
Absentees, tenfold tax on, 298-9
Accusations, German, of Belgian cruelty, why made, 36;
absurdity of, 36-7;
progress of, 38-49;
against the Belgian Government, 89-92
Administration, German, of Belgium, 295-338
Aerschot, return of prisoners to, 95;
German burgomaster of, 140-1;
massacre at, 166
Agadir Crisis, 27
Agents-Provocateurs, 317-20
Aggravations, 336-41
Agreements, attempt to enforce illegal, 320-4
Air Raids, German, 122-4, 259-60, see Dirigibles
Albert, King, 178;
his patron saint's day, 268-9;
portraits of, 269-71;
his birthday, 272;
German abuse of, 282-3
America, Germany desires to influence, 38;
sends help, 173;
Belgium's gratitude towards, 178
Andenne, massacre at, 164, 326-33
AndrÉ, M. FranÇois, speech by, 139-40
Anseremme, men sent to Germany, 119;
Germans hide behind women at, 119-20
Antwerp, siege of, 51, 144;
bombardment of, 123-4, 128-9;
the city fired, 148;
sorties from, 163;
flight from, 166
Arlon, massacre at, 349;
narrative of an eye-witness, 349-54
Arms, surrender of, 90, 207
Army, Belgian, the "enemy," 272-3;
correspondence with, 356-7
Army, German, see German soldiers, Prisoners, Wounded, Officers
Assessment Bureau, suppressed, 304
Asquith, Mr., speaks in Dublin, 53
Atrocities, pretended Belgian (98-108);
refuted by VorwÄrts, 102-3;
by German wounded, 104-5, 106-8
Atrocities, German, 63, (70-88);
responsibility for, 70;
formula for excusing, 74-5;
method of, 91-2;
repetition of, 164-5
August 4th, Anniversary of, 276-9
August 6th, Anniversary of, 279-80
Baer, on "military necessity," 82
Bas-Luxembourg, massacres in, 71
Belge Neutre et Loyale, La, by E. Waxweiler, 37, 49, 75, 189, 200
Belgian Army, see Army
Belgian Government, proposals made to, 50-1;
accusations brought against, 89-92;
preventive measures taken by, 108-11;
people incited against, 289-94
Belgium, invaded, 30-2;
her attitude in defence of her neutrality, 33;
invasion of, 34;
character of, 53;
disinterested behaviour of, 61-2;
offered a bribe, 61, 140;
famine in, 164;
present administration of, 295-333;
see Invasion
Bernstoff, Count, 32, 124
Bethmann-Hollweg, his "scrap of paper" speech, and denial of same, 31;
the "strategic necessities" speech, 31-2, 34;
admits injustice of invasion, 63, 140;
refers to "gouged-out eyes," 207;
libellous declaration by, 209, 263-4, 281-2
Bismarck, 9, 31;
boasts of Ems telegram, 218
Bissing, Baron von, 23;
incites to massacre, 70, 83, 139;
cynicism and audacity of his lies, 188, 238, 336
Blinded soldiers, legend of, 99-100, 102-3
Blindness, deliberate, of German "intellectuals," 204, 209
BlÖm, Captain, on theory of terrorization, 89, 164, 197
Boiling oil, legend of, 99-100
Bombardment, of coast, 121-2;
of open towns, 123-4;
of monuments, 124-8
BrabanÇonne, the, prohibited, 273-4
Brabant, return of prisoners to, 96
Bredt, on Belgian art and character, 69
Brussels, supposed "francs-tireurs" in, 81;
return of prisoners to, 94;
pretended outrages on Germans in, 107-8;
the truth, 110-11;
the city fined, 147;
contributions imposed upon, 156-8;
Palais de Justice in, 162;
Belgian colours prohibited in, 268;
shops closed as demonstration, 275
Brutality, the Kaiser calls for, 335
Bueken, the curÉ of, tortured and murdered, 238
Buisseret-Steenbecque, Count, 49
BÜlow, General von, responsible for massacres, 71
CÆsar, sells Belgians into captivity, 93
Camps, prisoners', 92, 94
Capelle-au-Bois, atrocities at, 338-9
Carte de mÉnage, the, 172
Catholic priests, German, servility of, 216-17
Censorship, the German, 14-16, 204;
censored papers, 258-9;
examples of censorship, 259-60
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, shameful libel by, 237
Chancellor, the German, see Bethmann-Hollweg
Charleroi, atrocities at, 75;
German story of, 100, 118;
Alfred Heymel's account of, 195-7, 230, 354
Churches, German hatred and destruction of, 73-4
"Circulation," prohibited, 169;
allowed, 296
Civil population, attitude of, 89-90;
accused of guerilla warfare, 91-2;
more civilians killed than soldiers by Sept. 14, 131;
lying accusations made against, 188-90
Civil Prisoners, see Prisoners
Clergy, German hatred of, 72;
murdered and tortured, 72-3, 238, 343
Cockerill workshops, 55-6
Coercive measures taken by Germans, 115-17
Collective penalties, illegal, 143-9
Colours, Belgian, prohibited, 265-7;
wearing of the, 309
Communal trading, exploitation, etc., 170-1
Communes, property of, requisitioned, 163-4

