Madman They cut my face, there’s blood upon my brow. So, let it run, I am an old man now, An old, blind beggar picking filth for bread. Once I wore silk, drank wine, Spent gold on women, feasted, all was mine; But this uneasy current in my head Burst, one full moon, and cleansed me, then I saw Truth like a perfect crystal, life its flaw, I told the world, but I was mad, they said. I had a valley farm above a brook, My sheep bells there were sweet, And in the summer heat My mill wheels turned, yet all these things they took; Ah, and I gave them, all things I forsook But that green blade of wheat, I will go on, although my old heart ache. Not long, not long. Soon I shall pass behind This changing veil to that which does not change, My tired feet will range In some green valley of eternal mind Where Truth is daily like the water’s song. The wild-duck, stringing through the sky, Are south away. Their green necks glitter as they fly, The lake is gray, So still, so lone, the fowler never heeds. The wind goes rustle, rustle, through the reeds. * * * * There they find peace to have their own wild souls. In that still lake, Only the moonrise or the wind controls The way they take, Through the gray reeds, the cocking moorhen’s lair, Rippling the pool, or over leagues of air. * * * * Not thus, not thus are the wild souls of men. No peace for those To where the skies unclose. For them the spitting mob, the cross, the crown of thorns, The bull gone mad, the saviour on his horns. * * * * Beauty and Peace have made No peace, no still retreat, No solace, none. Only the unafraid Before life’s roaring street Touch Beauty’s feet, Know Truth, do as God bade, Become God’s son. [Pause.] Darkness come down, cover a brave man’s pain. Let the bright soul go back to God again. Cover that tortured flesh, it only serves To hold that thing which other power nerves. Darkness, come down, let it be midnight here, In the dark night the untroubled soul sings clear. [It darkens.] I have been scourged, blinded and crucified, My blood burns on the stones of every street In every town; wherever people meet I have been hounded down, in anguish died. [It darkens.] The creaking door of flesh rolls slowly back. Loosing the soul to tread another track. Beyond the pain, beyond the broken clay, A glimmering country lies Where life is being wise, All of the beauty seen by truthful eyes Are lilies there, growing beside the way. Those golden ones will loose the torted hands, Smooth the scarred brow, gather the breaking soul, Whose earthly moments drop like falling sands To leave the spirit whole. Only a penny, a penny, Lilies brighter than any, Lilies whiter than snow. Beautiful lilies grow Wherever the truth so sweet Has trodden with bloody feet, Has stood with a bloody brow. Friend, it is over now, The passion, the sweat, the pains, Only the truth remains. * * * * I cannot see what others see; Wisdom alone is kind to me, Wisdom that comes from Agony. Wisdom that lives in the pure skies, The untouched star, the spirit’s eyes; O Beauty, touch me, make me wise. |