A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y. Abadie, M., restoration of St. Pierre, 269. Abbaye aux Dames, Caen, 118-119. Abbeville on the Somme— Church of St. Wolfran, 27-28. Geological discoveries, 21-22. Historical sketch, 22-26. Rue des Trois Cailloux, 27. Abbeys and Abbey-Churches— St. Denis, 78-81, 381-384. St. Germain-des-PrÈs, 372-376. St. Jean des Vignes, 61. St. Ouen, 82-83. Sainte-Colombe, 300. AbÉlard, Pierre, 346, 370, 383. AcadÉmie FranÇaise, 113; Bossuet admitted, 334. Agenticum, ancient name of Sens, 299. Aiguillon, 268. Aisne, the, 54. AÎtre de St. Maclou, Rouen, 83-84. Alatri, walls of, 261. Alcock, Bishop, 274. Alcuin, his school of Theology, 184. AlenÇon, 172. AlenÇon, Duc d’, attempted siege of Paris, 353-354. Alexander III., Pope, 365, 375. Allier, the, 358. Amaury, Montfort d’, family, 90. Amboise, 192. Amiens Cathedral, 27-37, 75. Angers— Castle, 175-176. Cathedral of St. Maurice, 174, 179-180. “Cheval Blanc,” the, 176. Historical sketch, 169-174. PrÉfecture, old cloister in the, 176-179. Roman basilica, 52. Angevin Style, 179-180. AngoulÊme— Cathedral of St. Pierre, 268-270. Historical sketch, 267-268. AngoulÊme, FranÇois d’. See Francis I. Anjou, Counts of, 170-174. Anne of Austria, 274. Anne of Brittany, 23, 194. Anselm of Bec, 121. Aquitaine— Domed churches of, 262-266. Truce of God in, 125. ArchÆological Institute of Great Britain, 75. AriÈge, Roman walls in, 337. Arnauld, 333. Arques, surrender of, 248. Arras tapestries, 180. Ascelin, son of Arthur, 122. Attila, attack on OrlÉans, 223. Augustin, St., 370. Aurelianum, ancient name of OrlÉans, 223. Autun Cathedral, 302. Auxerre— Cathedral of St. Etienne, 239, 302-310. Church of St. EusÈbe, 310; of St. Germain, 305-309. HÔtel de l’ÉpÉe, 310. Avallon, 305. Avranches, 144. Aymer de Valence, tomb at Westminster, 77, 257. Azo, Prince of Liguria, 152. Barker, Mr., “Two Summers in Guyenne,” 293. Bar-sur-Seine, 314. “Bastard of OrlÉans,” 215. Bayeux— Cathedral, 109-110. Description, 105, 107-108. Historical sketch, 104, et seq. Lanterne des Morts, 108. “Maison d’Adam,” 108. Maison du Gouverneur, 108. Rue des Bouchers, 107; Rue GÉnÉral de DaÏs, 107; Rue St. Martin, 107. Seminary chapel, 110. Tapestry, the, 110-115. BÉat, St., Legend of, 40. Beaufort, Cardinal, 353. Beaugency, 45. Beaujeu, Suzanne de, 246. Beauvais— Basse Œuvre, 342. Bishops of, 344-346. Cathedral, 341-342. Historical sketch, 342-347. Jacquerie revolts, 325-329, 343-344. Jeanne Hachette, story of, 346-347. Sieges of, 130-133, 344-345. Beauvais, CollÈge de, 345. Benedict, St., 370. Benedictines of St. Denis, Paris, 381-384. Benvenuto, Cellini, 248. Bernard of Auxerre, legend of, 309-310. Bernard of Clairvaulx, St., 370. Bertrand, St., 167. Bessin, district, description, 104-106, 116. BienheurÉ, St., 216. “Black Death,” 126. Black Prince, siege of Limoges, 252-253; Battle of Poitiers, 274-279. Blois— Cathedral of St. Louis, 192-193. ChÂteau of, 192, 194-200; tragedy of the, 197-200. Church of St. Nicholas, 193-194. BlÜcher, siege of Soissons, 57. Boileau, “Lutrin,” 378. Bon