es@40914@40914-h@40914-h-0.htm.html#Page_36" class="pginternal">36.
—— ready made, 26.
Crowd man, a dogmatist, 140.
Crowd mentality, 5.
Crowd-mind—and paranoia, 92.
—— absolutism of, chapter vi, 133.
—— conservatism of, 224.
—— distorts patriotism, 111.
—— influence upon education, 277.
—— orthodoxy of, 152.
—— similarity—to paranoia, 98.
—— tendency to exaggerate, 100.
Crowd morality, 35, 157-158.
—— demands a victim, 106.
Crowd orator, 99.
Crowd-propaganda, 289.
Crowd-thinking—conservative, 191.
—— destructive tendencies of, 163.
—— finality of, 44.
—— function of, 191.
—— intensified by revolution, 223.
—— logic of, 140.
—— not creative, 217.
—— pageantry of, 215.
—— quest of "magic formulas," 150.
—— rationalisation of, 150-151.
—— wanting in intellectual curiosity, 271.
Crowds, claim to infallibility, 234.
—— counter, 198.
—— credulity of, 139-140.
—— dictatorship of, 183.
—— dignity of, 83.
—— disintegration of, 195.
—— dominant, 168.
—— faith of, 126.
—— function of ideas in, 155-156.
—— hostility to freedom, 200.

—— idealism of, 112.
—— illiberalism of, 276.
—— in modern society, 7.
—— liberty of, 266.
—— Messianic faith of, 201.
—— permanent, 42.
—— phenomenon of displacement in, 116.
—— resist disintegration, 129.
—— revolutionary, 180.
—— revolutionary phenomena in, 203.
—— self-adulation of, 77.
—— self-feeling in, 170.
—— slow to learn, 193.
—— spirit of, 298.
—— will to dominance, 79.
Curiosity of crowds, 209.
Manifesto, Socialist, 204.
(See also Karl Marx.)
"Man the Measure of all Things," 300.
Marcus Aurelius, 234.
Marines Fathers Association, 117-118.
Marx, Karl, 152.
Masculine protest, 62.
Masochism, 39, 65.
Mass meetings, 23.
Master class, 177.
Materialism, 150.
Mechanisms, of compensation, 84.
—— of defense, 94.
—— of disguise, 73.
—— of justification, 40, 106.
Mechanistic theories, 1.
MediÆval thinkers, 10.
Mental habits, 272.
Messianism as a revolutionary crowd phenomenon, 203, 210.
Mexico, 194.
Millennium, 201.
Milton, 270.
Milwaukee, pseudo-patriotism in, 259.
Mind, collective, 15.
Minority crowds, arrogance of, 257.
Mirabeau, 183.
Mob, 6, 165.
—— outbreaks, 37.
Mobs, 107.
—— modern, 47.
—— Southern, 39.
Modern society challenged, 213.
Modernism, 223.
Montaigne, 270, 283.
Moral dilemmas, 88.
Morality, 106.
—— of crowd-mind, 157-158.
—— of the crowd, 124.
Motion pictures, 157.
Multiple personality, 5.
Mysticism of revolutionary crowds, 219.
Napoleon, 221.
Narcissus, stage, 66.
Nations as crowds, 83.

Negation, phenomenon of, 89.
Nero, 234.
Neurotic, female, 98.
—— similarity to crowd, 71.
Newcomb, Simon, 269.
Newspapers, 45.
New York City, 172.
—— crowds in, 115.
New Testament, 202.
Nietzsche, Friederich, 153, 269, 213.
Utilitarianism, nineteenth century, 10.
Utopia, 209, 215, 221.
Values, 169.
—— creation of, 276.
Variation, 271.
Violence, causes of, 39.
Virtues, 88.
—— of the crowd, 164.
Vote, right to, 261.
Wagner, 269.
Wallas, Graham, The Great Society (The Macmillan Company, New York, 1917), 14, 16.
War psychology, 108, 109.
Ward, Lester, Pure Sociology (The Macmillan Company, New York. Second edition, 1916), 11.
Washington, D. C., riot in, 107.
Weakness of human nature, 245-246.
White, Dr. William, Mechanisms of Character Formation (The Macmillan Company, New York), 59.
White slavery, reform, 98.
Whitman, Walt, 268, 283.
Whittier, 179.
Will, healthy, 89.
Will to dominance, 79.
Wish-fancy, 303.
—— rationalized, 210.
Wish, suppressed, 40.
Working class, 18, 204, 227.
(See also Proletariat.)
World War, 38.
Young Mens Christian Association, 240, 259.


Punctuation and spelling standardized.

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Page 121, 307: "W. F. B. DuBois" probably should be "W. E. B. DuBois"

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