pallid, imperfect ring and apex violet, whitish cortinate, solid; sp. 10-11 × 7.

          lucorum, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. even bay brick-red when moist; g. emarginate, cinnamon with a fugacious tinge of flesh-colour violet; s. 4-5 cm. clavate, very fibrillose, one colour, becoming pale; sp. 10 × 5.

          plumiger, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. conico-campan. gibbous, brownish-olive, densely covered with white feathery flecks; g. crowded, broad, edge entire, coloured like rest; s. 6-9 cm. clavato-bulbous, floccose, pale; sp. 10 × 5.

          scutulatus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. ovate, exp. obtuse, purplish umber (brick-red) silky white round edge at first, then broken up into squamules; g. adnate, violet purple; s. 6-9 cm. solid, rigid, rather bulbous, outside and inside dusky violet, peronate and more or less ringed white; sp. 7 × 3.

          evernius, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. conico-campan. exp. glabrous, purplish bay (brick-red and hoary) at length torn into fibrils; g. adnate, very broad, violet purple; s. 7-14 cm. cylindrical, soft, violet, obsoletely ringed from the veil; sp. 10 × 7.

          quadricolor, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. conical then exp. whitish yellow (becoming tawny) edge radiato-striate; g. adnate, broad, serrate, purplish then cinnamon; s. 6-7 cm. stuffed then hollow, equal, thin, whitish violet, veil forming an oblique white zone; sp. 10-11 × 6-7.

        3. +++ Stem and veil reddish or yellowish. Gills tawny or cinnamon, not violet nor becoming brown.

          armillatus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. campan. exp. soon innately fibrillose and torn into squamules, reddish brick-colour; g. very broad, distant; s. 8-12 cm. solid, bulbous, rufescent, with two or three red zones; sp. 10 × 6.

          Differs from C. hematochelis in distant gills, and more than one red zone on stem.

          haematochelis, Bull. P. 6-9 cm. gibbous, silky fibrillose, brownish brick-red (pallid); g. adnate, crowded, rather narrow; s. 8-11 cm. solid, narrowed upwards, with one red zone; sp. 10 × 7-8.

          [paragaudis, Fr. P. campan. exp. umb. bay (tawny tan); g. adnexed, ventricose; s. elongated, twisted, pale red, peronate with adpressed fibrillose reddish squamules.

          var. praestigiosus, Fr. P. thin, striate, silky-fibrous towards edge; s. hollow, equal, slender; g. thin, distant, tawny cinnamon.

          croceofulvus, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. umb. even, tawny orange; g. adnate, rusty; s. 6-9 cm. solid, equal, reddish-yellow, with a narrow orange zone; sp. 8-10 × 6. Flesh yellow.

          limonius, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. convexo-plane, obtuse, glabrous, tawny (yellowish ochre), at length squamulose; g. rather distant, yellow then tawny cinnamon; s. 6-7 cm. solid, firm, floccosely squamulose, colour of p.; sp. ——.

          Base of s. becoming deep saffron.

          [arenarius, Q. P. pruinose, ochraceous-fawn; g. pale fuscescent; s. rooting, fibrillosely floccose, sulphur.

          helvolus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. incurved then exp. glabrous, hygr. tawny-rusty then cracked umbo obtuse, vanishing; g. very broad, thick; s. 10-18 cm. attenuated, veil silky, almost smooth, peronate, terminated by a rusty edged annular zone; sp. 6 × 5.

          hinnuleus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. thin, conico-campan. exp. subumb. glabrous, pallid tawny-cinnamon (somewhat tawny); g. distant, broad, quite entire, tawny cinnamon; s. 6-9 cm. rigid, somewhat tawny, narrowed below, white silky veil almost smooth forming a pallid zone at apex; sp. 10-12 × 7-8.

          gentilis, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5, conico-exp. acutely umb. even, glabrous then cracked, tawny cinnamon (yellow); g. adnate, thick, very distant, entire, edge coloured like rest; s. 6-9 cm. slender, equal, scaly, tawny cinnamon, scales and oblique ring, yellow; sp. 7-8 × 6.

