| PAGE | STATUE OF THOMAS CARLYLE, BY BOEHM | Frontispiece | THE EMBANKMENT MANSIONS FROM BATTERSEA | 16 | A VIEW OF CHELSEA | 21 | STEAMBOAT PIER AT OLD BATTERSEA BRIDGE, AND THE RIVER FRONT, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO | 26 | THE EMBANKMENT AND OLD BATTERSEA BRIDGE | 29 | MAP OF CHELSEA | 35 | THE HOUSES AT CHELSEA | 56 | LINDSEY HOUSE AND BATTERSEA BRIDGE | 59 | SANDFORD MANOR HOUSE, SAND’S END | 64 | CHELSEA HOSPITAL, RIVER FRONT | 72 | PARADISE ROW | 88 | TITE STREET | 99 | STATUE OF SIR HANS SLOANE IN THE BOTANIC GARDENS | 103 | NO. 4, CHEYNE WALK | 107 | GATEWAY OF ROSSETTI’S OLD HOUSE | 110 | DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI’S GARDEN | 114 | DON SALTERO’S | 123 | CHEYNE WALK, WITH THE MAGPIE AND STUMP | 127 | A CHELSEA CORNER | 133 | STATUE OF THOMAS CARLYLE, BY BOEHM | 136 | CARLYLE’S HOUSE, GREAT CHEYNE ROW | 139 | THE CHELSEA RECTORY | 144 | A CORNER IN CHELSEA OLD CHURCH | 154 | OLD BATTERSEA CHURCH, WHERE BLAKE WAS MARRIED, SHOWING THE WINDOW FROM WHICH TURNER SKETCHED | 164 | THE WESTERN END OF CHEYNE WALK | 167 | TURNER’S LAST DWELLING-PLACE | 171 | BATTERSEA BRIDGE AND CHURCH FROM TURNER’S HOUSE | 176 | “Out of monuments, names, wordes, proverbs, traditions, private recordes and evidences, fragments of stories, passages of bookes, and the like, we doe save and re-cover somewhat from the deluge of Time.”—Bacon, “Advancement of Learning”, Book II. “I have always loved to wander over the scenes inhabited by men I have known, admired, loved, or revered, as well amongst the living as the dead. The spots inhabited and preferred by a great man during his passage on the earth have always appeared to me the surest and most speaking relic of himself: a kind of material manifestation of his genius—a mute revelation of a portion of his soul—a living and sensible commentary on his life, actions, and thoughts.”—Lamartine, “Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.” “The man that is tired of London is tired of existence.”—Samuel Johnson.