I. Haplophyllae. Margin of gills acute; i.e. not longitudinally split or grooved. -
* Molles. More or less fleshy, soft, and soon decaying or shrivelling (not corky, woody, or rigid). -
+ Ring, or volva, or both present, or gills free. Amanita. Volva and ring present. Gills usually free, rarely adnexed or adnate. (Volva sometimes not evident round base of stem, but loose patches on pileus prove its presence.) Amanitopsis. Volva present, ring absent; gills free. Lepiota. Ring present, volva absent; gills free. (In some sp. the ring is imperfect, and in a few the gills are slightly attached.) Hiatula. Gills free; volva and ring absent. Armillaria. Ring present, volva absent; gills attached. -
++ Gills adnexed or adnate; ring and volva absent. Tricholoma. Gills sinuate; stem fleshy. Russula. Pileus fleshy; gills very rigid, brittle. Mycena. Pileus slender, campanulate, usually striate, margin straight and adpressed to stem when young. Collybia. Pileus rather fleshy, more or less plane, margin incurved when young; stem cartilaginous outside. Marasmius. Tough, drying up and reviving when moistened; gills often connected by veins. -
+++ Gills decurrent. Lactarius. Gills and flesh exuding milk when broken. (In some sp. the gills are adnate.) Hygrophorus. Gills thick at the base, edge acute, rather waxy, often branched; pileus often hygrophanous. (In some sp. the gills are adnate or even free.) Clitocybe. Gills thin, pliant, sometimes powdered with the spores; stem fibrous outside. Omphalia. Gills thin, pliant, stem cartilaginous outside. Pleurotus. Growing on wood. Stem lateral or excentric when present. Cantharellus. Gills narrow, edge thick, rather waxy, forking. Arrhenia. Gills reduced to very slight wrinkles or veins. Nyctalis. Gills thick, edge blunt. Parasitic on fungi, or among dead leaves, &c. -
** Tenaces. Coriaceous, corky, or woody, persistent, rigid when dry. Lentinus. Pileus coriaceous; gills decurrent, edge toothed or eroded. Panus. Pileus coriaceous; gills decurrent, edge quite entire. Xerotus. Pileus coriaceous; gills forking, edge thick. Lenzites. Horizontal, sessile, woody or corky; gills radiating from behind. -
II. Schizophyllae. Margin of gills split open. Trogia. Gills resembling folds or wrinkles, edge grooved. (In the only European species the edge of gills not grooved.) Schizophyllum. Margin of gills split, the split portions rolling outwards.
Abbreviations used. Cm. = centimetres; compr. = compressed; decur. = decurrent; depr. = depressed; exp. = expanded; g. = gills; hygr. = hygrophanous; infundib. = infundibuliform; mm. = millimetres; p. = pileus; s. = stem; sp. = spores; umb. = umbonate; umbil. = umbilicate. The measurement given of the stem is that of its average length; that of the pileus, its average breadth when expanded. The measurement of the spores is given in micro-millimetres, usually indicated by the Greek letter µ. AMANITA, Fries. -
* Margin of volva free, persistent. -
+ Pileus red or deep orange. [caesarea, Scop. P. hemispherical then exp. orange or red, edge striate, flesh yellowish; g. yellow; s. stout, yellow, ring and volva lax; sp. 8-10 × 6. Edible. -
++ Pileus white, sometimes tinged yellow or green. virosa, Fr. Entirely white. P. 8-11 cm. conical, then expanded; viscid when moist; g. free, crowded; s. 10-12 cm. slightly thinner upwards, squamulose, ring near apex, torn, volva large, lax; sp. subglobose, 8-10. Poisonous. phalloides, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. viscid, obtuse, white, tinted yellow or greenish; g. free, white; s. 7-10 cm. white, tapering upwards, bulbous, ring large, volva large, margin irreg. free; sp. subglobose, 7-8. Poisonous. mappa, Fr. Smell strong. P. 6-9 cm. convex then expanded, dry, white or yellowish, usually with patches of the volva; g. adnexed, white; s. 5-8 cm. white, bulbous, ring torn, volva without a large, free margin; sp. subglobose, 7-9. Poisonous. Differs from A. phalloides in shorter equal stem. [ovoidea, Bull. White. P. silky, margin incurved, even; s. squamulose. [coccola, Scop. White; margin of p. incurved, sulcate; s. villose; sp. 11-12 × 8. [lepiotoides, Barla. At first entirely closed in brown volva. P. exp. edge striate, squamulose, whitish, cuticle broken into greyish tawny areolae or scales; g. broad, whitish, brownish when bruised; s. yellowish-white, squamulose, ring thin, fugacious. -
+++ Pileus yellow, sometimes tinged red. [junquillea, Q. P. pale orange or lemon yellow, viscid, deeply striate; g. adnexed; s. and fugacious ring yellowish-white, base ovoid-bulbous, volva circumscissile. [vernalis, Gillet. P. exp. pale dingy yellow with tinge of red, with scattered white scales; g. free, white, broadest in front; s. white, squamulose below the ring, base bulbous, volva ample margin free. In early spring. [lutea, Otth. P. conical, exp. yellow or yellowish ochre, edge invol. slightly striate, disc papillose, viscid, usually with broad scattered scales; g. white, crowded; s. rather narrowed upwards, base bulbous, ring thin, white, volva membranous. -
++++ Pileus brownish or grey. [porphyria, A. & S. P. brownish or with a violet tinge; g. adnexed; s. slender, ring distant brownish; sp. 8-10. recutita, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. soon expanded, dry, glabrous, fragments of volva present as a rule, grey or brownish; g. forming lines down the stem; s. narrowed upwards, silky, white, ring distant, white, edge of volva not free; sp. ——. Differs from A. porphyria in ring not being tinged brown. [cinerea, Bresad. Small. P. conico-campan. edge striate, livid-grey; g. free, crowded, white, edge fimbriate; s. equal, almost glabrous, partly hollow, colour of p., ring apical, persistent, white; volva free, sheathing, limb lobed, whitish; sp. 10-12 × 8. -
** Volva without a free loose margin, or almost obsolete. -
+ Pileus red, reddish-brown or dingy brown. muscaria, Fr. P. 12-18 cm. soon plane, striate, viscid, scarlet or orange with white patches; gills forming lines down the stem, white; s. 10-14 cm. stout, white, ring lax, volva broken up into concentric ridges; sp. 8 × 5. Poisonous. var. regalis, Fr. Large. P. liver-colour. var. formosa, Pers. P. yellow or tawny orange, scales usually absent; s. elongated, yellowish. var. umbrina, Viv. P. umber or livid, disc fuscous; s. hollow. A slender form. rubescens, Fr. P. 8-12 cm. convex then expanded, dingy red-brown, sprinkled with small pale warts, flesh brownish when broken; g. whitish, forming lines down the stem; s. 7-10 cm. stout, narrowed upwards, squamulose, whitish, ring large, bulbous base concentrically grooved; sp. 8 × 6. Edible. [roseola, Steinh. P. exp. rosy, with rosy mealy warts or naked, flesh rosy; g. crowded, adnexed, white; s. cylindrical, somewhat bulbous, with rufous squamules below ring, volva obsolete; sp. 8-9 × 5-6. [Eliae, Q. P. reddish-lilac, margin sulcate; g. adnexed; s. white, striate, volva obsolete; sp. 11 long. magnifica, Fr. P. 8-12 cm. soon almost plane, striate, reddish-brown or bay, with mealy patches, flesh reddish; g. slightly decurrent; s. 10-14 cm. bulbous, nearly equal, scaly and coloured like pileus up to the large ring; sp. 7-8 × 5. Very close to Armillaria. megalodactyla, Berk. Strong scented. P. 5-8 cm. soon expanded, subgibbous, reddish-grey; g. free, becoming tinged red; s. 8-12 cm. rather bulbous, fibrillose, white, ring large; sp. 5 × 3. aspera, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. soon plane, dusky olive, livid, or brownish, with small, crowded, angular warts, flesh reddish under the cuticle; g. free; s. 5-8 cm. white, squamulose, bulb rugulose, ring entire; sp. 8 × 6. var. Francheti, Boud. P. pale yellowish-green with golden warts; sp. 10 × 8. excelsa, Fr. P. 9-12 cm. soon plane, viscid, brownish-grey, warts greyish, soon disappearing; g. free, white; s. 10-12 cm. squamose up to the imperfect ring, and base bulbous, no free edge to volva; sp. 8-9 × 5-6. Poisonous. pantherina, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. soon plane, viscid, striate, yellow-brown, grey, or whitish, with flat mealy warts; g. free but close to stem, white; s. 10-14 cm. bulbous, whitish, silky, ring distant, extreme edge of volva free, sp. 8 × 5. [valida, Fr. P. dark, with mucronate dark pointed warts; g. running down stem in lines. spissa, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. soon plane, umber or grey with small grey warts, flesh persistently white; g. running in lines down stem, white; s. 6-8 cm. white, bulbous, slightly rooting, concentrically cracked or squamulose, ring large; sp. 9-10 × 6. -
++ Pileus clear yellow or orange. aureola, Kalchb. P. 7-10 cm. soon plane, orange or golden, viscid, naked; g. free; s. 8-12 cm. slender, white, floccosely-squamulose, ring sup. volva marginate; sp. ——. citrina, Gon. & Rab. P. convex, obtuse, 8-12 cm. bright yellow with white patches; g. white, broad, free; s. 10-12 cm. long, stout, white, volva imperfect, ring large; sp. globose, warted, 6-7. [amici, Gill. P. conical, then obtusely umb., striate, slightly viscid, yellowish ochre, disc brownish and covered with large irreg. greyish persistent patches; g. free, ventricose, narrowed at both ends; s. hollow, bulbous, ring small inf., no free edge to volva. -
+++ Pileus whitish or greyish. nitida, Fr. P. 8-10 cm. hemispherical, whitish, with thick, angular, brownish warts; g. free, crowded; s. 7-9 cm. conical, bulbous, squamulose, white, ring torn; sp. ——. solitaria, Bull. 8-12 cm. soon plane, whitish or tinged rufous, warts angular, small, floccose, easily removed; g. white, broad, narrowed behind and adnexed; s. 7-10 cm. with imbricated scales below, ring torn, base swollen, rooting, volva marginate; sp. 7-12 × 5-6. echinocephala, Vitt. White. P. convex then plane, shining, bristling with acute, deciduous pyramidal warts; g. adnexed; s. solid, scaly, base bulbous, rooting, ring distant; sp. 10 diam. [Persoonii, Fr. P. greyish-white, margin even; g. free; s. solid, nearly equal, rooting. [arida, Fr. P. soon plane, grey, margin sulcate; g. adnexed; s. subglabrous, ring distant, volva absent. strobiliformis, Vitt. P. 10-20 cm. convex then expanded, white, grey, or dingy ochre, with large pyramidal, hard warts; g. free; s. floccosely scaly, bulbous, ring large, torn, volva forming concentric rings; sp. 13-14 × 8-9. [cariosa, Fr. P. soft, even, umber or dark grey, with mealy patches; g. adnate; s. equal throughout; sp. 10 long. AMANITOPSIS, Roze. -
* Pileus coloured. vaginata, Bull. P. 6-10 cm. plane, margin striate, grey, yellow, brown, or white; g. pallid; s. 10-12 cm. narrowed upwards, minutely squamulose, volva large, margin free; sp. 10 × 7-8. The grey form is edible, the brown form is unpalatable. strangulata, Fr. P. 8-10 cm. soon plane, livid-bay or grey, with patches of the volva, margin striate; g. free, white; s. 10-14 cm. stout, thinner upwards, pale, volva breaking up and forming 2-4 ring-like ridges on the stem; sp. 9-15 × 7. Perhaps a vigorous form of A. vaginata. [urceolata, Viv. P. thin, hemispher. then slightly depr. umb. viscid, mouse-colour, edge striate; g. adnate, shining white; s. white, even, naked, volva urceolate. [friabilis, Karst. P. exp. thin, rather viscid, greyish, edge sulcate, with broad crowded warts or scales; g. free, white, edge darker, crenulate; s. conical, everywhere floccosely scaly, white or greyish; volva broken up into fragments; sp. glob. 11-12. Differs from A. vaginata in smaller size and imperfect volva. [praetoria, Paul. P. thin, campan. then exp. naked, pectinately sulcate, maroon or brownish; g. annulato-adnexed; s. ventricose, volva large, lax. lenticularis, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. globose, then convex, even, naked, reddish-tan; g. free, crowded, pallid; s. 10-14 cm. subbulbous, white, ring large; sp. ——. [Godeyi, Gillet. P. pale honey-colour, naked, striate; g. free, crowded; s. cylind., volva large, torn; sp. 15-18 long. [scobinella, Trog. P. exp. fuscescent, pellicle broken up into minute, deciduous, darker wart-like squamules, near margin even and silky; g. white; s. conical, base white-squamulose. [gemmata, Paul. Exp. vermilion with angular warts; g. pure white; s. solid, bulbous, whitish, no distinct volva. adnata, W. G. Sm. P. 6-8 cm. yellowish-buff with patches of the volva; g. adnate, crowded, white; s. 5-9 cm. fibrillose, buff, volva almost obsolete; sp. subglobose, 7-8. [insidiosa, Letell. P. exp. even, glabrous, lurid, greenish-olive, &c.; g. free, white; s. solid, slightly thinner upwards, edge of volva free; sp. ——. Differs from A. baccata in even p. and free margin of volva. Fries suggests A. phalloides without the ring. [Bresadolae, Sacc. Volva subglobose, not sheathing, edge stellate, tinged brown; p. exp. glabrous, whitish, often with angular umber warts; g. almost free, whitish; s. cylindr. whitish; sp. subg. 5-7. Superficially resembles Volvaria parvula. -
** Pileus white. [leiocephala, D. C. Shining white. P. convex then plane, silky, edge even; g. free; s. solid, short, firm, volva very large, lax. [cygnea, Schulz. White. P. soon plane; g. attenuato-adnexed; s. clothed with adnate patches above the ample sheathing volva. [hyperborea, Karst. (= Ag. gemmatus var. lapponicus Karst.). Entirely white. P. thin, convex, exp. covered with angular warts, edge pectinato-sulcate; g. free, shining white; s. bulbous, attenuated upwards, ring absent; sp. glob. 10-14. Perhaps a var. of A. vaginatus. [leccina, Scop. P. exp. obtuse, naked, whitish or yellowish, edge even; g. adnate; s. equal, edge of ring reddish; sp. 10 × 6. [baccata, Fr. P. white, covered with globose warts; g. free; s. equal, volva obtusely marginate; sp. 11 × 7. [Boudieri, Barla. P. globose then exp. or depr., satiny, white, disc tinged, warted, edge even; g. broad, white then tinged yellow, subadnexed; s. long, subcylindrical, white and scurfy at apex, rest yellowish-white, bulb turbinate, volva obliterated, brownish, ring thin, caducous; sp. ellipsoid, elongated. Differs from A. baccata in longer sp. LEPIOTA, Fr. -
A. Epidermis dry. -
* Ring free, distinct from the volva. procera, Scop. P. soon expanded, umbonate, with brownish scales, 10-25 cm.; g. free, crowded; s. 12-20 cm., base thickened, brownish, transversely cracked, ring free; sp. 12-15 × 8-9. Edible. rachodes, Vitt. P. 10-18 cm. soon expanded, not umbonate, with brown scales, flesh brownish when broken; gills free; s. white, not cracked, 12-15 cm., ring free; sp. 14 × 8. Edible. Differs from L. procera in the flesh turning brown when cut. var. puellaris, Fr. Small, entirely white, stem flocculose. [Olivieri, Barla. P. convex, then exp. or depr., whitish tinged fawn at disc, covered with fawn adpr. fibrillose scales; g. broad, free yellowish-white; s. whitish, base swollen, ring cottony, caducous; flesh white, brick-red then brownish when broken. Allied to L. rachodes with which it agrees in size. prominens, Viv. P. 4-6 cm., umbo very strong, ochraceous, scaly; g. white; s. 9-15 cm. slender, base swollen, ring free; sp. 10 × 8. permixta, Barla. P. convex, more or less umb. campan. then exp. silky, greyish fawn, centre darker, with adpr. brown scales and becoming deprived of cuticle at edge; g. pale wax or tinged red; s. cylindr. dingy white cracked into brown adpr. scales, base swollen, ring brownish; flesh reddish when broken. Resembles L. procera in size and marking of s.; L. rachodes in flesh becoming red; and L. excoriata in having border deprived of cuticle. [molybdites, Mey. P. globose then campan. broken into crustaceous scales up to middle; g. remote, white then tinged blue; s. hollow, blackish-brown, bulbous, ring equal. An introduced species. excoriata, Schaeff. P. globose then plane, 5-8 cm. bistre or whitish, silky or squamulose; g. free; s. cylindrical, white, 5-8 cm. hollow, ring free; sp. 14-15 × 8-9. L. naucina differs in the fragmentary ring. [carneifolia, Gill. P. fleshy, exp. brown or purple brown, glabrous then minutely broken up into fascicles of fibrils; g. fleshy, crowded, distant from s.; s. white, fibrillose, thickened at base, ring large, soon free. densifolia, Gill. P. obtuse, white, soon broken up into adpressed fibrillose scales; g. closely crowded, thin, white, broadest in front; s. white, shining, ring free. gracilenta, Kromb. P. soon expanded, obtusely umbonate, 5-8 cm., brown patches on white ground; g. free, broad; s. thickened at base, 12-16 cm., white, ring floccose, disappearing; sp. 10-11 × 7.5. Differs from L. procera in smaller size and more especially in the fugacious ring. L. prominens differs in very large umbo and permanent, free ring. mastoidea, Fr. Entirely whitish. P. 3-5 cm. with small disappearing warts; g. free; s. narrow up from bulbous base, 5-8 cm., ring free; sp. 7-8 × 5. The smallest species of the present section. Like L. gracilenta in miniature. -
** Ring fixed, homogeneous with the universal veil clothing the stem. Friesii, Lasch. P. 8-12 cm. expanded, subumb. with adpressed, tomentose brown scales; g. free, crowded; s. 8-12 cm. subbulbous, scaly, brownish, ring pendulous; sp. 8-9 × 5. acutesquamosa, Weinm. P. 9-12 cm. convex, obtuse, pale rusty with numerous small pointed warts; g. free, crowded; s. 8-10 cm. narrowed from swollen base, white with rusty scales below, ring large; sp. 7-8 × 4. Differs from L. Friesii in rigid deciduous warts, and broad gills very close to stem. Badhami, Berk. P. 5-8 cm. expanded, obtuse, squamulose, dark brown, cracked into patches, flesh like that of stem saffron-red when broken; g. free; s. 6-8 cm. bulbous, whitish, ring rather loose; sp. 5 × 3. emplastra, Cke. and Mass. P. 5-8 cm. convex, glabrous, dark brown, cracked and showing white ground; g. free; s. 7-9 cm. whitish, ring brown outside; sp. 18-20 × 10-12. Differs from L. Badhami in glabrous pileus and larger spores. meleagris, Sow. P. 2-4 cm. soon plane, minute black scales on a pale ground, flesh becoming red; g. free; s. 3-6 cm., with blackish squamules, stuffed, ring obsolete; sp. 6-7 × 4. biornata, B. and Br. P. 2-4 cm. convex, white tinged yellow, sprinkled with red scales; g. free; s. 6-9 cm. long, ventricose, white spotted red as is also the ring; sp. 8-9 × 6. hispida, Lasch. P. 5-7 cm. soon expanded, umb. tawny-brown, tomentose then hispid; g. free, crowded; s. 5-7 cm. floccosely-scaly up to ring, tawny; sp. 6-7 × 4. [lignicola, Karst. P. exp. whitish- or yellowish-rusty, with innate, erect, rusty concentric scales, edge fibrillose; g. crowded, free, edge crenulate; s. curved, rusty, squamulose up to obsolete ring; sp. 4-5 × 3-4. Superficially resembles Phol. squarrosa. [helveola, Bres. P. exp. umb. scaly, reddish-brown; g. free, ventricose, white; s. white then fawn, ring white. Poisonous. [Boudieri, Bres. Subcaespitose. P. campan. exp. fawn, with minute darker scales; g. densely crowded, white, edge purple primrose; s. bulbillose, brownish and fibrillose up to ring; sp. 8-9 × 3.5. [ignicolor, Bres. P. conico-campan. subexp. umb. squamulose or fibrillose then almost glabrous, dry, fiery tawny; g. yellowish, edge tawny; s. colour of p., base somewhat rooting with bright tawny fibrils; ring evanescent; sp. 8-10 × 4.5-5. [castanea, Q. P. umb. squamulose, brown; s. and ring white with tawny flecks. [echinella, Q. and Bern. Smell like radishes. P. camp. then convex and umb. bay, bristling with brown pyramidal hairs; g. free, pallid, tinged red; s. rosy, blackish scales below silky ring, pale above. Much more slender than L. hispida. [Morieri, Gill. P. exp. umb. white, shining, covered with reddish scales, umbo smooth, edge appendiculate; g. white, edge denticulate; s. fibrillose, white, shining, ring ample. clypeolaria, Bull. 5-8 cm. campan., at first incrusted, umb. tawny, remainder with brownish scales; g. free; s. 6-8 cm., fibrillosely squamulose up to ring, striate above; sp. 6 × 4. Differs from L. hispida in pileus not being tomentose, and paler colour. From L. cristata by squamulose stem. [brunneoincarnata, Chod. and Mart. P. subglobose then campan.-conic and umb. with scattered rufescent scales; g. free, white; s. fistulose, equal, colour of p. [Forquignoni, Q. P. white, silky, umbo olive; g. becoming rosy; s. white. felina, Pers. P. 2-3 cm. camp. expanded, umbo black, rest with concentric black scales on a white ground; g. free; s. 3-5 cm., white, sometimes with black specks; sp. 10 × 5. metulaespora, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then expanded, margin coarsely striate, whitish-yellow with pale squamules; g. almost free; s. 4-6 cm., pale lemon yellow inside and out; sp. fusiform, 15-16 × 6. cristata, A. and S. P. 2-4 cm. soon expanded, reddish-brown cuticle at first continuous, then broken up into concentric scales on a whitish ground; g. free; s. 4-6 cm., whitish, fibrillose; sp. 7 × 4. Differs from L. clypeolaria in stem not being squamulose. [lilacea, Bres. P. convex-campan. exp. depr. sometimes umb. purple-lilac then pale and broken up into fuscous squamules; g. free, white; s. fibrillosely scurfy, then almost glabrous, whitish then pinkish lilac, ring inf. persistent blackish violet underneath; sp. 4-5 × 2-2.5. Differs from Lepiota cristata in absence of smell, a feature which also separates it from L. Bucknallii. nigro-marginata, Mass. P. 3-5 cm. soon expanded, buff with small, brown, concentric scales; g. narrow, pallid; s. 5-6 cm. slender, smooth, buff, peronate up to distant ring; sp. 6-7 × 4. [Magnusiana, P. Henn. P. cylindrico-campan. then exp. papillately scaly, white, centre yellowish with age, edge striate; g. free, crowded, lanceolate, white then reddish; s. equal, white then reddish, ring membranaceo-flocculose; sp. 7-11 × 6-8. erminea, Fr. White. P. 4-7 cm., camp. then expanded, even, glabrous, then silky towards margin; g. free; s. 5-7 cm. fibrillose; sp. 11-12 × 4-5. micropholis, B. and Br. P. 1-1.5 cm., soon plane, white with minute radiating blackish squamules; g. free; s. 2-2.5 cm., white, ring spreading; sp. 5 × 3. citriophylla, B. and Br. P. 1.5-2 cm. expanded, umb. lemon yellow with rufous squamules; g. free, lemon yellow; s. 2-4 cm. squamulose, yellow; sp. 7-8 × 4. Differs from L. amianthina by free gills and white flesh; and from L. metulaespora in squamulose stem. atro-crocea, W. G. Sm. P. 2.3 cm. soon plane, margin often lobed, deep orange, covered with purple-brown fibrils; g. slightly attached, tinged yellow; s. 2-3 cm. orange; sp. ——. -
*** Ring superior, fixed, subpersistent; universal veil adnate to the pileus. Vittadinii, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. expanded, obtuse, whitish, densely covered with small erect warts; g. free, with a greenish tinge; s. 5-8 cm. with concentric scales up to large ring, whitish or scales tipped red; sp. ——. Differs from L. nympharum in solid stem and superior ring. [strobiliformis, Gill. P. convex, edge irreg. covered with strong brown, angular and pyramidal warts; g. closely crowded, narrow; s. cylindrical, stout, whitish, ring membranous. [furnacea, Let. P. white with a black cortex splitting radially; s. white with concentric black scales. nympharum, Kalchb. P. 6-9 cm. soon expanded, umb. often tinged brown, rest white with overlapping scales; g. free; s. white, hollow, glabrous; sp. globose. [colubrina, Kromb. P. convex, obtuse, tinged fuscous, covered with tomentose imbricated scales; g. white; s. solid, very long, ring distant. holosericea, Fr. Very soft. P. 6-9 cm. soon plane, obtuse, floccose, whitish or tinge of tan; g. free; s. 5-9 cm. bulbous, whitish, silky, ring large; sp. 7-8 × 5. naucina, Fr. White. P. 5-10 cm. globose then plane, subumb. glabrous then breaking up into granules; g. free; s. 4-5 cm. tapering to thickened base, fibrillose, ring sup. thin, disappearing; sp. subg. 6-7. Differs from L. excoriatia in the ephemeral ring. leucothites, Vitt. P. 5-10 cm. subumbonate, white, disc tinged brown, silky then squamulose; g. white then pink; s. 7-12 cm. white, smooth, bulbous, ring large, persistent; sp. hyaline, 9 × 7. [rorulenta, Paniz. Tufted. P. whitish, campan. umb. sulcate, softly granulato-squamulose; g. closely crowded, tinged rosy; s. slender, elongated, base thickened. cepaestipes, Sow. Yellow. P. 2-5 cm. expanded, umb., scaly, margin plicate; g. free; s. swollen below, 7-12 cm. floccose; sp. 7-8 × 4. There is a white form. [medioflava, Boud. P. exp. striate, snow-white, very minutely silky tomentose, centre depr. but the prominent umbo yellowish; g. free, white; s. fistulose, white, minutely scurfy above median reflexed ring, thickened base often yellowish; sp. 5-6 × 3. licmophora, B. and Br. Pale yellow. P. 2-3 cm. glabrous, coarsely grooved; g. free; s. 3-5 cm. thicker below, smooth; sp. 9-10 × 5. Differs from L. cepaestipes in glabrous pileus. [Brebissoni, Godey. P. exp. subumb. very thin, striate to middle, brownish, paler towards edge, with brown scales at centre and paler ones at margin; g. distant, edge toothed; s. swollen below, silvery white, pruinose above the ring. Resembles some sp. of Coprinus in transparency and fragility. [Schulzeri, Kalchbr. White. P. convex then exp. umb. even, glabrous; g. free, remote, narrowed behind; s. hollow, narrowed from a subbulbous base, naked, ring median, small. [straminella, Bagl. Entirely straw-colour. P. obtuse, sulcate, with glutinous mealy flecks; g. attached to ring behind, s. floccose, bulbous. -
**** Pileus granular or warted. Universal veil of pileus and stem at first continuous, on rupturing forming an inferior ring. cinnabarina, A. and S. P. 4-7 cm. obtuse, more or less gibbous, scurfy, persistently brick-red; g. free; s. 3-5 cm. with red scales up to imperfect ring; sp. 6-7 × 5. var. Terreyi, B. and Br. P. subglobose, bright tawny red, rough with warts. Differs from L. granulosa by larger size and persistently red pileus. carcharias, Pers. Smell strong. P. 2-4 cm. soon plane, subumb. pale flesh colour or yellowish-pink, granular; g. adnexed, white; s. 3-4 cm. granular and coloured like pileus up to ring; sp. ——. var. Terrei, B. and Br. P. orange-red, convex; s. nearly equal; g. broad, ventricose. [tuberculata, Brig. P. globoso-exp. cuticle thick, breaking into tubercles, pale tan; g. white; s. subbulbous, fibrillose. [venusta, Bagl. P. convex, edge very thin, crenulate, sulcate, cuticle tawny cracking in the centre; g. adnexed by a tooth; s. solid, thickened upwards, peronate half way up. [Pauletii, Fr. P. exp. bristling with spines, brownish; g. crowded; s. short, white. granulosa, Batsch. P. 2-3 cm. expanded, obtusely umb. scurfy or granular, rusty or brownish-orange, pale and hoary when dry; s. 3-5 cm. floccosely scaly and coloured like pileus up to ring; sp. ——. Pileus often wrinkled, sometimes pale. var. rufescens, B. and Br. Entirely white, becoming rufous when dry. L. amianthina differs in adnate gills and yellow flesh of stem. Differs from L. carcharia in absence of unpleasant smell. amianthina, Scop. P. 2-2.5 cm. soon plane and subumb. granular, ochraceous, flesh yellow; g. adnate, yellowish; s. 3-5 cm. squamulose up to ring, flesh yellow; sp. ——. var. Broadwoodiae, B. and Br. P. yellow; g. white. polysticta, Berk. P. 2-3 cm. soon expanded, reddish or yellow-brown broken up into minute scales; g. free, yellowish; s. 2-4 cm. scaly and coloured like pileus up to ring; sp. ——. -
***** Cuticle of pileus dry, entire, not granular nor scaly; small, slender. parvannulata, Lasch. P. 1-1.5 cm. expanded, subumb. silky, white or tinged yellow; g. free, crowded; s. 3-5 cm. white, fibrillose up to distant small spreading ring; sp. 4 × 2.5. L. erminea differs in superior, torn ring, glabrous pileus, and radishy smell. sistrata, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. expanded, whitish, disc often tinged yellow or reddish, pruinose with glistening particles; g. nearly free, crowded; s. 3-5 cm. white, silky, ring fibrillose; sp. ——. L. seminuda differs in mealy stem, and L. mesomorpha in glabrous pileus and stem, and entire ring. seminuda, Lasch. P. 2-3 cm. expanded, umbonate, whitish or tinged fleshcolour, mealy then naked; g. reaching the stem; s. 3-4 cm. whitish, mealy, ring small, superior; sp. 5 × 3. L. sistrata differs in fibrillose stem and pileus covered with glistening particles. Bucknallii, B. and Br. P. 1-2 cm. convex, white with violet powder; g. reaching stem; s. 3-5 cm. white with violet powder; sp. 7 × 3. Smell strong, like gas-tar. ianthina, Cke. P. 2 cm. expanded, umb. whitish, disc violet, fibrillose; g. free; s. 2-3 cm. wavy, white, ring distant, disappearing; sp. ——. mesomorpha, Bull. P. about 1.5 cm. expanded, subumb. pale brown or yellowish, even, glabrous; g. free; s. 3-4 cm. pale, glabrous, ring superior; sp. ——. [denudata, Rab. P. campan.-exp. pale sulphur, very thin, floccosely scurfy then naked; g. ventricose; s. subequal, with a minute very fugacious ring. [serena, Fr. White. P. campan. glabrous; s. slender, subbulbous, ring thin, deciduous. martialis, Cke. and Mass. P. 2-3. cm. soon plane, deep rose; g. free; s. 3-4 cm. pink up to broad ring; sp. 8 × 4. -
B. Cuticle of pileus viscid, not broken up. [demisannulata, Secr. P. thin, umb. even; g. free, crowded, white; s. nearly equal, with black fibrils, ring pendulous. medullata, Fr. White. P. 3-5 cm. soon expanded, glabrous, viscid, veil in fragments at margin; g. free; s. 5-8 cm. dry, obsoletely squamulose below, ring torn; sp. ——. Differs from L. illinita in dry stem. glioderma, Fr. P. 2.5-5 cm. campan. then convex, even, viscid reddish-bay; g. free; s. 5-8 cm. dry, whitish, densely squamulose up to torn ring; sp. ——. delicata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex then plane, even, viscid, granular, rufescent or yellowish; g. free; s. 2-3 cm.; s. dry, whitish floccosely squamulose up to ring; sp. ——. Differs from L. glioderma in p. not being campanulate, and stem floccose, not squamose. illinita, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. white or tinged tan, subumb. glabrous, viscid; g. free; s. 5-7 cm. white, glutinous, ring obsolete; sp. ——. Distinct from all species by glutinous stem. [pingua, Fr. P. white or greyish, viscid, as is also the ring; s. short, dry. [inoculata, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, honey colour, even, viscid; g. crowded, broad; s. abruptly vaginate by the veil. Georginae, W. G. Sm. White. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. mealy, viscid, changing to crimson when touched, as do also the gills and stem. [HIATULA, Fr. [Wynniae, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. membranaceous, splitting along back of gills, pale; g. rather distant, white; st. 2-3 cm. hollow. Introduced from Queensland. Phosphorescent. ARMILLARIA, Fr. -
* Gills sinuate, adnexed. bulbigera, A. and S. P. 7-10 cm. brownish, dry, fibrillose near margin; g. emarginate; s. marginately bulbous, pale, ring soon disappearing; sp. 7-10 × 5. [phoenicea, Weinm. P. exp. glabrous, viscid, red; g. free, shining white; s. bulbous, with red fibrils, ring fugacious. focalis, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. reddish-tawny, silky, obtuse; g. almost free; s. 7-9 cm. equal, fibrillose, ring median; sp. ——. var. goliath, Fr. Larger than type, s. rooting, ring almost obsolete. robusta, A. and S. P. 6-8 cm. dry, rufous-bay, flesh thick; g. nearly free; s. 3-5 cm. stout, base narrowed, brownish floccose up to ring, white above; sp. ——. Differs from A. aurantia in deeply emarginate, broad, whitish gills. [squamea, Barla. Smell like cucumber. P. convex then exp. reddish cinnamon, covered with brown-red scales; edge incurved; g. broad, subdecur. whitish tinged red; s. subventricose with a long tapering base, reddish-brown and scaly up to torn ring, white above; flesh-white, saffron when broken. Allied to Armill. robusta but larger. [Caussetta, Barla. Smell like cucumber. P. exp. depr. dry, silky, squamulose at centre, rather viscid when moist, brick-red, edge incurved then spreading; g. broad, pale or tinged red; s. stout, narrowed at base, fibrillose and reddish up to ring, white above; flesh white, reddish when broken. [caligata, Viv. Smell strong. P. exp. tawny, spotted with adpressed silky scales; g. emarginate; s. solid, with brownish concentric scales below the membranous persistent ring. [megalopoda, Bres. Smell strong. P. convex, exp. or depr. even, glabrous, rather viscid, chestnut; g. crowded, whitish then straw-colour; s. brownish-squamulose up to median ring, white above; sp. glob. 5-6. [luteovirens, A. and S. All except white squamulose stem straw-colour; p. torn into squamules, greenish when mature; ring imperfect. aurantia, Schaeff. P. 5-8 cm. rusty orange; g. adnexed; s. 6-8 cm. stout, orange and concentrically squamose up to ring, white above; sp. ——. [dehiscens, Viv. P. hemispher. then depr. yellowish ochre; g. adnexo-decur., broad; s. cylindric, scaly, viscid, ring very narrow, persistent. ramentacea, Bull. P. 5-8 cm., obtuse, whitish or yellowish with darker squamules; g. adnexed becoming free; s. 3-5 cm. with brown squamules up to the oblique fugitive ring; sp. ——. [Ambrosii, Bres. P. convex, exp. dry, soft, floccosely-downy, snow-white, edge append.; g. white; s. even above ring, floccose below, white; ring inferior, torn, deciduous, sp. 4-5 × 2.5. [cingulata, Fr. P. thin umb. greyish brown, squamosely fibrillose; g. greyish white; s. even, ring median. [scruposa, Paulet. P. exp. glabrous, rough with contorted ridges, subfuscous; g. sinuato-adnate; s. solid, equal, rooting, ring firm, narrow. [albosericea, Brig. White. P. exp. broadly umb., even; g. crowded; s. silky, base tuberous, ring remote, fugacious. constricta, Fr. All white. P. 3-5 cm. obtuse, dry, glabrous, silky; g. emarginate, adnexed, or almost free; s. 3-6 cm. solid, fibrillose or squamulose, ring apical, narrow; sp. Much stouter than A. subcava. [verrucipes, Fr. Pure white. P. glabrous; s. with brown warts up to annular zone, ring absent; g. sinuato-adnate. -
** Gills narrowed behind, more or less decurrent, with no sinus. [imperialis, Fr. P. brown with darker scales; g. deeply decurrent; ring double, sp. 12-14 × 5. [Laschii, Fr. P. fawn colour, even, glabrous, thin ring erect; g. crowded, white. [tumescens, Viv. P. exp. even, glabrous, whitish; g. adnate, pale ochre, then tinged red; s. solid, stout, narrowed from the base, whitish, ring fugacious. [rhadigosa, Fr. P. depr. moist, whitish with brownish adpressed scales at disc; g. decur., broad, white; s. short, equal, ring reflexed. mellea, Vahl. P. 5-12 cm. soon expanded, yellowish-brown, squamulose, margin striate; g. slightly decurrent; s. 8-12 cm. floccose up to spreading ring, base honey-colour; sp. 9 × 5-6. Mycelium forming long black strands. A destructive parasite. denigrata, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. obtuse, dark brown, rather viscid, spotted with droplike depressions, and with elevated warts, margin even; g. rather decurrent; s. 4-5 cm. solid tinged brown, ring disappearing; sp. ——. [morio, Fr. P. campan.-exp. irreg. cracked, viscid, greyish brown then rufescent; g. adnate; s. solid, fibrous, ring narrow. [Viviani, Fr. P. convex, glabrous, dark bay then whitish; g. adnate, pale fawn; s. elongated, white, ring narrow. [griseofusca, D. C. P. convex, even, glabrous, brownish grey, discoid; g. decur.; s. equal, glabrous, ring persistent. [pleurotoides, Fr. P. subexcentric, ring toothed; s. whitish with a flesh-coloured tint. citri, Inz. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, subumb., even, yellow; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm., slender, ring spreading; sp. subgl. 5 × 4. subcava, Schum. P. 3-4 cm. white, umbo brownish, striate to middle; g. decurrent; s. equal, hollow upwards, 4-5 cm., even up to torn ring, punctate above, white; sp. ——. Differs from A. constricta by longer thinner stem, and striate pileus. haematites, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. obtuse, liver-coloured; g. adnato-decurrent; s. 3-5 cm. coloured like pileus up to ring, whitish above; sp. 8 × 5. -
*** Gills adnate without a sinus. [laqueata, Fr. White. P. 3-4 cm. hemispherical, obtuse, viscid when moist, smooth; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. solid, squamulose or fibrillose below the ring, base tinged brown; sp. ——. mucida, Schrad. P. 4-8 cm. soon expanded, white or grey, rugulose, glutinous; g. striately decurrent; s. 5-12 cm. base thickened, ring apical, striate, tumid; sp. 15-16 × 8-9. Jasonis, Cke. and Mass. P. 3-5 cm., camp. then expanded, umb., yellow, disc tawny, papillate; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. coloured like pileus, squamulose up to torn ring; sp. 8 × 5 µ. [fracida, Fr. Smell rancid. P. convex, obtuse, even, spotted, brownish-olive; g. becoming free, white; s. base narrowed, squamulose, smooth above the spreading torn ring. [pinetorum, Gill. P. exp. umb. granular, pale or yellowish white, covered with reddish squamules; g. sinuato-decur., pallid; s. colour of p., squamulose up to spreading ring which is also squamulose outside. TRICHOLOMA, Fr. -
A. Pileus viscid, scaly, or villose. -
