A King's Daughter: A Tragedy in Verse — John Masefield
Dauber: A Poem — John Masefield
Gallipoli — John Masefield
Jim Davis — John Masefield
John M. Synge: a Few Personal Recollections, with Biographical Notes — John Masefield
King Cole — John Masefield
Lollingdon Downs, and Other Poems, with Sonnets — John Masefield
Martin Hyde, the Duke's Messenger — John Masefield
Multitude and Solitude — John Masefield
On the Spanish Main; Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien — John Masefield
Reynard the Fox — John Masefield
Right Royal — John Masefield
Salt-Water Ballads — John Masefield
Selected Poems — John Masefield
The Daffodil Fields — John Masefield
The Everlasting Mercy — John Masefield
The Old Front Line — John Masefield
The Story of a Round-House, and Other Poems — John Masefield
The Widow in the Bye Street — John Masefield
William Shakespeare — John Masefield