A. Gills free from stem. Chitonia. Volva present, ring absent. Agaricus. (= Psalliota, Fr.) Ring present, volva absent. Pilosace. Volva and ring both absent. -
B. Gills attached to stem. (Quite free from stem in some species of Coprinus.) -
+ Stem with a distinct membranous ring. Stropharia. Gills adnate dark brown or purplish. Anellaria. Gills adnexed, grey and clouded with the black spores. -
++ Ring very imperfect or absent; gills decurrent. Gomphidius. Gills subgelatinous. -
+++ Gills not decurrent, not adhering laterally when young, not deliquescent. Hypholoma. Gills sinuate, dark brown or blackish-purple; veil often hanging in fragments from edge of pileus. Panaeolus. Edge of pileus extending beyond the gills, pileus not striate. Psathyrella. Pileus sulcate or striate. Psathyra. Stem fragile; edge of pileus straight when young. Psilocybe. Stem tough; edge of pileus incurved when young. -
++++ Gills adhering laterally when young, deliquescing at maturity. Coprinus. Ring and volva present in some species, ring alone others, both absent in others; gills adnate, adnexed or free. -
+++++ Flesh of pileus entirely absent, the gills radiating from the stem free and unconnected by flesh above. Montagnites. Volva present, buried in the ground. CHITONIA, Fr. rubriceps, Cke. and Mass. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then exp. umb. reddish-brown; g. free, purplish-brown; s. 6-7 cm. hollow, paler than p., volva large, free edge torn; sp. 12 × 6. Introduced along with living plants into Kew Gardens. [coprinus, Fr. (= Ag. involucratus, Mont.) P. fleshy, convex, viscid, yellowish, sometimes floccosely scaly from fragments of volva; g. free, smoky-black; s. fistulose, naked, whitish, volva very small. Unless the small volva is noticed, this fungus will be considered as a sp. of Coprinus. AGARICUS, L. -
A. Edules. Large, fleshy. augustus, Fr. P. 8-14 cm. globose then exp. very obtuse, disc even, rest fibrillosely-scaly, pale yellow-brown; g. crowded, narrow, fuscous, remote from stem; s. 8-14 cm. solid, ring superior, large, areolately squamulose below; sp. 6 × 3.5. Edible. peronatus, Mass. P. hemispher. then exp. dull ochre, densely scaly; g. distant from stem, crowded, purple-brown; s. 10-14 cm. equal, marginately bulbous, hollow, with large spreading white scales up to broad spreading ring; sp. 6 × 4. Edible. Differs from A. augustus in hollow, peronate stem. elvensis, B. and Br. P. 9-15 cm. subglobose then exp. fibrillose, broken up into large persistent brown scales, edge warted; g. crowded; s. 8-12 cm. narrowed at base, fibrillose, ring large, thick, warted below; sp. 8 × 4. Edible. [praenitens, Beck. P. hemispher. exp. white, with densely imbricated chestnut scales which become smaller and denser at disc; g. remote, purple-brown, edge white; s. clavato-bulbous, concentrically scaly up to large ring, white; sp. 7-8 × 5. arvensis, Schaeff. P. 10-24 cm. conico-campan. then exp. smooth, even, white often stained yellow, flesh white, unchangeable; g. close to stem, narrow; s. 6-12 cm. hollow, whitish, floccosely stuffed, ring pendulous, double, exterior radiately split; sp. 6 × 4. (9-11 × 6 Sacc.) Edible. var. purpurascens, Cke. Smaller than type. P. tinged purple. Differs from Ag. xanthodermus in the persistently white flesh. xanthodermus, Genev. (= Ag. flavescens, Roze.) P. 6-10 cm. fleshy, convex, even, glabrous, greyish-white, cuticle becoming yellowish when touched, and the white flesh changing to yellow when broken; g. free, sinuate, pale rose then grey, finally purple-brown; s. cylindrical, stuffed, ring thin, flesh deep yellow at base, rest white; sp. ——. Differs from A. arvensis in flesh becoming yellow, and in yellow base of stem. [ammophilus, MÉnier. P. convex, exp. thick, whitish; g. free, crowded, rosy; s. stout, solid, base more or less thickened, whitish, ring membranous, strongly adherent to apex of s. slightly striate, with a circular canal; sp. 6-7.5 × 4-7. cretaceus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. globose then convex, shining white, at first smooth and silky, then fibrillosely squamulose; g. for a long time white, then blackish-brown; s. 6-8 cm. white, hollow, ring large, superior, fixed; sp. 9 × 6. Edible. pratensis, Schaeff. P. 4-7 cm. ovoid then exp. even or squamulose, greyish-white; g. rounded behind, grey then brown; s. 4-6 cm. stuffed, base thickened, naked, ring median, simple, deciduous; sp. 6 × 3.5. var. fulveolus, Lasch. P. squamuloso-fibrillose, yellowish or reddish; s. hollow, yellowish; g. tawny-denticulate. [Bernardii, Q. Compact, white, tomentose under a lens. P. 10-20 cm. convex then exp. cracked into areolae, greyish-white; s. solid, stout, ovate, striate at the apex, ring membranous, striate above; g. free, greyish-pink then bay-brown; flesh white, becoming purplish then brownish when broken; sp. subgl. 8. Foetid. Edible. campestris, L. 6-12 cm. convex then plane, floccosely silky or fibrillose, whitish, flesh reddish-brown when cut; g. close to stem, subliquescent, fleshy then umber; s. stuffed, even, white, ring median, torn; sp. 7-8 × 5-6. Edible. var. alba, Berk. P. rather silky white; s. short. var. praticola, Vitt. P. with rufous scales, flesh reddish. var. rufescens, Berk. P. rufous, minutely scaly; s. elongated. var. umbrina, Vitt. P. even, umber; s. stout, squamulose. var. fulvaster, Viv. P. even, ochraceous-tawny; s. solid; g. rosy then blackish. var. villaticus, Brond. P. cortex breaking up into scales; s. peronately scaly up to inf. ring. var. silvicola, Vitt. P. almost smooth, white, shining; s. stuffed, elongated, subbulbous, ring simple, flesh not changing colour. var. robustissimus, Pen. P. equal, large, 32 cm.; g. very broad, up to 2 cm.; s. tall, 13 cm. high, 6 cm. thick. var. exsertus, Viv. P. fleshy, almost even, glabrous, white, flesh red; s. hollow, slender, rather wavy, smooth ring small and torn, appendiculate. var. hortensis, Cke. P. fibrillose or squamulose, brownish. The variety commonly cultivated in England. var. costatus, Viv. P. sulcate, wavy. var. vaporarius, Otto. P. and s. with a brown pilose covering. var. exannulatus, Cke. P. squamulose; s. elongated, equal, solid, ring evanescent or obsolete. perrera, Schulz. (= Psal. Bresadolae, Schulz.) P. 8-10 cm. hemispher. then exp. yellowish, centre tawny, covered with concentrically arranged tawny scales; g. remote, crowded, joined in a ring behind, rosy then fuscous; s. equal, 9-10 cm. stuffed then hollow, base submarginately bulbous, with evanescent tawny scales below the large superior ring; sp. 8-10 × 5. [bitorquis, Q. P. 5-9 cm. globose then exp. almost glabrous, milk-white then cream or ochre at the edge; g. remote from s. becoming deep brown; s. solid, ovoid, glabrous, white, with a membranous ring near the apex and a volva-like ring near the base, separated by a concave notch; sp. 5-6 long. Edible. [flavescens, Gillet. P. globose then convex, dry, satiny, white, soon tinged yellow or reddish-yellow; g. broad, brown; stem with a turbinate bulb, white, suffused with reddish-yellow; flesh white, ring fugacious; sp. 8 × 4. silvaticus, Schaeff. P. 6-9 cm. thin, campan. then exp. gibbous, fibrillose or squamulose, centre brownish becoming paler at edge; g. crowded, dry; s. 8-12 cm. hollow, equal, whitish, ring simple, distant; sp. 7 × 4. haemorrhoidarius, Kalchbr. P. 7-12 cm. ovate then exp. rufous-brown, covered with broad adpressed scales, edge at first incurved, flesh deep red when broken; g. crowded, purple-umber; s. 8-11 cm. white, soon hollow, fibrillose base solid, subbulbous, stains red when bruised, ring superior, large; sp. 7-8 × 5. Edible. [sanguinarius, Karst. Flesh blood-red when broken. P. campan. exp. obtuse, usually wavy, even, pale fuscous, broken up into squamules; g. free, crowded, white, rosy-umber; s. elongated, subequal, curved, silky-flocculose then almost glabrous, white, ring superior, pendulous, fixed, persistent, areolately-scaly outside near edge; sp. 5-7 × 3-4. [niveorubens, Q. Floccose, shining white, everywhere becoming red. QuÉlet now considers this to be a form of Ag. sylvatica, Schaeff., to which sp. he also refers Ag. setigera, Paul., Ag. haemorrhoidaria, Kalchb., Ag. rubella, Gill., and Ag. Vaillantii, Roze and Rich. setiger, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, smooth and silky, pale umber; g. umber; s. stuffed, elongated, equal, squamuloso-fibrillose, colour of p., ring thin, fugacious. [rubellus, Gillet. P. exp. obtusely umb. with reddish scales, especially at the disc, which is deep red-brown, paler towards edge; g. crowded; s. hollow, cartilaginous, base swollen; ring fugacious; flesh white. [lecensis, Harz. Smells like aniseed. P. convex then almost plane, yellowish-white, often broken up into brown polygonal pyramidal patches; g. white, rosy-violet, then brown, both ends narrowed; s. solid, coarsely scaly above, white becoming tinted rosy or yellow; ring conspicuous, radiately striate, outside scaly; sp. 14-15 × 5.5-7. [caldarius, Wettst. P. convex then exp. white, disc even, brownish squamulose towards edge; g. remote, narrow; s. glabrous, whitish; sp. 9-14 × 5-11. -
B. Minores. Flesh of pileus thin. comptulus. P. 3-4 cm. convexo-plane, adpressedly silky, white; g. flesh-colour then rosy; s. 4-6 cm. hollow, yellowish-white, ring median; sp. 4-5 × 2-3. sagatus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane, tawny, glabrous; g. ventricose, umber; s. 4-5 cm. hollow, equal, pale, ring distant, spreading; sp. 6 × 3-4. [amethystinus, Q. P. 3-4 cm. convex then plane, umb. downy or fibrillose, white with the centre rose, lilac or amethyst; g. free, ventricose, clear grey then bay-brown; s. slender, with a silky pith, somewhat bulbous, fragile, glabrous, white, with a satiny, white ring; sp. 6-7 long. [semotus, Fr. P. exp. even, glabrous, brick-red, disc darker; g. rather distant from stem, pallid; s. fistulose, reddish and more or less peronate up to spreading ring, pale above; sp. 4-5 × 2-3. [dulcidulus, Kalchbr. P. plane, subgibbous, almost glabrous, dry, lurid white or ochre; g. crowded, grey then blackish; s. subbulbous, colour of p., ring median, persistent. Umbo often tinged fuscous or violet. rusiophyllus, Lasch. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, umbonate, silky, ruddy, becoming pale; g. crowded, rosy then brown; s. 3-4 cm. thickened downwards, white, ring persistent; sp. 5 × 3. [zonarius, Brond. P. 1 cm. convex, with pellucid brown-violet zones; g. free, rosy then bay-bistre; s. solid, elongated, ring membranous, white. [geniculatus, Brig. P. campan. exp. tumid, glabrous, pale bay, edge split here and there; g. free, remote from stem; s. bent, base thickened, ring inf. Remarkable in this genus for growing on wood. [haematospermus, Bull. P. campan. then exp. then umb. and scaly, brownish tan then blackish; g. rosy-blood-red then fuscous; s. fistulose, equal, glabrous, colour of p., ring median, erect; sp. 4-5 × 3. subgibbosus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convexo-plane, umb. even, glabrous but silky towards edge, yellowish; g. remote from stem, white then greyish-fuscous; s. 2-3 cm. fistulose, slender, ring fugacious. PILOSACE, Fr. algeriensis, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. convex then exp. even, glabrous, white then disc tinged brownish; flesh very thick, white; g. very narrow, rosy then umber; s. 3-5 cm. very stout, white, base thickened, solid; sp. subgl. 8 µ. [Bresadolae, Schulz. P. very thin and very fragile, irreg. campan. then exp. and edge wavy, margin split, pale yellow-fuscous, glabrous, even; g. free, blackish-brown, edge white-mealy; s. often slightly wavy, apex abruptly contracted, white; sp. 9 × 4-5. Many plants spring from a subterranean fleshy mass. [Phoenix, Fr. P. thin, campan. exp. even, glabrous, hygr. fuscous then pale; g. free, ventricose, pallid then umber; s. stuffed, striate, subbulbous, rooting, pallid. STROPHARIA, Fr. -
A. Viscipelles. Pellicle of pileus even or scaly, often viscid. -