I. Limacina. Pileus viscid when moist, innately fibrillose or squamulose, but not broken up. -
* Gills not changing colour, not becoming rufescent. equestre, Linn. P. 7-12 cm. exp. obtuse, viscid, squamulose, yellow or tinged green; g. sulphur yellow; s. 4-7 cm. yellow; sp. 7-8 × 5. coryphaeum, Fr. P. 8-15 cm. soon exp. viscid, yellowish with darker squamules; g. white, edge yellow; s. solid, obclavate; sp. subglobose, 5-6. T. equestre differs in having gills entirely yellow, and T. sejunctum in its pure white gills. sejunctum, Sow. P. 7-10 cm. expanded, yellow with brown streaks, viscid; g. pure white; s. 8-12 cm. white, apex squamulose; sp. subgl. 5-6. portentosum, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. viscid, sooty often with purple tinge, viscid, streaked with dark lines; g. white, very broad; s. 7-8 cm. whitish, glabrous; sp. subgl. 4-5 × 4. fucatum, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. soon plane, viscid, dingy yellow with darker stains; g. white or tinged yellow; s. 5-7 cm. fibro-squamulose, whitish; sp. ——. quinquepartitum, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. viscid, even, glabrous, pale yellowish; g. broad, white; s. 7-10 cm. white, striate, glabrous; sp. 5-6 × 3-4. Differs from T. portentosum in p. not being virgate, and from T. fucatum in glabrous striate stem. resplendens, Fr. White. P. 5-9 cm. expanded, viscid, even, glabrous, shining when dry, margin straight; g. very emarginate; s. 5-7 cm., solid, apex flocculose; sp. 7-8 × 4. Differs from T. spermaticum in solid stem. spermaticum, Fr. White. P. 5-8 cm. expanded, viscid, wavy, glabrous, shining when dry, margin at first incurved; g. margin eroded; s. 5-9 cm. twisted; sp. ——. -
** Gills becoming discoloured, usually spotted with brownish-red. colossus, Fr. P. 12-20 cm. expanded, margin at first incurved, dull red or reddish umber, glabrous then squamulose, flesh very thick, reddish when broken; g. broad, reddish; s. 7-10 cm. stout, apex constricted, solid, reddish; sp. 6 × 4. [aurata, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, even, yellow then rufescent; g. yellow; s. solid, fibrillose, yellow. nictitans, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, viscid, yellowish; g. yellow; s. 7-8 cm. solid, yellow, apex squamulose; sp. 7-8 × 5. Differs from T. flavobrunneum in squamulose apex of stem. fulvellum, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. viscid, even, yellowish tan disc darker and wrinkled; g. white then tinged rufescent; s. 4-6 cm. fibrillose, apex naked, white tinged rufous; sp. subgl. 4-5. flavobrunneum, Fr. P. 7-14 cm. soon exp. viscid, bay, virgate-squamulose, flesh yellow then tinged rufous; g. pale yellow; s. 7-12 cm. ventricose, hollow, brownish, flesh yellow, viscid at first; sp. 6-7 × 4-5. albobrunneum, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. obtuse, viscid, brown, streaked with fibrils, disc papillose; g. broad, whitish; s. 3-5 cm. equal, rufescent, solid, flesh white; sp. 4-6 × 3-5. irregulare, Karst. P. convex then exp. very irreg. rather viscid, fibrillosely virgate, pale, tinged tawny rufous; g. white then reddish or spotted; s. equal, curved, white, apex flocculose. Smell strong. Differs from T. albobrunneum in paler, irreg. p. and smell. [Salero, Barla. Smell strong, mealy. P. exp. obtuse, even, viscid when moist, satiny when dry, chestnut; g. white then reddish; s. cylindrical, white and squamulose at apex, fibrillose and reddish at middle; flesh white, reddish when broken, very bitter. ustale, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. umb. then nearly plane, even, glabrous, disc rugulose bay; g. white tinged brown later, decur. tooth; s. 5-8 cm. equal, somewhat rooting, apex naked, whitish; sp. 7-8 × 5. pessundatum, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. obtuse, wavy, glabrous, viscid, bay or rufescent, granular or spotted; g. almost free, white then tinged rufous; s. 5-8 cm. white, floccosely squamulose; sp. 5 × 2.5. stans, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. exp. viscid, rufescent, even, flesh red under cuticle; g. crowded, spotted reddish; s. 5-8 cm. whitish, squamulose; sp. 5-6 × 4. russula, Schaeff. P. 6-8 cm. exp. viscid, rosy red, granulated; g. subdecurrent; s. 3-5 cm. rosy, apex squamulose; sp. 10 × 5. frumentaceum, Bull. P. 5-10 cm. exp. viscid, glabrous, pallid, streaked or stained reddish; g. crowded; s. 5-8 cm. solid, fibrillose, white, variegated red; sp. 5 × 3.5. -
II. Genuina. Pellicle not viscid, torn into scales, or fibrillose. -
* Gills not changing colour, neither spotted with rufous nor black. rutilans, Schaeff. P. 6-14 cm. exp. coated with purplish down, flesh yellow; g. yellow, edge downy, orange; s. 5-8 cm. yellow with purple squamules; sp. subgl. 5-6. variegatum, Scop. P. 5-10 cm. exp. yellow with purplish squamules; g. pale yellow, edge entire not darker coloured; s. 5-8 cm. pale yellow, more or less variegated with red; sp. 5-7 × 4-5. Differs from T. rutilans in edge of gills. [albofimbriatum, Trog. P. exp. obtusely umb. fibrillose, scaly towards edge, brownish; g. sinuate, closely crowded, yellow then rufescent, edge white-fimbriate; s. yellow-rufescent. [aestuans, Fr. P. conico-exp. umb. with fugacious longitudinal fibrils, yellow-rufescent; g. very broad, yellow then pallid; s. equal, glabrous, striate. centurio, Kalchb. P. campan. strongly umb. edge incurved then spreading and wavy, fuscous then livid; g. deeply emarginate, almost free, pallid; s. ventricose, stout, white. luridum, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. rather wavy, dry, glabrous, then torn into livid squamules, yellowish-grey; g. broad, crowded; s. 5-8 cm. glabrous, white; sp. 5-6 × 3-4. Differs from T. saponaceum in persistently white flesh. guttatum, Schaeff. P. 5-12 cm. exp. cinnamon or with a pink tinge, dry, granulose or floccose, margin remotely sulcate; g. with decurrent line down stem, crowded; s. 5-8 cm., white, mealy; sp. ——. Differs from T. tigrinum in white gills and sulcate margin of pileus. [goniospermum, Bres. P. fleshy, compact, hemispher. tinged fuscous or livid yellowish; g. much crowded, smoky-grey or lilac then yellowish; s. solid, whitish or lilac above, base brownish; sp. more or less cruciform rarely subtriangular, 8-10 × 5-7. [psammopodium, Kalchb. P. obtuse or subumb. dry, with scattered fibrillose squamules, dusky cinnamon then tawny; g. yellowish; s. ventricose, colour of p. with darker squamules downwards. [impolitum, Lasch. P. exp. flocculose, then broken into scales and subdepr.; g. crowded; s. solid, fibrillose, floccosely scaly above. columbetta, Fr. White, here and there spotted with red. P. 5-10 cm. dry, glabrous then fibrillose; g. subserrulate; s. 6-10 cm. stout, solid, striate; sp. 6-7 × 4-5. scalpturatum, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. conical then exp. dingy, tomentose then broken up into rufous or umber scales; g. white then yellowish; s. 5-9 cm. whitish, fibrillose; sp. 6-7 × 3.5. var. argyraceum, Bull. Slender; p. silvery grey. var. chrysites, Jungh. Pale, p. and g. becoming yellowish. var. virescens, Wharton. Yellow-green when bruised. These are forms rather than varieties. -
** Gills rufous or greyish; edge usually spotted with rufous or black. imbricatum, Fr. P. 8-12 cm. exp. obtuse, dry, rufous umber, innately squamulose, margin involute and downy at first; g. sinuate, crowded; s. 8-12 cm. solid, paler than p. apex white-pulverulent; sp. 6 × 4. vaccinum, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. exp. umb. dry, rufous, squamulose, margin at first involute and downy; g. almost adnate; s. 7-10 cm. hollow, fibrillose, brownish; sp. subg. 6-7. Differs from T. imbricatum in hollow stem and reddish flesh. [polyphyllum, D. C. P. obtuse, irreg. with adpressed fibrillose scales; rufous umber; g. white then tinged red; s. solid, white, squamulose, apex striate. immundum, Berk. P. 5-9 cm. greyish, silky-squamulose, stained, margin incurved; g. greyish pink, separating readily from flesh; s. 4-6 cm. greyish, fibrillose; sp. subg. 4-5. Every part blackish when bruised. inodermeum, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. acute then umb. rufous brown, fibrillose and with radiating scales; g. free, ventricose, white, spotted red when bruised; s. 7-8 cm. fibrous, white with rufous tinge, apex powdered white; s. 7-8 × 4. [furvum, Fr. P. campan.-exp. wavy, dry, brownish, fibrillosely striate; g. entire, white then greyish; s. solid, fibrillose. [unguentatum, Fr. P. exp. umb. grey, viscid, floccosely-squamulose; g. very broad, crowded, whitish; s. white, solid, fibrillose. [gausapatum, Fr. P. bullate, obtuse, wavy, covered with dense superficial fibrils, edge at first incurved and with white wool; g. adnate, grey; s. solid, white, fibrillose. terreum, Schaeff. P. 5-8 cm. exp. umb. bluish grey with minute squamules; g. greyish, sinuate; s. whitish, fibrillose; sp. subgl. 5-6. var. orirubens, Q. Edge of g. reddish. var. atrosquamosum, Chev. P. grey with small black scales, g. whitish. var. argyraceum, Bull. Entirely pure white, or p. greyish. var. chrysites, Jungh. P. tinged yellowish or greenish. [squarrulosum, Bres. P. convex then exp. umb. dry, fuscous then lurid tan, centre black, with black squamules, edge fibrillose, exceeding gills; g. broad, crowded, whitish grey, reddish when bruised; s. colour of p. punctato-squamulose; sp. 7-9 × 4-5. [triste, Fr. P. conic then exp. umb. fuscous, fibrillosely scaly; g. white then greyish; s. fistulose, slender, floccose. -
III. Rigida. Pellicle rigid, punctato-granulate, or broken up into glabrous fragments when dry. -
* Gills white or pallid, not rufous or grey spotted. macrorhizum, Lasch. Smell strong. P. 10-20 cm. exp. ochraceous, darker and cracked when old; g. almost free; s. 5-10 cm. stout, ochraceous, rooting, solid, ventricose; sp. subgl. 5-6. [compactum, Fr. P. soon plane, even, dry, glabrous, livid grey, compact; g. yellow; s. solid, white. saponaceum, Fr. Smell strong. P. exp. obtuse, dry, livid, tinged olive, glabrous then often squamulose or punctate, flesh reddish; g. pallid with greenish tinge; s. 5-10 cm. whitish, somewhat rooting; sp. 5 × 4. var. atrovirens, P. thin, wavy, obscure green with crowded black squamules. [Boudieri, Barla. P. exp. even, dry, satiny maroon or vinous with coppery tint, then sooty brown with deeper granules at centre; g. tinged green then ochre; s. subcylindrical, rather unequal, fibrillose, whitish tinged red, then brownish-fawn; flesh white then reddish. Differs from Trich. saponaceum in the copper coloured p. [miculatum, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, glabrous, granulated then cracked, umber; g. subadnate; s. solid, fibrillosely floccose. cartilagineum, Bull. P. 5-9 cm. soon exp. and wavy, margin persistently incurved, blackish, then broken up into small black spots; g. crowded then greyish; s. 3-5 cm. glabrous, pure white; sp. ——. tenuiceps, Cke. and Mass. P. 5-8 cm., flesh very thin, obtuse, dry, granular, dusky brown; g. narrowed in front, white; st. 5-8 cm. ochraceous white, everywhere granular, base abrupt with cord-like mycelium; sp. subgl. 6-7. loricatum, Fr. Smell strong. P. 2-5 cm. tough, convex, wavy, rather viscid, brown, cuticle thick, tough, separable; g. almost free, pallid; s. 5-7 cm. tough, often twisted, brownish red; sp. ——. atrocinereum, Pers. P. 3-5 cm. soon plane, grey, prominent disc darker, often cracked; g. crowded, hyaline; s. 5-7 cm. cylindrical, stuffed, glabrous, apex naked, whitish; sp. ——. cuneifolium, Fr. Smell strong. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. soon plane, dry, brown, glabrous then squamulose; g. crowded, white, broad and obliquely truncate in front; s. 2.5 cm. hollow, narrowed at base, pallid, apex mealy; sp. subgl. 3-5. Differs from T. atrocinereum in hollow stem. -
** Gills discoloured, with rufous or grey, spotted. crassifolium, Berk. Smell strong. P. 5-10 cm. exp. wavy, flesh thin, umb. ochraceous, disc darker; g. nearly free, becoming yellowish, thick; s. solid, paler than p., pruinose; sp. ——. [geminum, Fr. Stout, compact. P. obtuse, rufous cinnamon, velvety then rimose; g. crowded; s. solid, floccose. sudum, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. soon plane, dry, greyish brown, glabrous, disc often squamulose; g. deeply emarginate, white then tinged rufous; s. 6-8 cm. solid, pallid, fibrillosely-squamulose, striate; sp. 6-7 × 3.5. tumidum, P. Smell slight. P. 6-8 cm. bullate, deformed then exp. and wavy, livid grey, spotted, somewhat shining, cracking; g. white then grey with rufous tinge; s. 7-9 cm. stout, tumid, striate, white, rooting; sp. 6 × 4. var. Keithii, Phil. and Plowr. P. rufous grey; s. dingy white, tinged red near base. murinaceum, Bull. Smell strong. P. 5-10 cm. exp. sometimes subumb. grey, silky, cracking into squamules; g. deeply sinuate, broad, grey; s. grey with darker squamules; sp. ——. [bisontinum, Roll. P. pulvinate, cuticle thick, brown with greenish tinge, virgate with minute adpr. fibrils; g. thick, grey, with flat, transverse, more or less branched veins; s. solid, narrowed below, fibrillosely striate, with minute dark granules above, pale; 10-12 × 6. hordum, F. P. exp. subumb. grey, dry, glabrous then breaking up into squarrose scales; g. rather distant, becoming greyish; s. 6-8 cm. whitish, glabrous; sp. virgatum, Fr. P. rigid, 5-9 cm. exp. umb. very dry, greyish, virgate with radiating blackish lines; umb. often broken up into squamules; g. broadly emarginate, becoming greyish, crowded; s. 7-9 cm. striate, glabrous, whitish; sp. 6-8 × 5-6. The only dry sp. with a virgate pileus. [dissultans, Karst. P. fragile, thin, convexo-plane, acutely umb. very dry, hoary with dense subreticulately interwoven superficial fibrils, grey; g. hoary; s. hollow, equal, white, loosely fibrillose, apex pruinose; sp. 5-6 × 4. [elytroides, Scop. P. exp. obt. scabrid, disc floccosely scurfy, grey; g. broad, grey; s. with dense fibrils directed upwards. [opicum, Fr. P. umb. even, soon squamulose, greyish as is also the flesh; g. arcuato-adfixed, hoary; s. stuffed, equal, almost glabrous. -
IV. Sericella. Pileus at first silky, soon glabrous, quite dry. -
* Gills broad, thickish, rather distant. sulphureum, Fr. Strong smelling. Entirely sulphur yellow or p. tinged rufous. P. 3-8 cm. subumb. silky, even; g. distant; s. 5-10 cm. striate, same colour inside; sp. 9-10 × 5. bufonium, Pers. P. 3-7 cm. soon plane, subumb. silky, soon glabrous, rugulose, opaque, purplish brown, umber, or tan; g. yellowish-tan then pallid; s. 5-7 cm. flocculose, coloured like p.; sp. subgl. 4-5. lascivum, Fr. Smell strong. P. 4-5 cm. exp. and subdepressed, even, silky then glabrous, tan colour then pallid; g. arcuately adnexed, crowded, white; s. 4-6 cm. solid, rigid, tomentose, whitish, apex mealy, rooting; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. var. robustum, Cke. Robust. P. whitish, silky; smell weak or none. interveniens, Karst. P. convexo-plane, depr. silky then glabrous, rugulose near edge, tan then pale; g. arcuato-adnex. crowded, pallid; s. solid, equal, rooting, fibrillose, pallid; sp. 6-7 × 2-2.5. inamoenum, Fr. Foetid. White. P. 2-4 cm. exp. umb. silky then glabrous, even; g. arcuato-adnexed, crowded; s. 7-10 cm. equal, solid, rooting; sp. 9-10 × 6-7. The only white, foetid Tricholoma. -
** Gills thin, crowded, narrow. cerinum, Pers. P. 2-4 cm. exp. obtuse or depressed, even, dry, almost glabrous, wax-yellow or brown; g. crowded, yellow; s. 2-3 cm. stuffed, fibrillosely striate, yellowish, base darker; sp. ——. [chrysenterum, Bull. Entirely yellowish outside and inside. P. fleshy, convexo-plane, obsoletely umb. silky then almost glabrous; g. free, crowded, narrow; s. solid, base with white wool. [stiparophyllum, Fr. Smell strong. P. exp. silky then glabrous, yellowish white; g. crowded, white; s. hollow, white, glabrous, apex mealy. [cerinum, Pers. P. exp. depr. almost glabrous, waxy yellow or fuscescent; g. crowded, yellow; s. stuffed, fibrillosely striate, base glabrous, often brownish. [onychinum, Fr. P. exp. subumb. dingy purple or brown, margin silky; g. yellow, crowded; s. pallid, apex reddish. ionides, Bull. P. 2-4 cm. soon plane, umb. even, dingy violet then pale; g. crowded, white, edge irreg.; s. 3-4 cm. elastic, fibrillose, coloured like p.; sp. 6-7 × 3.5. Differs from T. humile and T. sordidum in white gills. var. parvum, Lasch. P. reddish brown. var. persicolor, Fr. P. convexo-plane, peach-colour, then pale; g. sinuate, white; s. paler than p. carneum, Bull. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. fragile, exp. obtuse, glabrous, persistently reddish flesh colour; gills pure white; s. 2-2.5 cm. coloured like pileus, not fading; sp. 3 × 2. [carneolum, Fr. Small. P. plano-depr. obtuse, even, flesh-red then pale; g. closely crowded, very broad behind, shining white. caelatum, Fr. P. 2-2.5 cm. persistently umbilicate glabrous, brown then greyish, becoming cracked; g. crowded; s. 2.5 cm. glabrous, brown; sp. 8 × 5. -
B. Pileus even, glabrous, neither villose, scaly nor viscid. -
V. Guttata. Pileus fleshy, soft, fragile, with drop-like markings; stem solid. -
* Gills not discoloured. gambosum, Fr. P. 6-12 cm. flesh thick, exp. and wavy, glabrous, spotted, pallid tan, margin incurved and downy at first; g. crowded, ventricose; s. 5-7 cm. stout, flocculose at apex, white; sp. 13-14 × 8-9. Edible. [Georgii, Clus. P. exp. rather wavy, dry, flocculosely soft, ochraceous, edge even, naked, ochraceous; g. linear, transversely striate, whitish; s. solid, stout, fibrillose. Edible. albellum, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. conical then exp. gibbous, whitish, pallid, greyish when dry, mottled with spots, margin naked; g. crowded, broadest in front; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillosely striate, solid, white; sp. 6-7 × 4. boreale, Fr. P. 4-6 cm. irreg. subumb. glabrous, rivulose when dry, margin even, naked, flesh-colour becoming pale; g. crowded; s. 5-8 cm. solid, elastic, base narrowed, whitish; sp. subg. 4-5. -
** Gills discoloured, rufescent or smoky. amethystinum, Scop. P. 3-5 cm. exp. wavy, glabrous, livid and spotted with bluish patches; g. crowded, white then rufescent; s. 3-5 cm. solid, narrowed at base, paler than p.; sp. ——. [graveolens, Fr. P. compact, obt. glabrous, margin even, rivulose when dry, dusky brown; g. white then fuliginous; s. solid, firm, fibrillose. tigrinum, Schaeff. P. 3-5 cm. exp. often wavy, glabrous, margin invol. pale brown or greyish with brown spots; g. crowded, narrow, white then greyish; s. 2-3 cm. and nearly as thick, solid, white, pruinose; sp. subgl. 8. Differs from T. guttatum in glabrous pileus with an even margin. [leucophaeatum, Karst. (= Coll. leucophaeatus, Fr.). P. convexo-plane, broadly and obtusely umb. pallid grey; with thin hoary tomentum; g. crowded, whitish then dingy, broadest behind; s. equal, often curved, pallid, base strigose; sp. ——. pes-caprae, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. conical then exp. umb. unequal, greyish brown, glabrous; g. broad, greyish white; s. 6-7 cm. naked, white; sp. 8 × 5. var. multiforme, Schaeff. P. irreg., caespitose, smaller than type. -
VI. Spongiosa. Pileus compact then spongy, obtuse, even, glabrous, not hygrophanous. -
* Gills not discoloured. Schumacheri, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. exp. obtuse, livid grey, even, moist, edge beyond gills incurved; g. narrow, crowded, pure white; s. 6-8 cm. white, solid, fibrillosely-striate; sp. ——. [amicus, Fr. P. fuscous; g. distant, white; s. bulbous, solid, white. patulum, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. plane, obtuse, wavy, even, glabrous, pale grey or pallid; g. sides veined, pallid; s. elastic, equal, glabrous, 5-8 cm.; sp. 7-8 × 4. circumtectum, Cke. and Mass. P. 5-8 cm. dry, obt. or subumb. wavy, margin incurved, downy, greenish olive then tan; g. white; s. 3-4 cm. whitish, striate, base pointed; sp. subgl. 4-5. [maluvium, Fr. P. campan.-convex, obtuse, glabrous, greenish; g. rounded, crowded, pallid; s. solid, firm, elastic. [conglobatum, Vit. Densely clustered. P. unequal, even, edge thin, inflexed, somewhat pruinose, blackish fuscous; g. free; s. stems solid, ventricose, subtomentose, springing densely from a common tuber. arcuatum, Bull. P. 5-8 cm. brownish white then tan, exp. margin incurved, glabrous, flesh-coloured; g. arcuate, crowded, white; s. 4-6 cm. solid, fibrilloso-squamulose, pale brown, base darker, bulbous; sp. ——. Differs from T. panaeolum in having white gills, and from T. melaleucum in having coloured flesh. var. cognatum, Bull. Larger. Gilvous outside and inside or dingy tan; p. obtuse, discoid; g. tan. oreinum, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, obtuse, glabrous, fuscous, even; g. rounded, free, white; s. solid, short, 2-3 cm. whitish, apex white squamulose; sp. ——. Separated from T. humile by the gills projecting beyond the margin of pileus. album, Schaeff. Entirely white, taste acrid. P. 6-9 cm. convex then depr. even, glabrous, dry, disc sometimes tinged yellow; g. rather crowded; s. 6-8 cm. narrowed upwards, solid, elastic; sp. 5-6 × 3. var. caesariatum, Fr. P. white or yellowish, exp. fibrillosely silky, then glabrous; s. slender, fragile, apex rather mealy; g. nearly free. [lentum, Post. Entirely white not becoming spotted. P. convex, unpolished and at first rather velvety, disc tinged pallid when old; g. sinuate or subdecurr.; s. base narrowed, apex usually longitudinally costate; sp. 7.5-10 × 4.5-7. [raphanicum, Karst. Smell very strong, like radishes. P. convex, often gibbous, white, disc tinged tan; g. white; s. rooting, flocculose above; sp. glob. 3-4. leucocephalum, Fr. Pure white, smell mealy. P. 3-4 cm. plane, even, moist, glabrous after silky veil has gone; g. crowded; s. 5-6 cm. hollow, smooth, cartilaginous, tough, rooting; sp. 9-10 × 7-8. T. album differs in having no smell, and T. inamoenum in strong disagreeable smell and very broad gills. -
** Gills discoloured. acerbum, Bull. P. 7-10 cm. expanded, margin at first involute, sulcate and rugulose, viscid, whitish then tinged rufous; g. narrow rufescent; s. 5-8 cm. pale, apex squamulose; sp. subg. 5-6. militare, Lasch. Smell and taste unpleasant. P. 8-15 cm. convex, gibbous, margin even, viscid, cinnamon; g. white, torn, then spotted; s. 7-11 cm. solid, squamulose, pallid, base subbulbous; sp. ——. Differs from T. civile in strong smell and spotted gills. civile, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. soft, soon exp. glabrous, moist, pale yellow brown, cuticle separable; g. crowded, white then yellowish; s. 5-8 cm. solid, soft, fragile, fibrillosely squamulose, whitish; sp. ——. duracinum, Cke. P. 5-8 cm. convex, gibbous, even, dry, shining, grey with olive tinge; g. arcuate, grey; s. 4-6 cm. reticulately squamulose above, striate below, greyish white; sp. ——. [irinum, Fr. P. spongy-compact, convex then plane, moist, obsoletely innately virgate, flesh-colour then pale, edge even, pruinose; crowded, narrow, quite entire, greyish then lurid; s. solid, subbulbous, reticulately fibrillose. personatum, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. regular, obtuse, even, glabrous, margin invol. and downy, tan or with a lilac tinge; g. rounded-free, crowded, broad, violet then dingy; s. 5-7 cm. solid, stout, dingy purple, villose; sp. 8-10 × 5-6. Flesh of stem white. In T. nudum tinted violet. saevum, Gillet. P. 6-9 cm. convex then plane, buff, margin naked, flesh thick; g. crowded, narrow, pallid; s. 2-3 cm. long, 2 cm. or more thick, purple, slightly squamulose; sp. 7 × 5. Differs from T. personatum in the short, stout, squamulose stem, and absence of purple tint on gills. [glaucocanum, Bres. P. rather soft, convex, exp. glabrous, edge involute subflocculosely pruinose, glaucous-grey; g. closely crowded, greyish violet, easily separating; s. solid, fibrillosely striate, apex subsquamulose, base bulbous, colour of p.; sp. 6 × 3. nudum, Bull. Whole fungus violet at first. P. 5-8 cm. soon exp. often wavy, flesh thin; g. narrow, becoming rufescent; s. 5-8 cm. equal, elastic, rather mealy; sp. 7 × 3.5. Flesh of stem tinted violet. In T. personatum white. [violaceonitens, Bagl. P. convex, umb. dusky violet, shining, edge wavy, rugulosely sulcate; g. crowded, dingy white; s. solid, stout, base narrowed, colour of p. cinerascens, Bull. P. 5-8 cm. convex, even, glabrous, white then greyish; g. dingy, easily separating from flesh; s. 4-6 cm. solid, equal, glabrous; sp. ——. panaeolum, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. convex then almost plane, dusky grey with a grey bloom, often spotted; g. grey with rufous tinge; s. 3-5 cm. solid, fibrous-striate, greyish; sp. subgl. 5-6. var. calceolum, Sterb. P. spongy, deformed, thin, soft, exp. edge incurved, sooty-grey or reddish-grey; g. smoky; s. excentric, fusiform, very short. cnista, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. exp. moist, glabrous, pale tan or whitish, margin incurved, naked, even; g. white, veined, reddish when bruised; s. 3-5 cm. solid, glabrous, white; sp. 9-10 × 4. Differs from T. panaeolum in p. not becoming grey. fallax, Peck. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, yellow, disc darker, even; g. becoming yellowish; s. 2.5 cm. yellow, hollow; sp. 4-5 × 3. -
VII. Hygrophana. Pileus thin, subumbonate, hygrophanous. -
* Gills whitish, not spotted. melaleucum, Pers. P. 3-7 cm. convex then plane, umb. blackish then paler, glabrous; g. emarginate adnexed, white; s. 5-8 cm. equal, elastic, whitish with dark fibrils; sp. 10 × 4-5. Coll. stridula much resembles this sp. but has a brownish stem. T. arcuatum has flesh tinged brown. T. oreinum has apex of stem squamulose. var. adstringens, Pers. P. exp. pitch black and rather shining when dry; g. tinged pink; s. naked. var. polioleucum, Fr. P. obtusely umb. livid then grey; s. apex white-pruinose. var. porphyroleucum, Bull. P. fleshy, umbo disappearing, sooty or fuscous-rufescent; s. solid, subfibrillose; g. white. [microcephalum, Karst. P. 2-3 cm. convexo-plane, livid-sooty then pale; g. much crowded, soft, white; s. tall, 9-12 cm. splitting easily into fibres, pallid, glabrous; sp. subg. 5-6 × 5. [turritum, Fr. P. conico-exp. umb. moist, obscure purple, somewhat spotted; g. soon free, white; s. stuffed then hollow, white with dusky fibrils. grammopodium, Bull. P. 7-12 cm. camp. conv. then depr. umb. glabrous, ruddy then pallid; g. arcuato-adnate, crowded; s. 7-10 cm. stuffed, coarsely striate, glabrous, pallid; sp. 7-8 × 4. [strictipes, Karst. P. soft, gibbous, plane or depr. white or yellowish-white, centre often tinged; g. closely crowded, shining white, entire; s. solid, equal, cylindrical, base usually thickened, straight, white, glabrous; sp. 6-9 × 4-5. brevipes, Bull. P. 3-6 cm. brown then pale, glabrous, convex then plane; g. crowded, tinged fuscous then pale; s. 2-2.5 cm. solid, rigid, brown outside and inside; sp. 7 × 4. humile, Pers. P. 5-8 cm. umb. then convex or depressed, even, glabrous; g. crowded, ventricose; s. 3-5, greyish white, villosely pulverulent, stuffed; sp. 7-8 × 5. Differs from T. brevipes in pale stem and tufted habit. exsiccum, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. then umb. greyish brown then hoary; g. crowded, narrow, pure white; s. 2-3 cm. solid, glabrous, rather shining; sp. 6-7 × 4. subpulverulentum, Pers. P. 2-3 cm. greyish white, pulverulent, convex then depr. even, extreme edge persistently incurved; g. crowded, narrow, white; s. 3-4 cm. solid, whitish, slightly striate; sp. 5 × 3. [persicinum, Fr. P. obtuse, even, glabrous, flesh-colour then pale; s. cartilaginous, glabrous; g. arcuate, white. [Juranum, Q. Obtuse, rufous then pale, white-floccose, margin crenulate, mealy; g. white, crowded; s. solid, white, apex mealy. -
** Gills violet, grey or smoky. [urbum, Fr. P. campan.-exp. brownish black with bluish tinge, subumb., margin straight; g. densely crowded, like flesh, bluish white; s. incurved, fibrillose, bulbous. sordidum, Fr. P. 2.5-7 cm. plano-depr. subumb. glabrous, brownish lilac then dusky; g. rounded, dingy violet then dusky; s. 4-5 cm. coloured like p. fibrillosely striate, slightly curved as a rule; sp. 7-8 × 3-4, minutely rugulose. Differs from T. nudum in being smaller, tougher, and hygrophanous. var. Feuilleauboisii, Lucand and Quel. The broadly gibbous p. and s. dark umber; g. deep violet. paedidum, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. soon depr. round conical umbo, smoky grey, somewhat streaked; g. crowded, adnexed, narrow, white then greyish; s. 2-3 cm. dingy grey, slightly striate base thickened; sp. 10-11 × 5-6. Differs from T. sordidum in having no trace of violet colour; T. lixivium differs in the free truncate gills. lixivium, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. greyish brown, soon plane and umb. margin expanded, membranaceous, striate; g. truncato-free, grey; s. 5-6 cm. grey, whitish floccose, often flexuous; sp. 7 × 4-5. [rasile, Fr. Soft. P. campan.-exp. umb. fibroso-virgate, undulate, fuliginous; g. connected by veins, greyish-umber, edge white floccose; s. equal, fibrillose. [favillarum, Fr. P. exp. depr. round umbo, even, glabrous, moist, edge spreading, even, whitish when dry; g. closely crowded, greyish. putidum, Fr. Smell strong, rancid. P. 2-3 cm. umb. even, soft, olive grey, hoary when dry; g. adnexed, crowded, grey; s. 2-3 cm. greyish, pruinose; sp. 8-10 × 3-5. Coll. rancida differs in glabrous, rooting stem. [hospitans, Fr. Shining white, campan. obtuse, even, edge straight, adpressed to stem at first; g. free, very ventricose; s. solid, fibrous, glabrous, apex pruinose. Resembling a Mycena but s. solid and fibrous. alutacea, Fr. P. 4-10 cm. viscid, exp. depr. red, dark purple, disc becoming pale, at length striate and tuberculose at margin, flesh white; g. broad, rather distant, ochre, naked; s. 4-5 cm. white or tinged red; sp. 7-9. Differs from R. integra in gills not being powdery. integra, Fr. P. 8-12 cm. viscid, exp. depr. red or greenish, margin at length sulcate and tuberculose, flesh white; g. broad, yellow, powdered with the ochre spores; s. 4-5 cm. even, ventricose, white; sp. 9-10. var. alba, Cke. Whole fungus except gills creamy white. xerampelina, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. compact, exp. then depr., dry, rosy purple sometimes tinged olive, disc paler, cracked into granules, flesh tinged yellow; g. forked, white then ochre; s. 4-7 cm. clavate, white, more or less tinged red; sp. 8-10 × 6-7. Differs from R. integra by narrow gills not powdered with the spores. nauseosa, Fr. Smell strong. P. 3-4 cm. viscid, plane then depr., purple or lilac, disc darker, coarsely striate; g. rather distant, ochre; s. 2-3 cm. slightly striate, white; sp. 8-9. R. nitida differs in the yellow, shining gills. var. flavida, Cke. P. primrose yellow. vitellina, Fr. Strong scented. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, yellow, edge tuberculose, striate; g. saffron ochre; s. 2-3 cm. slender, white; sp. 7-8. Differs from R. lutea in strong smell and tuberculose margin. var. major, Cke. Similar to type, but larger. lilacea, Q. P. 4-7 cm. exp. depr., viscid, violet becoming pallid; g. white, broad; s. 4-6 cm. fragile, white or base tinted rose; sp. 7-8. ochracea, Fr. Every part inside and outside ochraceous. P. 5-7 cm. viscid, coarsely striate; g. broad; s. 2-3 cm. wrinkled; sp. 10-12. R. fellea differs in bitter taste. lutea, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. plano-depr. viscid, yellow becoming pale; g. connected by veins, egg-yellow; s. 2-3 cm. even, white; sp. 8-10 × 7-8. Differs from R. vitellina by even margin of p. and absence of smell. elegans, Bresad. P. 4-7 cm. convex then depr., tuberculose and striate with age, rosy, yellowish towards margin, densely granular everywhere; g. ochraceous orange; s. 3-5 cm. white; sp. 8-10. Differs from R. vesca in granular, rosy pileus. armeniaca, Cke. P. 2-4 cm. soon depr., peach colour, margin even; g. deep ochraceous; s. 4-5 cm. white, hollow; sp. 10 × 8. [ravida, Fr. P. depr. wavy and more or less lobed, brownish grey then yellowish, opaque, edge even, flesh grey; g. broad, ochre; s. pallid, brown striate. xanthophaea, Boud. P. depr., edge sulcate and tuberculose, brownish bay; gills clear ochre; s. white; taste mild. Differs from R. pectinata in ochre gills and mild taste, and from R. ravida in pectinate and tuberculose margin. ** Gills yellow, without an ochraceous tinge. coerulea, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. convex then exp., polished, edge even, bluish or bluish purple; g. adnate, pale yellow; s. 4-5 cm. white; sp. 10-12. Much the appearance of R. cyanoxantha, differs in crowded yellow gills. nitida, Fr. Smell unpleasant. P. 3-5 cm. plane or slightly depr., viscid, purplish-bay, reddish, &c., shining, edge striate; g. sulphur yellow, naked; s. 5-7 cm. white then pallid; sp. 8-10 × 6-8. R. nauseosa differs in ochre, powdered gills. var. cuprea, Cke. P. copper colour. aurata, Fr. P. rigid, 4-7 cm. plane, yellow, orange or reddish, disc darker, margin striate, flesh yellow under the viscid cuticle; g. broad, edge lemon yellow; s. 4-7 cm. white or yellow; sp. 8-10. decolorans, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. globose then exp., regular, viscid, orange red then yellowish, margin becoming striate; flesh turning grey; g. yellowish; s. 6-9 cm. white then grey, especially inside; sp. 7-9. Differs from R. depallens in the long s., and the yellow gills. punctata, Gillet. P. 3-5 cm. convex then plane, viscid, rosy, punctate with brown warts, striate; g. yellowish, edge often reddish; s. 2-3 cm. coloured like p. base whitish; sp. 8-9. var. leucopus, Cke. Stem white. olivacea, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. convex then plane or depr., margin even, minutely silky squamulose, purple with olive tinge, or brownish olive; g. broad, yellow; s. 5-8 cm. pale rose; sp. 9-10. Differs from R. rubra in deeper yellow colour of g. and unpolished p. and mild taste. Linnaei, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. plane then depr., polished, edge even, blood red or dark rose; g. adnato-decur. yellowish; s. 3-6 cm. blood red; sp. ——. chamaeleontina, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. plane or subdepr., slightly viscid, edge becoming slightly striate, rose red, purplish lilac, &c., then yellowish; g. closely crowded, plane, yellow; s. 3-6 cm. white; sp. 7-8. puellaris, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. almost membranaceous, conico-convex then exp., tuberculose striate to the middle, purplish livid then yellowish, disc brown; g. pale yellow, naked; s. 2-3 cm. yellowish white, soon hollow; sp. 10 × 8-9. P. not shining as in R. nitida. var. intensior, Cke. P. deep purple, blackish at disc. var. roseipes, Secr. S. sprinkled with rosy meal. [bona, Schwalb. P. often irreg., lilac, centre pallid or obscure, velvety; g. adnexed, pale yellow then pale egg-yellow; s. unequal, often curved, white, hollow; taste mild; 8-10. [grisea, Fr. P. exp. depr., polished, grey or olive, disc purplish, edge even, flesh under cuticle violet; g. adnate, white then yellow s. even, polished, white. *** Gills white or creamy white. -
+ Pileus white or cream colour (often becoming blackish when old). virginea, Cke. and Mass. Persistently pure white. P. 4-5 cm. soon exp., viscid, polished when dry; g. subdecur., narrow, repeatedly forked, veined; s. 4-5 cm. solid, rugulose; sp. 4-5. semicrema, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. persistently white, edge involute, even, glabrous; g. decur. crowded, white; s. 3-5 cm. white, becoming blackish; sp. 8-9. Differs from R. adusta and R. densifolia in persistently white p.—flesh also—and g., and from R. delica in flesh of stem becoming blackish. lactea, Fr. Entirely white or pallid. P. 4-5 cm. obtuse, even, unpolished then minutely cracked; g. free, thick, distant; s. 2-4 cm. solid, stout; sp. 7-9. var. incarnata, Q. P. white tinged rose, then pale tan. nigricans, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. exp. umbilicato-depr. whitish, soon sooty-olive, flesh white, reddish when broken; g. rounded, very thick and distant; s. 3-6 cm. stout, solid, pallid then black; sp. 8-9. Every part black when old. adusta, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. exp. depr. white then brownish, at length scorched; g. thin, crowded, pallid; s. 3-5 cm. solid, pallid then dusky grey; sp. 8-9. Differs from R. nigricans in much closer gills, and in flesh not changing to red. densifolia, Gillet. P. 3-9 cm. convex then depr. white then brownish, flesh red when broken; g. thin, crowded, pallid; s. 3-5 cm. slightly mealy, white then grey, at length blackish; sp. 7-8. Differs from R. adusta in flesh turning red, and from R. nigricans in crowded gills. delica, Fr. White. P. 8-14 cm. exp. umbil. polished, edge incurved, even, glabrous; g. decur. thin, distant, white; s. 3-5 cm. solid, compact; sp. 8-10 × 6-7. This species has been confounded with R. chloroides, Bres. (= R. delica, Mass. Fung. Fl. III, 53, Lact. exsuccus, Otto, &c.) but differs in polished pileus, pure white gills, &c. chloroides, Bresad. (= Lact. exsuccus, Otto; Agaricus chloroides, Krombh.; Russula delica, Mass, &c. not of Cooke). P. 8-12 cm. depr. edge involute, whitish, pubescent, flesh thick, white; g. decurrent, white with a tinge of green, connected by veins, forked; s. 3-5 cm. stout, white, tomentose, sometimes with a pale green zone at apex; sp. 8-9. Differs from R. delica in pubescent pileus and stem, and green tinted gills. -
