
Abbey, Westminster, 33, 152

“Absalom and Achitophel,” 50

Addison, Joseph, 23, 63, 65, 66, 80, 94, 122, 178

Albert Suspension Bridge, 131

“Alcyon,” 63

Alma, Battle of the, 73

Almshouses, Lady Dacre’s, 155

Anne, Queen, 105, 119, 177

Apsley House, 13

Aquatic Shores, 169

Arbuthnot, Dr., 177

Armada, 53, 174

Armida, 91

Aschyly, Katherine, 116

Ashburnham, Hon. Wm., 158, 166

„ House, 63, 158

Ashe, Miss, 79

Aspasia, 93

Astell, Mary, 93

Atterbury, 177

Aubrey, John, 38

Augustine, 47

Australia, 147, 148

Badajos, 73

Balaclava, 73

Balsamo, Joseph, 178

Banks, Sir Joseph, 177

Barbican, 78

Barley, Mrs., 130

Bartholomew Close, 122

Basle, 48

Bastille, 93

Battersea Bridge, 31, 57, 161, 165

,, Church, 165, 169

,, Fields, 33, 162

„ Park, 76, 162

Beaufort, Duke of, 52

,, House, 52, 58

„ Stairs, 20

,, Street, 37, 57

Beaumont, Francis, 93

„ and Fletcher, 159

Becke, Mrs. Betty, 81

“Beggar’s Opera,” The, 85

Belgravia, 20

Bishop’s Stairs, 20

“Black House,” The, 129Blackfriars Bridge, 125

Blacklands, 17, 96

Blake, 165

Blenheim, 83

Blessington, Lady, 14

Blood, Colonel, 162

Bloody Bridge, 23

Bloomfield, Robert, 80

Bloomsbury, 120, 121

Blunt, Rev. Gerald, 148

Boleyn, Anne, 42, 116

Bolingbroke House, 165

,, St. John, 84, 85, 165, 166

Booth, Mrs., 170

Botanic Gardens, 101, 119

Bow Street, 160

Bowack, 37, 53

Braganza, Catherine of, 111

Bramah, 58

Bray, Edmund, Knight, 152

Bristol, Earl of, 51

Britons, 33

Brown, Ford Madox, 109

Browne, Lady, 116

Brunel, 58

Brussels, 47

Buckingham, 1st Duke of, 50

,, 2nd „ 50, 51, 98

,, Palace, 23

Bucklersbury, 34

Bulwer, Lady, 32

Bun House, The, 97

Burleigh, Lord, 32, 50

Burlington, Earl of, 52

Burney, Dr., 80

„ Fanny, 80

Burton, Emma, 149, 151

,, “Jim,” 150, 151, 152, 156

„ “Joe,” 151, 178

Butterfly Alley, 28

Byron, Lord, 31

Cadogan, Doctor, 63

,, Earl of, 119, 146

„ Place, 96

CÆsar, 33

Cagliostro, Count, 178

Camden House, 57

Camera Square, 28

Camissards, The, 160

Canterbury, 45

Carberry, Earl of, 98

Carlyle, Thomas, 137, 141, 178

Caroline, Queen, 84, 119

Carolina, North, 61

Catherine of Braganza, 111

Cavallier, Jean Antoine, 160, 161

Cavendish, Sir Wm., 130

Cecil, Lord Robert, 50

Cedars of Lebanon, 101

Cevennes, 161

CÉvenols, 161

Chamberlayne, Anne, 159Chamberlayne, Doctor, 159

Chancery Lane, 134

Charles I., 50, 134, 174, 177

„ II., 23, 64, 70, 75, 81, 86, 88, 91, 93, 111, 112, 142, 162

Charlotte, Queen, 97

Charterhouse, The, 46

Chatsworth, 131

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 93

Chelsea, “direct connection with London,” 13; “Village of Palaces,” 17; “A quiet country village,” 18; ancient aspect, 19–23; causes of its early settlement, 20; earliest history, 33; etymology of name, 33; present appearance, 24–31; mentioned, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31–34, 42, 46, 57, 61, 63, 67, 70, 80, 81, 85, 89, 102, 113, 119, 120, 122, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 141, 142, 146, 148, 149, 153, 154, 173, 174, 179

