
In considering the movements of the planets, we have to regard their actual motion in space and that motion as it appears to us. They all have two principal motions in space. They revolve about the sun in their orbits, and they rotate on their axes. The manner in which they accomplish the rotation on their axes determines the length of their days and nights, or whether, indeed, they shall have any such grateful alternations of light and darkness. Those planets which, like the earth, turn on their axes in less time than they make their journey around the sun have one day and one night every time they make a complete rotation. Those that turn on their axes in the same time that they revolve around the sun, of which sort there seems to be at least one, face always toward the sun, and have no alternations of day and night. On one side it is always day; on the other it is always night. The number of days a planet has during each revolution around the sun depends upon how much time it requires to make a revolution, and how fast it spins on its axis. In one year here on the earth we have three hundred and sixty-five days and nights. Saturn, in its year, has more than twenty-three thousand days and nights.

The manner in which the revolution of the planets in their orbits takes place determines the length and character of their year; the nearer a planet is to the sun, the shorter its orbit is, and the faster the rate of speed at which the sun compels it to move, and hence the shorter its year. The nearest of the planets, Mercury, makes more than five hundred revolutions around the sun, while the farthest, Neptune, makes one. Three times in a year—that is, a terrestrial year—the nearest planet speeds around its orbit and back to the starting-place with seventeen days to spare. One hundred and sixty-five terrestrial years are necessary for the farthest planet to make one circuit of its orbit. The first goes at the average rate of nearly thirty miles a second over a path more than two hundred million miles long. The second travels a path more than seventeen billion miles in length, at the average rate of three and four-tenths miles a second. Between these two extremes the other planets have orbits and rates of speed varying with their distances from the sun. The farther they are from the sun, the larger the orbit and the slower the speed.

To get something like a picture of the sun and the planets as they actually lie and as they move in space, one should have in mind an immense flat, circular disc five and a half billions of miles in diameter passing through the sun, which is in the center of it. Around the edge of the disc is the orbit through which Neptune moves. At varying distances inside of it are the orbits of the other planets, each growing smaller and smaller as one comes nearer and nearer to the sun, until the orbit of Mercury, the planet nearest to the sun, is reached.

Since it is not a hard metal disc that we are considering, but only an imaginary one in space, there may be a little latitude allowed for the orbits to tip somewhat out of the exact plane of the disc without materially altering the figure in mind. And this they do, very slightly—most of them to the extent only of from one to two degrees, though one of them falls outside of the common plane about seven degrees. In these orbits all the planets, as seen from the sun, are going around from west to east. At the same time they are turning on their axes in the same direction, some standing almost erect, as it were, in their orbits and whirling like a dancing dervish as they skim along, and others more or less inclined like a traveling top.

The time a planet requires to make one circuit of its orbit constitutes, as with the earth, its year. But we who are on the earth have, in our study of another planet, to regard it as having in a sense two years. First, there is the time it takes, starting from a given point in its orbit, to circle around the sun and return to that point. This is known as its sidereal period, or year, and is so called from sidus, meaning a star, because the only way to mark any point in space is by a fixed star, and, as viewed from the sun, one revolution of a planet would be from a given star back again to that star.

Then there is the time a planet takes, starting when it is in a straight line with the earth and the sun in space, to return to the place where the three bodies will be again in the same relative position. This is known as its synodic period, or year. Synodic is from our word synod, meaning a meeting or assembly, and the synodic year is the time between two successive and similar meetings of these three bodies. The sidereal year concerns the planet in its relation to the sun; the synodic year, in its relation to the earth. The synodic year is the only one that much concerns us while regarding the planets as a part of the spectacle of the sky. It is the one that we know from observation, while the sidereal year is mathematically computed.

The two periods, or years, are not of the same length, because the sun with reference to the planet is always stationary, and the motion resulting in the sidereal year is that of the planet only, while the synodic year is the result of the movements of both the earth and the planet, each, in its own orbit, being always in motion.

An inferior planet, situated as it is nearer to the sun than the earth is, and so having a shorter orbit than the earth’s, will, when it finishes its sidereal year and comes around to the point from which it started, find the earth advanced from that position and will, therefore, have to travel farther on in order to overtake it and come into the same relative position from which they started, which makes the time of its circuit with reference to the earth obviously longer than with reference to the sun.

With the superior planets the case is just reversed. The earth is the inside planet, or the one nearest the sun, and it must overtake them. With one exception, they are all so far away from the sun and move so slowly that it takes us but little more than one of our years to overtake them and bring them into the same relative position with us that they had when we started, while it requires many of our years for any one of them to make a single circuit of the sun. Hence their circuit with reference to the earth is shorter than with reference to the sun.

With Mars, the exception referred to, we have a more hardly fought race. That planet is not so far from us as are the other superior planets. It makes its revolution around the sun in a little less than two of our years. We travel eighteen miles a second, and it travels fifteen miles in the same length of time. If we are in line with it at the beginning of our journey, we glide off swiftly, and easily leave it far behind. When, however, we come back to the starting-point, it has not loitered, and is many millions of miles ahead of us, and it remains ahead until more than seven weeks after we have returned to the starting-point a second time. Fifty days after we have begun to make our third round we overtake it, and are again in a direct line with the planet and the sun. This makes its period with reference to the earth ninety-three days longer than its own year, and fifty days longer than two of ours. This is the longest synodic period among the planets.

The orbits in which the planets move all have the form of an ellipse—that is, of a circle more or less flattened. This flattening, or the extent to which an orbit departs from the form of a true circle, is called its eccentricity. The sun is never at the exact center of an orbit, but is always situated a little to one side of the center—that is, it is at one of the foci of the ellipse. Consequently, the planet, as it travels in its orbit, is not always at the same distance from the sun, the amount of the variation in distance depending upon the eccentricity of the orbit. The point in the orbit where the planet is nearest to the sun is its perihelion, and the point at which it is farthest is its aphelion. It is necessary to keep these elementary facts in mind in order fully to understand the changes in the motions and brightness of the planets.

The influence of one body over another that is circling around it is to make it move faster or more slowly according to its distance from the central body. Since a planet varies in its distance from the sun in the different parts of its orbit, it is forced to move fastest when it is in that part of the orbit which is nearest to the sun, and slowest when it is in the part farthest away. In other words, the motion of a planet is more rapid at perihelion than at aphelion. The earth is in perihelion, or nearest to the sun, in winter—that is, winter in the northern latitudes—and in consequence it moves faster in winter than in summer, and the northern winters are, for this reason, a little shorter than the summers.

These two simple movements of the planets—that around the sun and that on their axes—are their principal real movements, and are such as they would show to be if seen from the sun, which is the center of them. There are also certain minor real movements arising from various causes, one being the influence that the planets exercise on one another; but for the ordinary observer these have no particular significance. Then, the planets all share the one grand movement which the sun itself is known to be making through limitless space to a destination of which we are in utter ignorance, over even a path which we know nothing of save that it leads toward the bright star Vega, in the constellation of the Lyre. As the sun moves on in that direction at the rate of eleven miles a second he takes with him all his family of planets and planetoids, with their satellites, and whatever other bodies have their abode in his domain. Thus they travel as a body, each individual spinning on its axis, from the sun itself down to the smallest planetoid, the satellites circling around the planets, and the planets in their turn around the sun. And in all these movements the earth takes part as one of the planets. The sun itself is following a comparatively straight line in space, and, so far as we know, in allegiance to no other body. It is, though, just possible that this comparatively straight line may be the arc of a circle so vast that we have not yet had time to discover its curvature, and that the sun itself may be pursuing its own circuit around some still more powerful body.


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