Secours Convent, Rouen, 73. Bond, Mr., cited, 28, 51, 77, 83, 93, 292, 309. Bononia, ancient town of, 19. Bordeaux— Cathedral, 292. Description, 289-291. Historical sketch, 290-291. Bossuet, sketch of his career, 330-335. Boucher, the painter of Versailles, 228. Boucher, treasurer of OrlÉans, 223. Bouillon, Godfrey de, 22. Boulogne— Cathedral, 21. Historical sketch, 15-21. Porte Gayole, 21. Bourdaloue, 228, 333. Bourges— Cathedral, 235-236. Historical sketch, 227-234. House of Jacques Coeur, 232, 261. Roman wall of, 337. Boy, Jehan le, 94. BrÉtigny, Peace of, 280. Bricqueville-ColombiÈres. See ColombiÈres. Buch, Captal de, 326-329. Buckingham, Duke of, attack on La Rochelle, 282-286. Bulet, M., “Dictionnaire Celtique,” 357. Caen— Abbaye aux Dames, 118-119. Church of St. Stephen, 118-119; burial of William I. in, 120-124. Historical sketch, 116-127. Truce of God, 122-125. CÆsar, Julius, convocation of the Parisii, 356-359. Calixtus, Pope, 231; council at Rheims, 47. Calvados district, 116. Candes, 184. Canterbury Cathedral, 32; choir of, 301, 302, 309. Cardinal de la Grange, Chapel of, 27, 28. Carentan, fall of, 139. Castile, 292. Cathedrals— Amiens, 27-37, 75. Angers, St. Maurice, 174, 179-180. AngoulÊme, St. Pierre, 268-270. Auxerre, St. Etienne, 239, 302-310. Bayeux, 109-110. Beauvais, 341-342. Blois, St. Louis, 192-193. Bordeaux, 292. Boulogne, 21. Bourges, 235-236. Chartres, 207-211. Coutances, 149. Evreux, 89, 93-94. La Rochelle, 289. LÂon, 39-42. Le Mans, St. Julien, 161-163. Limoges, St. Etienne, 252, 253, 262. Lisieux, 96. Meaux, 324-325. Moulins, 251. Nevers, St. Cyr, 240-243. OrlÉans, 224. Paris, Notre Dames, 365, 369-371; the old St. Etienne, 363-364. PÉrigueux, St. Etienne, 262. Poitiers, St. Pierre, 270-273. Rheims, 48-51. Rouen, Notre Dame, 74-82. Saint-LÔ, 133-134. Senlis, Notre Dame, 338-341. Sens, St. Etienne, 235, 300-305. Soissons, Notre Dame, 57-61. Tours, St. Gatien, 188-193, 337. Troyes, 319-322. Catherine, wife of Henry V., betrothal, 313-314. Catulliacum, 381. Cauchon, Bishop Pierre, trial of Joan of Arc, 67-72, 344-345. Caxton, 106. Celts, Saxon opposition in the Bessin, 104. Chambord, 192. Champagne, Counts of, 310-313. ChangÉ, storming of, 158-161. Chanzy, General, defence of Le Mans, 157-159. Chapelle de la Fierte Saint-Romain, legend of, 78-82. Charente, the, 289-290. Charlemagne, the, 187, 360. Charles I. of England, 282. Charles V., Emperor, 24, 247, 314. Charles VII., pusillanimity of, 45-46, 350-354; attempt on Rouen, 72; reparation to Coutances, 140; “King of Bourges,” 227; spoliation of Jacques Coeur, 231; proclaimed at Poitiers, 280; crowning, 291. Charles IX., 197. Charles X., 48. Charles the Bold, attack on Beauvais, 346-347. the Fat, policy of, 361. the Simple, 41, 64, 361. the Poet-Duke, 197. Prince Frederick, 156; taking of Le Mans, 158-161. Chartier, Alain, the “Curiale,” 105-106; “BrÉviare des Nobles,” 106-107. Guillaume, 107. Jean, 106, 107. Chartres— Cathedral, 207-211. Counts of, 202-205. Franco-Prussian War, capitulation, 206-207. Henry V. crowned at, 205. Historical