          helvelloides, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5, thin, subconvex, obsoletely umb. rusty (tawny then pale), then cracked; g. adnate, violet-umber then cinnamon, edge floccose, white; s. 4-7 cm. slender, undulate, silky fibrillose, with the imperfect ring and veil yellowish; sp. 7 × 5.

          rubellus, Cke. P. 4-7 cm. campan. then exp. rufous orange umbo darkest, flesh reddish-ochre; g. adnate, sinuate, bright rusty-red; s. 6-9 cm. pale above, dark below, with darker concentric bands; sp. 8 × 5.

        4. ++++ Stem fuscescent, veil fuscous or dingy, gills dusky. [Species of Inoloma and Dermocybe are often peronately ringed, but the pileus is not hygr. and scaly or silky at first.]

          bovinus, Fr. P. 6-11 cm. convexo-plane, even, glabrous, watery cinnamon (somewhat tawny); g. very broad; s. 6-7 cm. stout, spongily bulbous, greyish then fuscous-cinnamon, whitish above fuscous zone; sp. ——.

          nitrosus, Cke. Stinking. P. 4-7 cm. obtuse, exp. edge wavy, fawn or tawny, disc darker, soon breaking up into darker, minute concentric scales; g. violet then dilute cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. equal, ochre, base darker, with dark concentric squamules; sp. 12 × 4.

          brunneus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. campan. exp. umber (reddish tan dingy), naked, broken up into innate fibrils near edge, umbo fleshy, obtuse; g. adnate, thick, distant, purplish then umber-cinnamon; s. 7-9 cm. narrowed upwards, elastic, fuscescent, white-striate, veil forming a brownish white zone; sp. 10-12 × 6.

          [disjungendus, Karst. P. convex, gibbous, even, glabrous, tawny umber, white-striate; g. adnate at first, distant; s. solid, equal, base thickened and radiating, dingy, curved; sp. 10-17 × 5-6.

          injucundus, Weinm. P. 6-9 cm. compact, convexo-plane, obtuse, fuscous-cinnamon, fibrillose; g. very broad, lilac then tan; s. 6-9 cm. solid, clavate, colour of p. then tawny-yellow, fibrils and veil fuscous; sp. 10 × 5.

          brunneofulvus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. thin, campan. exp. subumb. even, innately fibrillose, virgate, tawny cinnamon, edge at first white-fibrillose; g. adnate, very broad, opaque; s. 6-9 cm. narrowed from base, fibrillosely striate, fuscescent, at length pale tawny outside and inside; sp. ——.

          glandicolor, Fr. Entirely umber. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. exp. umb. hoary-fuscous when dry; g. adnate, broad, distant, entire; s. 7-11 cm. equal, slender, straight, veil forming a distant white zone; sp. ——.

          var. curta, Fr. S. 2-3 cm. long, wavy, peronate with white veil, cingulate, umbo blackish.

          punctatus, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, conico-convex, glabrous, hoary-umber (tan), at length even; g. adnate, very distant, entire, brownish-cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. slender, undulate, fibrillosely striate, brownish-yellow, a zone formed by the fugacious pale fuscous veil; sp. 7 × 4.

      2. ** Leptophylli. Gills narrow, thin, more or less crowded. Pileus thin. Stem somewhat cartilaginous and rigid outside, stuffed or hollow, often narrowed below.
        1. + Stem whitish or pallid, floccosely scaly.

          triformis, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. convexo-plane, subumb. hygr. opaque, almost glabrous, yellow-brown; g. subadnate; s. 6-7 cm. clavate, almost glabrous, pallid, ring white; sp. 10 × 6.

          var. melleopallens, Fr. P. dingy honey-colour; s. yellowish then pallid, becoming hollow, ring interwoven.

          var. fuscopallens, Fr. P. umb. fuscescent then pallid; g. narrow, watery white.

          biformis, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. conico-campan. exp. glabrous, shining, rusty bay, umbo fleshy, prominent; g. adnate, crenulate; s. 5-9 cm. base narrowed, fibrillosely striate, pale, ring oblique, white; sp. ——.