Chelsea Barracks, 28, 96

„ Bun House, 97

„ China Factory, 132

,, Church, Old, 24, 44, 53, 113, 134, 151

„ „ St. Luke’s, 145, 146

„ Farm, 62

„ Hermit of, 138

,, Historian of, 89, 142, 150

„ Hospital, 23, 28, 67, 81, 82, 95, 166

,, Little, 53, 57

,, Manor House, 106, 113, 116, 118, 119, 138

„ Pensioner, 89

„ “Physick Garden,” 101

„ Reach, 31, 170, 173

,, Rectory, 145

„ Suspension Bridge, 76

Chelsey, 19, 33, 34, 44, 50, 51, 69, 105, 155, 162

„ Colledge, 70, 81

„ Viscount, 120

Cheltenham Terrace, 95

Cherbury, Lord Herbert of, 134

Chesterfield, Lord, 78, 166

Cheyne, Lady Jane, 118, 155, 158

„ Lord, 96, 101, 118

„ Row, Great, 20, 137

„ ,, Little, 141

,, ,, Upper, 178

„ Walk, 28, 32, 57, 106, 114, 120, 126, 129, 132, 133, 137, 141, 166, 169

Chillianwallah, Battle of, 76

China Factory, 132

Chiswick, 52

Christchurch Street, 89

Chudleigh, Miss, 79

Church Lane, 20, 151, 177Church, Old Chelsea, 24, 44, 53, 113, 134, 151

„ Place, 149

,, Street, 32, 150, 151

Cicero, 49, 174

“Citizen of the World,” 80

Coldstream Guards, 74

Colet, Dean, 41

College, King James’s, 69, 77

„ Fields, 76

Colorado, 146

Commonwealth, The, 50

CondÉ, 93

Congreve, William, 94, 95, 169

“Connoisseur,” The, 80

Cook, Captain, 178

Covenanters, 160

Craufield, Earl of Middlesex, 50

Cremorne, Lady, 62

„ Gardens, 62, 63, 81

„ Viscount, 62

Cressy, 34

Cromwell, Richard, 122

„ Thomas, 150

Cross, Mrs. John Walter, 106

Cubitt, 20

Cuckfield, 148

Cummings, Polly, 126

Cunningham, Peter, 67

Dacre, Lady, 49, 50, 154

Dacre’s, Lady, Almshouses, 155

Danvers House, 133, 134

,, Sir John, 134

,, Street, 133

Davies, Rev. R. H., 160

Dawson, Thomas, 62

Dead March, The, 74

De Foe, Daniel, 121

Devonshire, Duke of, 52, 130, 131

Dickens, Charles, 109

Dissolution, The, 68

Doggett, 105

Don Quixote, 141

Don Saltero, 121

Donne, Dr. John, 134, 177

D’Orsay, 178

Douglas, Black, The, 161

Drury Lane Theatre, 78

Druse, Mr., 115

Dryden, John, 50, 93

Duck Island, 93

Dutch War, 27, 70

Duke of York’s School, 95

“Duke’s Head,” The, 89

Dunbar, Battle of, 68

Earl’s Court, 141

Eddystone Lighthouse, 118

Edge Hill, 70

Edict of Nantes, 27, 91, 160

Edward the Confessor, 33

,, VII., 117

Eliot, George, 32, 106, 178Elizabeth, Princess, 115, 116, 117

,, Queen, 32, 63, 129, 145, 150, 155, 174

Elizabeth’s, Queen, Guard, 130

,, Place, 149

Embankment, The, 17, 28, 86, 98, 109, 134, 161

Erasmus, 37, 40, 41, 44, 48, 153

Esmond, Harry, Colonel, 24, 65

“Essay on Man,” The, 166

Essex, Earl of, 149, 150

“Evelina,” 80

Evelyn, John, 51, 67, 70, 101, 111, 118

Eversleigh, 148

Evremond, St., 86, 92, 93, 122, 178

Fairfax, General, 50

Faulkner, 89, 142, 150

“Ferdinand Count Fathom,” 138

Fetter Lane, 58

Fielding, Henry, 80

„ Sir John, 159

Fire Fields, 23

Fletcher, Mrs., 159

,, John, 159

Flimnap, 85

Flood Street, 88, 106, 113

“Folly,” The, 62

Fox, Sir Stephen, 67

Foxe’s “Martyrology,” 158

Franklin, Benjamin, 122, 125, 178

French Gardeners, 27

