
[1] Society in America, vol. i., p. 10.

[2] Society in America, vol. i., p. 91.

[3] "Society in America," vol. ii., p. 188.

[4] "Society in America," vol. iii., p. 87.

[5] It is familiar to all that the cataract of Niagara is supposed to have worn its way back from the point of the narrowing of its channel (the spot where we now sat), and that there is an anticipation of its continuing to retire the remaining twelve miles to Lake Erie. Unless counteracting agencies should in the mean time be at work, the inundation of the level country which must then take place will be almost boundless. The period is, however, too remote for calculation. An American told me, smiling, that the apprehension has not yet affected the title to land. And no one knows what secret barriers may be building up or drains opening.

[6] A rope has since been stretched along the rock to serve for a handrail. This must render the expedition far less formidable than before.

[7] "Monthly Repository," New Series, vol. vii., p. 235.

[8] Rutt's Life, Correspondence, and Works of Priestley, vol. i., part ii., p. 327.

[9] In the "Christian Disciple."

[10] "Society in America," part iii., chap. iv.

[11] "Society in America," vol i., p. 60.

[12] "Society in America," vol. ii., p. 160.

[13] Jefferson's Memoir and Correspondence, vol. iv., p. 428. Date, February 17, 1826.

[14] Society in America, vol. ii., p. 183.

[15] For an explanation of nullification, and a short history of the struggle of the nullifiers, see "Society in America," vol. i., p. 92-109.

[16] "Society in America," vol. ii., p. 179.

[17] Ibid, p. 326.

[18] Creole means native. French and American creoles are natives of French and American extraction.

Transcriber's notes

Spelling has been made consistent throughout but kept to author's original format except where noted below.

Page 17 our births that changed to our berths that

Page 22 crimsom changed to crimson

Page 24 heaving birth; changed to heaving berth;

Page 40 New-York replaces New York

Page 66 ever attained replaces every attained

Page 88 house-top, changed to housetop,

Page 89 . replaces, - miles an hour, becomes miles an hour.

Page 93 their strength replaces their strengh

Page 96 extremely had changed to extremely hard


Page 139 DANTE . added

Page 155 postmaster replaces portmaster

Page 164 Napolean changed to Napoleon

Page 199 eagerly replaces eargerly

Page 217 B.'s Folly.. - . removed

Page 223 CITY LIFE IN THE SOUTH . added

Page 241 slave-trade, changed to slavetrade,

Page 251 in the ferry-boat, changed to in the ferryboat,

Page 252 when he slopped changed to when he stopped


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