But now the resting hounds gave cheer, Joyful and Arrogant and Catch-him, Smelt the glad news and ran to snatch him, The Master's dogcart turned the bend. Damsel and Skylark knew their friend; A thrill ran through the pack like fire, And little whimpers ran in quire. The horses cocked and pawed and whickered, Young Cothill's chaser kicked and bickered, And stood on end and struck out sparks. Joyful and Catch-him sang like larks, There was the Master in the trap, Clutching old Roman in his lap, Old Roman, crazy for his brothers, To set them at the dogcart wheels, With thrusting heads and little squeals. The Master put old Roman by, And eyed the thrusters heedfully, He called a few pet hounds and fed Three special friends with scraps of bread, Then peeled his wraps, climbed down and strode Through all those clamourers in the road, Saluted friends, looked round the crowd, Saw Harridew's three girls and bowed, Then took White Rabbit from the groom. He had a welcome and salute For all, on horse or wheel or foot. He was Sir Peter Bynd, of Coombe; Past sixty now, though hearty still, An old, grave soldier, sweet and kind, A courtier with a knightly mind, Who felt whatever thing he thought. His face was scarred, for he had fought Five wars for us. Within his face Courage and power had their place, Rough energy, decision, force. He smiled about him from his horse. He had a welcome and salute For all, on horse or wheel or foot, Whatever kind of life each followed. His tanned, drawn cheeks looked old and hollowed, But still his bright blue eyes were young, And when the pack crashed into tongue, And staunch White Rabbit shook like fire, And lived with hounds while horses could. "They'm lying in the Ghost Heath Wood, Sir Peter," said an earth-stopper, (Old Baldy Hill), "You'll find 'em there. 'Z I come'd across I smell 'em plain. There's one up back, down Tuttock's drain, But, Lord, it's just a bog, the Tuttocks, Hounds would be swallered to the buttocks. Heath Wood, Sir Peter's best to draw." |