Fry, Elizabeth, 90

Fulham, 32, 63, 66

Fuller’s “Worthies,” 45

Furnivall’s Inn, 46

Galloway, Count, 91

Garrick, David, 78, 141

Gay, John, 19, 85, 142

Geflitfullic, 33

“Geoffrey Hamlyn,” 147

George I., 83, 105, 119

„ II., 83, 84

,, III., 97

„ IV., 86

George and Garter, The, 51

Gibbons, Grinling, 75

Giggs, Margery, 41

Glebe Place, 145

Gloucester, 68

Godfrey, 91

Godolphin, Sydney, 92

Goethe, 179

Goldsmith, Oliver, 79

“Gorbudic,” 49

Gore House, 14

Gorges, Sir Arthur, 63

Gothic House, 106

Gough House, 17, 98

„ Sir John, 98

Grand Monarque, The, 161Granville, Lord, 61

Great Cheyne Row, 20, 137

Green Arbour Court, 79

Grey, Lady Jane, 118

Grocyn, 41

Guilds, City, 174

Gwynne, Nell, 32, 63, 67, 68, 87

“Gwynne, Nell,” The, 66

Hall, Mrs. S. C., 32

Hallam, Henry, 92

Halle, 58

Hamilton, Duchess of, 88

„ Sir William, 138

Hampstead, 95

Hampton Court, 23, 24, 111

Hanover, 84, 105

Hans Place, 31, 32, 96, 119, 178

„ Town, 96

Hardwick, Elizabeth, 130

„ House, 131

Hastings, Lady Elizabeth, 95

Hedderly, J., the photographer, 27

Henry VIII., 38, 42, 49, 112, 117, 138, 141, 174

„ „ Palace, 112

Herbert, George, 134, 174

„ Lord of Cherbury, 134

,, Magdalen, 134, 159, 178

Herkomer, Hubert, 74

Hermit of Chelsea, 138

Herrnhuters, The, 61

Hervey, Lord, 85

Heywood, Ellis, 38

Hill, John, 68

“Hillyars and Burtons,” 149, 156

Hoadley, Bishop, 131

Hogarth, 131

Holbein, 38, 44, 47, 48

Holborn Viaduct Station, 79

Holland, 58, 96

,, House, 14, 57, 130, 133

„ Lord, 133

House of Commons, 47, 48

Howard of Effingham, Lord, 174

Huguenots, The, 160

Hume’s “History of England,” 141

“Humphrey Clinker,” 141

Hundred of Ossulston, The, 33

Hunt, Leigh, 79, 178

Hunter, John, 141

India House, 14, 125

Infirmary, The, 67, 70, 82, 85

Inkerman, 73

Invalides, The, 67

Islington, 14

Jacob Faithful,” 102

Jacobites, The, 130

Jacobs, Mrs. Mary, 125

Jamaica, 119

James I., 50, 162Jersey, 161

Jewish Burial Ground, 52

Jew’s Road, 97

Jones, Inigo, 52, 57

Johnson, Samuel, 79, 101, 132, 141, 177

“Junius,” 159

Justice Walk, 132

Justina, Maria, 57

Kensal Green, 109

Kensington, 14, 17, 37, 84, 105, 133, 141

,, House, 57

King’s Bench, 47

„ College, 146

,, Road, 20, 23, 24, 28, 37, 53, 57, 63, 95, 115

King James’s College, 69, 77

Kingsley, Charles, 145, 146, 148

,, George, 145, 146

,, Henry, 145–150, 156, 178

,, Rev. Charles, 146

Knightsbridge, 13

Knipp, Mrs., 105

Knyff, L., 37

Lacy, 78

Lamb, Charles, 14, 125

„ Lady Caroline, 31

Landon, Letitia E., 31

Lawrence family, 113, 141, 149, 156

„ Sir Thomas, 157

„ Manor House, 113, 141

„ Chapel, 156, 157

,, Street, 132, 141

Lawson, Cecil, 109

“Lay of the Last Minstrel,” 142

Le Puy, 161

Leicester, Earl of, 155

,, Square, 178

Lely, Sir Peter, 111

Linacre, 41

Lincoln’s Inn, 46

Lindsey, Earl of, 58

„ House, 17, 57, 58

Little Britain, 122

„ Cheyne Row, 141

Locke, John, 177

London, 13, 14, 19, 24, 31, 47, 53, 61, 69, 74, 90, 97, 101, 106, 122, 134, 138, 146, 152, 159, 161

