Based on Methods of Literary Criticism By CLARENCE G. HAMILTON, A. M. Music Students Library, with 263 illustrations, diagrams and music cuts. 396 pages, cloth Price, $2.50 The illustrative examples of piano pieces and songs that appear in this book are issued in a separate volume entitled: TYPICAL PIANO PIECES AND SONGS Size, 9½ × 12½; 144 pages; paper Price, $1.50 A thorough and unique textbook for individual use, music clubs, classes, and educational institutions. Invaluable for those who wish to listen to music with quickened hearing and real understanding. With twenty-four portraits, twenty-eight diagrams and over two hundred music cuts. What Educators have said regarding Professor Hamilton's MUSIC APPRECIATION Sumner Salter, Director of Music, Williams College: Walter H. Aiken, Director of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio: Arthur Foote, Boston, Mass. H. D. Sleeper, Professor of Music, Smith College: Joseph N. Ashton, Director of Music, Abbott Academy, Andover, Mass., formerly Professor of Music, Brown University: Mrs. Frank A. Seiberling, President National Federation of Music Clubs: Dr. Percy Goetschius, Institute of Musical Art, New York City: A List of Victor Record Illustrations to accompany Music Appreciation, by Clarence C. Hamilton, A. M., Professor of Music at Wellesley College, has been prepared by the Educational Department of the Victor Talking Machine Company, and will be sent free to any address, on request, by Oliver Ditson Company. BOSTON: OLIVER DITSON COMPANY NEW YORK: CHAS. H. DITSON & CO. CHICAGO: LYON & HEALY MADE IN U. S. A. |