sketch, 201-207. Porte Guillaume, 202. Tour-de-Ville, 201-202. ChÂteau— BarriÈre, PÉrigueux, 258-261. Blois, 194-200; the Guise tragedy, 197-200. Moulins, 248. ChÂteaudun, 206-207; fall of, 212-215; the ChÂteau, 215. ChÂteauneuf, 184. Chaumont, 192. Chauvigny on the Vienne, 277. Chenonceaux, 192. Childebert, churches built by, 363-364, 372-375. Christianity, introduction into Gaul, 152. Gervase, cited, 32. Gesoriacum, Roman town, 19. Gilbert of Evreux, 121. Gilbert of Lisieux, 121-122. Girondists at Caen, 126-127; at Saint-Émilion, 297-298. Gisors, 47. Gloucester Cathedral, 93. Gonzagas, occupation of Nevers, 244. Green Croft, Cambridge, 274. “Grotte de Saint-Émilion,” 297. Guesclin, Bertrand de, 252, 280. Guilds, Craftsmen’s, in Paris, 360. Guise, Cardinal de, 199-200. Guise, Henri de, tragedy of, 197-198. Guyale, meetings of the, 21. Guyenne, villes bastides of, 293. Hachette, Jeanne, bravery of, 346-347. Hadouin, St., tomb of, 164. Hagano, Bishop, 125. Hamerton, Mr., “Paris in Old and Present Times,” quoted, 365-366. Ham-sur-Somme, Castle of, 21. Harcourt, Geoffrey d’, 140. Harold of Denmark, 66. Headlam, Mr. Cecil, “Story of Chartres,” quoted, 206-207. HÉloise, 383. Henry I., burning of Evreux, 90. Henry II., marriage at Lisieux, 100. Henry III., 187, 197. Henry IV., of Navarre, crowned at Chartres, 45, 205; entry into Rouen, 73. Henry V., 67, 126, 139; Agincourt, 197; betrothal in Troyes, 313-314; siege of Meaux, 329-330. Henry VIII., siege of Boulogne, 19. Heremas, Abbot, 46, 47. Herodotus, cited, 357. Herlwin, knight, 120. Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, 184. Hildebert, Bishop of Le Mans, 370. Hoffbauer, M., “Paris À travers les Ages,” cited, 363-364. HÔtel Rambouillet, 333. Hugh, Capet, 22, 362, 382. Hugh of Tours, Abp., 171. Hugh of Vermandois, 23. Hugh the Great, 361. Hugues de Morville, Bp., 145. Huguenots, troubles at Rouen, 72-73; stronghold at Saint-LÔ, 129-130; attack on Coutances, 143; resistance in La Rochelle, 281-286; massacre in Troyes, 314-315. “Hundred Days,” the, 57. Hundred Years’ War, effect on French Architecture, 76-77, 100. Ingelgar, Count of Anjou, 170. Innocent, Pope, troubles with France, 334-335. Jacquerie Revolts, 325-326, 343-344. James, Mr. Henry, “Little Tours in France,” cited, 174, 301, 232-235. Jargeau, capture by Jeanne d’Arc, 45. Jesus College, Cambridge, 274. Joan of Arc, Story of, 45-46; death at Rouen, 67-72; relief of OrlÉans, 218-223; capture of Troyes, 314; her capture at Beauvais, 344-345; the attempted siege of Paris, 350-355. John, Duke of Bedford, death, 72. John Lackland, 66; massacre at Evreux, 90. John of France, at Poitiers, 274-279. Josephine, Empress, 90. Julian, Emperor, 359-360. Julian, St., bishop of Le Mans, 163; tomb of, 164. Jupiter, temple of, St. Etienne, Paris, built on site, 363. La BeuriÈre quarter of Boulogne, 16. La Chartre, 158. La CitÉ, Paris, 365; Churches of, 365-366. La Hire, Captain, 354; entry into OrlÉans, 219-220. La Rochelle— Cathedral, 289. Historical sketch, 281-286. Huguenot resistance, 281-286. Tour de la ChaÎne, 