* Mundi. Not growing on dung. [depilata, Pers. P. exp. even, glabrous, viscid, yellowish-livid then tan; g. adnato-decur. broad, white then blackish; s. solid, with white revolute squarrose white scales below the ample ring; sp. 11-14 × 6-8. Percevali, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. rather viscid, umb. then exp. ochre, scaly at first near edge; g. adnexed, broad distant; s. 5-7 cm. squamulose up to ring, dark inside; sp. 12-14 × 6. S. squamosa differs in adnate, crowded g. versicolor, With. P. 3-7 cm. convexo-plane, scaly, edge incurved; g. decur. pallid then reddish-brown; s. 5 cm. whitish then brownish, ring persistent. A species about which little is known. aeruginosa, Curt. P. 4-7 cm. convex then exp. subumb. or quite plane, at first with bluish-green mucus and sometimes with white squamules, then yellowish; g. adnate, purplish; s. 5-6 cm. viscid, squamulose below ring, tinged green, often quite glabrous; sp. 10 × 5. Very variable within certain limits. Often stout and deep coloured in shady woods. Slender and soon dry in open pastures. squamulosa, Massee (= S. aeruginosa; var. squamulosa, Mass.). P. 4-6 cm. soon plane, deep verdigris-green, dry, squamulose; g. crowded, brown; s. 5-7 cm. stout, fibrilloso-squamulose, green, ring fragmentary; sp. 8-9 × 5. Superficially like S. aeruginosa, but dry and silky, innately squamulose, and brown g. albocyanea, Desm. 1.5-2 cm. exp. umb. viscid, greenish-blue then whitish; g. purplish; s. 3-5 cm. slender, flexuous, pallid or tinged green, ring incomplete; sp. 7-8 × 3-4. Differs from S. Worthingtoni in greenish p. [Tavastense, Karst. P. convex then flat, disc often depr. sometimes umb. glabrous, with concentric yellowish-white squamules near edge, yellowish livid then dingy tawny tan; g. adnexed, crowded; s. straight, fragile, almost equal, solid, pale then fuscescent, ring torn, fugacious. [consentiens, Karst. P. convex, exp. umb. then depr. even, glabrous, rather viscid, yellowish-livid, tinged olive, edge involute; g. adnate, paler than p.; s. subequal, stuffed, wavy, apex pruinose, yellowish rusty. [coprinifacies, Roll. P. hygr. conico-campan. then exp. viscid, umber brown then pallid, with blue mucus; g. ventricose, both ends narrowed, dusky purple, edge white; s. dingy white tinged blue, ring median; sp. 20 × 7. inuncta, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. subumb. with livid purple gluten that disappears, then pale; g. adnate, pale brown; s. 4-7 cm. flexuous, white, fibrillose below distant imperfect ring; sp. 8 × 6. coronilla, Bull. P. 3-4 cm. plane, tawny-ochre then pale, edge white flocculose; g. sinuato-adnate, violet, edge white; s. 2-3 cm. white, ring median, violet-striate; sp. 10 × 5. ventricosa, Mass. P. 1.5-2 cm. exp. broadly gibbous, slightly viscid, tawny-ochre then paler; g. almost free, purplish; s. 5-7 cm. ventricose below middle, base rooting, pale, ring large, striate, apical; sp. 10 × 6. [fusoidea, Pat. P. 1-1.5 cm. campan. then exp. and umb. edge striate, ochre; g. adnate, purplish; s. elongated, slender, smooth, strongly ventricose near the base, whitish, ring distant; sp. 12-14 × 6-7. Differs from S. ventricosa in being smaller, and in the small, distant ring. obturata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. becoming cracked into squamules, almost dry, yellow; g. adnate, purplish-umber; s. 2-3 cm. stuffed, short, narrowed downwards, white, ring tumid; sp. 7 × 4. [capillacea, Gillet. P. conico-campan. very finely wrinkled, reddish brown with whitish flecks near margin more especially; g. blackish brown, edge toothed; s. whitish, squamulose, ring fugacious. melasperma, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane, rather viscid, white or yellowish; g. ventricose, blackish violet; s. 3-5 cm. hollow, equal, white, ring superior, deciduous; sp. 10 × 6. squamosa, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. exp. subviscid, yellowish-tan with evanescent concentric scales; g. adnate, blackish, edge white; s. 7-12 cm. pallid, rusty near base, squamulose up to distant ring; sp. 12 × 6. var. thrausta (Ag. thrausta, Kalchbr.). Slender, fragile, hygr. not scaly; sp. 12-15 × 6. var. aurantiaca, Cke. P. orange or brick-red. [albonitens, Fr. P. thin, exp. gibbous, viscid, glabrous, hyaline-white, shining white when dry; g. adnate, crowded, pale fuscous; s. stuffed with pith, everywhere floccosely villose, pale straw when dry; sp. 6-9 × 4-5. Worthingtoni, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. viscid, yellow; g. adnate, broad, brown; s. 4-7 cm. slender, flexuous, dark blue, ring incomplete; sp. 7 × 4. Differs from S. albocyanea in the yellow p. [palustris, Q. P. hemispher. umb. rather viscid, hygr. greyish-tawny, disc brown; g. adnate, very broad; s. slender, white, covered with transverse tawny scales, ring distant. -
** Merdarii. Ring often incomplete. luteonitens, Fl. Dan. P. 2-3 cm. conico-campan. umb. viscid, yellow, edge squamulose; g. adnexed, ventricose; s. 2-3 cm. fistulose, even, pruinose above distant ring, whitish; sp. 10-11 × 6. (14 × 6-7 Sacc.) Intermediate between S. squamosa and Psilocybe coprophila, having scaly p. and ring of former, and stature of latter. merdaria, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. exp. obtuse, glabrous, moist, hygr. dingy yellow-brown or pale bay; g. adnate, broad; s. 2-3 cm. flocculose, dry, pallid, ring fugacious; sp. 8 × 5. (12-16 × 6-8 Sacc.) [mammilata, Kalchbr. P. thin, exp. conico-papillate, even, viscid, pale ochre; g. rotundato-adnate, blackish brown; s. glabrous, white then yellowish, ring fugacious. stercoraria, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. then discoid, rather viscid, glabrous, yellow; g. adnate, broad, olive-black; s. 8-10 cm. stuffed with free pith, elongated, flocculose below the distant ring, rather viscid, white tinged yellow; sp. 18-20 × 8-10. semiglobata, Batsch. P. 2-3 cm. persistently hemispher. even, glutinous, yellow; g. adnate, broad, clouded black; s. 6-10 cm. glabrous, glutinous, yellowish, ring imperfect, inferior; sp. 12 × 6. Differs from P. stercoraria in persistently hemispher. p. and glabrous s. [siccipes, Karst. P. hemispher. exp. obtuse, orbicular, naked, even or edge slightly pellucidly striate, viscid, whitish clay-colour; g. adnato-subdecur. clay-colour then fuscous and clouded; s. pallid, dry, straight or wavy, flocculose, pruinose above the distant, dry ring; sp. 12-15 × 7-9. Intermediate between S. stercoraria and S. semiglobata. [paradoxa, P. Henn. P. campan. papillately umb. viscid, centre brown, edge broadly revolute, even, glabrous; g. adnato-decur. wavy, veined, dusky brown; s. wavy, striate, fibrous, yellow, base white-downy, ring black, floccose, deciduous; sp. 14-17 × 7-10. -
B. Spintrigeri. Pileus without a pellicle, but innately fibrous, not viscid. [calceata, Schaeff. P. exp. adpressedly fibrillose, moist, stoutly umb. even, dingy yellow then pale; g. nearly free; s. solid, glabrous, white, base marginately bulbous, limb free like a volva. [ocreata, Holmsk. P. globoso-campan.-exp. obtuse, granulose then imbricately scaly, red then gilvous; g. nearly free; s. peronate up to imperfect ring. [medusa, Brig. P. globose then convex, even, subrimosely squamulose when dry, yellowish white, edge lobed; g. nearly free, sooty, edge crenulate; s. solid, subtuberous, fibrillose, white, ring fugacious. caput-medusae, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. ovate, exp. lacunose, squamulose, discoid, umber-brown, edge ochre; g. adfixed; s. 5-9 cm. peronate with squarrose scales up to superior ring, scales at length falling away; sp. 10 × 4. (16-18 × 5 Sacc.) scobinacea, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. gibbous, somewhat sulcate, at first covered with crowded, blackish adpressed squamules; g. adnate, crenulate, purplish; s. 6-9 cm. hollow, fibrillose, white, apex mealy, ring superior, fugacious; sp. ——. [sulcata, Gill. P. conico-campan. umb. covered except at summit with branched ridges, reddish; g. distant; s. white, striate below and mealy above the ring. [sulcatula, Gill. P. convex, rugosely ridged, when young with reddish superficial scales, then naked and whitish or tinged red at disc; sooty-brown, edge whitish, denticulate; s. elongated, squamulose up to ring, striate above, white, base rooting very cottony. [cotonea, Q. At first entirely white. P. 5-7 cm. spherical then convex, snow-white, covered with floccose squamules; g. sinuate, white, then purple, at length brownish-purple, edge white; s. 3-6 cm. fistulose, curved, floccosely scaly, apex glabrous, ring floccose; sp. 10 long. QuÉlet considers this species to be identical with Hyph. lacrymabundum, Fries. Battarrae, Fr. P. hemispher. then exp., more or less olive, covered with adpressed squamules most crowded at the disc; g. sinuate, white then rosy, finally purple-brown, edge white; s. fistulose, whitish, with brownish or olive squamules up to ring, apex pruinose, ring thin, white, partly appendiculate; sp. 10 long. [punctulata, Kalchbr. P. thin, convex, dry, pallid, squamulosely punctate from the veil, then naked; g. sinuato-adnate with a decur. tooth, pale umber; s. stuffed, pallid, squamulose from the veil above. Jerdoni, B. and Br. P. 4-5 cm. exp. umbo fleshy, broad, ochraceous with snow-white evanescent flecks; g. adnate with a decur. line, transversely striate; s. 5-7 cm. snow-white and pulverulent above, brownish squamulose below, ring superior; sp. 10 × 5. spintrigera, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. ovate then exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, brownish or pinkish tan then pale; g. adnate, crowded; s. 4-7 cm. hollow, floccosely-fibrillose, white, ring distant, fugacious; sp. ——. hypsipoda, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane, even, glabrous, hygr. brownish yellow; g. white then fuscous; s. 7-11 cm. hollow, equal, glabrous, whitish, ring median, persistent; sp. 12-14 × 6-7. cothurnata, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, even, thin, white, not hygr.; g. adnexed, crowded; s. floccosely villose up to median ring, white. ANELLARIA, Karst. separata, Karst. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, not exp. viscid, dull ochre then pale and often rugulose; g. adfixed, greyish black; s. 6-10 cm. straight, white, base thickened, ring distant; sp. 10 × 7. (16-22 × 10-15 Sacc.) scitula, Mass. P. 1-1.5 cm. campan. obtuse, smooth, viscid, drab or dingy ochre; g. almost free, grey; s. 2-3 cm. peronate up to inferior ring; sp. 12-13 × 4. fimiputris, Karst. P. 2.5-4 cm. conico-exp. thin, subgibbous, viscid, dusky grey; paler when dry; g. adfixed, livid blackish; s. 6-10 cm. pallid, slender, equal, pallid, with ring reduced to a zone; sp. 9-10 × 6. GOMPHIDIUS, Fr. glutinosus, Schaeff. P. 4-10 cm. obtuse, glutinous, purplish-brown; g. slightly decur. whitish then grey; s. 4-9 cm. whitish, ring indistinct, solid, flesh white, yellow at base; sp. 18-20 × 6-7. var. roseus, Fr. Smaller. P. rosy; s. white, base rosy outside and inside. viscidus, Sow. P. 5-12 cm. fleshy, at length umb. edge acute, viscid, reddish-brown; g. decur. purple-umber, branched; s. 6-10 cm. yellow-brown, flesh yellow-brown, deepest at base; sp. 18-20 × 6. var. testaceus, Fr. P. and base of s. outside and in brick-red; g. plano-decur. maculatus, Scop. P. 5-7 cm. convex, viscid, whitish, spotted with black when old; g. decur. branched, umber; s. 3-4 cm. cylindrical, yellow, flesh reddish. var. Cookei, Mass. P. 2-4 cm. convex then either subdepr. or gibbous, viscid, whitish with black stains; g. decur. whitish then brownish; s. 6 cm. narrowed downwards, pale then blackish, flesh dark at base; sp. 20 × 5-6. gracilis, B. P. 2-3 cm. conical then hemispher. sometimes depr. and subumb. vinous brown, or tan with gluten that leaves blackish spots; g. decur. whitish then bistre; s. 3-5 cm. flexuous, pallid, base yellow; sp. 16-18 × 5. HYPHOLOMA, Fr. -
