List of Illustrations.

Charles Lamb, Frontispiece
The Temple Gardens, from Crown Office Row, 14
By John Fulleylove.
A Corner in the Blue-Coat School, 18
By Herbert Railton.
The East India House, 26
By Herbert Railton.
No. 7 Little Queen Street, 32
The House in Pentonville, 39
The Feathers Tavern, 48
By Herbert Railton.
No. 20 Russell Street, Covent Garden, 78
By Herbert Railton.
The Cottage in Colebrook Row, 96
By Herbert Railton.
Lamb’s two Houses at Enfield, 102
By John Fulleylove.
No. 34 Southampton Buildings, 122
By Herbert Railton.
Charles Lamb—the Maclise Portrait, 126
Fac-simile of a Receipt for a Legacy, 128
Signed by Charles Lamb as Guardian for his Sister Mary.
The Walden House at Edmonton, 130
By John Fulleylove.
Edmonton Church, from Lamb’s Grave, 136
By John Fulleylove.
The Grave of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb at Edmonton, 140
By John Fulleylove.

“The sun set; but set not his hope:
Stars rose; his faith was earlier up:
Fixed on the enormous galaxy,
Deeper and older seemed his eye;
And matched his sufferance sublime
The taciturnity of time.
He spoke, and words more soft than rain
Brought the Age of Gold again:
His action won such reverence sweet,
As hid all measure of the feat.”
“Far from me, and from my friends, be such
frigid philosophy as may conduct us, indifferent
and unmoved, over any ground, which has been
dignified by wisdom, bravery, or virtue.”
Samuel Johnson.


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