289. Tour de la Lanterne, 289. Tour Saint-Nicholas, 286. Seaport of, 286-287. La Trappe monastery, 335. La Tremouille, policy of, 354. La TrinitÉ, Abbey of, VendÔme, 216. La VendÉe, Royalists take Le Mans, 156. Laack, Church of, 240. LÂon— Cathedral, 39-42. Historical sketch, 39-40. Type of Gaulish hill-city, 38. Lancelot, M., discovery regarding the Bayeux tapestry, 113-114. Lanfranc, work in Evreux Cathedral, 93. Langeais, 192. Langres Cathedral, 302. Lanterne des Morts, Bayeux, 108. Laudus, Bishop, founder of Saint-LÔ, 145. Le Mans— Cathedral of St. Julian, 161-163. Characteristics, 151. Commune founded in, 155. Franco-Prussian War, incidents, 156-161. Historical sketch, 151-161. Notre Dame de la CoÛture, 163-168. Notre Dame du PrÉ, 163-168. Place des Jacobins, 161. Le Sauvage, chief of the Nu-Pieds, 145. Leduc, his “peasant girl” in Saint-LÔ, 129. Lenoir, 383. Leo IX., Pope, Council at Rheims, 46-47. Lethaby, Mr., “MediÆval Art,” quoted, 179-180. Liane river, the, 19. Libourne on the Dordogne, 292; bastides of, 293. Lichfield Cathedral, 75. Limoges— Cathedral of St. Etienne, 252-253, 262. “Central” Hotel, 251. Description, 251-253. Enamel workers of, 251-254. Historical sketch, 252-254. Rue du 71iÈme Mobiles, 254. Lisieux— Church of St. Jacques, 99; of St. Pierre, 95, 100-103. Description, 95-99. Grande Rue, etc., 96. Historical sketch, 99-100. Hospice, 100. Rue du Paradis, 103. Limousin, LÉonard, enamel work of, 257-258. Loire, the, 157; near Angers, 174; near Touraine, 181-182; at VendÔme, 216-217. Lonergan, Mr., “Historic Churches of Paris,” 370. Louis le DÉbonnair, 57. Louis le Jeune, 61. Louis Philippe, 20. Louis IX., 139; procession through Sens, 300. Louis XI., 45; seizure of Boulogne, 19; at Plessis-les-Tours, 187; founds university at Bourges, 227. Louis XII., marriage with Mary Tudor, 23-24; proclamation of, 187; rooms of, in ChÂteau de Blois, 196; and Charles, Constable de Bourbon, 246. Louis XIII., 144. Louis XIV., 334. Louis XVIII., restoration of St. Denis, 383. Loup, Saint, bishop of Auxerre, 309. Louvre, exhibition of the Bayeux tapestry in the, 114. Lucian, St., 343. Luitgarde, third wife of Charlemagne, 187. Lutetia, see also Paris, 357; ancient emblems, 357-358. Madeleine, the, Paris, 366. Madeleine, Troyes, 322-323. Maine, Bishops and Counts of, 151-152. Manteuffel, General, 84-87. Marguerite de Provence, 300. Marne, the, near Paris, 290; at Meaux, 335-336. Martial, St., 252. Martin, St., 137, 151, 172, 359; veneration of, 183-184. Martinopolis, 184. “Martyrdom” and Confessio, terms, 309. Mascaron of Tulle, 333. Masles, Jean le, 107. Massillon, 333. Matignon, attack on Saint-LÔ, 129-130. Matilda of Flanders, 117. Matthieu de VendÔme, 383. Maupertuis, 277; plains of, 277. Maxime, Sainte, 309. Mazarin, Cardinal, 244. Meaux— Bossuet’s connection with, 330-335. Cathedral, 324-325. Henry V. besieges, 329-330. Historical sketch, 325-335. Jacquerie revolts, 325-329. Mills of, 335-336. Mecklenburg, Duke of, 57, 158, 161. Medici, Catherine de’, 197. Mellon, Saint, 63. Melun, 358. Metz, 333. Midi, the, 