h@58347-h-16.htm.html#Page_198" class="pginternal">198, 207–8. Box Kites, Cody’s, 189. Brearey’s ‘pectoral cord,’ 83. Brescia flying meeting, 206. British flying grounds, the principal, 227; war construction, 259–60; war aircraft, 1914, 247; War Office Trials, 194, 209, 232, 235–7, 296; War Office requirements, 1913, 300; war construction, 259–60. Brooklands in the early days, 197, 228. Cairo to Cape flight, 270. Capnobates, legend of, 5. Capper, Colonel J.E. at Farnborough, 226; constructs dirigible, 360. Carra’s dirigible, 332. Cassiodurus, legends by, 7. Castel’s helicopter, 87. Casualties, British war, 234. Cavallo, Leo, experiments with hydrogen, 318. Cavendish, discovery of hydrogen, 318. Cayley, Sir George, 45–48. Certified pilots, list of in 1911, 228. Channel crossing by Bleriot, 213–14; de Lesseps, 215; C.S. Rolls, 216; balloon, 326. Chanute, O., gliding experiments, 107–115; Wrights’ reference to, 153; at Wrights’ camp, 157. Chartres, Duc de, balloon ascent, 329, 333. Charvolant or kite carriage, Pocock’s, 56. Chavez, Georges: at Tours, 225; makes British height record, 225; crosses the Alps, 226; fatal accident, 226. Circuit of Britain race, 220. Civil Aviation Department, Air Ministry, formed, 264. Clement-Bayard dirigible, 349–50; engines, 444. Clerget rotary engine, 434–6. Coastal type of British airship, 364. Coatalen, Louis, 411. Cockburn, British competitor at Rheims, 201, 206. Cocking’s parachute, 378. Cody, S.F., constructs box-kites, 189; constructs dirigible, 360; first biplane, 190–1; first flight in England, 445; Renault Vee type, 243, 415; Roberts horizontal, 457; Rolls-Royce Vee type, 266, 412–14; Salmson rotary, 422–6; Stringfellow’s, 383; Sunbeam, 411; Types of, 393; Uberursel rotary, 259; Wolseley Vee type, 405–9; Wright Brothers, 392–3. Engine development, 383–468. ‘Eole’ Ader’s monoplane, 121. Esnault-Pelterie, Robert: early experiments, 179; R.E.P. biplane, 182; radial engine, 422. Exhibitions: first aeronautical, 69, 82; Paris, 1912, 294; Paris, 1913, 304; Olympia, 1913, 298, 299–300; Olympia, 1914, 305. Farman’s biplane, Voisin type, 181, 287; first mile flight in Europe, 182; first cross-country flight, 222; flights in 1908–9, 184, 221–2, 223; four hours’ record, 185; exhibition flying in England, 186; at Rheims meeting, 202, 223. Farnborough, British military establishment at, 226; de Havilland at, 228. Felix, Captain, makes 1911 height, record, 230. Ferber’s, Captain, experiments, 177, 288; book, Aviation, 177; at Rheims, 200; death at Boulogne meeting, 178. Ferguson, H., first flight in Ireland, 223. First aeronautical exhibition, 69, 82. Flapping wing or Ornithopter flight: Bleriot’s experiments, 183; Brearey, F.W., on, 83; Robert Hooke on, 32–33; de Villeneuve’s models, 83. Fokker war aeroplanes, 251; internal-bracing post-war design, 271. Forlanini’s helicopter, Professor, 87. Formation flying, 263. Fournier at Rheims, 201. Fourny’s distance record, 1912, 242. Fre
7@58347-h@58347-h-38.htm.html#Page_379" class="pginternal">379; Blanchard’s descents, 378; Cocking’s descents, 378; Mongolfier’s descents, 378; Robertson’s descents, 378; Maitland’s descents, 378; rate of fall, 378. Parseval airship design, 351. Parseval-Siegsfeld kite balloon, 377. Patents specification, the Wrights’, 479. Paucton on Helicopter flight, 39–40. Paulhan: using Farman biplane, 182; exhibition flying charges, 186; at Rheims, 201; London-Manchester flight, 217–220; first European height record, 223; Los Angeles height record, 224. Pegoud, first to loop the loop, 262, 303. Penaud, Alphonse, 89; death of, 90; reference to, 127. Perugia, Danti’s experiment at, 12. Peruvian legends of flight, 8. Phillips, Horatio, investigations, 91; flying machine, the, 188–9; W.H., helicopter, 57. Pilcher, Percy S., work of, 101–6; death, 106. Pilots in 1911, list of certificates, 228. Plane surfaces, Horatio Phillips’ investigations, 91. Platz, ascent in Schwartz airship, 340. Pocock’s kite carriage, 56. Proclamation on balloon ascents, 502. Puy de Dome flight, 228. Pyrenees, first crossed by Tabuteau, 227. Radial engines, see engines. Reconnaissance, War, 253. Records, 184–6, 193–196–197–199–201, 221–232, 240–2, 269, 272, 306. Regiomontanous (John Muller), legend of, 8. Renard and Krebs’ dirigible, 338–40. Renault aero engines, 415. Renaux, Puy de Dome flight, 228; duration record, 230. R.E. type, the, 304–5. R.E.P. biplane, construction of, 182. Rheims flying week of 1909, 199–206, 225. Richthofen’s ‘travelling circus,’ 251. Rigid dirigibles (see airships), 175, 283; contract with U.S. Government, 174. Wright, Wilbur, at Le Mans, 199. Young, Dr, experiments, 43. Zambeccari, Italian balloonist, 327. Zeppelin, first investigations, 341; first constructions, 352; record of constructions, 352–8; service commercial, 372. GLASGOW: W. COLLINS SONS AND CO. LTD.