London Bridge, 44, 105

Louis XIV., 67, 160

“Love for Love,” 169

Lover’s Walk, 53

Lucknow, 73

Lysons, Samuel, 92

Macaulay, T. B., 18, 70

Maclise, Daniel, 106, 178“Magpie and Stump,” 126, 130

Maiden Lane, 170

Maintenon, Madame de, 165

Mancini, Hortensia, 90

Manor House, 106, 113, 116, 118, 119, 138

„ Lawrence, 113, 141

,, Street, 113, 121

Marryat, 102

Martyrology, 158

Marvell, Andrew, 112

Mary Queen of Scots, 49

Mazarin, Cardinal, 90, 93

,, Duchess of, 86, 91, 94

Melford, Jerry, 141

Mercians, The, 33

Millbank, 87

Millman’s Row, 145

,, Street, 53, 145

Milton, John, 78

Mirror, New York, The, 14

“Mirror of Literature,” 98

Mitford, Mary Russell, 32

Monk, General, 74

Monmouth, Duchess of, 85, 142

„ Duke of, 142

,, House, 142, 145

Montague, Edward, 81

,, “Lady Mary Wortley, 85

“Monthly Recorder,” 70

Moravian Burial Ground, 53

,, Chapel, 54, 58

Moravians, The, 58, 61

More, Sir Thomas: his house, 34; its site, 37; its gardens, 37; its gatehouse, 38, 52; the “newe buildinge,” 39, 133; his religious zeal, 39; his wit, 40; his “Utopia,” 41; his family and friends, 40, 41; his career, 46, 47; his downfall, 42; death, 43; grave, 44; monument, 151, 153; existing relics of, 52–54, 112; portraits of, 47, 48; quotations from, 37, 38, 40; mentioned, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 47–49, 53, 54, 57, 58, 94, 112, 113, 119, 133, 151, 153, 174

MoricÆ, The, 41

Morten, Cardinal, 46

Munden, Vice-Admiral, 121

Museum, British, 33, 57, 78, 120

Myddleton, Sir Hugh, 69

National Portrait Gallery, 48, 92

New England, 125, 126

„ Inn, 46

„ River, 14, 69

Newgate, 79

Newton, Sir Isaac, 119, 177

“Niagara, Shooting,” 138

Norfolk, Duchess of, 34Norfolk, Duke of, 39

Normans, The, 19, 28

North American Colonies, 122

Northumberland, Duchess of, 155

Nostell Priory, 48

Oakley Street, 113, 126, 131

Oak-Apple Day, 75

Offa, King, 33

Old Church, Chelsea, 24, 44, 53, 113, 134, 151

Old Magpye Stairs, 20

Oldcoates, 131

Orford, Earl of, 81

Ormond Row, 89

Ossulston, Hundred of, 33

Oxford, 46, 134, 146

Paradise Row, 86–89, 93, 98

Parr, Catherine, 115–118

Paulton Terrace, 150

Paultons Square, 134, 150

Pelham, Earl of, 88

Penn, Granville, 62

,, William, 62

Pennsylvania, 58, 61, 62

Pepys, Samuel, 19, 67, 81, 88, 102, 111

Petersham, Lady Caroline, 79

Pimlico, 23

,, Road, 97

Piozzi, Mrs., 133

Poet’s Corner, 93

Poictiers, 34

Polyphilus, 101

Pope, Alexander, 51, 52, 85, 166

Pound Lane, 20

Pretender, The, 66

Prince Rupert, 69, 70

“Prince of Wales,” The, 132

Putney, 150, 162

Pym, 177

Queen Anne Architecture, 18, 28

,, „ Street, 170

„ Elizabeth’s Place, 149

Queen’s Elm, 32

„ House, 109, 112, 114

„ Road, 87, 98, 102

Radnor, Earl of, 88

„ Street, 88

“Rambler,” The, 101

Ranelagh, Earl of, 77, 78, 81

„ Gardens, 77, 79, 80

„ House, 78, 80, 81

„ Stairs, 20

Reade, Charles, 13

Rectory, Chelsea, 145

Red Lion Passage, 80

Reformation, The, 157

Renatus, Christian, 54

Restoration, The, 50, 62, 68, 75

Reuss, Countess, 57Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 27, 91, 160