          [fallax, Q. P. thin, becoming pallid; g. pallid then ochre; s. wavy, slender, pallid, apex blue, ring white, fugacious.

          [Lindgrenii, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, glabrous, rusty (ochre-tan), then wavy; g. crowded, watery cinnamon; s. short, adpressedly silky, whitish, ring subapical, reflexed.

        2. ++ Stem violet.

          periscelis, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. campan. then convex, lilac, white-silky, umbo fleshy, rest very thin; g. adnate, crowded, narrow; s. 7-9 cm. fibrillose, colour of p. interwoven brownish veil subannulate; sp. 7-8 × 4-5.

          Usually several imperfect brownish rings on s.

          [bibulus, Q. Greyish-lilac; p. ellipsoid, moist, fibrillosely silky; g. dusky violet; s. slender, covered with curled white flecks.

          flexipes, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. conical then exp. acutely umb. violet then brownish cinnamon (reddish tan) fibrillosely hoary; g. adnate, broad, umber-violet then tan; s. 7-9 cm. wavy, subundulate, fibrillosely scaly, apex violet, veil white, subannulate; sp. ——.

          flabellus, Fr. Smell strong, like radishes. P. 2-3 cm. conical, exp. obtusely umb. fuscous-olive (tan) hoary fibrillose; g. adnate, connected by veins, linear, olive then rusty; s. 6-9 cm. wavy, floccosely scaly pallid, scales and ring white; sp. ——.

        3. +++ Stem and pileus tawny or rusty.

          psammocephalus, Fr. Every part tawny cinnamon, inside also; p. 2-3 cm. convexo-exp. then umb. scurfily-scaly; g. adnate, arcuate, crowded; s. 3-4 cm. narrowed, squamulosely peronate from the contiguous veil; sp. 6 × 4.

          incisus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conico-convex, exp. umb. naked but soon innately fibrillosely scaly, hygr. rusty (tawny); g. adnate; s. 2-3 cm. equal, fibroso-fibrillose, rusty, ring of white veil almost obsolete; sp. 5 × 3.

          iliopodius, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex, subumb. silkily hoary then almost glabrous, reddish yellow (tan), at length rimose; g. adnate; s. 6-9 cm. equal, thin tawny (inside and outside), peronate with even pallid veil, naked and fibrillose above ring; sp. 7-8 × 4.

        4. ++++ Stem floccosely scaly, and like pileus fuscescent.

          hemitrichus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. convex then plane, umb. fuscous (fuscous tan), silky towards the margin with white curled fibrils; g. adnate, crowded; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, subequal, pale fuscous, veil white, floccose, as also is ring; sp. 6-7 × 3-4.

          stemmatus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex, exp. obtuse, bay, hoary-silky near the edge, fibrillose and pale when dry; g. adnate, crowded, bay; s. 5-7 cm. floccosely scaly, subannulate, rusty-bay; sp. ——.

          Differs from C. uraceus in squamulose s.

          rigidus, Fr. Strong scented. P. 1-3 cm. conico-convex, umb. glabrous, shining, bay (reddish); g. adnate, broad; s. 5-9 cm. equal, wavy, paler than p., veil white-squamulose, cingulate; sp. ——.

          paleaceus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. conico-exp. umb. rather fuscous (tan), silky with white downy squamules; g. adnate, truly crowded, whitish then tan; s. 5-7 cm. wavy, undulate, whitish-squamulose, apex with whitish ring; sp. 7-8 × 3.

          iris, Massee. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. then exp. acutely umb. pale brown-ochre, silky, white-fibrillose; g. much cut out behind, orange-brown, edge entire; s. 5-7 cm. conical, solid, orange-brown and squamulose below ring, smooth and violet at first above ring; sp. 10 × 5.