258. Mittelzal, church of, 240. Monstrelet, cited, 313-314, 329. Montbray, Bishop de, 138. Montbray, Cathedral de, demolished by the Huguenots, 143. Montereau, Pierre de, 376. Montfaucon, discovery regarding the Bayeux tapestry, 113. Montrichard, 192. Morard, Abbot, 375. MoriniÈre, Quesnel, house in Coutances, 149. Moulins— Cathedral, 251. ChÂteau Mal-CoiffÉe, 248. Constable de Bourbon, story of, 245-248. Norman invasion of, 248-251. “Tour de l’Horloge,” 245. Napoleon Bonaparte, 20, 90-93, 114. Napoleon III., 20. NautÆ Parisiaci, the, 357-359. NautÆ Tiberis of Rome, 358-359. Navarre, King of, punishment of the “Jacquerie,” 344. Nevers— Cathedral of St. Cyr, 240-243. Church of St. Etienne, 52, 239-240. Counts of, 236-239. Ducal Palace, 243. FaÏence industry in, 244. Historical sketch, 236-239. Porte du Croux, 243-244. Nicholas V., Pope, 228. Nicolle, tax-gatherer, 144-145. NÎmes, amphitheatre of, 358-359. Normandy— Confiscation by Philippe Auguste, 66-67. Truce of God in, 122-125. Norwich, Sir John, defence of AngoulÊme, 267-268. Notre Dame d’Evreux, 74, 93-94. Notre Dame de la CoÛture, Le Mans, 163-164, 292. Notre Dame de LÂon, 39-42. Notre Dame de Paris, 365, 369-371. Notre Dame de Rouen, 74-82. Notre Dame de Saint-LÔ, 133-134. Notre Dame de Senlis, 338-341. Notre Dame de Soissons, 57-61. Notre Dame du PrÉ, Le Mans, 163-168. Notre Dame la Grande, Poitiers, 274. Noviodunum, 236. Noyon, crownings at, 42-45. Nu-pieds, revolt of the, 126, 144-145. Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, connection with the tapestry, 114; life story of, 115-116. Odo of Chartres, 205. Oger the Dane, 64. OrlÉans— Cathedral, 224. Church of St. Bonnet, 228. Crownings at, 45. Historical sketch, 218-224. Les Augustin’s, fortress of, 219. Porte Regnart, 220. Prussian occupation, 224. Relief of, 218-223. Saint Loup, 219. OrlÉans, Charles d’, 106. OrlÉans, Gaston d’, 197. OrlÉans-Longueville, FranÇois d’, 215. Our Lady of Victories, Joan of Arc’s dedication, 354-355. Paris— Bossuet’s sermons, 333-334. CÆsar’s convocation of the Parisii, 356-358. Chapels of, 365-366. CollÈge de Beauvais, 345-346. Early importance, 362-363. Frankish seizure of, 360. Historical sketch, 348-363. La CitÉ, 365; Churches of, 365-366. Lutetia, ancient trade of, 359. Madeleine, the old, chapels of, 366-369. Notre Dame, 365, 369-371. Pont Notre Dame, 358-362. Rue des Marmousets, 366. 128-138. Maison Dieu, 133. Place Ferrier, 129. Rue Torterton, 128. Tour Beauregard, 129, 130. Tour de la Rose, 130. Saint Louis, Cathedral of, Blois, 192-193. Saint Maclou, Rouen, 83. Saint Mark’s, Venice, influence on style of Saint Fronte, 262-263. Saint Martin, Church of, Tours, 52; Fort of, on the Island of RÉ, 282. Saint Maurice, Cathedral, Angers, 174, 179-180, 273. Saint MÉdard, Abbey of, Soissons, 57. Saint Michael du Palais, Paris, 366-369. Saint Nicholas, Church of, Blois, 193-194. Saint Pierre, Cathedral, AngoulÊme, 269-273; Church, Auxerre, 305; Coutances, 137, 145; Lisieux, 95, 100-103; Poitiers, 270-273; Senlis, 337-338. Saint Remi, Church of, Rheims, 52-53; Monastery