* Fasciculares. Pileus tough, glabrous, bright coloured when dry, not hygr. silaceum, Pers. P. 6-8 cm. convex, orange-rufous, edge whitish and silky; g. adnate, grey then olive; s. 6-7 cm. bulbous, shining; sp. ——. Fries says it is solitary, Secretan says caespitose from a common base. sublateritium, Schaeff. P. 4-9 cm. convexo-plane, discoid, dry, becoming glabrous, orange brick-red, edge pale, flesh compact, whitish; g. adnate, white then smoky olive; s. 6-10 cm. fibrillose, rusty; sp. 8 × 4. var. Schaefferi, Fr. P. yellow; s. hollow, equal. var. squamosa, Fr. P. brick-red, edge yellow with superficial scales, flesh thick, yellowish. [transversum, Gill. P. exp. obtusely umb. glabrous, brick-red, disc darker; g. yellowish, narrowed at both ends, connected by strong veins; s. solid, glabrous, pale above, base rusty. capnoides, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convexo-plane, obtuse, very glabrous, yellow or tinged tawny; g. adnate, grey then purplish; s. 5-9 cm. pallid, slightly silky; sp. 8 × 4. epixanthum, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. subgibbous, silky then glabrous, pale yellow, disc often tawny, flesh yellow; g. yellowish white then grey; s. 7-10 cm. floccosely fibrillose, whitish, apex mealy; sp. 7 × 4. elaeodes, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. subumb. dry, glabrous, brick-red, flesh yellow; g. green then pure olive; s. 5-9 cm. fibrillose, rusty; sp. 5-6 × 3-4. fasciculare, Huds. Fasciculate, taste bitter. P. 2-5 cm. exp. subumb. tawny, edge pale; g. adnate, closely crowded, yellow then greenish, subliquescent; s. 6-9 cm. hollow, fibrillose, flesh like that of p. yellow; sp. 7 × 4. Said to be a parasite on the roots of raspberry. instratum, Britz. P. 2-4 cm. convex, broadly umb. dark brown, radially rugose; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. squamulose and brownish downwards; sp. 8 × 4. [aelopodium, Fr. P. fleshy, convex then plane, obtuse, glabrous, rufescent; g. adnate, yellowish then brownish-olive; s. fistulose with a free tube inside, variegated with minute red squamules. dispersum, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. P. fleshy, exp. obtuse, tawny, honey-colour near the edge and silky; s. 5-9 cm. tough, silky-fibrillose, base brownish; g. subventricose, crowded, then clouded; sp. 7 × 3-4. (14 × 6 Sacc.) [irroratum, Karst. P. convex, plane, gibbous, even, tawny honey-colour, edge silky pruinose; g. adnate, crowded, edge dentate, straw-colour then darker and tinged green; s. tough, fibrillosely-silky, pallid, equal, wavy below and with dense rusty down, rooting; sp. 6-8 × 4. Smell and taste very sour. Differs from H. dispersum in stem and silky silvery edge of p. -
** Viscidi. Pileus naked, viscid. [Gilletii, Alex. P. exp. glutinous, rusty or ochre, edge lilac; g. adnate, reddish-violet; s. solid, curved, strigosely-squamose, colour of p. incomptum, Mass. P. 6-9 cm. campan. then exp. broadly umb. viscid when moist, deep bay-brown, tawny-orange when dry, edge wavy; g. olive clouded purple; s. 6-7 cm. rusty squamulose; sp. 8 × 3.5. oedipus, Cke. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. hemispher. edge ragged, glutinous, umber edge paler; g. adnate; s. 4-5 cm. enlarged downwards to the bulbous base, ring median; sp. ——. [Buxbaumii, Weinm. P. exp. even, glabrous, viscid, yellowish-white; g. adnate, greyish-black; s. solid, long, equal, shining-white; sp. ——. [Prescotii, Weinm. P. exp. glabrous, viscid, rufescent; g. adnate, crowded, grey then fuscous-violet; s. stuffed, equal, elastic, white, with pale rufescent squamules. -
*** Velutini. Pileus innately fibrillose, silky or virgate. storea, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. convexo-plane, umb. dry, fibrillose with longitudinal fibrils, pale fuscous then pallid; g. adnate, dry, edge white-serrulate; s. 8-10 cm. solid, pallid; sp. ——. lacrymabundum, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. convex, obtuse, piloso-squamose, scales innate darker, whitish then darker; g. adnate, crowded, brownish-purple; s. hollow, fibrillosely-squamulose, whitish, flesh whitish; sp. 10 × 5-6. var. hypoxanthum (= Ag. hypoxanthus, Phil. and Plow.). Base of s. and mycelium yellow; sp. 9-11 × 5. QuÉlet considers this species to be identical with his Stroph. cotonea. pyrotrichum, Holmsk. P. 5-9 cm. hemispher. densely covered with tawny-red squamules of fasciculate hairs; flesh and veil tawny; g. adnate; s. 6-9 cm. fibrillose, tawny; sp. 11 × 6. var. egregius, Mass. S. with spreading whitish squamules largest near ring. velutinum, Pers. P. 5-9 cm. campan. then exp. at length obtusely umb. hygr. at first tomentose with adpr. fibrils then glabrous, livid then paler, flesh very thin; g. seceding, brownish-bay, spotted black; s. hollow, silky, pallid; sp. 10-12 × 5-6. var. leiocephalum, B. and Br. Smaller; disc rugged, smooth except margin. QuÉlet considers this species to represent the true Ag. lachrymabundus of Bulliard, tab. 194. [melantinum, Fr. P. campan. then exp. umber then pale, variegated with black innate pilose squamules; g. adnexed, ventricose, pale umber; s. fistulose, pallid, fibrillosely hispid; sp. 6-7 × 3-4. [lepidotum, Bres. P. convex, exp. subgibbous, chestnut, centre fuscous, with black fibrils which are here and there compacted into squamules, densely striate; g. crowded, almost free, purple-brown, edge fimbriate, white; s. white, apex white-scurfy, veil evanescent; sp. 7-8 × 4-5. -
**** Floccolusi. Pileus with superficial, floccose scales which fall away. cascum, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. oval then exp. rugulose, becoming glabrous, greyish ochre then pale; g. ventricose, dry, very broad, grey then blackish brown; s. 5-9 cm. hollow, fibrillose, white; sp. ——. [sylvestre, Gill. P. conical then exp. obtuse, white at first, soon covered with large, adpressed brown or blackish, fibrillose scales, margin appendiculate at first; g. crowded; s. cylindrical, wavy, white. punctulatum, Kalchbr. Caespitose. P. 2-3 cm. convex, edge incurved, pallid, minutely squamulose; g. sinuato-adnate; s. 2-5 cm. squamuloso-fibrillose up to ring; sp. ——. [coriarium, Vitt. P. convex then depr. discoid, floccosely scaly then almost glabrous, clay-colour, disc darker; g. pinkish then ochre; s. hollow, clavate, apex dilated. [intonsum, Pass. P. flocculosely tomentose, veil membranaceous, appendiculate spreading; g. adnate, rosy then bay, edge white crenulate; s. hollow, white, striate, apex flocculose. [artemisiae, Passer. P. thin, exp. flocculose, edge incurved, white veil evident; g. adnate, crowded, white then fuscescent, edge white, entire; s. thick, white, apex narrowed and striate, base floccose. -
***** Appendiculati. Pileus glabrous, hygrophanous. lanaripes, Cke. P. 3-5 cm. exp. edge upturned, centre conical, pallid, squamose, veil attached to margin; g. adnexed; s. 4-7 cm. fibrillose, white; sp. ——. [coronatum, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, glabrous, subisabelline centre darker and variegated with darker spots, edge with tooth-like fragments of veil; g. adnate, closely crowded, very narrow; s. glabrous, even, white. Candolleanum, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. campan. then exp. bay then whitish, apex tinged ochre, pruinose; g. sinuate, lilac then purple-brown, edge white; s. 4-7 cm. fistulose, slender, fibrillose, apex striate, veil membranous, forming a ring or appendiculate, white; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. Differs from H. appendiculatum in the gills being lilac or violet when young. [violaceo-atrum, Letell. Caespitose. P. conical then exp. umb. dusky violet; g. brownish violet; s. fistulose, even, whitish. appendiculatum, Bull. P. 4-7 cm. ovate then exp. bay then whitish, rugulose, and atomate; g. white then fleshy brown; s. 5-7 cm. glabrous, white; sp. 5 × 2.5. (6-8 × 3-4 Sacc.) Differs from H. Candolleanum by absence of violet in gills when young. hydrophilum, Bull. (Bolbitius, Fr.). Tufted. P. 3-5 cm. convex then exp. often rather wavy and rugulose, glabrous, bay then ochre; g. adnexed, crowded, with beads of moisture, fuscous-cinnamon; s. 4-5 cm. pallid; sp. 5 × 3, rusty cinnamon. Differs from Psil. spadicea in the rusty cinnamon gills and spores. [sublentum, Karst. P. tough, campan.-convex, exp. obtuse, wavy, rugulose towards the edge which is silky from veil, glabrous, hygr. smoky rufous or brown then pale; g. adnate, purplish brown, edge white, flocculosely crenate; s. fibrous, hollow, white, veil append.; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. [subpapillatum, Karst. Caespitose. P. exp. wavy, glabrous, rough with minute crowded warts, bay or rufous-cinnamon then pale ochre and wrinkled; g. dry; s. equal, silky-shining, apex striate and pruinose, becoming pale; sp. 5 × 2.5-3. Differs from Hypholoma appendiculatum in granulose p. catarium, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. hemispher. exp. ochraceous then pale; g. adnate, white then fuscous; s. 3-4 cm. white, rather shining, base thickened and white-floccose; sp. 6 × 3. leucotephrum, B. and Br. Tufted. P. 5-7 cm. campan. exp. whitish, rugose, append.; g. grey then blackish; s. 6-9 cm. apex coarsely striate, ring ample; sp. 10 × 6. [felinum, Pass. P. hemispher. exp. glabrous, hygr.; g. adnate, white, then fuscous; s. fistulose, short, slender, somewhat shining, base thickened and white floccose, apex striate. egenulum, B. and Br. Solitary. P. 2-3 cm. exp. umb. watery white, smooth, edge appendiculate; g. purplish umber, edge white; s. 4-5 cm. fistulose; sp. ——. pilulaeforme, Bull. P. 1.5-2 cm. globose then exp. even, fuscous then ochre; g. white then brownish; s. 2-3 cm. white, at first with a ring; sp. ——.
* Pileus viscid, shining when dry. leucophanes, B. and Br. P. 2 cm. campan. obtuse, whitish, satiny, edge with fragments of veil; g. adnate, edge white; s. 4-5 cm. white, slightly wavy; sp. 11-13 × 7-8. egregius, Mass. P. 4-5 cm. ovate-campan. even, orange-brown; g. adnexed, broad, edge paler; s. 9-12 cm. pale brown; sp. 15-17 × 7-8. phalenarum, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. campan.-convex, obtuse, greyish then yellowish, veil append.; g. broad, greyish then black; s. 6-10 cm. equal, pruinose, pale rufescent; sp. 10 × 6. Differs from P. papilionaceus in viscid p. -
** Pileus not viscid, moist, subflocculose when dry. retirugis, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. globose then hemisph. subumb. pinkish tan, atomate, opaque, with anastomosing raised ribs; g. greyish black; s. 5-9 cm. equal, pruinose, purplish; sp. 11-13 × 7. (15-20 × 8-9 Sacc.) Margin often appendiculate. [remotus, Schaeff. P. campan.-convex, subumb. flocculosely-rugulose when dry, smoky-tawny; g. free, at length remote, ventricose, black; s. fistulose, slender, fuscescent; sp. 11-12 × 8-9. sphinctrinus, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. parabolic, obtuse, even, moist, grey or smoky-black, livid and rather silky when dry, veil append.; g. adnate, grey or olive then blackish with a very narrow white edge; s. 4-7 cm. sooty grey, apex even; sp. 15-17 × 9-10. -
*** Pileus not viscid, smooth, rather polished, zoneless. campanulatus, L. P. 2-3 cm. campan. slightly viscid, sooty grey, paler and the cuticle often cracking or peeling when dry; g. adfixed, crowded, grey spotted with black, often with beads of moisture; s. fistulose, rufescent or reddish-grey, everywhere pruinose, summit striate; sp. 8-9 × 6. (15-18 × 9-13, Sacc.) papilionaceus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. pruinose, greyish, cracked into squamules when dry; g. broadly adnate, very broad, grey spotted with black; s. 6-9 cm. whitish, apex with white meal; sp. 11-12 × 7. (18 long, QuÉlet.) [subfirmus, Karst. P. convex then plane, centre subdepr. but also subumb. even, glabrous, shining, disc subrugulose, dry, pale, smoky line often present near edge; g. adnexed with decur. tooth, lanceolate, black; s. wavy, glabrous, pale, apex flocculosely scaly; sp. 12-14 × 7-9. caliginosus, Jungh. P. 2 cm. campan. obtuse, even, brown; g. adnexed, lanceolate; s. 4-7 cm. equal, even, naked, colour of p.; sp. 10 × 6-7. (16-18 × 10 Sacc.) [QuÉletii, Schulz. Solitary, hygr. P. conical, even, pale umber disc fuscescent; g. free, ventricose, blackish, edge white; s. straight, thinner upwards, tinged reddish; sp. 13-14 long. -
**** Pileus dry, with a dark marginal zone. subbalteatus, B. and Br. Caespitose. P. 3-5 cm. convex, hygr. fawn-colour, rugose when dry; g. adnate, edge white, serrulate; s. 4-6 cm. red-brown, fibrous, white-fibrillose; sp. 14-15 × 8-9. acuminatus, Fr. P. conico-campan. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, glabrous, shining, pinkish-buff, with a dark line near the edge; g. adnexed, very broad, whitish then grey, finally dusky bistre; s. 2-3 cm. slender, fistulose, whitish, shining, base brownish, thickened, white and downy; sp. 18 long. [guttulatus, Bres. P. convexo-exp. often subumb. edge involute then spreading, black, then disc tawny, at first with grey bloom; g. colour of p. edge white pruinose then fringed with drops; s. equal, fistulose, tinged fuscous then greyish-scurfy; sp. 10 × 4. fimicola, Fr. P. 2 cm. campan.-convex, obtuse, grey then yellowish; g. adnate, broad; s. 5-9 cm. pallid, with white meal upwards; sp. 16 × 8-10. var. cinctulus, Bolton. P. reddish-cinnamon; s. dingy brown. [hypomelas, Batt. P. exp. rufous-tomentose, disc blackish; g. crowded, intensely black; s. stuffed, narrowed downwards, greyish-white. [gomphodes, Batt. P. campan.-convex, gibbous, dusky rufous, pannose when dry; g. free, blackish; s. stout, rigid, ascending, flocculose, rufescent, veil arachnoid. [Larchenfeldii, Schulz. P. subgl. silvery, silky shining, subumbil. deeply sulcate, edge grey, wavy; g. irreg. plicate; s. hollow, with brown fibrils. PSATHYRELLA, Fr. -
* Stem straight, glabrous. subatrata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, rufous-umber, paler when dry, edge striate; g. adnate, crowded; s. 8-10 cm. fistulose, white then pallid; sp. 12-15 × 6-8. gracilis, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. smoky or greyish then rosy, slightly striate only when moist; g. broadly adnate, edge rosy; s. 6-7 cm. fragile, straight, pallid; sp. 7 × 3.5. (12-14 × 6-8 Sacc.) Pileus tinged rose and rugulose when dry. [longicauda, Karst. P. convex, glabrous, pellucidly striate to umbo, smoky yellow, hygr.; g. adnate, crowded, blackish purple, edge white; s. fistulose, equal, subglabrous, apex white-mealy, remarkably rooting; sp. 13-16 × 7-9. Differs from P. gracilis in larger sp., white edge to g., and rooting stem. [squamifera, Karst. P. campan. obtuse, pellucidly striate to middle, rugulose, livid fuscous, pale tan when dry, with scattered, white fibrillose scales; g. adnate, entirely grey then fuscescent; s. equal, silky, apex pruinoso-flocculose then almost glabrous, pallid, base oblique, strigosely rooting; sp. 11-13 × 6. Differs from P. gracilis in silky s., gills all one colour, &c. [impatiens, Fr. P. thin, campan. obtuse, livid yellow, furcato-sulcate; g. adnate; s. straight, weak, white; sp. 12-15 × 6-8. [biformis, Schulz. P. conic, even, glabrous, white then tinged flesh-colour; g. sinuato-adnexed, ventricose; s. filiform, glabrous, even, whitish; sp. 11-14 × 6. hiascens, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. brownish, fisso-sulcate; g. adnato-linear; s. 3-4 cm. straight, glabrous, white; sp. 7 × 3.5. (10-12 × 7-10 Sacc.) [gracilipes, Pat. P. persistently campan. sulcate up to disc, reddish-brown; g. nearly free, broad, blackish, subdeliquescent; s. slender, tall, rigid, hollow, whitish, ring median, very distinct, fugacious; sp. 8 × 4. arata, B. P. 2-3 cm. campan.-conic, rather acute, brown then paler, coarsely sulcate; g. free; s. 8-12 cm. white; sp. ——. trepida, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, fragile, densely and finely striate, dusky; g. ventricose, crowded; s. 6-7 cm. pellucid, hyaline; sp. 12 diam. hydrophora, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then exp. and striate, edge revolute, disc rufous; g. adnate, crowded, narrow; s. 5-7 cm. straight from a curved base, white, beaded with drops of water; sp. 11-18 × 7-8. [graveolens, Sacc. Smell strong. P. convex, exp. obtusely umb. blackish fuscous, silky-atomate; g. rather crowded, broadish, black; s. slender, cylindrical, glabrous, fuscous; sp. 5-6 × 2. [ampelina, Foex and Viala. P. conical then exp. almost smooth, pale brown, thin, slightly pilose; g. crowded, narrow, rosy violet then greyish brown; s. white, shining, springing from a copious creeping mycelium; sp. 4-5 long. -
** Stem more or less flexuous, apex mealy. caudata, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. conico-campan. striate, hygr. dry, disc even, pinkish tan; g. adnate, very broad; s. 7-11 cm. slightly narrowed to rooting base, whitish; sp. 12-15 × 6-9. [circellatipes, Ben. Caespitose, hygr. P. conico-campan. pilose then glabrous, rufous-brown then tawny ochre, at last pale ochre; g. blackish, edge white, denticulate; s. long, white or pallid, apex mealy, base with several delicate, narrow, tawny ochre rings; sp. 13-15 × 8-9. [sulcata, Dun. P. campan. umb. bay then blackish; g. broad, subliquescent; s. stuffed, equal. [asperella, Q. P. cinnamon, apex darker, becoming pale, whitish and transparent, squamulose when young; g. distant, narrowed at both ends, whitish then powdered with the black spores; s. short, thick, cylindrical then elongated, wavy, white, base often swollen; sp. 6-9 × 4. prona, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. hemispher. striate, hygr. smoky, opaque and silky-atomate when dry; g. adnate, grey then dusky-violet, edge often rosy; s. 2-3 cm. equal, flexuous, whitish; sp. 10 × 4-5. (12-18 × 8-9 Sacc.) empyreumatica, B. and Br. Strong scented. P. 2-3 cm. exp. hygr. rufous then pale and atomate; g. adnate, broad, connected by veins, edge pale; s. 4-6 cm. silkily-scurfy, pale; sp. ——. Closely resembling Pholiota confragosa. [infida, Q. P. conical, 1 cm. very thin, floccosely downy, greyish bistre; g. adnate, triangular, distant, creamy then flesh-colour, finally bay with a white edge; s. fistulose, filiform, wavy, somewhat pruinose, pinkish bistre; sp. 12 long. atomata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, slightly striate, hygr., rugulose, atomate, pale ochre, whitish, or tinged rose when dry; g. adnate, broad; s. 4-5 cm. slightly flexuous, white, apex scurfy; sp. 10 × 4. (13-15 × 5-8 Sacc.) Differs from P. gracile in flexuous and scurfy s. and not rose-edged gills. var. expolita, Fr. Smaller. P. conical, edge striate; s. undulating, glabrous; sp. 12-14 × 6. [subatomata, Karst. P. campan. obtuse, fragile, deeply striate, hygr. rugose when dry, grey or livid, centre more or less bay, tinged rosy when dry; g. adnexed, ventricose, greyish then black, edge rosy; hyaline, pallid, white when dry, apex pruinose, base fibrously rooting; sp. 10-14 × 5-7. [subrosea, Karst. P. campan.-convex, obtuse, entirely striate, naked, livid fuscous, rosy in dry weather; g. adnate, segmentoid, grey, edge rosy; s. wavy, naked, whitish; sp. 10-13 × 5-6. [expolita, Fr. Small. P. conical, edge striate, and with the wavy stem, glabrous; g. not crowded, greyish-brown; s. 12-14 × 6. crenata, Lasch. P. 1.5-2 cm. hemispher. sulcate, edge crenate, yellowish and atomate when dry; g. adnate; s. 3-5 cm. whitish, striate and mealy upwards; sp. 11-13 × 5-6. disseminata, Pers. Densely tufted. P. 1-1.5 cm. ovate-campan. furfuraceous then naked, sulcate, yellowish then grey; g. adnate; s. 2-3 cm. lax, scurfy then glabrous; sp. 6-10 × 3-5. [consimilis, Bres. and Henn. P. conico-campan. exp. hyaline yellowish at first then centre yellowish, edge greyish-fuscous, striate, glabrous; g. rotundato-adnate, white then flesh-colour, then blackish-brown, edge white fimbriate; s. hyaline white, fibrillose then almost glabrous; sp. 6-7 × 3.5-4, cystidia fusoideo-ventricose. [subtilis, Fr. P. campan. obtuse, almost glabrous, hygr. pellucidly striate when moist, ochre then pale; g. adnate, edge whitish; s. filiform, lax, glabrous; sp. 12-16 × 5-8. With a scurfy veil when young? PSATHYRA, Fr. -
I. Conopilei. Pileus conico-campanulate; gills ascending, adnexed, often free. elata, Mass. P. 3-5 cm. high, obtusely campan. even, glabrous, dark brown then pale and atomate; g. adnate; s. 9-15 cm. straight, slightly narrowed upwards, white, shining; sp. 18 × 8-9. conopilea, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. even, glabrous, bay then pale; g. slightly adnexed; s. 8-14 cm. narrowed upwards, white, shining; sp. 14 × 7. mastigera, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. nearly cylindrical obtuse then conico-campan. with a strong umbo, usually wavy, brown then pale; g. affixed, umber, edge pale; s. 6-7 cm. whitish or tinged purple; sp. 15-16 × 7-8. glareosa, B. and Br. P. 1.5 cm. campan. grey, striate, minutely tomentose; g. broadly adnate; s. 3-5 cm. brown with white fibrils; sp. ——. [griseobadia, Pat. P. hemispher. striate, pruinosely pulverulent, dry, tough, reddish-fuscous; g. numerous, unequal, entire, adnate, fuscous; s. slender, glabrous, reddish, dry, tough; sp. 10 × 7. [Loscosii, Rab. P. thin, campan.-exp. greyish fuscous, sulcate, folds at length granulato-crenate, edge incurved; g. adnate; s. long, tough, equal, pallid fuscescent. corrugis, Pers. P. 3-5 cm. campan. umb. rather rugose, pale ochre often tinged pink; g. sinuate, adnexed; s. 4-7 cm. equal, glabrous, white; sp. 12-14 × 6. var. vinosus, Corda. P. with rosy tinge; s. short. var. gracilis, Bull. (= P. pellosperma, Cke.). Slenderer than type. [Barlae, Bresad. P. campan. exp. purplish brown then reddish umber, centre tawny, reticulately rugulose; g. purplish then fuscous, edge white; s. tall, stout, hollow, purplish upwards inside and out, pale below, base strigose, veil white; sp. 12-15 × 7-8. [torpens, Weinm. P. campan. obtuse, even, becoming pale; g. dry, brown, edge white; s. slender, glabrous, white. var. astrospora, Q. Subhygr. very fragile, blackish grey then fuscescent, glabrous; g. adnato-decur. dusky brown-purple then blackish; s. straight, rigid, hollow, white, striate and white-mealy above; sp. black, 11-14 × 5. tenuicula, Karst. P. very thin, campan. subexp. everywhere striate, whitish, then livid or smoky, pale when dry; g. adnate, pallid then grey; s. usually wavy, hyaline, pellucid, glabrous; sp. 5-6 × 3. [subliquescens, Schum. P. conico-exp. brown-striate, viscid; g. nearly free, subliquescent; s. elongated, attenuated, straight, pale brown. [typhae, Kalchb. Small. P. thin, convex, striate, glabrous, pallid ochre then pale umber; g. nearly free, whitish then fuscous; s. naked, whitish, seated on an orbicular membranaceous arachnoid mycelium. var. iridis, Boud. P. fuscous, striate, umbo rugulose, semipellucid; s. with a median ring; sp. 10-13 × 6-7. [stricta, Trog. P. campan. silky-even, dry, pallid; g. adnexed, subdeliquescent, purplish umber; s. tall, straight, glabrous, white. gyroflexa, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conico-campan. striate, atomate, grey, disc rufescent when dry; g. adnexed; s. 3-5 cm. flexuous, silky, white; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. -
II. Obtusati. Pileus campanulato-convex, expanding, glabrous or atomate, gills plano- or arcuato-adfixed. spadiceo-grisea, Schaeff. P. 3-4 cm. conico-campan. then exp. subumb. glabrous, striate to middle, hygr. bay then greyish; g. narrow; sp. 8-10 long. obtusata, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan. then exp. obtuse, glabrous, corrugated, hygr. rather shining, umber then pale; g. adnate; s. 2-4 cm. pallid, base incurved; sp. 6-7 × 4. [ombrophila, Karst. P. plane, orbicular, subgibbous, even, granular; g. adnexed, blackish; s. reddish, base subtuberous; sp. yellowish, 4-6 × 2-3. neglecta, Mass. P. 6-8 mm. convex then exp. even, glabrous, pale ochre, atomate and whitish when dry; g. purple-brown; s. 2-3 cm. rather wavy, white, pellucid; sp. 12 × 6; cystidia abundant, fusiform. Differs from P. urticaecola in glabrous p. [fagicola, Lasch. P. thin, campan. obtuse, striate, viscid, greenish-blue, sublivid, fuscescent; g. adnexed then separating, subliquescent, brown. [Falkii, Weinm. P. thin, hemispher.-exp. pellucid, moist, hygr. mealy grey when dry; g. laxly adfixed, ventricose, umber then fuscous-purple. [solitaria, K. Fragile. P. campan.-exp. glabrous, umber, pallid tan when dry; s. fistulose, equal, whitish, fibrillose, base with white down; sp. 6-7 × 3, cystidia ventricose-fusoid. [pallens, Karst. P. convex, even, often rugulose when dry, atomate, naked, whitish when dry; g. subadnate, ascending, grey, edge rosy; s. equal, straight, naked, pallid; sp. 18-25 × 12-13; cystidia fusoid. -
