Of all the planets lovely Venus is the one that is best known and most admired. It far exceeds all the other planets in brilliancy and beauty when as an evening star it hangs in gracious silvery softness above the sun, which has just passed below the horizon; and it is not less surpassing in loveliness when as a morning star it comes into view shortly before the sun rises, its glowing face still silvery and bright, but yet tinged with the rosy flush of the eastern morning sky. In either position it never twinkles as Mercury sometimes does, but shines so steadily and softly that at times its disc can almost be seen with the naked eye, and it has such brilliancy that its light can often be seen in the daytime, if one knows when and how to look for the planet. At its brightest it frequently throws a light suffi Venus’s superior brilliancy is due in part to the fact that it comes nearer to the earth than any other planet; but it is also intrinsically brighter than any of the others. From equal areas it reflects almost four times as much light as Mercury and three times as much as Mars. WHEN AND WHERE TO SEE VENUSWhen Venus appears in the sky she is not often mistaken for any other planet. Among all the planets she is the most readily recognized and the easiest to find. This is due largely to her extreme brilliancy and a peculiar silvery appearance that none of the other planets have; but also, in part, to her limited range in the sky, and her favorable situation for observation. Unlike Mercury, she is far enough away from the sun to be We first begin to notice Venus in the evening sky about six weeks after she has passed superior conjunction. She is then very near the sun, and sets a little less than half an hour after sundown. Evening by evening she grows gradually brighter, mounts higher and higher in the sky and, consequently, sets correspondingly later, until in a little more than seven months after superior conjunction, and about six months after we have From this point she begins to travel back toward the sun, still becoming brighter each evening, because she is really coming nearer to us; and in about four or five weeks she attains the greatest brilliancy that she will have as an evening star during the particular revolution she is making. About twelve days after her brightest she will reach the point where she seems to be stationary for a time. This is when she is about to overtake us in our journey around the sun. After a short pause she will move on gradually, her course among the stars then being retrograde or westward; but what we most notice is that she is drawing nearer to the sun, setting earlier each evening, and becoming more and more difficult to see. At the end of about three weeks she is in inferior conjunction, on a line between us and the sun, and invisible. She has run her course as an evening star for nine and a A week or two later we shall find her a splendid morning star, rising nearly an hour earlier than the sun. About three weeks thereafter she will be at her brightest as a morning star, and will continue to be very brilliant for some weeks. In about five more weeks she will have reached her greatest elongation west of the sun, and will rise about three hours and a half before dawn. Then she will begin to retrace her path, moving eastward, growing smaller all the time as she goes farther away from us, and showing a slower apparent movement, which gives one an agreeable sense of a reluctant parting, until after a little more than seven months she will have reached the sun and will again be in superior conjunction. She has then been a morning star for nine and a half months, and has been visible for about the same length of time that she was when she shone as an evening star. This is a brief outline of a typical journey of Venus through one synodic revolution. About the middle of February, 1913, Venus will appear half-way up to the zenith at sunset. She will then be at her greatest distance east of the sun, and will be very bright; but, though a little nearer the sun, she will be still brighter shortly after the middle of March. A month later she will be invisible, and inferior conjunction will occur on April 24th. During most of May and all of June and July she will be a morning star, and her brilliant beauty will well repay an early morning outlook. She will get back to superior conjunction on February 11, 1914, and in that year she will be in an ideal situation for us to cultivate a more intimate acquaintance with her. From the The next long period when Venus will shine as an evening star will comprise the spring and early summer of 1916. She will be at her greatest distance from the sun during the last week of April, and will not pass from view until about the first of July. Then again she will be an evening star, and so seen in the west during the autumn of 1917 and the winter of 1917–18, reaching greatest eastern elongation during the first few days of December, 1917. Her next return to the evening sky will be for the first eight months of 1919, and the next will be for the winter of 1920–21 and the spring of 1921. The synodic period of Venus is nearly five hundred and eighty-four days, or a little more than one year and seven months. With the following table as a guide, the appearances of Venus can be followed through a number of years with sufficient accuracy for any but a close student of her movements. The exact dates of elongations and conjunctions will vary a few days, but for at least two or three multiples of eight years not enough to make any material difference in her various aspects. 