
Pennsylvania and Kansas, 7
The First Kansas Volunteers, 14
The Wyandotte Constitutional Convention, 17
Eighth Kansas Veteran Volunteers, 36
Accepting Nomination for Governor, (1884,) 45
Address before Republican Convention of Atchison County, 47
The Republican Party, 50
The Campaign of 1884, 63
First Inaugural Address, 67
The Grand Army of the Republic, 69
A War-Time Picture, 72
How Kansas is Advertised, 74
Birthday of General Grant, 75
The State University, 77
The State Normal School, 80
General Grant—Memorial Address, 84
Kansas Farms and Farm Interests, 91
American Soldiers, 100
The Kansas National Guard, 106
Address of Welcome to the A. O. U. W., 108
The Irish National League, 110
The School Teacher, 112
Installation of Officers of Lincoln Post, G. A. R., 115
Quarter-Centennial Address—“The Development of Kansas,” 119
Our Duty to the Union Soldier, 137
In Memoriam, (Address at Wichita on Memorial Day,) 140
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, 155
The Swedes in Kansas, 158
Accepting Nomination for Governor, (1886,) 166
Republicanism in Kansas, 168
Address Before the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, 196
Completion of Water Works at Clay Center, 197
Mexican Journalists, 200
Thirtieth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church of Topeka, 201
The Kansas Pioneer, 202

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