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Rink, Dr R. Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo. 1875.

Rosa, Gabriele. Dialetti, Costumi e Tradizioni nelle Provincie di Bergamo e di Brescia. Jerza edizione. 1870.

Salomone-Marino, S. Canti Popolari Siciliani. 1867.

Stokes, Maive. Indian Fairy Tales. 1880.

Symonds, T. Addington. Sketches in Italy and Greece.

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Thorpe, B. Northern Mythology. 1851.

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Tommaseo, N. Canti Popolari Toscani, Corsi, Illirici, Greci. 1841.


Transcriber's Note


Sundry damaged or missing punctuation has been repairesd.

The rest of the corrections are also indicated, in the text, by a dotted line underneath the correction.

Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear.)

Page 62: 'portait' corrected to 'portrait'.
(he might at least possess his portrait).

Page 84: 'befel' corrected to 'befell'.
(the fate that befell a French professorship of Armenian)

Page 172: 'hushand' corrected to 'husband'.
(and shortly after her husband had extricated her she became a mother).

Page 226: 'daugher' corrected to 'daughter'.
("And a cup of poison, my daughter.")

Page 335: Page 335: nina corrected to niÑa.
(A dormir va mi niÑa).

Page 337: "wee Willie Winkile" corrected to "wee Willie Winkie"
("wee Willie Winkie" who runs upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown:)

Page 341: 'cardle' corrected to 'cradle'.
(aunt has taken baby from his cradle)

Page 343: 'The' corrected to 'They'.
(They are often called "certi signuri,")

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