++ Pileus clear yellow. citrina, Gillet. P. 4-6 cm. slightly viscid, convex then depr.; g. broadest in front, forked, white; s. 4-7 cm. white, solid, slightly rugulose; sp. 7-8. fingibilis, Britz. P. 4-5 cm. exp. depr. even, slightly viscid; g. almost free, white; s. 3-5 cm. white, becoming hollow; sp. 7-9. -
+++ Pileus greenish or olive. olivascens, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. exp. umbil. olive disc becoming yellowish, edge even; g. white then tinged yellow; s. 2-4 cm. stout, firm, even; sp. 9-10. heterophylla, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. exp. depr. even, polished, greenish, yellow-brown, &c., disc becoming ochre, flesh white; g. very narrow, closely crowded; s. 2-3 cm. solid, white; sp. 7-8. var. galachroa, Fr. P. milky white then greenish. Differs from R. cyanoxantha in very narrow, crowded gills. [smaragdina, Q. P. thin, viscid, somewhat zoned, clear green, edge white; g. narrow, white; s. slender, pruinose, white; taste mild. azurea, Bres. P. 4-5 cm. exp. depr. pale glaucous green, with white bloom; g. pale cream colour; s. 2-3 cm. white, rugulose; sp. 8-9. Differs from R. cyanoxantha in white meal on the pileus. virescens, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. exp. umbil. dingy opaque green, innately flocculose, areolately cracked; g. rather crowded, forked; s. 4-6 cm. stout, white; sp. 8-9. Edible. [luteo-viridans, C. Mart. P. convex then depr. then edge erect and sulcate, pellicle viscid, separable, yellow with green or brown stains; g. broad; s. reticulated, base narrowed. Acrid. var. bicolor, C. Mart. Disc of p. yellow, edge brown; g. dark ochre. var. purpurea, C. Mart. P. purple, disc yellow. furcata, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. rigid, depr. sometimes subinfund. even, dark lurid green, even, frosted with a white silkiness; g. adnato-decur. thickish, forked; s. 4-7 cm. firm, even, white; sp. 7-8. var. pictipes, Cke. S. rosy at apex, greenish below. var. ochroviridis, Cke. Disc of p. olive or sooty, ochraceous towards edge. aeruginea, Lindbl. P. 6-9 cm. exp. darker disc depr., verdigris green, edge striate; g. narrow behind, slightly adnexed, pure white; s. 4-5 cm. firm, even, persistently white; sp. 8-10. -
++++ Pileus red, brownish, purple, sometimes with green intermingled. lepida, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. compact, depr. not polished, blood red, becoming pale, minutely cracked into squamules; g. much forked; s. 3-5 cm. even, white with rosy tinge; sp. 6-8. atropurpurea, Kromb. P. 6-8 cm. hard, convex then exp. depr. smooth, even, deep blood red or purple red; g. adnate, white; s. 5-6 cm. white or tinged red. Differs from R. rubra in being quite mild. [cerasina, C. Mart. P. viscid, depr. subcyathiform, edge sulcate, pellicle separable, cherry-red, disc yellow, flesh purple under cuticle; g. adnato-decur. ochre; s. rugulose, white. Acrid. cutefracta, Cke. P. 6-12 cm. exp. depr. even, purple, dull red, etc., cracking into areolae from edge towards disc; g. adnexed, crowded; s. 6-8 cm. solid, white with tinge of purple; sp. 7-10. vesca, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. exp. depr. flesh colour, disc darker, viscid, rugulose; g. adnate, crowded; s. 3-5 cm. solid, white, reticulately wrinkled; sp. 9-10. var. Duportii, Phil. P. disc rufous, edge bluish, flesh reddish when cut. Smells of crab. var. lilacea, Q. P. violet or purple, flesh violet under the cuticle. var. Barlae, Q. P. peach colour. depallens, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. firm, undulate, viscid, reddish, crimson, or brownish, disc paler at length; g. crowded, forked; s. 3-4 cm. base narrowed, white then grey; sp. 7-8. Differs from R. decolorans in having white gills. [pallida, Karst. Acrid. P. convex then exp. mostly undulate, rather viscid, constantly pallid, here and there tinged rose, edge even; g. white, edge sometimes sulphur; s. white, often curved; sp. 5-8. Differs from Russula pallescens in being more robust and even margin of p. cyanoxantha, Schaeff. P. 5-9 cm. globose then depr. or infundib. viscid, lilac, purplish, olive green, &c., edge generally bluish; g. broad, forked; s. 4-6 cm. even, white; sp. 8-9. elephantina, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. convex, umbil. margin incurved, brownish tan, wavy; g. obtusely adnate, arcuate, rather crowded, thin; s. firm, white; sp. ——. Differs from R. nigricans and R. adusta in not turning black or red when old. mustelina, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. depr. edge upturned, even, opaque, brownish or dingy yellowish, flesh persistently white; g. crowded, thin, connected; s. 4-5 cm. even, white; sp. 7-8. II. Taste acrid. -
* Gills yellow or ochraceous. -
+ Pileus yellow or ochraceous. fellea, Fr. Every part, outside and inside, pale ochraceous or straw colour, very acrid. P. 3-7 cm. exp. not becoming pale; g. adnate; s. even, 4-6 cm. Differs from R. ochracea in being very acrid. aurata, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. rigid, exp. polished, citrin or orange, sometimes reddish, edge becoming striate, flesh under cuticle citrin; g. broad, shining citrin; s. 5-8 cm. white tinged yellow; sp. ——. [rhytipes, Fr. Foetid. P. depr. dry, yellowish, blotched purple or olive, corrugated, flesh sulphur yellow; g. broad, yellow, edge darker; s. conical, reticulately rugose, greyish purple. No account of mild or acrid taste is given, hence its position is uncertain. Has points in common with R. aurata. claroflava, Grove. P. 5-7 cm. bullate then plane, chrome yellow; g. white, lemon yellow, then tinged ochre; s. 3-6 cm. white then grey or blackish; sp. 8-9. Differs from R. ochroleuca in bright yellow p. -
++ Pileus red or purple. rubra, Fr. P. 3-9 cm. rigid, convex exp. depr. dusky blood red or with a tinge of purple, polished and even when dry; g. adnate whitish; s. 4-7 cm. hard, white sometimes tinged red; sp. 8-10. Differs from R. atropurpurea in very acrid taste. drimeia, Cke. (= R. expallens, Gil.). P. 5-9 cm. firm, exp. depr. bright purple to rose colour; g. clear yellow; s. 4-8 cm. purple, paler than p.; sp. 7-9. Intensely acrid. veternosa, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. plano-depr. rosy or flesh colour then pale, slightly viscid; g. adnate, narrow, white then straw colour; s. 5-8 cm. spongy then hollow, white; sp. 7-9. maculata, Q. P. 5-8 cm. thin, firm, exp. viscid, reddish flesh-colour, then pale and blotched brownish; g. sulphur then peach colour; s. 3-4 cm. white or tinged rose, then spotted ochre; sp. 9-10. Differs from R. depallens in being smaller, acrid, and stem not grey. serotina, Q. P. 2-2.5 cm. globose then more or less exp. purple brown or olive, edge lilac, with white bloom at first; g. almost free, white then tinged yellow; s. 2-3 cm. white; sp. 8-9. -
** Gills white. -
+ Pileus ochraceous or umber. ochroleuca, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. exp. depr. viscid at first, ochraceous then pale, disc cracked into granules, margin almost even; g. rounded behind, broad, subequal, whitish; s. 4-7 cm. soft, white then grey, reticulately rugulose; sp. 8-9. Differs from R. granulosa in stem becoming grey. granulosa, Cke. P. 4-7 cm. exp. often depr. viscid at first, ochraceous, disc darker and granular; s. 4-7 cm. white, granular; g. nearly free, white; sp. 11-12. Close to R. ochroleuca, differing in granular persistently white stem. foetens, Fr. Foetid. P. 7-12 cm. bullate, then exp. and depr. rigid, viscid, edge at first incurved, tuberculato-sulcate, ochraceous then pale; g. very unequal, forked, whitish; s. 4-5 cm. soon hollow, whitish; sp. 8-10. [foetida, C. Mart. Smell foetid. P. viscid, sulcate, yellow-brown, flesh under cuticle brown, rest white; g. forked near stem, white then yellow; s. very fragile, hollow, white, often spotted red below. Mild. consobrina, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. exp. depr. viscid, edge even, brown or dark grey, flesh grey under the cuticle; g. forked, white; s. 4-6 cm. white then grey; sp. 8-9 × 7. var. sororia, Fr. Edge of p. striate. pectinata, Fr. Smell nauseous. P. 5-7 cm. exp. then depr. or broadly infundib., rigid, brownish tan then pale except disc, viscid, margin sulcate, flesh yellowish under cuticle; g. attenuato-free, equal, white; s. rigid, striate, white; sp. 8-9. Differs from R. consobrina, var. sororia in tubercular sulcate edge, and gills not connected by veins. [intermedia, Karst. Acrid. P. exp. depr. irreg. viscid, edge even, at length sulcate and tuberculose, tawny, disc darker, discoloured; g. white then yellowish; s. white. Near to Russ. integra, differs in taste and colour. sardonia, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. plane, wavy, viscid, edge even, dingy yellow, then pale; g. adnate, closely crowded, white then yellowish; s. 3-5 cm. white often tinged red; sp. 9-10. Differs from R. rosacea and R. expallens in yellowish colour. -
++ Pileus red or purplish. emetica, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. exp. depr. shining, rosy to blood red, then pale or white, edge at length sulcate, flesh white, red under cuticle; g. free, white; s. 4-7 cm. even, white or tinged red; sp. 7-8. Poisonous. var. Clusii, Fr. Flesh and gills tinged yellow. rosacea, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. unequal, viscid then dry and spotted, rosy; edge acute, even; g. adnate, white; s. 3-5 cm. white or tinged rose; sp. 7-8. Differs from R. sanguinea in irregular, often excentric p. and broader gills. sanguinea, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. depr. or infundib. polished, blood-red then pale, edge acute, even; g. decur. closely crowded, white; s. 4-7 cm. striate, white or tinged red; sp. 9-10. R. rubra differs in rigid p. and g. tinged yellow. fragilis, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. thin, fragile, exp. flesh colour or red, soon pale, rather viscid, edge tubercular-striate; g. thin, crowded, ventricose, white; s. 3-5 cm. white, polished; sp. 8-10 × 8. var. nivea, Cke. Entirely white. var. violacea, Q. P. violet, with narrow pale edge. var. fallax, Cke. Disc of p. very dark, rest pale reddish purple. Queletii, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. soon plane, viscid, dark violet, edge slightly striate, lilac; g. white; s. 3-5 cm. purple; sp. 7-8. var. purpurea, Cke. (= R. purpurea, Gillet). Stem whitish, tinged rosy at middle part; g. pale yellow. MYCENA, Fr. -
I. Calodontes. Edge of gills denticulate, dark coloured. pelianthina, Bolton. P. 1.5-3 cm. obtuse, hygr. purplish then pale; g. broad, adnexed, purplish with darker fimbriated margin; s. 5-8 cm. equal, pallid; sp. 7 × 4. balanina, B. P. 2-4 cm. exp. umb. pale yellowish brown, striate when moist; g. adnate, separating, pinkish-white, edge purple; s. 6-8 cm. tinged brown, squamulose above, brown and thin below. [crenulata, Schum. P. camp. umb. purplish-bay; g. adnexed, paler than p., edge distinctly crenulated but scarcely darker; s. even, glabrous, base narrowed. mirabilis, Cke. and Q. (= Ag. marginellus, Fr., non Pers.). P. 1-1.5 cm. camp. pale bluish grey, umb. darker, then tan, finely striate; g. whitish, edge darker with minute particles; s. greyish, minutely floccose, rooting and tomentose at base; sp. ——. aurantiomarginata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. subumb. even, brownish olive then pale; g. adnexed, edge flocculent, orange; s. 2-4 cm. base ventricose and strigose; sp. ——. elegans, Pers. P. 1.5-2 cm. umb. striate, brown or livid-yellow; g. adnate, edge saffron; s. 4-5 cm. equal, livid; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. olivaceomarginata, Mass. P. 1-1.5 cm. striate up to disc, honey colour; g. adnexed, pallid, edge brownish olive; s. 3-4 cm. shining, coloured like p.; sp. 6 × 4-5. [avenacea, Fr. P. camp. obt. fuscous then livid grey, slightly striate; g. adnate, white, edge fuscous; s. even, glabrous, without juice, base fibrillose. [atromarginata, Fr. P. exp. sulcate, viscid; g. white with a very narrow black edge; s. tall, striate, glabrous. rubromarginata, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. camp. obtuse, striate, hygr. grey, livid, reddish &c., paler; g. adnate, whitish, edge purple brown; s. 3-4 cm. even, pallid; sp. ——. var. fuscopurpurea, Lasch. P. purple brown; g. edge eroded, brownish. [luteorufescens, Karst. P. campan. often oblique, striato-virgate, yellowish fuscous, disc rufescent, opaque; g. distant, whitish glaucous; s. yellowish, glabrous; sp. 8-13 × 7-9. [viridimarginata, Karst. P. campan. exp. umb. sulcate, glabrous, brownish honey-colour, not hygr.; g. white then glaucous; s. rigid, fragile, honey-colour then pale, not rooting; sp. 7-11 × 6-7. strobilina, Fr. Every part deep red. P. 1-1.5 cm. acutely umb. not becoming pale; g. adnate edge dark blood red; s. 3-4 cm. rigid; sp. 8-10 × 4. var. coccinea, Sow. Edge of g. not darker. Differs from M. rosella in larger size, and in not becoming pale, acute umbo, &c. rosella, Fr. Every part pale rose colour. P. 4-7 mm. obtusely umb. striate, becoming pale; g. adnate, edge darker; s. 2-3 cm. slender; sp. 7-8 × 4. [venustula, Q. P. white, diaphanous, with rosy granules; g. few, white, edge rosy; s. white, hyaline. carneosanguinea, Rea. P. 2.5-3 cm. livid grey, umbo rufous, even, flesh becoming blood-red when broken; g. purplish-brown, edge dark purple, denticulate; s. 4 cm. grey, base thickened; sp. 4-5 × 2-3. [citrinomarginata, Gill. P. campan. striate to apex, yellow; g. distant, pale, edge citrin; s. thickened and downy at base, pale. [fuscomarginata, Godey. P. campan. even, pale tan then pallid; g. pale, edge brownish or reddish-purple; s. bay, summit pale. -
II. Adonideae. Stem juiceless, gills all one colour, colour clear, bright, not brownish or greyish. pura, Pers. Smell like radishes. P. 3-6 cm. umb. margin striate, lilac, reddish, &c., then pale; g. sinuato-adnexed, very broad, connected by veins, pale; s. 5-8 cm. even, pale or tinged like pileus; sp. 6-8 × 3-3.5. M. pelianthina differs in dark edged gills. M. pseudopura and M. zephira have no smell. M. ianthina differs in persistently conical pileus. [fimicola, Karst. P. convex then plane, umb. or papillate, umb. striate, glabrous, reddish ochre then tan; g. whitish then tan; s. equal, wavy, tough, glabrous, rusty then bay; sp. 6-9 × 3-4. var. multicolor, Bres. P. clear greyish blue, umbo tawny, edge striate; g. grey; s. rosy-purple, base yellowish, tomentose; sp. 7-9 × 4-5. pseudopura, Cke. P. 2 cm. exp. obtusely umb. vaguely striate, rosy then pale; g. adnate, whitish; s. 4-6 cm. rigid, pallid rosy, brownish when dry, naked; sp. 12 × 5. M. pura differs in larger size of entire fungus, and smaller spores. M. zephira differs in squamulose stem. zephira, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. diaphanous, obtuse, striate to middle, reddish or pinkish; g. adnate white; s. 4-6 cm. tinged pinkish rufescent, squamulose, base cottony; sp. ——. Differs from M. pura in absence of smell. [caesiolivida, Bres. P. campan. exp. or revolute, subirreg. glabrous, hygr. livid blue or grey then rosy livid; g. white then rosy, at length livid flesh colour; s. short, greyish or bluish livid, base strigosely rooting; 8-10 × 5.5-6. [Renati, Q. P. rosy lilac, disc brownish; g. white then tinged rosy; s. pellucid, amber yellow. [Seynii, Q. P. vinous, shining; g. rosy lilac; s. fistulose, hyaline, purplish, base hairy, white. [punicella, Fr. P. conical, obtuse, subviscid, scarlet, edge striate, yellow; g. free, pallid; s. diaphanous, rooting, base dusky green, apex yellowish. flavipes, Q. Tufted, smells like radishes. P. 1-2 cm. camp. obtuse, rosy pink or lilac; g. adnexed, whitish; s. 4-5 cm. polished, yellow, rooting; sp. 10 × 4-5. [rubella, Q. P. campan. striate, orange red; g. white then tinged rosy; s. hyaline, apex rosy. adonis, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. conical then campan. rosy; g. uncinately adnexed, narrow, white tinged pink; s. equal, white; sp. ——. [chlorantha, Fr. P. camp. obtuse, green; g. sinuato-adnexed, white; s. short, glabrous, greenish. lineata, Bull. P. 1-2 cm. obt. glabrous, everywhere finely striate, tinged yellow or whitish; g. adnate, white; s. 4-5 cm. even, base downy; sp. ——. farrea, Lasch. P. 2-2.5 cm. very thin, expanded, furfuraceous with shining particles, pale, sulcate; g. adnate, snow-white; s. 6-7 cm. silky, striate; sp. ——. Among moss and grass. The only known Mycena with a furfuraceous pileus. luteoalba, Bolton. P. 1-2 cm. campan. then exp. and umb. pale yellow; g. adnate, broad, white; s. 3-5 cm. shining, glabrous, yellowish; sp. ——. flavoalba, Fr. P. 1-5 cm. exp. umb. often cracked at margin, yellowish or white; g. soon free, distant; s. 2-3 cm. white, pellucid, apex pruinose; sp. 6-8 × 3-4. M. lactea differs in adnate gills and downy base of stem. M. luteoalba has a yellowish stem. lactea, Pers. White. P. 1-1.5 cm. subumb. striate, even when dry; g. adnate, narrow, crowded; s. 3-5 cm. toughish, not quite straight, glabrous; sp. 7-8 × 3-4. Differs from M. gypsea and M. tenuis in scattered habit. var. pithya, Fr. Smaller, p. becoming almost plane; s. thin, base bubillose, downy. forma pulchella, Fr. Milk-white; g. linear, ascending; s. attenuated. Solitary. [olida, Bres. Smell very strong, rancid. P. thin, conico-campan. obtuse, then exp. and umb. yellow soon pale straw; g. uncinato-decur. connected by veins, white; s. hyaline, strigosely rooting; sp. 8-9 × 6. gypsea, Fr. Caespitose. Pure white, rarely with a yellow tinge. P. 1-2 cm. conical then campan. striate up to umbo, glabrous; g. subuncinate; s. 5-7 cm. straight, narrowed upwards from hairy base; sp. 8-9 × 4. [nivea, Q. Shining white. P. sulcate, diaphanous; g. uncinate; s. pruinose, base rather swollen, fibrillose. [galeropsis, Fr. P. conico-camp. even, gilvous; g. free, whitish; s. straight, narrowed upwards, fragile, not rooting, ferruginous below. [nucida, Brig. P. campan. obtuse, even, downy under a lens, deep rust-colour, hygr.; g. free, white then rosy; s. silky shining, base snow-white, apex mealy. [Benzonii, Fr. P. very thin, campan. exp. umbil. finely striate, pallid or reddish; g. white; s. equal, glabrous, white. An introduced species. [melanops, West. P. convexo-camp. plicate, umbo blackish-brown; g. adnexed to a collar; s. slender, glabrous base fibrillose. [pruinatus, Fr. Shining white. P. thin, conico-campan. papillate, edge deflexed, sulcate, pruinose; g. crowded; s. bulbous, naked. -
III. Rigidipedes. Stem firm, rigid, rather tough, juiceless, base strigosely rooting, gills discoloured, grey, reddish, &c., often connected by veins. cohaerens, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. camp. obtuse, tawny cinnamon, soft and velvety; g. free, distant, very broad, pallid; s. 8-12 cm. horny, rigid, even, shining, bay, base downy, rooting; sp. 10 × 7-8. [raeborhiza, Lasch. P. acute camp. exp. glabrous, striate, rather tawny then pale; g. almost free, connected by veins; s. even, floccosely pruinose, rooting, tinged tawny. prolifera, Sow. Caespitose. P. 1-2 cm. camp. then exp. subumb., margin coarsely striate, yellowish tan; g. adnexed; s. 6-8 cm. glabrous, shining, striate, brownish below, rooting; sp. ——. excisa, Lasch. (non Berk.). P. 2-3 cm. camp. then obtuse, greyish fuscous or pallid; g. scarcely adnexed, narrowed behind, very broad in front, pallid; s. 2-3 cm. tough, even, grey, rooting; sp. ——. Differs from M. polygramma in smooth stem. var. fagetorum, Fr. Slender. P. even, striate to middle, smoky or livid then pale; g. joined to a collar; s. incurved at base, fixed to leaves by down. rugosa, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. camp. then exp. subumb. tough, irreg. radially rugulose, greyish; g. arcuately adnate, white then tinged grey; s. 3-4 cm. tough, even, glabrous, pallid; sp. ——. sudora, Fr. White. P. 2-3 cm. umb. striate, viscid; g. obtusely adnate, sometimes tinged pink; st. 6-10 cm. even, dry, rooting; sp. ——. galericulata, Scop. P. 2-5 cm. conic camp. exp. striate up to umbo, dry, brownish, livid, &c.; adnate with decurrent tooth, connected by veins, pinkish when old; s. 5-8 cm. polished, even, glabrous; sp. 6-7 × 4. M. rugosa differs from present sp. in having grey gills and rugulose pileus. [simillima, Karsten. P. conico-campan. even, dry, glabrous, livid or dingy pallid; g. emarginato-decur. crowded, white, very slightly tinged rose; s. fragile, polished, even, glabrous, base curved, rooting; sp. ——. Very near to Mycena galericulata, differing in being fragile and in becoming pale. polygramma, Bull. P. 3-7 cm. conic camp. subumb. dry, striate, dark grey or blackish-blue when young; g. pale pinkish-grey tinge; s. 7-12 cm. rigid, tough, shining, longitudinally striate, strigosely rooting, grey; sp. 11-12 × 6. Differs from M. plicata in striate stem. [inclinata, Fr. P. camp. obtuse, striate to middle, everywhere brownish; g. adnate, whitish, base grey; s. rigid, twisted, pruinosely fibrillose, upwards interruptedly striate. parabolica, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. oval then camp. striate to middle, disc blackish-violet, margin paler, becoming pale; g. adnate; s. 4-7 cm. even, glabrous, base strigose, dark coloured; sp. 11-12 × 6. Differs from M. galericulata in absence of decurrent tooth of gills, also their pinkish colour. tintinabulum, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. tough, camp. even, bay, yellow brown, pallid, &c., viscid when moist; g. adnate with a decurrent tooth, crowded; s. 2-3 cm. even, glabrous, pallid, strigosely rooting; sp. 7-8 × 5. Differs from M. galericulata in short stem and even pileus. Berkeleyi, Mass. (= excisa, B.). P. 3-7 cm. camp. striate up to umbo, hygr. dingy brown then paler; g. broadly sinuate with decurrent tooth, tinged flesh colour; s. 7-12 cm. long, purplish brown, base rooting; sp. 5 × 3.5. [laevigata, Lasch. Constantly white. P. hemispher.-exp. obtuse, even when dry; g. with decur. tooth, crowded, distinct, joined to a collar; s. even, glabrous, lubricous, base strigose. Requires to be carefully distinguished from white forms of M. galericulata and M. rugosa. S. lubricous when moist, not viscid. [lasiosperma, Bres. Caespitose. P. thin, conico-campan. exp. umb. edge then upturned, rather viscid, striate to umbo, livid grey with a grey bloom at first; g. sinuato-unc. connected by veins, whitish then grey; s. pallid above, chestnut and white-pruinose below; sp. globose, aculeate, 6-7. -
IV. Fragilipedes. Stem fragile, dry, juiceless. Pileus hygrophanous. Gills often discoloured. atroalba, Bolton. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, disc blackish or fuscous, whitish towards striate margin; g. free, crowded, glaucous; s. 6-10 cm. pallid, apex darker, base swollen, strigose; sp. ——. dissiliens, Fr. Smell strong, very fragile, conico-camp. obtuse, greyish-brown then pale, grooved to middle; g. broadest in front, base tinged grey; s. 4-5 cm. subincurved, slightly striate, dusky grey, base strigose; sp. ——. When compressed the stem splits into pieces which curl outwards elastically. atrocyanea, Batsch. P. 1-1.5 cm. convex-camp. sulcate, dark brown then blue-grey, powdered with white meal, deformed umbo obtuse; g. adnexed, whitish; s. 3-4 cm. slender, glabrous, blackish-blue; sp. ——. pullata, B. and Cke. Smell slightly nitrous. P. 1.5-2 cm. dark brown, disc blackish, obtusely umb. striate to middle; g. white; s. 5-6 cm. coloured like pileus, rooting; sp. 6 × 3. M. leucogala and M. galopoda differ in white milk in stem. M. atrocyanea differs in dark blue tinge of p. and s. [cinerella, Karst. Smell very strong of meal. P. campan. entirely striate, grey or greyish-pallid; g. broadly adnato-decur. greyish-white; s. greyish-white, base fibrillose, not rooting; sp. ——. psammicola, B. and Br. Smell strong. P. 4-6 mm. hemispherical, brown, paler towards striate margin, sprinkled with minute particles; g. adnexed, sinuate; s. 1.5-2 cm. umber, paler upwards, everywhere pulverulent; sp. ——. Differs from M. paupercula in pulverulent stem and pileus. paupercula, B. Smell strong. P. 2-4 mm. conical, exp. pale ochraceous, minutely fibrillose; g. free, whitish; s. 1-1.5 cm. slender, whitish, rooting; sp. ——. leptocephala, Pers. Smell strong, solitary, entirely grey. P. 2-2.5 cm. umb. sulcate, pruinose, opaque; g. emarginate; s. 4-5 cm. slightly striate, opaque, dry; sp. ——. alcalina, Fr. Smell strong. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. camp. obtuse, naked, deeply striate when moist, shining when dry, pallid or tinged yellowish-green; g. adnate; s. 4-7 cm. yellowish, viscid, glabrous, shining, base villose; sp. 8 × 5. ammoniaca, Fr. Smell strong. P. 1.5-2 cm. conico-exp. umb. naked, discoid, opaque, dark brown or greyish, striate at paler margin; g. adnate; s. even, glabrous, rooting, pallid, 4-5 cm.; sp. ——. M. alcalina differs in tufted habit, viscid stem with yellow tinge of colour. metata, Fr. Smell weak, alkaline, soft. P. obt. striate, hygr. grey—rarely yellowish or pinkish—even, opaque, and whitish when dry; g. adnate, not connected by veins, whitish; s. 4-7 cm. firm, even, glabrous, base fibrillose; sp. ——. cinerea, Mass. and Crossl. Entirely grey, smell strong, like radishes. P. 1.5-2 cm. subgibbous, exp. pale, silky and even when dry; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. glabrous, downy and white at base; sp. 8 × 5; cystidia fusiform. M. leptocephala differs in sulcate p., and M. metata in white gills. M. plumbea has no smell. plicosa, Fr. 1.5-2.5 cm. exp. plicato-sulcate, greyish brown, opaque when dry; g. thick, distant, veined, grey; s. 3-4 cm. polished, greyish; sp. globose, 4-5. [subplicosa, Karst. P. campan. obtuse, with distant grooves, almost plicate, glabrous, grey then pallid; g. adnate, whitish; s. rigid, shining, hyaline or livid, base strigose not rooting; sp. 6-8 × 3-5. consimilis, Cke. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. camp. grey, umbo darker, striate to middle, margin upturned and splitting; g. adnexed, grey; s. 2.5-3.5 cm. dry, smooth, paler than p.; sp. ——. More or less resembling several species. M. leptocephala and M. metata differ in strong smell. M. peltata in orbicular plane pileus. M. rugosa differs in rugose pileus. peltata, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. orbicular, soon plane, disc fleshy, blackish brown then grey, margin striate; g. with decurrent tooth, grey; s. 3-4 cm. even, glabrous, base downy; sp. ——. Differs from M. pelliculosa in absence of viscid pellicle. aetites, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. camp.-convex, coarsely striate, hygr. broad obtuse umbo prominent, brownish; g. uncinate, thin, connected by veins; s. 4-5 cm. glabrous, shining subcompressed; sp. ——. stannea, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. hygr. grey, even, and tin colour with a silky sheen when dry; g. with decurrent tooth, connected by veins, greyish white; s. 5-7 cm. even, shining, often compressed; sp. ——. Differs from M. vitrea in decurrent tooth to gills. vitrea, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. livid brown, finely striate all over, no trace of umbo or fleshy disc; g. adnate, not connected by veins; s. 6-9 cm. slightly striate, polished, pale, base fibrillose; sp. ——. Differs from M. aetites and M. stanneus in gills not having a decurrent tooth and not connected by veins. tenuis, Bolton. White, tufted. P. 1-1.5 cm. brittle, camp. obtuse, then exp. striate; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. thin, pellucid, glabrous; sp. ——. M. gypsea differs in decurrent tooth of gills, and strigose base of stem. -
V. Filipedes. Stem very slender, flaccid, rooting, dry, juiceless. Gills discoloured, edge paler. filopes, Bull. P. 1-1.5 cm. camp. then exp. striate, livid grey; g. free, white; s. 6-8 cm. flaccid, glabrous, rooting, base downy; sp. ——. iris, B. P. 1-2 cm. exp. obtuse, slightly viscid, striate, blue when young, then brownish with blue fibrils; g. free, tinged grey; s. 3-6 cm. bluish below, tinged brown above, with scattered fascicles of down; sp. ——. amicta, Fr. P. up to 1 cm. conico-camp. greyish, striate to middle, dry, glabrous; g. free, grey; s. 6-10 cm. filiform, tough, downy-pulverulent; sp. ——. plumbea, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex then flattened, obtuse, sulcate, lead colour powdered with white meal; g. adnate horizontal, grey; s. 6-8 cm. elongated, pulverulent, grey, apex hyaline, base strigose, fragile; sp. ——. [ianthina, Fr. P. conical, striate all over, glabrous, lilac; g. broadest in front, greyish-white; s. attenuated, flaccid, glabrous, slightly striate, brownish lilac. Differs from P. pura in persistently conical pileus. urania, Fr. P. camp. then convex, dark violet when young, then blue becoming pale; g. uncinato-adnate, white; s. flaccid, even, glabrous, base rather rooting, floccose. debilis, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. camp.-convex, striate, whitish or livid then brownish, opaque, rugulose when dry; g. broadly adnate; s. 3-5 cm. flaccid, base fibrillose not rooting; sp. ——. [lasiosperma, Bres. P. striate, grey, umbo darker; g. greyish white; s. white, pruinose, base brownish, strigosely rooting; sp. globose, aculeate. vitilis, Fr. P. 4-7 mm. conical then exp. papillate, deeply striate when moist, brownish or greyish then pale; g. narrowed and adnate, greyish white; s. 6-14 cm. livid, flexile, rooting; sp. ——. Var. amsegetes, Secr. P. conico-campan. everywhere striate; g. not connected by veins, edge entire; s. thicker, short. [latebricola, Karst. P. campan. then plano-convex, disc depr. striate, livid, fuscescent when dry; g. adnato-decurr., whitish; s. filiform, tough, glabrous, pallid, root strigose; sp. ——. [canescens, Weinm. P. hemispher. then plane, subumbil., white then tinged grey; g. adnate, greyish; s. filiform, sooty grey, base fibrillose. collariata, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex, subumb. striate, brownish or greyish then pale; g. adnate to a collar, whitish then tinged pink; s. 2-3 cm. pale, polished, tough; sp. ——. [cimmeria, Fr. P. convex, slightly striate, dry, yellowish brown; g. adnexed, saffron yellow, edge white; s. glabrous, fibrillosely rooting. [cladophylla, LÉv. P. camp.-convex, wavy, glabrous, greyish white, shining; g. adnate, branched; s. naked, white, base brownish. [epiphloea, Fr. P. persistently acutely conical, papillate, everywhere striate, whitish, apex tinged brown; g. free, ventricose, distant; s. diaphanous, pallid. [supina, Fr. Small. P. obtuse, striate; g. almost free, ventricose, white; s. short, incurved, tough, glabrous, white. speirea, Fr. P. 1 cm. convex, dark disc becoming depr. greyish with brown lines; g. plane then decurrent, shining white; s. 3-4 cm. tough, polished, fibrillosely rooting; sp. ——. tenella, Fr. Tufted. P. up to 1 cm. obtuse, whitish, pellucid, margin striatulate; g. uncinate, white then pink; s. 2 cm. glabrous, base downy; sp. ——. Caespitose. Altogether white or livid-rosy. Pileus exceedingly delicate. acicula, Schaeff. P. 2-3 mm. camp., orange red, margin striate; g. yellow; s. 2-3 cm. yellowish, base rooting; sp. ——. Pileus at first subumbonate. Gills subovate, almost free, yellow then pale. -
VI. Lactipedes. Gills and rooting stem dry, giving out milk when broken. haematopoda, Pers. Caespitose. P. 2-4 cm. camp. obtuse, edge denticulate, reddish disc darker; g. adnate, whitish, edge the same; s. 4-5 cm. reddish, white pulverulent, containing dusky red juice. cruenta, Fr. P. 1 cm. conico-camp. margin striate, edge entire, reddish; g. adnate, entirely white; s. 4-7 cm. containing dusky red juice; sp. sanguinolenta, A. and S. P. 1 cm. convexo-camp. striate, reddish, edge darker; s. 3-5 cm. reddish with dark red juice; sp. ——. crocata, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. conico-camp. umb. reddish; g. white; s. 7-12 cm. narrowed, downy rooting, containing saffron-red juice; sp. ——. chelidonia, Sow. P. 1 cm. camp. then obtuse, nearly even, pinkish with yellow tinge; g. adnate, tinged yellow; s. 4-5 cm. smooth, rooting, often compr. with yellow juice; sp. 9-10 × 5. galopoda, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. camp. umb. striate sooty or greyish; g. glaucous; s. slender, pallid, fibrillosely rooting, containing white milk; sp. 9-10 × 5. M. leucogala differs in the grey gills. leucogala, Cke. P. 1-1.5 cm. camp. umb. sulcate, sooty or purple brown; g. adnate, grey; s. 4-7 cm. dark with whitish down at base, containing a large quantity of white milk; sp. ——. M. pullata and M. atrocyanea differ in having no milk. -
VII. Glutinipedes. Stem juiceless, viscid or glutinous. epiterygia, Scop. P. 1-2.5 cm. camp. then exp. striate with a separable viscid pellicle, greyish or greenish yellow; g. adnate; s. 5-9 cm. tough, glabrous, viscid, rooting, yellowish; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. Resembling M. alcalina, but no smell. clavicularis, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. exp. striate, dry, not pelliculose, disc becoming depr. brownish, yellowish or pale; g. adnate, white; s. 4-5 cm. glabrous, viscid, whitish, base fibrillose; sp. ——. pelliculosa, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex, obtuse, finely striate, viscid pellicle separable, grey or brownish; g. rather fold-like; s. 3-4 cm. glabrous, viscid, livid; sp. ——. Differs from M. vulgaris in separable cuticle. vulgaris, Pers. P. 5-8 mm. convex then depr. with central papilla, viscid brownish or grey with darker lines; g. decur. white; s. viscid, pale, fibrillosely rooting; sp. 5 × 2.5. citrinella, Pers. P. 3-6 mm. viscid, camp. then exp. umb. yellow; g. uncinate, white; s. 2 cm. tough, viscid, yellow; sp. 6-8 × 4-5. plicato-crenata, Fr. P. 1 cm. conical, subumb. coarsely plicate, edge crenate, pale yellow; g. white; s. 3-5 cm. viscid, tinged red or brownish, inside yellow; sp. ——. rorida, Fr. P. up to 1 cm. convex, umbil. sulcate, dry, pale ochre; g. subdecur. white; s. 3-4 cm. whitish, very glutinous; sp. ——. -
