A GOOD deal has been said thus far about living cells without anything at all having been said to tell what they look like, or how they are made up, beyond the statement that they consist of living protoplasm, which is of a jellylike consistency. To look at living cells through a microscope would almost surely be a disappointment at first, for protoplasm is so transparent that not much of its form can be seen on direct inspection. Fortunately for our knowledge of how cells are made up, protoplasm that has been properly killed and preserved takes stain very well, and different chemical substances in the protoplasm stain differently. Thus features that could not be made out at all in the living cells become clearly visible after killing and staining. The first thing that attracts the attention when cells thus prepared are studied is that every cell has somewhere within it, and usually near its middle, a spot which is more deeply stained than any other part of the cell. This indicates the presence of a substance or substances that take stain more readily than the mass of the protoplasm. This peculiarity led to the naming of the deeply staining portion of the protoplasm chromatin, referring to the ease of staining. The part of the cell which contains chromatin is called the nucleus. In many kinds of cells the nucleus can be made out by an expert observer NUCLEUS OF A CELL, SHOWING CHROMATIN NETWORK (After Martin’s “Human Body”) NUCLEUS OF A CELL, SHOWING CHROMATIN NETWORK (After Martin’s “Human Body”) We now know that the nucleus, or rather the chromatin that it contains, plays a remarkable and interesting rÔle in the life of the cell. To this we shall return presently. The remainder of the protoplasm, outside of the nucleus, shows the greatest possible variety of form, according to the kind of cell at which we happen to be looking. In some of the simpler types this part of the protoplasm seems to be merely a nearly uniform mass, perhaps with tiny particles scattered through it. In other types the protoplasm is drawn out into long slender threads, and these threads may have many branches; or the protoplasm may be distorted into a thin shell inclosing a mass of fat; or it may be subdivided into dense and thin portions with sharp lines of division between them. These various forms are related to the special functions which the cells have, and we shall learn more about them as we take up the different functions in order. On the whole, study of cell structure shows clearly that the protoplasm outside the nucleus carries on the greater part of the metabolism or power development, and is correspondingly important as the seat of the special functions shown by the cell. If it is a muscle cell, DIAGRAM SHOWING CELL SUBDIVISION A, a cell; B to F, successive stages in its subdivision; a, cell-sac; b, cell contents; c, nucleus. (From Martin’s “Human Body”) DIAGRAM SHOWING CELL SUBDIVISION A, a cell; B to F, successive stages in its subdivision; a, cell-sac; b, cell contents; c, nucleus. (From Martin’s “Human Body”) Before undertaking a further description of the nucleus itself, we shall be helped to an understanding of its function if we trace briefly the history of the cells which make up our body. At the beginning, as we probably all know, we start life as a single cell. This cell, after a series of events which will be described in a later chapter, begins the process known as development. Development consists of a series of subdivisions of cell material. At first the single cell divides into two; each of these then divides, giving four. At the next stage eight are In every cell division the first step consists in a division of the chromatin of the nucleus, which is followed by a division of the rest of the protoplasm. The process by which the chromatin is subdivided is so curious as to be worth a brief description. The DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING DIVISION CHANGES IN A CELL NUCLEUS WITH FOUR CHROMOSOMES (From Martin’s “Human Body”) DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING DIVISION CHANGES IN A CELL NUCLEUS WITH FOUR CHROMOSOMES (From Martin’s “Human Body”) chromatin material is not a simple lump in the nucleus. It looks rather like a tiny string of beads thrown down carelessly, so as to become all mixed together. Each bead is a single bit of chromatin, and these bits are strung on a tiny thread. In an ordinary cell the beads are so mixed together that no order can be distinguished among them, but if a cell that is about to begin dividing is looked at it is found that the string has straightened itself out, and also that it has broken into pieces. The individual pieces are called chromosomes and their number is always the same for any one kind of animal or plant. There is a parasitic worm whose cells have only four chromosomes, and the number ranges from this up to as many as forty-eight in human beings. It may be that other species have even more, but they become so hard to count when there are as many as forty-eight that the number cannot be stated with certainty. So far as can be judged, the number of chromosomes has little to do with the complexity of the animal or plant, for some complex forms have few chromosomes, and some simple forms many. At the same time as the chromatin is breaking up into chromosomes two tiny spots put in their appearance in the protoplasm of the cell on opposite sides of the nucleus, and tiny threads extend from one spot to the other through the nucleus. There are as many threads as there are chromosomes, the whole group making up a spindle-shaped figure. The chromosomes now become arranged at the middle of the spindle, and apparently each chromosome becomes fastened to a thread. Next each chromosome splits lengthwise through the middle and by what looks like a shortening of the threads the split halves We may be interested in inquiring how long this process of cell division keeps up. Many children do not get through growing until they are twenty years old or more. Does cell division keep on during all this time? More than that; are there any cases of cell division that continue after full growth is reached? The answer to both these questions can be given in a brief paragraph. There are some tissues, particularly the outer layer of the skin, the We have tried, in the above paragraphs, to get some idea of what living cells are like, and how they are derived, but have not attempted any detailed picture of particular kinds of cells. That will have to wait till we reach the story of the different kinds of bodily activity, when the cells that carry on each kind will have to be described more exactly. Something has also been told of the chromosomes, but the full account of them and their meaning is to be taken up in a later chapter, devoted to the matter of heredity and reproduction. In what remains of the present chapter we wish to talk about the conditions in which cells live so that we shall easily picture how they carry on their metabolism. As an introduction to this topic a word may be said about the wide differences of complexity that are found in animals. They range from the simplest The total amount of body fluid is not large, for the spaces among the cells are in most cases extremely tiny; it follows that with all the millions of cells absorbing food materials and oxygen from this fluid and discharging waste materials into it the time will soon come when no more food or oxygen will be left to be absorbed and there will be no more capacity for holding waste substances. If this state of affairs were actually to happen, metabolism would come to an end and death would be the result; evidently there must be some means of keeping the body fluids constantly renewed in respect to the things which the cells need for their metabolism, and constantly drained of the waste substances which the cells pour out. The way in which this renewal is accomplished is simple; part of the body fluid is separated off from the rest in a system of pipes, known to us as the blood vessels, and this part is kept in motion; at intervals along the system are stations at which the moving fluid can exchange substances with the fluid which actually comes in DIAGRAM SHOWING HOW THE MOVING BODY FLUID RENEWS THE STATIONARY, AND IS ITSELF RENEWED IN LUNGS, DIGESTIVE TRACT, AND KIDNEYS DIAGRAM SHOWING HOW THE MOVING BODY FLUID RENEWS THE STATIONARY, AND IS ITSELF RENEWED IN LUNGS, DIGESTIVE TRACT, AND KIDNEYS contact with the cells; thus the stationary fluid can obtain from the moving fluid the materials which the cells, in turn, are constantly withdrawing from it, and can pass on to the moving fluid the products with which the cells are continuously charging it. All that is necessary to complete the successful operation of the system is to have additional stations at which the moving fluid can obtain supplies of food materials and of oxygen, and stations where it can get rid of the wastes which it accumulates from the stationary fluid, and there must be a pump by which the moving fluid is kept in motion. We are familiar with the moving fluid under the name of blood; the system of pipes in which it moves are the blood vessels; the pump which keeps it in motion is the heart; |