Lord Lieutenant—The Right Hon. Earl of Leicester, Vice-Admiral and Custos Rotulorum. High Sheriff—Sir Charles Chad, Bart., Thurston. Members of Parliament, with their Town Residences. East Norfolk—E. Wodehouse, Esq., Limmer’s Hotel, Conduit-street; H. N. Burroughs, Esq., ditto; West Norfolk—William Bagge, Esq., Carlton Club; Hon. E. K. W. Coke, 1, St. James’-street; Norwich—Marquis of Douro, 3, Upper Belgrave-street; S. M. Peto, Esq., 47, Russell-square; King’s Lynn—Viscount Jocelyn, 35, Curzon-street; Honourable E. H. Stanley, Carlton Club; Great Yarmouth—Joseph Sandars, Esq., 4, St. James’s-place, Charles Edmund Rumbold, Esq., 1, Albermarle-street; Thetford—Hon. Francis Baring, 14, Pall Mall; Earl Euston, 47, Clarges-street. Chairman of the Norfolk Quarter Sessions—Henry Dover, Esq., Caston; Thomas Jacob Birch, Esq., Wretham; Edward Howes, Esq., Morningthorpe. Auditors of the County Accounts—Rev. Edwd. Postle, Chairman; William Burroughs, Esq.: Thomas Blakiston, Esq. Committee of Visiting Justices for regulating the County Gaol, who meet at the Castle every Saturday, at One o’Clock. Rev. E. Postle, Chairman; Rev. C. N. Wodehouse; Hon. Lord Wodehouse: Joseph Scott, Esq.; T. W. B. Beauchamp Proctor, Esq.; Rev. T. J. Blofield.; Wm. Burroughs, Esq. Rev. Ellis Burroughs; H. K. Tompson, Esq.; R. Blake Humphrey, Esq.; E. Howes, Esq. Chaplain—Rev. James Brown. COUNSEL ATTENDING THE NORFOLK AND NORWICH ASSIZES.Abdy —; Anderson, J. P.; Andrews, Biggs (Q.C.); Archer, H. G.; Browne, W. J. Utten; Browne, Geo. L.; Brown, Douglas; Brown, G. J. E.; Bulwer, J. R.; Burcham, T. B.; Byles, J. B. Serjeant; Cadogan, Hon. F.; Chapman, T. S.; Cooper, William; Cooper, Carlos; Couch, Richard; Dasent, J. B.; Druery, J. H.; Evans, Charles; Girling, —; Hervey, Lord A.; Hotson, W. C.; Keane, D. D.; Maine, —; Maule, J. C.; Metcalfe, W. J.; Mills, H.; Mills, J. H.; Naylor, T. H.; Newton, R. M.; O’Malley, P. F. (Q.C.); Palmer, Nat.; Power, D.; Prendergast, M. (Q.C.); Prendergast, M., junr.; Reeve, Sims; Rippingall, T. N.; Sanders, Thos.; Sirr, E. H.; Tozer, John, Worlledge, J.; Wells, L. M. *** The Bar List, containing the names and residences of Counsel during the Assizes, is always to be seen at the Rampant Horse Inn, St. Stephen’s. Clerk of Assize—J. O. Jones, No. 1, John-street, Bedford-square. Clerk of Indictments—S. R. Goodman, Sessions-house, Old Bailey. COUNSEL ATTENDING THE NORFOLK & NORWICH SESSIONS.Evans, Charles, King-street Palmer, Nathaniel, Redwell-street, St. Michael-at-Plea Cooper, William, at Mr. Ladbrooke’s, White Lion-street Cooper, Carlos, Orford-hill Hotson, W. C., King-street Druery, J. H., Bank-place Bulwer, J. R., Swan Inn, St. Peter’s Reeve, Sims, Tombland REGISTRATION.Births.—Persons should cause their children to be registered within forty-two days after birth, by giving personal notice to the registrar of their district, without any fee whatever. Registration may be effected after the expiration of the forty-two days, and within six months, on payment of a fee of 7s. 6d.; but after six months no birth can be registered. Deaths.—Intimation should be given of deaths in the same manner as births. This is of importance to be done early, as the undertaker must have a certificate to give to the minister who reads the funeral services, without which he may refuse to bury the body. As the cause of death is to be entered, sound discretion should be used in ascertaining the real nature of the deceased’s death, for which important purpose even facility should be given. Receipt Stamps.
Persons receiving the money are compelled to pay the duty. Penalty for giving receipts without a stamp, £10 and under £100, and £20 above that sum. Bills and Promissory Notes. Not exceeding two months after date, or sixty days after sight.
Life Insurance Policies.
Fire. Duty on each policy 1s, besides 3s per cent. per annum on every insurance made or renewed. Exemptions.—Public hospitals: also agricultural produce, farming stock, and implements of husbandry, provided the insurance shall be effected by a separate and distinct policy. Agreements Of the value of £20, containing 2060 words, 2s. 6d.; more than 1080 words, of 2s. 6d. for every 1080 words. Bonds and Mortgages.
And where the some shall exceed £300, then for every £100, or any part of it, 2s 6d. Conveyances.
And where the purchase or consideration money shall exceed £600, then for £100, or any part of £100, 10s. Lease for a Year.
Apprentices’ Indentures to state the real amount of premium in proportion to which the stamp duty is charged, on penalty of forfeiting double the amount of premium. For drawing a Bill or Promissory note on unstamped paper, £50.—For post-dating Bills of Exchange, £100. For drawing a Cheque more than ten miles from the place where made payable, £100. For receiving the same in payment. £20. For bankers paying the same, £100. |