Standard Opera Librettos


All librettos have English text. Additional texts are indicated by Italic letters, as follows: I, Italian; G, German; F, French. Those marked with (*) contain no music. All the others have the music of the principal airs.


Title Text Composer
A - G
Africaine, L' I. Giacomo Meyerbeer
AÏda I. Giuseppe Verdi
Armide F. C. W. von Gluck
Ballo in Maschera, Un
(The Masked Ball) I. Giuseppe Verdi
(Blue Beard) F. Jacques Offenbach
Barbiere di Siviglia, Il
(Barber of Seville) I. Gioacchino A. Rossini
Bartered Bride G. Frederich Smetana
Belle HÉlÈna, La F. Jacques Offenbach
Bells of Corneville
(Chimes of Normandy) Robert Planquette
*Billee Taylor Edward Solomon
*Boccaccio Franz von SuppÉ
Bohemian Girl, The Michael Wm. Balfe
do. I. do.
Carmen F. Georges Bizet
do. I. do.
Cavalleria Rusticana I. Pietro Mascagni
Chimes of Normandy
(Bells of Corneville) Robert Planquette
Cleopatra's Night Henry Hadley
Contes d'Hoffmann, Les
(Tales of Hoffmann) F. Jacques Offenbach
Crispino e la Comare
(The Cobbler and the Fairy) I. Luigi and F. Ricci
Crown Diamonds, The F. D. F. E. Auber
Dame Blanche, La F. A. Boieldieu
Damnation of Faust, The F. Hector Berlioz
Dinorah I. Giacomo Meyerbeer
*Doctor of Alcantara, The Julius Eichberg
Don Giovanni I. W. A. Mozart
Don Pasquale I. Gaetano Donizetti
*Dorothy Alfred Cellier
Dumb Girl of Portici,
The (Masaniello) I. D. F. E. Auber
Elisire d'amore, L' I. Gaetano Donizetti
*Erminie I. Edward Jakobowski
Ernani I. Giuseppe Verdi
Etoile du Nord, L'
(The Star of the North) I. Giacomo Meyerbeer
Fatinitza Franz von SuppÉ
Faust F. Charles Gounod
do. I. do.
Favorita, La I. Gaetano Donizetti
Fidelio G. L. van Beethoven
Figlia del Reggimento, La
(Daughter of the Regiment) I. Gaetano Donizetti
Fille de Madame Angot, La F. Charles Lecocq
Flauto Magico, Il
(The Magic Flute) I. W. A. Mozart
do. G. do.
Fledermaus, Die (The Bat) G. Johann Strauss
Flying Dutchman, The Richard Wagner
do. G. do.
Fra Diavolo. I. D. F. E. Auber
FreischÜtz, Der G. Carl Maria von Weber
do. I. do.
*Gillette (La Belle Coquette) Edmond Audran
Gioconda, La I. Amilcare Ponchielli
GiroflÉ-Girofla F. Charles Lecocq
GÖtterdÄmmerung, Die G. Richard Wagner
Grand Duchess of Gerolstein, The F. Jacques Offenbach
H - Z
*Hamlet Ambroise Thomas
Jewess, The I. Jacques F. HalÉvy
KÖnigin von Saba (Queen of Sheba) G. Karl Goldmark
LakmÉ I. LÉo Delibes
Lily of Killarney, The Sir Jules Benedict
Linda di Chamounix I. Gaetano Donizetti
Lohengrin G. Richard Wagner
do. I. do.
*Lovely Galatea, The Franz von SuppÉ
Lucia di Lammermoor I. Gaetano Donizetti
Lucrezia Borgia I. do.
*Madame Favart Jacques Offenbach
Manon F. Jules Massenet
Maritana Wm. Vincent Wallace
Marriage of Figaro I. W. A. Mozart
Martha I. Friedrich von Flotow
Masaniello (Dumb Girl of Portici) I. D. F. E. Auber
*Mascot, The Edmond Audran
Masked Ball I. Giuseppe Verdi
Meistersinger, Die
(The Mastersingers) G. Richard Wagner
Mefistofele I. Arrigo Boito
Merry Wives of Windsor, The Otto Nicolai
Mignon I. Ambroise Thomas
Mikado, The Sir Arthur S. Sullivan
*Nanon Richard GenÉe
Norma I. Vincenzo Bellini
*Olivette Edmond Audran
Orpheus C. W. von Gluck
Otello I. Giuseppe Verdi
Pagliacci, I I. R. Leoncavallo
Parsifal G. Richard Wagner
Pinafore (H. M. S.) Sir Arthur S. Sullivan
ProphÈte, Le I. Giacomo Meyerbeer
Puritani, I I. Vincenzo Bellini
Rheingold, Das (The Rhinegold) G. Richard Wagner
Rigoletto I. Giuseppe Verdi
Robert le Diable I. Giacomo Meyerbeer
RomÉo et Julietta F. Charles Gounod
Romeo e Giulietta I. do.
Ruddigore Sir Arthur S. Sullivan
Samson et Dalila F. Camille Saint-SaËns
Semiramide I. Gioacchino A. Rossini
Siegfried G. Richard Wagner
Sonnambula, La I. Vincenzo Bellini
*Sorcerer, The Sir Arthur S. Sullivan
*Spectre Knight, The Alfred Cellier
*Stradella Friedrich von Flotow
TannhÄuser G. Richard Wagner
Traviata, La I. Giuseppe Verdi
Tristan und Isolde G. Richard Wagner
Trovatore, Il I. Giuseppe Verdi
Ugonotti, Gli (The Huguenots) I. Giacomo Meyerbeer
Verkaufte Braut, Die
(The Bartered Bride) G. Friedrich Smetana
WalkÜre, Die G. Richard Wagner
William Tell I. Gioacchino A. Rossini
ZauberflÖte, Die
(The Magic Flute) G. W. A. Mozart


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