VOL. II. PART II.—CHAPTER II. | | Page | Transports and Markets | 1 | Section | I. | —Internal Improvements | 29 | CHAPTER III. | Manufactures | 37 | Section | I. | —The Tariff | 46 | | II. | —Manufacturing Labor | 53 | CHAPTER IV. | Commerce | 64 | Section | I. | —The Currency | 76 | | II. | —Revenue and Expenditure | 88 | CHAPTER V. | Morals of Economy | 92 | Section | I. | —Morals of Slavery | 106 | | II. | —Morals of Manufactures | 136 | | III. | —Morals of Commerce | 141 | —————— | PART III. | Civilisation | 149 | CHAPTER I. | Idea Of Honour | 155 | Section | I. | —Caste | 168 | | II. | —Property | 175 | | III. | —Intercourse | 187 | CHAPTER II. | Woman | 226 | Section | I. | —Marriage | 236 | | II. | —Occupation | 245 | | III. | —Health | 260 | CHAPTER III. | Children | 268 | CHAPTER IV. | Sufferers | 281 | CHAPTER V. | Utterance | 300 | —————— | PART IV. | Religion | 314 | CHAPTER I. | Science of Religion | 329 | CHAPTER II. | Spirit of Religion | 336 | CHAPTER III. | Administration of Religion | 348 | Conclusion | 367 | Appendix | 373 |