| PAGE | CHAPTER I | | Tom Rides in Western Maryland—Halted by Armed Men—John Brown—The Attack upon Harper's Ferry—The Fight—John Brown's Soul Goes Marching On | 3 | | CHAPTER II | | Our War with Mexico—Kit Carson and His Lawyer, Abe Lincoln—Tom Goes to Lincoln's Inauguration—S. F. B. Morse, Inventor of the Telegraph—Tom Back in Washington | 22 | | CHAPTER III | | Charles Francis Adams—Mr. Strong Goes to Russia—Tom Goes to Live in the White House—Bull Run—"Stonewall" Jackson—Geo. B. McClellan—Tom Strong, Second-Lieutenant, U. S. A.—The Battle of the "Merrimac" and the "Monitor" | 40 | | CHAPTER IV | | Tom Goes West—Wilkes Booth Hunts Him—Dr. Hans Rolf Saves Him—He Delivers Despatches to General Grant | 71 | | CHAPTER V | | Inside the Confederate Lines—"Sairey" Warns Tom—Old Man Tomblin's "Settlemint"—Stealing a Locomotive—Wilkes Booth Gives the Alarm—A Wild Dash for the Union Lines | 90 | | CHAPTER VI | | Tom up a Tree—Did the Confederate Officer See Him?—The Fugitive Slave Guides Him—Buying a Boat in the Dark—Adrift in the Enemy's Country | 117 | | CHAPTER VII | | Towser Finds the Fugitives—Towser Brings Uncle Moses—Mr. Izzard and His Yankee Overseer, Jake Johnson—Tom Is Pulled Down the Chimney—How Uncle Moses Choked the Overseer—The Flight of the Four | 129 | | CHAPTER VIII | | Lincoln Saves Jim Jenkins's Life—Newspaper Abuse of Lincoln—The Emancipation Proclamation—Lincoln in His Night-shirt—James Russell Lowell—"Barbara Frietchie"—Mr. Strong Comes Home—The Russian Fleet Comes to New York—A Backwoods Jupiter | 160 | | CHAPTER IX | | Tom Goes to Vicksburg—Morgan's Raid—Gen. Basil W. Duke Captures Tom—Gettysburg—Gen. Robert E. Lee Gives Tom His Breakfast—In Libby Prison—Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg | 182 | | CHAPTER X | | Tom Is Hungry—He Learns to "Spoon" by Squads—The Bullet at the Window—Working on the Tunnel—"Rat Hell"—The Risk of the Roll-call—What Happened to Jake Johnson, Confederate Spy—Tom in Libby Prison—Hans Rolf Attends Him—Hans Refuses to Escape—The Flight Through the Tunnel—Free, but How to Stay So? | 213 | | CHAPTER XI | | Tom Hides in a River Bank—Eats Raw Fish—Jim Grayson Aids Him—Down the James River on a Tree—Passing the Patrol Boats—Cannonaded—The End of the Voyage | 249 | | CHAPTER XII | | Towser Welcomes Tom to the White House—Lincoln Re-elected President—Grant Commander-in-Chief—Sherman Marches from Atlanta to the Sea—Tom on Grant's Staff—Five Forks—Fall of Richmond—Hans Rolf Freed—Bob Saves Tom from Capture—Tom Takes a Battery into Action—Lee Surrenders—Tom Strong, Brevet-Captain, U. S. A. | 265 | | CHAPTER XIII | | The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln | 307 | | CHAPTER XIV | | Tom Hunts Wilkes Booth—The End of the Murderer—Andrew Johnson, President of the United States—Tom and Towser Go Home | 315 | |