Especial notice should be taken that the possession of this book without a valid contract for production first having been obtained from the publisher confers no right or license to professionals or amateurs to produce the play publicly or in private for gain or charity. In its present form this play is dedicated to the reading public only, and no performance, representation, production, recitation, public reading, or radio broadcasting may be given except by special arrangement with Samuel French, 25 West 45th Street, New York. This play may be presented by amateurs upon payment of a royalty of Twenty-five Dollars for each performance, payable to Samuel French, 25 West 45th Street, New York, one week before the date when the play is given. Whenever the play is produced the following notice must appear on all programs, printing and advertising for the play: "Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French of New York." Attention is called to the penalty provided by law for any infringement of the author's rights, as follows: "SECTION 4966:--Any person publicly performing or representing any dramatic or musical composition for which copyright has been obtained, without the consent of the proprietor of said dramatic or musical composition, or his heirs and assigns, shall be liable for damages thereof, such damages in all cases to be assessed at such sum, not less than one hundred dollars for the first and fifty dollars for every subsequent performance, as to the court shall appear to be just. If the unlawful performance and representation be wilful and for profit, such person or persons shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding one year."--U. S. Revised Statutes: Title 60, Chap. 3. |
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The following is a copy of program of the first performance of GREEN STOCKINGS as produced at the Thirty-ninth Street Theatre, New York, on October 2, 1911:
Liebler and Company
A Comedy in Three Acts
Colonel J. N. Smith, D.S.O. | H. Reeves Smith |
William Faraday, J. P. | Stanley Dark |
Admiral Grice, R. N. | Arthur Lawrence |
Honorable Robert Tarver | Ivo Dawson |
James Raleigh | Wallace Widdecombe |
Henry Steele | Henry Hull |
Martin | Halbert Brown |
Celia Faraday | Margaret Anglin |
Evelyn Trenchard | Mrs. Ruth Holt Boucicault |
Madge Rockingham | Helen Langford |
Phyllis Faraday | Gertrude Hitz |
Mrs. Chisholm Faraday | Maude Granger |
ACT I. Room in Mr. Faraday's House, February 11th. Evening.
ACT II. Same as Act I. Eight months later. About six o'clock.
ACT III. Morning room in Mr. Faraday's house. Evening same day.
Admiral Grice (Retired), a testy old gentleman of about sixty-five, with the manner of an old sea dog, of ruddy complexion, with white hair and whiskers.
William Faraday, a well-preserved man of about sixty-five. Fashionable, superficial and thoroughly selfish.
Colonel Smith, a dignified, dryly humorous man of military bearing, about forty years old.
Robert Tarver, an empty-headed young swell.
Henry Steele and James Raleigh, two young men of about thirty and thirty-five respectively.
Martin, a dignified old family servant.
Celia Faraday, an unaffected woman of twenty-nine, with a sense of humor.
Madge (Mrs. Rockingham) and Evelyn (Lady Trenchard), handsome, well-dressed, fashionable women of twenty-five and twenty-seven respectively.
Phyllis, the youngest sister, a charming and pretty but thoughtlessly selfish girl of twenty.
Mrs. Chisholm Faraday, of Chicago (Aunt Ida), a florid, quick-tempered, warm-hearted woman of fifty or thereabouts.
Green Stockings