of, 46-47. Saint Sauveur-le-Vicomte, ChÂteau of, 140. Saint Stephen’s, Caen, burial of William I., 120-122. Saint Taurin, Church of, Evreux, 52, 95. Saint Urbain Cathedral, Troyes, 74, 75, 322. Saint Wolfran, Church of, Abbeville, 27. Sainte Chapelle, Paris, 375-381. Sainte Colombe, Abbey, Sens, 300. Sainte Croix, nuns of, 274. Sainte Emilion— Grotte of, 297-298. Vineyards of, 294. Sainte Marie, Paris, 364-365. Sainte RadÉgonde, Church of, Poitiers, 274. Salisbury Cathedral, 75. Saumur, 171. Savinian, St., 202, 300. Saxon inhabitants of the Bessin, 104. Scott, “Quentin Durward,” 187-188. Seine, the, 64; towards Evreux, 88-89. Selby Abbey, Yorkshire, 309. Semur, 305. Senlis— Cathedral of Notre Dame, 338-341. Church of St. Pierre, 337-338. Historical sketch, 336-337. Roman remains, 336-337. Sens— Abbey of Sainte-Colombe, 300. Cathedral of St. Etienne, 235, 300-305. Historical sketch, 299-301. Soissons— Abbey of St. Jean des Vignes, 61. Cathedral of Notre Dame, 58-61. Historical sketch, 54-58. Somerset, Duke of, 72. Somme river, the, 32-36. Somme valley, geological discoveries, 21, 22. Sorel, Agnes, 231. South Kensington Museum, 75. Spiers, Mr., “Architecture East and West,” 239-240, 262-265. Stephen of Blois, 23, 99. Strabo, cited, 359. Suger, Minister of Louis VI., 382. Sully, Maurice de, 365-366. Syagrius, “Romanorum Rex,” 54. Taillefer, the warrior, 138. Tancred, the “Very perfect gentle knight,” 23. Tapestry, the Bayeux, 110-115. Taurin, Saint, 89, 95. Temple Church, 110. Texier, Jean le, 207. Theobald or Thibaut, Count of Chartres, 202. ThÉrain valley, 341. Thermes, Roman Palace of the, 357. Thibaut, Count, of Anjou, 172. Thibaut, Count, of Chartres, 90. Thibaut le Tricheur, Count of Chartres, 205. Thibaut IV., Count of Troyes, 315. Thomas À Becket, St., 100; at Sens, 300, 301. “Toillette de Duc Guillaume,” 114. Toulouse, Church of the Cordeliers, 292. Tour Beauregard, Saint-LÔ, 129. Tour de la ChaÎne La Rochelle, 289. Tour de la Lanterne, La Rochelle, 289. Tour de VÉsone, PÉrigueux, 258-261. Tour St. Nicholas, La Rochelle, 286. Touraine, description of, 181-182. Tours— Angevin struggle for, 171-172. Church of St. Gatien, 188-192, 337. Church of St. Martin, 52. Historical sketch, 183-188. Rue des Halles, 184. Tour Charlemagne, 187. Tour de l’Horloge, 187. Toury, Cloister of, 321. Treaty of Troyes, 313-314. “Triforium,” description of term, 32. Troyes— Cathedral of St. Urbian, 74-75, 318-322. Commerce and Fairs of, 315-319. Historical sketch, 310-319. Huguenot massacre, 314-315. Treaty of Henry V., 313-314. Truce of God, 47; preached in Normandy, 122-125. Ursin, St., 99. Valonges, fall of, 139. Vaurus, the bastard of, death of, 330. VendÔme— Abbey of La TrinitÉ, 216. Counts of, 215-216. Loire at, 216-217. Venetian Colonies at Limoges, 266. Venice, St. Mark’s, style influences architecture of Saint Front, 262-266. Vercingetorix, 299. Verheilh, M. FÉlix de, 266. Vieil-Evreux, Roman Settlement, 89. Villes bastide, the, of Guyenne, 293-294. Vincent, St., Childebert’s Church, 372-375. Viollet-le-Duc, cited, 28, 