PAGE. | Translator’s Preface | 3 | Author’s Preface | 9 | BOOK I. CAPITAL IN GENERAL. | Chapter I. Commodities | 19 | A. Notes on the History of the Theory of Value | 56 | Chapter II. Money or Simple Circulation | 73 | 1. The Measure of Value | 74 | B. Theories of the Unit of Measure of Money | 91 | 2. The Medium of Circulation | 107 | a. The Metamorphosis of Commodities | 108 | b. The Circulation of Money | 125 | c. Coin and Symbols of Value | 138 | 3. Money | 162 | a. Hoarding | 166 | b. Means of Payment | 185 | c. World Money | 201 | 4. The Precious Metals | 208 | C. Theories of the Medium of Circulation and of Money | 215 | Appendix. Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy | 264 | 1. Production in General | 265 | 2.The General Relation of Production to Distribution, change, and Consumption | 274 | 3. The Method of Political Economy | 292 | 4. Production, Means of Production, and Conditions of Production | 306 | Index | 313 |