    6. VI. Hydrocybe.
      Pileus glabrous or covered with superficial white fibrils, not viscid but moist when growing, discoloured when dry; flesh very thin, splitting, disc rarely compact. Stem rather rigid, not peronate; veil thin, fibrillose, rarely collapsing and forming an irreg. zone.
      1. * Firmiores. Pileus rather fleshy, convex then campan.-convex, expanded, obtuse or at length gibbous, edge at first incurved. Stem generally narrowed upwards.

        (Colour when dry given in brackets.)

        1. + Stem and veil white.

          firmus, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. exp. obtuse, glabrous, rusty ochre, flesh compact, white; g. crowded; s. 6-8 cm. solid, stout, rather bulbous, white, veil rusty; sp. ——.

          Differs from C. subferrugineus by clear colour of p. and white s.

          subferrugineus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. exp. yellowish brick-red becoming rusty, subhygr.; g. scarcely crowded, broad, opaque, rusty; s. 6-8 cm. solid, spongy, rigid outside, subbulbous, white then dingy; sp. 8-10 × 5-6.

          armeniacus, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. gibbous, glabrous, tawny cinnamon (yellowish tan), shining; g. adnate, crowded; s. 5-7 cm. conical, rigid, subperonate, white; sp. 8-9 × 5.

          var. falsarius, Fr. P. yellow, white when dry.

          [umbilicatus, Karst. P. convexo-plane, minutely umbil. undulate, obtuse, even, glabrous, brown-bay; g. very broad, cinnamon; s. equal, base thickened, whitish; sp. 6-6.5 × 4-4.5.

          damascenus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. thin, exp. bay-cinnamon (brick-red, rivulose); g. adnate, crowded; s. 5-7 cm. solid, firm, cylindrical, whitish; 12 × 6.

          privignus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. exp. gibbous, glabrous, pallid fuscous, silvery-hoary (tan then pallid); g. adnate, serrate; s. 6-7 cm. fragile, silvery white; sp. 8 × 5.

          duracinus, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. rigid, exp. gibbous, watery brick-red (tan, opaque), edge strongly incurved, silky; g. adnate, thin; s. 3-5 cm. rigid, unequal, rooting, glabrous, white; sp. 5 × 3.

          [candelaris, Fr. P. conico-campan. obtuse, glabrous, reddish dun (tawny, shining) edge slightly incurved white-silky; g. adnato-decur.; s. rigid, yellowish white, rooting.

          illuminus, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. exp. gibbous, glabrous, tawny brick-red (brick-red, tan) edge thin; g. adnate; s. 5-9 cm. partly hollow, pallid becoming rusty; sp. 11-12 × 6-7.

          tortuosus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. glabrous, even, shining, rusty bay (brick-red); g. adnate, tawny blood-red or purplish when touched; s. somewhat twisted, silvery; sp. 15-16 × 8.

          dilutus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. exp. subumb. glabrous, even, opaque, reddish dun (tan); g. broad, crowded; s. 4-7 cm. soft, pallid, base thickened; sp. 6 × 4.

          [erugatus, Weinm. P. exp. subumb. even, nearly glabrous, shining, ochraceous, brick-red; g. subadnate, crowded; s. elongated, thinner upwards, fibrillosely striate, pallid.

          [Hoeftii, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, watery brick-red (tan, opaque), with a silky bloom; g. adnate, crowded, connected by veins; s. subfistulose, equal, silvery.

        2. ++ Stem and gills usually violet. In certain sp. of preceding section there is an ephemeral tinge of violet at apex of stem.

          [livor, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, glabrous, dusky olive then tan; g. emarginate, crowded, broad, semicircular, watery cinnamon; s. narrowed from subbulbous base, short, violet; sp. ——.

          saturninus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. campan. exp. glabrous, moist, dusky bay (brick-red), with white silky veil round edge; g. adnexed, crowded, purplish then rusty; s. 4-7 cm. violet, base thickened; sp. ——.

          imbutus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. convex, obtuse, glabrous, gilvous becoming pale, edge subfibrillose; g. adnate, rather distant, broad, greyish-violet then cinnamon; s. 4-7 cm. whitish, apex violet; sp. 7-8 × 4-5.