III. Fibrillosi. Pileus and stem floccose or fibrillose at first from the universal veil. frustulenta, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. hemisph. obtuse, slightly striate, albo-floccose at edge, pallid brown, hygr.; g. adnate, cinnamon; s. 4-5 cm. rather wavy, flocculose, white; sp. 10 × 4, pale rusty brown. (5-7 × 3-4 Sacc.) Much like a Galera in colour of sp. [bipellis, Q. P. campan. then exp. 2-3 cm. hygr. purple-bay then micaceous and rosy, edge with white silky flecks; g. adnate, rosy then dusky violet with a narrow white edge; s. fistulose, fragile, mealy at the apex, downy then satiny, white, often tinged violet; sp. 15 long. [subunda, Karst. P. conico-convex, exp. umb. atomate, pellucidly striate, even, glabrous, pale tan or pale livid, whitish when dry, with scattered fibrils; g. adnate, crowded, grey then tinged violet, finally brown; s. cylindrical, shining, white; sp. 8-9 × 4. [Schulzeri, Q. (= Ag. flavescens, Q.) P. conoid-hemisph. then exp. white, apex yellow or brown, even; g. purple-brown, edge whitish; s. cartilaginous, glabrous, white; sp. 5-8 long. bifrons, B. and Br. P. 1-2 cm. campan. obtuse, rugulose, brownish-ochre, at first fibrillose; g. adnate, edge toothed; s. 4-7 cm. naked, shining, white; sp. 8 × 4. var. semitincta, Phil. P. pinkish; sp. 12 × 5. semivestita, B. and Br. P. 1.5-2 cm. ovate-campan. obtuse, even, bay then pale ochre, when young lower half white-fibrillose; g. broad; s. 5-7 cm. white, fibrillose below; sp. 10-12 × 5. fatuus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. ovato-campan. then exp. rugose, fibrillose then glabrous, dingy ochre then pale; g. adnate, brown; s. 5-9 cm. white, apex striate, mealy; sp. 12-13 × 6-7. fibrillosa, Pers. P. 3-4 cm. campan. then exp. slightly striate, fibrillose, livid then pale; g. adnate, very broad behind; s. 4-5 cm. white, fibrilloso-squamulose; sp. 12 × 5-6. Gordoni, B. and Br. Densely tufted. P. 2-4 cm. campan. pale grey then white, floccose, edge sulcate; g. grey; s. 4-5 cm. white, floccose below; sp. 14-15 long. helobia, Kalchbr. P. 2-4 cm. campan. then plane with concentric ridges; radiately rugose, subumb. sooty brown, pale when dry; g. adnate, sooty brown; s. 6-8 cm. reddish umber with white squamules; sp. 12 × 6. pennata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, even, with feathery white squamules, pale ochre; g. adnexed, broad; s. 4-5 cm. villose, silvery; sp. 7-8 × 5. var. fimicola, Bern. P. rusty ochre; g. black, with a decur. tooth. var. squamosa, Karst. Stem everywhere with squarrose white floccose scales; sp. 5-6 × 3. gossypina, Bull. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. then exp. tomentose, soon glabrous, edge striate, pale ochre; g. adnexed; s. 4-5 cm. tomentose, whitish; sp. 10 × 6. [squamosa, Karst. P. campan. exp. tawny-fuscous, tan and scaly when dry; g. adnate, crowded; s. equal, wavy, undulate, apex mealy then glabrous, shining; sp. 6-10 × 3-5. Differs from P. gossypina and P. pennata in colour of p. and smaller sp. noli-tangere, Fr. Very fragile. P. 1-2 cm. campan.-exp. everywhere striate, hygr. squamulose near edge, pale umber then pale; g. adnate, broad; s. brownish, apex smooth; sp. 12 × 5. [laureata, Q. P. convex, mammilate, glabrous, slightly viscid, greyish bistre, edge with a double row of snow-white flecks; g. subdecur. broad, triangular, greyish lilac; s. pruinose at summit, minutely velvety, clear grey; sp. 8 long. Resembles P. noli-tangere in appearance. microrhiza, Lasch. P. 2-3 cm. campan. even, dry, atomate, at first yellow-pilose; g. crowded, narrow; s. 4-5 cm. silky, white, rooting; sp. 10-11 × 6. urticaecola, B. and Br. P. 4-5 mm. campan. flocculent, edge becoming striate, white; g. chocolate; s. 1-2 cm. flocculent, white; sp. 7 × 4. PSILOCYBE, Fr. -
I. Tenaces. Veil accidental, rarely conspicuous. Stem callous, flexile, often coloured. Pileus pelliculose, often viscid in damp weather, becoming somewhat pale, clear coloured. -
* Gills ventricose, not decurrent. sarcocephala, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. compact, exp. mealy then glabrous, pallid rusty; g. adnate, very broad, grey then purplish bistre; s. 7-12 cm. whitish, apex mealy; sp. 7 × 3.5. [pertinax, Fr. P. convexo-plane, obtuse, reticulately rugose, dusky-brown, disc even; g. adnate, crowded, rusty-brown; s. hollow, fibrillosely striate, pallid. nemophila, Alex. P. exp. brick-red, even; g. deeply decur. very narrow, edge crisped-dentate; s. solid, pale, fusiformly narrowed. helvola, Schaeff. P. 2-3 cm. conical then convex, yellow-brown, disc darkest; g. broadly adnate, broad, purple-umber, edge whitish; s. 5-6 cm. flexuous, pale, hollow; sp. obliquely elliptical, warted, 9-10 × 5-6. atrobrunnea, Lasch. P. campan.-convex, umb. even, brownish; g. adnexed then seceding, rather distant, brownish; s. stuffed, long, fibrillose, apex white-mealy; sp. 9-12 × 5-6. ericaea, Pers. P. 2-4 cm. exp. viscid when moist, tawny or bay then yellowish and shining; g. adnate, broad, pruinose, at length black, edge white; s. 6-9 cm. tough, pallid; sp. 9-10 × 5. subericaea, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex, obtuse, becoming plane, even, smooth, tawny then pale; g. sinuate, adnexed, broad; s. 3-4 cm. equal, smooth, yellowish, hollow; sp. 10 × 6. Differs from P. ericaea in short s. and attachment of broad g. [dichroa, Karst. P. campan. subumb. edge slightly striate, bay then tan; g. adfixed, broad, brownish-purple, edge whitish; s. pallid, then fuscescent, silky. var. minor, Karst. Smaller. P. striate to middle; g. umber. [lipophila, Oud. P. convex, exp. obtuse, glabrous, viscid when moist, pale rusty; g. adnexed then decur. broad; s. whitish, apex white, base with white down; sp. 11-12 × 7. [mutabilis, Karst. P. tough, convex, obtuse, watery umber when moist, tawny when dry, glabrous; g. adnate, crowded, broad; s. hollow, rigid, equal, whitish-silky, tinged rusty especially downwards; sp. 7-10 × 3-4. uda, Pers. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. exp. dry, rugulose, tawny then yellowish; g. adfixed, purplish; s. 6-10 cm. pale, thin, tough, fibrillose base rusty; sp. 10 × 5. (16-20 × 7-9 Karst.) var. polytrichi, Fr. P. campan.-convex then plano-depr. even, glabrous, dry, pale yellow then whitish, edge pale; g. becoming decur.; s. elongated, wavy, glabrous, pale tawny. var. elongatus, Pers. P. campan.-convex, striate when moist, livid- or greenish-yellow, even and yellowish when dry. [corneipes, Fr. P. campan.-convex, glabrous, bay, edge striate; g. adnate, very broad behind; s. horny, rigid, shining, blackish bay. canofaciens, Cke. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then exp. disc fleshy, bay, with white fibrils; g. adnate, umber; s. 4-7 cm. colour of p.; sp. 10 × 4, some much larger. areolata, Klotzsch. P. 3-6 cm. exp. brownish ochre, cracked up into patches; g. adnate; s. 4-7 cm. dingy white, fibrillose; sp. 12-13 × 8. virescens, Mass. P. 3-5 cm. exp. brown then greenish yellow, cracked into patches; g. adnexed, dingy purple, edge pale; s. 4-5 cm. apex striate, greenish, base white; sp. 9 × 5. agraria, Fr. P. 2 cm. exp. white, not hygr.; g. adnate, white then brown; s. 4-6 cm. glabrous, white; sp. ——. chondroderma, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. campan. bright dark brown, very smooth, sometimes cracked, edge thin, append.; g. adfixed, brown, edge white; s. 4-5 cm. subequal, paler than p., fibrillose, base squamulose; sp. 7 × 3.5. scobicola, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. convex, umbil. white, glabrous; g. adnexed, broad, reddish-brown; s. 2-3 cm. whitish, fibrillose, hollow; sp. 8 × 5, pale. -
** Gills plane, very broad behind, subdecur. ammophila, Mont. P. 2-3 cm. exp. umb. yellow-rufous, fibrillose; coprophila, Bull. P. 1.5-2 cm. slightly viscid, hemispher. then exp. umb. yellowish rufous; g. arcuato-subdecur. broad; s. 3-5 cm. narrowed upwards, white, floccose then almost glabrous; sp. 13-14 × 8. Differs from P. bullacea in absence of striae on p. bullacea, Bull. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. then exp. umb. finely striate to middle, rather viscid, bay or brownish brick-red, then pale, often with a white fringe at the edge, cuticle separable; g. adnate, almost triangular, grey then brownish purple; s. 2-4 cm. slender, apex pruinose, fawn, fibrillose, base rusty; sp. 9-11 × 4-7. physaloides, Bull. P. 1.5-2 cm. campan. then exp. umb. striate, rather viscid, purple brown or bay then pale; g. subdecur. rather rusty then purplish brown; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillose, base bay; sp. 12 × 6. [ferrugineo-lateritia, Vogl. P. convex, subumbil. edge substriate, glabrous, subhygr. rusty brick-red; g. adnato-decur. purple-black; s. cylindrical, colour of p. base white; sp. 7-9 × 4. [libertata, Fr. P. obconic, umbo hemispher. prominent, at first hoarily silky then glabrous, dusky umber then pale; g. deeply decur.; s. flexile. atrorufa, Schaeff. P. 2-2.5 cm. convex, obtuse, glabrous, edge striate, purple-brown then pale; g. subdecur. broad, brown-violet with a white edge; s. 5-7 cm. pale bay or fawn, pruinose, fibrillose at base; sp. 10-12 × 6. (6-8 × 4-5 Karst.) nuciseda, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. convex, obsoletely umb. rather silky when dry and yellowish, dusky brown at first; g. adnate, broad; s. 2-3 cm. brownish with white down, base narrowed; sp. 8 × 4. -
*** Gills sublinear, ascending. tegularis, Schum. P. campan. glabrous, tan, areolately cracked; g. attenuato-adnexed; s. stuffed, narrowed upwards from a thickened base, pallid. compta, B. and Br. P. 3-4 cm. conico-campan. then exp. subumb. edge striate, pale ochre and atomate when dry; g. broad, adnate; s. 4-5 cm. pale rufous; sp. ——. [callosa, Fr. P. conico-campan. obtuse, even, glabrous, dry, white or yellowish; g. adnate, ascending, ventricose, sooty black; s. tough, equal, glabrous, pallid. semilanceata, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. exp. acutely conical, slightly viscid and striate when moist, pallid, often tinged yellow or green; g. adnexed; s. 4-7 cm. flexuous, pallid; sp. 10-12 × 6. var. caerulescens, Cke. P. rather obtuse; s. bluish at base. -
II. Rigidi. Veil absent. Stem rigid. Gills adnexed, very rarely adnate. [phoenix, Secr. P. campan. then exp. even, glabrous, hygr. fuscous then pale and shining; g. free; s. stuffed, striate, pallid, subbulbous. canobrunnea, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. obtuse, subviscid when moist, hygr. fleshy-brown then pale; g. nearly free, brownish purple; s. 4-5 cm. hollow, short, squamulose, whitish or greyish pink, rooting; sp. ——. [Gilletii, Karst. P. campan.-convex, often obliquely umb. glabrous, livid grey with olive tinge, umb. tawny, then pale ochre; g. subadnate soon free, grey- then livid-purple; s. fistulose, straight, equal, glabrous, bay, apex paler and pruinose; sp. 10-13 × 5-6. [simulans, Karst. P. conico-convex, exp. usually obtusely umb. glabrous, pale rusty with honey-colour tinge, pellucidly striate, edge at first incurved, yellow tawny when dry; g. greyish with honey or olive tinge; s. wavy, ascending, rather lubricous, shining, bay, apex paler; sp. 4-6 × 3. spadicea, Fr. Subcaespitose. P. 3-7 cm. glabrous, humid, convex then exp. edge at first incurved, dark bay or bistre-brown then pale; g. adnate with decur. tooth, crowded, whitish then pinkish, at last purple-brown; s. fistulose, equal, rigid, silky, whitish; sp. 10 × 5. var. hygrophila, Fr. Larger. P. fuscous then tan; s. subfusiformly rooting; g. emarginate with a long decur. line. var. polycephala, Fr. Very densely tufted. P. rigid; s. slender, slightly flexuous; g. nearly free, fuscous-umber. This is the commonest form in Britain. Hypholoma hydrophilum differs in having fuscous-cinnamon, lachrymose gills. cernua, Fl. Dan. P. 1.5-2 cm. campan.-convex then exp. glabrous, micaceous, hygr. rugulose and pallid when dry; g. adnate; s. 5-9 cm. white, apex even, pruinose; sp. 8 × 5. squalens, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. depr. even, glabrous, hygr. lurid then pale; g. adnato-decur. tan then brown; s. 4-5 cm. not rooting, apex striate, colour of p.; sp. ——. [murcida, Fr. P. convex, obtuse, slightly striate, hygr. even when dry, bay then tan or rosy; g. adnate, segmentoid, umber; s. slender, fragile, straight, naked. [hebes, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, glabrous, hygr. edge striate, lurid then pale; g. adnate, triangular; s. glabrous, pallid. foenisecii, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. campan.-exp. obtuse, dingy brown then pale; g. adnate, ventricose, umber; s. 4-6 cm. not rooting, pale reddish, glabrous; sp. 10 × 5-6. clivensis, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. pale brown then pale ochre or whitish; g. broad, adnate, emarginate, edge pale; s. 3 cm. silky, base subclavate; sp. 10 × 5. [vicina, Fr. P. convex then plane, obtuse, glabrous, umber then pale; g. slightly adnexed, grey then blackish; s. stuffed, wavy, grey, apex pruinose. catervata, Mass. Densely fasciculate. P. 1-2 cm. campan. obtuse, white; g. slightly adnexed, crowded, edge entire, white; s. 3-4 cm. white; sp. 12 × 4; cystidia fusiform. Key to the Sections. I. Volva distinct with a free edge; ring present or absent. p. 228. II. Volva absent; ring present on stem. p. 229. III. Volva and ring absent. Veil practically absent. Pileus either glabrous or with minute innate squamules, especially near the apex, not splitting along the lines of the gills. p. 231. IV. Volva and ring absent. Veil very evident—at least in a young state—as a felty coating, which breaks up during expansion of the pileus into patches, cottony, squamulose, fibrillose or mealy. Not glistening nor micaceous. p. 231. V. Volva and ring absent. Pileus covered with glistening micaceous particles when young. p. 236. VI. Volva, ring, and veil absent. Flesh very thin, pileus soon splitting along the lines of the gills, scurfy or glabrous. p. 237. -