VIII. Basipedes. Stem dry, base expanded into an orbicular disc or bubillose and strigose. stylobates, Pers. White. P. 2-3 mm. obtuse, striate, subpilose; g. free; s. 3-4 cm. filiform, glabrous, inserted on a plane, orbicular, downy, striate disc; sp. 4 × 2. [dilatata, Fr. White. P. convexo-plane, obtuse, edge slightly striate; g. sublinear, connected into a collar; s. filiform, base orbicular, convex, glabrous. var. clavicularis. P. greyish, disc subrotund. tenerrima, B. White. P. 2-3 mm. convex, scurfy; g. free; s. 2-3 cm. minutely hairy below, fixed by a minute downy disc; sp. subgl. 3-4. discopoda, LÉv. White. P. 2-3 mm. conical, obtuse, with white meal; g. adnate, distant; s. 2-3 mm. mealy, expanding at base into a minute downy disc; sp. ——. saccharifera, B. & Br. Whitish. P. 2-3 mm. convex; g. arcuately decur. dusted with shining particles; s. 3-4 mm. filiform, minute disc fixed by filaments; sp. ——. var. eclectica, Buck. White. P. sulcate, and like gills and stem, sparkling with granules. [mammillata, Pass. P. conico-campan. mammilate, sulcate, glabrous, shining white then greyish; g. adnate, broad; s. floccose below, base ending in a flat orbicular disc. [mucor, Batsch. Minute, fugacious. P. plicate, grey; g. adnate, distant, greyish white; s. hyaline, white, inserted in an orbicular disc. [echinipes, Lasch. Minute, white. P. camp. hyaline, striate; g. thick, distant; s. thickish, glabrous, base slightly bulbous, hairy. pterigena, Fr. Pale rose colour. P. 1-2 mm. camp. obtuse; g. adnate, broad, distant; s. 4-6 mm. thin, wavy, smooth, ending in a radially strigose disc; sp. ——. [trachelina, Fr. P. brown, fibrillose; g. adnate, broad floccoso-fimbriate; s. villosely squamulose, bulbillose, strigosely rooting. [cyanorhiza, Q. P. striate, greyish white; g. broad, whitish; s. greyish white, base somewhat swollen, hairy, blue. -
IX. Insititiae. Stem very slender, not rooting nor attached by a disc but penetrating the substratum abruptly. Gills adnate. corticola, Fr. P. 3-6 mm. obtuse, umbil. sulcate, blackish, brown, grey, &c.; g. adnate, broad; s. 1.5 cm. slender, incurved, minutely scurfy; sp. ——. hiemalis, Osbeck. P. 4-7 mm. camp. umb. striate, pinkish, rufescent, white, &c., often pruinose; g. narrow; s. 2-3 cm. curved, base downy; sp. 7-8 × 3. Differs from M. corticola in narrow gills, and striate not sulcate pileus. codoniceps, Cke. P. 2-3 mm. high and 1.5 mm. broad, pale umber, not exp. sulcate, delicately hairy; g. adnate; s. 4-7 mm. umber below; sp. 5 × 2.5. setosa, Sow. White. P. 1 mm. obtuse, smooth, g. almost free; s. 2-3 cm. slender, covered with delicate spreading hairs; sp. ——. capillaris, Fr. White. P. 2 mm. camp. obtuse, then umbil.; g. adnate, few; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. hair-like, wavy, glabrous; sp. 7-8 × 4. [stipularis, Fr. Very minute and delicate. P. convex subumbil. rosy, as are also the gills; s. downy, yellowish. juncicola, Fr. P. 2-3 mm. striate, glabrous, rufescent or rosy; g. adnate, distant; s. 1-1.5 cm. glabrous, fuscous; sp. ——. COLLYBIA, Fr. -
A. Gills white or clear coloured, not grey; flesh white. -
I. Striaepedes. Stem stout, hollow or loosely stuffed, sulcate or fibrillosely striate. -
* Gills white, rather distant. radicata, Relh. P. 3-7 cm. exp. gibbous, rugose, viscid, brownish ochre; g. distant, white; s. 10-18 cm. attenuated upwards, glabrous, rooting; 14-15 × 8-9. longipes, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. exp. umb. dry, minutely velvety, pale brown; s. 8-12 cm. velvety, with a rooting base, brownish; sp. ——. Differs from C. velutipes in dry, velvety pileus. veluticeps, Rea. P. 3-6 cm. velvety, tawny; g. sinnato-adnate, deep ochre; st. 4-7 cm. fusiform, striate, slightly velvety, with rhizomorphic mycelium; sp. 7-8 × 3-4. Caespitose. [elevata, Weinm. P. tough, exp. subfibrillose, umbo evanescent, greyish white, shining, floccosely scaly; g. shining white then dingy; s. long, striate, abruptly rooting. platyphylla, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. exp. obtuse, moist, fibrillosely virgate, brown or greyish; g. truncate behind, white; s. 7-10 cm. striate, pallid, base abrupt, with cord-like strands of mycelium; sp. 9-10 × 6. var. repens, Ach. P. depr.; s. hollow, compr. apex pruinose, rhizomorphic mycelium copious, anastomosing. semitalis, Fr. P. 3-8 cm. exp. obtuse, glabrous, moist, sooty or livid ochraceous, pale when dry; g. white, blackish when bruised, finally obscure; s. 2-4 cm. fibrillose, with a thin cartilaginous cuticle, brownish or grey; sp. 7-9 × 4-5. [lentiniformis, Karst. P. convexo-plane, umbil. or depr. irreg. even, glabrous, rufescent; g. almost free, crowded, white then spotted black; s. apex thickened and silky, whitish, blackish when bruised; sp. 10-11 × 4-6. Resembling Lentinus cochleatus in form and colour. [concolor, Del. White then tan. P. umboniform then exp. even, rarely scaly; g. adnexed, pallescent; s. solid, equal, glabrous. [loripes, Fr. Caespitose. P. exp. flexuose, lax, yellowish rufous, even, glabrous; g. white then sulphur yellow; s. pallid, flexuous, fibrillosely striate. [aerina, Q. P. flexuous, tomentose, coppery olive; g. distant, yellow; s. striate, orange yellow. fusipes, Bull. P. 3-7 cm. exp. umbo at length disappearing, rufous or dingy tan, often cracked; g. adnexed, white then dingy; s. 7-10 cm. ventricose, grooved, rooting, glabrous, cartilaginous; sp. 5-6 × 3-4. Tufted. Edible. var. oedematopa, Schaeff. Subcaespitose, p. conical then flattened, rufous bay; g. pallid; s. ventricose, fibrillosely pulverulent. var. contorta, Bull. Caespitoso-connate, pileus and twisted stem thinner; g. crowded, white. lancipes, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. exp. umb. radiately rugulose, margin striate, pale flesh colour then pallid; g. connected by veins, tinged flesh colour; s. 4-6 cm. striate, narrowed towards rooting base; sp. ——. Differs from C. fusipes in rugulose pileus, and in growing singly. mimica, W. G. Sm. Smell strong, fishy. P. 2-3 cm. obtuse, with separable cuticle, dingy ochraceous, as are the broad g.; s. narrowed towards base, ochraceous, 4-5 cm.; sp. 8 × 4-5. -
** Gills crowded, narrow. maculata, A. & S. White; P. 5-10 cm. obtuse, compact, becoming spotted with rust colour; g. free, closely crowded; s. 7-12 cm. more or less ventricose, grooved, narrowed below, spotted rusty; subgl. 4-6. var. immaculata, Cke. Not becoming spotted; g. minutely serrulate. var. scorzonera, Batsch. Smaller, yellowish, stem long, rooting, often wavy; g. yellowish. [serpentina, Otth. P. campan. yellowish white, glabrous, somewhat shining, whitish, edge involute, white-fibrillose; g. crenulate, whitish, becoming tinged red; s. whitish, striate, silky shining, hollow, ending in a long contorted serpentine root running amongst leaves. prolixa, Fl. Dan. P. 7-10 cm. lax, exp. gibbous, even, glabrous, tawny or brick red tinge; g. free, crowded, narrow, not spotted; s. solid, subequal, not rooting, sulcate, brick-red, 7-9 cm.; sp. 8-9 × 5. distorta, Fr. P. lax, 6-8 cm. exp. umb. glabrous, even, bay then pale; g. narrow, much crowded, soon spotted red; s. 6-8 cm. narrowed from ventricose base, sulcate, more or less twisted, pallid; sp. 6-7 × 4. butyracea, Bull. P. 4-7 cm. exp. umb. even, glabrous, moist and shining, reddish brown then pallid, flesh whitish; g. crenulate; s. 5-8 cm. conical, striate, rufous; sp. 7-9 × 4-5. var. bibulosa, Mass. P. dingy olive at first. var. aurorea, Larb. P. thinner, edge striate, flesh rufescent; s. hollow. [funicularis, Karst. (= Coll. dryophila, var. funicularis, Fr.). P. rufous then pale, even; g. sulphur then pale; s. sulcate, apex thickened, curved, yellowish white; sp. 6 × 2-3. [phaeopodia, Fr. P. exp. even, glabrous, moist, umbo evanescent, flesh brownish, fuscous brown; g. white; s. blackish brown, thickened at both ends. [epipphia, Fr. P. discoid, viscid, striate to middle; g. white, connected by veins; s. narrowed upwards, striate, white. [asema, Weinm. P. thin, umb. hygr. livid, whitish when dry, flesh watery, horny-grey near gills; g. crowded, entire, whitish; s. striate, livid. stridula, Fr. P. soft, soon exp. even, moist, hygr. blackish then pale; g. arcuato-adnexed, white; s. fibrilloso-striate, livid brown. Distinguished from Trich. melaleucum by the dark stem. [pulla, Schaeff. P. campan.-exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, hygr. purple bay then pallid fuscous; g. transversely pellucidly striate, whitish; s. twisted, soft. xylophila, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. lax, campan. then exp. gibbous, disc brownish tan, rest paler; g. adnate, very narrow, much crowded; s. 4-5 cm. subflexuous, fibrillose, whitish; 4 × 2.5. Caespitose. C. confluens and C. ingrata differ in downy stem. [jurana, Q. P. thin, fleshy-buff colour, white floccose, margin crenulate; g. whitish tinged flesh colour; s. fibrillose, whitish. [ramosa, Bull. Pure white. P. exp. disc depr. slightly striate; g. crowded; s. stuffed, subequal, rooting, glabrous. [strumosa, Fr. White. P. wavy, glabrous, margin at first incurved and downy; g. crowded; s. hollow, equal, flexuous, surface crisped and wavy, striate. [globularis, Weinm. White. P. globose, disc becoming plane and umbil., edge roundly incurved; g. adnate, crowded, broad; s. apex flocculose, base tomentose. -
II. Vestipedes. Stem thin, equal, fistulose or medullate, even, velvety, floccose or pruinose. -
* Gills broad, rather distant. velutipes, Fr. 3-7 cm. exp. viscid, yellow, glabrous; g. yellowish; s. 5-10 cm. velvety, blackish brown below, rooting; sp. 7 × 3-3.5. var. rubescens, Cke. P. tawny; g. ochraceous. var. lactea, Q. P. white; g. broad; s. velvety. laxipes, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. obtuse, glabrous, moist, whitish; g. distant; s. 6-12 cm. lax, stuffed, with rufous velvety down; sp. ——. Much smaller and slenderer than C. velutipes. [declinis, Weinm. P. conico-campan. umb. moist, at length rivulose, pale fuscous; g. scarcely adnexed, pallid, edge floccoso-crenulate; s. white, apex flocculoso-pulverulent. [Benoistii, Boud. Soft. P. convex then plane, rather hygr. dark purple-bay then paler, edge striate, pellucid; g. nearly free, whitish then tinged purple-bay; s. bay, apex paler and scurfy, pale flocculose; flesh coloured. floccipes, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex, umb. even, sooty brown then pale; g. thick; s. 3-5 cm. whitish and rough with minute black points, rooting; sp. ——. [trochila, Lasch. P. convex, glabrous, umbilicately depr. discoid, hyalino-striate, pallid fuscous; g. adnate, narrow; s. long, rigid, blackish brown. vertiruga, Cke. P. 1-2 cm. subpulverulent, exp. dull brown or grey, radially wrinkled; g. adnate; s. 4-6 cm. tawny, minutely velvety, base strigose; sp. ——. Differs from C. stipitaria in adnate gills and dingy pileus. stipitaria, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. exp. umb. velvety-squamulose, whitish with brown fibrils; g. ventricose; s. 2.5-5 cm. bay, fibrillose or hairy; sp. ——. [Sobolewski, Weinm. P. thin, hemispher. obtusely umb. white-pulverulent, shining white then tinged rosy; g. free; s. slender, tinged fuscescent, shining, white-fibrillose. [alumna, Schum. White. P. thin, globose-campan. exp. glabrous, striate; g. adnate, broad; s. subulate from thickened base, downy below. Habitat on fungi like C. tuberosa, from which it differs in adnate gills. -
** Gills very narrow, closely crowded. hariolorum, Bull. P. 2-5 cm. exp. glabrous, dingy tan; g. white then pallid; s. 5-7 cm. narrowed upwards, rufescent, woolly-hirsute; sp. 6-7 × 3-4. confluens, Pers. P. 2-4 cm. obtuse, flaccid, glabrous, rufescent then pallid; g. closely crowded; s. 6-12 cm. more or less compressed, rufous, everywhere with white down; sp. subgl. 7-9. Differs from C. hariolorum in densely tufted habit. ingrata, Schum. P. 2-3 cm. convex, umb. even, brownish tan; g. free, pallid; s. 5-10 cm. twisted, subcompressed, with white meal above, umber and naked below, equal; sp. ——. [lilacea, Q. Subtomentose, lilac; p. thin, hoary; g. amethyst; s. slender, base with white down. [lupuletora, Weinm. P. exp. depr. even, glabrous, livid or pale tan then pallid; g. adnate, crowded, white; s. not rooting, white and pulverulently scaly above, brownish, glabrous, and narrowed below. [foetidissima, Gill. Smell extremely foetid. P. convex, umbil. wavy, yellowish white; g. whitish; s. white. [orbicularis, Secr. P. exp. umb. brown, disc with small viscid blackish warts; g. adnexed, crowded; s. rufescent with white meal. [myosura, Fr. P. orbicular, exp. obtuse, rufous, becoming pale; g. free, much crowded; s. rufescent, apex powdered, root long, glabrous. conigena, Pers. 1-2 cm. exp. subumb. glabrous, reddish-yellow or pale; g. free, much crowded, pallid; s. 3-7 cm. pulverulent, pallid, base strigose, rooting; sp. 4-5 × 3. Differs from C. tenacella and C. esculenta in free, crowded, narrow gills. var. lutea, Vogl. P. yellow; g. densely crowded, white. cirrhata, Fr. 1-1.5 cm. exp. at length umbilicate, silky, opaque, white; g. adnate; s. 2-5 cm. slender, wavy, whitish, with a downy root; sp. 4-5 × 2-3. Differs from C. conigena in adnate gills, and from C. tuberosa in downy rooting stem not springing from a sclerotium. tuberosa, Bull. P. about 1 cm. white, exp. umb. even; g. adnate; s. 1.5-4 cm. thin, white, root glabrous and springing from a sclerotium; sp. 4-6 × 2-3. racemosa, Pers. P. up to 1 cm. convex, papillate, grey, subtomentose; g. adnate; s. 3-5 cm. base dark, springing from a blackish sclerotium; several minute stems with abortive pilei often spring from the stem; sp. ——. -
III. Laevipes. Stem thin, equal, fistulose, naked, glabrous (except base), not conspicuously striate. -
* Gills broad, lax, usually more or less distant. collina, Scop. P. 2-5 cm. exp. umb., brownish then pale; g. adnexed then free; s. 6-10 cm. equal, even, glabrous, base abrupt, downy; sp. ——. thelephora, Cke. and Mass. P. 2-3 cm. camp. lax, umb. apiculate, dingy ochraceous, disc darker; g. adnate; s. 6-10 cm. equal, hollow, glabrous, base dark; sp. 9 × 7. ventricosa, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. camp. umb. glabrous, pale tan; g. with rufous tinge; s. 6-10 cm. rufescent, base ventricose, rooting; sp. ——. Differs from C. dryophila in ventricose, rooting stem. leucomyosotis, Cke. Strong scented, rather fragrant. P. 2-3 cm. exp. grey then paler; g. adnate, sinuate, white; s. 8-12 cm. equal, brittle, pallid; sp. 6 × 4. Stevensoni, B. and Br. P. 1-1.5 cm. obtuse, viscid, pale yellow; g. broadly adnate, broad, white; s. 2-3 cm. rufous, equal, fibrillose, rooting; sp. 10-11 × 7-8. Differs from C. esculenta in broad, adnate gills. psathyroides, Cke. Ivory white. P. 1.5-2 cm. broad and nearly 2.5 cm. high, camp. obtuse, rather viscid; g. broadly adnate, broad; s. 6-10 cm. equal, straight, hollow; sp. 15 × 7. xanthopoda, Fr. P. 2.5 cm. exp. umb. glabrous, lax, yellow or tan colour then pale; g. truncate behind; s. 6-10 cm. equal, hollow, tough, glabrous, yellowish, strigosely rooting; sp. ——. Differs from C. dryophila in umbo, broad gills, and strigosely rooting stem. nitellina, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. even, shining, tawny, hygroph.; g. adnate, white then tinted; s. 5-8 cm. equal, rigid, glabrous, tawny; sp. ——. succinea, Fr. P. 2-2.5 cm. even, exp. then subdepressed, pale rufous, often cracked; g. adnexed, broad, thickish, serrulate; s. 2-4 cm. polished, rufescent, not rooting; sp. ——. Differs from C. dryophila by broader, thicker, less crowded gills, and from C. xanthopoda by absence of an umbo. nummularia, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. exp. subdepressed round small umbo, pallid; g. free; s. 3-5 cm. glabrous, pallid, apex thickened; sp. ——. esculenta, Wulf. P. 1-2 cm. orbicular, exp. obtuse, glabrous, pallid tan; g. adnate, lax, whitish; s. 2.5 cm. indistinctly hollow, even, polished, yellowish tan, rooting, base glabrous; sp. ——. C. tenacella differs in fibrillose rooting base, and snow-white gills. tenacella, Pers. P. 1.5-2 cm. exp. subumb. even, glabrous, brownish then pale; g. broad, snow-white; s. 5-10 cm. narrowly fistulose, straight, even, glabrous, tawny, long root strigose; sp. 5-6 × 3. var. stolonifer, Jungh. P. springing from a long, creeping, cord-like mycelium. eustygia, Cke. Smell of rancid meal. P. 2-4 cm. exp. subdepr. often wavy, whitish, shining when dry; g. dark grey; s. 4-7 cm. white above and sprinkled with pointed scales; darker below, rooting; sp. subgl. 4-5. [rhodella, Pat. P. thin, convexo-plane, reddish-brown, disc rugulose, edge striate; g. adnate, distant, white, tinged pink; s. tinged brown, twisted, wavy. retigera, Bres. P. 3-6 cm. campan.-exp. umb. dry, glabrous, fuscous-grey then pale, centre somewhat tawny, raised veins forming a network on the surface; g. broad, edge paler, fimbriate; s. 4-6 cm. pallid, whitish fibrillose, often compressed, somewhat rooting; sp. ——. [plumipes, Kalchb. P. campan. exp. subumb. slightly innato-fibrillose, livid fuscous, shining; g. broad, white; s. glabrous, white, base fibrilloso-strigose. Differs from C. conigena in glabrous s. and broad g. [planipes, Brig. Caespitose. P. orbicular, exp. rather viscid, bay; g. free; s. colour of p., rooting. [Gussonei, Inzeng. P. convex, subumb., rather striate, brick-red, edge dingy yellow; g. adnate, broad, crimson; s. compr. ochre with a crimson zone. -
** Gills narrow, crowded. acervata, Fr. Caespitose. P. 4-7 cm. exp. obtuse, then umb., reddish then pale; g. free, narrow, closely crowded; s. 4-9 cm. equal, glabrous, rufous, base downy, rooting; sp. 7-8 × 3.5. Differs from C. confluens in glabrous stem, and from Marasmius erythropus in narrow, closely crowded gills. dryophila, Bull. P. 2.5 cm. obtuse, then subdepr. reddish or pale tan, even; g. sinuate, crowded, narrow; s. 2-4 cm. hollow, glabrous, rufescent or yellowish; sp. 7-8 × 4. aquosa, Fr. Every part honey-colour. P. 2-2.5 cm. obtuse, hygr. margin striate; g. rounded and free, crowded; s. 3-6 cm. polished, surface slightly wavy; sp. 6 × 4. var. Bulliardii. P. reddish ochre then pale; s. tawny. extuberans, Fr. P. 2-3.5 cm. exp. umb. prominent, bay or umber; g. crowded, narrow; s. 4-7 cm. equal, straight, glabrous, pallid, rooting; sp. ——. exsculpta, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. umbilicate, persistently tawny brown; g. closely crowded, sulphur-yellow; s. 2-3 cm. yellow; sp. ——. [luteifolia, Gill. P. exp. edge lobed, irreg. reddish or cinnamon; g. sulphur yellow; s. glabrous, colour of p. [cinnamomaeifolia, Gill. P. convex, subdepr. with a slight umbo, whitish yellow; g. crowded, pale cinnamon; s. reddish. macilenta, Fr. Entirely yellow. P. 2-2.5 cm. obtuse, even, glabrous; g. linear; s. minutely fistulose, glabrous, tough, rooting, 2-3 cm.; sp. 5-6 × 3. clavus, L. P. 2-6 mm. obtuse, even, orange-red, shining; g. crowded, white; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. very slender, whitish, glabrous; sp. 4 × 2.5. Mycena acicula differs in yellow gills and rooting stem. ocellata, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. exp. disc depr. round pale small umbo, rufous or yellowish; g. crowded, white; s. 3-5 cm. slender, tough, glabrous, tinged fuscous, base rooting, fibrillose; sp. ——. Distinguished from C. cirrhata by glabrous stem. [floridula, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, slightly striate, tinged flesh colour then pale; g. pale rose colour; s. pellucid, white. [Micheliana, Fr. Pure white. P. obtuse, margin slightly striate; g. adnexed, crowded; s. thin, glabrous, base slightly thickened. muscigena, Schum. Pure white. P. 2-4 mm. obtuse, even; g. adnate; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. very slender, wavy, equal, glabrous; sp. ——. Known from small sp. of Mycena by the broadly adnate gills and even pileus. [ludia, Fr. Pure white. P. subumb. exp. revolute, undulate and irreg. lobed, even; g. rather distant; s. slender, wavy, naked, root creeping, branched, fibrillose. -
B. Gills grey. -
IV. Tephrophanae. Brown or greyish. -
* Gills crowded, rather narrow. rancida, Fr. Smell strong. P. 2-5 cm. umb. dusky grey with a white silkiness; g. free, narrow, grey; s. 7-12 cm. glabrous, grey, rooting; sp. 7-10 × 4-5. Distinguished among strong-smelling species by the rooting stem. [ignobilis, Karst. P. plane, subdepr. edge spreading, livid, hoary, pale when dry; g. crowded, dingy pallid; s. livid, floccosely pruinose; sp. 7-8 × 4. [daemonica, Karst. P. convex then exp. subumb. glabrous, rather virgate, livid fuscous, disc blackish, pale when dry; g. adnate, crowded, smoky, blackish when bruised; s. equal, glabrous, wavy, fibrillosely striate, pallid, apex white flocculose; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. coracina, Fr. Smell strong. P. 2-3 cm. exp. naked, hygr. brownish then grey; g. greyish-white; s. 2-3 cm. hollow, rigid, not rooting, brown, apex mealy-squamulose; sp. ——. Differs from C. rancida in the short stem thickened at base, and not rooting; C. ozes differs from present in long, slender, flexuous stem. ozes, Fr. Smell strong. P. 3-5 cm. exp. umb. naked, glabrous, hygr. margin striate, greyish brown; g. adnexed, grey then olive; s. 6-10 cm. subflexuous, slender, fragile, slightly striate, grey, apex with white meal; sp. ——. C. rancida differs in free gills and rooting stem. [mephitica, Fr. Smell strong. P. exp. subumb. even, adpressedly innately silky, whitish; g. obtusely adnate, crowded, whitish; s. filiform, obsoletely fistulose, tough, grey, pruinosely velvety. inolens, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. umb. glabrous, livid or pale tan; g. adnexed, greyish-white; s. 5-9 cm. livid, undulate, base white-strigose, apex white squamulose; sp. 7-8 × 4-5. C. plexipes and C. protracta differ in having the stem glabrous at the apex. plexipes, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. camp. rather rugulose, slightly striate, glabrous, sooty; g. free; s. 5-7 cm. livid, silky fibrillose, rooting; sp. 8-9 × 5. Differs from C. protracta in free gills. [miser, Fr. P. subumb. glabrous, margin striate; g. adnate, grey; s. fuscous, apex mealy. [atramentosa, Kalchb. P. exp. subumb. rugulose, livid then sooty, flesh black; g. narrow, becoming blackish; s. naked, colour of p. [fuliginaria, Weinm. P. fuscous, with down; g. glaucous; s. fuscous, flocculose. atrata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. pitch-black then brown, even, exp. or depr. margin arched; g. adnate; s. 2-2.5 cm. even, glabrous, brown outside and inside; sp. ——. ambusta, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. exp. papillate, slightly striate, glabrous, livid brown; g. adnate, tinged fuscous; s. 1.5-2 cm. somewhat stuffed, tough, livid; sp. 5-6 × 3-4. Differs from C. atrata in umbonate pileus. -
** Gills very broad, more or less distant. lacerata, Lasch. P. 2.5-3.5 cm. camp. moist, streaked dark brown on pale ground; g. adnexed, broad, thick, greyish; s. 5-9 cm. twisted, fibrous, apex floccose; sp. ——. [phalliodorus, Alex. Foetid, convex, subumbilicate, at length lobed, dingy ochraceous; g. adnate, white; s. glabrous. murina, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. umbilicate, glabrous then rugulosely squamulose, dark brown then pale; g. slightly adnexed, broad; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, cylindrical, not rooting, grey; sp. 7 × 4. Somewhat resembling C. atrata, differing in very broad almost free gills. [glacialis, Fr. P. watery, fragile, obtuse, dusky fuscous then pale; g. free, grey; s. grey, naked. protracta, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. exp. shining, disc fleshy, depressed, subpapillate, greyish brown, margin striate; g. broad, grey; s. 5-7 cm. glabrous, root long fibrillosely strigose; sp. ——. tesquorum, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. plane, obtuse, even, blackish then pale; g. free, greyish brown; s. 3-5 cm. thin, brown, apex pruinose; sp. ——. [cessans, Karst. P. exp. then depr. glabrous, striate, pallid fuscous then pale and hoary, sublubricous; g. adnate, then adnato-decur. connected by veins, whitish; s. solid, pallid, apex pruinose. clusilis, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. exp. umbilicate, glabrous, hygr. livid then pale; g. arcuately adfixed, semicircular, broad; s. 2-4 cm. glabrous, pallid, not rooting; sp. ——. Differs from C. tylicolor and C. nummularia in umbilicate pileus, and decurrent tooth to gills. [erosa, Fr. P. exp. striate, hygr. silky when dry, grey; g. broadly emarginate, greyish; s. greyish-white, glabrous. tylicolor, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. exp. subumb. even, glabrous, bluish-grey, with white meal when young; g. free, distant, broad, grey; s. 2-3 cm. pulverulent, grey; sp. ——. Introduced species. Dorotheae, B. P. 2 cm. globose then exp. subumb. dark brown then paler, sulcate, squarroso-setulose; g. white, distant; s. 5-6 cm. slender, minutely discoid at base, granulated like pileus and beset with white bristles. caldarii, B. P. 1 cm. hemispherical, umb. brown, rugose; g. grey; s. 4-5 cm. pale grey, cartilaginous; sp. ——. MARASMIUS, Fr. -
A. Collybia. Margin of pileus incurved at first. Stem cartilaginous; mycelium floccose. -
I. Scortei. Stem solid, or stuffed then hollow, fibrous inside; outside villose over the cartilaginous cortex. Gills becoming free. -
* Base of stem strigosely woolly. urens, Fr. P. Acrid. 4-7 cm. exp. glabrous, even, pinkish buff, pale when dry; g. free, becoming brownish, at length remote; s. 5-7 cm. everywhere covered with white farinose down; sp. 8 × 4. The acrid taste separates this sp. from M. oreades. [subannulatus, Trog. P. plane or depr. even, yellowish; g. adnate, reddish then brownish; s. with an incomplete ring about the middle, base with white down. peronatus, Fr. Acrid. P. exp. reddish brown, then tan colour, becoming lacunose, margin striate; g. adnexed, seceding, pallid then rufescent; s. 3-5 cm. villosely downy, lower portion coarsely strigose, yellowish; sp. 10 × 6-7. porreus, Fr. Smell of garlic. P. 2-5 cm. dingy yellowish then paler, striate, disc even, flaccid; g. distant, firm, yellow then pale; s. 2-4 cm. reddish-brown, pubescent; sp. subgl. 4. Differs from M. prasiosmus in yellowish gills and stem everywhere pubescent. [mulleus, Fr. Mild. P. plane or depr. even, yellow brown then paler; g. citrin; s. bay towards fusiform rooting base, with a purplish tomentose ring. [Queletii, Schulz. White. P. diaphanous, umb.; g. free, white; s. stuffed; with grey rooting mycelium. [foeniculaceus, Fr. P. tough, convex-umb. then plano-depr. pallid then white; g. broad, thick, adnex. distant, whitish; s. fibrous, glabrous, base abrupt, with rufous fibres. Used as a condiment. -
** Base of stem naked, often formed of twisted fibres. oreades, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. subumb. glabrous, brownish then pale; g. free, broad, distant, pale; s. 3-6 cm. pallid, everywhere with a downy surface; sp. 8 × 5. Edible. [globularis, Fr. P. globose campan. umb. hygrophanous, pellucidly striate; g. free, white then dingy; s. pulverulent, white. plancus, Fr. P. 2-... cm. pliant, plane or depr. even, rufescent then pale; g. narrow, tinged ochraceous-brown; s. 3-5 cm. with white down, base narrowed, naked; sp. ——. Differs from M. oreades in narrower, darker coloured gills. [pyramidalis, Fr. P. umb. shining, dingy brown then pale; g. arcuately adnexed, white then reddish; s. narrowed upwards, flocculose, whitish, rooting. scorteus, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. pallid, exp. obtuse, even, wrinkled; g. broad, distant, white; s. 2-4 cm. obsoletely hollow, equal, tinged fuscous, glabrous, apex slightly mealy; sp. 8 × 6. Resembling M. oreades, but smaller and stem glabrous. -
II. Tergini. Stem rooting, distinctly tubular, not fibrous, evidently cartilaginous. Gills becoming free. -
* Stem woolly below, glabrous above. prasiosmus, Fr. Smell of garlic. P. 1.5-2 cm. pale yellow or whitish disc, often darker, wrinkled, g. adnexed; s. 4-7 cm. pallid and glabrous above, thickened and subtomentose below and brownish; sp. 14-15 × 7. Differs from M. porreus in white gills and estriate pileus. varicosus, Fr. P. 1.5-3 cm. reddish brown, plane or depr. wavy, subumb. darker when dry; g. closely crowded, very narrow; s. 5-8 cm. reddish, with red juice, base with reddish down; sp. 4 × 3. fuscopurpureus, Fr. 2-2.5 cm. exp. often umbilicate, purplish brown then pale; g. attached to collar then free, tinged reddish; s. 2.5-7 cm. dry, dingy purple, base with reddish down; sp. 4-3. terginus, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. exp. obtuse, shining, reddish, then pale, striate at margin; g. narrow, free; s. 5-8 cm. glabrous, shining, pallid, reddish below with white down, rooting; sp. 6-7 × 4. Much like M. prasiosmus and M. porreus, differing from both in absence of smell. [gelidus, Q. P. campan. exp. thin, rugosely striate, pruinose, translucent; g. free, hyaline or tinged rose; s. filiform, striate, pruinosely-pubescent, base cottony, recurved; sp. 7-8. [putillus, Fr. P. rufescent then tan; g. rufous, margin paler, entire; s. short, rufescent, abrupt base with white down. [carpathicus, Kalchb. P. exp. subumb. rather viscid, brownish, hygr. edge striatulate; g. rotundato-adnexed, pallid; s. even, naked above, pallid, rest bay, white downy base rooting. -
** Stem (at least when dry) everywhere pruinosely velvety. Wynnei, B. and Br. P. 2.5-4 cm. soon plane, subumb. lilac-brown; g. adnexed, lilac; s. 3-6 cm. paler than p., scurfy; 7-8 × 4. erythropus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. obtuse, even, then rugulose, pallid; g. broad, lax, pallid, connected by veins; s. 5-8 cm. hollow, striate, glabrous, dark red, base with white down; sp. 8-10 × 5-6. Differs from Collybia acervata by the broad distant gills. [dispar, Fr. P. subumb. whitish, margin striate; g. nearly free, crowded, narrow; s. purplish-brown, pruinose, base with white down. archyropus, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. plane or depr. glabrous, pallid; g. crowded, linear, pallid; s. 6-10 cm. rigid, straight, pale rufescent, coated with white down, base similar; sp. subgl. 4-5. Differs from M. terginus in tufted habit, and from M. prasiosmus in absence of smell. torquescens, Q. P. 1-1.5 cm. plane, rugosely striate, pallid; g. free; s. 4-5 cm. brown, minutely velvety, apex pale and glabrous; sp. 5 × 4. impudicus, Fr. Smell foetid. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. rugulosely striate, reddish bay, then pale; g. tinged red then pale; s. 3-5 cm. equal, purplish, covered with white down when dry, base naked, rooting; sp. 8 × 4-5. Differs from M. foetidus in free gills. [saxatilis, Fr. P. depr. striate, reddish; g. adnate, white; s. glabrous, apex pruinose, reddish. -
III. Calopodes. Stem short, not rooting, entering matrix abruptly, often with a small floccose tubercle at base. Gills adnate then subdecur. when p. expands. -
* Stem very glabrous upwards, shining, base simple. scorodonius, Fr. Smell of garlic. P. 1.5-2 cm. soon plane, dry, rufous then pale, wrinkled; g. adnate, whitish; s. 2.5-4 cm. equal, everywhere glabrous, shining, rufous; sp. 6 × 4. calopus, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. exp. even then wrinkled, glabrous, whitish; g. emarginately adnexed; s. 2-2.5 cm. even, glabrous, bay, shining, not rooting; 7 × 4. Habit of M. scorodonius, but no smell. Vaillantii, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. depr. plicately rugose, whitish; g. broad, subdecurrent; s. 2-2.5 cm. glabrous, bay, apex paler and thickened; sp. 10 × 6. M. impudicus differs in purplish stem with white down when dry. M. foetidus differs in strong smell. angulatus, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. soon exp. at length folded and angular, whitish or tinge of tawny; g. distant; s. 2-3 cm. greyish rufescent, thickened at both ends; sp. 7 × 4. Closely resembling M. Curreyi and M. graminum; differs from former in ventricose gills not attached to a collar; from the latter in the gills not being attached to a collar. M. calopus differs in the shining, bay stem. [Kirchneri, Thurn. P. often umb. pallid whitish brown; g. subdecur. distant, whitish fuscous; s. filiform, glabrous, brown. languidus, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. umbil. flocculose, rugosely sulcate, whitish tinged yellow or flesh colour; g. narrow; s. 2-3 cm. thickened upwards, pale, naked, base tawny; sp. 6-7 × 4. rubricatus, Mass. P. up to 1 cm. soon plane, whitish tinged red; g. adnexed, white then brownish; s. 1-2 cm. slender, incurved, hollow; sp. 6 × 3. -
** Stem velvety pruinose, base subtuberculose. foetidus, Fr. Foetid. P. 2-3 cm. exp. and umbil. or wavy, striato-plicate, tawny bay or rufous, pruinose when dry; g. rufescent with a yellow tinge; s. 2-3 cm. hollow, bay, minutely velvety; sp. 7 × 4. inodorus, Pat. P. thin, exp. reddish brown with adpr. silky down; g. adnate, crowded, whitish; s. blackish red, apex pale, entirely covered with white bloom. Differs from M. foetidus in absence of smell. [xerotoides, Tr. P. umbilicate, umber, striate; g. broadly adnate, becoming greyish; s. velvety, base thickened, strigose. [lagopinus, Fr. P. convex, even, glabrous, pallid; g. adnate, pallid; s. pallid, white floccose half way up, apex naked. amadelphus, Fr. P. 3-4 mm. soon plane, disc slightly pruinose, margin at length striate, pale reddish-yellow; g. broadly adnate, broad; s. pallid, bay below, slightly pruinose 1-1.5 cm.; sp. 4 × 2.5. var. insignis. G. very distant, pale umber. ramealis, Fr. P. 2-4 mm. opaque, rugulose, not striate, white, disc often tinged rufescent; g. rather distant, narrow, white, adnate; s. 1 cm. white, mealy, base darker; sp. 4 × 2. candidus, Bolt. Entirely white. P. up to 0.5 cm. pellucid, wrinkled, naked; g. adnexed; s. 1-2 cm. whitish, slightly pruinose, base tinged brownish; sp. 4 × 2. -
B. Mycena. Stem horny, fistulose but often with a pith, tough, dry, mycelium rhizomorphoid, cortex not floccose, edge of pileus straight and adpressed to stem at first. -
I. Chordales. Stem rigid, rooting, or adnate by a dilated base. alliaceus, Fr. Smell of garlic. P. 2.4 cm. subumb. even then striate or sulcate, greyish; g. free; s. 6-10 cm. minutely velvety, blackish; sp. 14-16 × 8. molyoides, Fr. Smell somewhat unpleasant. P. soon plane, even, brownish then pale; g. free, crowded, white; s. tall, hollow, glabrous, blackish brown. [chordalis, Fr. P. plicate, brownish; g. adnato-decurrent, white; s. elongated, straight, velvety, blackish brown, stuffed, rooting. cauticinalis, Fr. P. about 1 cm. yellowish, even then striato-sulcate; g. adnato-decur. connected by veins, yellow; s. 3-6 cm. flocculose, bay, paler and mealy upwards; sp. 7 × 3-5. [schizopus, Secr. P. very thin, campan. plicato-sulcate, whitish; g. thick, distant, white, with a collar; s. whitish, base a darker dilated tubercle. [torquatus, Fr. P. campan. sulcate, whitish; g. thick, attached to a collar; s. whitish, with a darker tubercular dilated base. -
II. Rotulae. Stem filiform, flaccid, base entering matrix abruptly. -