          [cypriacus, Fr. P. almost membranaceous, campan. exp. gibbous, glabrous, cinnamon (tawny); g. crowded; s. colour of p., striate with adpr. fibrils.

          [plumbosus, Fr. P. convex, plane, umb. moist, blackish lead-colour, then paler and with satiny sheen near edge; g. olive-violet then cinnamon; s. hollow, attenuated upwards, violet then pallid.

          [sciophyllus, Fr. P. thin, convex, exp. deep bluish fuscous (bluish), silky-white round edge at first; g. adnate, dusky umber; s. solid, violet, narrowed from thickened base.

          castaneus, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. campan. exp. gibbous, even, chestnut (shining); g. violet then rusty; s. 2-3 cm. cartilaginous, violet or pallid reddish, stuffed then hollow; sp. ——.

          bicolor, Cke. P. 3-5 cm. campan. exp. umb. dingy white or tinged lilac; g. adnate, purplish violet then tan; s. 4-5 cm. pale violet then pale, solid; sp. 12-14 × 6-7.

          balaustinus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. obtuse, virgate, rusty rufous (tawny brick-red, shining); g. adnate, broad rusty rufous; s. 5-7 cm. conical, pallid, then rusty outside and in; sp. 8 × 4-5.

          colus, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convex, subgibbous, glabrous, rufous brown (paler and shining); g. adnate, dusky cinnamon; s. 7-9 cm. fibrillosely striate with fiery-saffron mycelium; sp. 9 × 4.

          isabellinus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. subumb. honey-colour, glabrous (yellowish and shining); g. adnate, yellow then tan; s. 7-9 cm. rigid, striate, yellowish; sp. 10 × 5.

          renidens, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. even, glabrous, shining, tawny (ochre); g. crowded, tawny; s. 2-4 cm. equal and with fibrous veil, yellow; sp. 8-10 × 5.

          angulosus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. wavy, hygr. reddish tawny (ochre, opaque); g. adnate, thickish, distant, tawny; s. 3-4 cm. equal, twisted, rather tawny; sp. ——.

          var. gracilescens, Fr. S. hollow, slender, tortuous, base rather narrowed.

          [zinziberatus, Fr. P. exp. umb. tawny honey-colour (yellowish), edge silky-fibrillose; g. adnate, quite entire, crisped; s. outside and base also inside, yellowish.

        3. +++ Stem fuscescent, veil pallid-dingy or white (not yellow); gills dusky.

          uraceus, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. campan.-convex, subgibbous, even, glabrous, umber (tan, torn into fibres); g. adnate, bay brown; s. 5-9 cm. blackish fuscous, apex becoming olive; sp. 8-9 × 4.

          jubarinus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. campan. exp. glabrous, bright tawny cinnamon (shining); g. adnate, tawny cinnamon; s. 4-5 cm. fibrillosely striate, tawny, veil fugacious, white; sp. 10 × 5.

          Closely resembling C. cinnamomeus, differing in white fibrillose fugacious veil.

          [rubricosus, Fr. P. exp. umb. brownish bay (brick-red, shining); g. obtusely adnate, bright rusty; s. narrowed downwards, brownish, white veil collapsing and forming a silky zone.

          [nitens, Karst. P. exp. umb. white-silky from veil then glabrous and shining, brownish bay; g. tawny cinnamon; s. subequal, fuscous, white veil forming oblique bands; sp. 6 × 3.5.

          [irregularis, Fr. P. exp. umb. wavy, fuscous brown (tawny rusty, shining); g. decur. closely crowded, rusty; s. naked, brick-red with white striae.

          pateriformis, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. plano-depr. obtuse, orbicular, chestnut brown with white deciduous fibrils; g. brick-red; s. hollow, equal, tinged fuscous; sp. ——.