1913—1921—1929—1937 Greatest eastern elongation, February 12th. Inferior conjunction, April 24th. Greatest western elongation, July 3d. 1914—1922—1930—1938 Superior conjunction, February 11th. Greatest eastern elongation, September 17th. Inferior conjunction, November 27th. 1915—1923—1931 Greatest western elongation, February 8th. Superior conjunction, September 14th. 1916—1924—1932 Greatest eastern elongation, April 26th. Inferior conjunction, July 5th. Greatest western elongation, September 14th. 1917—1925—1933 Superior conjunction, April 28th. Greatest eastern elongation, December 2d. 1918—1926—1934 Inferior conjunction, February 11th. Greatest eastern elongation, April 22d. Superior conjunction, November 25th. 1919—1927—1935 Greatest eastern elongation, July 6th. Inferior conjunction, September 14th. Greatest western elongation, November 25th. 1920—1928 Superior conjunction, July 5th. The meetings of Venus with the other planets do not, however, occur with this delightful regularity. They all are moving about in their own ways, and engaged in their own affairs, and only the earth gets back to repeat the meeting with her in just eight years. These eight-year cycles are due to the fact that Venus makes thirteen revolutions around the sun while the earth makes eight. Her journey around the sun requires a little less than two hundred and twenty-five days (224.70), and the earth completes its revolution in a little more than three hundred and sixty-five days (365.25). So at the end of about two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two days—which equals eight years—they come into almost exactly the same relative positions in their orbits with which they started out, and begin the cycle anew. DISTANCE AND BRILLIANCYThe mean distance of Venus from the sun is 67,269,000 miles. Her orbit more nearly approaches the form of a circle than that of any other planet. It is, like the orbits of the other planets, an ellipse, but of such Usually at inferior conjunction Venus is a little more than twenty-five million miles from the earth. At her nearest possible ap Unfortunately, our comparative proximity to this beautiful planet does not much aid us in learning anything about her personal peculiarities. Shining only by reflected light, and being, like Mercury, situated nearer to the sun than the earth is, when she comes around to the same side of the sun on which we are, her unillumined side is turned toward us, and at the point of very closest approach she is absolutely invisible to the naked eye. Through a telescope, however, she can be seen up to the very point of inferior conjunction. What we see then is a mere curved line of light, so thin is the crescent she pre If there is any one on Venus who is studying the earth, he has a much easier task than we have in our effort to learn something about her. The earth is not only somewhat larger than the planet, but when the two bodies are nearest together the disc of the earth is fully illuminated, and so must show a splendid face; and then, our atmosphere probably interferes less with close observation than that of Venus. This little terrestrial system would undoubtedly shine as a magnificent pair of stars if observed from Venus. At that distance our moon would appear considerably larger than Venus appears to us when at superior conjunction, the earth would seem much larger than Venus ever does to us, and the distance between them would seem to be a little more than the apparent diameter of the full moon as we see it. The light of the earth must It has been suggested that light from the earth is responsible for a dusky illumination of the dark side of Venus, which is occasionally seen, and which enables us to distinguish her entire outline even when only the merest line of a crescent is really illuminated. It is known to be earth-shine that causes what is apparently the same phenomenon often seen by us on the moon; but it seems that there is no reason to think that our earth, at its distance, would be sufficiently brilliant to illuminate Venus even so slightly. The cause of the illumination is not known; but it is thought that it may have some electrical origin, probably similar to that of our aurora. Venus has the same phases that Mercury has. She shows her full face when at superior conjunction, and is then farthest away and smallest to our view. As she moves toward us she first becomes gibbous, and then, at eastern elongation, like a half-moon. As she comes nearer to inferior conjunction, and hence nearer to us, she becomes a thinner and thinner crescent, and as she goes from inferior to superior conjunction these phases THE LOVELY CRESCENT THAT VENUS SHOWS WHEN TO OUR VIEW SHE IS AT HER GREATEST BRILLIANCY This remarkable photograph was made at the Yerkes Observatory by E.E. Barnard. Venus would be many times brighter than she ever appears if the entire disc of the planet could be seen when it is nearest to us. The apparent diameter of the disc at that time is nearly seven times larger than when we see it at the planet’s greatest distance from us. When Venus is in superior conjunction and farthest from the earth the disc measures only ten seconds, while at inferior conjunction its measure is nearly sixty-seven seconds. The diameter of the moon is about 1,868 seconds, so one could string across the diameter of the moon one hundred and eighty-six such planets as Venus appears to be when at her smallest, and only twenty-seven of the size that she RELATIVE APPARENT SIZE OF VENUS AT DIFFERENT PHASES OF ILLUMINATION She shows the full disc when farthest away. As she draws nearer she shows first the half moon and then the smaller crescent. She is nearest when she shows the larger crescent. She is brightest, though, when she shows the smaller crescent. VENUS’S LIKENESS TO THE EARTHThe fact that of all the planets Venus most resembles this good little earth on which our present lot is cast gives us a strong feeling of kinship with her, and a more lively interest in all her affairs than we might otherwise have. She and the earth are so nearly of one size that they are often referred to as twin sisters. There is a difference of less than three hundred miles in their diameters, the earth’s diameter measuring 7,917 miles, and that of Venus 7,629 miles. The surface of the planet is about ninety-three per cent. as extensive as that of the earth; its mass is a little more than eighty per cent., and its volume about ninety per cent. as great as the earth’s. Differing so little in these particulars, it follows that it must differ very little in density and gravity. The earth is the densest of all the planets, and Venus is only one-tenth less dense than the earth. Its force of gravity is not quite nine-tenths that of the earth. A