I. Volva distinct, with a free margin; ring present or absent. -
* Large; pileus more than 2 cm. high and wide. -
+ Stem white. sterquilinus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. high, coarsely sulcate, silvery grey, disc tawny with squarrose squamules; g. free; s. 9-15 cm. white, dark when bruised; volva with free margin, sometimes a ring on stem; sp. 18-20 × 11-12. [solstitialis, Sacc. P. cylindric-ovate, whitish with concentric over-lapping scales, expanding and blackish, grooved; g. free; s. white, base volvate, ring imperfect. Smaller than C. sterquilinus, and stem not blackish when bruised. oblectus, Bolton. P. 3-5 cm. coarsely striate, whitish, glabrous, then pale tawny and sprinkled with rose-coloured powder; g. free; s. 8-12 cm. white; volva with recurved edge; sp. 18 × 11-12. -
++ Stem coloured. umbrinus, Mass. At first entirely enclosed in a white volva, which leaves patches on p. P. 4-5 cm. umber, sulcate up to disc; g. free; s. 10-15 cm. umber, margin of volva recurved; sp. 17-18 × 9. Differs from C. stenocoleus in sulcate pileus and umber stem. [stenocoleus, Lindbl. P. 5-8 cm. umb. even, blackish with white squamules; g. free; s. 10-15 cm. pale tawny; margin of volva free; sp. ——. -
** Small; pileus less than 2 cm. high and wide. -
+ Volva entire. [cyclodes, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. high, campan. striate, glabrous, bay; g. soon black; s. 4-5 cm. white, rather flexuous; edge of volva recurved; sp. ——. [equinus, Chelch. P. ovate then campan. greyish white, disc darkest, covered with darker scurf or flecks; g. free; s. long, glabrous, base rather swollen, volva with a free edge which sometimes breaks away as a ring; sp. 5-6. [Trappenii, Oud. P. campan. 1-1.5 cm. apex with fragments of volva, then glabrous; g. purplish then black; s. 1-1.5 cm. white, volva entire; sp. ——. volvaceo-minimus, Crossl. P. 4-5 mm. striate, grey with white squamules; g. slightly adnexed; s. 2-2.5 cm. glabrous, hyaline, base bulbous, volva with broad free edge; sp. 6-7. Differs from C. Hendersonii in distinct volva and subglobose sp. C. bulbillosus differs in absence of a marginate volva. -
++ Volva torn into shreds. dilectus, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. very thin, campan., obtuse, finely striate, rosy white then tawny, furfuraceo-floccose with rosy meal, at length splitting, revolute and naked; g. free, sublanceolate, crowded; s. 5-7 cm. whitish and powdered with rosy meal, base thickened, volva reduced to squamules; sp. ——. Differs from C. oblectus in very rudimentary volva, and generally smaller size. roseotinctus, Rea. P. 7-11 × 5-7 mm. cylindr. then revolute, umb. brown with rosy meal; g. adnexed, broad; s. up to 5 cm. bulbous, white, with rosy meal when young; sp. 9-11 × 5-6. Perhaps too closely allied to C. dilectus. -
II. Volva absent, ring present on stem. -
* Large; Pileus 8-15 cm. high. comatus, Fr. P. cylindr. then campan. 9-15 cm. high, whitish or tinged ochre, becoming broken up into large reflexed scales; g. very slightly adnexed; s. 12-20 cm. white, base bulbous, rooting, ring loose; sp. 12-14 × 8-10. Edible. var. clavatus, Q. P. ovate, g. free, white then black, no intermediate pink colour; s. without a ring. ovatus, Schaeff. P. 8-10 cm. high, ovate then exp. striate, soon broken up into broad adpressed scales; g. free; s. white, base bulbous, rooting, ring deciduous; sp. 12 × 8. Edible. Differs from C. comatus in smaller size, and ovate form when young. atramentarius, Fr. P. rather fleshy, 8-12 cm. high, ovate then campan. fluted, edge uneven, silvery grey, apex squamulose; g. free; s. 10-16 cm. white, hollow, ring basal, evanescent; sp. 12 × 6. Edible. soboliferus, Fr. P. thin, ovate then exp. plicate below, disc truncate, brownish with darker squamules, rest greyish white; g. free; s. 12-20 cm. white, stuffed, ring fugacious; sp. 15 × 7. Edible. Differs from C. atramentarius in squamulose truncate disc, stuffed stem, and larger spores. [pyrenaeus, Q. P. narrowly ellipt. up to 10 cm. long, striate, pearl grey, with a dense veil of free white fibrils; g. free; s. 10-15 cm. hollow, white, ring basal, fugacious; sp. subgl. 12-18. Differs from C. atramentarius in white veil. [praegnans, Fr. P. campan. 18-20 cm. high, not striate, grey, crowded with white squamules; g. free, umber from first; s. solid, fusiform, rooting, squamulose, ring free; sp. ——. Differs from C. atramentarius in solid s. -
** Small; pileus never exceeding 3 cm. high. Hendersonii, Fr. P. subcylindrical then exp. up to 1 cm. apex tawny rest grey, fluted, minutely pruinose; g. free; s. 3-4 cm. with a permanent ring below middle; sp. 10-12 × 6. [bulbillosus, Pat. P. 8-10 mm. grey disc yellow, striate, covered with white meal; g. grey; s. 2-3 cm. white, base bulbous, ring loose, median; sp. 8-9 × 6-7. Differs from C. Hendersonii in bulbous stem. [ephemeroides, Fr. P. campan. plicato-sulcate, whitish, disc tinged yellow, up to 1 cm. sprinkled with superficial flecks; g. free; s. 2-4 cm. whitish, ring free, base with a pilose bulb; sp. 11-12 × 6-7. Differs from C. bulbillosus in squamulose pileus and strigose bulb. var. muscorum, sp. 7-9 × 6-8. [scauroides, Godey. P. ovate then campan. striate, white then purplish, floccosely squamulose; g. free; s. white, with a marginate bulb and ring. [Bresadolae, Schulz. P. subcylindrical, greyish-white, apex tinged brown; g. black, edge white; s. tapering upwards, white, glabrous, ring deciduous. -
III. Volva and ring absent. Veil practically absent; p. either glabrous or with minute innate squamules, especially near the apex, not splitting along the lines of the gills. -
* Gills attached to the stem. fuscescens, Fr. P. 4-6 cm. ovate then exp. not lobed, disc fuscous, rest greyish brown, powdered with meal at first; g. narrow towards the front; s. white, hollow, somewhat fibrillose; sp. 8-10 × 5-6. Differs from C. atramentarius in rufous p. not lobed. [tergiversans, Fr. P. conical then exp. 6-12 cm. rusty brown, grooved, cracked into squamules; g. broadly adnate; s. white, apex sulcate. Allied to C. micaceus; differs in squamulose and not micaceous p. [Lerchenfeldii, Schulz. P. hemispher. apex elevated, brownish grey, edge wavy silvery grey then violet; g. violet, shining; s. fibrillose or squamulose. -
** Gills free. [cylindricus, Fr. P. cylindrical then exp. 8-12 cm. across, rimosely striate, a few adpr. squamules, whitish brown; g. narrow; s. 15-21 cm. equal, fibrillose. [Mayrii, Allesch. P. campan. exp. white, striate, small yellow-brown squamules near edge, disc sparingly scaly; g. free; s. white, striate, base globose, marginate, hollow to swollen base; sp. 6-7 × 3-4. Allied to C. atramentarius. flocculosus, Fr. P. ovate then exp. 4-7 cm. across, dingy white, striate, squamules innate; g. narrow; s. 6-10 cm. white, silky, hollow; sp. 10 × 7-8. Differs from C. aratus in white p., and from C. lagopus in glabrous stem. squamosus, Morgan. P. 4-6 cm. sulcate, grey, with persistent spreading brown scales; g. free; s. 9-14 cm. with brown spreading scales up to ring; sp. 9-10 × 5. -
IV. Volva and ring absent. Veil very evident—at least in young state—as a felty coating, which breaks up during expansion of p. into patches; cottony, squamulose, fibrillose or mealy. Not glistening or micaceous. -
* Veil thick and felty, breaking into patches. -
+ Gills attached to stem. aphthosus, Fr. P. campan. even, livid, 2-3 cm. white veil at first continuous then broken into floccose patches; g. adnate; s. 5 cm. white, hollow, fibrillose; sp. 15-16 × 10. Differs from C. varicus in hollow stem. [phaeosporus, Karst. P. conico-cylindrical then flattened, everywhere delicately striate, at first enclosed in a rufescent veil which breaks up into patches, soon naked and white; g. adnexed; s. glabrous, white, hollow; sp. 9-15 × 4-9. Differs from C. albus by glabrous s. -
++ Gills free. picaceus, Fr. P. campan. glutinous, striate up to disc, blackish with white patches; g. free; s. 10-15 cm. white, hollow, base swollen; sp. 14 × 8. tomentosus, Fr. P. cylindr. then narrowly conical, at length exp. 2-3 cm.; pallid yellow, covered with a greyish felt which breaks into scales; g. free; s. 5 cm. hollow, greyish, velvety; sp. ——. [velatus, Q. P. cylind. then exp. 2-3 cm. yellowish, sulcate, veil white, thin; g. free but close to s.; s. 4-6 cm. white, villose, coarsely striate; sp. 10 × 5. [Forquignoni, Mass. (C. QuÉletii, Forq.). P. conico-campan. veil thick, ochraceous, then broken up into persistent patches, whitish, 5-6 cm. high; g. remote; s. white, floccosely fibrillose, ending in a tawny bulb; sp. 9 × 6. [varicus, Fr. P. white or livid towards the split edge, with patches of white veil; g. free; s. 6-9 cm. often incurved, white, glabrous, solid, tough. Differs from C. picaceus in white p. and solid s. -
** Veil breaking up into superficial scales, cottony or fibrillose. -
+ Gills attached to stem. -
§ Pileus white or grey. niveus, Fr. All pure white. P. 1-2.5 cm. campan. floccose; g. slightly adnexed; s. 5-8 cm. hollow, villose; sp. 16 × 11-13. var. astroideus, Fr. P. squamose, naked, grey, 1 cm.; s. up to 8 cm. slender, glabrous. [albus, Q. Snow white. P. ovoid then exp. 1.5-2 cm. floccosely mealy then pearl grey and grooved, with tawny flecks at disc; g. adnate, seceding; s. coarsely striate upwards; sp. 12-13 long. [Rostrupianus, Hansen. White. P. thin campan. then exp. tomentose, squamulose; g. free, grey then blackish; s. narrowed upwards, glabrous above, downy below, base with white tomentum. Medium sized, allied to C. niveus. [pilosus, Beck. P. cylindr. apex rounded, white, densely covered with septate acute white hairs, then exp. and centre almost glabrous and yellowish, edge slightly striate; s. slender, pubescent, base floccose; sp. 9-12 × 6-7. exstinctorius, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. across, campan. whitish, apex tinged brown, at first with evanescent floccose scales; g. reaching stem; s. 8-12 cm. smooth, white, hollow, swollen at base and rooting; sp. 10-11 × 6-7. Differs from C. fimetarius in pileus becoming bald from disc to margin. [roris, Q. P. soon convex and centre depr. pearl grey, transparent, covered at first with a thin tawny-white veil, 1-1.5 cm.; g. adnate; s. 3-4 cm. greyish, villosely floccose; sp. 11-12 long. Differs from C. plicatilis in adnate g. and from C. diaphanus in villose stem. similis, B. and Br. P. ovate then campan. pallid disc darker, striate, studded with brown tipped pointed warts, 2.5 cm.; g. adnate; s. white, hollow. [Brunandi, Q. P. campan. 5-6 mm. high, very delicate, striate, greyish lilac, at first with crystalline interwoven filaments; g. adnate then free; s. white, floccose, bulbous; sp. 10 long. Allied to C. lagopus. -