Commission for Relief, the American, 173
Committee of Relief, the National, 173
Conrad, Pastor, author of libel, 103
Contributions, illegal, 154-6;
imposed on cities, 156;
on Brussels, 156-8
Cooper-Hewitt lamp, claimed as German, 181
Correspondence, regulations as to, 22-3;
with the Army, 356-7
Credulity, German, 207-9
Critical spirit, German surrender of the, 202-5
Cruelty, necessity of, 82-3;
is it effectual? 195;
supposed Belgian, see Atrocities
Cugnon, lying placard at, 233
Cynicism, German, 191-3
Dead, German, transport of, 231-2
Declaration of war, 50;
ignored by German newspapers, 52
Demonstrations, prohibition of, 274-80
Destitution, statistics of, 178
DestrÉe, M. Jules, 50
Deutsch-FranzÖsischer-Soldaten-SprachfÜhrer, 143
Dinant, return of prisoners to, 95-6;
massacres at, 98, 164, 166, 194, 347, 360
Dirigibles, at Deynze, 123;
Antwerp, 124;
imaginary tale of raid on LiÉge, 225-6, 229-30;
Germans lose one and pretend it is French, 230-1
Discussion, liberty of free, abolished, 205
Disdain of others, German, 184
Disunion, incitements to, 282-9
Drunkenness, in German Army, 80-2, 134
Dryander, Dr. O., servile complacency of, 213-15
Ducarne Report, the, 43-4
Dum-dum bullets, 113;
the Kaiser accuses Belgians of using, 208
Duplicity, German, 29
Economic depression in Belgium, 166
Egoism of German character, 313-16
Innocent, to suffer with or in place of guilty, 84, 143-9, 199
Inscriptions, protection, 87-8
Insults, German, reason of, 36

Intellectual life in Belgium, 12
Intellectuals, German, wilful blindness of, 209-10;
the "Ninety-three," 211-12
International law, suppressed by war, 183
InterprÈte Militaire, L', 334
Invasion, of Belgium, reasons for the, 34-5;
danger of recognized, 40-1;
the Greindl Report, 41-3, 58;
reason for, 63
Ivy leaf, wearing of, 268
Jagow, Herr von, sends ultimatum,

