| PAGE. | | Pennsylvania and Kansas, | 7 | | The First Kansas Volunteers, | 14 | | The Wyandotte Constitutional Convention, | 17 | | Eighth Kansas Veteran Volunteers, | 36 | | Accepting Nomination for Governor, (1884,) | 45 | | Address before Republican Convention of Atchison County, | 47 | | The Republican Party, | 50 | | The Campaign of 1884, | 63 | | First Inaugural Address, | 67 | | The Grand Army of the Republic, | 69 | | A War-Time Picture, | 72 | | How Kansas is Advertised, | 74 | | Birthday of General Grant, | 75 | | The State University, | 77 | | The State Normal School, | 80 | | General Grant—Memorial Address, | 84 | | Kansas Farms and Farm Interests, | 91 | | American Soldiers, | 100 | | The Kansas National Guard, | 106 | | Address of Welcome to the A. O. U. W., | 108 | | The Irish National League, | 110 | | The School Teacher, | 112 | | Installation of Officers of Lincoln Post, G. A. R., | 115 | | Quarter-Centennial Address—“The Development of Kansas,” | 119 | | Our Duty to the Union Soldier, | 137 | | In Memoriam, (Address at Wichita on Memorial Day,) | 140 | | Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, | 155 | | The Swedes in Kansas, | 158 | | Accepting Nomination for Governor, (1886,) | 166 | | Republicanism in Kansas, | 168 | | Address Before the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, | 196 | | Completion of Water Works at Clay Center, | 197 | | Mexican Journalists, | 200 | | Thirtieth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church of Topeka, | 201 | | The Kansas Pioneer, | 202 | <