§§ Pileus tawny or brownish. domesticus, Fr. P. campan. obtuse, sulcate, disc even, bay, rest paler, scurfy-floccose, 4-7 cm.; g. adnexed; s. 6-9 cm. white, silky; sp. 11-12 × 7. [alopecia, Fr. P. 6-7.5 cm. campan. obtuse, sulcate, pale brown or ochre, at first with adpr. fibrils; g. adnexed; s. 9-12 cm. densely scaly, hollow. [Boudieri, Q. P. 1-2 cm. campan. coarsely striate, pale tawny apex darker, covered with fine white down; g. adnate; s. 3-4 cm. white, pruinose and pubescent; sp. angularly globose, 10-12. [subcoeruleo-griseus, Schulzer. P. acutely conical then plane, slightly striate, disc pale yellowish-pink, rest greyish blue, with minute fugacious scales; g. adnexed; s. white, floccosely pruinose, then glabrous, hollow; sp. 10-13 × 6-8. -
++ Gills free. -
§ Stem glabrous. nycthemerus, Fr. P. conico-cylindr. then exp. 1.5-2 cm. plicate, ribs forked near edge, mealy then naked, grey, disc tawny; g. free; s. 5-7 cm. white, glabrous, flaccid, hollow; sp. ——. [gonophyllus, Q. P. 1.5 cm. hemisph. striate, blackish grey, shining, veil floccose, whitish, soon disappearing; g. free, triangular, edge serrate; s. 3 cm. glabrous, slightly striate, white; sp. 10 × 4. Spraguei, B. and Curt. P. conical then campan. 1.5-2 cm. tomentose, striate, greyish, disc tawny; g. few, distant; s. 3-5 cm. pale reddish ochre; sp. 10 × 5. Spegazzinii, Karst. P. cylindr. or oval, then exp. and splitting up to disc, greyish, soon naked and grooved; g. free; s. white, hollow, thickened below and rooting; sp. 9-14 × 5-6. platypus, B. and Cke. P. white then yellowish, flocculose, 4-5 mm.; g. free; s. 1.5-3 cm. base discoid; sp. 8 × 6. -
§§ Stem floccose or pulverulent at first. narcoticus, Fr. Foetid. P. cylindric-clavate then exp. 1.5-2 cm. hyaline, striate, at first with white floccose squamules; g. free; s. 4-5 cm. white, downy at first, hollow; sp. 11 × 5-6. [muralis, Allesch. Smell strong, ammoniacal. P. cylindr. then campan. white then grey, covered with white floccose squamules; g. free, narrow; s. equal, hollow, floccosely scaly then glabrous, white, shining, base densely fibrous; sp. subg. 6. lagopus, Fr. P. cylindr. then campan. coarsely striate up to brown disc, at first with white flocci; g. free; s. 10-15 cm. everywhere with white floccose down; sp. 14-16 × 10-12. Differs from C. narcoticus in absence of smell. C. lagopoides differs in tomentum breaking up into scales, and g. very distant from stem. [lagopoides, Karst. P. campan. sulcate, disc livid, with free white scales, 4-7 cm.; g. distant from stem; s. up to 17 cm. white, floccose; sp. 6-8 × 5-6. macrocephalus, B. P. cylindr. then campan. striate, ashy grey, disc brownish, sprinkled with pointed scales, 2 cm.; g. free; s. 3-5 cm. dingy white, fibrillose below; sp. 11-13 × 7-8. Differs from C. lagopus in dark grey p. [tigrinellus, Boud. P. elliptic-oblong then campan. striate, snow-white edge becoming rosy, pulverulent, with tawny flecks; g. free; s. 2 cm. white, base rather bulbous and often with blackish flecks; sp. 11 × 7. Differs from C. Friesii in being at first covered with brown tomentum which breaks up into flecks. [Friesii, Q. P. elliptic-oblong then exp. 1-2 cm. finely striate, white apex tinged yellow, edge rosy; g. free, reddish then black; s. 2 cm. white, pulverulent, base swollen and floccose; sp. angularly glob. 10. Differs from C. tigrinellus in not having a brown veil. [cupulatus, E. Jacob. P. subcampan. greyish yellow, with a floccose greyish white veil then pubescent, sulcate, 4-5 mm.; g. free; s. 5-7 cm. white, downy, striate, base swollen; sp. 7-8 × 6-7. fimetarius, Fr. P. 2-2.5 cm. clavate then conico-exp. soon splitting, disc even brownish, at first covered with squarrose floccose scales, then naked; g. free; s. 10-15 cm. white, squamulose, base solid; sp. 12-14 × 7-8. var. pullatus, Fr. P. with adpressed squamules, soon naked, dark; s. soon smooth. var. cinereus, Fr. P. floccosely mealy then naked, grey; s. rootless, hollow to base. var. macrorhiza, Fr. P. at first with feathery squamules; s. short, rooting. [Queletii, Schulzer. P. ellipsoid-conical then exp. deeply sulcate, whitish, apex glabrous tinged cinnamon, with fugacious flecks; g. free; s. white, flocculose then glabrous, ventricose below, rooting with long brown fibres; sp. 10-12 × 4-6. [laxus, Bres. and Schulz. P. subglobose, grey, disc yellowish cinnamon, granularly floccose; g. free; s. white, tinged brown at base, with white flecks, bending over as it dries; sp. 6-8 × 4-5. [Albertinii, Karst. P. campan. sulcate, greyish-white, disc brownish, with fine network of fibrils; g. free; s. white, silky-floccose; sp. 10-12 × 6. [Strossmayeri, Schulzer. P. digitaliform, then conico-campan. whitish then grey, apex darker, finally pale ochre, with deciduous squarrose scales; g. free; s. white, pruinose, springing from a compact, branching blackish-brown mycelium; sp. 7-9 long. -
*** Veil formed of white meal, or hyaline vesicles. Not glistening or micaceous. tuberosus, Q. P. campan. 3-5 mm. finely striate, white then greyish, veil of hyaline vesicles; g. blackish violet; s. 2-4 cm. slender, wavy, white, downy, springing from a small black sclerotium; sp. 12 long. Smaller than C. niveus, and springing from a sclerotium. [cineratus, Q. P. campan. 1-2 cm. striate, white then greyish violet, veil of dusky hyaline vesicles; g. free, close to stem; s. 4-6 cm. white, base rather swollen and sheathed by remains of a volva; sp. 10 × 5. filiformis, B. and Br. P. 1-2 mm. cylindrical, striate, grey, mealy; g. linear; s. 1-1.5 cm. slender, hyaline, sprinkled with hairs; sp. subg. 5 × 4. [luxoviensis, Mont. P. ovoid then campan. striate, mealy then naked and grey, disc tawny; g. distant; s. with spreading fibrils, soon naked, white, springing from a spreading mycelium; sp. ——. [caducus, Harz. P. oval then cylindrical, striate, grey then blackish brown, at first densely covered with white meal which becomes grey; g. from a collar; s. greyish brown above, whitish below; sp. 9-10 × 6-7. [Britzelmayri, Sacc. and Cub. (= C. macrosporus, Brit.) P. and s. covered with snow-white meal; g. adnexed; s. tall; sp. 20 × 10-12. [albulus, Q. P. almost hemispherical, 5 mm. pellucid, striate, pulverulent; g. arcuately adnate; s. 2 cm. filiform, pulverulent, lower half with white flecks; sp. 13 long. [divergens, Brit. P. parabolic, brownish then dark grey, deeply striate; g. blackish-grey; s. pellucid, whitish; sp. 10-11 × 6-7. Intermediate between C. tomentosus and C. niveus. -
V. Volva and ring absent. Pileus covered with glistening particles when young. micaceus, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. oval then campan. glistening then naked, sulcate, tawny ochre; g. adnexed; s. 5-8 cm. white, silky, hollow. [marcescens, Karst. P. campan. sulcate, whitish at first, soon dingy ochre, then pale sooty grey, disc brownish yellow, micaceous; g. adnexed; s. white, silky; sp. 6-9 × 4-6. Differs from C. micaceus in p. becoming sooty grey. aratus, B. P. 5-8 cm. narrowly elliptical then campan.-umber, grooved up to disc; g. slightly adnexed; s. 10-15 cm. snow-white, silky, hollow; sp. 15 × 10-11. stercorarius, Fr. P. 2.5-3 cm. ovate then campan. edge striate, densely covered with white glistening meal; g. adnexed; s. 7-12 cm. white, hollow, minutely mealy at first; sp. 14-15 × 8. C. niveus differs in tomentose p., and C. albus in sulcate p. radians, Fr. P. ovate then campan. 2.5-5 cm. edge striate, disc granuloso-squamulose, tawny ochre then pale, glistening; g. slightly adnexed; s. 3-5 cm. white, smooth, base with dense radiating strands of mycelium; sp. 7 × 4. truncorum, Fr. P. globose at first then campan. glistening then naked, tawny ochre, striate, 2-4 cm.; g. free, rosy then black; s. 7-10 cm. slender, white, glabrous, hollow; sp. 12-14 × 6. Differs from C. micaceus in p. being globose at first, and not sulcate, and in free, rosy g. [inamoenus, Karst. Foetid. P. subcylindrical then exp. blackish with white micaceous scurf; g. fixed to a remote collar; s. hyaline, at first downy, often rather wavy, several stems springing at intervals from a prostrate mycelium; sp. 7-11 × 4-6. [intermedius, Penzig. P. campan. pallid, even, with dense reddish micaceous scurf near apex; g. free; s. glabrous, tinged pink; sp. 7.5-9 × 5. [frustulosum, Sacc. P. campan. rather acute, even, covered with reddish micaceous meal; g. free; s. conical then cylindrical, white; sp. 8 × 6. -
VI. Volva, ring, and veil absent; flesh very thin, pileus soon splitting along the lines of the gills, scurfy or glabrous. -
* Pileus more or less scurfy. -
+ Gills attached to stem. -
§ Pileus white. [conditus, Godey. P. globose then ovoid, striate, sometimes tinged yellow; g. adnate; s. 20-25 mm. shining, scurfy; sp. ——. [stellaris, Q. P. ovoid then campan. 1-2 mm. striate, snow-white then greyish, crowned with pellucid vesicles; g. adnate; s. 1-2 cm. long, filiform, hyaline, velvety; sp. 8 long. -
§§ Pileus coloured. [coÖpertus, Fr. P. conico-campan. 2.5 cm. striate, lurid, densely micaceous, yellowish grey when dry; g. adnate, broad; s. 3-5 cm. pallid, apex with white flecks; sp. ——. [pseudo-plicatilis, Vogl. P. campan. umb. soon exp. and sulcate, yellowish grey, umbo yellowish, scurfy; g. adnate; s. white, woolly, thickened and floccose below; sp. 6-8 × 3. velox, Godey. P. obovate, striate then grooved, scurfy between the ribs, disc also greyish and scurfy, 3-4 mm.; g. close to stem; s. 1.5-3 cm. with white floccose down; sp. ——. ephemerus, Fr. P. very delicate, ovate then campan. sulcate, slightly scurfy, disc elevated, even, rufescent, 1-2 cm.; g. slightly adnexed; s. 3-6 cm. glabrous, whitish, pellucid; sp. 16-17 × 9-10. [mycenopsis, Karst. P. campan. then exp. sulcate, sooty-grey, livid disc prominent, scurfy, soon naked; g. adnate; s. tall, glabrous, white, striate upwards; sp. 7-8 × 4. -
++ Gills free. -
§ Stem fibrillose or downy. cothurnatus, Godey. P. conico-campan. then exp. and umb. densely scurfy, whitish, yellowish or reddish, 2-3 cm.; g. free; s. 3-5 cm. white, squamulose below; sp. ——. [evanidus, Godey. P. obovate then campan. striate, whitish, rather scurfy, disc prominent, tinged brown; 3-4 mm.; g. free, distant; s. 1.5-2.5, pellucid, white, downy; sp. ——. -
§§ Stem glabrous. sociatus, Fr. P. ovate then campan. plicate, subsquamulose or scurfy, disc umber and becoming depr. 2 cm.; g. narrowed behind, attached to a collar; s. 4-5 cm. white, glabrous, not pellucid; sp. ——. Gills much nearer s. than in C. plicatilis, much narrowed behind, black. [sulcato-crenatus, Steinh. P. cylindrical then campan. soon plane, sulcato-crenate, almost glabrous, yellow, disc brown, even, becoming depr.; g. remote from stem, distant; s. yellow, apex brown; sp. obtusely triangular, compressed. Differs from C. plicatilis in yellow p. and s. [Patouillardii, Q. P. conico-campan. then plane, coarsely striate up to disc, grey, disc rough with minute reddish granules; g. attached to collar distant from s.; s. 4-7 cm. white, glabrous, fragile; sp. angularly globose, 6-8. Differs from C. nycthemerus in white s.; and from C. velaris in rough disc. papillatus, Fr. P. elliptical then campan. becoming plane and upturned; disc prominent and rough with minute warts, dark, striate, covered with greyish scurf, .5-1 cm.; g. free; s. 2.5 cm. white, hyaline, hollow; sp. 15 × 7. [affinis, Karst. P. conico-cylindr. then exp. greyish white, disc pale rufous, plicate, scurfy; g. free; s. flaccid, glabrous, pallid; sp. 6-8 × 5-7. radiatus, Fr. P. cylindrical, soon plane and splitting, yellowish, disc darker, then whitish, minutely pilose when young; g. almost free; s. 1-3 cm. hyaline, pilose; sp. 7-8 × 5. Gibbsii, Mass. and Crossl. Very minute, p. 0.5 mm. hemispher. then exp. striate, glabrous, pale ochre; g. adnate, few; s. 4-7 mm. white, glabrous; sp. subcircular, compressed, 8-9 diam.; cystidia piriform. [lanatus, Boud. P. soon campan. plicately striate, greyish rufous disc darker; g. free; s. glabrous, white, slightly bulbous. -
** Pileus glabrous. -
+ Gills attached to stem. -
§ Stem downy or pulverulent. tardus, Karst. P. ovoid then campan. 2.5-5 cm. coarsely striate, bay then ochre, glabrous; g. adnate; s. 6-10 cm. white, slightly flexuous, equal; sp. angularly ellipt. 12-18 × 7-9. Differs from C. deliquescens in smooth disc and adnate g. [Gilletii, Jacobasch. (= Cop. intermedius Gill.). P. ovato-campan. grey, disc yellow; pulverulent then glabrous, edge striate; g. ovato-elongate, blackish; s. slender, glabrous, hollow, with a membranaceous, distant, fixed erect ring. [attenuatus, Gill. P. conico-campan. even, glabrous, edge sulcate, upturned when dry, apex yellowish; g. broad, ventricose, reddish-brown; s. long, slender, hollow, narrowed towards base. -
