
Church List—Anthony Hudson, Esq., Chairman; John Stracey, Esq., Vice-Chairman; Hon. and very Rev. George Pellew; Richard Hanbury Gurney, Esq., Messrs. J. Barwell, Jacob Johnson, Lewis Evans, M.D., Richard Watson, Edward Freestone, Benjamin Bradford, George Seppings, John Norgate, and Francis Bradshaw, Esq.

General List—Anthony Hudson, Esq., Chairman; John Stracey, Esq., Vice-Chairman; R. H. Gurney, Esq.; Horatio Bolingbroke, Esq.; Messrs. Edward Freestone, W. Stark, Jacob Johnson, John Barwell, Benjamin Brandford, John Norgate, F. G. Bradshaw, Esq., and John Kitson, Esq.

Clerk—Mr. Thomas Brightwell

Bankers to the Church List—Messrs. Gurneys, Birkbeck, and Co.

Ditto to the General List—Messrs. Harveys and Hudson.

Coroner—Mr. W. Wilde

Clerk of the Justices—Mr. W. Day

Ditto for Licensing and Billetting—Mr. W. Wilde

Clerk of the Peace, and Town Clerk—J. R. Staff, Esq.

City Treasurer—Mr. T. Edwards

Clerk to Committees—Mr. R. Fickling

Under Sheriff—A. Dalrymple

City Surveyor—Mr. E. Benest

Auditors—Messrs. Anthony Bailey and Robert Butcher, elected by Citizens. Councillor, James Smith Rump, elected by the Mayor

Revising Assessors—Messrs. Charles Suckling Gilman and Henry Miller

Superintendent of Police—Mr. Dunn

Ditto of the Watch—Mr. William Yarington

Chaplain to the City Gaol—Rev. W. J. Cobb

Gaoler—Mr. P. M. Yarington

Collector of Tonnage Duties—Mr. Haddon

Collector of Provision Market Tolls—Mr. W. Musson

Master of the Great Hospital—Mr. George Simpson

Master of Doughty’s Hospital—Mr. Robert Minns


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