- Aberration, 104
- Acids, action of, on glass, 18, 19
- Action of glass on , 45
- Alkali, 23
- Alumina, 9-11, 20
- Amethyst, 31
- Analysis of , 37
- Ancient glass, 1
- Annealing glass, 18
- —— pots, 66
- Arsenic, 31
- Artificial eyes, 101
- —— cements, 24
- —— pearls, 31
- Aventurine, 22-102
- Barytes, 8-26
- Basalt, 10
- Bastie’s Process of hardening glass, 18
- Batch, 11-13
- Beads, 31-116
- Black glass, 29
- Blowing glass, 80, 82
- Blow-iron, 80
- Blue glass, 28
- Bohemian glass, 25
- Borates in glass, 7, 8, 9
- Boric acid, 7
- Bottle glass, 26, 27
- Bottle-making, 77, 79
- Bull’s eye, 90
- Buttons, 116
- Cane, 97
- Capacity of pots, 51-52
- —— of tank furnace, 56
- Carbonate of soda, 6
- Cements, 24
- Chain screen, 68
- Chair, Glassmakers’, 81
- Chemical properties of glass, 4-15
- Chemical Formulae, 12
- Chimneys, Lamp, 16
- Clays for pots and furnaces, 36
- Coloured glasses, 28, 29
- Colour of silicates, 11-22
- Complex glass, 26
- Composition of glass, 4-25
@html@files@63421@63421-h@63421-h-7.htm.html#Page_25" class="pginternal">25, 26 - Machines in glassmaking,
- Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.