removal from the earth to Venus would make just a comfortable reduction in one’s weight. A person weighing one hundred and seventy-five pounds here would weigh on Venus one hun Venus must have begun her career in much the same way that the earth began its career. The nebula that formed her nucleus was probably nearly the same size (contained about the same amount of matter) as that with which the earth began its existence. The two bodies have succeeded in capturing about the same amount of loose material, and their gravity is such that they can hold within their bounds particles traveling at about the same rate of speed. No molecule of gas coming within the range of Venus’s attraction and traveling more slowly than six and thirty-seven hundredths miles per second can escape from Venus, and the earth can hold only such as move, when coming within its own attraction, with a less speed than six and ninety-five one-hundredths miles per second. The earth has a moon, and Venus has none; ATMOSPHERE, DAY AND NIGHT, AND SEASONSThere is no doubt that Venus is in much better plight than Mercury, the other inferior planet, in regard to atmosphere. Until recently no one has questioned the belief that her atmosphere is very extensive—twice as heavy, perhaps, as that of the earth, There is one vital point concerning the development of Venus upon which we have as yet no positive knowledge: the length of time in which she rotates on her axis. This is unfortunate, because until her time The truth may be that, owing to the density of her atmosphere, the surface of Venus The sun viewed from Venus would appear considerably larger than it does to us. Its apparent diameter to us is a little more than thirty-two minutes, while on Venus it would be something more than thirty-eight minutes; that is, it would appear about one-fifth larger on Venus than it does to us. This is enough to make a material difference between the two planets in the amount of heat and light they receive. Venus receives nearly twice (1.9) as much heat and light from the sun as we receive, but less than one- If Venus is finally proved to have no alternations of day and night, she is still better off than Mercury, who has practically no atmosphere to protect him from the intense heat of the sun. How much protection she has depends altogether on the extent of her atmosphere. It is probably not enough to make the hot side comfortable from our point of view; and Venus, being undoubtedly a solid body with no internal heat, the cold side must be cold beyond anything we have any conception of. But there may be a very considerable part on each side that, owing to the refraction of light by the atmosphere, is more or less well lighted, and is also more or less protected by this same beneficent atmosphere from deadly extremes of heat and cold. In this situation there would undoubtedly be lively currents of air from the heated side to the cooler; but even these may in some way carry with If it should prove that the length of the day and night on Venus is something near that of the earth’s (and this seems not unlikely), she would then be indeed more like a twin sister to us. Being next to each other in our distances from the sun, and of nearly the same size, differing but little in density, mass, volume, and force of gravity, with her greater normal heat probably reduced by her heavier atmosphere to a temperature producing climatic conditions not very unlike ours, and with not very different alternations of day and night, we might well be considered more nearly related than any of the other members of the solar family. The seasons, however, on Venus and the earth would not have much resemblance to each other. The axis of the earth is inclined to the ecliptic nearly twenty-three and one-half degrees, so that we receive the sun’s rays with varying degrees of obliquity during our yearly journeying around it, which is the cause of our agreeable change of seasons. Venus travels with her axis so slightly inclined to her orbit (a little more than three Since we are not sure that we can see the surface of Venus, we cannot say what that surface is. Nevertheless, there is some reason to suspect that we would find there mountains of vast height. Certain irregularities have been observed at times, of a kind to indicate mountains covered with snow, extending beyond the clouds. They have been estimated to be many miles higher than any mountains we have on earth, their height depending somewhat upon the temperament of the observer. But inasmuch as these same high mountains have sometimes been thought to be only masses of clouds, it seems hardly safe to pronounce definitely upon them. TRANSITSOn rare occasions, when Venus is in inferior conjunction, she makes a transit, and can then be seen as a black dot moving over the bright face of the sun. Transits can occur only when the earth and the planet are near the point where their orbits cross each other. The earth is at this point every year on June 7th and December 7th; but the orbit of Venus is such that she is there on the The first transit of Venus that was scientifically observed was in December, 1639. It was the last of a December pair, there having been a transit eight years before, in December, 1631. One hundred and twenty-one and a half years later, in 1761, a June transit occurred, and in 1769 another one took place in June. Then there were no more for one hundred and five and one-half years, when we had a December pair in 1874 and 1882. The next ones will be in June, 2004 and 2012. Great importance was attached to those transits that occurred in 1874 and 1882, because they were expected to be useful in determining with greater exactness the dis On account of the surpassing brilliancy of Venus, the brightest of all the heavenly bodies after the sun and moon, she was to the ancients the most important of all the stars and planets. She was the supreme evening and morning star. As evening star she was known as Hesperus, or Vesper; as a morning star she was called Phosphorus, or Lucifer, and under all these names she is frequently mentioned in Greek and Latin and kindred literatures. The symbol of Venus is ?, a figure which |