All librettos have English text. Additional texts are indicated by Italic letters, as follows: I, Italian; G, German; F, French. Those marked with (*) contain no music. All the others have the music of the principal airs. PRICE, 30 CENTS EACH, NET. Title | Text | Composer | | A - G | | Africaine, L' | I. | Giacomo Meyerbeer | AÏda | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Armide | F. | C. W. von Gluck | Ballo in Maschera, Un | | | (The Masked Ball) | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Barbe-Bleue | | | (Blue Beard) | F. | Jacques Offenbach | Barbiere di Siviglia, Il | | | (Barber of Seville) | I. | Gioacchino A. Rossini | Bartered Bride | G. | Frederich Smetana | Belle HÉlÈna, La | F. | Jacques Offenbach | Bells of Corneville | | | (Chimes of Normandy) | | Robert Planquette | *Billee Taylor | | Edward Solomon | *Boccaccio | | Franz von SuppÉ | Bohemian Girl, The | | Michael Wm. Balfe | do. | I. | do. | Carmen | F. | Georges Bizet | do. | I. | do. | Cavalleria Rusticana | I. | Pietro Mascagni | Chimes of Normandy | | | (Bells of Corneville) | | Robert Planquette | Cleopatra's Night | | Henry Hadley | Contes d'Hoffmann, Les | | | (Tales of Hoffmann) | F. | Jacques Offenbach | Crispino e la Comare | | | (The Cobbler and the Fairy) | I. | Luigi and F. Ricci | Crown Diamonds, The | F. | D. F. E. Auber | Dame Blanche, La | | F. A. Boieldieu | Damnation of Faust, The | F. | Hector Berlioz | Dinorah | I. | Giacomo Meyerbeer | *Doctor of Alcantara, The | | Julius Eichberg | Don Giovanni | I. | W. A. Mozart | Don Pasquale | I. | Gaetano Donizetti | *Dorothy | | Alfred Cellier | Dumb Girl of Portici, | | | The (Masaniello) | I. | D. F. E. Auber | Elisire d'amore, L' | I. | Gaetano Donizetti | *Erminie | I. | Edward Jakobowski | Ernani | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Etoile du Nord, L' | | | (The Star of the North) | I. | Giacomo Meyerbeer | Fatinitza | | Franz von SuppÉ | Faust | F. | Charles Gounod | do. | I. | do. | Favorita, La | I. | Gaetano Donizetti | Fidelio | G. | L. van Beethoven | Figlia del Reggimento, La | | | (Daughter of the Regiment) | I. | Gaetano Donizetti | Fille de Madame Angot, La | F. | Charles Lecocq | Flauto Magico, Il | | | (The Magic Flute) | I. | W. A. Mozart | do. | G. | do. | Fledermaus, Die (The Bat) | G. | Johann Strauss | Flying Dutchman, The | | Richard Wagner | do. | G. | do. | Fra Diavolo. | I. | D. F. E. Auber | FreischÜtz, Der | G. | Carl Maria von Weber | do. | I. | do. | *Gillette (La Belle Coquette) | | Edmond Audran | Gioconda, La | I. | Amilcare Ponchielli | GiroflÉ-Girofla | F. | Charles Lecocq | GÖtterdÄmmerung, Die | G. | Richard Wagner | Grand Duchess of Gerolstein, The | F. | Jacques Offenbach | | H - Z | | *Hamlet | | Ambroise Thomas | Jewess, The | I. | Jacques F. HalÉvy | KÖnigin von Saba (Queen of Sheba) | G. | Karl Goldmark | LakmÉ | I. | LÉo Delibes | Lily of Killarney, The | | Sir Jules Benedict | Linda di Chamounix | I. | Gaetano Donizetti | Lohengrin | G. | Richard Wagner | do. | I. | do. | *Lovely Galatea, The | | Franz von SuppÉ | Lucia di Lammermoor | I. | Gaetano Donizetti | Lucrezia Borgia | I. | do. | *Madame Favart | | Jacques Offenbach | Manon | F. | Jules Massenet | Maritana | | Wm. Vincent Wallace | Marriage of Figaro | I. | W. A. Mozart | Martha | I. | Friedrich von Flotow | Masaniello (Dumb Girl of Portici) | I. | D. F. E. Auber | *Mascot, The | | Edmond Audran | Masked Ball | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Meistersinger, Die | | | (The Mastersingers) | G. | Richard Wagner | Mefistofele | I. | Arrigo Boito | Merry Wives of Windsor, The | | Otto Nicolai | Mignon | I. | Ambroise Thomas | Mikado, The | | Sir Arthur S. Sullivan | *Nanon | | Richard GenÉe | Norma | I. | Vincenzo Bellini | *Olivette | | Edmond Audran | Orpheus | | C. W. von Gluck | Otello | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Pagliacci, I | I. | R. Leoncavallo | Parsifal | G. | Richard Wagner | Pinafore (H. M. S.) | | Sir Arthur S. Sullivan | ProphÈte, Le | I. | Giacomo Meyerbeer | Puritani, I | I. | Vincenzo Bellini | Rheingold, Das (The Rhinegold) | G. | Richard Wagner | Rigoletto | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Robert le Diable | I. | Giacomo Meyerbeer | RomÉo et Julietta | F. | Charles Gounod | Romeo e Giulietta | I. | do. | Ruddigore | | Sir Arthur S. Sullivan | Samson et Dalila | F. | Camille Saint-SaËns | Semiramide | I. | Gioacchino A. Rossini | Siegfried | G. | Richard Wagner | Sonnambula, La | I. | Vincenzo Bellini | *Sorcerer, The | | Sir Arthur S. Sullivan | *Spectre Knight, The | | Alfred Cellier | *Stradella | | Friedrich von Flotow | TannhÄuser | G. | Richard Wagner | Traviata, La | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Tristan und Isolde | G. | Richard Wagner | Trovatore, Il | I. | Giuseppe Verdi | Ugonotti, Gli (The Huguenots) | I. | Giacomo Meyerbeer | Verkaufte Braut, Die | | | (The Bartered Bride) | G. | Friedrich Smetana | WalkÜre, Die | G. | Richard Wagner | William Tell | I. | Gioacchino A. Rossini | ZauberflÖte, Die | | | (The Magic Flute) | G. | W. A. Mozart | Boston: OLIVER DITSON COMPANY: New York Chicago: LYON & HEALY, Inc. London: WINTHROP ROGERS, Ltd. Order of your local dealer Made In U. S. A.