* Stem very glabrous, shining. rotula, Fr. P. 4-7 mm. umbilicate, plicate, whitish or disc slightly tinged; g. attached to a free collar encircling the stem; s. 2-4 cm. glabrous, blackish, shining; sp. 6 × 3-4. [littoralis, Q. P. umbil. plicate, white; g. free, distant; s. horny, umber, apex pale, base downy. graminum, Berk. P. up to 1 cm. umb. striate or sulcate, pale rufous, disc darker; g. attached to a collar encircling stem, few in number; s. 2-4 cm. black, shining, glabrous, apex paler; sp. subgl. 3-4. [epodius, Bres. P. convexo-campan. exp. usually umb. and depr. edge at first incurved, sulcate, centre usually reticulated, reddish-yellow then pale; g. free, white then yellowish; s. very glabrous, rufescent then bay, apex hyaline, base bulbillose substrigose; sp. 20-28 × 2.5-4. [Menieri, Boud. P. 1-3 mm. excentric, broadly subumb. punctulate tawny; g. fold-like, few, branched, paler than p.; s. curved, tawny, base black; sp. 18-25 × 5-7. [faveolaris, Fr. P. sulcate, exp. disc coloured; g. attached to a ring, anastomosing to form cells; s. glabrous, subulate, bay below. androsaceus, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. whitish, umbilicate striate; g. adnate to stem; s. 3-6 cm. black, glabrous, polished; sp. 7 × 3-4. [sclerotipes, Bres. P. thin, convex, edge incurved then plane, ruguloso-striate, shining white, umbil. yellowish, subflocculose; g. distant, adnate, white, edge fimbriate; s. filiform, tinged rufescent downwards, adnate to a rufescent sclerotium. Passed as Collybia cirrhata very frequently. The latter differs in not springing from a sclerotium. Collybia tuberosa differs in growing on fungi. [Bulliardi, Q. P. plicate, dingy yellow brown; g. whitish; s. bay. splachnoides, Fr. Inodorous. P. up to 1 cm. whitish, subumbilicate, striate; g. subdecurrent; s. 2-4 cm. polished, reddish-brown; sp. 8 × 5. Similar in habit to M. perforans, but no smell, and white subdecurrent gills. [limosus, Q. Very minute. P. plicate, diaphanous, whitish; s. capillary, brownish. flosculus, Q. P. white, umbil. sulcate; g. adnate, white; s. short, incurved, bay, apex pale. Curreyi, B. & Br. P. up to 1 cm. pale rufous, coarsely striate, umb. tawny; g. attached to collar; s. 2-3 cm. polished, blackish, apex white; sp. 9 × 5-6. -
** Stem velvety or pilose. perforans, Fr. Foetid. P. up to 1 cm. whitish or tinged rufous, plane, not striate, rugulose; g. adnate; s. 2-3 cm. minutely velvety, blackish brown; sp. 4 × 3. insititius, Fr. Inodorous. P. 1-1.5 cm. subumbilicate, at length plicate, pale yellow-brown then whitish; g. broadly adnate, simple, unequal, distant; s. 2-3 cm. floccose or scurfy, reddish-brown; sp. 4 × 2.5. Hudsoni, Pers. P. 2-3 mm. rugulose, tinged brown, covered with spreading purplish hairs; g. white; s. 1-1.5 cm. with hairs like the pileus; sp. 5 × 3. [buxi, Fr. P. sulcate, minutely squamulose, tawny; g. few; s. blackish purple, pilose below, glabrous above. epichloe, Fr. P. 4-5 mm. plane, papillate, even, whitish, disc darker; g. broadest behind; s. 2-3 cm. bay, coarsely striate, striae setulose; sp. 3 × 2. actinophorus, B. & Br. P. 2-3 mm. umbilicate, pale bay with darker radiating lines, wrinkled when dry; g. adnexed; s. 1-2 cm. paler than pileus; sp. subgl. 3-4. saccharinus, Batsch. P. 2-4 mm. subpapillate, glabrous, sulcate, whitish; g. broadly adnate, connected by veins; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. reddish, minutely flocculose, then almost glabrous; sp. 5 × 3. Resembling M. polyadelphus, but not clustered, and papillate pileus. epiphyllus, Fr. P. 4-6 cm. umbilicate, wrinkled, white; g. adnate, distant, veined; s. 3-5 cm. bay, minutely velvety, apex pale; sp. 3 × 2. -
C. Apus. Pileus sessile, resupinate. spodoleucus, B. & Br. P. 4-5 mm. shell-shaped, resupinate, sessile, grey, slightly pulverulent; gills few, white. [recubans, Q. P. hemisph. sulcate, white; g. white; s. capillary, villose, brown. [resimus, Fr. P. fleshy, umbil. then infundib. even, glabrous, viscid, white or pallid, edge incurved and tomentose then spreading and naked; g. decur. white; s. stout, hollow, villose; milk soon sulphur colour; sp. 8-10 × 6-7. scrobiculatus, Scop. P. 10-20 cm. yellowish, depr. zoneless, incurved margin fibrillose; g. decur. whitish; s. 4-8 cm. stout, yellow, pitted; milk soon sulphur yellow; sp. subgl. echin. 7-8. (10-12 × 8-9 Sacc.) chrysorrheus, Fr. P. 4-6 cm. umbil. then infundib. pale yellowish flesh colour, zoned; g. yellowish; s. white, 3-4 cm.; milk white then golden yellow; sp. 6-7. intermedius, Kromb. P. 10-14 cm. infundib. viscid, ochraceous, incurved margin tomentose at first; g. decur.; s. 3-5 cm. stout, yellowish, pitted; milk soon yellowish; sp. ——. Differs from L. scrobiculatus in infundibiliform pileus. theiogalus, Bull. P. 3-6 cm. depr. viscid, tawny rufous; g. pale rufescent; s. 3-5 cm. colour of p.; milk white then sulphur yellow, becoming acrid; sp. 7-8. Agrees with L. chrysorrheus in yellow milk, but differs in tawny rufous stem. ** Milk violet. -
+ Milk acrid. aspideus, Fr. Dingy straw colour. P. 5-9 cm. zoneless, convex then depr. at first with white down; g. narrow, thickish; s. 5-7 cm. glabrous, dry; milk white soon becoming lilac; sp. echin. 8-10. Differs from L. uvidus in narrow gills. uvidus, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. thin, depr. zoneless, dingy tan; g. broad, white; s. 5-8 cm. viscid, pallid; milk white soon lilac; sp. 9-10. (5-6 Sacc.) [flavidus, Boud. P. exp. viscid pale primrose yellow; g. whitish; s. solid, white with yellow tinge; milk white then deep violet; sp. 6-7. -
++ Milk sweet. [violascens, Fr. P. depr. glabrous, grey with darker zones; g. white; s. solid, greyish white; milk violet. *** Milk reddish, saffron, or brownish. -
+ Milk acrid. deliciosus, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. convex, umbil. dusky orange, zoned; g. subdecurrent, orange; s. 3-6 cm. smooth; milk saffron red; sp. 9-10 × 7-8. Every part becoming red then greenish when bruised; sp. 7-10. Edible. [flammeolus, Fr. P. subumb. not zoned, flame coloured; g. adnate, yellow; s. hollow, pale orange; milk reddish, slowly acrid. Differs from L. mitissimus in red milk. acris, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. soon infundib. viscid, sooty grey; g. pale yellow; s. often excentric, pallid, narrowed below; milk white then reddish; sp. 8-9 × 6-8. fuliginosus, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. soon depr. obtuse, even, at first with sooty-brown powder, then naked and greyish tan; g. adnate, white then tan; s. 6-8 cm. stuffed, naked, greyish tan; milk and flesh white then reddish-yellow; sp. 8-9. Distinguished from allies by pileus not being velvety. [fuscus, Roll. Caespitose, scented. P. exp. and slightly depr. round the umb. edge grooved, fibrillose or squamulose, sooty grey or dingy violet, often zoned; g. forked, pallid then ochre; s. firm ochre or tinged red, pruinose. [argematus, Fr. White. P. thin, exp. glabrous, edge even; g. adnate, crowded; s. stuffed, short, glabrous; milk slowly acrid, white then rufescent. -
++ Milk mild. retisporus, Mass. P. 5-8 cm. depr. smoky brown, velvety, radially rugulose, minutely velvety; g. deeply sinuate, pale ochre; s. 3-5 cm. glabrous, paler than p.; milk white then brown; sp. globose, 10-11, with a raised network. Close to L. ligniotus, differing especially in the spores. [sangifluus, Fr. P. depr. even, not zoned, blood-red; s. narrowed upwards, paler; g. thin, white; milk blood-red; sp. 10. **** Milk becoming grey. vietus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. subumb. then plane and umbil. flesh colour, pale and silky when dry; g. subdecurrent; 4-6 cm. soon hollow, livid; milk white then grey, becoming acrid; sp. 7-8. [musteus, Fr. P. convex then depr. zoneless, very viscid when moist, gilvous then pallid; g. closely crowded, whitish; s. short, whitish; milk scanty, slightly acrid, whitish then grey, as is the flesh when cut; sp. 6-9. ***** Milk becoming glaucous-green. glaucescens, Crossl. P. 4-6 cm. whitish, depressed, flesh thick; g. adnate, narrow, pallid; s. 2.5-3 long by 1.25 thick, whitish; milk white then glaucous-green; sp. echinulate, 6-7 µ. ****** Milk persistently white. -
+ Milk mild. -
§ Gills rufescent or yellowish. volemus, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. rigid, depr. obtuse, dry, glabrous, golden tawny at length minutely broken up; g. decur. crowded, yellowish; s. 5-9 cm. solid, stout, coloured like p. pruinose; milk white; sp. 5-6. Edible. ichoratus, Batsch. P. 6-10 cm. thin, depr. even, glabrous, wavy, tawny, zoned; g. adnate, white then ochre; s. 3-7 cm. glabrous, tawny; milk white; sp. 8-10 × 6-7. Differs from L. volemus in zoned p. and in being altogether more slender. L. tithymalinus differs in acrid milk and pinkish gills. mitissimus, Fr. P. 2.6 cm. depr. papillate, dry, even, zoneless, deep orange, shining; g. crowded, paler than p.; s. 3-6 cm. hollow, orange; milk white; sp. 6-8 × 5-6. Differs from L. subdulcis in bright orange, shining p., and copious milk. quietus, Fr. Smell oily. P. 5-8 cm. depr. viscid at first, reddish cinnamon, pale and rather silky when dry; g. paler than p.; s. 5-8 cm. colour of p. glabrous; milk white; sp. 8-10 × 6-7. serifluus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. plane then depr. rather wavy, glabrous, not zoned, tawny brown, margin incurved; g. crowded, yellowish; s. 2-4 cm. slightly incurved, paler than p. solid; milk scanty, watery; sp. 7-8. Differs from L. subdulcis in solid stem. camphoratus, Fr. Smell strong, pleasant. P. 3-5 cm. thin, depr. dry, glabrous, reddish-brown, slightly zoned, rather wavy; g. adnate, reddish-yellow; s. 2-3 cm. subundulate, colour of p.; milk white; sp. 8-9. Smell strong and fragrant, especially when dry. L. cimicarius has a very strong smell when quite fresh, but none when dry. subumbonatus, Lindgr. P. 2-3 cm. thin, depr. subumb. rugose, punctate, wavy, dusky cinnamon, flesh grey then yellowish; g. adnate, pinkish rufous; s. 2-3 cm. stuffed, rufescent; milk watery, whitish; sp. 5-6. (9, Sacc.) Smell foetid when dry. tomentosus, Otto. P. 5-7 cm. umb. then depr. or infundib. downy, dingy flesh colour or brownish; g. tinged reddish-yellow; s. 4-5 cm. soon hollow, pallid, naked, smooth; milk white; sp. 8-9. helvus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. fragile, plane, subumb. pale brick red, broken up into floccose squamules; g. decurrent, soon ochraceous; s. 5-8 cm. brick red, pruinosely pubescent; milk scanty, white, rather sweet; sp. 8-9. L. tomentosus differs in the naked stem. squalidus, Kromb. P. 2-5 cm. umbil. pale greyish olive or lurid; g. narrow, yellowish; s. 4-5 cm. solid, equal, glabrous, pale brown; milk whitish; sp. 6-10. About size of L. pyrogalus, but gills narrow and milk mild. ligniotus, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. umb. plicato-rugulose, pruinosely velvety, sooty umber; g. adnate, snow-white then tinged ochre; s. 6-12 cm. colour of p., apex constricted and plicate; milk white; sp. echinulate, 9-10. Known by rugulose pileus and mild milk. -
§§ Gills pallid. pallidus, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. umbil. viscid, pale ochraceous tan, zoneless; g. crowded, pallid, pruinose; s. 3-5 cm. pallid tan, soon hollow; milk white; sp. 9-10 × 7-8. cremor, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. soon plane, minutely punctate, tawny, margin striate; g. adnate, pallid; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, coloured like p.; milk whitish, watery; sp. 9-10. var. pauper, Karst. P. 7 cm. margin sulcate; milk none; sp. 10. [rubrocinctus, Fr. P. plane, tawny then paler; g. adnate, pallid; s. pallid with a pale red zone at the apex; milk scanty, white. -
++ Milk acrid. -
§ Gills whitish or pallid. vellereus, Fr. White. P. 9-18 cm. umbil. tomentose, zoneless; g. decurrent, distant; s. solid, pubescent, 5-8 cm.; milk scanty, white; sp. 8 × 6. piperatus, Fr. White. P. 7-18 cm. thick, firm, umbil. then infundib. edge erect, glabrous, even; g. decur. crowded, narrow, forked; s. 3-4 cm. stout, smooth, solid; milk copious, white, acrid; sp. 8-9. pergamenus, Fr. White. P. 5-8 cm. plane then depr. wavy, rugulose; g. adnate, very narrow, horizontal, tinged straw colour; s. glabrous, discoloured, 7-10 cm.; milk white; sp. 8 × 6. Differs from L. piperatus in crowded narrow gills, longer stem, and thinner pileus. Scoticus, B. and Br. Pallid white, smell pungent. P. 2.4 cm. soon plane, tomentose then smooth except incurved margin; g. thin, rather broad; s. 2-3 cm. solid, tinged pink; milk white; sp. 7-8. involutus, Soppitt. White. P. 2-4 cm. plane or depr. incurved edge silky; g. subdecurrent, very narrow, densely crowded; s. 2-2.5 cm. glabrous, solid; milk white; sp. elliptical, 5 × 3. Differs from L. scoticus and all known species in the smooth, elliptical spores. torminosus, Schaeff. P. 6-9 cm. obt. depr. slightly zoned, margin strongly involute and shaggy, tinged flesh colour or ochre; g. subdecur. pale; s. 5-8 cm. paler than p.; milk white; sp. echin. 9-10 × 7-8. Differs from L. cilicioides in zoned pileus and white milk. cilicioides, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. soft, not zoned, exp. and depr. margin fibrillose, pale flesh colour with rufous tinge; g. decur. somewhat branched; s. 5-8 cm. stuffed, even, silky, not spotted, pallid; milk white or faintly tinged yellow; sp. 8 × 6-7, echinulate. pubescens, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. thin, exp. umbil. zoneless, whitish, margin pubescent; g. crowded, tinged pink; s. 2-4 cm. pinkish then pale, narrowed downwards; milk white; sp. echin. 7-8. Differs from L. torminosus and L. cilicioides in the margin being only downy. insulsus, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. soon infundib. viscid, slightly zoned, yellowish or reddish, margin naked; g. forked, pallid; s. 3-4 cm. stuffed then hollow, pallid; milk white; sp. echin. 10 × 8. L. zonarius differs in the solid stem. hysginus, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. rigid, umbil. viscid, thin margin incurved, reddish flesh colour; g. crowded; s. 5-9 cm. stuffed then hollow; milk white; sp. 10 × 7-8. [luridus, Fr. P. fleshy, almost plane, even, viscid, slightly zoned, rufous-grey, edge bent down; g. decur. whitish; milk white, acrid; s. hollow, pallid; sp. 8 × 6. zonarius, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. compact, viscid, pale orange or yellowish, zoned; g. whitish; s. 5-8 cm. solid, yellowish; milk white; sp. 9-10 × 8. circellatus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. soon plane, wavy, viscid, brownish, zones and umbilicate disc darker; g. crowded, whitish; s. solid, narrowed below, pallid; milk white; sp. 7-8. L. flexuosus differs in yellow gills. trivialis, Fr. 9-18 cm. depr. viscid, zoneless, pale yellowish or pinky tan, margin incurved; g. crowded, white; s. 3-8 cm. paler than p., hollow; milk white; sp. 9-10. turpis, Fr. P. 6-14 cm. rigid, depr. zoneless, viscid, olive-umber, margin at first with yellow down; g. thin, pallid; s. 3-6 cm. viscid, olive, narrowed at base; milk white; sp. echin. 6-8. Differs from L. blennius in absence of circles of spots on pileus. umbrinus, Pers. P. 5-8 cm. plane, umbil. wavy, dry, floccose, umber, not zoned; g. crowded, pallid; s. solid, very short, 2 cm. greyish white; milk white, forming grey spots; sp. 8-9. blennius, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. depr. glutinous, dingy olive grey, often concentrically spotted, margin at first incurved; g. crowded; s. 3-5 cm. viscid, coloured like pileus; milk white; sp. 7-8 × 6. [lividus, Lamb. P. convex then plane or depr. not distinctly zoned, pale livid, centre fuscescent, viscid (?); g. subdecur. pale livid, crowded; s. livid, solid, curved; milk white, acrid. [impolitus, Fr. P. convex then depr. subumb. dry, silky, not zoned, becoming pale; g. adnate, crowded, pallid; s. glabrous but not polished, reddish white; milk white, acrid. -
§§ Gills rufescent or yellowish. rufus, Scop. P. 6-9 cm. umb. depr. flocculose then glabrous, zoneless, rufous bay, shining; g. yellowish rufous; s. 5-8 cm. rufescent; milk white; sp. 7-9. [decipiens, Q. P. moist then puberulent, reddish flesh-colour; g. narrow, tinged flesh-colour; s. slender, paler than p., milk very acrid; sp. 8-9. [maliodorus, Boud. Smell unpleasant. P. infundib. dry, rather viscid when moist, tawny ochre or tawny brick-red, zones formed of darker spots, edge glabrous; g. subdecur. pallid then like p.; s. short, rugose; flesh tawny, milk white, acrid. Differs from L. quietus in brighter colour and acrid milk. capsicum, Schulz. P. 3-6 cm. obtuse, deep chestnut colour, margin strongly incurved; g. tawny; s. white with tawny fibrils; milk white; sp. 6-7. [tithymalinus, Fr. P. umb. then convex, depr. dry, even, glabrous, not zoned, yellow, disc rufescent; g. adnate, crowded, yellowish then flesh-colour; s. glabrous, colour of p.; milk white, acrid. subdulcis, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. thin, at length depr. papillate, even, glabrous, zoneless, bay or rufous cinnamon, not turning pale; g. adnate, paler than p.; s. 3-5 cm. soon hollow, equal, rufescent, slightly pruinose; milk white, sweet at first then very slightly acrid; sp. 9-10. var. concavus, Fr. P. rufous bay; g. reddish, pruinose; mild. var. sphagneti, Fr. P. shining, margin crenate; s. hollow, glabrous. Terrei, B. and Br. Caespitose. P. 1-2 cm. wrinkled, depr. bay; g. decur. pallid; s. thickened at base, hollow, with orange down; smell sweet. [rubescens, Bres. P. convexo-plane then depr. rarely subumb. polished, dry, edge at first incurved and white-pruinose, pinkish brick-red then paler; g. crowded, pallid then pinkish-rufescent, subdecur.; s. colour of p.; milk white, sparingly acrid; sp. 7-8. cimicarius, Batsch. Smell unpleasant, oily. P. 2-4 cm. depr. or infund. wavy, dark bay brown; g. reddish ochre, subdecur.; s. 2-3 cm. paler than p.; milk white; sp. 7-8. Smell strong, said to resemble bugs. obnubilus, Lasch. P. 2-3 cm. thin, convex, umbil. sooty brown, slightly striate; g. rather crowded, yellowish; s. 3-4 cm. stuffed, slender, paler than p.; milk white; sp. 8-9. var. crenatus, Mass. P. 3-5 cm. sooty brown, coarsely sulcate, margin crenate. flexuosus, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. dry, depr. wavy, lead colour or with lilac tinge, becoming squamulose; g. thick, distant, yellow; s. 5-8 cm. stout, solid, greyish; milk white; sp. 6-8. var. roseozonatus, Fr. P. rose colour, zones darker. Differs from L. blennius in yellow gills. plumbeus, Fr. P. 8-14 cm. convex then infundib. dry, dull, sooty then blackish brown; g. crowded, tinged yellow; s. solid, equal, stout; milk white, acrid; sp. 6-8 × 4-6. [capsicoides, Fr. P. compact, convex-incurved, wavy, dry, glabrous, not zoned, flesh-colour; g. broad, crowded, whitish; s. solid, short, thick. Differs from L. flexuosus in broad, crowded, white g. [jecorinus, Fr. P. convex then plano-depr. rugulose with elevated ridges, zoneless, viscid, reddish liver-colour; g. distant, yellow; s. hollow, pallid; milk white, acrid; sp. 10. [crampylus, Fr. P. convex, umbil. everywhere rugulosely tomentose, zoneless, sooty red, edge downy; g. yellow; s. greyish; milk white, acrid. pannucius, Fr. P. plano-discoid, zoneless, glabrous, brick-red, edge white-tomentose at first; g. yellow; s. elongated; milk white, acrid. [fluens, Boud. P. convex, viscid, blackish olive, centre scarcely zoned, edge pale; g. adnate, ochre with grey tinge later; s. solid, rather viscid greyish ochre, brown when bruised like gills; milk acrid, white then brownish. Differs from L. blennius in larger size, tufted habit, convex p. and darker colour. fascinans, Fr. P. convex then depr. viscid, brownish brick-red, zoneless, edge downy white at first; g. thickish, yellowish; s. hollow, pallid; milk white. cyathicula, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. plane, umb. brick-red then pale, broken up, opaque; g. decurrent, crowded, yellowish; s. 4-5 cm. pallid; milk white; sp. 6-8. glyciosmus, Fr. Strong scented. P. 3-7 cm. soon exp. umb. squamulose, greyish or brownish, opaque; g. soon pale ochre; s. 2-3 cm. pubescent, pallid; milk white; sp. 6-10. var. flexuosus, Fr. P. wavy, somewhat zoned. pyrogalus, Bull. P. 5-8 cm. exp. depr. livid grey; g. thin, ochraceous; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, pallid; milk white; sp. 7-10. L. flexuosus differs in larger size, thick gills, and squamulose dark pileus. utilis, Weinm. P. 10-20 cm. exp. then infund. glabrous, tan; g. adnate; s. 5-8 cm. hollow, even, coloured like p.; milk white; sp. 7-9 × 5-6. mammosus, Fr. P. 4-6 cm. acutely umb. then depr. zoneless, dry, greyish brown or lurid, covered with grey down; g. adnate, pale rusty; s. 5-7 cm. stuffed then hollow, pallid, downy; milk white, slowly acrid; sp. 8-9. aurantiacus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. depr. even, zoneless, slightly viscid dull orange; g. decurrent, ochre; s. 6-7 cm. coloured like p.; milk white, becoming acrid; sp. 9-10. L. volemus differs in pruinose stem, and L. mitissimus in mild milk. [Porinae, Roll. P. very firm, rugose, glabrous, viscid, orange yellow, generally with red zones, convex then plane, at length infundib. irreg. subumb. edge even incurved; g. yellow then ochre, crowded; s. ochre, rooting; milk white, scanty, rather acrid; sp. 7.5. picinus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. convex then plane, umb. brownish umber, at first villosely velvety then disc almost glabrous; g. adnate, much crowded, ochre; s. 4-7 cm. even, glabrous, paler; milk white; sp. 9-10. (5-6 Sacc.) Velvety p. and acrid milk mark this species. spinulosus, Q. P. 2-3 cm. depr. umbo acute, flesh colour or rosy, with minute erect spines towards margin; g. decur. flesh colour with yellow tinge; s. 2-3 cm. flexuous, rugulose, paler than p.; milk white; sp. 8. var. violaceus, Cke. P. rosy violet; s. almost smooth. lilacinus, Lasch. P. 2-5 cm. depr. papillate, rosy-lilac, floccose when dry; g. adnate, tinged pink; s. 2-3 cm. pallid with a white bloom; milk white; sp. 7-10. lateritioroseus, Karst. P. plano-depr. often subinfundib. and irreg. granulose or squamulose especially near the edge, zoneless or nearly so, pale brick-red with rosy tinge; g. decur. pinkish; s. solid, colour of p., apex with white meal; milk scanty, white, acrid; sp. 9-10 × 8-9. Differs from Lact. lilacinus in decur. g. and pileus not floccose. controversus, Pers. P. 7-12 cm. umbil. then infundib. whitish with red spots or zones; g. closely crowded, soon with flesh-coloured tint; s. 3-5 cm. white; milk white; sp. echin. 6-8. [viridis, Fr. P. depr. wavy, dry, green; g. white tinged rufous; s. hollow, stout, base narrowed; milk white; sp. 8.5 × 6. [tabidus, Fr. P. submembranaceous, acutely umb., reddish then pale, edge striate when moist; s. subfistulose, pallid; g. flaccid, pallid; milk; sp. 8 × 4-5. Recognised by very thin, acutely umbonate p.; owing to absence of description of milk, position uncertain. [rutaceus, Lasch. P. subdepr. almost glabrous, opaque, reddish-fawn; g. subdecur. crowded, narrow, yellowish clay-colour. Smell like Ruta graveolens, taste bitter and of camphor. Stem excentric or lateral; growing on wood. [lateripes, Fr. P. white tinged rosy, subdimidiate; g. crowded, pallid; s. lateral; milk white, rather acrid. [hometi, Gill. P. lateral, fleshy, convex, pale yellowish ochre, edge irreg. flesh white then violet; g. slightly decur. narrowed at both ends, pallid, spotted violet; s. lateral, stout, colour of p. minimus, W. G. Sm. P. 1 cm. convex, subumb. excentric, pallid tan; g. subdecur. pallid; s. 1 cm. solid, coloured like p.; milk abundant, white; sp. 3-4. obliquus, Fr. Smell strong. P. 3-4 cm. thin, depr. oblique, lobed, zoned greyish, silky; g. crowded; s. subexcentric, curved; milk white; sp. 5-6. HYGROPHORUS, Fr. -
I. Limacium. Pileus viscid, stem also often so; secondary veil floccose, forming a ring or attached to edge of p.; s. squamulose, or scabrid at apex; g. adnato-decur. -
* White or yellowish. [ligatus, Fr. White. P. convexo-plane, even; g. thick, distant; s. long, fibrillose, apex naked, ring inferior, subappend.; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. Sometimes tinged yellow, rarely spotted red. chrysodon, Fr. White, edge of p. gills and upper part of stem tinged yellow. P. 5-7 cm. exp.; g. broad, thin; s. 5-7 cm. yellow squamules forming ring at apex; sp. 8 × 4. [gliocyclus, Fr. P. exp. pallid-white, very glutinous; g. decur. distant, permanently white; s. with inferior glutinous ring. [hyacinthinus, Q. Fragrant. P. snow-white, viscid, silky-shining, margin pubescent; s. slender, striate, pruinose. eburneus, Bull. White. P. 3-5 cm. exp. even, edge soon naked; g. decur. distant, firm; s. 3-7 cm. viscid, rough with points at apex; sp. 5 × 4. Differs from H. cossus in pure white colour and absence of unpleasant smell. [subpurpurascens, Allesch. P. hemispher. viscid, white, tan or brownish when dry; g. decur. white, brownish-purple when dry; s. viscid, narrowed below and rooting, white, apex white-scurfy; sp. 6-8 × 5-6. cossus, Sow. Smell strong. P. 3-5 cm. exp. glutinous, shining when dry, white with yellow tinge, edge naked; g. subdecur. distant, firm; s. scurfy-punctate upwards; sp. 7-8 × 4-5. [melizeus, Fr. Straw colour. P. exp. depr. even; g. decur. thin, distant; s. soft, narrowed below, apex with white squamules. penarius, Sow. P. 4-7 cm. P. umb. then exp. and obtuse, usually dry, compact, pallid tan, opaque; g. decur. distant, thick; s. 3-5 cm. glutinous then dry and rugulose, fusiformly rooting; sp. 7-8 × 3-4. -
** Reddish. [purpurascens, Fr. P. whitish, disc with purplish squamules; g. decur. white tinged purple; s. white, bristling with purplish squamules, ring inferior. [capreolarius, Kalchbr. Entirely purple rufous. P. soon dry, virgate with darker fibrils, centre squamulosely punctate, flesh reddish; g. rigid, purplish then changing to cinnamon; s. reticulately striate with darker purple-umber fibrils. erubescens, Fr. P. 5-12 cm. gibbous then convexo-plane, white then deep rosy or dingy red; g. soft, white spotted red; s. 4-9 cm. reddish fibrillose, apex red punctate; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. Usually growing in circles. Pileus and flesh white suffused with red everywhere. pudorinus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. convex depr. viscid, clear reddish flesh colour; g. distant, thick, shining white; s. 5-9 cm. white, apex constricted and rough with points; sp. 8 × 4. Differs from H. erubescens in pure white gills, and clearer colour of p. rubescens, Beck. P. convex, shining, flesh-colour or yellowish, disc often somewhat tawny; g. very distant, adnate, scarcely decur., pale flesh-colour; s. clavate from base, yellowish white, narrowed and floccosely-verruculose below gills; sp. 7.5-10 × 4-7; flesh of p. reddish. Differs from H. pudorinus and H. discoideus in clavate s. and red flesh. [Queletii, Bres. P. convex-plane, subumb. white with pinkish flecks at centre, epidermis becoming squamulose, edge at first incurved and white-floccose, viscid; g. adnato-decur. white or yellowish, edge citrin; s. solid, white, scurfy with reddish flecks; sp. 8-9 × 5. Sometimes entirely white and p. concentrically cracked. glutinifer, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. rufescent, pellicle glutinous, disc rugosely punctate; g. arcuato-decur. white; s. 7-9 cm. stuffed, ventricose below, viscid, colour of p., apex white squamulose; sp. ——. [leucophaeus, Fr. P. exp. pallid gilvous, disc rugosely punctate; g. adnate then decur. pallid; s. hollow, narrowed below, pallid, apex white floccose; sp. 6-8 × 4. [Secretani, Henn. (= Ag. suaveolens, Var. D. Secr.) Smell strong, like aniseed. P. camp. exp. white, disc with rosy fibrils; g. adnato-decur. distant, thick, white then tan or yellowish; s. white, glabrous, apex white-floccose; sp. 11-13 × 5-6. [persicinus, Beck. P. conic then hemispher. edge incurved, peach colour or somewhat orange, shining, even; g. thick, both ends narrowed, decur. edge very obtuse, fuscescent; s. constricted below gills, pale lilac-peach-colour, base yellowish; sp. 15-20 × 5-6. [miniaceus, Beck. P. convex then exp. fleshy, vermilion brick-red, centre innately floccose; g. adnate, very distant, broad, white; s. orange flesh-colour; flesh white soon reddish, deep rose under cuticle of p.; sp. 6-7. -
*** Tawny or yellow. arbustivus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. viscid, innately virgate, tawny; g. adnate, thick, white; s. solid, 3-4 cm. pallid, apex with loose white mealy granules; sp. 10 × 6. discoideus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. depr. glutinous, pale gilvous, disc dark and rusty; g. adnato-decur. soft, colour of p. then pallid; s. viscid, flocculose, with white points upwards, 3-5 cm.; sp. 5-8 × 4-5. [Friesii, Sacc. (H. nitidus, Fr. Mon., not B. and C.). P. convex then plane, obtuse, viscid, yellow; g. deeply decur. white then pallid; s. solid, glabrous, viscid, apex even, white; sp. 8 × 4-5. [nitidus, Fr. P. exp. viscid, yellow; g. deeply decur. distant, white then pallid; s. solid, glabrous, viscid, apex smooth, white. aureus, Arrh. P. 2-3 cm. exp. glutinous, golden yellow; g. adnato-decur. white; s. 4-5 cm. reddish tawny and glutinous up to imperfect ring; sp. 8 × 4. [Bresadolae, Q. P. campan.-exp. umb. glutinous, clear yellow, umb. orange tawny; g. distant, thick, attenuato-decur. citrin or more or less white; s. apex white, yellow-flocculose below ring, glutinous; sp. 8-10 × 6. [lucorum, Kalchb. P. plano-depr. subumb. viscid, whitish, disc bright citrin, altogether yellowish when old; g. adnato-decur. pallid or citrin, edge white; s. slender, base subbulbous, colour of p.; sp. 7 × 4. aromaticus, Sow. P. 5-7 cm. exp. very fragile, cinnamon, glutinous; g. subdecur. white with pink tinge; s. 3-5 cm. equal, colour of p. Smell spicy, taste like peppermint. A fungus of uncertain affinity. -
**** Olivaceous-umber. limacinus, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. convex, obtuse, umber then smoky olive, edge paler; g. adnato-decur. greyish white; s. 5-7 cm. solid, viscid, apex squamulose; 12 × 8. Differs from H. olivaceo-albus in squamulose apex of stem, and from H. agathosmus in viscid stem. [vignolius, Paniz. P. obtuse, very glutinous, olive; g. adnate, greyish-purple then rusty, edge white; s. with dark concentric scales or glutinous and fibrillose. olivaceo-albus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. even, with olive gluten which disappears leaving surface pale, umbo brown; g. adnato-decur. white; s. 5-7 cm. viscid, with a floccose ring at first, scaly and spotted brown, apex glabrous; sp. 7-8 × 4. hypothejus, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. exp. and more or less depr. thin, olive gluten disappearing and leaving p. yellowish-olive or brownish, virgate; g. decur. yellow; s. 5-9 cm. viscid, paler than p., trace of ring when young; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. H. olivaceo-albus differs in white gills. cerasinus, B. Smell strong, like cherry-laurel. P. 2-3 cm. obtusely umb. viscid, pale umber then greyish, margin downy; g. very distant, tinged pink; s. 5-7 cm. white, apex squamulose; sp. 8 × 4. -
***** Brownish grey or livid. fusco-albus, Lasch. P. 4-5 cm. exp. even, viscid, brownish grey; g. decur. broad, snow-white; s. 5-7 cm. equal, dry, apex white-floccose; sp. 12-14 × 7-8. agathosmus, Fr. Smell like aniseed. P. 3-5 cm. exp. gibbous, viscid, livid grey, disc with crowded pellucid papillae; g. decur. soft, white; s. 5-7 cm. dry, fibrillosely striate, rough with squamules upwards; sp. 9-10 × 5. [pustulatus, Fr. P. exp. umb. viscid, livid grey, umbo fuscous, cracked into papillae; g. adnato-decur. white, often glaucous; s. equal, white, rough with black points; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. Var. terebratus, Fr. P. subumb. glabrous; g. triquetrous; s. wavy, pure white, apex with black points. [tephroleucus, Fr. P. exp. then depr. round the brown umbo, viscid, grey, adpressedly squamuloso-fibrillose; g. decur. white; s. solid, with black fibrils above. [hyporrhodius, Otth. P. convex then depr. greyish brown, disc squamulose; g. slightly decur. both ends acute, rosy white, connected by veins; s. equal, white, granulosely squamulose. [albidus, Karst. P. convexo-plane, umb. cuticle longitudinally interwoven, rugosely papillate near edge, even, whitish, viscid; g. adnato-decur. distant, shining white; s. equal, flocculose, white; sp. 8-10 × 6. mesotephrus, B. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. hygr. viscid, striate, whitish with brown disc; g. decur. white, s. 3-5 cm. slender, flexuous, white, viscid, apex granular; sp. 9-10 × 5. livido-albus, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. even, glabrous, viscid, exp. obtuse, thin, everywhere livid; g. decur. white; s. slender, even, almost smooth; sp. 10 × 6. Differs from H. eburneus in livid p. and glabrous s. calophyllus, Karst. P. conico-convex, exp. obsoletely umb. viscid, even, glabrous, sooty-fuscous; g. decur. distant, joined by veins, rosy or at length whitish; s. thicker below, wavy, pallid then sooty, glabrous, even, dry; sp. 6-8 × 4-5. -
II. Camarophyllus. Veil absent. Stem not punctate or scabrid. Pileus firm, moist in wet weather but not viscid. Gills distant, arcuate. -
* Gills deeply and at length obconically decurrent. caprinus, Scop. P. 7-12 cm. fleshy, fragile, exp. umb. rather wavy, sooty, fibrillose; g. very broad, thick, very distant, white then glaucous; s. 5-7 cm. solid, sooty fibrillose; sp. 10 × 7-8. leporinus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. convex, gibbous, reddish-yellow, fibrilloso-floccose, opaque; g. decur. gilvous; s. 4-5 cm. fibrillose, pallid; sp. subgl. 5-6. Differs from H. pratensis in floccose p. [alutaceorubens, Otth. P. convex then flat, yellowish red, disc darker; g. scarcely decur. reddish-yellow; s. cylind. rather twisted, apex reddish and mealy, whitish below. [velutinus, Borsz. P. exp. gibbous then subdepr. even when moist, floccosely squamulose when dry, tawny yellow; g. deeply decur. thick, orange; s. fibrillosely squamulose, darker; sp. 8 × 4. nemoreus, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. equally fleshy, exp. almost glabrous, tawny orange; g. thick, distant, colour of p.; s. squamulose, fibroso-striate, base narrowed, pale; sp. 6-7 × 5. Differs from H. pratensis in squamulose, pale s., and from H. leporinus in glabrous p. pratensis, Fr. Every part tawny-yellow or buff. P. 2-7 cm. disc very fleshy, gibbous, margin thin, altogether obconic; g. deeply decur. thick, distant; s. 3-5 cm. stuffed, even, glabrous, narrowed downwards; sp. 6 × 4. Edible. Variable in size, sometimes all white or grey, s. often pale. Var. cinereus, Fr. P. and g. grey, s. whitish, slender. Var. pallidus, B. and Br. P. depr. or infundib., edge wavy, entirely pale ochre. [bicolor, Karst. P. compact and thick, obconoid, convex, often depr. whitish, even, glabrous, g. deeply decur. gilvous; s. long, solid, narrowed below, glabrous, whitish; sp. 10 × 6. [suberosus, Jacobasch. P. convex, subdepr. subturbinate, not umb. reddish yellow, g. decur. pallid; s. pallid, equal, floccosely tomentose; sp. 3.7-5.5. [Karstenii, Sacc. and Cub. P. fleshy, disc compact, convexo-plane, glabrous, even, whitish; g. deeply decur. distant, yellow; s. solid, narrowed below, wavy, whitish; sp. 10 × 6. virgineus, Wulf. White. P. 3-7 cm. fleshy, exp. obtuse then depr. becoming cracked and floccose when dry; g. distant, thickish; s. 3-5 cm. stuffed, firm, short, narrowed downwards; sp. 8-10 × 5. Edible. Var. roseipes, Mass. Stem rosy downwards. niveus, Fr. White. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. tough, membranaceous, convex, umbil. viscid; g. thin, arcuate, distant; s. 4-6 cm. slender, equal; sp. 7-8 × 4-5. Differs from H. virgineus in smaller size, thin p. and slender equal s. russo-coriaceus, B. and Br. White, fragrant. P. 1.5-2 cm. convex, disc fleshy, edge thin; g. thick, very distant; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. solid, smooth, base narrowed; sp. 8 × 5. Differs from H. niveus in thick disc, and smell resembling Russian leather. [helvella, Boud. P. hygr. glabrous, greyish ochre, obconic-campan. edge sometimes wavy; g. shortly decur. narrow, grey; s. whitish, equal, scurfy above, base thickened and downy. [glaucus, Karst. P. convexo-plane, umb. then depr. and somewhat wavy, moist, glabrous, shining, even, glaucous; g. deeply decur. rather branched, glaucous; s. wavy, with white down then glabrous, white; sp. 6-8, glob. [clivalis, Fr. White, fragile. P. campan. exp. shining, edge at first incurved then spreading, striate; g. narrowed behind, nearly free, ventricose, distant; s. solid, short, fragile, narrowed below; sp. 6-7 × 4. ventricosus, B. and Br. White. P. 4-7 cm. convex, disc fleshy, edge thin, sometimes irreg.; g. deeply decur. narrow; s. 4-7 cm. ventricose, solid, smooth; sp. 7 × 4. Known among white sp. by fleshy p. and stout, ventricose stem. -