          [phaeophyllus, Karst. P. convex exp. umb. entirely even, edge silky, glabrous, watery cinnamon, ochre and shining when dry; g. adnate, brown-tan, edge honey-colour; s. equal, usually wavy, silky-fibrillose, pallid-white; sp. 7-9 × 4-5.

          unimodus, Britz. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then exp. usually depr. round umbo, shining, rufous brown; g. adnexed, brown; s. 4-7 cm. fibrous, brown below; sp. 10-12 × 6.

      2. ** Tenuiores. Pileus submembranaceous, conical then exp. umbo acute, rarely obtuse or nearly obsolete, edge at first straight.
        1. + Stem white.

          dolabratus, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. campan. exp. obtuse, glabrous, brick-red (even and tan), silky near the edge; g. adnate, very broad, distant, tan; s. 8-14 cm. stout, cylindrical, shining white; sp. 12-14 × 7-8.

          Smell very disagreeable.

          rigens, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. conical then convex, obtuse, glabrous, opaque, tan (whitish tan); g. adnato-subdecur.; s. 4-9 cm. cartilaginous, rigid, rooting, white; sp. 6-7 × 4.

          [fulvescens, Fr. P. exp. shining, cinnamon (brick-red), at length fibrillose, umbo persistent rather acute; g. adnate; s. attenuated, soft, rather wavy, becoming pale.

          Krombholzii, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. conico-campan. then gibbous, even, glabrous, tan, edge append.; g. nearly free, broad, rusty edge yellowish; s. 6-11 cm. equal, naked, white; sp. 8 × 4-5.

          Reedii, Berk. P. 2-3 cm. conical then exp. and strongly umb. shining, persistently brown; g. free; s. 2-3 cm. equal, rather bulbous, white, solid; sp. 7-8 × 4.

          leucopus, Bull. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. conical then exp. and umb. even, glabrous, yellowish red (clay-colour, shining); g. subadnexed, crowded; s. 2-3 cm. equal, shining white; sp. 6 × 3-4.

          Differs from C. pluvius in not being viscid.

          scandens, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conical, exp. tawny rusty to watery honey-colour (clay-colour), umbo fleshy, edge striate; g. adnate, tawny cinnamon, edge same colour; s. 5-8 cm. wavy, even, apex thickened, base attenuated, whitish; sp. 10 × 5.

        2. ++ Stem somewhat violet or reddish.

          erythrinus, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. conical, exp. rufous bay, prominent umbo darker; g. adnexed; s. 3-5 cm. equal, somewhat curved, violet above; sp. ——.

          var. argyropus. Slenderer than type; stem silvery, apex mealy.

          decipiens, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. conical, glabrous, shining, fuscous-bay, depr. round darker umbo (brick-red); g. adnate; s. equal, slender, with a pale separable cuticle; sp. 8 × 5.

          S. usually without any violet, pale red inside.

          var. insignis, Fr. P. paler; s. flexuous, glabrous.

          germanus, Fr. Smell strong. P. 1-2 cm. conico-exp. obtusely umb. rather silky, fragile, fuscescent (clay-colour); g. adnate, broad; s. thin, equal, glabrous, lilac then pallid; sp. ——.

          ianthipes, Secr. P. conical then exp. umb. fibrillose, shining, brown, edge yellowish; g. white then greyish olive; s. shining, violet, rufous below.

        3. +++ Stem yellowish, usually becoming pale.

          detonsus, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. conical, exp. subumb. glabrous, brick-red or yellowish (tan and silky); g. adnate, yellowish then brick-red, quite entire; s. 4-7 cm. glabrous, tinged yellow then pallid; sp. 6 × 4.

          saniosus, Fr. P. conical then convex and umb. not striate, glabrous, tawny fuscous (tawny, shining), edge fibrillosely torn; g. adnate, quite entire; s. curved, yellowish, veil fibrillose, yellow.

          obtusus, Fr. P. 1-3 cm. conico-campan. striate to middle, shining, reddish yellow (ochre then pallid, opaque, fibrillosely torn); g. adnato-ventricose, edge white-fimbriate; s. hollow, soft, ventricose, becoming pale, 4-9 cm.; sp. 9 × 5.

          acutus, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. conical, acutely umb. entirely striate, yellowish red (clay-colour, silky then even); g. adnate, ochre, entire; s. 6-8 cm. equal, slender, wavy, pale; sp. 6 × 4.