30, 34
Jesuit Convent, lying tale of, 225-8
Journal de la Guerre, German propagandist journal, 247-8
Jungbluth Report, the, 43-4
King of Belgium, the, see Albert, King
Kitchener's Army, German account of, 187
Koch, the apotheosis of, 180-1
Koester and Noske, authors of Kriegsfahrten, 59, 132, 162, 221, 262
KÖlnische Volkszeitung, suspended, 203
Kriegsbrauch im Landkriege, 137, 141, 159, 333
La Guerre, German propagandist journal, 248-9
Ladies, treatment of, 338
Laeken, orgies at, 81
L'Ami de l'Ordre, propagandist journal, 254-5
Latin authors, on German race, 281
Law of Nations, violation of the, 12
Le Bien Public, propagandist journal, 255-6
Leaflets, propagandist, 251-2
League of German Scientists and Artists, 251
Lebbeke, atrocities at, 68, 119, 354-5
Leffe, massacre at, 347
Leffe, Fonds de, massacre at, 347-8, 360
Legation, British, documents found in the, 45-6
Leman, General, 198, 238
LiÉge, German lies concerning forts of, 50;
occupation of, lies concerning, 38-60;
warned against Belgian news, 187;
marvellous tale of Jesuit convent near, 225-8;
keeps anniversary of August 6th, 279-80
Lies, concerning the situation in Belgium, 188;
concerning "francs-tireurs," 188-90, 217-282;
photographic, 218-20, 222-4;
written, 224-31
Lissauer, Ernst, author of the "Hymn of Hate," 294
Living shields, Belgians used as, 117-22, 263, 334-5
Lloyd George, speaks at City Temple, 35
Loot, see Pillage
Louvain, atrocities in, 87;
protective inscriptions, 88;
return of prisoners to, 95-6;
massacre in, 164;
lies concerning, 220-1
LÜgenfeldzug, 60
Luttre, strike at, 300-1
Lusitania, sinking of the, 194
Machinery, requisitioned, 158-9
Magnet, M. Charles, appeals to Freemasons for inquiry, 202-3
Malines, bombardment of cathedral, 126-8;
traffic in suppressed, 301-2
Manuals, military, 45
Marseillaise, the, shopkeepers fined for selling, 146, 273-4
Max, M., imprisoned and released, 10;
and the Governor of Belgium, 156-9;
his denial of a lying placard, 233-5, 265;
portrait worn, 309
Massacre, the two great periods of, 86-7, 131, 164-5;
see Atrocities, Reprisals, etc.
Massacres, pretended, of German civilians, 106-8
Mentality, German, 179-360
Mentality of a German officer, 78-80
Mercier, Cardinal, 202, 239-46
Meuse, pillage on the banks of the, 197-8
Middelkerke, Belgians detained at, 120-1
Might before Right, 183-4
Militarism, 182-4
Military employment of Belgians, 113-14
Militia, Belgian, escape of, 152-3
Mons, pillage at, 133
Monuments, destruction of, 124-8, 130-1
Murders, German, 63-80
Music, censored, 16, 146, 273-4
National anniversary, the, 274-6
National Committee of Relief, 172-8;
food, etc., distributed by, 175-7
Neutral opinion, necessity of influencing, 36, 38, 46-7
Neutrality, Belgian, violation of, 12, 27-62;
justification of, 31-2;
Germany accuses France of violating, 31-2;
England guarantees, 39-40
News published by the German Government, 185
News, secret propagation of, 20-1, 204-5
Newspapers forced to appear by the German Government, 13;
censored, 15;
authorized German newspapers, 16;
official, 17;
Dutch, 18-19;
introduced surreptitiously, 19-20;
secret, 21
Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, correspondence in, 103-5
"Ninety-three Intellectuals," the, 11, 211-12
Nissen, Herr Momme, on German virtues, 181;
pretends the Belgian attitude conciliatory, 310
Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 38
Observation-posts, pretended, 128-9, 130
Officers, German, lie to their men, 235-6
Organization, peculiarities of German, 303
Ostend, Belgians detained in, 120-1
Ottignies, account of atrocities at, by German officer, 335-6
Pasteur, ignored by Germans, 180-1
Pastoral Letter, Mgr. Mercier's, 240-6
Pastors, Protestant, servility of, 213-16
Photographs and picture-postcards, 193-4;
"faked" photographs, etc., 218-20;
showing Germans before Paris, etc., 238-9
Pillage, 131;
officers join in, 132-4;
methodical nature of, 136-7;
prohibited by Kriegsbrauch, 137, 166;
systematic, 197;
on the Meuse, 197-8
Placards, German, 22
Plague, lying report of, in Paris, 236
Poison-gas, see Gas
PoincarÉ, President, 220
Pope, the, surrenders Peter's Pence, 177
Portraits of Royal Family, 269-71, 309
Postcards, see Photographs
Preventive measures, see Reprisals, Terrorization
Pride, German, 179

Priests, see Clergy
Prisoners, civil, treatment of, 92-5;
return of, 95-6;
admittedly innocent, 96-8, 324;
torture of, 354-5
Prisoners, German, letters of, 56-8, 104-6
Proclamations, some a


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