** Gills ventricose, sinuato-arcuate or plano-adnate. fornicatus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. campan. then exp. even, glabrous, viscid, white or livid; g. sinuato-adnexed, thick, white; s. 5-7 cm. firm, equal, tough, glabrous, white; sp. 5-6 × 3. Stem solid below, apex hollow. Pileus obsoletely umb. rather wavy; gills sometimes free, with a decurrent tooth, not decurrent as in H. virgineus. distans, B. P. 2-4 cm. exp. or depr. umbil. thin, viscid, white with silky sheen, sometimes stained with brown; g. adnate, very distant, white; s. 3-4 cm. white above, rather narrowed and greyish below; sp. 10 × 8. [streptopus, Fr. Fragile, splitting. P. campan. exp. greyish white; g. sinuato-adnate, rather crowded, white; s. hollow, rather twisted, white. Clarkii, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. fragile, thin, exp. subumb. viscid, livid grey; g. adnate with decur. tooth, broad, thick, distant, white; s. 4-7 cm. grey, base white; sp. subgl. 12 × 10. H. distans differs in white umbilic. p. metapodius, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. compact, exp. viscid then silky squamulose, brownish; g. arcuato-decur. thick, distant, greyish; s. 3-4 cm. glabrous, grey, reddish inside; sp. 8 × 5. ovinus, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. thin, conical then exp. gibbous, viscid then squamulose, fuscous; g. arcuato-adnate, connected by veins, grey then rufescent; s. 4-5 cm. glabrous, often twisted, pallid or dark; sp. 5 × 3-4. Differs from H. metapodius in thin p. subequal s. and thinner g. [connatus, Karst. P. thin, convexo-exp. unequal, dry, even, grey then pallid, silky-white then glabrous; g. decur. distant, branched, narrow, grey; s. solid, rather wavy, squamulose above, colour of p.; sp. 7-9 × 4-5. [flavus, Lamb. Smell like new meal. P. convex, exp. then umbil. edge sublobed, glabrous, even, yellowish; g. adnexed with decur. tooth, very broad, ventricose, distant, whitish; s. equal, even, cylindrical, colour of p. subradiatus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. submembranaceous, subumb. radiato-striate, brownish; g. adnate with decur. tooth, thin, white; s. 3-6 cm. fistulose, glabrous, pallid; sp. 8 × 5. Var. lacmus, Fr. P. plano-depr. lilac then pallid, disc sometimes fibrillose; g. grey. irrigatus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. thin, campan. then exp. subumb. livid, lubricous; g. whitish, with a decur. tooth; s. 4-7 cm. grey, very viscid; sp. 6-7 × 4. H. unguinosus differs in the sooty-grey gluten. -
III. Hygrocybe. Veil absent. Entire fungus thin, watery, fragile. P. viscid when moist, shining when dry, rarely floccose. Often bright coloured. -
* Gills decurrent or adnate with decur. tooth. Colemannianus, Blox. P. 3-5 cm. campan. then exp. and strongly umb. pale umber paler except disc when dry; g. deeply decur. connected by veins, pale brown; s. 2-3 cm. white, silky upwards; sp. 7 × 4. foetens, Phill. Very foetid. P. 2-3 cm. exp. umber; g. grey; s. 2-3 cm. olive yellow, squamulose; sp. subgl. 4-5. sciophanus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. slightly viscid, opaque, pale brick red, or tawny, striate; g. decur. connected by veins, tinged red; s. 3-6 cm. hollow, subflexuous, smooth; sp. ——. [sulcatus, Karst. P. campan. exp. viscid, sulcate except disc, deep tawny; s. hollow, equal, glabrous, viscid, yellowish; g. decur. yellowish. laetus, Fr. (= H. Houghtoni, B.). P. 2-3 cm. thin, convexo-plane, viscid, tawny; g. thin, distant, paler than p. decur.; s. 5-7 cm. tough, equal, viscid, colour of p.; sp. 7 × 4-5. Differs from H. sciophanus in viscid stem. vitellinus, Fr. Every part clear lemon yellow, paler when dry. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. viscid, edge plicato-striate; g. decur. rather distant; s. 3-5 cm. hollow, fragile; sp. 6 × 4. ceraceus, Wulf. P. 2-3 cm. fragile, thin, exp. viscid, shining, wax-yellow; g. adnate, subdecur. distant, broad, almost triangular, yellow; s. hollow, 3-4 cm. hollow, colour of p. often flexuous; sp. 8 × 6. Differs from H. vitellinus in broad gills and wax-yellow s. and p. coccineus, Schaeff. P. 2.5-3 cm. fragile, thin, convexo-plane, obtuse, viscid, glabrous, scarlet then pale; g. adnate with decur. tooth, connected by veins, reddish or yellowish; s. 3-5 cm. hollow, compr. yellowish, crimson above; sp. 10-12 × 6. (6-8 × 4-5.) Differs from H. puniceus in adnate g. and yellow base of s., from H. miniatus in glabrous p. and yellow base of s. miniatus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. fragile, thin, convex then umbil. scarlet then pale, opaque and squamulose; g. adnate, distant, yellow and red; s. 3-5 cm. terete, polished, scarlet; sp. 10 × 6. turundus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. thin, convex then umbil. very brittle, covered with greyish-brown down then squamulose; g. decur. distant, white then yellowish; s. 2-3 cm. tawny, polished; sp. ——. P. soon broken up into smoky squamules, but golden and viscid at first. Var. mollis, B. and Br. P. golden with fibrils of same colour; s. yellow; g. shortly decur. Var. lepidus, Boud. Brilliant golden orange; p. convex, squamulose or hirsuto-tomentose, umbil. then golden, centre deepest; g. thick distant, deeply and abruptly decur. pallid; s. elongated, colour of p.; sp. 9-10 × 5-6. mucronellus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. submembranaceous, fragile, conic then campan. acutely umb. glabrous, vermilion then pale; g. decur. triangular, thick, yellow; s. 2-3 cm. slender, colour of p. base white; sp. ——. Wynniae, B. and Br. (= Clitocybe xanthophylla, Bres., fide Berk.). P. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, convex then umbil. or infundib., striate, lemon yellow, greenish when dry; g. decur. yellowish then tinged green; s. 2-3 cm. colour of p.; sp. 7-8 × 6. [syrjensis, Karst. P. thin convex, disc depr. glabrous, even, dry, fuscous-white or dingy yellowish; g. deeply decur. brownish, somewhat branched; s. equal, pallid; sp. 6 × 3-4. micaceus, B. and Br. P. 1-1.5 cm. thin, exp. yellow then grey with green tinge, wrinkled, micaceous; g. decur. pale umber; s. 2-2.5 cm. slender, yellow, base brown; sp. 4 × 3. -
** Gills adnexed then separating from stem. puniceus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. campan. obtuse, wavy, viscid, crimson then pale; g. slightly adnexed, thick, distant, yellow; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, striate, colour of p. base white; sp. 8 × 5. Differs from H. coccineus in adnexed g. and striate stem with white base. Var. nigrescens, Q. Becoming blackish everywhere. P. orange, virgate, then grey and silky; s. striate, yellow, apex red. obrusseus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. conico-convex, wavy, golden yellow, shining; g. adnato-ventricose, thick, distant; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, subcompressed, glabrous, even, yellow, base tawny; sp. 10-12 × 7. Tawny base of stem not always evident. [citrino-croceus, Beck. P. convex, flattened, glabrous, shining, citrin-saffron, disc golden, edge whitish, slightly upturned; g. very distant, broad, shortly decur. white; s. solid, subequal white or spotted citrin; sp. 7.5-8.5 × 3.5-5. intermedius, Pass. P. 3-5 cm. thin, campan. then exp. silky-fibrillose, golden then greyish; g. adnate, ventricose, white then yellow; s. 4-7 cm. yellow, fibrillosely striate; sp. 8-9 × 6. Differs from H. obrusseus in strong mealy smell, and p. becoming grey. conicus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. conical, acute, often lobed, yellow or tinged crimson; g. nearly free, thin, yellowish; s. 3-9 cm. hollow fibroso-striate, colour of p.; sp. 10-11 × 6-8. Every part blackish when bruised or old. [albus, Otth. P. conical, obtuse, even, white; g. free, snow-white; s. white, striate, shining. Differs from Hygr. conicus in colour and obtuse p. calyptraeformis, B. P. 3-7 cm. acutely conical then splitting and exp. clear rose then paler; g. slightly adnexed, tinged rose; s. 6-9 cm. hollow, white; sp. 7 × 4. Var. niveus, Cke. Entirely white. chlorophanus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. fragile, very thin, convex, obtuse, viscid, yellow, sometimes crimson; g. emarginate, adnexed, white tinged yellow; s. viscid when moist, even, everywhere yellow, 4-7 cm.; sp. 8 × 5. Differs from H. conicus in not becoming black. psittacinus, Schaeff. P. 1.5-3 cm. campan. then exp. umb. striate, yellow and orange, with green gluten; g. thick, distant, greenish; s. 3-5 cm. glutinous, yellow, apex green; sp. 10 × 5. spadiceus, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. thin, conical, acute, fibrilloso-virgate, with olive-bay gluten, blackish and shining when dry; g. citrin; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, dry, tawny-fibrillose; sp. 6-7 × 4. Differs from H. conicus in virgate p. and thicker g. not narrowed behind. [squalidus, Lasch. Fragile. P. campan. exp. gibbous, and with the glabrous hollow s. sooty and glutinous, orange after the gluten has gone; g. thick, livid then fuscous, edge orange. unguinosus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. fragile, thin, obtuse, uneven, smooth, with smoky-brown dripping gluten, becoming cracked; g. white; s. 4-5 cm. hollow, with smoky gluten; sp. 10 × 7-8. [obscuratus, Karst. P. fragile, convex, obtuse, dry, squamulose, sooty or livid blackish, mouse-colour when dry; g. sinuato-adnate, whitish or glaucous; s. unequal, usually inflated below, wavy, glabrous, pallid, centre often tinged smoky; sp. 7-10 × 3-5. nitratus, Pers. Smell strong, nitrous. P. 3-5 cm. deformed, viscid, soon dry and squamulose, brownish-grey; g. broad, distant, white then glaucous; s. 4-7 cm. polished, white or tinged yellow; sp. 8 × 5. There are two forms, a large one in woods, and a smaller one in pastures, structure that of H. coccineus, but colours very different. Readily distinguished by the strong nitrous smell. [Schulzeri, Bres. P. hemispher. exp. or depr. dry, even, livid cinnamon; g. distant, subdecur. white then greyish; s. dry, colour of p., apex white-scurfy; inodorous; sp. glob. 3-3.5. [glauconitens, Fr. Rigid. P. fibrillosely virgate, olive-black or sooty then pale; g. glaucous; s. equal, shining; sp. 6-8 × 6-7. Fries thinks this may be a young state of H. nitratus. Smell same but weaker. [Marzuolus, Bres. (= Clitocybe Marzuolus, Bres.). P. 4.5-7 cm. s. 4-7 cm. base clavate; sp. 6-7 × 4-5. Bresadola considers this sp. is the Clitocybe of Fries.
A. P. fleshy, not hygr. pale and silky when dry. -
* Disciformes. P. fleshy, convex then plane or subdepressed. -
+ P. greyish or brownish. nebularis, Batsch. P. 6-12 cm. convex then subgibbous, grey, at first with grey meal; g. narrow, subdecur. crowded, pallid; s. 5-8 cm. narrowed upwards, fibrillose, pale; sp. 6 × 3.5. Edible. clavipes, Pers. P. 3-6 cm. convex then plane, naked, grey or brownish; g. decur. down stem, rather distant; s. obconic, fibrillose, 4-5 cm. livid sooty; sp. 6-7 × 4. comitalis, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, obtuse, sooty umber; s. 4-7 cm. obconic, sooty; g. plane, crowded; sp. 7-8 × 4. gangraenosa, Fr. Foetid. P. 5-8 cm. soon plane, obtuse, whitish, variegated black, greenish, livid &c.; g. dingy white; s. 3-4 cm. striate, somewhat bulbous; sp. ——. polius, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convexo-plane, regular, grey; g. decur. closely crowded, white; s. 4-7 cm. equal, glabrous, whitish; sp. ——. C. fumosa differs in cartilaginous substance, mealy apex of stem, hygr. &c. inornata, Sow. P. 7-10 cm. plane or depr. pale greyish tan often with olive tinge, cuticle separable; g. adnate then decur. grey; s. 3-4 cm. glabrous, greyish; sp. ——. [Cardarella, Fr. Convex then plano-depr. glabrous, shining, covered with a thick separable pellicle, blackish red, very viscid; g. decur. broad, shining white; s. solid, stout, white. Edible. [auricula, D. C. P. hemispher. even, glabrous, edge incurved, naked, greyish brown; g. white; s. solid, glabrous, white. [nimbata, Batsch. P. camp.-convex, even, thin margin incurved, white mealy; g. crowded, arcuate, white; s. solid, innately squamulose, squamules becoming blackish. [luscina, Fr. P. exp. even, glabrous, edge spreading, naked, fuscous then livid; g. subdecur. crowded; s. solid, short, narrowed downwards, powdered with white meal. [curtipes, Fr. P. exp. oblique, obtuse, brown then pale, flesh brown; g. closely crowded, white; s. short, rigid, fuscous, thickened upwards, pale and subpruinose. hirneola, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. convex then plane, silky shining, grey then pale; g. crowded, hoary; s. 4-5 cm. slender, subflexuous, grey, apex with white meal; sp. 5 × 3. var. major, Fr. P. wavy, slightly zoned, whitish. var. undulata, ——. P. exp. slightly wavy and zoned, whitish; s. thickened downwards. [dothiophora, Fr. P. exp. oblique, gibbous, hoary; g. decur. crowded, whitish; s. solid, short, excentric, glabrous. -
++ Pileus violet or rufescent. cyanophaea, Fr. P. 6-9 cm. plane, obtuse, brownish-blue; g. deeply decur. violet then pale; s. 6-7 cm. narrowed upwards, bluish when young, apex abruptly white; sp. ——. Differs from Trich. nudum in decurrent gills, &c. [tyrianthina, Fr. Exp. even, purplish flesh colour, pellicle separable when dry; g. rosy violet; s. villose then striate. Differs from C. gilva in springing from a fiery-red mycelium. Somewhat resembling Trich. personatum. opiparia, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. nearly plane, obtuse, yellowish flesh-colour, shining; g. white, connected by veins; s. 4-7 cm. solid, glabrous, whitish; sp. ——. amara, Fr. Taste very bitter. P. 3-5 cm. plane, obtuse or subumb. floccosely broken up, rufescent; g. crowded, narrow, white; s. 4-5 cm. white, solid, floccose then glabrous; sp. 4 × 2. [vulpecula, Kalchb. P. exp. depr. gilvous-rufescent; g. acutely adnate, narrow; s. hollow, naked, whitish. socialis, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. umb. even, yellowish-red; g. tinged yellow; s. 2-3 cm. reddish, rooting base hairy; sp. ——. Stem strigose as in Marasmius personatus. -
+++ Pileus becoming yellowish. amarella, Pers. Smell strong, taste bitter. P. 4-5 cm. plane, subumb. reddish-yellow or fawn colour; g. tinged grey, shining; s. 4-5 cm. pallid grey, white down at base; sp. ——. [veneris, Fr. P. exp. gibbous, yellow; g. crowded, shining white; s. elastic, glabrous, white. vernicosa, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. obtuse, even, glabrous, gilvous or deep yellow; g. yellow; s. 2-3 cm. glabrous, yellow; sp. ——. Distinguished from Trich. cerinum by decur. gills. venustissima, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. obtuse, striate, orange, tinged red; g. decur. orange; s. 3-4 cm. long, glabrous, orange-red; sp. 6 × 3.5. alutacea, Cke. and Mass. P. 1-1.5 cm. convex then umbil. edge incurved, even, tan; g. narrow, crowded, arcuate, decur. paler than p.; s. 3-4 cm. smooth, pale; sp. 6 × 4. subalutacea, Batsch. P. 3-5 cm. plano-depr. obtuse, yellowish then pale; g. broad, whitish; s. 4-5 cm. firm, elastic, glabrous; sp. ——. -
++++ Pileus greenish or pallid. odora, Sow. Smell fragrant. P. 4-5 cm. wavy, pale, dingy opaque green; g. adnate, not crowded, pallid; s. 3-4 cm. elastic; sp. 6-8 × 4-5. Trogii, Fr. Smell fragrant. P. 4-5 cm. compact, greyish white; g. crowded, white; s. 4-5 cm. whitish, solid; sp. ——. Stouter than C. odora, and p. greyish, not green. [vilis, Karst. P. convex, exp. umb. glabrous, pellucidly striate, livid, pallid when dry; g. decur. pallid; s. equal, wavy, glabrous, umber, apex white-scurfy, livid when dry; sp. 2.5-3.5 × 2. [bifurcata, Weinm. P. exp. rather silky, clay-colour then pale, edge substriate; g. adnato-decur. simple or bifurcate, white; s. fibrillose. rivulosa, Pers. P. 3-7 cm. exp. or depr. obtuse, flesh-colour, rufescent &c. then pale, glabrous then with white down; g. broad, rather crowded, faintly tinged pink; s. 4-5 cm. tough, rather fibrillose, whitish; sp. 6 × 3.5. var. neptunea, Cke. Smaller than type. [rigidata, Karst. P. rigid, plane, depr. unequal, even, glabrous, pallid then whitish; g. adnate, pallid; s. thickened upwards, often compr. rooting, pallid; sp. 4-5 × 2-3. -
+++++ Pileus white, shining when dry. cerussata, Fr. White. P. 3-7 cm. plane, obtuse, even, subglabrous; g. closely crowded, adnate; s. 4-5 cm. smooth, elastic; sp. ——. var. difformis. Tufted, p. lobed; s. rugose; g. pallid. var. obtextus, Lasch. Snow-white. P. fibrillosely interwoven then glabrous, rather viscid; g. subdecur. crowded. [puellula, Karst. P. convexo-plane, subumb. even, glabrous, shining white; g. adnate, crowded, white; s. subequal, straight, elastic, white with blackish squamules; sp. 9-12 × 5-7. Allied to Clito. cerrusatus but smaller and with black squamules on stem. [adsentiens, Karst. P. convexo-plane, obtuse, even, at length scaly, white; g. adnate, closely crowded, white; s. short, base thickened, white with blackish scales; sp. ——. phyllophila, Fr. Whitish-tan. P. 3-7 cm. convexo-plane, umbil. not becoming pale, veil forming a silvery zone near margin; g. rather distant, white then pallid; silky-fibrous, tough, 5-8 cm.; sp. 6 × 4. pithyophila, Fr. White. P. 3-7 cm. exp. umbil. glabrous, becoming shining white; g. crowded, permanently white; s. 4-5 cm. often compr. base downy; sp. ——. tornata, Fr. White. P. 3-5 cm. orbicular, subdepr. glabrous, shining; g. rather crowded; s. stuffed, glabrous, 3-4 cm.; 4-6 × 3-4 µ. Very regular in form. var. opala, Fr. White. P. viscid. [olorina, Fr. Whitish. P. exp. even, glabrous; s. hollow, rigid, cylindrical, squamulose; g. subdecur. crowded. candicans, Pers. White. P. 2-3 cm. plane or subdepr. umbil. with adpressed silkiness, shining white when dry; g. adnate then decur. crowded; s. 3-5 cm. subfistulose, cartilaginous, shining; sp. 5-6 × 4. dealbata, Sow. White. P. 2-3 cm. plane then upturned and wavy, glabrous, rather shining; g. adnate, crowded, white; s. 2-3 cm. entirely fibrous, thin, equal, stuffed; sp. 4-5 × 2.5. gallinacea, Scop. White, taste acrid. P. depr. even, dry, opaque; g. crowded, narrow; s. 2-3 cm. equal, even, solid; sp. ——. Differs from C. dealbata in dingy white, opaque p. and acrid taste. -
** Difformes. Pileus fleshy at the disc, margin thin, umb. at first, then exp. depr. and irregular. decastes, Fr. Clustered. P. 10-25 cm. wavy, subumb. glabrous, uniformly dingy brown or livid, then pale; g. crowded, wavy, white; s. 9-16 cm. long, solid, glabrous, white, apex pruinose; sp. globose, 4-5. subdecastes, Cke. and Mass. Clustered. P. 3-5 cm. convex, obtuse, ochre, paler towards lobed margin; g. crowded, white; s. 8-12 cm. fibrillose, whitish; sp. globose, 4-5. ampla, Pers. P. 7-12 cm. convex then exp. wavy, sooty then livid, even; g. broad, smoky then dingy white; s. 9-14 cm. subcartilaginous, naked, white, apex somewhat downy; sp. ——. [molybdina, Bull. P. camp. exp. umb. glabrous, sooty, disc livid rufous, then pale; g. horn colour then pallid; s. stout, fibrillosely striate, mealy squamulose upwards, pallid. [coffeata, Fr. P. brownish fawn then sooty grey, fawn colour and shining when dry, virgate or spotted; g. decur. dingy white, as is also the glabrous s. aggregata, Schaeff. Tufted. P. 5-9 cm. wavy, greyish or reddish yellow, then pale, silkily virgate; g. yellowish flesh colour; s. 7-10 cm. fibrillose, narrowed below and often grown together at base; sp. ——. [hortensis, Pers. Caespitose, elastic. P. exp. obsoletely umb. sooty, blackish; g. decur. white then flesh-colour; s. hollow, rather wavy. [tabescens, Scop. (= Coll. tabescens, Fr.). P. conico-campan. exp. umb. depr. round umbo, tawny honey-colour, or tawny-brown, disc scaly; g. decur. pallid then pinkish tan; s. fibrillosely scaly, pallid or lurid yellow, elongated; sp. 8-10 × 5-7. Closely resembling Armillaria mellea, but no ring on stem. [anapacta, Pers. P. depr. wavy, brown, edge incurved; g. broad, dingy tan; s. narrowed below, pallid. elixa, Sow. P. 5-9 cm. unequal, wavy, disc umb. smoky buff, edge paler; g. distant; s. 3-5 cm. solid, dingy, subfloccose; sp. 7 × 4. fumosa, Pers. Tufted. P. 3-5 cm. subcartilaginous, obtuse, wavy, sooty brown then pale; g. adnate, livid; s. 5-8 cm. often twisted, dingy, apex minutely mealy; sp. subgl. 5-6. Differs from C. elixa in obtuse, non-virgate p. [effocatella, Viv. Caespitose. P. convex, even, glabrous, livid chestnut or umber; g. adnate, crowded, white; s. naked, ventricose below. tumulosa, Kalchbr. Tufted. P. 2.5 cm. umb. even, umber then pale; g. soon greyish; s. 8-12 cm. solid, dingy, floccosely pruinose; sp. ——. pergamena, Cke. Tufted. P. 2-5 cm. convex then plane, subumb. pallid; g. broadly adnate with decur. tooth, white; s. 8-12 cm. whitish, apex squamulose; cartilaginous; sp. ——. [humosa, Fr. P. fragile, exp. wavy, fuscous; g. adfixed, both ends narrowed; s. short, whitish like the gills. [adunata, Secr. Tufted, foetid. P. exp. gibbous then depr. white becoming spotted red then rufous, becoming viscid; g. decur. crowded, eroded, dingy red; s. stout, twisted, narrowed below, whitish. cryptarum, Letell. Tufted. P. somewhat conical, flocculose, spotted brown; g. decur. narrow, white; s. white, striate. A doubtful species. [hebepodia, Fr. P. exp. depr. unequal, even, grey then pale; g. decur. white; s. woolly, white. [connata, Schum. Shining white. P. conical exp. unequal, moist, obtuse umbo disappearing; g. unequally decur. narrow, crowded; stems numerous, hollow, collected at base into a tuberous mass. opaca, Fr. White. P. 3-6 cm. umb. often depr. and wavy, minutely flocculose; g. closely crowded; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillose, wavy; sp. ——. Differs from C. cerrusata in umbonate p. occulta, Cke. P. 3-5 cm. depr. virgate, viscid, disc smoky rest whitish; g. adnate, white; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillosely striate, solid, white; sp. ——. monstrosa, Sow. P. 3-5 cm. umb. wavy, opaque white; g. adnato-decur. creamy; s. 2-4 cm. opaque white, streaked; sp. ——. marzuola, Fr. P. compact, exp. subdepr. even, wavy, dusky; g. unequally decur.; s. stout, short, white. -
*** Infundibiliformes. Pileus fleshy at disc, thinner towards the margin, becoming deeply umbilicate or infundibuliform. -
+ Pileus coloured, or becoming pallid, silky. gigantea, Sow. (= Pax. giganteus, Fr.) P. 12-20 cm. infundib. whitish or tinged tan, edge coarsely striate; g. closely crowded; s. pallid, solid, glabrous, 3-5 cm.; sp. 5 × 3. maxima, Fr. 12-25 cm. infundib. subumb. whitish or tinged tan, edge even; g. deeply decur.; s. 7-10 cm. compact, fibrillosely striate, whitish; sp. 6 × 4. infundibiliformis, Schaeff. P. 4-7 cm. convex, umb. then infundib. yellowish pink then pale, innately silky; g. deeply decur.; s. 5-7 cm. thinner upwards, pallid; sp. 5-6 × 3-4. var. membranacea, Fr. P. not umb.; s. equal; altogether more slender than type. [squamulosa, Pers. P. obtuse, tan, squamulose, at first obtuse, deeply infundib.; g. decur. distant, white; s. narrowed upwards, elastic. [nauseosodulcis, Karst. Very foetid when old. P. irregular, convex then plane, glabrous, often areolately squamulose, entirely clay-colour; g. decur. pallid; s. excentric, rarely central, usually unequal and curved, solid, whitish; sp. 7-8 × 5. Connato-caespitose, resembling Pleurotus sapidus. [Panizzii, Barla. Caespitose. P. convex then umbil. or infundib. white or grey, edge lobed, wavy; g. thin, narrow, striately decur. pale or tinged rose; s. long, wavy, white; flesh elastic, white. trullaeformis, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. obtuse then infundib. edge spreading, greyish brown, floccosely villose; g. decur. connected by veins; s. 4-5 cm. striate, grey; sp. ——. Differs from C. cyathiforme in pure white flesh and gills. incilis, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. plane then umbil. or infundib. margin silky, incurved, crenate, brick red; g. white then pallid, connected by veins; s. 1-2 cm. base narrowed, red; sp. 7 × 4. [pulla, Gill. P. depr. then infundib. glabrous, hygr. brown then pale; g. united by veins, lilac grey; s. swollen at base which is downy, colour of p. white-fibrillose below, wavy. Near C. obbata, which differs in striate margin, equal s. and distant gills. [lenticulosa, Gill. P. exp. umbil. then infundib. dry, reddish orange, tuberculose near the even edge; g. crowded, white then tinged rose, finally colour of p.; s. solid, paler than p. Differs from C. lentiginosa in solid s. and edge of p. not striate. sinopica, Fr. Smell strong, mealy. P. 2-3 cm. brick red then pale, plane then umbil. at length flocculose; g. closely crowded, white then yellow; s. red, fibrillose, 3-5 cm.; sp. ——. Differs from C. incilis in solid stem, even edge of p. and yellowish g. [Arnoldi, Boud. P. depr. then infundib. wavy, subtomentose, minutely squamulose, ochrey brick-red; g. whitish; s. colour of p. fibrillose below; sp. 9-11 × 5-6. [lentiginosa, Fr. P. plane, deeply umbil. with concentric zones of minute tubercles, yellowish ochre; g. deeply decur. yellow; s. hollow, equal, yellowish fuscous. parilis, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. disc depr. edge involute, greyish white, ornately flocculose; g. narrow, greyish white; s. 2.3 cm. fibrous, sooty; sp. ——. -
++ Pileus coloured or pallid, glabrous. geotropa, Bull. P. 5-12 cm. plane then infundib. obtusely umb. pallid; g. crowded, white then pallid; s. 7-12 cm. solid, fibrillose, flesh white; sp. 6-7 × 4-5. [candida, Bres. Large. P. fleshy, plano-convex then depr. edge involute, even, pubescent, white becoming tinged tan; g. much crowded, narrow, attenuato-decur. white then pallid; s. stout, short, white; flesh white; sp. 7 × 3. Close to C. geotropa and C. gigantea. Differs in pure white colour and in sp. gilva, Pers. P. 5-8 cm. soon depr. and wavy, dingy ochre, flesh same colour; g. closely crowded, ochre; s. 2-2.5 cm. solid, ochre; sp. subgl. 4-5. subinvoluta, Batsch. P. 5-8 cm. convex then depr. tinged brick red, fibrillose, zoned; g. pale tan; s. 4-5 cm. reddish, grooved; sp. ——. spinulosa, W. G. Sm. P. 3-5 cm. depr. gibbous, yellowish pink, edge even, incurved; g. white then pale yellow; s. 5-9 cm. fibrillose, whitish, zoned with tan; sp. globose, spinulose, 8-9. splendens, Pers. P. 5-8 cm. plane then depr. or infund. pinkish-yellow, shining; g. deeply decur. white; s. 2-3 cm. glabrous, yellow; sp. ——. Differs from C. gilva in white flesh. inversus, Scop. P. 5-9 cm. convex then infundib. edge involute, rufescent; g. soon tinged rufous; s. 4-6 cm. hollow, rigid, paler than p. flesh pallid; sp. subg. 4-5. Often tufted. flaccidus, Sow. P. 5-8 cm. thin, flaccid, umbil. then infund. edge reflexed, tawny or rusty; g. yellowish; s. 3-4 cm. rusty, rather wavy; sp. 4-5 × 3-4. Often tufted. var. lobatus, Fr. Tufted. P. darker, edge lobed. [rhodoleuca, Rom. Fleshy, almost glabrous, in dry weather pure white except gills which are tinted rose; in rainy weather everywhere inside and out deep rose, gills darkest. P. obconic, convex or almost flattened above; sp. 6-9 × 5-6.5. [zizyphana, Viv. P. convex then infundib. often excentric, rufous brown, flesh reddish white; g. yellow; s. equal, pallid. [cervina, Hoffm. P. plano-infundib. oblique, glabrous, edge convex, greyish fawn, subzoned; g. pallid, edge darker; s. cylindrical, base tuberous. [garidelli, Fr. P. convex, at first umbil. edge incurved, deep rose to flesh colour; g. decur. crowded, edge red; s. short, stout, flesh colour. Edible. [ambigua, Karst. P. tough, orbicular, convex, obtuse, glabrous, even, pallid rufous tinged pink then pale; g. adnato-decur. pallid; s. glabrous, wavy, whitish, base woolly; sp. 4-5 × 3. [paropsis, Fr. P. plano-depr. glabrous, edge spreading, flaccid, rufous or flesh-colour; g. narrow, shining white; s. cylindrical, base rather bulbous. vermicularis, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convex, umbil. then infund. edge incurved, often wavy, reddish tan then pale, flesh same colour; g. closely crowded, white; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, elastic, striate, paler than p.; sp. 5 × 3. [cacaba, Fr. P. flaccid, infundib. glabrous, edge broadly reflexed, sooty; g. very deeply decur. closely crowded, dark grey; s. striate, base thickened, downy. senilis, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. infundib. brownish tan, concentrically cracked, edge spreading; g. narrow, soon colour of p.; s. 2-3 cm. solid, glabrous, pallid; sp. 5-6 × 4. -
+++ Pileus clear white. catina, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. plane then infundib. glabrous, white, discoloured when old; g. decur. somewhat crowded, white; s. 3-7 cm. elastic, white; sp. ——. C. infundibiliformis differs in not being umb. and in being glabrous. C. phyllophila differs in adnate gills. tuba, Fr. White. P. 5-8 cm. umbil. margin even, shining with a silky lustre when dry; g. broad, closely crowded, decur.; s. 4-5 cm. equal, soon hollow and compressed; sp. ——. Differs from C. pithyophila in umbil. p.; g. deeply decurrent. ericetorum, Bull. White. P. 2-3 cm. fleshy, subturbinate, glabrous, shining when dry; g. distant, connected by veins; s. 2-3 cm. glabrous; sp. ——. Resembling Hygr. niveus in appearance. -
B. Pileus thin, hygrophanous, soft, watery. -
**** Cyathiformes. P. thin, depressed then cup-shaped. Colour dingy when moist. cyathiformis, Bull. P. 3-7 cm. deeply depr. edge incurved, sooty-brown then pale; g. dingy; s. 5-9 cm. stuffed, elastic, narrowed upwards, reticulately fibrillose, sooty; sp. ——. var. cinerascens, Fr. Smaller. P. pale grey-brown; g. tinged yellow. expallens, Pers. P. 3-5 cm. plane then deeply depr. greyish brown then pale, margin soon expanded; g. greyish white; s. 4-5 cm. greyish white, hollow, equal; sp. ——. obbata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. plane, umbil. then deeply depr. sooty brown, edge at length striate; g. decur. distant, greyish, pruinose with white; s. 4-5 cm. glabrous, greyish brown, hollow; sp. ——. [fritilliformis, Lasch. Convex-umbil. then infundib. glabrous, grey then pallid, becoming fuscescent when dry, edge sublobed; g. thickish, pallid; s. subtomentose, thickened upwards. [calatha, Fr. P. exp. infundib. hygr. edge soon spreading, even, sooty; g. deeply decur. violet then reddish; s. solid, tough, striately rugose, narrowed below, violet then reddish. pruinosa, Lasch. P. 4-5 cm. umbil. then deeply depr. brown, powdered with grey bloom; g. decur. crowded, narrow, dingy; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillose, pallid; sp. ——. concava, Scop. P. 3-5 cm. broadly and deeply umbil. flaccid, wavy, dark grey; g. decur. narrow, smoky; s. 2-3 cm. equal, glabrous, grey; sp. ——. [vibecina, Fr. P. exp. then infundib. greyish livid then pale, margin soon extended, striate; g. deeply decur. greyish white; s. hollow, glabrous, rather wavy. [Queletii, Fr. P. convex, umbil. whitish with brown squamules when dry; g. deeply decur. whitish; s. flocculose, whitish. suaveolens, Fr. Fragrant. P. 2-3 cm. convex then concave, discoid, buff, hygr. margin striate; gills crowded, pallid; s. 4-5 cm. thinner upwards, tinged brown; sp. 8 × 5. Among grass. Differs from C. fragrans in concave pileus with striate margin. brumalis, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. umbil. then deeply depr. flaccid, glabrous, wavy, livid, pale when dry; g. pallid; s. 4-5 cm. glabrous, whitish, often curved; sp. 4-5 × 3-4. -
***** Orbiformes. Pileus rather fleshy, convex then flattened or depressed, polished; g. adnate; dingy, becoming pale. -
+ Gills grey or olive. orbiformis, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. convexo-plane, even, smoky grey; g. greyish white; s. 5-7 cm. naked, narrowed upwards, grey; sp. ——. Differs from C. cyathiforme in plane p. [applanata, Secr. P. exp. disc depr. flaccid, lurid then hoary; g. greyish white; s. fuscous with white down, pallid and silky fibrillose upwards. [insignis, Gill. P. conical, convex, then exp. edge more or less wavy and upturned, much depr. round strong umbo, even, glabrous, red, umb. rusty; g. closely crowded, clear white; s. cylindrical, solid, colour of p. [papillata, Gillet. P. convex then exp. with a little persistent brown umbo, glabrous, hygr. slightly striate, clear reddish; g. pallid; s. subequal, wavy, white-pruinose, apex colour of p. [radicellata, Godey. P. convex, umbil. purplish brown, grey-pruinose; g. crowded, soon yellowish grey; s. equal, curved, colour of g. with a white bloom, base white with a number of branched strands. [ochracea, Gill. P. irreg. umb. uniformly ochre, silky or pruinose; g. distant; s. excentric, colour deeper than p. [macrophylla, Karst. P. thin, convex, orbicular, livid-white then paler and shining; g. adnate, very broad, triangular, white; s. wavy, whitish, glabrous, base thickened; sp. ——. [lepiphylla, Gill. P. convex then depr. uniformly pale grey then pallid; g. decur. tinged grey; s. elastic, wavy, grey, with a white bloom, with longitudinal whitish striae. metachroa, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane then depr. brownish grey, then livid, at last pallid; g. pale grey; s. 2-3 cm. grey, apex mealy; sp. ——. zygophylla, Cke. and Mass. P. 4-7 cm. thin, wavy, slightly depr. greyish ochre then pallid, edge plicate; g. deeply decur. grey, veined; s. 4-5 cm. smooth, pallid; sp. 8 × 4. pausiaca, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, umber with olive tinge, often silky; g. adnate, olive; s. 4-6 cm. striate, coloured like p., apex powdery; sp. ——. ditopa, Fr. Smell strong, mealy. P. 2-3 cm. plane then depr. brownish grey then pale, often wavy; g. adnate, dusky grey; s. 2.3 cm. hollow; sp. ——. Differs from C. metachroa in mealy smell. [nubila, Fr. P. exp. umb. livid then tan, glabrous; g. subdecur. rather distant, brownish tan; s. slender, apex pruinose. [obola, Fr. P. convexo-plane, obtuse, glabrous, hygr. livid then whitish; g. adnate, livid; s. equal, thin, striate, naked, livid. -
++ Gills whitish. diatreta, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. plane then depr. edge involute, pubescent, often wavy, flesh colour then pallid tan; g. with an acute decur. tooth, crowded, narrow; s. 3-5 cm. pallid, straight, terete; sp. ——. fragrans, Sow. Smell strong, spicy, 2-3 cm. depr. pallid; g. subdecur. rather crowded; s. 4-5 cm. elastic, glabrous; sp. ——. C. suaveolens differs in cup-shaped p. and brownish stem. angustissima, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. plano-depr. edge spreading, pallid, shining white when dry; g. subdecur. narrow, closely crowded; s. 4-5 cm. white, naked, flexuous; sp. 5 × 3. [isabellina, Q. P. yellowish white, umb. hygr.; g. thick, often branched, whitish; s. fistulose, wavy, white, base narrowed. obsoletus, Batsch. Smell spicy, but weak. P. 2-3 cm. plano-depr. even, pale pinky tan, pale when dry; g. obtusely adnate, broad; s. 2-3 cm. elastic, soon hollow, whitish; sp. ——. [mortuosa, Fr. P. plano-depr. umber or brown then pale, even; g. adnate, closely crowded, narrow, whitish; s. short, glabrous, compr. whitish. [gyrans, Fr. P. convex-umb. even, glabrous, hygr. edge broadly incurved, whitish; g. crowded, white; s. hollow, glabrous. -