        4. ++++ Stem becoming fuscescent.

          Junghuhnii, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. conical, exp. papillate, persistently minutely velvety with thin innate white fibrils, shining cinnamon (somewhat tawny); g. adnate, orange brick-red; s. 4-7 cm. shining, adpressedly fuscous-fibrillose; sp. 8 × 5-6.

          depressus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. conico-convex, umb. glabrous, at first superficially silky near striate edge, fuscous then rusty; g. adnate, saffron then yellowish; s. hollow, reddish, base fuscous, white-silky; sp. ——.

          milvinus, Fr. Strong scented. P. conico-exp. subumb. striate to disc, somewhat olive (tan then pallid), edge crowned with white innate squamules; g. adnate, rusty olive, base veined; s. 4-5 cm. equal, curved, fuscous then pallid, spotted with the white silky veil; sp. 8-10 × 4.

          fasciatus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conico-exp. glabrous, fuscescent (brick-red then pallid and silky) umbo acute, blackish; g. adnate, distant; s. 4-9 cm. rather wavy, glabrous, fibrously splitting, pallid fuscous; sp. 8 × 5.

          Differs from C. acutus in very distant g.

    palmatus, Bull. P. 4-9 cm. compact, convex then exp. irreg. glabrous, pelliculose, rusty; g. fixed to a collar, colour of p.; s. excentric or lateral, incurved, glabrous, whitish; sp. subg. 10.

    Differs from Pleurotus subpalmatus in rusty sp.

    A form with a central s. occurs.

    [hypsophilus, R. Fries. Subcaespitose. P. fleshy, compact, irreg. laterally produced, entire, convex then plane, edge becoming upturned, glabrous, fuscous tan; g. emarginate, crowded, dingy yellow; s. very excentric, short, curved whitish.

    [nidulans, Mass. (= Pleurotus nidulans, Fr., Crepidotus junquillea (Paulet) Lucand.) P. fleshy, at first resupinate then expanded, sessile, subreniform, tomentose, yellow; g. broad, rather distant, tawny-orange; sp. tawny.

    alveolus, Lasch. P. 2-4 cm. soft, lateral, obovate, wavy, plane, glabrous, ochre-fuscous, sessile or produced behind into a short stem-like downy base; g. broad; sp. 7-8 long.

    [stiriacus, Wetts. P. fleshy-fibrous, ovate-shell-shaped, semiorbicular, or cuneiform, simple, lobed or partite, tomentose; g. dense, ochre-fuscous; s. lateral, very short; sp. 5-7 × 3.

    mollis, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. gelatinously fleshy, soft, obovate or reniform, flaccid, subsessile, glabrous, pallid then greyish; g. decur. from base, crowded, linear, whitish then watery cinnamon; sp. 8-9 × 5-6.

    putrigenus, B. and C. Imbricate, sessile; p. 2-3 cm. subreniform, whitish, tomentose; g. broad, rusty-brown; sp. subglobose, 6-7, rusty.

    applanatus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. soft, fragile, plane, reniform or cuneate, whitish, produced behind into a very short white-downy base; g. determinate, crowded, whitish then pale cinnamon; sp. 5 × 3.

    [scalaris, Fr. Imbricated. P. submembranaceous, very soft, effuso-reflexed, even, glabrous, clear dilute ochre, pellucid when fresh; g. decur. from base, distant, thin, whitish then cinnamon.

    calolepis, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. dimidiate, sessile and fixed by a downy nodule, white, marginate behind, variegated with minute rufescent scales; g. radiating from base, at length brownish rusty; sp. ——.

    haustellaris, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. flaccid, exactly lateral, reniform, plane, even, very slightly downy, tan; g. rounded behind, pallid then fuscous-cinnamon; s. distinct, narrowed upwards, downy, white; sp. ——.