§§ Stem glabrous. [auricomus, Pat. P. elliptic-oblong then campan. finely striate, pale greyish red disc darker, glabrous, 1.5-2 cm.; g. adnate; s. 5-8 cm. white, glabrous; sp. ——. Young plant enveloped in a golden yellow weft (= Ozonium). congregatus, Fr. P. cylindrical then campan. edge slightly striate, glabrous, viscid, ochre, 1.5-2 cm.; g. slightly adnexed; s. 2-3 cm. smooth, hollow, white; sp. ——. alternatus, Fr. P. hemisph. then discoid, even, glabrous, chalk-white disc pale umber, 3 cm.; g. adnate; s. whitish, hollow, 7-10 cm.; sp. 10 × 6-7. digitalis, Fr. P. ovate then campan. whitish disc darker, glabrous, striate up to disc, 2.5 cm.; g. slightly adnexed; s. 3-5 cm. whitish, equal; sp. ——. When mature the p. is sometimes livid olive or yellowish grey, and g. appear to be adnate. [diaphanus, Q. Every part translucent and glabrous. P. grooved, edge crenulate, silvery with a central tawny spot, 5-7 mm.; g. adnate; s. capillary, glabrous, 2-3 cm.; sp. 12 long. Differs from C. plicatilis in adnate g. [sceptrum, Fr. P. campan. papillately umb. deeply sulcate, pellucid, tinged grey; g. adnate to a collar; s. pellucid. erythrocephalus, Fr. P. cylindrical then campan. reddish vermilion becoming grey, silky, edge very finely striate, 1 cm.; g. slightly adnexed; s. 2-3 cm. paler than p. -
++ Gills free, sometimes attached to a collar. -
§ Stem downy or pulverulent. [Godeyi, Gillet. P. subglobose, distantly grooved, glabrous, pellucid, disc ochre, grey between the ribs, 3-4 mm.; g. free; s. 2 cm. pellucid, sprinkled with white flecks below. [semistriatus, Pat. P. ovate then campan. glabrous, disc even, yellowish, striate and grey up to disc, 1 cm.; g. attached to a collar; s. 1-2 cm. white, pruinose; sp. subcircular, compressed, 12-14 broad, 3 thick. -
§§ Stem glabrous. plicatilis, Fr. P. thin, cylindric ovate then plane, glabrous, coarsely grooved, pale brown then greyish, disc broad, even, at length depr. darker, 1-2 cm.; g. attached to a distant collar; s. 5-8 cm. white, smooth, hollow; sp. 11-13 × 8-9. deliquescens, Fr. P. ovate then campan. at length exp. livid grey, disc rufescent, papillose, otherwise glabrous, 3-7 cm.; g. free; s. 7-10 cm. white, glabrous, hollow; sp. 8 × 5. Differs from C. atramentarius in free gills. [miser, Karst. P. subglobose then exp. pellucid, tinged grey, plicate, glabrous; g. distant from stem, few in number; s. hyaline, glabrous; sp. 7-9 × 6-8. eburneus, Q. Entirely white, shining; elliptic-campan. firm, striate, rarely with a few flecks, 3-4 cm.; g. free; s. firm, glabrous; sp. 14 long. hemerobius, Fr. P. ovate then campan. 1.5-2.5 cm. coarsely grooved, disc even, bay, not depr.; g. attached to an imperfect collar; s. 5-8 cm. fragile, pallid; sp. 10-12 × 7. Differs from C. velaris in imperfect collar, and from C. plicatilis in disc not being depressed. [rapidus, Fr. P. cylindrical then plane, coarsely grooved, pale drab, glabrous, often slightly wavy, 1.5-2.5 cm.; g. free, close to stem, brown; s. 4-5 cm. white, glabrous. [phyllophilus, Karst. P. campan. then exp. glabrous, sulcate, dingy ochre becoming sooty; g. close to stem; s. pellucid, pruinose then naked; sp. angularly ovate, 7-8 × 5. [velaris, Fr. P. 2.5 cm. at first globose, then hemisph. coarsely striate, lurid, disc brownish, not depr.; g. black, edge white; s. 5-7 cm. pellucid, base downy; sp. 7-8 × 5. [pellucidus, Karst. P. obovate then hemispher. obtuse, sulcate, glabrous, whitish or yellowish then hyaline and greyish with a darker central spot; g. crowded; s. wavy, glabrous, pellucid; sp. 7-9 × 4. Schroteri, Karst. P. elliptical then exp. sulcate, glabrous, dingy ochre then pale, at length sooty-grey; g. brown; s. slightly pulverulent at first, slightly striate upwards; sp. angularly globose, 13-15 × 8-12. var. proximellus, Massee (= C. proximellus, Karst.) Spores elliptical, 10-13 × 5-7, otherwise as type. MONTAGNITES, Fr. [Candollei, Fr. P. 3-5 cm.; g. narrowed behind, broad, dark grey then blackish; s. elongated fibroso-striate, hollow, tawny, volva fleshy, persistent. [Pallassii, Fr. P. thin, plane; g. smooth, black; s. very long rooting, volva absent; sp. 12 × 4.
ADDENDA. Species accidentally omitted, or published during the progress of this work. Lepiota Bresadolae, Schulz. (= L. cupreus, Schulz.). P. 4-8 cm. umb. subcylindrical then broadly campan. at first glabrous and entirely coppery, then broken up into broad, fibrillose subimbricate scales; g. remote, narrowed at both ends, crowded, white then pallid; s. clavate at base which is coppery, pale above, ring white then coppery; sp. 6-9 long. (Next L. mastoidea, p. 8.) Lepiota minuta, Vogl. P. 6-8 mm. slightly fleshy, even, campanulate then exp. brick-red, viscid; g. free, white, densely crowded; s. equal, even, dry, brownish, with a very narrow ring; sp. globose, 2-3. (Near Lepiota delicata, p. 14.) Schulzeria, Bresad. Flesh of stem distinct from that of pileus; gills free and remote from the stem; spores hyaline; ring and volva absent. This genus follows Lepiota, from which it differs in the absence of a ring. Schulzeria squamigera, Schulz. and Bres. P. about 2 cm. rather fleshy, convex then exp. dry, umber at first then whitish, surface broken up into fibrous brownish-umber scales; g. crowded, subventricose, white, free, somewhat remote from stem, 3 mm. broad; s. equal, whitish, with lax umber scales which soon disappear; flesh white, compact; sp. 5-8 × 4. Schulzeria rimulosa, Schulz. and Bres. P. 8-10 cm. fleshy, hemispher. then exp. rather irreg. even, glabrous, dry, lurid white, epidermis falling away then becoming areolately cracked; g. rather distant, 9-15 mm. broad, white then straw-colour, rounded at both ends, sometimes subsinuate behind, free, remote; s. equal, subexcentric, glabrous, colour of p.; sp. 5-6 × 3. Schulzeria septentrionalis, Karst. P. about 10 cm. fleshy, soft, convex then exp. subumb. even, glabrous, dry, whitish; g. free, remote, broad, whitish, somewhat crowded; s. central, equal, base slightly bulbous, distinct from flesh of p. glabrous, whitish. Tricholoma Czarnii, Roum. (= Ag. prasinus, Lasch. in part). P. 6-8 cm. very fleshy, convex then convex-plane, rather viscid, yellowish, disc darker, glabrous, edge slightly fibrillose; g. crowded; arcuate, broad, emarginate, pallid, rosy in section; s. solid, straight, clavate, slightly striate, colour of p., not longer than thick; sp. ——. Allied to T. coryphaeum, differing in general aspect of p., g. never yellow-edged, less viscid, and no smell. (Next T. coryphaeum, p. 17.) Tricholoma Bresadolae, Schulz. Taste very acrid. P. 9-12 cm. entirely fleshy, irreg. edge sinuous, sometimes depressed at the centre, rather viscid when young, then dry, even, edge sometimes tuberculoso-sulcate, umber; g. distant, very thick, rounded in front, narrowed behind but not decur., 1 cm. and more broad, whitish; s. cylindrical, obconic or cuspidate towards base, whitish, sometimes tinged umber, glabrous; sp. 9-10 × 5. (Next to T. spermaticum, p. 18.) Tricholoma fallaciosum, Quel. and Schulz. (= Ag. platyrhizus, Schulz.) P. 4-5 cm. irreg. subglobose; vertex elevated but not umb. fleshy, brown, at first very dark then paler at edge, not shining, glabrous, even; g. partly free, rounded behind and cuspidate in front, brownish then pale, edge clear cinnamon; s. somewhat conoid, base pale sulphur yellow with copious strands and plates of white mycelium, central portion pale cinnamon, apex white and pulverulent; sp. 4-5 long. (Next T. scalpturatum, p. 20.) Tricholoma Gauteraudii, Roum. P. 3-6 cm. convex then plane, mammillate, centre pale yellowish, somewhat silky, rest glabrous, even, dry, whitish; g. broad, emarginate, whitish; s. white, base yellowish, solid, equal; flesh white, insipid and inodorous. (Next T. inamoenum, p. 23.) Clitocybe subviscifera, Karst. P. 3-4 cm. thin, convex then plane, sometimes becoming depr. orbicular or somewhat wavy, even, glabrous, viscid, whitish, disc usually become stained with rufous, then discoloured; g. deeply decur. distant, branched or connected by veins, pallid white; s. hollow, equal, flocculosely-scurfy, pallid; sp. 6-8 × 3-4. (Next to C. pithyophila, p. 82.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) centrifugus, Fr. P. plano-depr. glabrous, viscid, discoid, yellowish brown-violet then yellow, margin verdigris green; g. emarginate, rather crowded, crenulate, pinkish violet then cinnamon; s. solid, stout, clavato-bulbous, almost glabrous, white; flesh white; sp. ——. (Follows C. Riederi, p. 178.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) latus, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. exp. almost glabrous, moist, scarcely viscid, tan, disc darker; g. emarginate, subentire, crowded, clay-colour cinnamon; s. solid, fibrillose, pallid white, apex flocculose, cortina forming a superior persistent annulus, bulbous then subequal; flesh white; sp. ——. (Next C. percomis, p. 179.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) subtortus, Fr. P. 3-8 cm. convex, exp. obtuse, soft, glabrous, not striate, viscid, tan then pale, becoming rugulose; g. rounded, adnate, connected by veins, very broad, rather distant, greyish olive; s. unequal, rather twisted, becoming pale, apex partly hollow, scarcely tinged blue; sp. ——. (Before C. anfractus, p. 179.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) jasmineus, Fr. P. exp. gibbous, wavy, lacunose, rugose, viscid, dingy olive, disc at first fuscous then yellowish, opaque; flesh yellowish ochre; g. subadnate, very broad, rather crowded, pallid olive; s. stuffed, subequal, bluish, violet punctate, apex white; sp. ——. (Next C. anfractus, p. 179.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) elotus, Fr. Acrid. P. subpulvinate, unequal, glabrous, slightly viscid, sooty then tawny tan, edge darker and at length striate; g. emarginate, rather distant, pallid then olive tan; s. short, fibrillose, pallid, marginate bulb obsolete; sp. ——. (Next C. talus, p. 180.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) arquatus, Fr. P. equal, even, very glabrous, viscid, discoid, disc bay, edge yellowish, polished and shining when dry; g. subadnate, crowded, purplish then cinnamon; s. solid, pallid, except the obconic marginate bulb, apex tinged blue inside and out; sp. ——. (Next C. purpurascens, p. 180.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) causticus, Fr. Smell strong. P. convexo-plane, obtuse, glabrous, punctate, hygrophanous, very viscid, tawny when moist, then pale; g. ventricoso-emarginate, scarcely crowded, broad, whitish yellow; s. firm, elastic, glabrous, shining white; sp. ——. (Next C. emollitius, p. 182.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) vespertinus, Fr. P. convexo-plane, soft, glabrous, obsoletely viscid, subrugose, yellow, sometimes pale; g. emarginate, very broad, crowded, tawny cinnamon, transversely veined, edge whitish; s. solid, elongated, rather slender, fibrillose, shining white, base thickened; sp. ——. (Next C. intentus, p. 183.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) liratus, Fr. P. 5-6 cm. thin, convexo-plane, very glabrous, hygrophanous, viscid, radiately lacunose near the edge, honey-colour then somewhat ochre; g. emarginate, crowded, pale rusty; s. filled with pith limited by a dark horny line, equal, fibrillose, yellowish, base thickened; sp. ——. (Before C. intentus, p. 183.) Cortinarius (Phleg.) amurceus, Fr. P. convexo-plane, squamulosely papillose, viscid, sometimes gibbous, honey-tan; g. entirely adnate, distant, yellowish olive; s. solid, pallid, somewhat attenuated; sp. ——. (Next C. olivascens, p. 183.) Coprinus purpureophyllus, Jacobasch. P. 1-2.5 cm. conico-campan. torn, diaphanous, pale greyish-yellow, sulcate up to apex, covered with grey squamules which soon disappear; g. white then intense purplish violet, finally blackish, linear, ascending, crowded, adnexed, deliquescent; s. white, silky, generally curved, narrowed upwards from the subbulbous strigose base, apex white-mealy, remainder glabrous, fragile; sp. 7.5-8.5 × 5.5. Growing on birch branches. (Next to Coprinus roris, p. 233.)