****** Versiformes. Pileus thin, convex then deformed, squamulose or furfuraceous; g. adnate, broad; usually distant and powdered with the white spores. ectypa, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. then depr. revolute, dingy yellow or rufescent, slightly streaked with dark fibrils, edge slightly striate; g. adnate, pallid then spotted with red and powdered with the spores; s. 5-10 cm. dingy yellowish, fibrillose; sp. 9 × 6. [difformis, Pers. P. convex, plane, subumbil. glabrous, hygr. striate when moist, even when dry, at length subsquamulose, livid then whitish; g. adnate, distant; s. hollow, glabrous, shining. var. stygia, Fr. P. campan. umbil.; g. adnexed, ventricose; s. long, slender. [incompta, Fr. P. plane then depr. blackish olive, virgate with adglutinated blackish fibrils, viscid; g. pale grey; s. fibrillosely striate, grey. [xanthophylla, Bres. P. convex-umbil. dry greyish-hoary, virgate especially at centre with brownish fibrils; g. decur. clear yellow; s. greyish-white, fibrillose. [nigropunctata, Secr. P. exp. umb. whitish, mealy, disc dotted with black; g. crowded, pallid then yellowish; s. hollow, striate with black. [pachyphylla, Fr. P. convexo-plane, dingy yellow or rufescent, floccosely squamulose; g. thick, distant, yellow; s. tough, yellow. var. absinthiata. P. scurfy-squamulose, brown-ochre; g. very broad, grey then pallid. bella, Pers. P. 2-3 cm. exp. depr. or umbil. orange yellow with darker squamules; g. yellow, connected by veins, mealy; s. 4-5 cm. yellowish; sp. 6-7, subgl. warted. laccata, Scop. (= Laccaria, B. and Br.). P. exp. subumbil. irreg. mealy subsquamulose, violet or brown, whitish when dry, 2-4 cm.; g. thick, distant, coloured like p., mealy; s. 4-7 cm. fibrous, colour of p.; sp. globose, warted, 8-9. proxima, Boud. P. 2-3 cm. convex then plane, glabrous, yellowish-brown; g. adnato-decurrent, pinkish; s. 6-7 cm. even, smooth, paler than pileus; sp. 7 × 3.5. Resembling the brown form of C. laccata, differing in the elliptical, warted spores and glabrous pileus. [sandicina, Fr. P. convexo-plane, umbil. deformed, even, hygr. at length greyish-mealy; g. adnate, crowded, purplish, almost naked; s. hollow, unequal, glabrous, purplish. [grumata, Scop. P. campan.-convex, glabrous, cracked into squamules, disc depr. yellow; g. broadly adnate, distant, white; s. equal, pallid. sadleri, Berk. This is only an abnormal condition of Hypholoma fasciculare. hydrogramma, Fr. Livid white, white when dry. P. 4-7 cm. flaccid, thin, umbil. hygr. edge spreading, striate; g. closely crowded; s. 6-8 cm. base rooting; sp. ——. Differs from Clito. phyllophila in polished stem. [chrysoleuca, Fr. P. very thin, umbil. shining, white, edge reflexed, substriate; g. yellowish; s. smooth, base thickened; sp. 8-10 × 4. [ventosa, Fr. P. infundib. glabrous, flaccid, flesh-colour, hygr.; g. white then flesh-colour; s. colour of p. [dumosa, Fr. P. very thin, plane, subumbil. rigid, deep brick-red; g. pallid; s. glabrous, colour of p. detrusa, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. rather fleshy, umbil. dark grey; g. with a decur. tooth, whitish; s. 2-3 cm. glabrous, dark grey; sp. ——. [umbilicata, Fr. P. umbil. then infundib. edge reflexed, even, hygr. tinged brown, then pale but disc darker; g. whitish; s. terete, apex striate with white fibrils; sp. 6-8 × 4. maura, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. thin, deeply umbil. hygr. striate, sooty brown, pale and silky when dry; g. shining white; s. 3-5 cm. rigid, straight, blackish; sp. 5-6 × 3-4. Differs from Col. atrata in decur. narrow gills. [lituua, Fr. P. thin, plane, deeply umbil. hygr. even, bay then tan; g. grey; s. slightly wavy, grey. offuciata, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. plano-depr. flesh-colour then pale; g. colour of p.; s. 4-5 cm. glabrous, reddish; sp. ——. [scyphoides, Fr. Shining white. P. infundib. silky, unequal; g. narrow; s. subvillose, short; sp. 6 × 2. [albula, Q. P. umbil. thin, wavy, glabrous; s. solid, slender, incurved; g. adnato-decur. unequal, yellowish; sp. 10-12 long. [Giovanellae, Bres. P. thin, convex and umbil. then exp. and umbil., edge striate, silky-flocculose, grey then hoary brown; g. decur. crowded, colour of p.; s. glabrous, colour of p.; sp. 8 × 3. Differs from Omp. scyphoides in hoary-grey colour of every part. ** Medium size; gills rather distant, narrow, narrowed at both ends. chrysophylla, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. thin, umbil. flaccid, floccose, brownish yellow then paler, edge reflexed; g. deep golden yellow; s. 3-5 cm. yellow; sp. 8 × 4. Differs from O. Postii in the floccose pileus. Postii, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. thin, umbil. glabrous, orange; g. whitish; s. 4-6 cm. glabrous, yellow; sp. ——. var. aurea, Mass. P. very regular; g. slightly decur.; sp. 7 × 3.5. vesuviana, Brig. P. infundib. orange, edge at length wavy; g. thickish, narrow; s. fibrillose, colour of p. pyxidata, Bull. P. 1.5-2 cm. thin, infundib. rufous-red, radiately striate, pale when dry, hygr.; g. flesh-colour then yellowish; s. 1.5-2 cm. tough, pale tawny; sp. 7-8 × 5-6. leucophylla, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. thin, quite infundib. dark grey, even; g. shining white; s. 3-5 cm. grey; sp. 10 long. Luffii, Mass. Fragrant. P. 2-3 cm. convex then depr. glabrous, pallid then white; g. crowded, decur. pallid; s. 2-3 cm. solid, pallid, polished, often wavy; sp. 5 × 3. Ground among grass &c. Differs from Clito. fragrans in short, polished stem. costatula, Bres. P. infundib. then revolute, brown, glabrous, edge striate wavy; g. decur. straw-colour, joined by veins; s. glabrous, tinged straw-colour, base brownish; sp. 6 × 4. striaepileus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. plane, umbil. glabrous, entirely striate, livid brown, hygr.; g. white; s. 4-5 cm. tough, tinged brown; sp. rough, 6-7. Nevillae, B. P. 1-1.5 cm. depr. rugose, disc granulated, striate, brown then pale; g. white, veined; s. 2-3 cm. brownish, rough, base downy; sp. ——. O. affricata differs in scaly p. sphagnicola, B. P. 2-3 cm. thin, soon deeply umbil. squamulose, dingy ochraceous; g. dingy ochre; s. 3-4 cm. slightly flexuous, colour of p.; sp. 6 × 3. telmatiaea, B. P. 3-7 cm. thin, pliant, soon infund. edge arched and drooping, umber, hygr. pale and silky when dry; g. pallid; s. 2-4 cm. grey, base cottony, white; sp. 7 × 4. [affricata, Fr. P. umbil. then infundib. not striate, edge bent down, everywhere with blackish squamules; g. grey; s. glabrous, greyish. [epichysia, Pers. Soft. P. thin, exp. umbil. sooty grey, pallid when dry, silky or floccosely scaly; g. plano-decur. whitish then grey; s. grey; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. philonitis, Lasch. P. 1-2 cm. deeply umbil. edge erect, hygr. floccose when dry, grey; g. deeply decur. greyish; s. 3-5 cm. glabrous, grey; sp. 5-7 × 3.5. Differs from O. oniscus and O. epichysium in erect margin of p. [campestris, Rom. P. campan. umbil. then exp. sooty-fuscous, sulcate when dry; g. greyish-white, decur.; s. equal, glabrous, colour of p. Appearing late in the season; glabrous; sp. 9-13 × 6-8. oniscus, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, infundib. wavy, flaccid, glabrous, even, grey; g. grey; s. 2-3 cm. wavy, grey; sp. 6 × 5. [oniscoides, Karst. P. convex-umbil. sometimes reflexed and concave, glabrous, everywhere pellucidly striate, sooty or livid fuscous, pallid grey when dry; g. adnate, then subdecur. white or greyish, edge denticulate, s. tinged fuscous, base darkest; sp. 5-6 × 4. caespitosa, Bolt. P. 1-2 cm. thin, hemisph. umbil. sulcate, whitish ochre; g. whitish; s. 1-2 cm. coloured like p., base thickened; sp. 6 × 5. [arenicola, Fr. P. thin, cup-shaped, wavy, with wart-like spots, umber; g. paler than p.; s. short, umber. glaucophylla, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. infundib. plicato-striate, hygr. mouse-colour then paler; g. olive; s. stuffed, firm; sp. ——. rustica, Fr. P. 5-8 mm. thin, slightly convex, umbil. striate, hygr. greyish brown then paler and silky; g. grey, edge arcuate; s. 2-2.5 cm., colour of p.; sp. ——. Differs from O. umbellifera by gills being narrowed behind. [scyphiformis, Fr. White. P. infundib. glabrous; g. decur. thin; s. thin, short, glabrous. Differs from O. scyphoides in glabrous stem. *** Gills truly distant, broad, usually thick. [tricolor, A. and S. P. ochraceous white, thin, umbil.; g. orange, at first with rosy pruinose; s. yellowish. [cortiseda, Karst. P. convex then plane, radiato-striate, glabrous, pallid; g. adnato-decur. very distant, thickish, few, pallid; s. equal, hyaline, pallid; sp. 10-11 × 4-6. [sciopoda, Q. P. convex then umbil. rather crisped, pale straw-colour, pruinose; g. adnate, thick, sometimes branched, straw-colour then tinged rose; s. slender, wavy, velvety-pruinose, white above, grey below. demissa, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. thin, plane then umbil. striate, shining rufous then pale; g. purplish; s. 1 cm., colour of p.; sp. 7 × 5. (10-12 × 6-8 Sacc.) [grisella, Karst. P. convex, disc depr. silky, sulcate, pale fuscescent, whitish when dry; g. adnate, distant, plane, whitish; s. equal, glabrous, apex pruinose, pale, becoming more or less smoky; sp. 6-10 × 2-4. hepatica, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. tough, rigid, infundib. glabrous, brownish flesh-colour then pale; g. narrow, whitish, connected by veins; s. 2 cm. very tough, colour of p.; sp. 5-8 × 2-4. Differs from O. pyxidata in toughness, even edge of p. and pallid gills. muralis, Sow. P. 1-2 cm. becoming infundib. radiato-striate, rufous brown; g. pallid; s. 1-1.5 cm. glabrous, coloured like p.; sp. rough, 10 × 5. [cuneifolia, Karst. Very fragile. P. convex then plane, obtuse, dry, glabrous, pellucidly striate when moist, sooty, tan when dry; g. adnate, distant, thickish; broad, ventricose or broadest in front, obliquely truncate, greyish; s. apex scurfy, solid; sp. 10-12 × 9-10. [lilacina, Laest. P. plane, violet then pale; g. deeply decur. connected by veins, yellow; s. persistently violet. umbellifera, L. P. 1-2 cm. convexo-plane, radiately striate, even and rather silky when dry, grey, yellow, brownish, pallid, &c.; g. very distant and broad behind, colour of p.; s. 1 cm. colour of p.; sp. 3 × 2.5. var. myochroa, Fr. P. brownish umber; s. strigosely rooting. var. abiegena, B. and Br. Pale yellow. var. viridis, Fl. Dan. Every part pale green. [Kalchbrenneri, Bres. P. tough, convex, umbil. subexp. glabrous, hygr. subochre; g. deeply decur. whitish; s. colour of p., base often brownish; sp. 8-10 × 4-5. [velutina, Q. Downy, greyish. P. umbil. striate; g. arcuate; s. filiform, base white floccose; sp. 8 long. infumata, B. and Br. P. 3-4 mm. obtuse, greenish then smoky; g. few, broad, yellow; s. 2 cm. thin, yellow, tomentose below. [griseolilacina, Steinh. Entirely greyish lilac, grey when dry; p. umb. then exp. edge incurved, even, glabrous; g. adnate then decur.; s. cylindrical, equal; sp. 6-9 × 4-5. buccinalis, Sow. White. P. up to 1 cm. trumpet-shaped, plane or depr.; g. deeply decur. triangular; s. expanding into p.; sp. ——. [hirsuta, Q. (= O. caricicola, Lasch). Hyaline-white, soon flaccid. P. umbil. convex, very thin; gills or folds obliterated; s. capillary, short, pilose, base bulbillose; sp. rough, 9 long. retosta, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. plano-depr. umber, polished and pale when dry; g. distant, broad, narrowed at both ends, paler than p.; s. 2 cm. glabrous, paler than p.; sp. ——. Differs from O. umbellifera in having gills narrowed behind. abhorrens, B. and Br. Foetid. P. 1-1.5 cm. umbil. brown then pale; g. narrow, pale; s. 2 cm. slender, apex thickened, colour of p.; sp. ——. pseudoandrosacea, Bull. P. convex, umbil. then infundib. plicate, edge crenulate, whitish or grey; g. deeply decur. segmentoid; s. slender; sp. 5-7 × 3-4. griseo-pallida, Desm. P. plane, umbil. even, glabrous, brownish grey then pale; g. broadest behind, grey; s. stuffed, fuscous, 1 cm.; sp. ——. Differs from O. umbellifera and O. rustica by p. not being striate when moist. albidopallens, Karst. P. convex, orbicular, scarcely umbil. pellucidly striate, naked, hyaline white or pallid; g. adnate, decur. crowded, pallid; s. equal, naked, pallid; sp. 4-5 × 3. [schizoxylon, Fr. P. thin, almost plane, umbil. glabrous, grey; g. narrow, paler than p.; s. rufous brown. [bibula, Q. P. umbil. when moist, silky, olive-yellow then grey; g. arcuate, broad, citrin; s. tinged citrin. Near to if not identical with Hygr. Wynniae. stellata, Fr. White. P. convex, umbil. diaphanous, striate; g. very distant, thin, broad; s. equal, base radiately floccose; sp. 4 × 6. II. Mycenarii. P. at first campanulate, margin straight, adpressed to stem. -
* Gills broad, perfect, unequal. campanella, Batsch. P. 1 cm. convex, umbil. striate, hygr. rusty yellow; g. connected by veins, arcuate, yellow; s. 2-3 cm. horny, bay, base narrowed, tawny-strigose; sp. 6-7 × 3-4. var. badipus, Cke. Base of s. slightly bulbous. var. papillata, Fr. P. acutely conical. var. myriadea, Kalchbr. Small, caespitose. [incomis, Karst. P. convex, umbil. glabrous or broken up into squamules, pale fuscous; g. adnato-decur. broad, white; s. tough, thinner below, colour of p.; sp. ——. [psilocyboides, Karst. P. convex, umbil. glabrous, tawny yellow; g. very broad, yellowish-white; s. 8-12 cm. equal, bay, white-fibrillose, apex paler and pruinose; sp. ——. [brunneola, Q. Chestnut umber. P. umbil. squamulose; g. arcuate, white; s. floccosely punctate, base with spreading fawn-coloured down; sp. 10. [atripes, Rab. P. thin, plano-depr. infundib. brown, pale and silky shining when dry; g. very broad behind, brownish, albo-pruinose; s. black, base bluish-pruinose. [Laestadii, Fr. P. hemispherical, umbil. even, tawny-bay, shining; g. distinct, yellow; s. rigid rufous bay. picta, Fr. P. 1 cm. campan. cucullate, umbil. glabrous, striate, fuscous; g. very broad, pallid; s. horny, bay, membranous spreading base tawny; sp. 7-10 × 4. camptophylla, B. P. 1 cm. convex then exp. deeply striate, disc brown, rest pale grey; g. ascending then abruptly decur. white; s. 3-4 cm. very slender, whitish, base radiately strigose; sp. 8-10 × 6-8. [cyanophylla, Fr. P. thin, camp. umbil. striate, livid or bluish becoming yellowish; g. clear blue; s. glabrous; sp. 5-7 × 3-4. [Cornui, Q. P. umbil. tawny; g. yellow with violet tinge; s. horny, bay, base inflated, downy, yellow. [reclina, Fr. P. thin, rigid camp. then entirely infundib. livid; g. thick, white or grey; s. tough; sp. 6 × 4-5. [deflexa, Karst. P. campan.-convex, mostly umbil. everywhere striate, fuscescent or pale livid, pale when dry; g. decur. arcuate, white; s. solid, tough, pallid, glabrous; sp. 6-7 × 4-6. umbratila, Fr. P. 2 cm. thin, campan. then convex, umbil. umber brown, hygr.; g. broad, brownish; s. 3-4 cm. stuffed, brownish; sp. 7 × 5. Readily mistaken with Coll. atrata and C. ambusta, differs in subdecur. gills. [invita, Karst. P. convex, umbil. glabrous, striate when moist, sooty or livid sooty, pale when dry; g. adnate, very broad, white; s. colour of p.; sp. glob. 5-6. grisea, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. camp. glabrous, everywhere striate, livid grey then hoary; g. distant, greyish; s. greyish-white, apex thickened, 5-7 cm.; sp. 7-8 × 4. [setipes, Fr. P. convex, subpapillate, everywhere striate, brownish-grey; g. greyish white, connected by veins; s. filiform, base pubescent; sp. 6-7 × 2-3. fibula, Bull. P. up to 1 cm. cucullate then exp. umbil. striate, orange yellow then pale; g. deeply decur. pale; s. 3-4 cm. very slender, weak, pale orange; sp. 4-5 × 2. var. Swartzii, Fr. Apex of stem violet. [chlorocyanea, Pat. Small, entirely bluish green outside and inside. P. convex; g. distant, decur. unequal; s. solid, slender. directa, B. and Br. P. 2-3 mm. nail-shaped flat at apex, white; g. decur. white; s. rather wavy, 2 cm. whitish, tinged rufous, with long hairs at base. belliae, Johnst. P. 1 cm. thin, dry, top-shaped, infundib. pallid; g. decur. thick, veined; s. 2-3 cm. brownish, adhering by a cottony base. [pectinata, Rom. Entirely white, glabrous, hygr. P. thin, convex, umbil. edge wavy or lobed, sulcate to middle; g. decur. distant; s. subequal, almost glabrous; sp. 6-7 × 3. gracillima, Weinm. Snow-white. P. 4-5 mm. downy, sulcate; g. decur. distant, thin; s. 1.5 cm. filiform, base cottony; sp. 6-7 × 3. [gracilis, Q. Snow-white. P. apiculate, striato-sulcate, glabrous; g. arcuate, distant; s. filiform, pellucid, pruinose, base downy, rooting; sp. 8 × 2. [candida, Bres. Shining white. P. thin, convex, exp. often papillate, glabrous, pellucidly striate; g. deeply decur. connected by veins at base; s. splitting into fibres, glabrous, base rooting, strigose; sp. 9-11 × 4.5-5. bullula, Brig. White. P. 3-4 mm. even, hemisph. diaphanous; g. arched, decur.; s. 2 cm. filiform. -
** Gills fold-like, narrow. integrella, Pers. White. P. 3-7 mm. hemisph. then exp. pellucid-striate; g. equal, fold-like, distant, rather branched; s. very slender, pubescent; sp. 6-7 × 4. [microscopica, Wirt. Minute, diaphanous. P. 3-4 mm. infundib. 4-6, sulcate; g. very narrow, arcuate; s. capillary. polyadelphus, Lasch. Pure white. P. 2-3 mm. coarsely striate and minutely flocculose; g. decurrent; s. 1-2 cm. very slender, base downy; sp. 5 × 2.5. [cuspidata, Q. Hyaline white. P. very acuminate, striate, flocculose; g. decur. branched; s. filiform, pulverulent, the slight bulb hairy; sp. 8 long. [crispula, Q. White, diaphanous. P. crisped, pruinose; g. wrinkled, very thin; s. short, filiform, pruinose; sp. 8 long. [gibba, Pat. (= Cyphella infundibuliformis, Fr.). White, minute. P. trumpet-shaped, gibbous then deeply infundib. downy; g. mere traces of folds; s. slender, downy.
A. Excentrici. Pileus entire, extended laterally, excentric but not truly lateral. -
* Veil forming a ring on the stem. corticatus, Fr. P. 8-18 cm. convex then exp. covered with dense greyish down then floccosely squamulose; g. decur. white, anastomosing behind; tinged yellow when old; s. 3-7 cm. subexc. rooting, ring torn; s. 9-14 × 4-6. [Albertinii, Fr. P. convex, dimidiate, sooty, with black squamules; g. decur. distinct, white; s. with black squamules up to sooty ring. dryinus, Pers. P. 5-9 cm. oblique or subcircular, hard, whitish with brownish spot-like squamules, flesh white then yellowish; g. decur. not anastomosing behind, white tinged yellow; s. 2-3 cm. sublateral, ring fugacious, torn; sp. 10 × 4. Differs from P. corticatus in gills not anastomosing behind. spongiosus, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. spongy, pulvinate, greyish tomentose; g. sinuato-adnexed, white, simple; s. 1-3 cm. tomentose, white, ring white, soon torn; sp. 8-10 × 4. [calyptratus, Lindbl. P. soft, lateral-dimidiate, horizontal, reniform, glabrous, viscid, sooty or livid; g. adnate to a nodule, crowded, white then yellowish; s. a downy nodule, viscid membranous ring torn. -
** Gills sinuate or obtusely adnate. ulmarius, Bull. P. 8-15 cm. convex then plane, glabrous, livid then pale, spotted; g. adnexed, broad, whitish; s. 1-3 cm. base thickened, tomentose; sp. 5-6, glob. tessulatus, Bull. P. 7-10 cm. convex then plane or depr. behind, glabrous, tawny then paler and spotted; g. uncinato-adnate, white then yellowish; s. 1-3 cm. glabrous; sp. ——. [pardalis, Schulz. Caespitose. P. fleshy, convex, subcentral, glabrous, chestnut then spotted; g. free, crowded, pallid; s. stout, solid, connate at base, white. [decorus, Fr. Yellow. P. thin, convex then exp. obtuse, rough with adnate blackish scales; g. obtusely adnate, crowded; s. stuffed then hollow, fibrillose; sp. glob. 6. [ornatus, Fr. P. convexo-plane, umb. with rusty floccose squamules that disappear; g. adnate, very broad, yellow; s. spongy, yellow; sp. 6 long. [properatus, C. Mart. P. membranous, form various, always umbil. central or excentric, yellowish white with concentric brown scales; g. adnato-decur. tinged yellow, edge eroded; s. cylindric with concentric brown scales, ring membranaceous, fugacious. subpalmatus, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. Caespitose. Convex then depr. rugulose, rufescent, cuticle gelatinous; g. adnate, connected behind, dingy; s. 3-4 cm. incurved; sp. ——. Remarkable for the variegated flesh. [coripellis, Fr. P. rigid, glabrous, moist, somewhat bay, thick pellicle separable, disc compact, umb.; g. arcuato-adnate, plane, crowded, white; s. excentric, vertical, rigid, fibrillosely striate, whitish. P. almost black but fawn or yellow-brown when dry. Flesh tinged fuscous. craspedius, Fr. Caespitose. P. 8-14 cm. thin, crenate or lobed, brick-red or paler, glabrous; g. adnate, narrow, crowded, white; s. 4-7 cm. solid, elastic, glabrous, pallid; sp. 5. fimbriatus, Bolt. P. 4-7 cm. thin, plane then depr. margin sinuate or lobed, hygr. hyaline, whitish; g. adnate, closely crowded, white; s. 2-3 cm. firm, compr. downy; sp. ——. lignatilis, Fr. Whitish. P. tough, convex then plane, umbil. irreg. floccosely pruinose then glabrous; g. adnate, crowded, narrow, shining white; s. irreg. rather downy; sp. 4 × 3. var. tephrocephalus, Fr. P. more compact, disc black then grey, edge white. Ruthae, B. and Br. P. 3-7 cm. more or less fan-shaped, whitish or yellowish-buff, cuticle gelatinous, rather hispid; g. anastomosing behind, white then reddish, veined; s. 1-3 cm. reddish, hispid; sp. ——. Differs from P. pantoleucus in g. anastomosing behind, and not decurrent. circinatus, Fr. White. P. 5-7 cm. plane, orbicular, silky-pruinose; g. adnato-decur. crowded; s. 2-5 cm. equal, glabrous, rooting; sp. ——. [olearius, D. C. Caespitose. P. subexcentric plane or umbil. dry, reddish tawny or deep brown; g. decur. narrow, yellow; s. solid, firm, reddish-brown; sp. 5 × 4. Gills phosphorescent. var. carpini (= P. carpini, Fr.). P. convexo-exp. angular, rivulosely scaly when dry; s. slender, short, excentric or lateral; g. adnexed, thin, rusty. [juglandinus, Kalchbr. P. plano-convex, even, glabrous, dingy golden-yellow, rather lobed; g. decur. distant, ends narrowed; s. excentric, solid, brown-pilose; sp. 5.5 × 2.5. -
*** Gills decurrent; stem almost vertical. [aquifolii, Fr. P. rather wavy, soft, convex then plane, dusky tan; g. thick, dusky, joined in a ring behind; s. stout, equal, white. Edible. [eryngii, D. C. P. fleshy, tough, exp. depr. irreg. rufous-grey, scabrid-virgate; g. broad, tinged pink; s. naked, whitish, solid; sp. 7-9 × 3.5. [nebrodensis, Inzeng. P. compact, convex then depr. even, glabrous, grey; g. decur. whitish; s. solid, excentric or lateral, short, ascending, whitish. [nauseosodulcis, Karst. P. soft, irreg. unequal, exp. even, glabrous, entirely tan; g. decur. crowded, pallid; s. excentric, rarely central, solid, tomentose, whitish; sp. 7-8 × 5. sapidus, Kalchbr. Caespitose. P. fleshy, deformed, centre depr. glabrous, pallid; g. decur. whitish; several stems springing from a common base; sp. 11-12 × 4. More or less trumpet-shaped. Edible. [cornucopoides, Pers. P. very variable in form, convex, depr. glabrous, white then livid yellow; g. decur. white; s. subexcentric to lateral, expanding into p. [lingulatus, Paulet. P. dimidiate or entire, umbil. convex, deformed, even, pale ochre, edge incurved; g. subdecur. closely crowded, paler than p.; s. solid, long, subcompr. white; sp. 10-12 long. [melanopus, Fr. P. excentric or dimidiate, deformed, somewhat lobed, glabrous pale rufous; g. decur. crowded, narrow, whitish red; s. solid, glabrous, ascending, black. [spodoleucus, Fr. P. plane, orbicular, even, glabrous, greyish; g. crowded, white, separate behind; s. solid, glabrous, paler than p.; sp. 5-6 × 2-3. pantoleucus, Fr. White. P. 4-7 cm. even, glabrous, spathulate, depr. behind, marginate; g. crowded, distinct at base; s. 1-2 cm. ascending, glabrous, not rooting; sp. 11-12 × 4. Differs from P. spodoleucus in pileus being white and depressed behind. [pometi, Fr. White. P. fleshy, rather flaccid, convex, even, disc depr.; g. decur. crowded, not joined behind; s. elastic with a downy rooting base; sp. 6-9 × 3-4. [Battarrae, Q. White. P. cyathiform, spotted with blackish brown squamules; g. milk-white; s. slender, attenuated; sp. 12 long. [lignicola, Sacc. White. P. tough, irreg. exp. subumbil. floccosely pruinose; g. adnato-decur. crowded, shining white; s. long, incurved, flocculose at first; sp. 14 × 4. mutilus, Fr. White. P. 2-2.5 cm. fleshy, irreg. silky when dry; g. narrow, simple; s. 1-2 cm. long, terete, base downy; sp. ——. Resembles Omph. scyphoides. Differs in nearly glabrous, irreg. p. not becoming infundib. [macropus, Bagl. Large, caespitose. P. excentric, exp. glabrous, sooty-grey; g. decur. white; s. joined at base, firm, long, thickly tomentose. [luteo-caesius, Bagl. P. subexcentric, exp. fibrillosely rivulose, tawny brown, edge wavy, incurved; g. subdecur. narrow, greyish yellow; s. solid, fibrillose, long rooting. [lutincola, Lasch. Caespitose, fuscous; p. glabrous; g. adnate with a tooth running down stem to torn ring; s. often excentric. [pulvinatus, Pers. P. pulvinate, rather wavy, glabrous, whitish, disc tinged flesh-colour; g. decur. crowded, white; s. very short, solid, hard. -
**** Veil absent; gills deeply decur.; pileus lateral, sessile or produced behind into a short stem-like base. ostreatus, Jacq. Tufted. P. 7-15 cm. fleshy, shell-shaped, ascending, blackish then grey or pallid; g. rather distant, anastomosing behind, pallid; s. widening into p. very short, downy or strigose at base; sp. 10-12 × 4-5. Esculent. var. euosmus, B. Smell strong. Gills and spores tinged pink. var. columbinus, Q. P. dark bluish-grey. var. nudipes, Boud. S. quite glabrous. [ambiguus, Oud. Excentric. P. sessile or shortly stalked, shining, blackish or deep violet, edge incurved; g. deeply decur. anastomosing behind, lilac; s. firm, elastic, thickened upwards, base strigose. revolutus, Kickx. P. 9-15 cm. fleshy, firm, elastic, shining, depr. behind, smoky-yellow then grey, edge incurved; g. serrulate, white; s. 2-3 cm. short, thick, whitish; sp. ——. var. anglicus. Edge of p. not or very slightly incurved; g. pallid ochraceous. [Staringii, Oud. Excentric. P. lateral, produced at base into a short oblique stem, suborbicular or reniform, exp. very glabrous, smoky fuscous, centre paler; g. white, anastomosing behind. salignus, Pers. P. 4-9 cm. fleshy, spongy, becoming depr. behind and strigose, horizontal, yellow brown or dusky; g. somewhat branched, edge eroded, dingy; s. short, firm, tomentose; sp. 8-11 × 3-4. [Saccardianus, Arc. Subexcentric, usually sinuately lobed, even, glabrous, at length exp. and wavy, tan or grey; g. narrow, thin, crowded; s. striate, glabrous, grey or umber; sp. 6-5 × 3-4. [roseocinereus, Allesch. P. thin, campan. edge becoming split and striate, fibrously silky, rosy-grey; g. very broad, pallid flesh-red; s. shining white, fibrously striato-sulcate; sp. pale rufous, 5-7. acerinus, Fr. White. P. 3-8 cm. tough, circular, silky-villose; g. closely crowded, white then yellowish; s. subobsolete, downy; sp. ——. [pathenopejus, Comes. Large, caespitose. P. excentric, generally dimidiate, conchate, elliptical or rounded, mouse-grey then pale, viscid, squamulose; g. deeply decur. base anastomosing, white then tinged yellow; sp. 9-12 × 4-6. [Gemmellari, Inzeng. Large, sessile. P. lateral, convex then exp. yellowish, striate, upper stratum gelatinous; g. decur. broad, anastomosing behind, white then sulphur. -
B. Dimidiati. P. definitely lateral, without a free margin behind; not resupinate at first. [geoginus, D. C. P. erect, subinfundib. even, glabrous, edge wavy, reflexed, brownish; g. decur. crowded, white; s. very short, thick, tuberous. petaloides, Bull. P. 2-5 cm. thin, ascending, spathulate, entire, disc depr. brownish then pale; g. crowded, narrow, whitish; s. short, compressed, downy; sp. 9-10 × 4. P. porrigens differs in being white and stemless. [semiinfundibuliformis, Karst. Erect, simple, semiinfundib. even, glabrous, rusty tan, edge wavy, reflexed; g. deeply decur. crowded, whitish then yellowish; s. exactly lateral, pallid; sp. 4-6, subgl. pulmonarius, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. obovate or reniform, rather convex, glabrous, greyish or tan; g. plano-decur. simple, albo-livid; s. round, very short, downy; sp. ——. Differs from P. serotinus in very short s., and glabrous p. var. juglandis, Fr. Gregarious; g. greyish brown. [pulmonariellus, Karst. P. convex, reniform, rather strigose, even, yellowish, intermediate stratum thick, gelatinous; g. plano-decur. crowded, white then yellowish; s. very short. [almeni, Fr. P. thin, reniform, glabrous, brownish tawny, narrowed behind into a very short stem; g. determinately decur. divergent, paler than pileus; sp. 7-9 × 3-4. serotinus, Schrad. P. 3-7 cm. fleshy, compact, viscid, reniform or obovate, yellowish-green, or sooty-olive; g. crowded, yellow then pallid; s. 2 cm. with blackish squamules; sp. ——. mitis, Pers. P. 1-2 cm. tough, reniform, dry, rufescent then whitish; g. crowded, distinct, white; s. 1 cm. compressed, dilated upwards, whitish-squamulose; sp. 4 × 2. gadinoides, W. G. Sm. White. P. 1-1.5 cm. horizontal, shell-shaped, hygr. floccose, dry; g. crowded, branched; s. minute or absent; sp. 7 × 3. limpidus, Fr. White. P. 1-2 cm. obovate or reniform, even, glabrous, hygr., narrowed behind to point of attachment; g. white, decur. to base; sp. ——. Differs from P. mitis in being shining white and subsessile. [limpidoides, Karst. P. obovoid or reniform, often lobed, soft, even, velvety, dark grey then livid; g. decur. whitish; upper stratum of flesh gelatinous; sp. 6-9 × 3-4. [subrufulus, Karst. P. soft, subgelatinous, orbicular or reniform, even, glabrous, rufous- or pinkish-white; g. crowded, white; s. lateral, strigose, very short. [planus, Fr. Minute, subsessile, violet then flesh-colour. reniformis, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. horizontal, reniform, grey, disc depr. plane; g. spreading from tubercular stem-like base, divergent, grey; sp. ——. [Kerneri, Wettst. P. obovate or reniform, lateral, not immarginate behind, sessile, entire, edge lobed, convex, grey, base blackish, minutely pulverulent; g. grey, simple; sp. glob. 3-5. tremulus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. reniform, even, glabrous, disc depr. greyish brown then pale; g. rather distant, grey; s. 1 cm. subterete, ascending, grey; sp. 6-8 × 5-7. Differs from P. reniformis in having a stem. lauro-cerasi, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. thin, horizontal, circular or shell-shaped, sulcate, brownish, attached by narrowed base; g. broad at middle, whitish; sp. 8 × 5. [dictyorhizus, D. C. White. P. very thin, orbicular, sinuate, subsessile, base reticulately-fibrillose; g. simple, unequal; sp. 6 long. acerosus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. very thin, reniform, plane, striate, sublobed, grey, silky white when dry; g. narrow, crowded, grey; s. obsolete, base substrigose; sp. glob. 5-6. [Severinii, Com. Shining white. Velvety then almost glabrous, orbicular, edge entire, incurved; g. decur. simple; s. short, incurved. -
C. Resupinati. Pileus at first resupinate; gills radiating from an excentric point; then reflexed, sessile. -
* Pileus fleshy, uniform in texture. porrigens, Pers. White. P. 4-7 cm. thin, tough, resup. then ascending, ear- or fan-shaped, glabrous upwards; g. very narrow; sp. 7-8 × 6. Resembling P. petaloides in habit but white, and no stem-like base. [pinsitus, Fr. P. fleshy, soft, horizontal, silky-villose, wavy, hygr. dingy then white; g. broad, distinct; sp. rough, 10-11 long. [nidulans, Pers. P. subreniform, tomentose, yellow; g. broad, tawny-orange; sp. 3-5 × 1. [caesiozonatus, Rab. P. subsessile, tough, plane then depr. behind, downy, ochre-brown, zoned with bluish grey; g. broad, brownish yellow. septicus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. rather fleshy, resup. then reflexed, pubescent, white; s. thin, 2-3 mm. incurved, disappearing; g. distant; sp. 8-10 × 6. Claudopus variabilis differs in tinted gills and spores. [roseolus, Q. P. convex, conchoid, translucent, striate, rather woolly, rosy-purple; g. rosy, edge darker; s. curved, downy, colour of p.; sp. 8. -
** Pileus fleshy, striate, upper surface gelatinous, or with a viscid pellicle. mastrucatus, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. resup. then exp. and horizontal, often lobed, brown, with erect bristly squamules; g. broad, greyish white; sp. ——. [rivulorum, Pat. and Doas. P. subgelatinous, pellucid, rusty brown and covered with white down, horizontal or ascending; g. grey then vinous; s. lateral, tubercular, downy, white, rosy when touched; sp. 4-6. [tremens, Q. P. reniform or flabellate, diaphanous, rosy-violet, tremelloid; g. sinuate, pinkish; s. lateral, colour of p.; sp. rough, 6-7. atrocoeruleus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. fleshy, downy, dusky blue; g. broad, whitish; sp. glob. 2-3. P. sometimes brownish, and g. sometimes yellowish. [myxotrichus, LÉv. P. reniform, at first viscid, becoming spongy, covered with white down, sessile or with a short stem; g. rather broad, crowded; sp. 10-12 long. [furvellus, Karst. P. dusky or bluish rosy, yellowish-white then brownish when old; sp. 6-9 × 4-5. Allied to P. unguicularis but larger and becoming pale. Leightoni, B. P. 1-1.5 cm. at first obliquely conical then shell-shaped, umber or lead-colour, scurfy and with short black bristles; g. distant, tan, forked at base; sp. ——. algidus, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. horizontal, reniform, pellicle thin, viscid, reddish-brown or grey; g. crowded, yellowish. fluxilis, Fr. P. reniform, gelatinoso-viscid above, umber; g. radiating from a lateral point, distant, whitish; sp. 10 long. [unguicularis, Fr. P. resup. covered with a viscid pellicle, grey or blackish; s. incurved then ascending, very short, white; g. distant, white; sp. 4-6 × 1.5. [Silvanus, Sacc. P. thin, sessile, cupulate or dimidiate, resupinate then reflexed, very even, glabrous, greyish black, very minutely white-scurfy; g. broad, dingy white; sp. strongly curved, 8-9 × 3.5-4. cyphellaeformis, B. P. 5-8 mm. pendulous, cup-shaped, downy or mealy, upper layer gelatinous, grey; g. narrow, distant, pure white; sp. ——. Resembling a Cyphella in habit. [nivosus, Q. P. thin, campan. sessile, gelatinous, white and like parchment when dry, granularly rugose, striate, subpellucid, smoky grey, when moist with hyaline warts; g. narrow, white; sp. reniform, 12 × 2. applicatus, Batsch. P. 4-8 mm. dusky grey, sessile, thin, rather firm, cupulate, resupinate then reflexed, slightly striate, subpruinose, base downy; gills broad, paler; sp. glob. 4-5. Differs from P. tremulus in absence of distinct s. [Mustialensis, Karst. P. resupinate, subgelatinous within, sessile or with an exceedingly short lateral stem, black, white-tomentose; g. distant, narrow, paler; sp. 6-8 × 4. Differs from P. applicatus in black p. with white down, and dark g. -
*** Pileus membranaceous, not viscid. Hobsoni, B. P. 4-7 mm. reniform or semicircular, horizontal, pale grey, downy; g. radiating, pallid; sp. ——. Differs from P. applicatus in being plane. striatulus, Fr. P. 3-4 mm. very thin, pale grey, slightly cup-shaped, striate, glabrous; g. few, distant. [canus, Q. P. thin, dimidiate, reniform, edge mostly lobed, whitish, downy, striate; g. very distant, adnate, white, edge fimbriate; s. rudimentary; sp. 7-9 × 5. [arenarius, Lasch. Hoary-pallid, subsulcate, slightly tomentose; g. distant, thick, broad; s. absent or very short, white-floccose. Allied to P. striatulus. [perpusillus, Fr. White. P. very thin, resup. then reflexed, even, glabrous; g. few, broad. [subplicatus, Karst. P. very thin, resup. orbicular, usually entire, almost plane, striato-plicate, rather silky, white, fixed by a white downy base; g. radiating from an excentric point, broad, whitish; sp. 6-7 × 4-5. var. cinereus, Karst. Entirely pale grey or glaucous. hypnophilus, B. P. 3-6 mm. very thin, flat, white, rather reniform, nearly smooth; g. radiating, distant, simple; sp. 5 × 3. Resembling Claudopus variabilis, but gills and spores white. chioneus, Pers. Snow white. P. 2-3 mm. very thin, subresupinate, downy; s. short, downy, evanescent; g. rather broad; sp. 10 long. P. septicus is larger; s. more distinct; p. thicker. Differs from P. hypnophilus in downy pileus. [craterellus, Dur. and LÉv. Cupulate, white, even, downy, edge entire; sp. 6 long. [pudens, Q. P. downy, hygr. coriaceous, cup-shaped, g. radiating, thin, wavy, white tinged lilac; s. central, short.