    [Peteauxii, Q. P. resupinate then cup-shaped, lateral, reniform, tomentose, snow-white; g. free, whitish then ochre.

    rubi, Berk. (= Naucoria effugiens, Q.) P. 0.5-1 cm. convexo-plane, edge incurved, pale yellowish tan, sprinkled with glistening particles; g. adnato-decur. rather broad, greyish then umber; s. 3-6 mm. incurved; sp. 5-7 long.

    chimnophilus, B. and Br. P. 4-6 mm. convex, edge incurved, downy, whitish; g. attenuated behind, distant, narrow, pale tan; s. very short or obsolete; sp. 5 × 3 µ.

    epibryus, Fr. White. P. 3-5 mm. resupinate, sessile, adnate by the vertex, silky then smooth; g. radiating from the centre, thin, crowded, whitish then reddish-yellow; sp. ——.

    [inhonestus, Karst. P. resupinate, sessile, adnate laterally or by the vertex, rather silky, orbicular or subreniform, whitish; g. broad, thin, white then brownish; sp. 6-8 × 5.

    Phillipsii, B. and Br. P. 4-6 cm. rather fleshy, oblique, striate, smooth, pale umber; g. narrow, ventricose, slightly adnate, pale tan; s. short, solid, incurved; sp. 5-7 × 2.5 µ.

    pezizoides, Nees. P. 3-4 mm. sessile, thin, cup-shaped then recurved, mealy, subtomentose, whitish; g. radiating from the centre, rather distant, brownish-olive then tawny.

    luteolus, Lamb. P. thin, stipitate at first then resupinate and stem disappearing, tomentose, clear yellow then pale; g. crowded, orange-yellow then cinnamon; sp. rusty.

    Ralfsii, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. convex, edge incurved, delicately hispid or scurfy, yellow, fixed by cottony mycelium, stem obsolete; g. rather broad, ventricose, pale tan, edge whitish; sp. ——.

    Parisotii, Pat. Minute. P. sessile, minutely velvety, bright citrin, stem almost obsolete, white, downy, edge incurved; g. very distant, reddish; sp. 4-5 × 2.

    Only appears to differ from C. luteolus in being somewhat smaller.

    [subintiger, Schulz. P. thin, cylindrical then cyphelliform, fixed by centre, orbicular-reniform, whitish, slightly tomentose; g. radiating from centre, free, distant, ventricose, yellowish brown, edge wavy and fimbriate; sp. 3-4 long.

    [pallescens, Q. P. umbil. downy, yellowish white; g. adnate, white then pallid; s. short incurved, downy, white; sp. 7 long.

    [scutellinus, Q. P. convexo-plane, vertex minutely mucronate, pellucid, rivulosely striate, whitish then ochre; s. filiform, arcuate, short, downy, colour of p.; g. narrow, adnate, denticulate, white then pale ochre; sp. 7 long.

    [Cesatii, Rab. P. sessile, resupinate, rather tough, soft, whitish or pallid gilvous; g. broad, pallid; sp. pale yellow; sp. 6-7 × 4-6.

    Habit of Claudopus variabilis, but p. not tomentose, g. not reddish, and pale sp.

    [proboscideus, Fr. P. resupinate, campan. vertex prominent, pedunculate, even, pubescent, ochraceous; g. radiating from an excentric point, thin, straight, colour of p.

    Must be carefully distinguished from Pax. panuoides.

    epigaeus, Pers. P. 1-2 cm. thin, reniform or flabellate, reddish-grey, base downy, whitish; g. distinct, narrow, diverging, watery rufescent; sp. 10 × 7.

    Entire fungus soft and watery; growing on naked damp earth.



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