41-45, 48-51, 265, 270-273, 302, 342; panegyric on Chartres Cathedral, 211; restorations in Notre Dame, 369. Vire, the, 130. “Week of Battles,” 1871, the 156. Wells Cathedral, 75; tomb of William de la Merche, 77. Westminster Abbey, 109; tomb of Aymer de Valence, 77, 257. Whewell, quoted, 93, 94, 100, 110. William de la Merche, tomb at Wells, 77. William Longsword, 66, 105, 138. William of Poitiers, 116. William the Conqueror, 66; connection with Caen, 117-126; funeral at Caen, 120-122; at Le Mans, 155; struggle with Geoffrey the Hammer, 172; at Moulins, 248-251. Wittich, General von, 207. Wolsey, Cardinal, the French alliance, 24. Yonne River, 299; at Sens, 301. Young, Arthur, account of the Guise tragedy, 199-200; indignation of, 375; Rouen, description of, quoted, 73. Yves, Bishop of Chartres, 370.
Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber: | St. Front, Perigueux=> St. Front, PÉrigueux {pg x} | has gazed up at the great buttressed hill, silhoutted=> has gazed up at the great buttressed hill, silhouetted {pg 38} | RUE DE L’HORLAGE, ROUEN=> RUE DE L’HORLOGE, ROUEN {pg 79} | Charlottle Corday spent=> Charlotte Corday spent {pg 96} | Another memory of the Conquerer in Caen=> Another memory of the Conqueror in Caen {pg 122} | CONTANCES=> COUTANCES {pg 141} | THE SOUTH PORCH OF THE CATHEDRAL, CONTANCES=> THE SOUTH PORCH OF THE CATHEDRAL, COUTANCES {pg 147} | ST. PIERRE, CONTANCES=> ST. PIERRE, COUTANCES {pg 153} | converted him to Christianty=> converted him to Christianity {pg 152} | Goeffrey of Mayenne=> Geoffrey of Mayenne {pg 155} | the Duke of Mecklenburg and Von der Taun=> the Duke of Mecklenburg and Von der Tann {pg 161} | If Le Mans marks the first stage from Normandy upon the southward road, Angiers=> If Le Mans marks the first stage from Normandy upon the southward road, Angers {pg 169} | TOUR DE L’HORLAGE, TOURS=> TOUR DE L’HORLOGE, TOURS {pg 185} | Tour de la Chaine=> Tour de la ChaÎne {pg 286} | salon of the Hotel Rambouillet=> salon of the HÔtel Rambouillet {pg 333} | was vested in the spiritul power=> was vested in the spiritual power {pg 343} | The beseiging army of Charles the Bold=> The besieging army of Charles the Bold {pg 346} | leaving Charles at CompiÉgne=> leaving Charles at CompiÈgne {pg 353} | and indeed the eccleciastical=> and indeed the ecclesiastical {pg 360} | Archibishop Maurice de Sully=> Archbishop Maurice de Sully {pg 366} | “Manned d’ArchÉologie FranÇaise,”=> “Manuel d’ArchÉologie FranÇaise,” {pg 388} | Tour Charlemange, 187=> Tour Charlemange, 187 {pg 395} | La Beuriere quarter of Boulogne, 16.=> La BeuriÈre quarter of Boulogne, 16. {index} | Louis le Debonnair, 57.=> Louis le DÉbonnair, 57. {index} | Orleans=> OrlÉans {pg x, 71, 390} | “Precieuses,” the, 333.=> “PrÉcieuses,” the, 333. {index} | Radeonde, Saint, 274.=> RadÉgonde, Saint, 274. {index} | Saint-Emilion=> Saint-Émilion {index} | PERIGUEUX=> PÉRIGUEUX {pg 13, 258. 265} | Lancelot, M., discovery regarding the Bayeaux tapestry, 113-114.=> Lancelot, M., discovery regarding the Bayeux tapestry, 113-114. {index} | |