A. Mesopus. Pileus entire. Stem central. -
* Pileus and stem fleshy and solid. cibarius. Every part opaque yellowish-buff. P. 3-7 cm. wavy then turbinate, glabrous; g. thick, distant; s. 3-5 cm. narrowed below; sp. 9 × 5-6. Edible. Smell none when fresh, like apricots when kept for some time. Sometimes all whitish. var. rufipes, Gillet. Flesh pale ochraceous, s. rufous at base. [amethysteus, Q. P. thick, egg-yellow, edge flocculose violet flesh-colour; g. reticulate, yellow; s. obconic, colour of p.; sp. 11 long. Friesii, Q. P. 2-3 cm. convex then depr. villose, somewhat orange; g. fold-like, branched, yellow; s. 2 cm. slender, downy, base white, narrowed; sp. 6-7 × 2-3. With gills of C. cibarius and habit of C. aurantiacus. aurantiacus, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. thin, depr. soft, subtomentose, dingy orange then pale; g. crowded, dichotomous, orange, rather broad; s. 1-2 cm. expanding upwards, orange, base often dark; sp. 10 × 5. Poisonous. Perhaps should be placed under Clitocybe. [hypnorum, Brond. P. campan. tomentose, yellowish or pale ochre; g. decur. branched, yellow; s. slender, solid, wavy, almost glabrous, yellowish. [rufescens, Fr. P. plano-depr. almost glabrous, gilvous, thin; g. crowded, thin; s. elongated, stuffed, narrowed upwards. [olidus, Q. (= C. rufescens, Q. not Fr.) P. fleshy, edge downy, white, convex then cyathiform, flesh white then pinkish; g. decur. pinkish; s. rosy; sp. 3-4 long. Taste sweetish. Smell of burnt sugar when dry. [brachypodes, Chev. P. thin, infundib. almost glabrous, fuscous; the short stuffed stem and straight gills yellowish. Brownii, B. and Br. P. rather fleshy, convex, subumb. pale ochre then reddish; g. very narrow, simple or forked, whitish; s. 3-5 cm. slender, tough; sp. 7 × 5. Gills very narrow, vein-like, hardly decur. [subdenticulatus, Mont. Small, entirely apricot colour. P. rather scurfy, convex and umb. then subdepr. edge spinously toothed; gills fold-like, thickish, decur.; s. solid, flocculose above, base narrowed; sp. globose. [parvus, Otth. P. infundib. fibrously scaly, brownish-grey; g. fold-like, scarcely prominent, yellowish; s. slender, twisted, greyish-yellow, sulcate. carbonarius, A. and S. P. 3-6 cm. umbil. bay then blackish, striato-squamulose; g. straight, narrow, white; s. 2.5 cm. paler than p. rooting; sp. 14-15 × 7-8. Fasciculate, 2-3 pilei often appearing to spring from a branched stem. umbonatus, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, umb. then depr. flocculose, blackish grey; s. 5-7 cm. equal, paler; g. straight, crowded, white; sp. 10 × 4-5. Resembling an Agaric in habit. albidus, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. infundib. wavy, glabrous, pallid, sometimes indistinctly zoned; g. dichotomous, white; s. 2-3 cm. solid, subequal, glabrous; sp. ——. Tough, sometimes tinged brown or yellow. [longipes, Lamb. P. centre prominent, edge thin, upturned, dry, even, chestnut; g. fold-like, decur. closely crowded, forked, yellowish; s. long, pale grey. [Turrissi, Inz. Straw-colour. P. fleshy-waxy, hygr. convex then digitaliform, often umbil.; g. decur. white, thick, fold-like, simple, rarely branched; s. white, ventricosely fusiform. -
** Pileus submembranaceous; stem tubular, polished. tubaeformis, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. infundib. wavy, lobed, flocculose, brownish then pale; g. thick, distant, much branched, smoky yellow, not pruinose; s. 4-7 cm. hollow, glabrous, lacunose, tawny-orange; sp. 9 × 6-7. var. lutescens, Fr. P. convex, umbil. almost regular, nearly glabrous; g. less divided. Connects present sp. with C. infundibuliformis. var. lutescens, Fr. P. convex, umbil. almost even and regular; g. less divided. Differs in more equal stem narrowed upwards. Connects C. tubaeformis with C. infundibuliformis. infundibuliformis, Fr. P. 2-6 cm. thin; infundib. floccoso-rugose, smoky yellow then pale; g. thick, dichotomous, greyish yellow, pruinose; s. fistulose, even, glabrous, yellow; sp. 9-10 × 6. cinereus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. thin, infundib. open at base, blackish grey, villosely-squamulose; g. thick, distant, grey; s. 3-5 cm. paler than p.; sp. 7 × 5. (15-8 Sacc.) Resembling Craterellus cornucopioides but having distinct gills. [leucophaeus, Nouel. P. thin, tough, infundib. glabrous, brownish umber; g. distant, simple, mixed with dichotomous ones, white; s. stuffed, thin, even, colour of p. cupulatus, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. plano-infundib. wavy, hygr. pallid fuscous or brownish, flocculose when dry; g. very distant, branched, grey; s. 2-3 cm. stuffed, polished, colour of p.; sp. 7 × 5. Houghtoni, Phil. P. 2-3 cm. convex, umbil. wavy, whitish; g. slightly decur. narrow, tinged pink; s. 3-5 cm. equal, whitish, stuffed; sp. 7 × 4. Stevensoni, B. and Br. P. 5-8 mm. orbicular, umbil. pallid, smooth; g. decur. pallid; s. 1-1.5 cm. slender, cylindrical, white then darker, pulverulent; sp. ——. replexus, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. convex, exp. and inversed, striate, brown then grey; g. adnato-decur. veined, branched, distant, white or glaucous; s. 3-5 cm. fistulose, glabrous, thickened upwards; sp. ——. Habit of a Mycena but g. thick and fold-like. var. devexus, Fr. P. cucullate; s. stuffed; g. simple, grey. [hygrophanous, C. P. Laest. P. infundib. punctate, hygr. edge involute, obtuse; g. decur. branched, edge obtuse; s. fistulose, tough, silky-shining. [coriaceus, Preuss. P. depr. rusty brown, edge rather wavy and then incurved; g. vein-like, forked, pale yellow; s. stuffed, thick, pallid. -
B. Merisma. Stems very numerous, united into an elongated column, or branched. [fascicularis, Strauss. P. tubiform, split on one side, cochleate, downily scaly; flesh and connate stems violet. [ramosus, Schulz. Lurid yellow. P. fleshy, plano-depr. at length deeply umbil. fibrous; s. solid, caespitose, divided into branches each dilating into a pileus at its apex; g. vein-like, anastomosing. [polycephalus, Bres. Branched. P. convex then subinfundib. white, edge lobed; g. decur. white, connected by veins; s. white, downy, apex branched; sp. 6 × 3.5. [ochraceus, Gill. P. unequally infundib. edge upturned, lobed, yellowish ochre; g. decur. almost to base of stem, anastomosing, rosy-white; s. branched, even, spotted ochre. -
C. Pleuropus. Stem exactly lateral. [spathulatus, Fr. P. fleshy, spathulate, glabrous, brownish; g. dichotomous, crowded, white; s. thin, glabrous. muscigenus, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. spathulate, horizontal, glabrous, zoned, yellowish brown or fuscous, greyish white when old; g. thick, distant, branched, colour of p.; s. short, base downy; sp. 10-12 × 6-8. Differs from C. glaucus in being brown when moist, and from C. retirugis in having a distinct lateral stem. glaucus, Batsch. Grey. P. 1 cm. ligulate, ascending, silky, not zoned; g. fold-like, tumid, distant, forked; s. short, pruinose; sp. 5 × 3. -
D. Resupinate. Pileus cup-shaped at first, fixed by the vertex, then subreflexed. -
* Growing on mosses. [bryophilus, Fr. P. thin, cupulate, white, vertex forming a stem-like point of attachment, villose; g. broad, dichot., radiating from centre. Gills acute, much resembling an Agaric. [juranus, Q. and Pat. (= Dictyolus.) P. wavy, 1-2 mm. diam. snow-white, becoming split, thin, downy, springing from cobweb-like mycelium; g. fold-like, branched, broad, thin, white then cream; sp. 6-7 long. Close to C. bryophilus. retirugus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. thin, exp. wavy and lobed, greyish-white, adfixed by fibrils behind; g. radiating from centre, very thin, reticulated; sp. 10 × 8. lobatus, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. horizontal, lobed, brown then pale; g. fold-like, distinct, branched, divergent; sp. ——. [muscorum, Fr. P. thin, gelatinous, ear-shaped, dingy rufous, glabrous; g. crisped, folds divided near the margin of p.; sp. 3-4 × 2-3. -
** Growing on wood. [applicatus, LÉv. P. lobed, margin byssoid, tomentose, white; g. vein-like, radiating from the centre, forked, white. [odorus, Wetts. Reddish-yellow, strongly-scented. P. entire, solid, fleshy, convex then turbinate or subconcave, often umbil. or subwavy, glabrous, edge slightly incurved; g. thick, forked, decur.; s. solid, glabrous; sp. subgl. 3-4. [crucibulum, Fr. P. cup-shaped, downy, white; g. dichotomous, broad, dingy yellow, edge obtuse. [Coemansii, Rab. P. campan. tomentose, whitish, edge incurved; g. fold-like, somewhat forked, cinnamon. ARRHENIA, Fr. -
* Stem lateral. [auriscalpium, Fr. Brown. P. thin, convex, glabrous; g. vein-like, few, distant, simple; s. exactly lateral, straight, downy. Resembling Hyduum auriscalpium in form, but smaller. -
** Pileus sessile. [tenella, Fr. P. .5-1 cm. effuso-reflexed, thin, soft, blackish, becoming lobed; g. vein-like, simple, with shorter ones, dark. [cupularis, Fr. P. 2-3 mm. resupinate, soft, orbicular, outside even, downy, grey; g. vein-like, simple, radiating from centre. Resembles young condition of Pleurotus applicatus. [fimicola, Bagl. P. resupinate, thin, concavo-patellate, flesh-colour, with a byssoid border; veins very slight, distant. NYCTALIS, Fr. -
A. Speleae. Gills crowded, more or less coalescent. Very doubtful, probably morbid forms of Agarics. [verpoides, Fr. P. campan. obtuse, glabrous, brown; g. very thick, coalescent; s. equal, rigid, striate, glabrous. [cryptarum, Secr. Foetid. P. conico-deformed, brown; g. adnexed, undulate, subcoalescent, flocculose, fleshy-grey; s. unequal, flexuose, hoary-fibrillose. [canaliculata, Pers. P. pallid white, oblique, subumbil. almost glabrous; g. crowded, distinct, almost simple, edge slightly canaliculate; s. solid, subundulate, naked. caliginosa, W. G. Sm. P. subumb. edge incurved, greyish, white and silky when dry, 1 cm.; g. subdecur. thick, narrow, branched, grey; s. 3-5 cm. often inflated, whitish, silky, hollow, rusty inside; sp. 5 × 3. -
B. Parasitae. Gills distinct from each other, distant. Growing on decaying fungi. [nauseosa, Weinm. Smell nauseous. P. fleshy, globose then hemisph. ochraceous, pulverulent, edge involute; g. distant, forked, pallid; s. fistulose, thick, obliquely sulcate and twisted, pallid. Larger than N. asterophora. asterophora, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. conical then hemispher. fawn, mealy with large stellate conidia; g. adnate, distant, rather forked, dingy; s. 1-1.5 cm. whitish pruinose then brownish, twisted; sp. 3 × 2. parasitica, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conical then exp. irreg. with grey meal formed of large, elliptical, smooth conidia; g. adnate, thick, distant, then forked and anastomosing, dusky; s. 2-6 cm. whitish, floccosely downy; sp. 5 × 3.5. [microphylla, Corda. P. hemispher. soft, glabrous, naked, white; g. adnate, entire, dingy white; s. glabrous, bluish. [vopiscus, Fr. P. cup-shaped, reflexed then recurved, pallid; g. thick, radiating from centre; s. short, excentric, curved, flocculose, pallid.
A. Mesopodes. Pileus subentire; stem distinct. -
* Pileus squamulose. tigrinus, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. orbicular, umbil. whitish, with blackish innate scales; g. very narrow, tinged yellow; s. 3-5 cm. slender, squamulose; sp. 7 × 3.5. Dunalii, Fr. P. umbil. deformed, pallid with spot-like adpressed scales which disappear; g. crowded, pallid; s. 1.5-2 cm. rather silky; sp. ——. lepideus, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. tough, depr. irreg. pale ochre breaking up into darker spot-like scales; g. sinuato-decur. broad, whitish; s. 2-3 cm. stout, rooting, tomentosely squamulose; sp. 7 × 3. (10-14 × 6 Sacc.) var. contiguus, Fr. P. thinner, plano-depr. and with the slender stem, even. [gallicus, Q. P. ivory colour with tawny lilac flecks, then areolate; s. pubescent, white, apex sulcate, then torn into scales, flesh coloured; g. white, decur. in lines; sp. 10-12 long. [sitaneus, Fr. P. elastic, convex, unequal, grey, fibrillosely scaly; g. deeply decur. base anastomosing; s. firm, curved, fibrillose. [degener, Kalchb. P. hemispher. exp. ochre with tawny scales; g. very narrow, anastomosing; s. stout, scaly, base blackish. [contortus, Fr. P. orbicular, umbil. tawny rufescent with darker scales; g. crowded, subdecur.; s. twisted, subsulcate, squamulose. [Queletii, Schulz. P. at first regular, edge incurved, umber, then depr. edge wavy and split, and becoming pale or almost white, scaly; g. pale ochre, edge torn; s. branched, excentric, colour of p. squamulose; sp. 7-8 × 3. -
** Pileus villose or pulverulent. leontopodius, Schulz. P. 7-16 cm. tough, irreg. slightly tomentose, disc depr. tan, edge bent down, lobed; g. decur. connected by veins, sides rugose; s. 6-9 cm. stout, woody, pulverulent, tan, base blackish; sp. 12-15 long. [domesticus, Karst. Very large. P. tough, edge thin, subinfundib. oblique, irregular, cuticle broken up into darker adpressed revolute scales, rusty; g. deeply decur. toothed, narrowed at both ends, very broad, pale tawny rusty then reddish; s. excentric, solid, rusty, squamulose; sp. 3-5 × 2-3. [hornotinus, Fr. P. deformed, pulverulent, grey; g. crowded, white; s. caespitosely branched, unequal, rather woody. [pulverulentus, Scop. P. tough, convex, yellow, white-pulverulent; g. toothed, white; s. stout, equal, rigid, with white powder. [lusitanicus, Kalchb. P. oblique, not compact, depr. sublobed, tomentose, becoming naked, tan; g. decur. crowded, anastomosing, white; s. short, excentric or lateral, solid, even, glabrous, colour of p.; sp. ——. resinaceus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. tough, excentric, cinnamon-ochre, villose, matted with resin; g. crowded, shining white; s. 2 cm. partly hollow, downy; sp. ——. adhaerens, A. and S. P. 2-3 cm. tough, irreg. lacunose, rather pulverulent; g. decur. in lines, very thin, torn, white; s. colour of p. glutinous, rooting; sp. ——. P. and s. appear as if lacquered from the dried gluten. -
*** Pileus glabrous. [suffrutescens, Fr. P. tough, convex then infundib. glabrous, somewhat rusty; g. crenato-torn, yellowish; s. elongated, somewhat branched, woody. [auricolor, Brig. Subcaespitose, golden yellow, oblique; g. decur.; s. fibroso-woody, subexcentric, distorted. [anisatus. P. tough, subflabelliform or obliquely subinfundib. somewhat lobed, whitish; g. decur. tinged yellow, edge entire; s. lateral or excentric, short, pallid; sp. 6-7 × 3.5. [jugis, Fr. White. P. irreg. lobed, glabrous, rather viscid; g. dentate; s. short, irreg. scaly. [umbellatus, Fr. P. tough, umbil. pervious, glabrous, yellowish grey; g. very narrow, white; s. branched, sulcate. cochleatus, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. tough, flaccid, irreg. depr. or infundib. reddish cinnamon; g. crowded, serrate, pinkish white; s. solid, length variable, several frequently more or less grown together, sulcate, glabrous; sp. ——. Edible. Smell sometimes spicy, at others almost none. [friabilis, Fr. Caespitose, fleshy-fibrous, fragile, becoming pale. P. thin, subdimidiate, umbilicate, pervious into partly hollow contorted s.; g. crowded, narrow. [omphalodes, Fr. Solitary. P. thin, tough, at first deeply umbil. livid straw-colour then pale, limb convex then exp. and wavy; g. decur. arcuate, pallid; s. central, thin, tough, glabrous, scrobiculate. [bisus, Q. P. tough, convex, exp. deeply umbil. irreg. excentric, edge lobed, livid grey, umbil. fuscous; g. sinuato-decur. greyish white, edge toothed; s. brown, longitudinally sulcate, twisted, excentric; sp. glob. 4-5. [badius, Bres. P. thin, tough, regular, excentric, or subdimidiate, with longitudinal cristate veins, bay then pale; g. very distant, edge deeply and irreg. crenate; s. short, greyish-lilac; sp. 5-6 × 4-4.5. [Bresadolae, Schulz. (= L. divisus, Schulz.) P. soon irreg. infundib. wavy and sinuate, glabrous, even, pale smoky fuscous; g. distant, spuriously decur.; s. very tough, obconic, subrooting, tinged reddish; sp. 8-10 long. [hispidosus, Fr. Caespitose. P. thin, subdimidiate, lobed, infundib. hispidly scaly, rusty, edge torn, proliferous; g. serrulate; s. many, growing out of each other. -
B. Pleuroti. Dimidiate, sessile or with a sublateral stem. scoticus, B. and Br. P. 2-5 cm. thin, umbil. or infundib. smooth, pallid or brownish, hygr.; g. decur. when stem is present, pallid, strongly toothed; s. excentric or lateral, variable, darker than p. springing from a branched brown mycelium; sp. 5-6 × 4. fimbriatus, Currey. P. 1-2 cm. thin, depr. behind, pale fawn with darker scales, margin hairy; g. narrow, tinged brown; s. .5 cm. thin, whitish; sp. ——. [ursinus, Fr. P. sessile, imbricated, ear-shaped, ascending, even, rufous brown, brownish tomentose behind with age, edge entire, glabrous; g. broad, torn, whitish. [castoreus, Fr. P. subsessile, imbricate, pilei tongue-shaped, glabrous, subrugose, rufous then tan, edge involute, entire; g. closely crowded, rufescent. vulpinus, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. tough, shell-shaped, imbricate, connate behind, longitudinally corrugated with ribs, floccoso-scrupose, tan, edge incurved, entire; g. broad, torn, white; sp. glob. 2. [auricula, Fr. White, caespitosely imbricated, p. dimidiate, sessile, ascending, glabrous, at length revolute; g. linear, densely crenulate; sp. glob. 3. Habit of Pleur. porrigens. [suavissimis, Fr. Smell very pleasant. Subsessile, white, thin, peltate, even, glabrous; g. dentate, decurrent from base, anastomosing. flabelliformis, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. subsessile, thin, tough, reniform, glabrous, fawn-colour, edge crenato-fimbriate; g. broad, torn, pallid. [tomentellus, Karst. Subsessile, imbricately tufted, coriaceous, p. horizontal, tongue-shaped or obovoid, tomentose, whitish then tinged rufescent, yellowish when dry, edge wavy, incurved; g. much crowded, narrow, whitish, tinged red when dry, edge toothed. [hygrophanus, Harz. P. conchate, woolly, digitately lobed, white then yellowish ochre, glabrous, hygr. fragile, fixed by a narrow lateral point; g. densely and acutely dentato-serrate; sp. glob. 3-3.5.
PANUS, Fr. -
* Pileus irregular; stem excentric. [farneus, Fr. P. compact, hard, irreg. circinate, nearly plane, unequal, dingy yellow; g. adnate, crowded; s. short, glabrous, sulcate, pinkish. [cyathiformis, Schaeff. P. obliquely cup-shaped, wavy, squamulose, brick-red then pale; g. crowded, pallid then yellowish; s. very short, even, firm, excentric. [fulvidus, Bres. P. tough, thin, convex or subcampan. exp. gibbous or umb. tawny then pale, with brown squamules, edge fibrilloso-sulcate; g. almost free, white; s. solid, white, narrowed to a rooting base, apex sulcate; sp. 12-18 × 6-9. [urnula, Fr. Subsessile, imbricated. P. subexcentric, urniform, even, glabrous, fuscous, pale when dry, edge lobed; g. attenuato-decur. grey. [vaporarius, Bagl. Caespitose imbricate. P. subcoriaceous, base narrowed, erect, spathulate then utriculiform, undulately lobed, pruinose, dingy white then livid violet; g. decur. very narrow, tinged rose. conchatus, Fr. P. tough, thin, unequal, excentric, dimidiate, cinnamon then pale, becoming squamulose, 3-9 cm.; g. decur. in lines, somewhat branched, pinkish then ochre; s. 1-2 cm. unequal, base pubescent; sp. ——. Rigid and the gills crisped or wavy when dry. torulosus, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. plano-infundib. even, flesh colour then ochre; g. decur. rather distant, reddish then tan; s. 1-2 cm. stout, oblique, greyish-tomentose; sp. ——. rudis, Fr. Caespitose. P. 4-6 cm. tough, depressed, sinuate, reddish-tan, bristling with tufts of hairs; g. decur. narrow, crowded, pale buff; s. very short or obsolete, hirsute; sp. ——. [Lamyanus, Mont. P. orbicular, edge incurved, and, with the central stem, tawny umber and fasciculately hirsute; g. narrow, thick, forked, decur. [granulatus, Berk. and Mont. Entirely rusty-saffron; p. semiorbicular; s. short, excentric, granular; g. sparingly connected by veins. [Schurii, Schulz. P. coriaceous, flattened, centre concave, wavy, obconic, even, glabrous, whitish; g. decur. narrow, pallid; s. central, fibrillose, short or almost absent. [inverse-conicus, Lerchenf. and Schulz. P. flattened, broadly umbil. whitish, edge incurved, inversely conical; g. decur. both ends acute; s. central, cylindrical, white then brown. -
** Stem definitely lateral. [foetens, Fr. Foetid. P. spongy, spathulate, convex then depr. yellowish white, rather silky, base continued into a long stem channelled above; g. decur. firm, crowded, reddish-yellow. [cochlearis, Pers. Caespitose, tawny. P. oval, convex, spathulate, hirsute, edge involute, entire; s. lateral; g. decur. stipticus, Fr. Taste hot and pungent. P. thin, flexible, reniform, cinnamon then pale, broken up into scurfy squamules; g. determinate, thin, reticulately joined, cinnamon; s. lateral, very short, dilated into the p.; sp. 3 × 2. [flabellulum, A. and S. P. dimidiate, flabellate, subsquamulose, produced into a short stem-like base, white then fawn; g. decur. crowded; sp. 2.5-3.5. [tenuis, Wetts. P. thin, reniform or suborbicular, convex then exp. ochre or subfuscous, glabrous, somewhat shining; g. numerous, very thin, colour of p.; s. lateral, oblique; sp. 2.5 × 1.5. farinaceus, Schum. P. 1.5-2 cm. flexuous, dusky cinnamon, broken up into greyish-white scurf which falls away; g. free, distinct, pale; s. lateral, short; sp. ——. var. albido-tomentosus, Cke. and Mass. P. with short, whitish velvety down, semicircular; g. honey colour; sp. subgl. 5. [Schultzii, Kalchb. P. spathulato-flabelliform, rigid, coriaceous, concentrically sulcate, radiately rugose, dingy brick-red; g. crowded, paler than p., edge brownish; s. expanding into pileus, apex virgate; sp. 3 × 1. Allied to P. stypticus. -
*** Pileus resupinate, sessile or produced to a point of attachment behind. [violaceofulvus, Q. P. resupinate, thin, hygr. cup-shaped then exp. and reflexed, pulverulent, violet-umber; g. pale violet. [ringens, Fr. P. resupinate, thin, flaccid, orbicular then partly closed over and gaping, reddish-brown, edge striate; g. simple, flesh-colour. patellaris, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. resupinate, plano-depr. orbicular, pallid scurfy or downy, edge involute; g. ochraceous; sp. 4 × 3. Stevensonii, B. and Br. P. spathulate, olive yellow; s. dilated above convex, golden, slightly hispid; g. narrow, entire; flesh greenish-yellow. [pudens, Q. P. cup-shaped then pendulous, with white pubescence, edge becoming rosy; g. tinted lilac. [Delastri, Mont. Resupinate, coriaceous, urceolato-turbinate, vertex protruding as a tomentose stem, edge incurved; g. brownish purple, edge white-pruinose. [lithophilus, Fr. P. resupinate, flattened, sessile, adnate, downy, edge free; g. radiating from a point, amethyst.
XEROTUS, Fr. degener, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, plano-infundib. edge entire, greyish bay, slightly zoned when moist; g. distant, decur. simple or dichot. greyish; s. 1-2 cm. brown with white down. A very uncertain sp. probably some Clitocybe. QuÉlet says it is an old condition of Cantharellus carbonarius. [romanus, Fr. P. glabrous, thin, exp. umbil. even, brownish, edge lobed; g. thick, crisped, rufescent; s. rigid, fistulose, black. LENZITES, Fr. -
* Growing on Angiosperms. [albida, Fr. P. corky, soft, plane, zoneless, whitish, tomentose; g. thin, dichot. anastomosing, entire, whitish. Effuso-reflexed. betulina, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. firm, long, 2-5 cm. broad, broadly attached, flesh 4-6 mm. thick, pallid or tinged brown, rather zoned, tomentose; g. thin, forked, whitish; sp. 4 × 2. flaccida, Fr. P. 3-6 cm. flaccid, more or less flabelliform, thin, strigose, zoned, pallid; g. broad, crowded, unequally branched, whitish; sp. 7 × 5. [variegata, Fr. P. rigid, plane, velvety, zoned with different colour, edge whitish; g. broad, thickish, anastomosing, white, edge torn. Habit and colour of Poly. versicolor. [trabea, Fr. P. coriaceous, flattened, rugulose, almost glabrous, brownish; g. straight, simple and forked, freely anastomosing, entire, reddish. Habit of Dedaelea quercina but thinner. [cinnamomea, Fr. P. coriaceous, flattened, firm, downy, concentrically sulcate, inside and out cinnamon; g. rather distant, straight, unequal, almost simple, narrow, entire, colour of p. var. crocata, Sacc. P. strigosely velvety, sulcate, brown; g. yellow, edge unequal, paler, trama bright saffron. [tricolor, Fr. P. corky, plane, base gibbous, scabrid, zoned and radiately rugulose, yellow then dingy; g. thin, distant, forked, anastomosing behind, citrin then umber. -
** Growing on Gymnosperms. sepiaria, Fr. P. 3-9 cm. long, hard, zoned, bay, strigose, rough; g. branched, anastomosing, yellowish; sp. 5 × 4. abietina, Fr. P. 3-12 cm. effuso-reflexed, umber-tomentose then nearly glabrous, hoary; g. decur. simple, unequal, with white meal; sp. 7-8 × 4. [pinastri, Kalchb. P. coriaceous, rigid, convex, tomentose, obsoletely zoned, disc hoary, edge with broad rusty band; g. densely anastomosing, pallid. [Queletii, Schulz. P. generally reniform, corky, pale ochre becoming deep yellow when wet, closely zoned; g. thick, anastomosing and forming pores behind, whitish, edge tan; sp. 13-18 × 6-8. var. populina, Schulz. P. narrowed into stem-like base, tomentose, greyish or ochre; g. sometimes greyish, edge subserrulate. var. crassior, Schulz. P. blackish grey and scabrid behind, rest hispid-tomentose; sp. 4 × 1. [Bresadolae, Schulz. (= L. tricolor, Kalch. not of Fr.). P. semiorbicular, broadly adnate, gibbous, subtomentose, multizoned, interruptedly radially wrinkled, umber then tawny; edge of g. colour of p., sides paler; flesh fuscous. Reichardtii, Schulz. Subimbricated. P. semiorbicular, adnate, base brownish, ochre or whitish towards edge, grey when old, imperfectly zoned; g. tan, at first white mealy, some forked. [heteromorpha, Fr. Coriaceous, thin, effuso-reflexed, gibbous, fibroso-rugose, pallid, margin incised into broad plates, crowded, somewhat branched, white, excurrent. var. resupinata, Fr. Resupinate, porose. [labyrinthica, Q. and Schulz. P. irregularly rounded, edge sinuate, produced behind into a short stem-like base, greyish white, base darker, not zoned but with scattered warts; lamellate in front underneath, behind white, glabrous and sterile; g. tan, anastomosing and forming labyrinthiform pores; sp. 6-8 × 3-4. [faventina, Caldesi. P. dimidiate, sessile, corky, tuberculato-scrobiculate, whitish then grey; g. radiating, irreg. porose behind, tinged yellow, edge acute, darker. [mollis, Heufler. P. broadly exp. incurved, soft, edge brown with darker zones, centre grey; g. strongly anastomosing, greyish or wood-colour. [septentrionalis, Karst. P. sessile, dimidiate, gibbous behind, floccose, radiately rugulose, pallid brownish with darker zones, almost glabrous, edge thin, blackish; g. simple, crowded, very broad, fuscous. [sorbina, Karst. P. corky, effuso-reflexed, imbricate, almost glabrous, usually even, not zoned, thin, pallid, edge obtuse; g. anastomosing, dingy white, thickish. TROGIA, Fr. crispa, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. shallowly cup-shaped, reflexed, lobed, downy, yellowish brown, edge whitish; g. fold-like, dichotomous, crisped, greyish-white; sp. subgl. 5-6. In the only European sp. the edge of gills not channelled. SCHIZOPHYLLUM, Fr. commune, Fr. P. thin, more or less fan-shaped or reniform, often much lobed, narrowed behind to a point of attachment, whitish, downy then strigose; g. radiating, narrow, brownish, edge split; sp. subgl. 5-6. var. multifidum, Mass. (= S. multifidum, Fr.) P. deeply incised, segments narrow.