- Adelie penguin, a solitary, 160
- Albacore, a shoal of, 55
- Albatrosses, fishing for, 183, 191
- Antarctic Circle, weather in the, 139
- Antarctic exploration, Commander Wild on, 172
- Argles, Mr., 155, 156, 157, 190
- a series of accidents, 157, 221
- catches a penguin, 163
- Ascension Island, 231
- intense heat of, 231 et seq.
- Aurora Australis, a glimpse of the, 158
- Bergs (see Icebergs)
- Billiards at Gritviken, 194
- Binney, Mr., and his dog, 194
- Bird-covered bergs, 118, 119
- Bird Island, 191
- Bird-shooting, 207, 210
- Biscuit-pie, recipe for, 221
- Bonnivale, a week-end at, 227
- Bull-fight, a Portuguese, 34
- Bull-fights, Spanish, 37
- Bullock-cars, 42
- Burlings reef, 29
- Butterfly-hunting at St. Vincent, 52
- Campbell, Captain Gordon, war work of, 14
- Cape Saunders, a survey of, 188
- Cape Town, welcome at, 227
- Cape Valentine, 174
- Cape Verde Islands, impressions of, 49, 51
- Carl (whaler), 108
- Carr, Major, accident to, 82
- as barber, 154
- in a football match, 169
- meteorological experiments of, 40, 62, 64, 66, 109, 178, 215
- studies manoeuvres of an albatross, 81
- Christmas in Southern Seas, 82 et seq.
- Clerk Rocks, volcanic eruptions on, 116
- Coal-sifting, 59
- Coal-trimming, 15, 18, 47, 79, 155
- Coaling at Port Olaf Harbour, 190
- Cod-fishing in South Georgia, 188
- Compass adjustment, experiences of, 11, 1575
- billiard-playing at Gritviken, 194
- plays football on the ice, 169
- seamanship of, 90
- Tristan islanders’ offer to, 201
Macleod, 131, 156 - and a refractory squaresail, 149
- and a wireless installation, 211
- and Sir E. Shackleton’s cairn, 194, 195
- as instructor in seamanship, 161
- averts a disaster, 198
Madeira, first sight of, 40 - flora of, 42
- remarkable atmosphere of, 41
- sight-seeing in, 42
Mailbags delivered at Tristan da Cunha, 201 Mal de mer, and its terrors, 19 et seq., 39, 173 Marr, Scout, alone on Gough Island, 220 - as butcher, 134
- as helmsman in a gale, 88
- as lamp-trimmer: Sir E. Shackleton’s hints, 25
- Christmas Day on Quest, 84
- experiences miseries of mal de mer, 19 et seq., 39, 173
- first day among pack-ice, 133
- first meeting with Shackleton, 2
- football on the ice, 163, 169, 170
- fraternizes with Lisbon Scouts, 38
- his wages increased, 49
- joins Quest, 4
- meets brother Scouts at Plymouth, 14
- on the sick list, 150
- presents Sir R. Baden Powell’s flag to Tristan Scouts, 205
- reaches home, 239
- selected for Quest expedition, 1
- Shackleton and, 55, 56, 66, 97
- sight-seeing in Madeira and St. Vincent, 42, 51
Mason, a martyr to seasickness, 39, 40 McIlroy, Dr., a game of billiards at Gritviken, 194 - and Shackleton’s cairn 195
- tends Worsley, 124
Meteorological experiments, and how conducted, 66 Mice-hunting on Gough Island, 218 Middle Island, 208 Mirages, Antarctic, 162, 163, 174, 181 Monte Video, Shackleton’s body taken to, 105, 180
les@64196@64196-h@64196-h-17.htm.html#Page_105" class="pginternal">105, 186, 187 Shackleton, Sir Ernest, a dictum of, 156 - a motto of, 45
- a pen-picture of, 2
- and author, 55, 56, 66, 97
- death of, 102
- his cabin on Quest, 48
- his makeshift berth, 93
- his thought for his men, 77, 94
- hints on common-sense sailorizing by, 25, 26
- inspects candidates for Quest adventure, 1
- last resting-place of, 186, 194, 195
- sudden indisposition of, 75
- talks of a previous expedition, 97, 98
Shark-fishing, 208 Sheerness, Quest at, 9 Shetlanders as barbers, 111 Ships, essential discipline of, 7 et seq. Simon’s Town, Quest at, 227 Skua gulls as food, 115 Sleep as recreation, 23 Smithers, Mrs. A. H., hospitality of, 227 Snow petrels, 155 Sounding under difficulties, 183, 184 Soundings, fruitless, 121, 122, 125 - old and new method of, 113, 192
South American ports, rules as to entry and leaving, 67 South Georgia, discovery of, 97 - kindness of Norwegians of, 110, 111
- Quest at, 98 et seq., 186 et seq.
- Shackleton buried in, 186
- the administration of, 101
- typical weather of, 102, 106, 109, 184, 188, 193
South Sandwich Islands, 118 et seq. Southern Isles, 190 Spanish bull-fights, 37 Stars of tropical skies, 46 Stenhouse, Mr., his farewell to Quest, 16 Steering, reflections on, 21 Stoker, first experiences as, 15 Stores, shifting, 7 Stream-ice encountered, 131 Stromness whaling station, 1Printed by Cassell & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage, London, E.C.4. 20.1123 |