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 79

Ricci, Sebastian, 74

Richard III., 34

Richmond, 84

Robarte, Lord, 88

Roberts, Miss, 31

Robinson’s Lane, 88

Rochester, Earl of, 87, 91, 98

“Roderick Random,” 138

Romans, The, 19, 28

Roper, Margaret, 43, 45, 46

„ William, 38, 133

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 109, 114, 178

„ House, The, 109, 112

Royal Academy, 109

„ Hospital, 78

„ Society, 69, 119

Rupert, Prince, 69, 70

St. Albans, Duke of, 87

„ Dunstan’s, Canterbury, 45

„ ,, in the West, 134

„ Evremond, 86, 92, 93, 122, 178

„ George’s Workhouse, 177

„ James’s Palace, 113

,, ,, Park, 20, 93

,, ,, Street, 113

„ Katherine’s Docks, 20

St. Lawrence, Old Jewry, 46

„ Loo, Sir William, 130

„ Luke’s, Chelsea, 145, 146

„ Mary’s, Battersea, 165

„ Paul’s, 69, 170

,, ,, School, 41

Sackville, Thomas, 49

Salisbury, Earl of, 50

Saltero, Don, 121

“Saltero’s, Don,” 122, 125, 126

Sandford Manor House, 63, 65

Sand’s End, 31, 63, 65

Sandwich, Earl of, 81, 86, 88

School of Discipline, 90

„ Duke of York’s, 95

Scott, Sir Walter, 142

Seddon, John P., 109

Selwyn, George, 79

Sepoy Mutiny, 75

SÈvres, 132

Seymour, Admiral, 115–117

Shadwell, Sir John, 177

,, Thomas, 159

Shaftesbury, Earl of, 177

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 32, 178

Shore, Jane, 34

Shrewsbury, Countess of, 131

,, Earl of, 129, 130

„ House, 129, 131

Sidney, Sir Philip, 155

“Slaves of Virtue,” 58Sloane, Elizabeth, 120

„ Hans, House, 106

,, ,, Sir, 52, 58, 101, 102, 118–120, 122, 159, 177

„ Square, 96, 119

,, Street, 96, 178

Smith Street, 89

Smollett, Tobias, 24, 80, 94, 138, 141, 142

Society of Apothecaries, 101

,, Royal, 69, 119

Somerset, the Protector, 117

Spectator, The, 80

Spenser, Edmund, 63

Spilsberg, Convent of, 39

Spraggs, John, 159

Spring Gardens, 79

Stanley, Dean, 152

,, House, 17, 63

“Steenie,” 50, 174

“Stella,” 24, 97

Steele, Sir Richard, 23, 94, 95, 122, 125, 178

Sterne, Laurence, 79, 141

Strype, John, 52

Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, 24

Sunderland, Lady, 51

Swan House, 102

„ “Walk,” 98

“Swan, Old,” 102, 105

“Swan,” The, 19, 105

Swift, Jonathan, 24, 83, 84, 97, 166, 177

Tangiers, 69

Tatler, The, 23, 95, 122


Aquatic Stores, 169

Black Horse, 129

Chelsea Pensioner, 89

Don Saltero’s, 122, 125, 126

Duke’s Head, 89

Magpie and Stump, 126, 130

Nell Gwynne, 66

Prince of Wales, 132

Swan, 19, 105

„ Old, 102, 105

World’s End, 169

Thackeray, 65, 83

Thames, The, 18, 31, 37, 38, 44, 162, 169, 178

Thames Watermen, 105

Thomson, James, 44

Threadneedle Street, 46

Tite Street, 17, 98

Tothill Street, 155

Tours, Archbishop of, 102

Tower, 42, 50, 116, 154, 165

„ Chapel, 44

„ Hill, 43

,, Wharf, 43

“Tracts and Letters,” 153

Trinobantes, 20Turenne, 93

Turner, 165, 169, 170, 178

Twickenham, 85

Tyndale, 153

Vale, The, 27

Vanbrugh, Sir John, 83

Vanhomrigh, Mrs., 24

Vauxhall, 78

Verrio, 165

Versailles, 111

Victoria Hospital for Children, 98

Village of Palaces, 17

Villars, Marshall, 161

Villiers, George, 50, 51

Voltaire, 92, 166

Waller, Edmund, 111

Walpole, Horace, 78, 84

„ House, 17, 81, 84, 166

,, Lady, 85

„ Sir Robert, 79, 81–85, 89, 166

„ Street, 81

Walton, Isaac, 134, 178

Wargrave, Henley-on-Thames, 149

Warwick, Earl of, 34, 65

Waterloo, 74

Wellington, Duke of, 73, 162

Westminster, 20, 33, 47, 155

,, Hall, 43

Whitehall, 20, 129

William and Mary, 37, 73

William Rufus’s Hall, 47

Willis, N. P., 14

Wilkes, John, 141

Wilkie, the Painter, 74

Winchelsea, Lord, 162

Winchester, Bishop of, 131

,, Marquis of, 145

Windsor Castle, 48

Winstanley, 118

Wolsey, Cardinal, 38, 42, 113

Woodfall, 159

Worcester, Battle of, 68

,, College, Oxford, 146

,, Marquis of, 52

“World’s End,” The, 169

Wren, Sir Christopher, 73, 110

Wyatt family, The, 149

Yorkshire, 79

Zimri, 50

Zinzendorf, Count, 54, 57, 58



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